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EXPOs ‘FIVE new exhibitions′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 26 Mars-7 Juin 2017

Galerie Marzee

On Sunday 26 March 2017 at 4pm we open five new exhibitions
Graziano Visintin, untitled 2013 small sculptures; silver, gold, oxidised copper, niello(Graziano Visintin, untitled 2013 – small sculptures; silver, gold, oxidised copper, niello)

* Juliane Brandes – 4HANDS
– or how much sculpture can jewellery handle

Juliane Brandes, Der Club, 2015, brooch; silver - MARZEE: Juliane Brandes, Der Club, 2015, brooch; silver

* Willemijn de Greef – Recollection I

Willemijn de Greef, Recollection I, Strawberry, 2012, object; bronze, clay, glaze, rope, wool: Willemijn de Greef, Recollection I, Strawberry, 2012, object; bronze, clay, glaze, rope, wool

* Dana Hakim – Crafted Fear

Dana Hakim, Crafted Fear, 2015, necklace; iron nets, threads, paint, lacquer - MARZEE: Dana Hakim, Crafted Fear, 2015, necklace; iron nets, threads, paint, lacquer

* Graziano Visintin – The Bright Science of Gold

Graziano Visintin, untitled 2017, brooch; copper, glaze, gold leaf, silver - MARZEE: Graziano Visintin, untitled 2017, brooch; copper, glaze, gold leaf, silver

* Het Wilde Oog – Corrie & Joseph
traditional Dutch garments, ‘kraplappen’, adapted by contemporary artists.

Het Wilde Oog/Wout Nooitgedagt, kraplap adapted by Lucy Sarneel - MARZEE: Het Wilde Oog/Wout Nooitgedagt, kraplap adapted by Lucy Sarneel

Please join us for the opening of these exhibitions, together with the artists.
The exhibitions are on show through 7 June 2017.


Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670




EXPO ‘BRILLIANT: i futuri del gioiello italiano’ – Triennale di Milano, Palazzo della Triennale, Milano (IT) – 2 Avril-12 Sept. 2016

« BRILLIANT : i futuri del gioiello italiano«   a cura di Alba Cappellieri

Triennale di Milano /Palazzo della Triennale

La mostra vuole evidenziare il pluralismo del gioiello italiano in termini di linguaggi, sperimentazione e ricerca, dall’alta gioielleria alle nuove tecnologie indossabili e interattive.  Protagonista è il collier, il gioiello più rappresentativo dell’arte orafa italiana. I 50 gioielli selezionati sono emblematici dei futuri scenari del gioiello italiano:

BRILLIANT! il gioiello ritorna tra le arti alla XXI Triennale Internazionale!


I gioielli selezionati sono emblematici dei futuri scenari del gioiello italiano, definiti da: Manifattura Mirabile, Bellezza Quotidiana, Avant Craft, Tecnologie Preziose e Creatività Collettiva. Protagonista è il collier, il gioiello più rappresentativo dell’arte orafa italiana.

La mostra vuole evidenziare tanto la vocazione manifatturiera quanto l’innovazione tecnologica nella produzione orafa italiana contemporanea e gli innesti con discipline diverse. Emerge un pluralismo di linguaggi, di sperimentazione e ricerca, dall’alta gioielleria alle nuove tecnologie indossabili e interattive.

 Opere di  : Antonini — Giampaolo Babetto — Giampiero Bodino — Buccellati — Bulgari — Margherita Burgener — Fabio Cammarata — Monica Castiglioni per Bijouet — Chantecler — Roberto Coin — Crivelli — Riccardo Dalisi — Damiani — De Simone — Sandra di Giacinto — Gianfranco Ferré — Forevermark Italia — Emma Francesconi — Roberto Giannotti — Stefan Hafner — Alba Polenghi Lisca — Liverino 1894 — Stefania Lucchetta — Giulio Iacchetti per Maison 203 — Manuganda Stefano Marchetti — Marco Bicego –  Marni — Mattia Cielo — Mattia Mazza — Mattioli — Mimi — Misis — Giancarlo Montebello – Moschino — Barbara Paganin — Pasquale Bruni — Francesco Pavan — Percossi Papi — Gaetano Pesce — Franco Pianegonda — Pomellato — Carla Riccoboni — Sanlorenzo — Santagostino — Sharra Pagano — Vendorafa — Vhernier — Francesca Villa — Vinaya — Giorgio Visconti — Graziano Visintin.

  Giancarlo Montebello Photo by Giulia Napoli: Giancarlo Montebello  – Photo by Giulia Napoli

 Gaetano Pesce - Photo by Giulia Napoli:  Gaetano Pesce - Photo by Giulia Napoli

 Graziano Visintin Photo by Giulia Napoli:  Graziano Visintin – Photo by Giulia Napoli

Barbara Paganin, More: Barbara Paganin, More


Triennale_mostra brilliant_ collier di Ferrè: Gianfranco Ferrè

 Maison Franco Pianegonda Photo by Giulia Napoli: Maison Franco Pianegonda – Photo by Giulia Napoli


Palazzo della Triennale
mar – dom / 10:30 – 20:30
Viale E. Alemagna, 6
20121 Milano



EXPO ‘PENSIERI PREZIOSI-Monografie Graziano Visintin’ – Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova (IT) – 28 Nov. 2014 -15 mars 2015

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Italie (IT),MUSEE — bijoucontemporain @ 0:22


Graziano Visintin. I giorni e le opere


« Precious Thoughts », ten years on from its first edition, is dedicated to the great Paduan and international master Graziano Visintin. Padova, Italy

ATTENZIONE – Mostra prorogata fino al 15 marzo 2015

Graziano Visintin

Graziano Visintin, uno dei maestri riconosciuti della Scuola orafa padovana, è protagonista della mostra monografica organizzata in occasione del decennale di “Pensieri preziosi”.
All’Oratorio di San Rocco saranno esposti oltre cento gioielli che ripercorrono una quarantennale ricerca tesa a un’eleganza geometrica ed essenziale che ha spesso fatto parlare di minimalismo. Il pubblico potrà non solo vedere la genesi e l’evoluzione del percorso di quarant’anni di produzione artistica, ma anche osservare bozzetti, disegni preparatori che hanno accompagnato l’artista nelle fasi di ideazione, progettazione e realizzazione dei gioielli. Sarà possibile ammirare anche opere inedite, avendo così l’opportunità di apprezzare l’approccio di Visintin alla scultura di piccole dimensioni a cui si è dedicato specialmente negli ultimi anni.
Visintin è celebre anche per un uso straordinariamente personale dell’antica tecnica del niello, un amalgama ottenuto dalla fusione di rame, argento, piombo e zolfo, piegato a una decorazione che spesso raggiunge effetti pittorici. L’origine della decorazione a niello è attribuita agli Egizi, ma essa ebbe molta fortuna anche nel Medioevo ed è usata tutt’oggi. Il termine deriva dal latino nigellum (« nerastro »), diminutivo di niger (« nero »).
Con le sue opere Visintin disegna uno spazio fisico raffinatissimo e lo fa attraverso l’adozione di un linguaggio essenziale, basato sui codici primari della geometria. Il suo stile richiama una leggerezza ottenuta da un ricercato svuotamento dei volumi e dalla rinuncia ad ogni aspetto decorativo: quadrati, cerchi, rettangoli, triangoli, cubi, tetraedri, allineati, intersecati o sovrapposti, che divengono spille, anelli, bracciali e collane in cui la lucentezza dell’oro si esalta con la compattezza di superfici in ebano, avorio o con la bruna cromia del niello il cui utlizzo è una cifra e firma riconoscibile nell’arco di tutta la sua produzione.
Nelle prime opere alterna ritmicamente pieni e vuoti, sino agli anni ottanta, quando le forme diventano più allungate, i volumi si alleggeriscono e si smaterializzano; in seguito con gli anni novanta Visintin aggiunge al suo operare, di cui mantiene intatto il linguaggio puro dell’essenzialità, un forte accento pittorico dato da un ormai consumato uso della niellatura che funge da colore dalle più svariate sfumature tonali.
Nei gioielli più recenti le forme invece, pur rimanendo geometricamente definite, appaiono più irregolari, mosse, talora slabbrate: lamine battute di diversa forma, ora piane, ora incurvate a creare planimetrie di antiche chiese romane. La geometria resta ma è insicura, instabile, adattata. Piccoli cubi saldati con l’inserimento sul piano di cerchi o parallelepipedi danno vita a piccole sculture in cui è il colore a dominare: smalti trattati con perizia e accortezza dalla cromia ricca di sfumature, illuminate spesso da riflessi d’oro che rimane il principe indiscusso nelle opere dell’artista.
Oggi i gioielli di Visintin sono presenti nei più importanti musei e collezioni del mondo e numerosi sono i premi conseguiti dal maestro nel campo del gioiello d’autore.
In occasione della mostra, curata da Mirella Cisotto Nalon, viene pubblicato un catalogo con saggi di Mirella Cisotto Nalon, Elio Armano, Luisa Bazzanella, Paolo Pavan, Alessandra Possamai Vita, Alberto Schöen.

EXPO Pensieri Preziosi - Graziano Visintin

EXPO Pensieri Preziosi - Graziano Visintin

 Graziano VisintinGraziano VisintinGraziano Visintin

PENSIERI PREZIOSI-Monografie- Graziano Visintin2Graziano Visintin

PENSIERI PREZIOSI-Monografie- Graziano Visintin1Graziano Visintin

PENSIERI PREZIOSI-Monografie- Graziano Visintin



Oratorio di San Rocco
Servizio Mostre – Settore Attività Culturali
tel. 049 8204563 – 4539
Oratorio di San Rocco tel. 049 8753981


EXPO ‘Filo Rosso X Paris’ – Boutique Agatha ruiz de la prada, Paris (FR) – 20 Sept.-4 Oct. 2013

Parcours du Bijou «Circuit Bijoux» – Paris – à partir de SEPT. 2013

De septembre 2013 à mars 2014

"Filo Rosso X Paris"
(Barbara Uderzo ring)

du 20 septembre au 4 octobre 2013 FiloRossoXParis présente les bijoux de treize artistes italiens, réalisés au fil des émotions, utilisant le tissu pour tout ou partie. Isabella Bembo, chargée d’exposition, a demandé aux créateurs de donner une nouvelle vie à l’étoffe. Les œuvres représentent autant de paysages intimes, accompagnés d’un bijou inédit créé pour l’occasion.

"Filo Rosso X Paris"

* EXPO Filo Rosso

Patrizia BonatiElisabetta DupreFlavia FenaroliMaria rosa FranzinRita MarcangeloGigi MarianiCorrado De MeoFlavia Eleonora Michelutti — Sara Progressi — Chiara ScarpittiMaurizio StagniBarbara Uderzo Graziano Visintin

CIRCUITS BIJOUX - Corrado de Meo ring - "Filo Rosso X Paris"
Corrado de Meo ring

Flavia Eleonora Michelutti Necklace: Solids Fabric: Flavia Eleonora  Michelutti, Collier Solids Fabric

Flavia Eleonora Michelutti - 'corpi solidi' spilla - tissu: Flavia  Michelutti – ‘corpi solidi’ spilla


Agatha ruiz de la Prada
9, rue Guénégaud
75006 Paris
d u mardi au samedi de 11h à 13h30 et de 14h30 à 19h
entrée libre
Tél. : + 33 (0)1 43 25 86 88


EXPO ‘Salute to Pinton’ – Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR) -15 Juin-6 Oct. 2013

« Salute to Pinton » – bijou contemporain

vernissage le samedi 15 juin à 18h

Espace Solidor

‘Salute to Pinton’ is an exhibition intended as an ultimate thank-you for his unrestrained unique generosity and the trust he has put in us. By means of their creations, twenty one artists give a simple salute to the great master Professor Mario Pinton.

MARIO PINTON, spilla (brooch) , oro, rubino, 1995MARIO PINTON, spilla (brooch) , oro, rubino, 1995

Mario Pinton naît en 1919 à Padoue. Il est le fils d’un graveur qui lui transmettra le goût duraffinement et du travail du métal. Ses études le portent tout d’abord à l’Ecole Nationale d’Artde sa ville natale où il travaille l’argent.
 Puis, il obtient son diplôme d’orfèvre à l’Institut National d’Art de Venise. Enfin à Milan, il apprend l’architecture à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts.Il retourne alors à Padoue pour fonder, au sein de l’Institut Pietro Selvatico,  ce qui va constituer un véritable mouvement artistique en ébullition : «L’Ecole de Padoue».
Les adeptes de ce mouvement ont tous en commun certaines préoccupations stylistiques telles que le travail de l’or, une parfaite maîtrise technique et un goût prononcé pour la pureté des formes. Si le matériau utilisé est des plus traditionnels, la conception des bijoux n’en demeure pas moins avant-gardiste. De cette école sont sortis les plus grands créateurs italiens comme Francesco Pavan, Giampaolo Babetto, Graziano Visintin pour les premières générations, Annamaria Zanella ou encore Stefano Marchetti pour les plus jeunes.

exposants :
Michael Becker –  Manfred Bischoff — Gabi Dziuba — Ramon Puig Cuyas — Bernard François — Karl Fritsch — Christiane Förster — Sophie HanagarthDaniel KrugerStefano Marchetti — Manfred Nissimüller — Ted NotenFrancesco PavanAnnelies Planteijdt — Wolfgang Rahs — Gerd Rothmann — Michael Rowe — Philip SajetPeter SkubicGraziano VisintinDavid Watkins

 by Francesco Pavan, IT - Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -Francesco Pavan – broche

Stefano Marchetti « Anello in oro e argento »Stefano Marchetti « Anello in oro e argento »

Sophie Hanagarth - EXPO  Salute to Pinton Solidor -Sophie Hanagarth

Bernard François « Super Mario » ring (exhibition "Salute to Pinton")Bernard François «Super Mario» ring

Daniel Kruger - EXPO  Salute to Pinton Solidor -Daniel Kruger

Ramon Puig Cuyas brooch - EXPO  Salute to Pinton Solidor -Ramon Puig Cuyas – broche bois, peinture

Karl Fritsch ring - Bague  Argent oxydé, rubis - EXPO  Salute to Pinton Solidor -Karl Fritsch ring « Pinton, you have the best red in jewellery » – Bague  Argent oxydé, rubis

David Watkins - EXPO  Salute to Pinton Solidor -David Watkins


Espace Solidor
Place du Château,
06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR)
Tél :04 93 73 14 42

Exhibition Catalogue available


Image de prévisualisation YouTube


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Neuer Schmuck für die Götter’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 7 Mars-5 Mai 2013

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter / New Jewelry for the Gods

Galerie Handwerk zu Gast in den Staatlichen Antikensammlungen,
Vernissage 6. mars., 19 h -

Le titre de l’exposition se réfère à l’exposition ayant lieu au même moment « Unsterblichen – les dieux de la Grèce » / The title of the exhibition refers to the current exhibition “the Unsterblichen – Gods of Greece”.
in the National Antique collections Gallery.
The collection of antique and gold jewellery of the National Antique collections Gallery has a world-wide reputation. It appears extremely delightful to place contemporary jewelry of internationally renowned designers into this unusual context.

during SCHMUCK : Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -  Georg Dobler, DE (Georg Dobler necklace)

Teilnehmer :
Robert Baines, AU — Peter Bauhuis, DE — Manfred Bischoff, DE — Bettina Dittlmann, DE — Georg Dobler, DE — David Huycke, BE — Daniel Kruger, ZA — Christa Lühtje, DE — Bruno Martinazzi , IT — Francesco Pavan, IT — Dorothea Prühl, DE — Gerd Rothmann, DE — Jacqueline Ryan, IT — Philip Sajet, NL — Bernhard Schobinger, CH — Hubertus von Skal, DE — Tanel Veenre, EE — Graziano Visintin, IT

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - brooch by Bettina Dittlmann, DE brooch by Bettina Dittlmann

Bruno Martinazzi - Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern - Bruno Martinazzi

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Francesco Pavan, IT Francesco Pavan
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Graziano VisintinGraziano Visintin
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" -  Bernhard Schobinger, CHBernhard Schobinger ring
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Philip Sajet, NL Philip Sajet
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - Tanel Veenre  Tanel Veenre
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Daniel Kruger, ZA Daniel Kruger
Dorothea Prühl, DE  ("Neuer Schmuck für die Götter") Dorothea Prühl
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Georg Dobler Georg Dobler brooch
Diashow zur Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern - Hubertus von Skal (DE) Hubertus von Skal – ring
Robert Baines, AU Robert Baines ring
Manfred Bischoff, DE - Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" -  Manfred Bischoff


Galerie Handwerk
Königsplatz 1,
80333 München
Di-So 10-17, Mi 10-20 h


EXPO ‘Maria Rosa Franzin, Graziano Visintin, Robi Gottlieb-Cahen’ – Galerie Orfèo, Luxembourg (LX) – 23 Mars-29 Avril 2012

 Orfèo proudly presents jewellery by Maria Rosa Franzin and Graziano Visintin along with paintings by Robi Gottlieb-Cahen

 EXPO 'Maria Rosa Franzin, Graziano Visintin, Robi Gottlieb-Cahen' - Galerie Orfèo, Luxembourg (LX) - 23 Mars-29 Avril 2012 dans Exposition/Exhibition 30057Maria Rosa Franzin – Brooch

Maria-Rosa Franzin: Jewels wearable thoughts
The body ornament is the visualisation of a thought, of states of mind, of sensations aroused by a painting, by music, by a particolar detail of reality.This is the definition suggested when one observes the jewellery created by Maria Rosa Franzin, artist and goldsmith, who received her training at the “Pietro Selvatico” Art Institute of Padua, where she also teaches “Progettazione Orafa (Goldsmith Planning and design).And it is thanks to her teaching commitment at the Pietro Selvatico for years the only school in Italy that has been active in the field of goldsmith research- that was stimulated to abandon her first passion, painting, and choose jewellery.
The change of medium, if, on the one hand required a new awareness of the problems involved in the design and realization of a wearable object, on the other hand has not changed the innate pictorial sensitivity of the artist. Indeed a firm pictorial approach distinguishes all Maria Rosa Franzin’s works, where it is possible to emphasize two principal lines of creative elaboration. The “screenjewel” is composed of gold and silver laminas on which the artist works with oxidation, sanding, engraving, filing, acid baths and inclusions in pure gold. On the surface of the jewel, therefore, emerge images. vision of sidereal space, of boundless territories and landscape, at times even succeeding in evoking expressions of sound, the whistling of the wind, the rustling of leaves.
The protagonist in the necklaces “Hartung” and “Lightness” is the thin steel wire, a graphical sign that infuses the jewels with a slight vibration and at the same time allows it to expand beyond its structural limits, creating a field of forces around the metal elements.
Catalogue : M.C.Bergesio

Maria Rosa Franzin  BroochMaria Rosa Franzin – Brooch « blue moon »

 Graziano Visintin : The geometry of gold
I studied the goldsmith’s art at the “Pietro Selvatico” Institute of Art in Padua, from 1968 to 1973, where I studied under Mario Pinton, Francesco Pavan and Giampaolo Babetto, in whose studio I worked for two years. I have been teaching Laboratory/Workshop Techniques at the same institute since 1976. At first, my works were configured as a reduction of shape and volume, where solids lose their mass yet preserving their outline. Primary geometrical elements such as squares, triangles, circles and ovals aligned, criss-crossed or superimposed, confronting the compactness of gold, an element that was never abandoned even when ebony and ivory were used.
Gold has always fascinated me. It is a precious material, not so much for its pecuniary value, but for its characteristics of workability (malleability and ductility) and therefore requires the utmost attention. In the eighties shapes were elongated, emptied, dematerialised to the point of becoming brilliant light. Double elements, criss-crossing traces of gold thread outline necklaces offering points of incidence and reverberation where light creates extraordinary effects.
Circles, squares, triangles are apparently simple elements, but I have been fascinated by them in trying to understand the expressive potential of primary shapes that are always different when observed with attention. The homogeneous continuity of the circle, confronting itself with its centre, recalls the processes of individuation; in the triangle the polarised disparity recalls the value of force and energy exerted in space. In the nineties I added a strong pictorial effect to my works. Niello, obtained by the fusion of silver, copper, lead, sulphur and borax, is an alloy that was well known by the Egyptians. Sometimes I use it as a colour or to contrast the splendid yellow of gold, and then they are beaten laminas, lozenges, trapeziums, that form compound elements.
The minimal absoluteness of shape almost creates writings on the object, and then enamel, made more unique and precious by thin, superimposed gold leaf, integrates with the laminas joined by small cubes that create geometrical relationships of logical, and rigorous design. Measure, equilibrium, simplicity but above all, vocation to geometry creates the quality of shape in apparently simple objects .
Graziano Visintin

 Graziano VisintinGraziano Visintin – Rings

 Pinned ImageGraziano Visintin – brooch




Galerie Orfèo
28, Rue des Capucins
L-1313 – Luxembourg
Telephone: +352-222325


EXPO ‘Die Renaissance des Emaillierens’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 9 mars-14 avril 2012

Sonderöffnung Die Renaissance des Emaillierens – Internationaler Schmuck und Gerät, — Galerie Handwerk

Das Emaillieren gehört zu den klassischen Gold- und Silberschmiedetechniken. Das seit über 3500 Jahren bekannte Verfahren stellt eine der ältesten und haltbarsten Methoden dar, Farbe auf Metall aufzubringen und den betreffenden Gegenstand, Schmuck oder Gerät, damit besonders zu akzentuieren.

In der zeitgenössischen Gold- und Silberschmiedeszene hat das Emaillieren in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren eher ein Schattendasein geführt. Seit einigen Jahren erlebt die Technik eine Renaissance. Die Galerie Handwerk in München nimmt dieses Phänomen zum Anlass einer Ausstellung, zu der 41 Gestalter aus 15 Ländern eingeladen wurden. Gezeigt werden Schmuck und Gerät.

Seit den 1990er Jahren spielt Email im Avantgardeschmuck zunehmend eine größere Rolle. Dabei wird mit den unterschiedlichsten Verfahren, Zellenschmelz, Grubenschmelz, Fensteremail, gearbeitet und oftmals auch experimentiert. Viele Goldschmiede haben ihre ganz eigene, persönliche Herangehensweise gefunden. Auffallend ist, dass das Verfahren sehr unkonventionell gehandhabt wird und ganz offensichtlich nicht nur die dem Email klassisch zugeschriebenen Effekte – Farbe, Transparenz, Leuchtkraft – gesucht werden.

Der Aspekt, durch Email Farbe auf das Metall aufzubringen, ist nicht mehr entscheidend, längst sind Lack und Farbe gebräuchlich. Nicht, dass die farblichen und malerischen Möglichkeiten des Emaillierens ihre Wichtigkeit verloren hätten, doch scheint heute die Auseinandersetzung mit der Oberfläche und das Spiel mit ihren reizvollen haptischen Qualitäten der gemeinsame Nenner zu sein.

Email kann transparent, glatt, in kräftigen Farben leuchtend sein und sich durch eine makellose, perfekte Oberfläche auszeichnen. Häufig wird aber auch eine matte oder körnige Oberfläche wie bei Pigmentpulver gesucht, oder die Oberflächen sind aufgebrochen und wirken wie korrodiert.

Beim Gerät hat sich die Verwendung von Email in den letzten 20 Jahren grundlegend geändert. Eine sinnliche Oberflächengestaltung, die ihre Ästhetik häufig in schlichten Formen und monochromen Farben sucht, hat das Figürliche und Ornamentale verdrängt.

Die Ausstellung in der Galerie Handwerk versucht, die unterschiedlichsten Positionen zeitgenössischer Schmuckkünstler zum Thema Email vorzustellen und dabei auf die Aktualität dieser alten Goldschmiedetechnik hinzuweisen. Sie wird wenige Tage vor Beginn der Internationalen Schmuckschau eröffnet und ist ein Teil der umfangreichen Schmuckpräsentationen während der Internationalen Handwerksmesse München.

Artists on the show:

Jamie Bennett, USA| Adrean Bloomard, IT | Stephen Bottomley, GB | Helen Carnac, GB | Bettina Dittlmann, DE | Gemma Drapper, ES | Beate Eismann, DE | Ulo Florack, DE | Christiane Förster, DE | Carolina Gimeno, CL | Christine Graf, DE | Kirsten Haydon, AUS | Hiroki Iwata, JP | Karin Johansson, SE | Ike Jünger, DE | Kaori Juzu, JP | Astrid Keller, DE | Young-I Kim, KR | Nikolaus Kirchner, DE | Jutta Klingebiel, DE | Beate Klockmann, DE | Esther Knobel, IL | Daniel Kruger, ZA | Gualan Liang, CN | Stefano Marchetti, IT | Katharina Moch, DE | Nazan Pak, TR | Francesco Pavan, IT | Ramón Puig Cuyàs, ES | Jacqueline Ryan, IT | Phillip Sajet, NL | Isabell Schaupp, DE | Barbara Seidenath, USA | Vera Siemund, DE | Silke Trekel, DE | Elizabeth Turrell, GB | Jessica Turrell, GB | Graziano Visintin, IT | Agnes von Rimscha, DE | Silvia Walz, ES | Annamaria Zanella, IT .

EXPO 'Die Renaissance des Emaillierens' - Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) - 9 mars-14 avril 2012 dans Adrean BLOOMARD (IT) renaissance
Francesco Pavan
14c0830454824f6cd3da0390603886f1size2 dans Allemagne (DE)
Francesco Pavan
Bettina Dittlmann, DeutschlandBettina Dittlmann
 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)Bettina Dittlmann
 dans Barbara SEIDENATH (DE)Elizabeth Turrell
NECKLACE;+plastic,+enamel,+cz,+pvc+cord dans Beate EISMANN (DE)
Silvia Walz, SpanienRamon Puig Cuyàs, Spanien
Silvia Walz                —                   Ramon Puig Cuyàs
3ca4c5bdf02814872a37d90801aafc65size2 dans Bettina DITTLMANN (DE)
Christine Graf
6fb5a9a26a8ad7818cb07f68a52923b8 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Stephen Bottomley – Deep blue brooch – 2012 – Oxidised silver, enamel, and gold
Annamaria Zanella, ITEsther Knobel, Israel
Annamaria Zanella                —                  Esther Knobel
9657766b2d7773b20b3c39fc3282bfddsize2 dans Christine GRAF (DE)
Beate Klockmann
Christine Graf, DENazan Pak, TR
Christine Graf            —                 Nazan Pak

Adrean Bloomard, ItalienJacqueline Ryan, Italien

Adrean Bloomard            —         Jacqueline Ryanf516d717553db4ef78e7562e4e89de03size2 dans Daniel KRUGER (DE)Vera Siemund

fbc0f2f162d6a0c7fd4cfac99fff9d40size2 dans Elizabeth TURRELL (UK)Jamie Bennett
9b6231cb9d2f96f6accd8c6faa15fb0esize2 dans email / enamel
Silke Trekel

Downloads : Broschüre zur Ausstellung « Die Renaissance des Emaillierens » ( PDF 3926 kB)

Galerie Handwerk
Max-Joseph-Straße 4
Eingang Ecke Ottostraße
80333 München
Tel. 089 595584


SCHMUCK 2012 ‘Corpus’ – Galerie Spektrum, Munich (DE) – 16 mars-28 avril 2012

Ruudt Peters – Corpus

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

 SCHMUCK 2012 'Corpus' - Galerie Spektrum, Munich (DE) - 16 mars-28 avril 2012 dans Allemagne (DE) peters-lumbusRuudt PetersCorpus « Limbus »

« Between body and spirit.
Flat, amorphous shapes in subdued shades of dark-grey. Ruudt Peters’ new jewellery appears to be austere and abstract until the eye is drawn to the occasional sharp edges, or intentionally modelled surfaces. Peters is always on a quest for spirituality in his work as his earlier work has demonstrated. One line of approach he did not consider in the past was Christianity. Was it too predictable a choice, or was it too close for comfort in the artist’s view?
From the abundance of motifs Peters chose what lies at the heart of Christianity: Jesus as the saviour of mankind. For a thousand years artists have searched for an apt representation of the crucifixion: from the simplicity of Romanesque depictions to an increasingly explicit image of a virtually naked man. The body of the Christ figure becomes increasingly pronounced: muscles starting to develop, the abdomen curving, the loincloth losing its innocence. The religious symbol takes on increasingly complex meanings.
It was a challenge for Ruudt Peters to add his own interpretation to this iconography. In a study in which the crucifix was initially sawn into bits and pieces and then joined together again instinctively, the artist was not only guided by religious connotations. Other aspects present themselves: the meeting of bodies, expressiveness of touch, intimacy. In the final product Peters stresses abstract, veiled shapes on the front and keeps the recognizable parts for the sides and back.
Western society is becoming increasingly secularized, and Ruudt Peters CORPUS jewellery hits the spectator like a bolt out of the blue. At its first presentation at the COLLECT art fair the reactions were unusually outspoken. Curiosity, amazement and appreciation competed for first place, often combined with wariness about the wearability of the pieces. For should you judge this work on the basis of the artistic stament made by the maker, or as a personal testimony? Is it about body or spirit? In his work the artist extends a hand to the spectators, ultimately it is their responsibility to provide an interpretation and decide on the value of a work of art. «   Ward Schrijver  (© Galerie Rob Koudijs)




30 Jahre Galerie Spektrum
Doris BetzHelen BrittonAttai ChenAnton CepkaSaskia DeteringGeorg DoblerIris EichenbergJürgen EickhoffKyoko FukuchiThomas GentilleHerman HermsenMari IshikawaRian de JongVered KaminskiEsther KnobelWinfried KrügerFlorence LehmannStefano MarchettiSuska MackertMia MaljojokiNanna MellandTed NotenRuudt PetersKaren PontoppidanMarianne SchliwinskiPeter SkubicGraziano VisintinArek Wolski

  30-arek Kyoko FUKUCHI (JP) dans Anton CEPKA (SK)AREK WOLSKI Brosche 2011

30-deganit dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)DEGANIT STERN SCHOCKEN2 Anhänger 2003

 30-doris dans Attai CHEN (IL)

DORIS BETZHalsschmuck 2011 – Foto: Bernhard Roth

 30-florence dans Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL)FLORENCE LEHMANN« Domino Spektrum » – Halsschmuck 2009

 30-juergen dans Doris BETZ (DE)JUERGEN EICKHOFF - Brosche 2010

30-kyoko dans Esther KNOBEL (PL)KYOKO FUKUCHIBrosche 2011

30-mari dans Exposition/ExhibitionMARI ISHIKAWA« Parallel Worlds » Halsschmuck 2011

 30-mia dans Florence LEHMANN (FR)MIA MALJOJOKI« Explosive Frozen Fireworks #21″ – Halsschmuck 2011 - Foto: Mirei Takeuchi

30-rian dans Gal. Spektrum (DE)RIAN DE JONG -Brosche 2011

30-stefano dans Georg DOBLER (DE)STEFANO MARCHETTIBrosche 2011

30-ted dans Graziano VISINTIN (IT)TED NOTEN  « Hanzi Perfume » Armband 2011-

30-vered dans Helen BRITTON (AU)VERED KAMINSKI Halsschmuck 2011

30-karen dans Herman HERMSEN (NL)KAREN PONTOPPIDAN  « Canvas #54″ Brosche 2011

Galerie Spektrum
80333 München.
Tel. 089-284590


SCHMUCK 2012 – Munich (DE) 14-20 mars 2012 – PROGRAMME

Classé dans : Adam GRINOVICH (SE),Akiko KURIHARA (JP),Alexander BLANK (DE),Allemagne (DE),Anna TALBOT (NO),Arek WOLSKI (PL),Beate KLOCKMANN (DE),Beppe KESSLER (NL),Bettina SPECKNER (DE),Birgit LAKEN (NL),Birgit WIE (AT),Carina CHITSAZ-SHOSHTARY (DE),Caroline ERTL (AT),Claudia RINNEBERG (DE),Dana HAKIM (IL),Daniel KRUGER (DE),Deborah RUDOLPH (DE),Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL),Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA),Doris BETZ (DE),Elise HATLO (NO),Emma PRICE (AU),Esther KNOBEL (PL),Eva TESARIK (AT),Exposition/Exhibition,Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK),Felix LINDNER (DE),Fiona HERMSE (UK),Florence LEHMANN (FR),Francis WILLEMSTIJN (NL),Francisca BAUZA (DE),Frederic BRAHAM (FR),Georg DOBLER (DE),Gisbert STACH (DE),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Helen BRITTON (AU),Henriette SCHUSTER (DE),Iacov AZUBEL (RA),Jacqui CHAN (NZ),Jamie BENNETT (US),Janna SYVANOJA (FI),Jens-Rudiger LORENZEN (DE),Jiri SIBOR (CS),Jorge MANILLA (MEX),Karen PONTOPPIDAN (DK),Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE),Karin SEUFERT (DE),Katharina MOCH (DE),Katherine RICHMOND (UK),Kathryn PARTINGTON (UK),Katie GRUBER (UK),Katsura SASAKI (JP),Kiko GIANOCCA (CH),Kim BUCK (DK),KLINK (NO),Kristiina LAURITS (EE),Lisa BJORKE (SE),Liv BLAVARP (NO),Machteld van JOOLINGEN (NL),Margherita de MARTINO NORANTE (IT),Margit JASCHKE (DE),Mari ISHIKAWA (JP),Mari IWAMOTO (JP),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Martin PAPCUN (CS),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Michelle KRAEMER (Lx),Mikaela LYONS (UK),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Nedda EL-ASMAR (BE),Nina SAJET (NL),Octavia COOK (AU),Pavel OPOCENSKY (CS),Pernilla PERSSON (SE),Peter VERMANDERE (BE),Petra ZIMMERMAN (AT),Philip SAJET (NL),Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES),Rebecca HANNON (DE),Ritsuko OGURA (JP),Ruudt PETERS (NL),Salon,Sanna SVEDESTEDT (SE),SCHMUCK / MJW (DE),Sigurd BRONGER (NO),Silke FLEISCHER (BE),Sungho CHO (KR),Tamsin LEIGHTON-BOYCE (UK),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tore SVENSSON (SE),Toril BONSAKSEN (NO),Unk KRAUS (DE),Ursula GUTTMANN (AT),Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT),Willy Van De VELDE (BE),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 23:14

This year 665 applications reached us from all over the world. Dr. Karl Bollmann was invited as juror for Schmuck 2012. He selected 65 jewellery artists. His statement about the jury will be published in the catalogue Schmuck 2012.

Selected artists:

Iacov Azubel (AR), Jamie Bennett (USA), Doris Betz (DE), Alexander Blank (DE), Liv Blåvarp (NO), Frédéric Braham (FR), Helen Britton (AU), Sigurd Bronger (NO), Kim Buck (DK), Jacqui Chan(NZ), Sungho Cho (KR), Octavia Cook (NZ), Georg Dobler (DE), Kiko Gianocca (CH), Lisa Gralnick (USA), Ursula Guttmann (AT), Rebecca Hannon (USA), Mielle Harvey (USA), Mari Ishikawa (JP), Margit Jäschke (DE), Svenja John (DE), Machteld van Joolingen (NL), Beppe Kessler (NL), Sabine Klarner (DE), Beate Klockmann (DE), Esther Knobel (IL), Daniel Kruger (ZA), Birgit Laken (NL), Kristiina Laurits (EE), Florence Lehmann (FR), Lieglein Grandpa Wooley (DE), Felix Lindner (DE), Xiao Liu (CN), Jana Machatová (SK), Mia Maljojoki (FI), Jorge Manilla (MX), Margherita de Martino Norante (IT), Mikiko Minewaki (JP), Nazumi Nagano (JP), Ritsuko Ogura  (JP), Karla Olšáková (CS), Pavel Opocensky (CS), Martin Papcun (CS), Kathryn Partington (UK), Francesco Pavan (IT), Ruudt Peters (NL), Karen Pontoppidan (DK), Ramon Puig Cuyàs (ES), Philip Sajet (NL), Katsura Sasaki (JP), Pedro Sequeira (PT), Karin Seufert (DE), Jiri Sibor  (CS), Despo Sophocleous (CA), Bettina Speckner (DE), Gisbert Stach (DE), Tore Svensson (SE), Janna Syvanoja (FI), Carine Terreblanche (ZA), Catherine Truman (AU), Tanel Veenre (EE), Graziano Visintin (IT), Francis Willemstijn (NL), Petra Zimmermann (AT).


Klassiker der Schmuck 2012
Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen, Deutschland

This year there will be a retrospective exhibition of the work of a « Modern Classic » designer. In 2012 the chosen designer is the German goldsmith Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen. Together with Francesco Pavan, Lorenzen was the first goldsmith to be awarded the Herbert Hofmann Prize, back in 1973. The award presentation ceremony, which this year is being held on Saturday, 17 March 2012, is always one of the highlights at SCHMUCK. Lorenzen, who was born in 1942 in Hagen, Westphalia, taught at the « Staatliche Zeichenakadamie » in Hanau from 1974 to 1985, while also acting as a visiting lecturer at the « Hochschule für Gestaltung » in Pforzheim, at which college he then, in 1985, took up an appointment as a professor. He continued to teach there in the jewellery design department until retiring in 2008.

SCHMUCK 2012 – Munich (DE) 14-20 mars 2012 – PROGRAMME dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE)Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen - Silber mit Pergament



After the Internationale Handwerksmesse, SCHMUCK will as usual be setting off abroad, this time to Valencia in Spain. Each year since 2006 the exhibition has been hosted in a range of countries, among them Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (Municipal Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua), the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York) and the French town of Cagnes-sur-Mer (Espace Solidor).





Wednesday, 14. March 2012
11 Uhr
GEDOKFormART 2011, Klaus Oschmann Preis, Preisträgerinnen: Michaela Kirchner, Gabriele von Lehsten, Maria Verburg und 18 weitere Künstlerinnen der GEDOK galerieGEDOKmuc, Elisabethstraße 13 RG, 80796 München  – 14.-20.3. — 11-19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung — Tel. 089 24290725

Preisträgerinnen: Michaela Kirchner, Gabriele von Lehsten, Maria Verburg, Kerstin Becker, Barbara Butz, Susanne Elstner, Elke Fischer, Barbara Hattrup, Barbara Heigert und Cornelia Moebs, Katja Höltermann, Christiana Joeckel, Traudel Lindauer, Angelika Link, Elvira Martens, Daniela Osterrieder, Ulrike Scriba,
Martina Sigmund-Servetti, Margit Tabel, Monika Vesely, Hanni Weber, Elke Wolf.



17-20 Uhr Steirischer Umtrunk, kunst.wirt.schaft  –  Graz bei KASU, Theresienstr. 19 (Eingang Fürstenstraße) – Fremde Federn-Wortschmuck nach einem Text von Clemens J.
Setz. Schmuckarbeiten von 36 internationalen Künstlern, 14.-16.3 Do, Fr 11-19 Uhr,
Tel. 0043 6644631253 und 0043 6991212 0590

VundV1-1024x711 dans Akiko KURIHARA (JP)

18 Uhr Neo Materialista, Unk Kraus, Claudia Rinneberg
Galerie Artefakt,, Hans-Sachs-Str. 13, 80469 München.
14 Mars-14 avril – Mo-Fr 11-19; Sa 11-15 Uhr

unkKraus dans Alexander BLANK (DE)Unk Kraus - Blüten-Folien-Kolliers

18 Uhr Living room,, Concept of big brother phenomenon transformed into creative process / Live process of creation and installation of jewellery objects is opened to the audience with live stream internet presentation — 14.-17.3. 11-18 Uhr

Mini Artist-Residency will be comprised of 8 professional young artists from Slovakia. They will create a collective art stage as their adaptation to Munich Schmuck context.  Artists:    Mária Nepšinská – Jan Guga – Hanka Polívková – Slávka Ondrušová – Pavol Prekop – Kristýna Španihelová – Andrea Ďurianová – Rudolf Rusňák – Tatiana Warenichová – Jan Michalisko

19 Uhr « 151″ – neue Schmuckideen von Akiko Kurihara & Mari Iwamoto, Akiko Kurihara, Mari Iwamoto  –  Micheko Galerie,, Theresienstr. 18, 80333 München.  — 14.-18.3. Do-Sa 11-19, So 11-16 Uhr, Tel 089 38169388

Akiko%20Kurihara_ring%20ring_18Kgold_silver925 dans Allemagne (DE)

Akiko Kurihara - ring ring – 18Kgold, silver925

Ring, Mari IwamotoMari Iwamoto - ring

19 Uhr „4D Zeitgenössischer Schmuck“, Alena Hesounova, Lucie Houdkova, Karla Olsakova, Katerina Rezacova  –  Tschechisches Zentrum, Prinzregentenstraße 7, 80538 München.
14 Mars-13 Avril Do-Fr 10-17,  — Sa 10-14, So 12-16, ab 19.3. Mo-Do 10-17, Fr 10-16 Uhr — Tel. 089 21024932

4D_Talk_Munich_blog dans Anna TALBOT (NO)

21 Uhr Schmuck-Show 2012, Schmuck braucht den Körper! Auftaktevent unter Mitwirkung von Künstlern und Galerien, die während der kommenden Tage in München ausstellen — Konzeption: Olga Zobel Biro und Kinga Zobel
MaximiliansForum, Passage für interdisziplinäre Kunst, Fußgängerunterführung in der Maximilianstraße/ Ecke Altstadtring, 80539 München.

“Schmuck-Show 2012” is a jewellery presentation with professional models, set in an exceptional light and sound design. With the cooperation of several artists who exhibit their works at different places in Munich during these ‘Jewellery Days’, on the evening before the start of the trade fair jewellery is being presented directly on the body. The jewellery stirs emotions and prompts diverse conversations. At the bar, artists, jewellery lovers and laymen meet; there is room for an animated exchange. The project has been initiated by Olga Zobel Biro

Akihiro IkeyamaMobile Gallery Eine mobile Ausstellung auf einem Fahrrad — 14.-19.3.
Informationen zu den Haltestellen:

m11 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)a travelling exhibition of jewellery pieces displayed in a bicycle trailer.

M6 dans Beate KLOCKMANN (DE)Akihiro Ikeyama Schmuckobjekte

Thursday, 15. March 2012
11-18 Uhr I am sorry, there’s no group, curated by Peter Vermandere, Merte Van de Perre, Reverend R.T. Ampee, Dave Renpermeter,  –  Schraudolphstr. 16, 80799 München.  — 15.- 18.3. 11-18 Uhr, Tel. 0032 486759470

uitnod1 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)

12 Uhr Life’s a bench: meddle, Fiona Hermse, Tamsin Leighton-Boyce, Mikaela Lyons, Katharina Moch, Katherine Richmond, Elena Ruebel plus three guests Farrah Al-Dujaili, Kathryn Partington, Fliss Quick  –  Galerie im Raum, Herzog-Rudolfstr.9 — Do-Sa 12-18, So 12-14 Uhr

 meddle dans Bettina SPECKNER (DE)

blog dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)
blog dans Birgit WIE (AT)
%27Constellations%27+Brooch dans Carina CHITSAZ-SHOSHTARY (DE)

13-18 Uhr Playlist, Doris Betz und Henriette Schuster, — Geschäft, Rothmundstr. 6, 80337 München. –  Do, Fr, So 13-18 Uhr,  — Tel. 0174 3263647

haus dans Caroline ERTL (AT)Henriette Schuster« Haus » – gold – 2004

13-18 Uhr MURMURation, Silke Fleischer, Adam Grinovich, Dana Hakim, Hanna Joris, Jorge Manilla, Peter Vermandere, downstairs, Ulo Florack, Caroline von Steinau-Steinrück, in the car, Stephen Gallagher, Willy van de Velde  — Frauenstr. 36, 80469 München — 15.-18.3 -Tel. 0179 2047433

Pinned Image

15-20 Uhr A flock of pillars on parade, Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Emma Price, Barbara Schrobenhauser — Seidl villa Nicolaiplatz 1b, 80802 München. 16.-18.3.  — Tel. 0179 8223311

pk-pillars dans Claudia RINNEBERG (DE)

 dans Dana HAKIM (IL)‘Bridal’ (necklace) by Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary

16 Uhr Beetlemania, Christina Köhler, Melanie Nützel, Renate Scholz, Christina Weck, — Studio K162 Renate Scholz, Klugstr. 162 (U1 Gern). — 15.-18.3. Do-Sa 16-21, So 12-18 Uhr

16 Uhr Bodenstation, Katharina Baur, Jasmin Hess, Susanne Kunz, Sabine Roth, Caroline Weiss. — Gartensalon, Türkenstr. 90, 80799 München. — 15.-18.3.

17-19 Uhr Katalogpräsentation Einen Fehler machen, alle Fehler machen, ordentlich Fehler machen, Stephanie Müller, Klaus Erich Dietl, Masayo Oda, Gülcan Turna, Mari Ishikawa, Mirei Takeuchi — Kunstarkaden, Sparkassenstr. 3, 80331 München – 22.2.-24.3-

17 Uhr 3stations. ,
The Sound of Silver & Brooches para las Chicas, Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp.
Galerie Elsa Barenyi Welserstr.1, 81373 München. — 15.-18.03. — Tel. 0032 485434390

 dans Daniel KRUGER (DE)

What’s in a Frame? Gisbert Stach, Jorge Manilla, Ursula Guttmann, Deganit Stern Schocken, Nedda El-Asmar, Arek Wolski and many friends, Welserstr. 15, 81373 München. — Tel. 089 88901319

 dans Deborah RUDOLPH (DE)Arek Wolski

Pin up, Lisa Björke, Francisca Bauzá, Märta Mattsson, Deborah Rudolph, Nina Sajet,
Welserstr. 29a, 81373 München. — Tel. 0046 722127970

 dans Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL)

17-21 Uhr In the Forest 2012, Hanna Liljenberg, Pernilla Persson, Sanna Svedestedt, Karin Roy AnderssonSchwedische Kirche, Schwanthalerstr. 60, 80336 München. — Entrance from the inner court yard, second floor, — 16.-18.3.  — Tel. 0046 703303379

Pinned Image

17-22 Uhr Francisca Bauzá und Isabell Schaupp,
Schmuckgalerie Tal20, Tal 20, 80331 München. –  15.-19.3.

17-19 Uhr Maß und Zahl, Babette von Dohnanyi — Schlegelschmuck, Nordendstr. 7a Eingang Ecke Adalbertstr., 80799 München. — 16.-18.3. — Tel. 089 2710071

17-21 Uhr Totem on the Sideline, Alexander Blank  –  Galerie Artikel3, Luisenstr. 68, 80798 München — 16.-18.3.  – Tel.0049 17662072099

 dans Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA)Alexander Blank

18 Uhr KL!NK from Norway, Anna Talbot, Elise Hatlø, Runa Vethal Stølen, Anne Leger, Toril Bonsaksen, Helena Linkosuonio, Hedda Bjerkeli, Kjetil Aschim, Trond Johansen, Ingrid Holand, Benedicte Lyssand and Silje Bergsvik, www.klinkmetall. — Boque auf Croque, Sonnenstr. 22, 2nd floor, 80331 München. –  Initiated by Norwegian Association for Arts & Crafts, — 16.-19.3.

Klink-invitasjon-299x300 dans Doris BETZ (DE)Pinned Image

b5 dans Elise HATLO (NO)b0-e1331961838280 dans Emma PRICE (AU)Elise Hatlø

photoHelena J. Linkosuonio‘s work (left) -  Benedicte Lyssand‘s work (right). The artist group KL!NK ( exhibited in Munchen during Schmuck. Photo: André Gali


18 Uhr No Stone unturned, Volker AtropsAntiquariat Dieter Zipprich, Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 München — 15.3.-5.4. — Mo-Fr 11-13,14-18.30 Uhr

Buchpräsentation (BOOK presentation), Eine Auswahl von Schmuckereignissen zur Zeit der Internationalen Handwerksmesse – Events related to Jewellery during the International Trade Fair –  So.18.3. 16-18 Uhr – Tel. 089 52059553, Tel. 01577 3443578

18.30 Uhr GLEE, Lisa Walker, — Galerie Biro, Zieblandstr.19, 80799 München,
17.3.-28.4. — Sonderöffnungszeiten 16.-18.03. 11-18 Uhr

18.30 Uhr slanted for granted, Nicole Beck, Melanie Isverding, Despo Sophocleous, –
Projektraum J. Baumeister, Georgenstr. 66, 80799 München. — 16.-18.3.

19 Uhr A in R, Nine London Makers: Riccardo Bovo, Isabelle Busnel, Dan Hilldrup, Mara Irsara, Elisabeth Auriol Peers, Maria Piana, Marina Skia, Luca Eszter Rományi, Deborah Werbner –
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, Georgenstr. 84, 80799 München, — 15.-18.3. — Tel. 089 30637911

19 Uhr 8together! Zwei Wiener Schmuckkollektive- schmuckstelle & STOSSimHIMMEL präsentieren ihre neuesten Arbeiten. Claudia Steiner, Katie Gruber, Katharina Schmid, Eva Tesarik, Caroline Ertl, Michelle Kraemer, Viktoria Münzker, Birgit Wie. — Galerie GestalterBund, Holzstr. 22, 80469 München. — 15.-18.3.

8together%21+einladung dans Esther KNOBEL (PL)


Friday , 16. March 2012
11 Uhr ABECEDARIUM von Peter Bauhuis, Buchpräsentation (BOOK presentation)  mit einer Fotoarbeit von Katharina Gaenssler,  — Einführung durch Liesbeth den Besten, — Galerie Handwerk, Max- Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 München. — Tel. 089 595584

11-18 Uhr Carl Weishaupt – Florian Biehler, zehn Generationen Silberschmiede in München –
Promenadenplatz 13, 80333 München. — 16.-17.3. — Fr, Sa 10-18 Uhr

11-13 Uhr Suspended, curated by Laura Bradshaw. Works by Farrah Al-Dujaili, Karin Roy Andersson, Luz Arias, Laura Bradshaw-Heap, Alice Bo-Wen Chang, Melanie Codarin White, Andrea Coderch, Joana Cunha, Michelle Kraemer, Robert Longyear, Natalia Macia Bove, Margherita de Martino Norante, Rhona McCallum, Laura McGrath, Geraldine Nishi, Jo Pond, Rebecca Skeels, Jessica Turrell, Anna Helena Van De Pol de Deus –  Studio Gabi Green, Gollierstr.17, 80339 München. — 14.-18.3. Tel. 089 54030254

Suspended,+munich+germany dans Eva TESARIK (AT)

12 Uhr BAVARIAN feat DK, Florian Buddeberg, Anna Maria Eichlinger, Annette Dam, Marie-Louise Kristensen — Bergmannstr. 28, 80339 München. — 16.-19.3. — Fr 12-14, Sa 9.30-13, So 13-16, Mo 9-13 Uhr

16-18 Uhr Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile, Nr. 5, Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann, kuratiert von Galerie Biro, Einsäulensaal der Münchner Residenz, Residenzstr. 1, 80333 München — 17.-18.3.

Eins%C3%A4ulenM%C3%A4rz12 dans Exposition/Exhibition

16-18 Uhr Aperitivo, hoffertig, Christiane Förster, Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia, bei Kunstbüro reillplast, Amalienstr. 21, 80333 München. — 15.-18.3. — Do-So 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089 38903538

16 Uhr Nora Rochel: Neuen Schmuck, — Almstadt Schmuck, Reichenbachstr. 25, 80469 München.
16.-18.3 –  Tel. 089 12555761

17-18 Uhr meet the artist, Künstlergespräch mit Michael Becker,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst,, Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München

17-19 Uhr Aperitivo, Two installations, Elisabeth Altenburg, Wolfgang Rahs,
Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia,, bei Galerie Jordanow, Fürstenstr. 11, 80333 München., — 15.-18.3. — Do-So 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 0160 5535795

17-19 Uhr Wittenbrink zeigt SchmuckSimon Cottrell, Mielle Harvey and Wittenbrink Charms, by 14 Contemporary Jewellery Artists WittenbrinkFuenfHoefe, www.galeriewittenbrink. de, Theatinerstr.14, 80333 München. — 17.-24.3. 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089 25541933

18 Uhr Seltene Erden, Rike Bartels, Laurenz Stockner, — Galerie Isabella Hund, Frauenplatz 13, 80331 München., — 16.3.-7.4. — Mo-Fr 11-14, 15-19, Sa 11-16 Uhr

18-21 Uhr Dialogue 12, Petra Bishai, Laura Cave, Sophie Hall, Elsa Hedberg, Buddug Wyn Humphreys, Maarit Liukkonen, Vicky King, Therese Morch-Jorgensen, Paolo Scura, Margot Sevadjian, Ana Simoes, Rachel Terry, Timothy Information Limited — Kunstgießerei München, Schleißheimerstr. 72, 80797 München with 84GHz,, 16.-18.3. — Tel. 089 30637911

18 Uhr Ruudt Peters – Corpus und 30 Jahre Galerie Spektrum
Doris Betz, Helen Britton, Attai Chen, Anton Cepka, Saskia Detering, Georg Dobler, Iris Eichenberg, Jürgen Eickhoff, Kyoko Fukuchi, Thomas Gentille, Herman Hermsen, Mari Ishikawa, Rian de Jong, Vered Kaminski, Esther Knobel, Winfried Krüger, Florence Lehmann, Stefano Marchetti, Suska Mackert, Mia Maljojoki, Nanna Melland, Ted Noten, Ruudt Peters, Karen Pontoppidan, Marianne Schliwinski, Peter Skubic, Graziano Visintin, Arek Wolski, — Theresienstr.46, 80333 München. – 16.3.-28.4. Sa 11-14, –
So 13-18, Mo 13-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089-284590

19 Uhr Vernissage Ädellab – The State of Things. Konstfack Stockholm. Schmuck.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich, Barerstr. 40, Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München. — 17.3.-29.4. — Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 Uhr, –
Tel. 089 2727250 und 089 23805360

IMG_3849-300x225 dans Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK)


Saturday, 17. March 2012
15 Uhr Everyone‘s a winner! Neue Messe München Halle A1, Schmuckbar, Bekanntgabe der Hauptpreise der Schmucktombola der Klasse Otto Künzli, — Kunstakademie München  –
Neue Messe München Halle A1, Aktionsbühne

15.30 Uhr „hello“, Buchpräsentation mit Alexandra Bahlmann,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein

16 Uhr Talente-Preis Verleihung
16 Uhr Neuerscheinungen von ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers: Peter Bauhuis- ABECEDARIUM, Liesbeth den Besten-On Jewellery, Tanel Veenre-Castle in the Air
17 Uhr Herbert-Hofmann-Preis Verleihung
19 Uhr Goldschmiedetreffen, Augustinerkeller, Arnulfstr. 52, 80335 München.
Tel. 089 594393



Sunday, 18.March 2012 
10-14 Uhr
Sonderöffnung Die Renaissance des Emaillierens – Internationaler Schmuck und Gerät, — Galerie Handwerk,, Max-Joseph- Str. 4, 80333 München.
Tel. 089 595584

Francesco Pavan
Francesco Pavan

11 Uhr Lecture by Marjan Unger: Freedom has its limitations. Jewelry now, seen from a Dutch perspective,
Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium, Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich,, Barerstr.40,
Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München.
Tel. 089 2727250 u. 089 23805360

11-17 Uhr Sonderöffnung Michael Becker – Bewegung und Farbe,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst,, Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München.
14-15 Uhr Galerieführung mit Michael Becker,
Tel. 089 2901470

13-16 Uhr meet the artists Baculum, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen, Karen Pontoppidan, Miro Sazdic, Nelli Tanner, Tarja Tuupanen,
Deutsches Jagd und Fischerei Museum,
Neuhauserstr. 2, 80331 München.
Täglich 9.30-17 Uhr

14-17 Uhr Mia Maljojoki: Crossing the Line, Performance, Installation in Zusammenarbeit mit Monica Gomis, Judith Hummel, Eduardo Navarro, Mimosa Pale und anderen. In Kooperation mit Galerie Spektrum. — MaximiliansForum, Passage für interdisziplinäre Kunst, Fußgängerunterführung in der Maximilianstr./Ecke Altstadtring, 80539 München

Pinned Image

16-19 Uhr Vernissage Français Jewellery From Words: Collectif GLA, Galatée Pestre, Laurence Verdier et Aude Medori, — Institut Français,, Kaulbachstr. 13, 80539 München.
18.-20.3. So 10-19, — Mo, Di 11-18 Uhr, — Tel. 089 28662836 fly+recto+schmuck dans Felix LINDNER (DE)

und außerhalb der Stadt: Nisslmüller-Skubic, — Galerie Anna Pirk, Seestr. 24, 83700 — Rottach-Egern am Tegernsee, Tel. 08022-1884222,, — 13.3.-24.3. –
Di-Sa 11-19 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung, Eröffnung Samstag, 10.3. ab 17 Uhr





Schmuck 2012
Willy Brandt Allee 1
81829 – Munich – Germany


Telephone: 0049 89 5119 248
Fax: 00 49 89 5119 245