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EXPO ‘Hans Hovy : Space Sculptullery’ – Galerie Rob Koudijs, Amsterdam (NL) – 7 Juill.-11Aout 2012

HANS HOVY  Space Sculptullery

« Nowhere is the hand of a maker more visible then in the recent jewellery pieces of Hans Hovy. In his first exhibition, two years ago, his necklaces had well defined contours and a silky soft skin. This time however, the traces of the grater and the strength required to work the ebony have remained visible. The sculptor who makes jewellery can’t deny his origins, for his pieces are dominated by bold shapes and a monumental expressiveness.
There are different groups to be distinguished in this work. Some refer to the imagery that dominated Hovy’s sculptures at the end of the twentieth century: the star shapes and shimmering silver spots allude to the cosmos and the firmament. Hovy also plays around with the jargon of jewellery: the rather robust, angular shapes in his necklaces are called ‘ruby’ or ‘diamond’. Language is an unusual ingredient in jewellery, yet it is always an important factor in Hovy’s work. There are even several necklaces made up from letters. Because many words share their last and first letters, the message often remains elusive. But the attentive viewer will quickly grab the lighthearted, loving character of these seemingly weighty jewels. Their materiality will seduce the senses, just as the message shall lift the spirit. «   Ward Schrijver  (© Galerie Rob Koudijs)

  Hans Hovy  Necklace: Big Black Rubies 2012  Ebony, silverHans Hovy  Necklace: Big Black Rubies 2012  Ebony, silver

Hans Hovy  Necklace: Stars Clustering, afraid of Darkness 2012  Ebony, silverHans Hovy  Necklace: Stars Clustering, afraid of Darkness 2012  Ebony, silver

Hans Hovy  Necklace: Wantneedloveyou 2012  Ebony, silverHans Hovy  Necklace: Wantneedloveyou 2012  Ebony, silver

Hans Hovy  Bracelet: Star 2012  Ebony, silverHans Hovy  Bracelet: Star 2012  Ebony, silver

Hans Hovy  Ring: Big Black Ruby 2012  Ebony, silverHans Hovy  Ring: Big Black Ruby 2012  Ebony, silver




Galerie Rob Koudijs
Elandsgracht 12
1016 TV – Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0)20 331 87 96
Fax: +31 (0)6 139 05 554



Actualités …. SAUCISSE ! de Francfort, of course !

Classé dans : David BIELANDER (CH/DE),Gal. Klimt02 (ES),Hans HOVY (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:31

Après Hans Hovy  et son « trip saucisses » (voir billet sur l’EXPO « Sculptullery« )
Hans Hovy – necklace ‘Silver Stars Floating in the Dark’ 2010 – Ebony, silver

(« For some time, now, sausage forms dominate Hovy’s work: squat sausages, club-like sausages, sausage-like sausages. Executed in silky-soft ebony, necklaces and rings emerge nearly as a matter of course, their seductive shapes intensified or ringed with clouds of dot patterns. For this, Hovy hammered fine silver into the wood, by now some 90 linear metres of silver wire. The results are three-dimensional drawings, sculptures made for wearing, jewellery as sculpture: in short, Sculptullery. « )

nous avons  en magasin David Bielander et ses chapelets de « Frankfurter » (bien nommé collier, visible/disponible à la galerie Klimt02 de Barcelone….. vous me direz, en 2008 puis en 2009 il avait fait un épi de maïs… ça fait un plat complet …) qui lui ont été inspirés par la célèbre chaise Thonet …… Bon … j’y regarderai à deux fois, la prochaine fois que je m’assoie !

Frankfurter, 2009, Necklace
David Bielander – ‘Frankfurter ‘ necklace - Materials: Original Thonet chair no. 14 (1859 / bent wood), paint

EXPO ‘Hans Hovy : Sculptullery’ – Galerie Rob Koudjis, Amsterdam (NL) – 20 mars-1er mai 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Hans HOVY (NL),Hollande (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 6:27

Hans Hovy : Sculptullery

EXPO 'Hans Hovy : Sculptullery' - Galerie Rob Koudjis, Amsterdam (NL) -  20 mars-1er mai 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition HansHovyMar10
In the works of Dutch artist Hans Hovy, form and mastery of the material set the tone. Fortunately, these characteristics don’t conflict with Hovy’s ‘subdued rebelliousness’: everything he creates breathes a subtle lightness. He shifts effortlessly from installations, sculptures and drawings, to carpets or jewellery. As an authentic free artist, Hovy gives preference to artistic expression over medium or technique. Thus, a supply of solid ebony in his studio last year led to an impromptu question of how heavy could a necklace actually be; an agreement for a solo exhibition was then quickly made.

For some time, now, sausage forms dominate Hovy’s work: squat sausages, club-like sausages, sausage-like sausages. Executed in silky-soft ebony, necklaces and rings emerge nearly as a matter of course, their seductive shapes intensified or ringed with clouds of dot patterns. For this, Hovy hammered fine silver into the wood, by now some 90 linear metres of silver wire. The results are three-dimensional drawings, sculptures made for wearing, jewellery as sculpture : in short, Sculptullery.

Hans Hovy, Rings, 2010

Hans Hovy, Necklace, 2010Hans Hovy, Rings, 2010
Hans Hovy – rings  Sculptullery 2010 Ebony, silver
necklace ‘Silver Stars Floating in the Dark’ 2010 Ebony, silver
rings-  Sculptullery 2010 Ebony, silver.


Galerie Rob Koudijs
Elandsgracht 12
1016TV – Amsterdam Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)20 331 87 96
Telephone: +31 (0)6 139 05 554



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