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EXPO ‘(Lost) Paradise’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 10 Dec.2016 –21 Janv.2017

an exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics proposed by Alliages from Dec. 10th 2016 to Jan. 21st 2017.

Artificial, inanimate, painful, lost … Where is your paradise ?

The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 9th, 2019 at 6 PM

Alliages - (Lost) paradise - dec 2016:


Showing works of   Ana Garcia MoyaAnke HuybenCaterina ZancaChing-Ting YangClaudia Steiner Xenia Deimezi – Eero Hintsanen — Eleanor Symms — Emmanuelle Durand — Fabienne Christyn — Gabriela Secarea — Hebe ArgentieriHeidemarie HerbHelmi Lindblom Isabelle BusnelIzabella Petrut Juan Riusech Kristin Beeler — Lucy Morrow — Ludmilla Buga — Mabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita AlonsoMartina Dempf Michelle Kraemer — Nadine Smith — Nanna MellandNicole SchusterPhilip Sajet Rodrigo AcostaRosa BorredáSébastien CarréSelma LealSergio e Stefano Spivach – Sònia Serrano — Victoria IoannidouViktoria Münzker Wiebke Pandikow – Ying Chen.


(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen
« As a jewellery artist, I believe my work is the bridge connecting myself with the outside world, which shows my thoughts, inner feeling and philosophy. What reflect on me from outside? How do I reply to it? I address my answers by making the questions tangible and personal. Fortress Besieged is one of my projects. The whole project is about my thought and feeling of the renovation in my city. “Shikumen”, the typical kind of buildings in Shanghai which I used to live, has been replaced by high-rises. I can not help but doubt, whether the demolition of Shikumen is necessary. Shikumen is like a paradise of all the memories from dwellers who have spent most of their time in Shikumen. However, their opinion was neglected. My work shows my inner struggle and sadness in the journey of finding the right answer. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal  (Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal 
« The piece ‘Danger… woodworm!’ it is part of the exhibition ‘Life in the Urban Paradise’ , which was born from a previous collection, ‘Cities’. Nowadays, urban parks and public gardens are a safe haven. They are green areas where we can relax and recover the energy we nees for life. This piece is a subtle critique our society, because I think the man is the woodworm of the planet. Love the planet is to love ourselves. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou (Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou.
« Ominus, Pesimistic,Disapointing, contradicting,negative messages deprive the oxygene from our little but important beings.. However there is a small spark of hope far away that fills our dull lifes with color and light. My own paradise is my concern to strengthen the spark ,prevent and restrain the evil.. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker
« Breathless attention fills two parts of a complex called life. Tenderness and violence, love and hate, harmony and conflict, birth and death, heaven and hell. The emotional side of my work is based on my personal experiences. Suggestions for the creation of Paradise were my emotional forces, experiences and mental images. Paradise – Garden of Eden from that we were expelled forever, and what we must now create alone. This term, in old Sumerian « Adina » – Garden means a place that seemed to be fruitful… Did we lost it? This land is real, it is an another dimension in this world, the real paradise can’t be lost. It is inside of us. If we believe that we are a part of it, there will always be a place that we call paradise. Jewellery is my art to show the world my own inner self, the inner world where I feel safe and beautiful. It’s the inner paradise that survives only with our power. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca
« My paradise is a small space rediscovered in the middle of a chaotic reality, tended to the geometric and formal. A non-enclosed space, but yet communicative with new points of view from different perspectives. Apparently aseptic but a generator of light, ideas, energy, thus of a new life! Il mio paradiso è un piccolo spazio ritrovato fra una caotica realtà, teso alla pulizia geometrica e formale. Uno spazio non chiuso, ma comunicativo di nuovi punti di vista, di diverse prospettive. Apparentemente asettico ma generatore di luce, idee, energia, dunque di nuova vita! »
(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach
« The Archangel into pieces / THE BODY, THE HEART, THE WING The falling Archangel, crashing into pieces, is the metaphor of man who is walking on a road paved of self-destruction. Falling on lost paradise, The Archangel crashes into pieces: his heart moves from the body in order to survive – aware that his own wing will lead himself safe. On the contrary, the body will wear down gradually. The stone we have used for creating the three parts of The Archangel testifies, with its color and its porosities, the consequences of its own closeness with the human being. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna Melland(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna MellandLost Paradises. In 1977 Bob Marley sang; “Exodus, movement of Jah people!” His words could not fit better for the situation of refugees today. Masses of people in a seemingly endless flow, leaving their home country in search of a better future somewhere else. Paradise lost. Paradise search. I chose to work with the suitcase as an object of our time. A time of flux, of movement, of wanted and unwanted journeys. It can be disturbingly absent or disturbingly present. For the exhibition Lost Paradises, I present a serie of rings called Suitcaserings. Cast in bronze in the lost wax technique, coloured afterwards. You need strength to wear and balance these heavy skin coloured Suitcaserings on your hand, A strong grip to get by in this world of suffering. Of Lost Paradises. »

Sebastien Carré - Lost Paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Sébastien Carré
« Just imagine… Living in a world in which we would not have destroyed our relationship to nature. In which, the society, the moral, the value or our belief would not have put us in a virtual cell. A world of difference, of similarity, of ambiguity but after all isn’t it what is making a more interesting world. Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms, the shape of the central figure in all form of shamanism around the world, the Tree that connects us all together. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Let’s hope for a world with more shamanism, more bound between all living forms. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. »

Rosa Borredá -  Lost paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Rosa Borredá
« LOST CIVILIZATIONS Accumulation of different objects left over the centuries that are worn, eroded by time. Ancient architectures with traces of gold leaf and polychromy. Lush vegetation but withered at the same time. Paradise and decay, everything has a place in the lost and imaginary paradises. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner
« The earth as the ideal for a happy and content existence, with indescribable natural beauty. Is this still true? This is not the case anywhere in the world. It is precisely our time that makes us doubt whether or not this is indeed true. Everyone has their own ideas of paradise and can explore it in a variety of ways. Sometimes with the look at hidden details sometimes viewed at large. The contrasts of geometric lines and round forms, the uneven surface, reflect the contrasting variety of our earth. The way to the personal paradise in life is different and sometimes requires detours, means unevenness in the life cycle – one up and down – in order to somehow have found his personal ideal of a happy and content life. Not everything is at first sight recognizable as such, some « paradise » requires a longer confrontation with it and will only be discovered in small. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta
« Deconstruct to build again. Giving a new shape to the existent object. Building your space, your place, your habitat, your paradise. Find back your lost paradise. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi
“The youth love, Pure and unconditional, almost dreamy, full of emotions and passion but also temporary. Now kept as a memory, idealized and distant. My beautiful secret (lost) paradise.”

(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer
« Up and above in a far away land exploring an unreachable world dreaming of landscapes and possibilities… unreachable but with imagination so close yet so far that’s where I want to go… to be among these ethereal, ephemeral entities to touch them, to make them mine to materialize them into my own imagined reality »

(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet
« paradise is nothing other than time passing sense that we realize that as time passes »

(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb
« Since some years I’m working on the collection « time ». Keys are like magic tools, they open and close doors,diaries, treasures….they preserve secrets, memories and thoughts. You can meet positive or negative feelings…once again this opposites are attractions in my work. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn
« I’ll go sleep in the white paradise Where the nights are so long that we forget the time All alone with the wind As in my childhood dreams I will go running in the white paradise Far from the looks of hatred And fighting blood Find whales Talking to silverfish Like, like, like before M.Berger »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith
« I live in Wellington and work part time as an artist and nurse. Caring for others has developed my fundamentally humanist philosophy. Fueled by this and the fragility of life, pieces often reference the relationship we have with the developing technological world and how this creates possibilities for enhancement or re-creation of our environment, our lives, even ourselves. Being an avid recycler with magpie tendencies and an active imagination lends itself to a diverse range of work. Medical and other recycled paraphernalia when used out of context can create a tension between the familiar and the unknown. The works aim to intrigue, inviting the audience to reflect and make connections from their own life experiences. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms
« Demolition Neckpiece This piece is made using found electrical components gathered at the beach beside Cockenzie coal-fired power station, along the coast from my home. The power station, which dominated the coastline since the 1960s, was demolished in 2015. It was the cause of much pollution, changing the nature of the coastline, creating miles of new land with infill of the spoil it generated and leaving huge ‘lagoons’ of fly ash, some of which are now reserves for birds and wildlife. The power station destroyed a wild, natural coastal habitat, but nature is slowly reclaiming the site. In using found plastic components from the site, which have been sea and weather-worn in combination with silver and opals, I aim to question notions of preciousness and disposability. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez 2016(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez
« Return to origin. We yearn for happiness, seek peace, love. And, generally, we seek outside ourselves. I suspect none of this depends on external circumstances. My heart tells me that the lost paradise is inside me, waiting to be found. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow
« Without the ubiquitous plastic our civilization could hardly have become what it is today, but at the same time it is a burden on the environment with far-reaching consequences. Especially plastic bags are an obvious symbol for mindless consumerism and a throw-away society. This makes them so interesting for me to work with, to create from them, with the help of a clothes iron and a soldering iron, textures and structures that recall forms of the natural world which we have set ourselves apart from. Hand-formed leaves form lush necklaces, but they can only ever be pale images of the real thing. We feel safe with plastics, at home and comfortable in our modern paradise of artificiality. But it is the natural world around us which is the real paradise, in danger of becoming a paradise lost. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena
« My natural paradise, my oasis, flows the meandering waters of the Parana River Delta. I find no better place to muse about life and to relax than when I am rowing my boat in this maze of water and rainforest. Every concern or fear seems to vanish while I row my way through this cluster of islands. Nature in all its glory to admire: golden water, green trees and vines and colorful birds. This brooch illustrates the landscape of this Delta, its colors and textures, and the feelings it arises in me. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel   (Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel
« Black jewellery is often associated with mourning jewellery. This collection is inspired by Victorian jewellery and relates to any loss in life, or in Paradise… »

(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom
« Fruitfully Yours, extinction With this work I focus on today’s paradox: simultaneous population growth and entering the sixth mass extinction. Jewelry from Extinction are silent in comparison to their colorful opposites (Fertility) like extinction is silent in comparison to birth. With color contrast from black balloons I want to put forth the feel of fading away. « 


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Mo/Fri : 10-13h & 14-17h – Sa : 10-12h & 12h30-16h30






EXPO/CONCOURS ‘Filo Rosso 2015′ … & the WINNER is …. – Sala Negrisin & Museo Carà, Muggia (IT) / DRAT Gallery & Palazzo del Podestà, Izola (Slovenia) – 12 Dec.2015 – 24 Janv.2016


Le realizzazioni selezionate dalla giuria saranno esposte assieme ai bozzetti presso il Museo d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà» o presso la Sala Comunaled’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin» di Muggia, Trieste (Italia) dal 12 dicembre 2015 al 24 gennaio 2015
e nel mese di maggio 2016 presso il «Palazzo del Prefetto» o  la Galleria Drat a IZOLA  (Slovenia) 

11 Dec. : 17.30 Inaugurazione  MUGGIA (Ts – Italia) – Museo  d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà»
11 Dec. :  19.30 Inaugurazione/Otvoritev  IZOLA (Slovenia) Galerija «Drat»

Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra -mostre- dedicata a Silvia Beccaria (Izola) e a Vered Babai (Muggia), artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Filo Rosso 2015:

The WINNER of FiloRosso 2015 is Alix Tran and her poetic necklace !!

 Alix_Tran_Premio_Filo_Rosso Alix TranCol Claudine, 22x20cm, necklace, linen and brass, 2015.
« Col Claudine (Peter Pan collar), is the contrast between a chaste and white collar, detached from the garment’s body, and the invasion of small precious flies.Flies concentrated on areas of cracks in the tissue, like wounds. Aggregated on a soft material, and loose like a net, that takes them to the trap. They become companion insects. Like a Memento mori. »

Prix FiloRossoPrix FiloRosso  – transmis du dernier gagnant, il sera transmis au prochain gagnant …. fil rouge de la création bijou !

  jury - Ruiz_prada_LeMignot_Babai_gassier_micerale jury ! deg à dr : Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Jean Yves Le Mignot, Vered Badai, Marianne Gassier, Giovanni Micera


Non primés mais remarqués, les bijoux suivants :

  Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch 'the letter' seta, argento, acciaio, colore: Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) – « The Letter » BROOCH
Techniques: filigree, drawing/writing and aquarelle on silk with iron-fixing silk colors, sowing, oxidization
Materials: silver (925 and fine), silk, steel – Dimensions: 9.6 cm. x 7cm. x 1cm.
« This piece is part of the exploration series wearable memories. This is a “never sent love letter”. It contains everything unsaid to a lover, but worn inside. Now it appeared in a material form, ready to be seen and worn outside. »

 Noga Harel - Israel Title : Oceanic bloom NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.: Noga Harel – Israel – « Oceanic bloom » NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. – Depth : 11 cm.
« The work  » Oceanic bloom » deals with the artist’s ability to present simultaneously different characters. In this work I wanted to investigate the wonderful world of the plants.
The result will always be based on reality but full of the inner emotional world of the creator…And at the unique personal perspective… « 

Noga Harel (IL)  - photo M.Gassier - - Oceanic bloom" NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.: Noga Harel (IL) (detail) - photo M.Gassier - - Oceanic bloom" NECKLACE Techniques: felting, sewing, reconstructing and assembling. Materials: wool, corals, pearls, crystals, thread, fabric, garlic flowers. Dimensions : 41 cm. x 24 cm. - Depth : 11 cm.:

Noga Harel - Israel – « Oceanic bloom » NECKLACE (details)

Heidemarie Herb Germany Title: Schluesselkinder - collection time PENDANT Materials: fabric, silver, mix media, pigment Dimensions: 12 cm. x 8 cm. Techniques: textile impregnated in plaster, colorured with pigmentHeidemarie Herb  – Germany – « Schluesselkinder » – collection time PENDANT
Materials: fabric, silver, mix media, pigment – Dimensions: 12 cm. x 8 cm.
Techniques: textile impregnated in plaster, colorured with pigment
« My work is the expression of the pain of their children that they must often live with greater responsibility of them. A reality of the daily life. » Potographer: Silvana Tili

Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015-  Heidemarie Herb: Heidemarie Herb

 Aleksandra Atanasovski, Slovenija -   me(n)talna neznost RING Materials: silver and gold, red silk. Dimensions: 2.5x1 cm and 25x25 cm red silk Techniques: inprint of finger tip, casting in silver.:  Aleksandra Atanasovski, Slovenija -   « me(n)talna neznost » RING – Materials: silver and gold, red silk. Dimensions: 2.5×1 cm and 25×25 cm red silk Techniques: inprint of finger tip, casting in silver.
« I was oserving the space beetwen a thought and action, how the softnes (of silk) can be tuched, perceved by finger, and how this finger can become metalic in a fraction of a second. »

Sigal MeshorerSigal Meshorer – Israel – « Missing Embroidery » RING
Materials: Silver 925, White Linen. Dimensions: W-54mm. H-32-42mm.
« The work consists of 2 identical rings.
One with flat white linen fabric, the other with domed white linen.
The fabric sits on a circle on top of the ring, an outer ring holds it in place by pressure.
The fabric imitates either a white stone or a miniature embroidery hoop. »

Et, j’ajouterai, quelques coups de coeur personnels :

Flavia Michelutti - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso- : Flavia Michelutti – collana con ciondolo « aperto »

 Flavia Michelutti (chiuso): Flavia Michelutti - collana con ciondolo « chiuso »

  broche de Martina Obid Mlakar (front) - FiloRosso 2015broche « La pelle della mia vita » de Martina Obid Mlakar (front)

 -  broche "La pelle della mia vita" de Martina Obid Mlakar (back) - FiloRosso 2015broche « La pelle della mia vita » (« Pores of my life ») de Martina Obid Mlakar (back)

Yasmin Vinograd - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015- Yasmin Vinograd  « The Wave » necklace / silver,silkwork  

Galit Einav (detail)Galit Einav necklace (detail)

Jure Kodre ring - FiloRosso 2015: Jure Kodre ring « In memory » – with a « filo rosso » work in the inside of the ring ….

Jure Kodre ring - FiloRosso 2015: Jure Kodre ring « In memory »

Huberto Široka (croix de vie) - Muggia Museo U Carà - FiloRosso 2015-  :  Huberto Široka (back):

Huberto Široka (croix de vie – entre croix et sexe ….) (front & back)

 Daniela Luzzu with the necklace "Radici" - tribute to Frida Kahlo: Daniela Luzzu (IT) with the necklace « Radici » – tribute to Frida Kahlo

 collier di "BONATI2" (NELLY E PATRIZIA Bonati) collier di « BONATI2 » (Nelly & Patrizia Bonati)

Muggia - Sala Negrisin - collier di BONATI2 NELLY E PATRIZIA: Muggia - Sala Negrisin - collier di BONATI2 NELLY E PATRIZIA:

collier di « BONATI2 » (Nelly & Patrizia Bonati) (detagli)

 Sandra Kocjancic,  detail Sandra Kocjancic,  detail

Pour cette édition de FiloRosso il y a plus de 80 artistes inscrits de toutes nationalités confondues: Italie, France, Slovènie, Croatie, Autriche…Etats-Unis, Israel … Quelques noms: Sebastien CarréGigi Mariani, Barbara Uderzo, Lucilla Giovanninetti (Eandare) , etc …… et de très jeunes artistes encore peu connus du public :

avec (liste non certifiée !)  Lucilla Giovanninetti –  Martina Obid Mlakar –  Marco PiccialiChiara LucatoBarbara UderzoAude MedoriTania PalazziRoberta RisoloJasmina WeissSilvia Beccaria –  Patrizia Bonati & Nelly Bonati Daniela RepettoLuisa ChiandottoSébastien CarréRomi BukovecTinka LoncarAleksandra AtanasovskiYasmin VinogradGigi Mariani Maria Chiara CassaràAlix TranFlora SicaLaura VolpiNataša GrandovecHuberto ŠirokaAnnie Sibert Žarko OgnjenovičAna SabolićMarta PejoskaRoberta PavoneSilvia Valenti Petra BoleBibi KlekackoskaLosch EmilieMonika Šangulin –  Sandra KocjancicInbar Shahak Galit Einav —  Sara Progressi. — Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (NIIRO Jewelry) -

La manifestazione è promossa dal Comune di Muggia in Italia e dal Comune di Izola in Slovenia è stata reralizzata con il contributo della Provincia di Trieste.  
Tra gli artisti che partecipano il pluripremiato Sébastien Carré , Francia, vincitore tra l’altro del premio  « Giovane creatore » al salone Révelation di Parigi nell’autunno scoroso, Gigi Mariani, Primo Premio nel 2014 a « Joya » a Barcellona o l’industrial design Petra Bole della Slovenia.  Le opere esposte saranno oggetto di una selezione a cura della giuria internazionale composta da:   
Jean-Yves Le Mignot – curatore mostre bijou 
Vered Babai – artista orafa israeliana  
Marianne Gassier – blogger di «bijoux contemporain»  
Giovanni Micera – Direttore della rivista «Preziosa Magazine»  
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , stilista spagnola che ha fatto del colore e della forma il suo credo conosciuto in tutto il mondo, è la madrina d’eccezione di questa manifestazione.  

FiloRosso 2015 -Sebastien Carré - broche  front: Sebastien Carré - broche – proposition pour FiloRosso 2015

 Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Silvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- SloveniaSilvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- Slovenia

Silvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- SloveniaSilvia Beccaria  -  Palazzo del Municipio- Izola- Slovenia

Vered Babai - broochesMuggia – Museo U Carà – expo « coup de coeur » Vered Babai

Muggia - Museo U Carà - expo "coup de coeur" Vered BabaiMuggia – Museo U Carà – expo « coup de coeur » Vered Babai


Scuola di Musica di Izola "Palazzo Besenghi" - point culminant de la soirée avec cette jeune musicienne de 16 ans .... elle joue depuis 10 ans .... sa musique était tellement belle, elle, elle en devenait encore plus belle, illuminée .... MAGIQUE !!! MERCI !!! Scuola di Musica di Izola « Palazzo Besenghi » – point culminant de la soirée avec cette jeune musicienne de 16 ans …. elle joue depuis 10 ans …. sa musique était tellement belle, elle, elle en devenait encore plus belle, illuminée …. MAGIQUE !!! MERCI !!!



Museo d’Arte Ugo Carà
Via Roma, 9,
34015 Muggia TS, Italie
tel +39 040 927 8632


Sala Comunale d’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin»
Piazza Marconi 1
34015 – Muggia Italy
Telephone: +39 403360340
DRAT-GALLERY - Sandra Kocjančič 
Ljubljanska ul.21
6310 Izola Slovenia
tel +386 41 952 918





EXPO ‘Amber Chamber’ – Gallery Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco (USA) – 1-31 Oct. 2015

Amber Chamber
New jewelry from an ancient material…
Artists’ Reception: Friday, October 2, 6-8pm

Amber chamber - velvet da Vinci(Helfried Kodre, Brooch, 2015, Amber, sterling silver)

Featured Artists:   Elisabeth Defner — Christiane Förster Heidemarie HerbHerman Hermsen Beate Klockmann Helfried Kodré Philip Sajet Peter Skubic Gisbert Stach Petra Zimmermann

This exhibition shows a number of different approaches to amber, running the gamut from artists working with amber for the first time, to those who have been working with it for an extended period.  The contrasts in these works should help to update the traditional and still rather one-sided view of amber jewelry, showing new possibilities about this interesting material.  Amber, fossilized tree resin, has been appreciated for its color and inherent beauty since Neolithic times.
Curated by Heidemarie Herb.

Herman Hermsen, AllaDali (Brooch), 2015, shark yaw, amber, gold 15 x 8 cmHerman Hermsen, AllaDali (Brooch), 2015, shark yaw, amber, gold 15 x 8 cm
Gisbert Stach, Golden Toast 3 Brooch, 2013, Baltic amber, transparent silicon, stainless steel.  Photo: Gisbert StachGisbert Stach, Golden Toast 3 Brooch, 2013, Baltic amber, transparent silicon, stainless steel.  Photo: Gisbert Stach

 Peter Skubic, Untitled Brooch, 2015, Amber, coral, stainless steel, 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm. Photo: Petra ZimmermannPeter Skubic, Untitled Brooch, 2015, Amber, coral, stainless steel, 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm. Photo: Petra Zimmermann

 Petra Zimmermann, Untitled (Rings), 2014/2015, Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Petra Zimmermann, Untitled (Rings), 2014/2015, Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold

Heidemarie Herb, Neckpieces: Time, 2014, Sterling silver, brass, iron, natural rope, baltic amber, 13 cm. Photo by: Silvana Tili: Heidemarie Herb, Neckpieces: Time, 2014, Sterling silver, brass, iron, natural rope, baltic amber, 13 cm. Photo by: Silvana Tili:  

Beate Klockmann, Earrings, Untitled, 2015, Gold, amber, Plastic, 40 x 40 x 20cmBeate Klockmann, Earrings, Untitled, 2015, Gold, amber, Plastic, 40 x 40 x 20cm


Velvet da Vinci
2015 Polk Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-0109
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am – 6pm, Sunday, 11am – 4pm


EXPO ‘Amber Chamber’- The Ring Gallery, Legnica (Poland) – 28 Avril-7 Juin 2015

Amber Chamber

 The Ring Gallery, Legnica, Poland – curator : Heidemarie Herb
The opening of the travelling exhibition, which presents ten renown artists taking a fresh look on amber, coincides with the Legnica Jewellery Festival Silver.
This exhibition shows a number of different approaches to amber, running the gamut from artists working with amber for the first time, to those who have been working with it for an extended period. The contrasts in these works should help to update the traditional and still rather one-sided view of amber jewelry, showing new possibilities about this interesting material.
Amber Chamber Exhibition  /  28 Apr-7 Jun 2015 - The Ring Gallery, Legnica, Poland

Artist list :  Elisabeth Defner — Christiane FörsterHeidemarie HerbHerman HermsenBeate KlockmannHelfried KodréPhilip SajetPeter SkubicGisbert StachPetra Zimmermann

Helfried Kodré Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, silver 6 x 9 cm Photo by: Helfried KodréHelfried Kodré Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, silver 6 x 9 cm Photo by: Helfried Kodré
Gisbert Stach Brooch: Golden Toast, 2013 Baltic amber, transparent silicon, steel 11 x 10.5 x 1.8 cm Photo by: Gisbert StachGisbert Stach Brooch: Golden Toast, 2013 Baltic amber, transparent silicon, steel 11×10.5×1.8 cm Photo by: Gisbert Stach
Christiane Förster Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, mother-of-pearl, silver 5.7 x 5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Christiane FörsterChristiane Förster Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, mother-of-pearl, silver 5.7 x 5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Christiane Förster
Heidemarie Herb Ring: Untitled, 2014 Baltic Amber, silver Photo by: Heidemarie HerbHeidemarie Herb Ring: Untitled, 2014 Baltic Amber, silver Photo by: Heidemarie Herb
Philip Sajet Ring: Untitled, 2014 Amber, white gold 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm Photo by: Beate KlockmannPhilip Sajet Ring: Untitled, 2014 Amber, white gold 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm Photo by: Beate Klockmann
Peter Skubic Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, coral, stainless steel 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm Photo by: Petra ZimmermannPeter Skubic Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, coral, stainless steel 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm Photo by: Petra Zimmermann
Petra Zimmermann Rings: Untitled, 2014/2015 Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Photo by: Petra ZimmermannPetra Zimmermann Rings: Untitled, 2014/2015 Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Photo by: Petra Zimmermann
28 Apr 2015 – 07 Jun 2015 Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2015, The Ring Gallery, Legnica, PL
10 Jul 2015 – 23 Aug 2015 Galerie Orfèo, Luxembourg, LU
01 Oct 2015 – 31 Oct 2015 Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, USA
05 Mar 2016 – 01 Apr 2016 Alternatives Gallery, Rome, IT
01 Jul 2016 – 31 Jul 2016 (AV 17) Gallery, Vilnius, LT
06 Oct 2016 – 16 Nov 2016 Galerie V&V, Vienna, AT
The Ring Gallery
Rynek 12
mail :



Cominelli awards 2014 – Fondazione Cominelli (IT) – 30 Aout-5 Oct. 2014

AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo. - Cominelli awards 2014
Photo de AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo.
With the fifth edition of the Fondazione Cominelli Award for Contemporary Jewellery 2014, there will also be the exhibition of the works of the Permanent Collection of Contemporary Jewellery; each edition will enrich the Collection with new works, some by the competition participants and others by artists selected by the Gallerist Rita Marcangelo.


Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
- Cisano di San Felice del Benaco



EXPO ‘Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery ‘ – Putti Art Gallery, Riga (Latvia/Lettonie) – 23 Mai-2 Aout 2014

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -

Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia)

Amber - Riga - Putti gal.

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -  Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia) 23-May-2014 -
Nikolai Balabin (brooch ?)

The core idea of the exhibition is to demonstrate the possible range of application of amber in the contemporary art jewellery created by professional jewellers.  This area of interest is largely based on the specific materiality of amber – and its historical significance. The choice of exhibition organizers to choose „Amber Road” as the thematic background is not accidental; it played a significant role between 1st and 5th centuries AD as an exchange route of goods between the Baltic Sea region and Roman Empire. The route started in the eastern coastal area of the Baltic Sea, which at that time was inhabited by the Prussians and Curonians. It continued down the Visla up to the city of Karnunta (currently in Hungary) and further to the coast of the Adriatic Sea and the Apennine peninsula, providing Rome with the precious and exclusive material. Many Roman coins and antiquities found in the graveyards in the Baltic countries is perceived as the evidence of this trade route together with testimonies in the writings of Roman Empire era. Thus not only will Latvian and Italian jewellers participate in the exhibition but also artists from countries that Amber Road passed through (Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, and Hungary). This exhibition will not only link the Amber Road geographically, but also historically by connecting the ancient times with the present, the past with the future and demonstrating the spectacular miracle of amber jewellery creation.

The stage of the exhibition is set by an internationally renowned fashion designer brand “MAREUNROL’S”. The fashion designers – Mārīte Mastiņa and Rolands Pēterkops created their first joint collection in 2002 while still being students at Riga Applied Art College. Since then, they have participated and received awards in various international fashion and arts festivals, including the International Fashion and Photography Festival in Hyeres (France). ( and )

Exhibition catalogue is designed by Kirils Kirasirovs and the text authors are Una Meistere and Daiga Rudzāte. The catalogue is issued by the arts and culture portal “Arterritory” (

The catalogue publishing is supported by “Rīga 2014″.

Twenty artists take part in the exhibition: Andris Lauders (Latvia), Claudia Steiner (Austria), Eva Tesarik (Austria), Eve Margus-Villems (Estonia), Fanni Vékony (Hungary), Gigi Mariani (Italy), Guntis Lauders (Latvia), Heidemarie Herb (Italy), Helfried Kodré (Austria), Jānis Vilks (Latvia), Jurgita Erminaitė-Šimkuvienė (Lithuania), Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy), Māris Auniņš (Latvia), Māris Šustiņš (Latvia), Nataša Grandovec (Slovenia), Nikolai Balabin (Russia), Pawel Kaczynski (Poland), Sara Gackowska (Poland), Valdis Brože (Latvia) and Viktoria Münzker (Austria).

Gigi Mariani, Brooch, 2013Gigi MarianiBrooch: Alone in my Thoughts, 2013Silver, 18kt yellow gold, Amber, Niello, patina12,5 X 6,5 X 1,6 Photo: Paolo Terzi
gigi mariani - will remain a sign...- ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patinaGigi Mariani - « will remain a sign… »  ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patina
Heidemarie Herb, Brooch, 2013
Heidemarie HerbBrooch: Untitled, 2013925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm -Photo: Silvana Tili
Andris Lauders, Ring, 2013
Andris LaudersRing: Seal’s Dream, 2013Amber, Mammoth bone, 925 Silver, 750 Gold7,5 x 5 cmPhoto: Normunds Brasliņš
Fanni Vékony, Brooch, 2013
Fanni VékonyBrooch: Names of Amber II, 2013Plastic coated paper, copper, silver and Matrix boardPhoto: Mária Pecsics
claudia steiner, ring -highlighted distance- amber
Claudia SteinerRing: Highlighted Distance, 2013Copper, 925 Silver oxidized, Resin, Baltic Amber7 x 5 cmPhoto: Claudia Steiner
Helfried Kodre  - ring - amberHelfried Kodre  Ring: Vienna, 2013Amber, silver, gold, copper1,9 x 2 x 3,8 cm
Victoria Munzker - white electron - brooch with amberVictoria Munzker – white electron – brooch 
Eva Tesarik - brooch with amber
Eva Tesarik - brooch
Valdis BrozeValdis Brože – pendant (« The big one, the talkative one », 2013 -Carved amber, Silver 925, enamel
140 x 50 x 30 cm)  & ring (?)
Maria Cristina Bellucci, Necklace, 2013Maria Cristina Bellucci, Schon 2, necklace, 2013 – Silver, marble, amber, coloured pencils, rubber, epoxy resin
88 cm –
Photo: Giulia Lupi
Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 – Rīga
Telephone: +371 67214229
Fax: +371 67214230


Amberif – Gdansk (Poland) – Amberif – Gdansk (Poland) –Design Award & Fair : 19-22 Mars 2014

AMBERIF – International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones



Amberif Design Award 2014 – exhibition of the award-winning works in the International Amber Jewellery Design Competition theme of 2014 : “Materia Prima”

AMBERIF design award

The watchword of this year’s Amberif Design Award is not just the alchemic representation of the primal substance able to take on the perfect form but also a direct reference to the contemporary idea of sustainability in design which respects local tradition, refers to the historical heritage of functional arts and elevates natural materials. Prized already in ancient Rome, Baltic amber is predisposed, as a substance close to the ideal, to be transformed into an original design. The unique nature of each individual nugget has always provoked artists to look for the right form, interpret associations, make use of its internal structure, colours, shades, transparencies and natural peculiarities preserved for the lucky finder over the past 40 million years. In an era of disposable products, it is sometimes worthwhile to look back to pre-history and fix your sight on the elusive aspects of both the physical and the metaphysical. The material, the medium itself usually gives designers a hint towards their first decisions; let us try to listen to this hint and follow through with it. We expect jewellery (without any functional limitations at all) in which the amber will be a remarkably strong justification for highlighting its most natural properties.Prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski

At the session of February 15, 2014 in Gdańsk, the Jury assessed 143 works submitted by 111 artists from 18 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia , Spain, Taiwan, UK, USA in the Competition with the topic Materia Prima.

Amberif Design Award 2014 : Main Prize  Nina Kupniewska & Dario Dalessandro

sponsored by Mr Paweł Adamowicz, the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk PLN 10,000:

Nina Kupniewska – Dario Dalessandro, Warsaw, Poland
This is a potent and brave piece – funny, uncomfortable, serious and maybe controversial.
It prompts discussion about our attitudes toward menstruation. In the past, this has been considered unmentionable, embarrassing, even dirty, although it is a natural and healthy process, fundamental to human life. Amber, hidden in the ground for so long, has an association of time and the mysteries of natural processes. Displaying the tampon in such a beautiful material potentially stands for a positive change in attitude.
Amberif Design Award 2014 -the Amber prize -  necklace by  Tomasz KisielTHE AMBER PRIZE

sponsored by the International Amber Association 1 kg of amber:
Tomasz Jan Kisiel, Gdańsk, Poland

The piece relates to the Materia Prima theme of the competition in a very convincing way.
An iconic necklace which is made special by the contrasting materials used. The qualities of the natural amber are highlighted by the contrast with the texture and colour of the other rough beads. There was much discussion about what these were made of. Tufa? Concrete? Bread?

  Amberif Design Award 2014 - the SILVER prize -necklace by Maren Giloy THE SILVER PRIZE

sponsored by the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. 1 kg of silver:
Maren Giloy, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
The beautiful natural amber nugget has been exquisitely cut to form the regular shape of
a necklace. The artist perfectly tapped into amber’s natural assets, i.e. transparency, the tree crust effect and the proportions of the nugget. By deconstructing the upper part, the designer achieved an intriguing effect of contrast between shape and texture. The Jury acknowledged the artist’s meticulous knowledge of amber as a material and the use of unconventional techniques to transform the commonplace shape of the necklace-amulet into a piece that is both avant-garde and elegant.
The Jury decided to award six honorary mentions which evoke what the topic of Materia Prima brings to mind :
* Miron Kutarba, Puck, Poland for entry no. 021609
An intriguing combination of amber—a mixture of natural polymers, with plastic—artificial polymer chains.
Tamara Grüner, Pforzheim, Germany for entry no. 290473
Delightful piece, rich in detail and an unusual use of amber.
* Agnieszka Krzyżanowska, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 121106
For its graceful form and distinctive structure evocative of the natural conditions in which amber formed.
* Agnieszka Krzyżanowska, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 061112
Materia Prima—amber is central in more than one sense here. A very appealing and mysterious piece.
* Philip Sajet, Bruchkobel, Germany for entry no. 151053
For simplicity of message, the quintessence of amber encapsulated in a ring.
* Susanne HolzingerRegensburg, Germany for entry no. 936717
High quality presentation with a surprising and cheeky use of amber.
Philip Sajet -  Amber GlueringPhilip Sajet -  Amber Gluering

Amberif 2014 : HONORARY MENTION Susanne HolzingerSusanne Holzinger
The Jury selected 14 further works by the following artists for publication in the AMBERIF 2014 Fair Catalogue and for display at the exhibition:
Karolina Krych, Mikołajki Pomorskie, Poland for entry no. 240488
Karolina Navus Wysocka, Gdańsk, Poland for entry no. 789156
Marta Rudnicka, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 840328
Adriana Lisowska, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 836274
Iona Mccuaig, Saffron Walden, UK for entry no. 792031
Alicja Kołakowska, Pruszków, Poland for entry no. 361903
Tamara Grüner, Pforzheim, Germany for entry no. 290474
Wanying Xu, Florence, Italy for entry no. XYZ993
Heidemarie Herb, Perugia, Italy for entry no. 281000
Sara Gackowska, Międzychód, Poland for entry no. 710342
Piotr Tołkin, Gdańsk, Poland for entry no. 280813
Adriana Lisowska, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 233715
Monika Woszczak, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 230720
Karolina Krych, Mikołajki Pomorskie, Poland for entry no. 041010
Heidemarie Herb Brooch: Untitled, 2013 925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment 4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm Photo: Silvana TiliHeidemarie Herb Brooch: Untitled, 2013 925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment 4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm Photo: Silvana Tili
Amberif 2014, Gdańsk International Fair Co.
11 Zaglowa Street
80-560 – Gdansk
Telephone: +48 58 55 49 362


EXPO ‘la cour des miracles’ – ALLIAGES, Lille (FR) – 14 Dec. 2013 – 18 Janv. 2014

ALLIAGES  Lille  « la cour des miracles »

Juan Riusech (commissaire de l’exposition) et Hélène Soète présentent “La Cour des Miracles”, la nouvelle exposition collective d’ALLIAGES. La Cour des Miracles, refuge de truands et miséreux, là où la beauté est absente ou présente, là où des merveilles commencent ou finissent.L’exposition aura lieu du 14 décembre 2013 au 18 janvier 2014. Vernissage de l’exposition le vendredi 13 décembre 2013 de 18h à 20h30.
Juan Riusech (curator of this exhibition) and Hélène Soète present “La Cour des Miracles”, the brand new group exhibition of ALLIAGES.
La Cour des Miracles, home to mobsters and destitute, where beauty is absent or present, where the wonders begin or end.
The exhibition will take place from Dec. 14th, 2013 to Jan. 18th, 2014. Opening will take place on Friday Dec. 13th, 2013 from18h to 20h30.
ALLIAGES  Lille "la cour des miracles"
Bijou contemporain : Fiona Parkinson (GB) — Rosa Nogués Freixas (ES) — Ann Povey (GB) — Marta Armada (ES) — Paula Isola (AR) — Beate Pfefferkorn (DE)– Philip Sajet (NL) — Stefano Pedonesi (IT)– Linda Schuch (DE) — Dominique Lietaert (BE) — Elisabeth Alba (ES) — Heidemarie Herb (IT)– Camille Moncomble (FR) — Júlia Ortega Canalda (ES) — Margarita Alonso (ES) — María Eugenia Ramos (AR) — Montse Bote (ES) — Motoko Furuhashi (US) — Amélie Trahard (FR) — Jordane Somville (FR) — Maria Solorzano (AR) — Ana Garcia Moya (ES) — Djurdjica Kesic (AU) — Karine Niemand (FR) — Nelly van Oost (FR) — Cédric Chevalley (CH) — Eun Mi Kwon (DE) — Mihaela Zvinca (RO)
Rosa Nogues Freixas
Rosa Nogues Freixas
Marta Armada
Marta Armada
Fabienne Christyn
[★]EXPO 'la cour des miracles' - ALLIAGES, Lille (FR) - 14 Dec. 2013 - 18 Janv. 2014  dans ALLIAGES (FR) spaceball
Ann PoveyAnn Povey

Philip SajetPhilip Sajet

Somville JordaneJordane Somville

Nelly van Oost
Nelly van Oost
Heidemarie Herb
 Heidemarie Herb
Motoko Furihashi
Motoko Furihashi
Maria Eugenia Ramos
Maria Eugenia Ramos
111, BD Victor Hugo
59000 Lille


F-utili Gioielli a favore di Emergency – Marino Marini Museum, Firenze (IT) – 11-14 sept. 2013

AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneoF-utili Gioielli a favore di Emergency – 11-14 sept. Firenze

The 2013 edition of F-Utility Jewelry will take place at the Marino Marini Museum, Piazza San Pancrazio (historical center of Florence).


AGC associazione gioiello contemporaneo - F-utili Gioielli a favore di Emergency - 11-14 sept. Firenze
The theme for the fourth F-utility Jewelry is Help, an almost unavoidable theme in this time of great difficulty.
We live in a world that cannot find a new sense of balance. We live in an emergency situation and not just from an economic point of view.
Help may be an appeal…. like an offer of help.
Help is a cry for that, above all, highlights the ever increasing need for attention, support, and solidarity in difficult economic periods.
Our request is simple: a donation to Emergency in the shape of a piece of jewelry or a small artist’s book, works created especially for this charity auction.
A simple idea: your help for our help. Thanks to the generosity of Alberto Salvadori, artistic director of the Marino Marini Museum, we will exhibit your works in the splendid and prestigious setting of this museum in the very heart of Florence.
The donated works will be on display for four days and then will be auctioned on the final day. We therefore are asking you to contribute and participate in this wish to bring jewelry and contemporary art nearer to Emergency’s activities and vice-versa with a view to breaking free by introducing the most diverse public possible to both worlds.
Jewelry as ornament, but also as the story of one’s own experience and emotions, artist’s books to be ‘read’, or simply gazed upon, like jewels small enough to carry along …
What, then, will your point of view be? Who needs more help? What needs more attention? Can we help develop a culture that is connection, exchange and peace and not malfeasance or only competition?
Emergency has a “policy of doing” and this policy of actually doing something will be the same for anyone taking part in the project: associations, artists, buyers, institutions, organizers, sponsors, and all those working to ensure the success of this year’s event.
We are convinced that “culture” also springs from interpersonal skills and, more than anything else, is necessary for development and for peace. F-utility Jewelry then is not simply a fund-raising project but it also and especially bears witness to “another way of doing”, of living, of communicating, or of simply just being together.
Doing your part well has an added value, which is to constantly build a world made up of exchanges, so why not “donations” that give greater meaning to what we do. A present and a future of peace and democracy also arises from the great joy of expressing ourselves and our own points of view, such as from the feeling of participating in building a (present and future) society that is less fragmented and conflictual.
Thus, we invite everyone to put into this event your best ideas and best efforts in the conviction that our art can offer food for thought as well as tangibly contribute to the maintenance of one of the Emergency hospitals. Help therefore will support Emergency’s work through our actions, our knowledge, our feelings and as a result through all our telling. We thus will continue our support of the Goderich Paediatric Centre in Sierra Leone, hoping that once again this initiative will have the broadest support and that, again this year, contemporary jewelry and the artist’s books will once more communicate something else and continue the journey undertaken.

F-Utility Jewelry - Maddalena Rocco "Africa Nemesi"
Maddalena Rocco « Africa Nemesi »
F-Utility Jewelry - Corrado de Meo "ritratto in rosso" brooch
Corrado de Meo « ritratto in rosso » brooch
F-Utility Jewelry - Elisabetta Duprè "fammi volare"
Elisabetta Duprè « fammi volare »
F-Utility Jewelry - Heidemarie Herb "here comes the sun" brooch
Heidemarie Herb « here comes the sun » brooch
F-Utility Jewelry - Gigi Mariani "rompi gli schemi"
Gigi Mariani « rompi gli schemi »
F-Utility Jewelry - Rita Marcangelo "Salvagente peloso"
Rita Marcangelo « Salvagente peloso »
F-Utility Jewelry - Enrica Prazzoli sign language "help"
Enrica Prazzoli – sign language « help »
Piazza di San Pancrazio
055 219432


Premio Fondazione Cominelli per el gioiello contemporaneo – Palazzo Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice (IT) – 31 Aout-6 Oct. 2013

Premio Fondazione Cominelli per el gioiello contemporaneo

L’evento, in programma dal 31 agosto al 6 ottobre 2013, vedrà l’esposizione di gioielli realizzati da importanti autori e designer provenienti da tutto il mondo. Il concorso è promosso dalla Fondazione Cominelli di Cisano di San Felice e da AGC Associazione Italiana del Gioiello Contemporaneo.

Una sezione della mostra sarà dedicata alle opere realizzate dagli allievi del Dipartimento di Oreficeria dell’Università Statale di Belle Arti e della Musica di Tokyo con lo scopo di presentare e mettere a confronto i differenti percorsi formativi e i molteplici orientamenti del design internazionale.

Premio Fondazione Cominelli per el gioiello contemporaneo: with Danni Schwaag (Diploma 2008) • 31 August - 6 October • Palazzo Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice: – avec Danni Schwaag Schmuck.
In the context of the exhibition dedicated to contemporary international jewellery at Palazzo Cominelli in San Felice del Benaco, a conference dedicated to the Japanese goldsmith ‘art will be in the Sala dei Provveditori of Salò. The speakers Ichiro Iino and Yutaka Nagai – a famous Jewellery artist, a member of the Association of Japanese contemporary jewellery JJDA – will describe the ancient Japanese art of casting techniques, and the new trends in jewellery design of the Rising Sun.
The JJDA, founded in 1964 by Koji Iwakura, Yasuhiko Hishida and Yasuki Hiramatsu, has as its main objective the international exchange of ideas and projects between East and West.
As every year Palazzo Cominelli, devotes a section of the exhibition to a prestigious design school. This year you can admire the works created by the students of the Department of goldsmith of the University of Fine Arts and Music in Tokyo, led by the Professor Ichiro Iino.
The Department of goldsmiths of the ‘University of Fine Arts and Music in Tokyo was founded in 1887 and over the years have followed the innovations of technique and taste, has never forgotten the ancient traditions of Japanese jewellery and sculptures, among which stand out: embossing and chasing, metal casting, pottery and Urushi art (lacquering).
Lecture about Japanese goldsmith’s art  speakers Prof. Ichiro Iino and Yutaka Nagai
Sunday, September 1st , 2013 11:00 am
Sala dei Provveditori – Palazzo Municipale – Via Lungolago Zanardelli,16
Free admission  – Information: phone +39 338.60.60.153
Autori selezionati per il premio 2013:   Anna FornariAnnie SibertAntje StolzBabette Von DohnanyiBeate Eismann — Chiara Zanetti — Claude SchmitzDanni Schwaag — Eiko Nakahara — Elida KemelmannElisabetta Duprè — Emma Francesconi — Eunmi Kwon (Mia Kwon)Farrah Al Dujaili — Francesca Di Ciaula — Francesca GabrielliGigi MarianiGiulia SavinoHeidemarie HerbIsabell SchauppJessica TurrellJie SunJoohee HanJoo Hyung ParkJudy McCaigKaren VanmolKirsten Haydon — Lena Lindahl — Makoto HiedaMarianne SchliwinskiMichelle KraemerNahoko FujimotoNikki Couppee — Seo Jeong Wo — Shu Lin WuSilke TrekelSimona Materi Sooyeon KimSumiko HattoriSungho ChoSuzanne BeautymannTakako KomiyaViktoria MunzkerWan Hee ChoYoko TakiraiYu HirashiYuki Sumiya

 Premio Fondazione Cominelli per el gioiello contemporaneo - Palazzo Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice (IT) - 31 Aout-6 Oct. 2013   dans AGC Italia ELISABETTA-DUPRE-anello-argento-oro--365x478ELISABETTA DUPRE’ anello, argento, oro

DANIA-KELMINSKY-_anelli_legnoottone-650x433 dans Anna FORNARI (IT)DANIA CHELMINSKY  anelli – legno,ottone

BERNHARD-STIMPFL-ABELE-STIMPFEL-Orange-Explosion-spilla-argento-puroossidazione-polystereneelettroformatura-520x650 dans Annie SIBERT (FR)BERNHARD STIMPFL-ABELE – Orange Explosion – spilla – argento puro,ossidazione polysterene,elettroformatura

 JIE SUN - Happiness - spilla - legno, acciaio, argento, pittura-FNMJIE SUN – Happiness – spilla – legno, acciaio, argento, pittura-FNM




Palazzo Cominelli,
via Padre F. Santabona, 9
25010 Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (BS)
tel +39 338.60.60.153