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DECOUVERTE : Hedda Bjerkeli, « BLOBBY » & PINKY !

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,Hedda BJERKELI (NO),Norvege (NO) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:24

Hedda Bjerkeli :

« I like beautiful things that don’t quite match, that disturb the eye.
 The essence of my work is shape/material/color. I do investigational work with stone and jewellery. I want color of the stone, but not its weight. Therefor I use a technic were I crush the stone into fine powder and mix it with resin to give it a shape again.
 I like round shapes, I like when round shapes meet and that they meet several times. Either if they are firmly pressed against each other or just gently put beside one another, they are influenced with the tension that emerge and are shaped in that moment. I am inspired by everything that grows, the changes of a physical body. My jewelleries are natural forms that grow out of something and grow into something new that continues of its own.
I like beautiful things that don’t quite match, that disturb the eye. Disturbing is how life is. I want to show something beautiful in my jewellery, something that I like and care about. At the same time there is a presence of something unknown and disturbing. There is no such thing as perfect. There is a wish and a lust for something perfect. But being perfect is not possible because the shape is then identical with an idea or a thought of how perfect should look like. My process of making these jewelleries is a search for a shape that gives the eye pleasance and satisfaction, but at the same time curiosity and challenge. »

2008  :  Master, at Ädellab- jewellery and silversmith, Konstfack, Stockholm  Sweden

Old fun - Hedda BjerkeliOld fun – Hedda Bjerkeli

Hedda BjerkeliHedda Bjerkeli – Disturbing Eye Candy serie

Hedda Bjerkeli - Old funHedda Bjerkeli - Old fun brooch

Hedda Bjerkeli,  Disturbing eye candy series 2012Hedda Bjerkeli,  Disturbing eye candy series 2012

Disturbing Eye Candy, Hedda Bjerkeli 2012Hedda Bjerkeli - Disturbing Eye Candy, 2012

Hedda Bjerkeli - Old funHedda Bjerkeli - Old fun

Hedda Bjerkeli - Disturbing Eye Candy 2012Hedda Bjerkeli - Disturbing Eye Candy 2012


EXPO ‘The Black of Night’ – Galleri Seilduken, Oslo (NO) – 18-21 Jan. 2013

KL!NK & Friends present: The Black of Night

KL!NK Metal invites you to our exhibition: ‘KL!NK & Friends present:The Black of Night’ during the Nordic jewellery exhibition and symposium ‘From the Coolest Corner’in Oslo.

KL!NK -   next show is now ready - we hope to see you all next Friday at 17:00 at Galleri Seilduken in Oslo!

Six Norwegian and nine specially invited jewellery artists from the Nordic countries show necklaces based on the theme ‘The Black of Night’.
We hope to see you all at the opening in Galleri Seilduken at Khio at 17:00!
For more information see our website;

KL!NK & friends present: 'The Black of Night' during the exhibition and symposium 'From the Coolest Corner' in Oslo in January 2013

participants :
Anna Talbot –  Anne Léger Hedda BjerkeliHelene Josefsen LinkosuonioRuna Vethal Stølen  – Toril Bonsaksen
Lisa Björke Yasar Aydin
Krista Ruohonen –  Tiina Rajakallio
Louise Grenaa  –  Pernille MouritzenSarah Hurtigkarl
Hildur Ýr Jónsdóttir
Katarina Kotselainen


Hildur Ýr Jónsdottir - necklace made from old rubber rings used in fishing nets Hildur Ýr Jónsdottir, Festi, 2012 – necklace made from old rubber rings used in fishing nets

Yasar Aydin, from Sweden
Yasar Aydin
Helene Josefsen Linkosuonio - The Invisible, 2010. Patinated copper object, ca 30cm long. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun Helene Josefsen Linkosuonio  – The Invisible, 2010. Patinated copper object, ca 30cm long. Photo: Ingrid Løvtun
Anna Talbot's Jewellery Anna Talbot
Hedda Bjerkeli - 'Crystal cluster' necklace - silver, hematite and slices of lepidolite (purple mica) Hedda Bjerkeli – ‘Crystal cluster’ necklace – silver, hematite and slices of lepidolite (purple mica)(back view)
Anne Léger - Nocturne 2012 - necklace - carved wood, silver, enamel, pearl Anne Léger – Nocturne 2012 – necklace – carved wood, silver, enamel, pearl
Toril Bonsaksen - physalis-alengi - Earrings. Copper, silver, 2011 Toril Bonsaksen – physalis-alengi – Earrings. Copper, silver, 2011
Runa Vethal Stølen - brooch Runa Vethal Stølen – brooch
Katarina Kotselainen -   Necklace: Night is dark  Foto: Salla Lahtinen Katarina Kotselainen -   Necklace: Night is dark  Foto: Salla Lahtinen
Sarah Vedel Hurtigkarl -Denmark Sarah Vedel Hurtigkarl
Krista Ruohonen: Sense - limit - imagination Krista Ruohonen: Sense – limit – imagination

Oslo National Academy of the Arts – Galleri Seilduken

 Fossveien 24, Grünerløkka

0551 Oslo, Norge


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