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EXPO ‘Body Language ?’ – Stedelijk museum, Amsterdam (NL) – 3 Oct. 2014 – 3 Oct. 2015

Body Language? Exhibition / 03 Oct 2014 – 03 Oct 2015 Amsterdam, Netherlands – Stedelijk museum

The Museum shows to the public a Collection presentation, on view in gallery 0.25. This collection presentation focuses on the human body. The selection comprises jewelry that literally measure the human body, and pieces whose shape is based on the human body—on sexual characteristics, to be precise.

 Body Language? - Display of the collection at the showcases of the Stedelijk Museum Photo: Gert Jan van RooijBody Language? – Display of the collection at the showcases of the Stedelijk Museum Photo: Gert Jan van Rooij

This collection presentation focuses on the human body. The selection comprises jewelry that literally measure the human body, and pieces whose shape is based on the human body—on sexual characteristics, to be precise. The designs that comment on the notion of “human measurements”, for instance “the ideal woman”, are highly conceptual. Some designs, such as those that compel the body to assume a new shape, are also ambivalent. But what kind of message is jewelry in the form of penises, breasts, nipples or testicles trying to convey? Irony? An invitation? Are the pieces intended to excite or shock? Each culture has its own forms of body adornment, often worn to communicate status (wealth or group affiliation) or sexual availability.
In the late ’60s, young European jewelry designers began to reject the function of jewelry as status symbol (the pearl necklace, for instance). Their alternatives, which took the form of unorthodox shapes and materials, were a visual protest against the established order, parallel to the sexual revolution of the day. In the decades that followed, jewelry designers continued to explore similar themes, particularly jewelry’s relationship to the body, youth culture, and eroticism and sexuality. These trends are also visible in the Stedelijk collection.

Artist list :  Dinie Besems, Gijs Bakker, Iris Eichenberg, Ruudt Peters, Sally Marsland, Vádav Cigler

 Body Language?  - Ruudt Peters Brooch: Xanthosis, 1997 Silver, Sulphur 8,5 x 6,5 x 8,5 cm Lapis seriesRuudt Peters Brooch: Xanthosis, 1997 Silver, Sulphur 8,5 x 6,5 x 8,5 cm Lapis series



Stedelijk museum

Postbus 75082
1070 AB -  Amsterdam

mail :
Phone: +31 (0)20 5732 645


EXPO « ART 7 2014 – Chp … ? » – Galerie Annick Zufferey, Carouge (CH) -15-29 Mars 2014

Galerie Annick Zufferey


chp25 Nosé pendant  by Marcel WandersNosé pendant  by Marcel Wanders

Chp … ? a été établi en 1996 par Gijs Bakker, designer et co-fondateur de DroogDesign, dans le but d’éditer des bijoux conceptuels de designers internationaux.
En privilégiant la préciosité de l’idée sur la valeur matérielle, le bijou devient bien plus qu’un simple accessoire décoratif. En montrant que le design de bijou évolue au même titre que n’importe quel autre discipline en design, CHP rempli un vide existant et rendant les designers de bijou plus largement accessible.
Chp… ? C’est une collection de bijoux de 56 designers tels que Gijs Bakker, Susanne Klemm, Bless, Marc Newson, Marcel Wanders, Campana Brothers, Ron Arad, Hannes Wettstein , et d’autres audacieux artistes du GROUPE  chp?… (Chi A Paura ?...)

 Chi a Paura - bracelet "plastic soup", Gijs Bakker
bracelet « plastic soup », Gijs Bakker
Chi a Paura - bracelet de .....bracelet « plastic soup », Gijs Bakker
"Chi a Paura ? ..." chp07 Triller ring by Hannes Wettstein -  €495   Not just an ornament but also an actual instrument. In case of emergency, just blow on it. Material: silver 925Triller ring by Hannes Wettstein
Triller ring by Hannes Wettstein -  silver 925-  Not just an ornament but also an actual instrument. In case of emergency, just blow on it
Galerie Annick Zufferey
place des Charmettes 1
1227 Carouge/ Genève
 +41 (0) 22 343 03 05


EXPO ‘the GIJS+EMMY spectacle’ – Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (NL) – 22 Fevr.- 24 Aout 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gijs BAKKER (NL),Hollande (NL),MUSEE — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

« The Gijs+Emmy spectacle » 22 Feb – 24 Aug 2014 : A survey of the designs created by Gijs Bakker (1942) and Emmy van Leersum (1930 – 1984) from 1967 to 1972 -

The Stedelijk Museum presents The Gijs+Emmy Spectacle, Fashion and Jewelry design by Gijs Bakker and Emmy van Leersum

"the gijs+emmy spectacle" 22 Feb - 24 Aug 2014 - A survey of the designs created by Gijs Bakker (1942) and Em
The most famous item of jewelry featured in the show is undoubtedly Bakker’s Stovepipe Necklace (with matching bracelet) (picture), now an icon of Dutch design. Bakker was the first designer to create a piece of jewelry of such audacity and on such a scale. It was a provocation
Stedelijk Museum - Sonja Bakker with Large Collar by Gijs Bakker, 1967, from collection Stedelijk Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Photograph by Matthijs Schrofer.Sonja Bakker with Large Collar by Gijs Bakker, 1967, from collection Stedelijk Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Photo by Matthijs Schrofer.
 Sonja Bakker with Large Collar by Gijs Bakker, 1967, from collection Stedelijk Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Photograph by Matthijs Schrofer.Sonja Bakker with Large Collar by Gijs Bakker, 1967
Sonja Bakker with Ten-loop Bracelet by Gijs Bakker, 1965. Photograph by Matthijs Schrofer.Sonja Bakker with Ten-loop Bracelet by Gijs Bakker, 1965. Photo by Matthijs Schrofer.
Stovepipe Bracelet by Gijs Bakker, 1967, from collection Stedelijk Museum ’s-Hertogenbosch. Photograph by Rien Bazen, courtesy of Gijs Bakker.Stovepipe Bracelet by Gijs Bakker, 1967, from collection Stedelijk Museum ’s-Hertogenbosch. Photo by Rien Bazen, courtesy of Gijs Bakker.
Scholderpiece by Gijs Bakker, 1967. Photograph by Rien Bazen, courtesy of Gijs Bakker.Scholderpiece by Gijs Bakker, 1967. Photo by Rien Bazen, courtesy of Gijs Bakker.
Renie van Wijk with PVC Head Ornament by Gijs Bakker, 1967. Photograph by Sjaak Ramakers.Renie van Wijk with PVC Head Ornament by Gijs Bakker, 1967. Photo by Sjaak Ramakers.
Museumplein 10
1071 DJ Amsterdam
020 573 2911


EXPO ‘Intorno al futuro: 3Dprinting per il gioiello’ – VicenzaOro, Vicenza (IT) – 18-23 Janv. 2014


“Intorno al futuro: 3D printing per il gioiello”
VICENZAORO Winter Galleria G-C 18-23 Gennaio 2014 curata da Alba Cappellieri e organizzata da Fiera di Vicenza

"INTORNO AL FUTURO: 3DPRINTING PER IL GIOIELLO" — La Mostra “Intorno al futuro: 3Dprinting per il gioiello” nasce da un’ampia ricerca svolta dal Politecnico di Milano per Fiera di Vicenza sui nuovi materiali e sulle nuove tecnologie per il gioiello

La Mostra “Intorno al futuro: 3Dprinting per il gioiello” nasce da un’ampia ricerca svolta dal Politecnico di Milano per Fiera di Vicenza sui nuovi materiali e sulle nuove tecnologie per il gioiello i cui esiti sono raccolti in un volume che accompagna l’esposizione. La frontiera del 3d printing muterà drasticamente il futuro del gioiello, influendo tanto sul processo progettuale del designer quanto su quello produttivo dell’azienda con una significativa ottimizzazione dei costi e dei tempi, permettendo personalizzazioni e varianti altrimenti molto lunghe e costose.
Curata da Alba Cappellieri, Professore di Design del Gioiello al Politecnico di Milano, la Mostra presenta i lavori di 32 designer internazionali provenienti, oltre che dall’Italia, da Stati Uniti, Israele, Taiwan, Olanda, Inghilterra, Giappone, che hanno applicato le più avanzate tecnologie della stampa 3d ai propri progetti di gioielli.
La stampa tridimensionale rende economico creare singoli oggetti tanto quanto crearne migliaia e per questo ben si adatta alle esigenze delle aziende e a quelle dei progettisti. Ne sono un esempio le opere presenti in mostra che includono stampanti home con produzioni sofisticate quali la stereolitografia della vicentina DWS Systems o la sinterizzazione della padovana 3Dfast ma, soprattutto, evidenziano la libertà creativa di forme altrimenti impossibili da realizzare con le tecniche orafe tradizionali.


I Designer presenti in Mostra: AmniosyA — Laura Alvarado — Alessia Ansaldi — bijouets — Gijs BakkerDana Bloom — Valentina Bruzzi — Els Cuvelier — Patrick Durgin-Bruce — Orlando Fernandez Flores + Lucia De Conti –  Odoardo Fioravanti — Michela Fornasari Manuela GandiniFrancesca Gabrielli — Gumdesign — Alia Hasan — Gina Hsu — Sha Hwang + Rachel Binx – Li&An — Stefania Lucchetta — Valeria Masconale — Vivian Meller –  Michela Nosè — Ted NotenTomek Ogrodowski — Caterina Passaro — Mi-Ah Rödiger — Jessica Rosenkrantz + Jesse Louis Rosenberg — Scilla Stuart — Anthony TammaroRossella Tornquist — Natsusko Toyfuku — Viola Chiara Vecchi + Flora Gaetani –  Marteen Verstaag — Daniel Widrig


Stefania Lucchetta_5Stefania Lucchetta

Gina Hsu - hear ringGina Hsu – Ring Hear – 3D printing, Chinese lacquer –  » A ring with a large audience. It says, as it were: While putting my hand close to my cheek I hear the surrounding voices, saying « I love you ».

A Range Of 3D-Printed Jewelry Inspired By The Movement Of Fluids | by  AmniosyaAmniosya - 3D-Printed Jewelry Inspired By The Movement Of Fluids | by  Amniosya (Italy)
Nervous System 3D jewelryNervous System 3D jewelry


Vicenza Oro – winter – 18-23 Janv. 2014

Fiera di Vicenza S.p.A

Via dell’Oreficeria, 16
36100 Vicenza
Tel. 0444-969.111
Fax. 0444-969.000
P.I. 00515900249


EXPO ‘UNEXPECTED PLEASURES’ – NGV International, Melbourne (AU) – 20 Avril-26 Aout 2012


The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery

A Design Museum, London touring exhibition
at NGV (National Gallery of Victoria)


Unexpected Pleasures looks at what we mean by jewellery from a number of different perspectives.  Taking as its starting point the radical experiments of the Contemporary Jewellery Movement that challenged a conventional understanding of the language of personal adornment, and looking instead at the essential meanings of jewellery, the exhibition brings together important work from around the world, and looks at it from the point of view of the wearer as well as the maker. Contemporary  Jewellery in this sense is at the intersection of art and design.

Curated by Dr. Susan Cohn for the Design Museum, London with exhibition design by Ab Rogers Design and graphics by Barnbrook.

« UNEXPECTED Pleasures, an exhibition of the world’s ugliest, loveliest, most intriguing contemporary jewellery, opened at the National Gallery of Victoria International yesterday.
 »Everything here is designed to be worn, » said guest curator and jewellery designer Susan Cohn.
Visitors took that as a challenge, moving through 180 dimly lit curiosities by the world’s most radical designers, trying to imagine what it would be like to wear a necklace of glass and ceramic dildos. Or a tubular  »veil » collar like a pearly plastic version of Ned Kelly’s helmet. Or a cluster of rusted bolts and nails on a silver  »Screw Ring ».
 »After procreation and survival, our next instinct as humans is adornment, » Cohn said when asked,  »Why? »
 »Adornment is about attracting a mate, which in turn, is about procreation and survival. »
Some humans, however, obviously require more complex, intellectual adornments than others.  »Yes, some wearers will want something that speaks that way for them, » Cohn said. Among the exhibits was a vast choice of such expression, from the minimalist exquisitry of a grey sunray-pleated yoke, to a clump of small pale  »tumours », photographed bursting through a model’s frock. The latter was in a category of radical ideas.
NGV director Gerard Vaughan said the exhibition offered  »a fresh view of the many meanings associated with jewellery ».
The visiting director of London’s Design Museum, Deyan Sudjic, said it was the result of a  »long, drawn-out, cerebral process », and that is precisely how it felt.
Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery, is a Design Museum, London, exhibition funded by the Joan and Peter Clemenger Trust.
It is free and runs until August 26, when it will travel to London. (Daily

Art and design come together through its exploration of the radical experiments of contemporary jewelers who have pushed the boundaries. Navigate your way through the labyrinth of themes; Worn Out (celebrating the experience of wearing jewellery), Linking Links (looks at the way in which narratives are expressed through sub-themes and creative systems) and A Fine Line (offers insight into the origins of contemporary jewellery today) in an exhibition that is not to be missed.

MEGA,  2009
Camilla Prasch – MEGA 2009 – red dyed snap fasteners, nylon thread, silicone discs – Photo: Dorte Krogh

EXPO 'UNEXPECTED PLEASURES' - NGV International, Melbourne (AU) - 20 Avril-26 Aout 2012 dans Australie (AU) EXHI016680Sally Marsland (AU) – Flat colour, brooches (2002) – epoxy resin mixed with powdered pigment - Photo: Jeremy Dillon

Doug Bucci, USA, Trans-Hematopoietic neckpiece (2010).Doug Bucci, USA, Trans-Hematopoietic neckpiece (2010).

Susie Ganch, USA, Yellow dust, brooch (2010).Susie Ganch, USA, Yellow dust, brooch (2010)

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.David Bielander, Scampi, armband/bracelet, 2007

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.Karl Fritsch Screw ring 2010 silver, nails, screws


Karl Fritsch, New Zealand, Steinhaufen, ring 2004.Karl Fritsch, New Zealand, Steinhaufen, ring 2004

Unexpected pleasures exhibition.Hyewon Kim -  Torn 1 (2011) – resin, twigs Photo: Myoungwook Huh

Unexpected Pleasures exhibition
Tiffany Parbs – Extension (2008) – hand woven hair, digital print – photo Terence Bogue
Caroline Broadhead, England, Veil, necklace (1983).
Caroline Broadhead, England, Veil, necklace (1983).
Susanne Klemm, « Frozen » necklace, plastic

Blanche Tilden  Speed, neckpiece  2000  borosilicate glass, titanium, anodised aluminium  1.2 x 24.0 cm  Collection of the artistBlanche TILDEN – Speed, neckpiece  2000  borosilicate glass, titanium, anodised aluminium

Paul Derrez  Pleated Collar  1982  Plastic, steel  Collection of Paul DerrezPaul Derrez  Pleated Collar  1982  Plastic, steel 

Felieke van der Leest - necklace Felieke van der Leest – necklace

Rose by Gijs Bakker: Colour photograph in laminated plastic (1983) necklace by Gijs Bakker: Colour photograph in laminated plastic (1983) 

Dorothea Prühl - Habicht (Hawk), 2006 necklace, elm wood - H 40 cm Dorothea Prühl Habicht (Hawk), 2006 necklace, elm wood – H 40 cm

Noon Passama, Brooch, 2010Noon Passama, Brooch, 2010


First on show at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 20 April – 26 August 2012, this exhibition will also tour to the Design Museum in London, 5 Dec 2012 – 3 Mar 2013. Melbourne based designer and maker Dr. Susan Cohn (interview with The Age) has curated this exhibition for the Design Museum and is also co-author of the substantial catalogue documenting this event as well contributing to the discussion about contemporary design and making.





NGV International
180 St Kilda Road
Melbourne (AU)
Contemporary Exhibitions
Level G


EXPO ‘KITSCH between ART AND ORNAMENT. 2000-2011′ – Studio GR·20, Padova (Italy) – 3 Nov.-22 Dec. 2011

 KITSCH between ART AND ORNAMENT. 2000-2011
(Iris Niewenburg – brooch: Hereditaire-jaune 2008 – Silver, lacquer, photo-print)


 Ten artists, including the most significant in the international arena, are witnesses to a new address at the end of the twentieth century figurative formulas for the liberating effect of the postmodern movement and which has grown in the last decade with extreme views, neo-baroque, neo-Manierist and neo-Symbolist.
The new imagery is rampant blending truth and fiction, memory and its deformation, the accuracy and vagueness, the horror and pleasure, eroticism and pornography, the myth and mysticism, humor and sarcasm : is the culture of kitsch.
The term improperly used to disparaging assessments by the great German bookish Hermann Broch, who quoted him in his famous text of 1933 and, later, the shooting in writing in 1950-1951, assumed negative meaning in the dialectic of confrontation classical values to those of post-Romanticism imbued with a culture symbolist aesthetic, decadent that dominated the late nineteenth century. Not inferior art, then, but the sublime beauty of art in all its excesses even the most perverse, sacrifice the values of harmony and balance.
Contemporary art aestheticism return records that enriched experiences and meanings of philosophical, psychoanalytical and social developed during the twentieth century. (Graziella Folchini Grassetto)


Gijs Bakker
, David Bielander, Helen Britton, Jantje FleischuutKarl Fritsch, Iris Nieuwenburg, Ruudt Peters, Tanel Veenre, Lisa Walker, Petra Zimmermann.


 Studio GR·20
Via dei Soncin 27
35122 – Padova
Telephone: 39 049 8756820
Fax: 39 049 8770177


….. et plonger dans le grand BLEU !

Classé dans : Akiko BAN (JP),Aldo MONDINO (IT),Alexis KOSTUK (CA),Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX),Andi GUT (CH),Andrea JANOSIK (SK),Annamaria ZANELLA (IT),Anne GOLDFARB (FR),Anthony TAMMARO (US),Anya KIVARKIS (US),Arthur HASH (US),Babette EGERLAND (DE),Barbara PAGANIN (IT),Benedikt FISCHER (AT),Birgit SKOLIMOWSKI (EE),Blanche TILDEN (AU),Camilla TEGLIO (IT),Carola BAUER (DE),Carolina GIMENO (Chili),Catherine JACQUET (FR),Celio BRAGA (BR),Christian ASTUGUEVIEILLE (FR),Christophe MARGUIER (FR),Coco DUNMIRE (US),COUP DE COEUR,David BIELANDER (CH/DE),Denise Julia REYTAN (DE),Donald FRIEDLICH (US),Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),Eleanor BOLTON (UK),Emiko OYE (US),Enrica PRAZZOLI (IT),Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES),Farah BANDOOKWALA (UK),Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK),Floor MOMMERSTEEG (NL),Flora VAGI (HU),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Gesine HACKENBERG (NL),Giampaolo BABETTO (IT),GIIA (IT),Gijs BAKKER (NL),Giorgio VIGNA (IT),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Gulnur OZDAGLAR (TR),Hana KARIM (Sl),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Hannah FEWTRELL-BOLTON (UK),Hanneke PAUMEN (NL),Helen BRITTON (AU),Helena LEHTINEN (FI),Helfried KODRE (AT),Jacqueline RYAN (UK),Jean-Francois PERENA (FR),Jean-Pierre DUSSAILLANT (FR),Jessica CALDERWOOD (US),Jillian MOORE (US),Joanna GOLLBERG (US),Julia deVILLE (AU),Karin KATO (JP),Kate BAUMAN (US),Kath INGLIS (AU),Katie SCHUTTE (US),Liana PATTIHIS (CY/UK),Lisa JUEN (CN),Lucia MASSEI (IT),Luis ACOSTA (RA),Maria Rosa FRANZIN (IT),Marijke de GOEY (NL),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Melissa TOLAR (US),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Mirla FERNANDES (BR),Nel LINSSEN (NL),Nora FOK (UK),Paolo SCURA (IT),Patricia LEMAIRE (FR),Pawel KACZYNSKI (PL),Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL),Pilar GARRIGOSA (ES),Rallou KATSARI (GR),Ralph BAKKER (NL),Sam Tho DUONG (VN),Sara BORGEGARD (SE),Sari LIIMATTA (FI),Sayumi YOKOUCHI (JP),Shannon CARNEY (US),Silvia WALZ (DE),Stacey BENTLEY (UK),Stefano POLETTI (IT),Sue GREGOR (UK),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Susie GANCH (US),Tabea REULECKE (DE),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tobias ALM (SE),Ute EITZENHOFER (DE),Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT),Yoko SHIMIZU (JP),Yurij BYLKOV (RU) — bijoucontemporain @ 15:15

THANKS to  Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria page/selection on Pinterest, about blue jewellery !!!! it was the departure for this ….. blue OCEAN !! :-) or, to be more in the « intellectual » actuality, « 99 shades of … BLUE » !! ;-)
Giorgio Vigna – gorgoglio – vetro
Arthur Hash  Blue Wave (cast polyurethane)
Donald FRIEDLICH  (gal. Loupe)brooch ‘Translucence’ series – glass, 18k & 14k gold, diamond
Gésine Hackenberg- Table Glass: Dutch/Finnish Still Life, Brooch
Gésine Hackenberg Double Glass Still life BroochFinnish table glass (vintage by Itala); cut and ground
Giampaolo Babetto – Brosche
Graziano Visintinbroche – or, argent, niellage – 2009 

   Graziano VISINTIN broche 2
Graziano VisintinBrooch, 2006 – 18k gold, enamel, gold leaf  (The David Collection)

Lisa JUEN - don't dream it wear it - blue brooch or necklace
Lisa JUEN – ‘don’t dream it wear it’ – blue brooch or necklace- Lasercut Stainless Steel, CZ, LED, LED Screen, Plastic, Cable, Light Switch, Battery

Maria Rosa Franzin Maria Rosa Franzin brooch

Pilar Garrigosa   broochPilar Garrigosa brooch
Julia deVille (AU) – ‘Mechanical Wing’
brooch, Kingfisher Wing, silver
Luis Acosta – paper bracelet
Märta Mattsson
Rallou Katsari - ‘whispering loud’ ring

..... et plonger dans le grand BLEU ! dans Akiko BAN (JP) Reconstruction-8-300x225Reconstruction-1-300x225 dans Aldo MONDINO (IT)

Aline Berdichevsky – brooches “Reconstructio »
Benedikt Fischer – brooches
Christian Astuguevieille – Bracelet éponge bleue (La Piscine, Roubaix – don de l’artiste en 1995)
Stefano Poletti- Collier en éponge naturelle teintée et perle recouverte de feuille d’or monté sur fil d’or

The Scottish Gallery Nel Linssen - blue bangleNel Linssen – blue bangle – paper

ute_eitzenhoefer dans Alexis KOSTUK (CA)
Ute Eitzenhöfer – brooch – Mixed media (labradorite)
Eleanor Bolton – blue(s) necklaces
Tabea Reuleake – ring
Birgit Skolimowski (EE)
Estela Saez Good by(e) nest.” serie  2008- ‘SEPIA’ – silver/wool/fabrics/paint
Carolina Gimeno- portable objects

Phacella Congesta from Portable Objects 2010
Carolina Gimeno-‘Phacella Congesta’ from Portable Objects 2010 – brooch

Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa 2009
Carolina Gimeno- ‘Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa’ 2009 – Brooch – Copper, Vitreus Enamel, wood, silver , steel
Carolina Gimeno (Chili) – série “dibujando en el espacio”

Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch
Susie Ganch – blue dust enamel brooch

Flora Vagi  azur reverse necklace  ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold - 2005 Flora Vagi -azur reverse necklace – ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold – 2005
Stacey Bentley brooch – enamel

Blanche Tilden - Compress necklace
Blanche Tilden – “Compress” necklace - glass
Christophe Marguier – ‘esperance de vie de l’homme’ necklace- plastic, silver, steel
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry necklace
Catherine Jacquet – collier cascade – plastiques

Barbara Paganin - broche 'fiore di luce'
Barbara PAGANIN (IT) broche ‘fiore di luce’ – verre  (Galerie SLAVIK)

GIIA - blue wave
GIIA (IT) “blue wave” felt neckpiece

"Mimesi n2"  Collana: legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore Camilla Teglio – « Mimesi n2″  Collana : legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore
 Lucia Massei - pendant ‘Comunque e sempre’ 18kt yellow gold, silver, iron, ruby, black spinels 2009
 Lucia Massei -  bague « la bella adormentata »

Mirla Fernandes - "Herança" necklace - latex, paint, porcelain
Mirla Fernandes- Herança necklace- latex,paint, porcelain – 2006

Peter  Hoogeboom - chainmail porcelain necklacesPeter  Hoogeboom – chainmail porcelain necklaces
Liana Pattihis  - Blue Circle Brooch 2007 – Silver, copper, enamel stainless steel – Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Painting ‘Blue Circle’
Liana Pattihis - Brooch: Blue Istos 02 2010 -silver Light Trace Chain, Copper, Enamel, St. Steel
Viktoria Münzker- Kollektion PARADISO
Mirjam Hiller - Catopsia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium

Sari Liimatta "The Costume I", necklace, 2006glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toySari Liimatta « The Costume I », necklace, 2006 glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toy
Mia Maljojoki - 2010 (Photo: Mirei Takeuchi)
Sara Borgegård  2009 necklace, wood, paint, iron, cotton
Sara Borgegård necklace
Yuri Bylkov - ring- metal, paper, acrylic – 2009
Alexis Kostuk“high gear” brooch- copper, which I used a patina on to darken, pearls & gem beads, sterling silver ball chain, resin, and flocking.

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan
Denise Julia Reytan

Momentaufnahme_9 par DENISE JULIA REYTAN
Denise Julia Reytan- Snapshots”

Dora Haralambaki - earthenweare clay rings with colour glazes Dora Haralambaki - ceramic ring
Edith Bellod - collier en porcelaine de limoges : “kaléidoscope”
Annamaria Zanella – brooch
Andi Gut - ring

Orden%20saabujale-01 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX)
Tanel Veenre“Orden for the one who is arriving”

Helfried Kodré - brooch

102210 dans Andi GUT (CH)Helfried Kodré, Bague
Helfried Kodré - ring, silver, lapislazuli – ring, gold, silver, turquoise, bronze, 2007
Aldo Mondino, BIC – cristallo di rocca, lapislazzuli e tappo in oro smaltato blu, esemplare unico – 2008
Aldo Mondino, BIC necklace
Paweł Kaczyński
Paweł Kaczyński – Silver and Steel Water Bracelet

 dans Andrea JANOSIK (SK)
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - restriction 3 – conceptual textile
Jean-Pierre Dussaillant- Bague “Cactus”
Anya Kivarkis – copper, silver, enamel brooch
Emiko Oye – duchess2_ Necklace from My First Royal Jewels Jewellery Collection. Repurposed LEGO necklace inspired by Cartier’s diamond, emerald and platinum necklace, and Harry Winston’s pendant, 1960. emiko-o 2008.

Enrica Prazzoli, necklace, 2011 (Alchimia school)Enrica Prazzoli – Ives Klein (Alchimia – 2011)

Enrica Prazzoli (from Alchimia) blue Klein collection rings 

Floor Mommersteeg, Pebble-necklace, nylon Floor MommersteegPebble-necklace, nylon
Floor Mommersteegbroche

Hana Karim Ceramic Jewelry Hana Karim  Ceramic Jewelry

Helen Britton broochHelen Britton – brooch 

Quinault3_640 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)
Hanna Liljenberg -  Quinault 3, halssmycke järn, oljefärg, lintråd, silver

babetteblauerballon dans Anne GOLDFARB (FR)
Babette Egerland- ring “Ballonschmuck” 925 Ag rhodiniert

FARAH BANDOOKWALA -blue hair brooch Bandookwala (UK) – blue hair brooch
Mikiko Minewaki-
‘toy-camera’ necklace

Katie Schutte - cluster necklace - crocheted silver wireKatie Schutte – Cluster necklace – crocheted, electroformed, and powdercoated found wire, cubic zirconia

Shannon Carney ring
Kath Inglis  “Blue Pollinator” Brooch

AKIKO BAN / Collar 2010Akiko Ban- collar – 2010  (from Alchimia)

Jillian Moore -  brooch-pendant ‘Cucurbits’ 2008 Fiberglass, resin, copper, paint, felt

Joanna Gollberg - prong series blue broochJoanna Gollberg - prong series blue brooch
Sayumi Yokouchi - ‘Layered’ Brooch in plastic, silk thread, and stainless steel.
Karin Kato – ‘QU4DRO’ Brooch in sand, resin, and silver

b99bajoagua dans Anthony TAMMARO (US)
Silvia WalzUnder water brooch-  Series: Burbujas   – silver, copper, resine, enamel, glas – 2010

All images from ¡Genial!  New Jewelry from Spain at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Silvia Walz La visionaria (Geometria Series) Brooch

Tobias Alm – Summer series – Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint. Picture from Tobias Alm - Summer series 2009 Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint

Jessica Calderwood, Portrait of an Eye Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood -Portrait of an Eye’ Brooch/Pendant – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

blue-white-ruins-ring_Gal700px dans Anya KIVARKIS (US)
Gésine Hackenberg  – ‘blue white ruins’ ring

Carola Bauer necklace – Silver, enamel

Jacqueline Ryan 18kt gold and vitreous enamel brooch

Jean-François PEREÑA - bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, plexiglas (bleu), argentJean-François PEREÑA - MON bracelet ! PETIT
Jean-François PEREÑA -  bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, nacre, plexiglas (bleu), argent

Patricia Lemaire – Aspara la Bleue 1- 1999 défilé Lapidus

Anne Goldfarb OUT OF AFRICA - 2011 Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminiumAnne Goldfarb – OUT OF AFRICA – Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminium – Afedap 2011

Andrea Janosik- Blue Brooch - sIlver and suede - 2007

00360-0-10-1-blue-amdder-cuff dans Arthur HASH (US)
Sue GREGOR – cuff,foto1,118&c=390x390
Gijs Bakker- Bracelet « Porsche bracelet » stéréolithographie, polyuréthane -, 2000
David Bielander – Enzian Brooch – titanium
Sam Tho Duong

0501_Hanneke_Paumen_Tule_Blauw dans Babette EGERLAND (DE)Hanneke Paumen (NL) – Tulle blauw Collar (detail)- felt

kate bauman Kate Bauman  - barnacle no.9 (ring) – enamel, copper, sterling silver
Anthony Tammaro – « neck object » – Gypsum/Epoxy/Silicone*O9Hi3lxisakPgZBUId-p9pV0nc3mA6a3nZT836RickOMkqUzEjWHCd5mhH1UkXM5Bs1JHUN3*UJMTIdeAPCfl2tzTVas0M/brooch3royalblue2.jpg?width=605&height=600
Farah Bandookwala (UK) Parasite series: magnetic brooches – Rapid prototyped nylon, stainless steel, dye, rare earth magnets. Collection of brooches with interchangable magnetic backs
Melissa TOLAR  - Enamel, hand-cast gems, and pearl jewelry

Mirla Fernandes

Mirla Fernandes ring

click to close window
Ralph Bakker “the Fly” – earrings
Yoko Shimizu – necklace – resin, pigment, silver

Yoko Shimizu  (from Alchimia school), necklace from the « transformation » series – 2010
Celio Braga, Brazil (Think Twice: New Latin American Jewellery exhibition)
Marta Mattsson- The Human Touch – Cricket brooch

Susanne Elstner, brosche Susanne Elstner, brosche

image16 dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Farrah Al-DujailiNecklace – Copper, enamel paint, watercolour pencil, thread2010
Carolina Gimeno (Chile) resinas – bracelet
Shannon Carney – medium collar resin necklace
Helena Lehtinen- Gardens Collection, Blue brooch, 2011 Wood, thread, beads DE GOEY – 1999 – Pièce unique. BAGUE « Curly » en or or et titane à patine bleue Hiller  brooch Draper, Barcelona- brooch Fok  ring Scura - ring 


EXPO ‘THE RING – jewel forever’ – Hnoss Gallery, Gothenburg (Sweden) – 9 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011

Classé dans : Adam PAXON (UK),Alexander BLANK (DE),Andi GUT (CH),Anette KRAEN (DK),Anna UNSGAARD (SE),Annelies PLANTEYDT (NL),Aud Charlotte HO SINDING (SE),Barbara PAGANIN (IT),Bas BOUMAN (NL),Beppe KESSLER (NL),Bettina SPECKNER (DE),Birgit LAKEN (NL),Bruce METCALF (US),Castello HANSEN (SE),Christoph ZELLWEGER (CH),Esther KNOBEL (PL),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Hnoss (SE),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Georg DOBLER (DE),Gijs BAKKER (NL),Hanna HEDMAN (SE),Helena LEHTINEN (FI),Ineke HEERKENS (NL),Iris NIEUWENBURG (NL),Jamie BENNETT (US),Jantje FLEISCHHUT (NL),Jenny KLEMMING (SE),Jiro KAMATA (JP),Johanna DAHM (CH),Kadri MALK (EE),Karin JOHANSSON (SE),Karin SEUFERT (DE),Karl FRITSCH (DE),Kasia GASPARKI (DK),Katja PRINS (NL),Kim BUCK (DK),Klara BRYNGE (SE),Konrad MEHUS (NO),Kristi PAAP (EE),Lin CHEUNG (UK),Lina PETERSON (SE),Lucy SARNEEL (NL),Manuel VILHENA (PT),Marc MONZO (ES),Mari ISHIKAWA (JP),Maria YLANDER (SE),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mona WALLSTROM (SE),Nel LINSSEN (NL),Norman WEBER (DE),Otto KUNZLI (CH),Per SUNTUM (DK),Peter BAUHUIS (DE),Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL),Peter SKUBIC (YU),Petra SCHOU (SE),Pia ALEBORG (SE),Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES),Rian de JONG (NL),rings,Ruudt PETERS (NL),Sara BORGEGARD (SE),Sebastian BUESCHER (DE),Sigurd BRONGER (NO),Silke TREKEL (DE),Sonia MOREL (CH),Suede (SE),Tarja TUUPANEN (FI),Terhi TOLVANEN (NL),Tore SVENSSON (SE),Ulrika SWARD (SE),Vera SIEMUND (NL),Verena SIEBER-FUCHS (CH),Warwick FREEMAN (NZ),Xavier Ines MONCLUS (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

THE RING – the most common piece of jewellery can be full of meaning, a personal statement sometimes showing itself as a technical miracle or purely decorative and beautiful. It can demand attention, be an invitation to play, be filled with tears and secrets – and is to be worn for one day or for ever.
In homage to the ring Galleri Hnoss has invited all the jewellery artists exhibited in the gallery since the start in 1997 to produce one ring each. The result is now to be seen in the exhibition THE RING – jewel forever. The show consisting of over one hundred rings is a vibrant collection of different expressions, thoughts and forms

In connection with the exhibition on September 9 we are also arranging aseminar : The Ring – jewel forever. The theme is the ring seen from different perspectives. We are very proud to announce the speakers: Anna Schetelich from Galerie Oona, Germany, Professor Otto Kunzli, Germany, and Manuel Vilhena, jewellery artist from Portugal. Moderator is Love Jönsson, crafts critic and guest lecturer at HDK, University of Gothenburg. The seminar is a collaboration between Galleri Hnoss and the Department of Jewellery Art at HDK, with support from Gothenburg Crafts Association, Estrid Ericsson’s Foundation, Wilhelm and Martina Lundgren Fund, and the family Wikanders Foundation.

Artist list:
Ingierd Hanevold, Norway — Lena Bergestad–Jonsson, Sweden — Per Suntum, Denmark — Kim Buck, Denmark — Christer G. Jonsson, Sweden — Peter De Wit, Sweden — Otto Künzli, Germany — Andreas Treykorn, Germany — Verena Siber-Fuchs, Swizerland — Margareth Sandström, Sweden — Karin Johansson, Sweden – Sigurd Bronger, Norway — Esther Knobel, Israel — Tore Svensson, Sweden — Anette Kraen, Denmark — Beppe Kessler, Netherlands — Mona Wallström, Sweden — Ari Turunen, Finland — Synnøve Korssjøen, Norway — Konrad Mehus, Norway — Onno Boekhoudt, Netherlands — Ulrika Swärd, Sweden — Rian de Jong, Netherlands — Christoph Zellweger, Switzerland — Helena Lehtinen, Finland — Helena Sandström, Sweden — Jamie Bennett, USA — Lotta Åström, Sweden — Karen Ihle/ Jens Eliasen, Denmark — Johanna Dahm, Switzerland — Petra Schou, Sweden — Adam Paxon, Scotland — Bruce Metcalf, USA — Eva Dora Lamm, Denmark — Ruudt Peters, Netherlands — Barbara Paganin, Italy — Kasia Gasparski, Denmark — Annelies Planteydt, Netherlands — Kadri Mälk, Estonia — Lena Olson, Sweden — Tarja Tuppanen, Finland — Manuel Vilhena, Portugal — Castello Hansen, Denmark/Sweden — Gijs Bakker, Netherlands — Cecilia Johansson, Sweden — Gunilla Grahn, Sweden — Vera Siemund, Germany — Karl Fritsch, Germany — Nel Linssen, Netherlands — Margaret West, Australia — Lars Sture, Norway — Kerstin Ringedal, Sweden — Fabrice Schaefer, Switzerland — Lucy Sarneel, Netherlands — Elise-Ann Hochlin, Norway — Georg Dobler, Germany — Katja Prins, Netherlands — Ramon Puig Cuyás, Spain — Xavier Monclús, Spain — Mah Rana, England — Peter Bauhuis, Germany — Silke Trekel, Germany — Terhi Tolvanen Finland/Netherlands — Svenja John, Germany — Jivan Astflack, England — Anna Unsgaard, Sweden — Charlotte Sinding, Sweden — Sonia Morel, Switzerland — Pia Aleborg, Sweden — Marc Monzó, Spain — Andi Gut, Switzerland — Anna Martinsson, Sweden — Ulrich Reithofer, Austria/Netherlands — Peter Hoogeboom, Netherlands — Mari Ishikawa, Japan/Germany — Annika Åkerfelt, Sweden — Karin Seufert, Germany — Peter Scubic, Austria — Lina Petersson, Sweden/England — Sara Borgegård, Sweden — Erik Kuiper, Netherlands — Ineke Heerkens, Netherlands — Bettina Speckner, Germany — Sebastian Buescher, England/Tyskland — Warwick Freeman, New Zealand — Iris Neuwenburg, Netherlands — Jiro Kamata, Germany/Japan — Anne-Marie Bernhardt, Sweden — Hanna Hedman Sweden — Lin Cheung, England — Bas Bouman, Netherlands — Birgit Laken, Netherlands — Norman Weber, Germany — Gemma Draper, Spain — Kristi Paap, Estonia — Alexander Blank, Germany — Klara Brynge, Sweden — Mia Maljojoki, Finland/Germany — Jenny Klemming Sweden — Jantje Fleischhut, Netherlands — Mikiko Minewaki, Japan — Carolina Claesson, Sweden — Linda Marie Karlsson, Sweden — Maria Ylander, Sweden — Åsa Christensson Sweden

Onno Boekhoudt (NL) – ring – Mixed media

EXPO 'THE RING - jewel forever' - Hnoss Gallery, Gothenburg (Sweden) - 9 Sept.-9 Oct. 2011 dans Adam PAXON (UK) Peter-Hoogeboom--tearsBruce-Metcalf2011Ring dans Alexander BLANK (DE)
Peter Hoogeboom  –  Bruce Metcalf  

Jiro-Kamata-ps_jirokamata dans Andi GUT (CH)Gijs-Bakker332_YouCantHaveItAllRing dans Anette KRAEN (DK)
 Jiro Kamata  –  Gijs Bakker

Ramon-Puig-Cuy%C3%A0s-1400---2011- dans Anna UNSGAARD (SE)Ruudt%20Peters-ABBAS-1 dans Annelies PLANTEYDT (NL)
Ramon Puig Cuyas  —   Ruudt Peters

Bettina-SpecknerIMG_8101 dans Aud Charlotte HO SINDING (SE)1a,-Johanna-Dahm,-Double-fingerring,-CLAY, dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Bettina Speckner –  Johanna Dahm

Marc-Monzo-IMG_8910 dans Bas BOUMAN (NL)Synnove-Korssjoen-P4280071 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)
Marc Monzo  –  Synnove Korssjoen

Jenny%20Klemming-garden dans Bettina SPECKNER (DE)NelLinssen_7days_12 dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)
Jenny Klemming  –  Nel Linssen

Annika-Akerfelt_Ring dans Bruce METCALF (US)Katja-Prins---KP-Inventarium-2 dans Castello HANSEN (SE)
Annika Åkerfelt  –    Katja Prins

Barbara-Paganin---promenade dans Christoph ZELLWEGER (CH)Ineke-Heerkens---Groei-gewoel dans Esther KNOBEL (PL)
Barbara Paganin  –  Ineke Heerkens

Fabrice-Schaefer-ring-Owl-2007-titanium-fine-gold dans Exposition/ExhibitionBirgit-Laken-Wing-Ring-oxidized-silver-2011-DSC05247b dans Gal. Hnoss (SE)
Fabrice Schaefer  —   Birgit Laken

Beppe%20Kessler%20-%20thimble-better-picture dans Gemma DRAPER (ES)Christoph-Zellweger-01_pi+ao dans Georg DOBLER (DE)
Beppe Kessler  –   Christoph Zellweger


Esther-Knobel---e dans Gijs BAKKER (NL)Hanna-Hedman---3 dans Hanna HEDMAN (SE)
Esther Knobel  —   Hanna Hedman

Anette-Kr%C3%A6n-For-Better-and-Worse-1-NY dans Helena LEHTINEN (FI)Kim-Buck---Pumpous-ring-Kim-Buck-2011 dans Ineke HEERKENS (NL)
Anette Kræn  –  Kim Buck

Manuel-Vilhena---MV-Ring-Hnoss-1 dans Iris NIEUWENBURG (NL)Lena-Olson---Flower-Lena-Olson dans Jamie BENNETT (US)
Manuel Vilhena  —   Lena Olson

Mia-Maljojoki---MIAring1 dans Jantje FLEISCHHUT (NL)Otto-Kunzli-_04_Hana-bi%28Einzelring%29 dans Jenny KLEMMING (SE)
Mia Maljojoki  —   Otto Künzli

Mari-Ishikawa---Ring-Ishikawa dans Jiro KAMATA (JP)Petra-Schou---PetraSchouFunnels dans Johanna DAHM (CH)
Mari Ishikawa  –  Petra Schou

Sigurd-Bronger---DSC_0094 dans Kadri MALK (EE)Terhi-Tolvanen---Ring-Aurore-2-Terhi-Tolvanen dans Karin JOHANSSON (SE)
Sigurd Bronger  —   Terhi Tolvanen

Rian-de-Jong---rian dans Karin SEUFERT (DE)Verena-Sieber-Fuchs---1.ring dans Karl FRITSCH (DE)
Rian de Jong  - Verena Sieber-Fuchs

 Tore-Svensson---DSC_0025 dans Kasia GASPARKI (DK)Kerstin-Ringedal---DSC_0020 dans Katja PRINS (NL)
Tore Svensson  —   Kerstin Ringedal

Andreas-Treykorn-DSCN1537 dans Kim BUCK (DK)Andi-Gut-Andi_gut_ring-Nylon dans Klara BRYNGE (SE)
Andreas Treykorn  —   Andi Gut

Carolina-Claesson-fingertoppsring-nara dans Konrad MEHUS (NO)Charlotte-Ho-Sook-Sinding-fagel dans Kristi PAAP (EE)
Carolina Claesson  –  Charlotte Ho Sook Sinding

Annelies-Planteydt-red-colourful-crystal-phase-1 dans Lin CHEUNG (UK)Castello-Hansen dans Lina PETERSON (SE)
Annelies Planteydt  –  Castello Hansen

Ingjerd-Hanevold-hanevold dans Lucy SARNEEL (NL)Eva-Dora-Lamm-_MG_0099 dans Manuel VILHENA (PT)
Ingjerd Hanevold  –  Eva Dora Lamm

Helena-Sandstrom-zinkring-sidan-1 dans Marc MONZO (ES)Helena-Lehtinen-LEHTINEN_RING2011 dans Mari ISHIKAWA (JP)
Helena Sandström  –  Helena Lehtinen

Jens-Eliasen-hnoss2 dans Maria YLANDER (SE)Karen-Ihle-hnoss1 dans Mia MALJOJOKI (FI)
Jens Eliasen  –  Kare Ihle

Kristi-Paap-Paap_RING_12_01 dans Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP)Mona-Wallstrom-Mona-Wallstrom-Spirit-I dans Mona WALLSTROM (SE)
Kristi Paap  –  Mona Wallstöm

Lucy-Sarneel-CLEARING-_-Lucy-Sarneel dans Nel LINSSEN (NL)Jivan-Astfalck-theniceandthenotnice dans Norman WEBER (DE)
Lucy Sarneel  —   Jivan Astfalck

Lina-Peterson-Yellow-Ring-Lina-Peterson-a dans Otto KUNZLI (CH)Karin-Seufert-355 dans Per SUNTUM (DK)
Lina Peterson  –  Karin Seufert

Lotta-Astrom-Lot_038 dans Peter BAUHUIS (DE) Kasia-Gasparski-Smykker07skygge%281%29 dans Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL)

Lotta Åström  —   Kasia Gasparski

Mikiko-Minewaki-MIKIKO-RING dans Peter SKUBIC (YU)Linda-Marie-Karlsson-01-lindamarie-ring dans Petra SCHOU (SE)
Mikiko Minewaki  —   Linda Marie Karlsson

Norman-Weber-Schaustuck12 dans Pia ALEBORG (SE)Per-Suntum-avirginring_persuntum01 dans Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES)
Norman Weber  —   Per Suntum

Pia-Aleborg-pia_aleborg dans Rian de JONG (NL)Silke-Trekel-157-RGB dans rings

Pia Aleborg  —   Silke Trekel

Peter-Bauhuis-bz43hnoss dans Ruudt PETERS (NL)Peter-de-Wit-hnoss2-peter dans Sara BORGEGARD (SE)

Peter Bauhuis  —   Peter de Wit

Sara-Borgegard-Alga-Ring-Hnoss dans Sebastian BUESCHER (DE) Tarja-Tuupanen-TUUPANEN_RING2011 dans Sigurd BRONGER (NO)

Sara Borgegård Älgå  —   Tarja Tuupanen

Erik%20Kuiper-SealwaxHNOSS dans Silke TREKEL (DE)Xavier-Monclus-RingWheel1 dans Sonia MOREL (CH)
Erik Kuiper —   Xavier Monclús

Kadri-Malk-hunting_field12 dans Suede (SE)Ulrika-Sward-Ulrika-Sward dans Tarja TUUPANEN (FI)
Kadri-Mälk  —   Ulrika Swärd

Anne-Marie-Bernhardt-ring1 dans Terhi TOLVANEN (NL)Alexander-Blank-DSC_0022 dans Tore SVENSSON (SE)
Anne-Marie-Bernhardt  —   Alexander Blank

Georg%20Dobler-IMG_2464 dans Ulrika SWARD (SE)Peter-Skubic-11-DSC_0039 dans Vera SIEMUND (NL)
Georg Dobler   —   Peter Skubic

Jantje%20Fleischhut%20.0,5Ring_1 dans Verena SIEBER-FUCHS (CH)Adam-Paxon-DSC_0050 dans Warwick FREEMAN (NZ)
Jantje Fleischhut  –  Adam Paxon

Gemma-Draper-IMG_0483 dans Xavier Ines MONCLUS (ES)Lin-Cheung-%27A-pair-of-wedding-rings-for-the-average-man-and-the-average-woman%27
Gemma Draper  –  Lin Cheung

Hnoss Gallery
413 14 – Gothenburg
Telephone: +46 31 41 09 19
Fax: +46 31 41 09 19


EXPO ‘The Spirit of Stone’ – South-Karelia Museum, Lappeenranta (Finland) – 8 Mai 2011-8 Janv 2012

The Spirit of Stone event will bring to Lappeenranta an exhibition, 
workshops and lectures, related to stones and jewellery. Theme of the event is the spirit, mythic and power of the stone. The Spirit of Stone 
is organized in cooperation with Kalevala Jewelry
 (Kalevala Koru) and South-Karelia Museum.The exhibition called The Spirit of Stone will present the prehistory of the stone and some of the best works from the international competition for art jewelry students.The exhibition also includes an invitation exhibition for jewelry artists around the world and a stone jewellery exhibition of Kalevala Koru.

Invited artists:
Piret Hirv, Eve Margus, Kadri Mälk, Ulla Ahola, Tarja Lehtinen, Terhi Tolvanen, Tarja Tuupanen, David Bielander, Iris Bodemer, Helen Britton, Ute Eitzenhöfer, Karl Fritsch, Deborah Rudolph, Bettina Speckner, Charlotta de Syllas, Gijs Bakker, Herman Hermsen, Ruudt Peters, Slawomir Fijalkowski, Dorota Kos, Lucia Babjakova, Fabrice Schaefer

EXPO 'The Spirit of Stone' - South-Karelia Museum, Lappeenranta (Finland) - 8 Mai 2011-8 Janv 2012 dans Atelier/workshop herman_hermsen
Herman Hermsen: Slice of jewellery

kadri_malk dans Bettina SPECKNER (DE)
Kadri Mälk: brooch « Väga süüdi « 

ute_eitzenhoefer dans Charlotta de SYLLAS (UK)
Ute Eitzenhöfer – brooch – Mixed media (labradorite)

Salut Marianne, Thank you for information on you blog about exhibition. I saw entering links on website's statistic from your blog. Its always nice to found new visitors. If you will be so nice to use this picture in your article I will be happy. I suppose you took picture from amber com pl- I dont know why they didnt repair that vieux. So here is real vieux of my necklace. Thanks in advance and best wishes, Dorota
Dorota Kos (PL) amber necklace
Bettina Speckner – brooch -Tourmalines, white gold 750


Iris-Bodemer-14 dans David BIELANDER (CH/DE)
Iris Bodemer ring – Silver, beryl – 2010

deporah_rudolf dans Deborah RUDOLPH (DE)
Deborah Rudolphnecklace- rock crystal, silver
Ulla Ahola – Rintakoru. 2010
Bettina Speckner brooch



Spirit of Stone – symposium
The Spirit of Stone event will bring to Lappeenranta an exhibition,
workshops and lectures, related to stones and jewellery. Theme of the event is the spirit, mythic and power of the stone. (…)
Place: Saimaa University of Applied Sciences (Lappeenranta, Finland)
Dates :  6 & 7 Mai 2011 (lectures will be in english)
Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
Pohjolankatu 23
53101 – Lappeenranta
Telephone: +358 40 763 3690



Workshop : Helena Lehtinen: Cameo
Cameo is a traditional piece of jewellery which has its origins in seals.
 During history it has been in and out of fashion in courts in Europe. Nowdays it is usually a red-white silhuet of a lady, most often worn by eldery ladies.
Reflecting to what this classical piece of jewellery has been in the past, students will search cameo´s meaning today. 
What it has been, what it could be? Is there any significancy left, what it could present in today´s society / to today´s people?
 What is your cameo? 
With new materials and way of working students will create new traditions in cameos. 
Working with stone is possible in the workshop.
Lead by jewellery artist Helena Lehtinen,
 assistant Tarja Tuupanen
Cameo is a part of The Spirit of Stone event that will bring to Lappeenranta an exhibition,
 work-shops and lectures, related to stones and jewellery. Theme of the event is the spirit, mythic and power of the stone. The Spirit of Stone
is organized in cooperation with Kalevala Jewelry 
(Kalevala Koru) and South-Karelia Museum.
Place: South-Karelia Museum, Lappeenranta, Finland
Price: 100€ (not including materials nor meals)
Dates : 2 – 5 Mai 2011, four days.
To apply to a workshop you have to fill an on-line application. To the workshop will be selected 10-15 participants. 
Deadline for application is 15th of April, 2011. All accepted participants will receive detailed information. Upon receiving your on-line application we shall confirm you that it has reached us.
Helena Lehtinen – cameo brooch




South-Karelia Museum
Kristiinankatu 15
53900 – Lappeenranta
Telephone: +358 40 763 3690


Le CORPS en morceaux ………. from ‘ANATOMY LESSONS’ exhibition

from ‘ANATOMY LESSONS’ exhibition, at « Taboo Studio« , San Diego (USA) 7 mai-18 juin 2010

Des bijoux qui représentent le corps humain, mais fractionné, bout à bout, comme des petits cailloux pour la mémoire semés par un Petit Poucet qui voudrait retrouver le (bon/droit) chemin ….

et, dès le départ, la série de Jessica Calderwood nous fait de l’oeil …..

Jessica Calderwood, Portrait of an Eye Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood -Portrait of an Eye’ Brooch/Pendant – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood, Blink (enamel, copper and sterling silver)

See image caption.
Jessica CalderwoodAsymmetry’ Brooch- Enamel on copper, sterling, 18k foil. 

Jessica Calderwood, Portrait of a Nose Brooch, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steelJessica Calderwood, Portrait of an Ear Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood  -Portrait of a Nose’ Brooch Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood  -Portrait of an Ear’ Brooch/Pendant - Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

Jessica Calderwood, Navel Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, nu-gold, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood - Navel Brooch/Pendant - Enamel on copper, nu-gold, sterling, stainless steel

Jessica Calderwood, Before and After Brooch (reversable), Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel, 18k foilJessica Calderwood, Before and After Brooch (reversable), Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel, 18k foil
Jessica Calderwood (US) – ‘Before and After’ Brooch (reversable) – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel, 18k foil

« My most recent series consists of psychological portraits that address ideas of consumption and personal obsession using irony, humor and vibrant color. Using a combination of traditional metalsmithing processes, such as raising and die-forming as well as industrial processes such as laser-jet cutting, this work aims to merge contemporary enameled imagery with traditional forms.« ( Jessica Calderwood)

Le CORPS en morceaux .......... from 'ANATOMY LESSONS' exhibition dans Anne DONZE (FR) 548_2B1T3065
Diane Falkenhagen   « After Canova’s Paulina » Brooch/Pendant – 2010

cette broche de Diane Falkenhagen illustre parfaitement ce sentiment de « corps morcelé« , mis en pièce(s) ……
Julia D. Harrison - Rosebud Brooches -wood, lacquer, gouache, epoxy + more

Julia D. Harrison, Holler Brooches,
Julia D. Harrison (US) ‘Holler’ Brooches – wood
Sarah J.G. Wauzynski, ‘Small Demands’ – brooch – sterling silver, egg tempera pigment, gold

See image caption.
Randy Long (US) – Brooch – Sterling, hand carved marble

See image caption.
Randy J. Long-  St.Sebastian Brooch – handcarved shell cameo, 22k gold
Margaux Lange, The Kiss (sterling silver, plastic and epoxy resin)

See image caption.
Kathleen Browne (US) – ’5 Moments’ brooch -fine & sterling  silver, enamel

« The images used in this series of jewelry pieces are appropriated from a pulp magazine printed during the 1950’s titled Secrets. The magazine photos were overly dramatic and stagy, both tragic and unintentionally comic, but somehow they captured the zeitgeist regarding female transgression. These reconfigured images freeze a moment in the daily drama of our lives and, set as jewels, they serve as paeans to the mundane.
By first manipulating, then converting these images to enamel decals (and firing them onto the surface) I can exploit the historical conventions of enameled portrait miniatures, and, in particular, 18th century decal transfers. Hand-painted enamel portrait miniatures were luxury items but with the development of the decal transfer process, in the mid-18th century, such jewels were affordable to a wider audience. Then as now the enameled image serves to provide a democratized view of time and place. » (Kathleen Browne)

anne donzé - qui a perdu son teton
Anne Donzé (FR) – ‘qui a perdu son teton’ – broche, fonte en argent

Pauline WIERTZ
Pauline WIERTZ (NL) – Bijoux ceramique – Boucles-citrines

33YCx dans Claire LAVENDHOMME (BE)
Yuyen CHANG (Taiwan) – Mao-Fa Series (Untitled Pendant) (2007) copper, enamel, copper wire, sterling silver

Yuyen Chang est cette artiste qui a fait une série de broches sur les « orifices » ………. c’est le moment où jamais de les présenter …. les broches, pas les orifices ……

photo of Orifice Broochphoto of Orifice Broochphoto of Orifice Brooch
Yuyen CHANG (Taiwan) -Orifice Series – Untitled Brooches – copper  – 2000-2002

Claire-Lavendhomme-5-440x271 dans COUP DE COEURClaire-Lavendhomme-1-440x271 dans Diane FALKENHAGEN (US)
Claire Lavendhomme - « Le plus profond c’est la peau » 2007. Bagues – argent, photo, résine, sable.
Melanie Bilenker, ‘Feet’ 2007 – brooch – gold, sterling silver, ebony, resin, pigment and hair
Esther Knobel -brooch- sterling silver with perforated (drilled) drawing sewn with iron wire

[kristenbeeler,+brooch.jpg]Beauty and Other Monsters at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Kristin Beeler (US)- brooches – drawing is ink on mother of pearl
Ramon Puig Cuyas (ES) – broche

30300_115589165142911_100000754855215_87157_2798696_n dans Esther KNOBEL (PL)
Sally von Bargen – ‘Short Stories’ serie – ‘wish’

7c dans Gijs BAKKER (NL)6c dans Isabell SCHAUPP (DE)

Isabell Schaupp (DE) ‘hands’ series


et… ma dernière « trouvaille » … mais ne dit-on pas qu’on garde le meilleur pour la fin ? ;-)

Gijs Bakker (NL) – collier ‘Johnny Awakes’ – silver, photography – 1998