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SIERAAD Art Fair 2016 – Amsterdam – 10–13 Nov. 2016

SIERAAD Art Fair 2016 – Amsterdam – 10–13 Nov. 2016


SIERAAD Art Fair 2016 - Amsterdam - 10-13 Nov. 2016


Here is a little SELECTION :

MYTHS 2016 Loukia Richards, Valia Karapidaki, Marietta Karamaria, Maria Rousso, Jacqueline Vugs-Voets, Hadas Levin, Christoph Ziegler and Atelier Myths - - stand 3MYTHS 2016Loukia Richards, Valia Karapidaki, Marietta Karamaria, Maria Rousso, Jacqueline Vugs-Voets, Hadas Levin, Christoph Ziegler and Atelier Myths - - stand 3
  MARION LEBOUTEILLER  French  stand 65
  RIA LINS Belgium  stand 68RIA LINS  Belgium  stand 68

YANNICK MUR -  French - -  stand 45  YANNICK MURFrench –   www.yannickmur.frstand 45

  PROCHAINE By: Andra Lupu Romanian  stand 87aPROCHAINE By: Andra Lupu  Romanian  stand 87a
  RB DESIGN By: Raluca Buzura Romanian  stand 87cRB DESIGN  By: Raluca Buzura  Romanian  stand 87c
ZETA TSERMOU  -  Georgia Tsermou - Greek - - stand 10ZETA TSERMOU Georgia Tsermou – Greek – - stand 10

ANNA VLAHOS  -  Greek/Australian - - stand 11ANNA VLAHOS Greek/Australian – - stand 11

  PEGGY BANNENBERG Dutch  stand 81PEGGY BANNENBERG  Dutch stand 81
ALEJANDRA SOLAR     Spanish-Mexican stand 21ALEJANDRA SOLAR   Spanish-Mexican stand 21


BYTOMSKI/ BYTOMSKA JEWELLERY          Polish  stand 30bBYTOMSKI/ BYTOMSKA JEWELLERY    Polish  stand 30b
LIISA HASHIMOTO  Japanese  stand 32bLIISA HASHIMOTO  Japanese  stand 32b
  Joo Hye Kim South Korean  stand 88. CSM 2009Joo Hye Kim  South Korean  stand 88. CSM 2009
  Chen Wenting Chinese  Stand 88. CSM 2009Chen Wenting  Chinese  Stand 88. CSM 2009
RITA BEY YU LIN  American  stand 34aRITA BEY YU LIN  American  stand 34a
NK STUDIO  Korean   Namkyung Lee   stand 39NK STUDIO  Korean   Namkyung Lee   stand 39
JO MCALLISTER      British  stand 44bJO MCALLISTER      British  stand 44b
ALICE CLARKE British  stand 42ALICE CLARKE British  stand 42
  LINDA EZERMAN Dutch  stand 52bLINDA EZERMAN  Dutch stand 52b
  JILLIAN MOORE American  stand 52aJILLIAN MOORE  American stand 52a
  YAN-ZE LUO Taiwanse  stand 53dYAN-ZE LUO  Taiwanse stand 53d
  SHIH-DEA DEBORHA TSENG Taiwanse  stand 53b SHIH-DEA DEBORAH TSENG Taiwanse  stand 53b
  HENG LEE Taiwanese  stand 53aHENG LEE Taiwanese  stand 53a
  JOHN MOORE British  stand 55bJOHN MOORE  British stand 55b
  ATELIER BLOEDJES By; Judith Bloedjes Dutch  stand 56  ATELIER BLOEDJES By  Judith Bloedjes Dutch
  stand 56
  AMY RIDYARD DESIGN British amyridyarddesigns/  stand 60
  AMY RIDYARD DESIGN British amyridyarddesigns/  stand 60
KSENIA VOKHMENTSEVA  Russian  stand 63
KSENIA VOKHMENTSEVA  Russian  stand 63
  CHRISTINE JALIO Finish  stand 70CHRISTINE JALIO Finish stand70






Gasholder Westergasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail:  and on FB




EXPO (during AJW) ‘Antilogos’ – Eleni Marneri gallerie, Athens (GR) – 30 Juin-30 Juillet 2016



Antilogos (group exhibition) - Eleni Marneri gallerie

30-06 : 20.00- 22.30 : opening  

  Eleni Marneri gallerie - ANTILOGOS group exhibition

 Group exhibition with :  Sofia Zarari  Zeta Tsermou –  Rallou KatsariAliki Stroumpouli – Youla HatjiGeorgiou  — Jeremy May –  Heng LeeVassilis VassiliouFlora Vagi

  Vassilis Vassiliou  "Blue Lava" Ring Titanium  Athensjewelryweek #2016 #AJW #EleniMarneriCreativeGallery El.marneri galerie: Vassilis Vassiliou  « Blue Lava » Ring Titanium

 Sofia Zarari -  "Antilogos II" Necklace. Silver, plastic, textile, quartz, agate, calcite, aegirine, jasper.  Athensjewelryweek #2016 #AJW #EleniMarneriCreativeGallery Eleni Marneri Creative Gallery: Sofia Zarari -  « Antilogos II » Necklace. Silver, plastic, textile, quartz, agate, calcite, aegirine, jasper.

  Jeremy May -  "The fairy-land of science". Serial number # 310 Ring. - Created from the childrens’ book “The Fairy-Land of Science”.Paper. 150 Layers  Athensjewelryweek #2016 #AJW #EleniMarneriCreativeGallery El.marneri galerie:  Jeremy May -  « The fairy-land of science ». Serial number # 310 Ring. – Created from the childrens’ book “The Fairy-Land of Science”.Paper. 150 Layers



Eleni Marneri gallerie
5-7 Lempessi & Porinou st,
11742, Acropolis – Athens
opening hours: Tues.-Thurs.-Fri : 11.00 – 20.00, Wed.-Sat.: 11.00-16.00,
Sun.-Mon: Closed
tel  210 8619488, 210 8668195
Facebook page



Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Torre Fornello (IT) – 8-22 Mai 2016

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Premio Torre Fornello 6a edizione

Contemporary jewellery international competition

* AWARDS : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The awarded Artists – 8 Maggio/May 2016

* EXHIBITION : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The exhibition opening8/22 Maggio/May 2016
Workshop Seminar
9/10 Maggio/May 2016 (informazioni in arrivo coming soon)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Viktoria Munzker “Mother Earth, Madre Terra” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


Il tema del Premio 2016  / The theme of competition  Freedom & Constraint | Libertà e vincolo

Selected artists for the Torre Fornello Award – Gioielli in Fermento VI edition: 

Susanna Baldacci,I                Il re del mondo (spilla,brooch)
Alessandro Bean,I                 Regina libera (anello,ring)
Isabelle Busnel,UK               No grit, no pearl (spilla,brooch)
Alina Carp,RO                         Untamed, indomito (spilla,brooch)
Sébastien Carré,F                  Even if we have to loose blood(spilla)
Hsieh Chung-Lung,TW        The complexity of light (spilla)
Lluís Comín,ES                      The whisper of the storm (spilla)
Clara Del Papa,I                    Free-bound (glove ring)
Anna Fornari,I                     Vola (pendente, pendant)
Steffi Götze,D                        Raum, spazio (spilla,brooch)
Akis Goumas.GR                  Cedars secret (spilla,brooch)
Georgia Gremouti,GR        Divenire (spilla,brooch)
Nicola Heidemann,D          Plate tectonics (collana,neckpiece)
Mara Irsara,UK                    Chicchi e spicchi (collana,neckpiece)
Marilena Karagkiozi,GR    Alien grape (anello,ring)
Iro Kaskani,CY                      Rook #16 (spilla,brooch)
Sunyoung Kim,SK               Theme and variation (spilla,brooch)
Saerom Kong,SK                 Butterfly (spilla,brooch)
Miriam M. Korolkovas,BR    Bonded to nature (collier,neckpiece)
Mia Kwon,SK                       Gold on lace #1 (collana,neckpiece)
Christiana Lazopoulou,GR   Spiral (spilla,brooch)
Heng Lee,TW                      Delonix regia (spilla,brooch)
Ria Lins,B                            Just a drop (spilla,brooch)
Chiara Lucato,I                  Confini liberi (spilla,brooch)
José Marin,ES                    Colors elements and time…(bracciale)
Matsuura Mineri,J           Between (spilla,brooch)
Viktoria Münzker,A         Mother Earth (collana,neckpiece)
Rosa Nogués Freixas,ES   In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Esther Ortiz-Villajos,ES   Vine&shine (spilla,brooch)
Liana Pattihis,UK               Emilia (collana,neckpiece)
Mabel Pena,AG                  Terroir (bracciale,bracelet)
Paola Pérez,CO                  In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Poppy Porter,UK              We can work it out (spilla,brooch)
Stefano Rossi,I                  Fuori dalla gabbia (spilla,brooch)
Stenia Scarselli,I              Onda luminosa (spilla,brooch)
Sergio&Stefano Spivach,I   Regole (anello,ring)
Claudia Steiner,A             Within limits (spilla,brooch)
Eva Tesarik,A                    Palazzo (collana,neckpiece)
Kalliope Theodoropoulou,GR  Metamorphosis or … (spilla,brooch)
Luca Tripaldi,I                   La volpe e l’uva (anello,ring)
Lin Tsang-Hsuan,TW       Heterogeneity (spilla,brooch)
Barbara Uderzo,I              Incredible “wine” (anello,blob ring)
Andrea Vaggione,F          Take care (anello,ring)
Caterina Zanca,I               Prospettive (spilla,brooch)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Liana Pattihis “Emilia” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


CONCORSO 2016 Students section (DEADLINE 31 marzo 2016)
*Alchimia Jewellery School Firenze IT (Awarded student: Daria Olejniczak)
*Campus Idar Oberstein – Hochschule Trier Univ. School for Applied Arts – Germany
*EASD València – Departament de Joieria
*Fabrika12 – València Spain
*IED Roma IT
*ITS Cosmo Progettazione e ricerca orafa Vicenza IT (menzione speciale AGC per il progetto di Chiara Riccò)
*Liceo Artistico P.Selvatico – Padova IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*Llotja – Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Art – Catalunya
*Mingdao University – Taiwan
*Tarì Design School – Caserta IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*The Glasgow School of Art – UK
*Shenkar Jewelry Design Department – Israel
*Universidad del Desarrollo, Magister de Arte – Chile
*e una rappresentanza del Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology – China (menzione speciale AGC a Felicia Li)

Una svolta importante quest’anno risiede nell’iniziativa di arricchire la mostra con la presenza di celebri artisti ospiti. In arrivo da prestigiose collezioni e grazie alla disponibilità di Charon Kransen Arts e Klimt02 Gallery, i visitatori hanno l’opportunità di scoprire dieci opere hors-concours invitate a formare il quadro ideale del dialogo tra i contenuti del concorso: in mostra i lavori di Efharis Alepedis, Sofia Björkman, Liv Blåvarp, Maria Rosa Franzin, Gésine Hackenberg, Gigi Mariani, George Plionis, Niki Stylianou, Fumiki Taguchi, Jasmin Winter.
gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Epharis Alepedis (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen Arts: Epharis Alepedis neckpiece (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen


premi da assegnare / AWARDS :
– individual participation to JOYA 2016 (Arts Santa Monica Joya artists showroom )
– individual artist profiles published on for one year
– agc membership with profile published on agc website (for Students Section winner)
– special mentions by Joya, Klimt, Agc


LIANA PATTIHIS  Emilia. Απο τη συλλογή Chained Interpretations Καρφίτσα Ασημένια αλυσίδα, σμάλτο, stainless steel --------------------------------------------------- Emilia. Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel: LIANA PATTIHIS  « Emilia ».   Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016

  Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYA: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch – fabric(s)
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYASébastien Carré - "Even If We Have To Loose Blood" - Brooch - 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk  "Même s'il faut perdre du sang" - Broche - 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie  for Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Torre Fornello:  photos: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré - « Even If We Have To Loose Blood » – Brooch – 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk / « Même s’il faut perdre du sang » – Broche – 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie   – photos: Milo Lee Photography 

Lluís Comín   brooch "Remor de tormenta" Gioielli in Fermento 2016  Brooch "The whisper of the storm": Lluís Comín   brooch « Remor de tormenta » -2016  Brooch « The whisper of the storm »

SteffiGötze - Brooch " Raum" Gioielli in Fermento 2016, Italy: SteffiGötze – Brooch  » Raum » for Gioielli in Fermento 2016

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 :  Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch: Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente

Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules   Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition: Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules 

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 : Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch: Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

 Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina  Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina

 Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts: Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC : Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring: Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC

gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Eva Tesarik -   "palazzo" neckpiece: Eva Tesarik -   collier from the serie « Palazzo »



Gioielli in Fermento ®
T.+39 3358083039 Ziano Pc Italy
curaduría Eliana Negroni


con la collaborazione di | in collaboration with
AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo
JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Fair Barcelona
Klimt02 Art Jewellery Online
Torre Fornello






EXPO ‘TRANSMISSION’ – Studio411, Montpellier (FR) – 20 Oct.-12 Dec. 2015

Transmission | Studio411




  »Très heureux de vous faire découvrir le projet sur lequel j’ai travaillé avec Florine Menant du Studio411 Galerie à Montpellier
Nous avons eu pour but de mettre sur pied une exposition pour soutenir le bijou contemporain en France et plus globalement pour soutenir le projet de loi sur les métiers d’art afin d’enfin reconnaitre au travail de la matière la possibilité d’être reconnu comme une oeuvre originale et non purement comme objet utilitaire. » Sébastien Carré -

* catalogue disponible ( //

 Transmission Exhibition  /  20 Oct 2015  -  12 Dec 2015:
Avec 56 artistes de 20 pays – dont les 6 Lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015 par Ateliers d’Art de France
Merci à tous les Artistes impliqués dans ce projet / Thanks to all the artists involved


Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography

Du 20 octobre au 12 décembre 2015, Sébastien Carré et Florine Menant présentent Transmission, une exposition de bijou contemporain et du travail artistique de la matière, au Studio 411 à Montpellier.

« Nombre de connaissances et de savoir-faire sont parvenus jusqu’à nous par l’intermédiaire de rencontres et d’échanges. Le contact et la communication ont permis de tout temps à l’Homme de se perfectionner et d’étendre nos compétences ainsi que nos connaissances. Nous avons déjà pu constater dans certaines cultures (où les échanges ont été ralentis ou stoppés) des connaissances ancestrales disparaissent et qui demandent désormais à être réinterprétées, réinventées, transmutées.
Cette exposition vise ici à faire prendre conscience que le travail de la matière ne doit jamais être réduit à un artisanat, il est bien plus que cela : il est vecteur de savoir, de culture et de sens. Il faut au contraire, bien plus le considérer comme une forme d’expression artistique contemporaine bien plus apte à faire rentrer l’art dans nos vies de tous les jours.
Célébrons les échanges et abolissons ces codes qui visent à tout faire rentrer dans des cases pour enfin réellement apprécier et vivre l’art de façon totale afin de ne pas laisser l’individualisme vider nos sociétés de ce qui fait leur beauté.
L’art n’a pas de frontière et ne demande qu’à se transformer. » Sébastien Carré

Les Artistes

Une sélection 56 artistes, représentant 20 pays, met en avant la jeune génération d’artistes du bijou contemporain français diplômés des diverses formations (La HEAR Strasbourg / AFEDAP / ESAD Limoges / Pôle Bijou Baccarat) mise en lien avec les grand noms internationaux de ce domaine :
Aurélie Adam (Fr) — Aiko Fujita (Jp) — Akis Goumas (El) – Angela Ciobanu (Ro/Aut.) – Andrea Vaggione (Arg) – Anneleen Swillen (Be) – Annie Sibert (Fr) – Arnaud Sprimont (Be) – Aude Medori (Fr)  – Carina Shoshtary (All)  – Catalina Gibert (Es)  – Larissa Cluzet (Fr) — Daniela Malev (All)  — Dorothée Van Biesen (Be) — Eliana Negroni (It) – Elin Flognman (Se) – Eva Burton (Es) – Marion Fillancq (Fr)  – Frederique Coomans (Be)  – Gigi Mariani (It) — Heng Lee (Tw) – Isabelle Busnel (Fr/Uk) — Jessica Andersen (Usa)  — Juan Riusech (Fr)  – Katie Jayne Britchford (Aust) — Laurence Verdier (Fr) — Lluís Comín (Es) — Emilie Losch (Fr) – Marie Flambard (Fr) — Miyuki Koshimizu (Jp) – Marie-Eve G. Castonguay (Ca) – Marine Dominiczak (Fr) – Marie Masson (Fr) – Nicolas Estrada (Co) – Olga Raben (Dk) — Pallavi Gandhi (In) – Patricia Gallucci (Arg) – Patricia Domingues (PT) –  Rodrigo Acosta (Arg) – Rosa Nogués Freixas (Es) – Sari Räthel (All) – Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Steffi Götze (All) –  Tanel Veenre (Ee) – Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (Th) – Zil-E-Batool (Pk) — Clara del Papa (IT) — Alina Carp (RO) -

Les 6 lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015, d’Ateliers d’Art de France, participent également à l’exposition :
Julie Auzillon — Morgane Baroghel-Crucq  — Sébastien Carré  — Anne-Laure Coullomb  — Kaori Kurihara – Xavier Noël
Chacun des artistes présente une pièce conceptuelle illustrant la thématique de la transmission.

Avec la participation de Marianne Gassier, blogueuse française spécialisée dans le bijou contemporain.

broche Rodrigo ACOSTA - expo TRANSMISSION: Rodrigo ACOSTA broche 2015

Frederique Coomans - Chrysalis brooch - expo TRANSMISSION: Frederique Coomans – Chrysalis brooch

Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm

Nicolas Estrada Brooch: Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view: Nicolas Estrada Brooch (BACK) : Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view

Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm: Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm

 collier Aiko Fujita  collier Aiko Fujita

Carina Shoshtary  The-Green-EscapeCarina Shoshtary  The-Green-Escape

 dorothee-van-biesen - collier Dorothee van Biesen - collier (détail)

Gigi Mariani Brooch: Massive Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina: Gigi Mariani Brooch: « Massive » Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  Whenever-one-wishes - expo TRANSMISSION: Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  « Whenever-one-wishes »

Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel: Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel

Eva Burton - bouquet brooch  à TRANSMISSION: Eva BURTON  bouquet brooch

Arnaud Sprimont - brooch at TRANSMISSION expo Arnaud Sprimont - brooch

Jessica AndersonJessica Anderson

 Patricia-Gallucci - Necklace  Patricia-Gallucci – Necklace

Emilie-Losch _ Resistances 30m de collier .... - expo TRANSMISSION: Emilie Losch - « Resistances » – 30m de collier ….

Elin Flognman - Potato Power necklace: Elin Flognman  – Potato Power necklace & circuit diagram for a potatoes neckpiece

Laurence Verdier - collier "emportement" - expo TRANSMISSION: Laurence Verdier - collier « emportement »

"People 2008-2015" by Aude Medori - expo TRANSMISSION: Aude Medori « People 2008-2015″ neckpiece

Eliana Negroni -aluminium necklace - TRANSMISSION: Eliana Negroni – aluminium necklace

Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra Image edited by: Bridgette Shepherd, Klimt02 Pendant and Brooch Front View  Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra

Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV

Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not

Marie Flambard - collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)Marie Flambard – collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)

Aurélie Adam présentera notamment son bijou Physalis conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au Cerfav Aurélie Adam  bijou Physalis, conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au CERFAV

Marie MASSON collier "l'Homme faisan"Marie MASSON collier « l’Homme faisan »

Daniela-Malev - necklace   - dryed potatos: Daniela Malev – necklace   – dryed potatoes

Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel – « Transmettre aux générations futures la magie du bijou contemporain, transmettre l’envie d’oser les matériaux non précieux, les formes, les couleurs et les tailles non conventionnelles, transmettre le courage de sortir des sentiers battus et des bijoux que tout le monde porte… »

Expo TRANSMISSION - Xavier Noël - transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus .....: Xavier Noël – transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus …..



Studio 411
19, avenue Georges Clemenceau, 34 000 Montpellier
Tél. : 09 82 35 05 26



Commandez votre Catalogue / Order Your Catalog : Transmission 20 Oct – 12 Dec Studio411 Galerie

Commandez le catalogue de l’exposition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) / Order the catalog of the exhibition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) – Studio411: http://www.studio411.fr A6 : 105 x 148 mm – 64 pages (Français et Anglais)
Book A6 : 105 X 148 mm – 64 pages (French & English)
Price / Prix :15€
+ Shipping / Frais de port : en fonction de la destination / depend on the location
inclu: les photos des oeuvres de chaque artistes ainsi que le texte écrit par la bloggeuse Française Marianne Gassier / With the pictures of all artist and the text wrote by Marianne Gassier French Blog editor : http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.frGraphisme : (Un grand Merci à Silvia, Diane et Christelle)

Choisissez votre mode de règlement / Choose how to proceed
(Paypal* or Bank Transfer) – Catalogue = 15€ + Frais de port / Shipping fees

 Catalogue : Transmission - exhibition of Art Jewellery and fine Art (20 Oct - 12 Dec 2015) Montpellier France





During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘Bubble Land’ – Gallery Kobeia, Munich (DE) – 11-15 Mars 2015

Opening  March 11, 18:30  / Gallery Kobeia
Bubble land
Bubble Land is an imaginary space reflecting our mind state, delivering treasures integrated with our history, present and fantasy on the island we live in.
We may all come from the same land; some see it as a mystic island that is often neglected by the outside, while others embrace the diverse, rich and wealthy livelihood.
The multi-perspective experience we share is a brief moment on the proceeding time lapse we live in. It contains spiritual eternal values, but not always visually perpetual. It is the little details acknowledged by the inhabitants participating in daily lives that bring gratitude or responses toward the present situations.
Bench 886 :
Cai-Xuan Wu Han-Chieh (Joy) Chuang –  Heng Lee — Mei-Fang Chiang — Shih-Dea (Deborah) TsengYing-Hsiu ChenYing-Hsun (Zita) HsuWen-Miao YehYu-Ping LinYung-Huei Chao
Bench 886
Heng Lee (TW)-Bench 886 -  Floral Print of Formosa- Pleione formosana  - "BUBBLE LAND"Heng Lee  Brooch « Floral Print of Formosa- Pleione formosana » - 2014 – Nickel silver plated with  platinum ,  aluminum, auto paint, tread, silk organza
 Yu-Ping Lin Kaleido - The Journey of Dazzle Brooch, 2015 Digital-printed nylon, paint, mixed media, stainless steel 65x65x40mm Photo by artistYu-Ping Lin   » Kaleido » – The Journey of Dazzle Brooch, 2015 Digital-printed nylon, paint, mixed media, stainless steel 65x65x40mm Photo by artist
Ying-Hsun (Zita) Hsu (TW) -Bench886 -  "BUBBLE LAND"(Zita) Ying-Hsun Hsu Deformed Origami series 2012-15, brooch, porcelain, silver, stainless steel – 110 x 90 x 35 mm

Wen-Miao Yeh 'Buzz buzz'  brooch 2014-plastic, brass, paint,stainless steel - BUBBLE LANDWen-Miao Yeh   ‘Buzz buzz’  brooch 2014-plastic, brass, paint,stainless steel
Cai Xuan Wu - Cai-Xuan Wu "Title Two make one heart" Brooch, 2015 -Acrylic, stainless steel 90mmX90mmX35mmCai Xuan Wu - « Title Two make one heart » Brooch, 2015 -Acrylic, stainless steel 90mmX90mmX35mm
Shih Dea ( Deborah) Tseng - Self-Portrait 2013-2015Shih Dea (Deborah) Tseng -  Self-Portrait 2013-2015
 Ying-Hsiu Chen (TW) -Bench 886 - "BUBBLE LAND"Ying-Hsiu Chen« Soft Coral » Brooch, 2015 -Super-light soil, laundry bag, 18K plated brass
Han-Chieh Chuang - Brick Brooch 02  -Bench886 -. "BUBBLE LAND" Han-Chieh Chuang  Red Brick Brooch no.19 - 2014 - bricks, enamel, copper, silver, paper, cement, gold foil, steel wira

Yung-huei Chao (TW) -Bench886 -  "BUBBLE LAND"  Yung-huei Chao – brooch « Transient Space » brooch, 2015 -  Recycled building material, brass, nickel silver, stainless steel components
 Mei-Fang Chiang (TW) Picking Leaves Series – Cloud of Grass, 2014 anodized aluminium, stainless steel wire ,silver - "BUBBLE LAND"Mei-Fang Chiang -  Picking Leaves Series – Cloud of Grass, 2014 anodized aluminium, stainless steel wire ,silver

Gallery Kobeia
Luisenstrasse 49
80333 Munich – Germany
Do.-So. 11-17 h
Tel.+49 89 18921101

Contact: Yu-Ping / Heng


EXPO ‘Endless Closeness’ – Putti Art Gallery, Rīga (Latvia/Lettonie) – 8 Dec.2014-14 Fevr. 2015

Endless Closeness

Art Gallery PUTTI Endless Closeness(brooch Rallou Katsari)

This show represents the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new period, offering a moment to reflect and look back to the past. In this exhibition maybe the viewer will be able to identify one piece that represents this metaphor for him

A contemporary jewellery exhibition “Endless closeness” will take place in Art Gallery PUTTI from December 8, 2014 until February 14, 2015. Different Latvian and international jewellery artists will present their works, expressing their winter feeling.

Endless Closeness. - Putti Art Gallery , Riga (Latvia)  - 08 Dec 2014  -  14 Feb 2015


Artist list :  Andris LaudersGuntis Lauders Liisa HashimotoHeng LeeIsabelle BusnelJulia Maria KunnapRallou KatsariRéka LörinczGigi Mariani — Māris Auniņš — Māris Šustiņš — Nikolai BalabinValdis Brože

Nikolai Balabin Brooch: Fallen Gold silver, patina, leaf gold - Endless Closeness.Nikolai Balabin Brooch: Fallen Gold silver, patina, leaf gold

Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani - ring Parallel Worlds, 2014 – Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina – Photo by: Paolo Terzi

Rallou Katsari.Rallou Katsari. ring Eavesdrop, 2014 – Silver, rhodium plated, gold plated

Valdis Brože Pin: Untitled Silver 925 oxidized, Gold 750, Opal - Endless Closeness.Valdis Brože Pin: Untitled Silver 925 oxidized, Gold 750, Opal


Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 – Rīga
Telephone: +371 67214229
Fax: +371 67214230



EXPO ‘Ni Hao’ – Gallery Kobeia, Munich (DE) – 13-18 Mars 2014

SCHMUCK 2014 – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Ni Hao ! - 10 contemporary jewellery artists from Taiwan

The emerging Taiwan-based art jewelry group “Bench 886” is scheduled to present their works at Schmuck 2014 Munich Germany Jewelry Fair, showing the rich variety of their artistic energy on the international stage which is regarded as the Oscars in art jewelry

Ni Hao - 10 contemporaryjewellery artists from Taiwan
‘Hi’ (Ni Hao in Chinese) is a magic greeting word that initiates communication, just  as a key that opens the door to a discussion, a bridge that crosses the  boundaries of silence. Language very often goes beyond its linguistic meaning;   however, it is also confined to linguistic competence. If there is a way that  crosses the borders of language and speaks up one’s opinions through work piece,  so that everyone, regardless of language, could feel the frequency of the world;  that would be art.
‘Ni Hao! (hi) We are art  jewellery artists from Taiwan!’
Image de prévisualisation YouTube
Mei-Fang Chiang dialogues the relationship between soul and work  itself ;
Cai-Xuan (Molly) Wu and Heng Lee discover the beauty of knitting and  embroidery in an unconventional way;
Wen-Miao Yeh and Yu-Ping Lin develop the  Origami and paper cutting in structural dramatic forms;
Shih-Dea (Deborah) Tseng  and Ying-Hsun (Zita) Hsu reveal the vague and abstract spirit of ‘Zen’  in the perceptions of touch and vision;
Han-Chieh (Joy) Chuang, Ying-Hsiu Chen and Yung-Huei Chao combine the inspiration from  Mother Nature with the memory toward motherland.
‘Ten jewellery artists come from the same land, ten storytellers  looking forward to a whole new page in their lives.’
Yu-Ping Lin Textile Jewellery - kaleidoscope serie -  Strawberry (Ka03-1F) - Bracelet/ Brooch  Felt, PolyesterYu-Ping Lin Textile Jewellery – kaleidoscope serie -  Strawberry  Bracelet/ Brooch  Felt, Polyester
Heng Lee  Floral Embroidery- Pixel 4.2

Heng Lee -  Floral Embroidery- Pixel serie – back of a brooch (detail)

YEH WEN-MIAO [TAIWAN] 大賞 Grand Prix 「The Space 2013」Wen-Miao Yeh – Brooches – The Space 2013 – Plastic, cooper, paint
 Ying-Hsui Chen / CHEN YING HSIU [TAIWAN] 「Sketch Series-Seashell  XXI~XXVII」
Ying-Hsui Chen – Sketch Series-Seashell  XXI~XXVII – super-light soil, stockings, poly, 22K plated brass, 22K plated stainless steel
 YING HSIU CHEN -TAIWAN Shell ring - made of clay and stockingsYing-Hsui Chen-  Shell ring – made of clay and stockings
【CAI-XUAN(Molly) WU】: Transit:Knitting No.1, Brooch (2012) / Acryli, steel wireCai-Xuan (Molly) Wu – Transit:Knitting No.1, Brooch (2012) / Acryl., steel wire
Molly Wu, Taiwan - plankton brooch 2013Cai-Xuan (Molly) Wu (ou Tzu-Jung (Molly) Wu) – plankton brooch 2013
Shih-Ti Tseng (Deborah Tseng)  - porcelain, plaster, leather necklace 2012Shih-Dea (Deborah) Tseng (Shih-Ti (Deborah) Tseng) – porcelain, plaster, leather necklace 2012
Mei Fang Chian (Taiwan)

Mei-Fang Chiang

Ying-Hsiu (Zita) HsuYing-Hsiu (Zita) Hsu
YING-HSUN(ZITA) HSU-TAIWAN/UK: In Flux. B1(2013) / Magnetism, white gold platedYing-Hsiu (Zita) Hsu – In Flux. B1(2013) / Brooch, brass, magnetism, resin
Han-Chieh (Joy) ChuangHan-Chieh (Joy) Chuang -  red brick brooch 2013, brooch, silver, copper, enamel, steel
Yung-Huei Chao Yung-Huei Chao Window Series II, Bracelets (2010) Nilckel silver
Luisenstraße 49
80333 München


EXPO ‘Not just JADE’ – AME Gallery, Hong Kong (CN) – 9 Mai-1er Juin 2013

 Not just jadeAME Gallery

An exhibition focus on Chinese contemporary artists.

AME Gallery - Not just jade - 9mai-1er juin 2013 - artists of Chinese origin

artists of Chinese origin : Alice Bo-Wen ChangGu MingHelen MokHeng LeeMei LeeShan Shan MokTricia TangZhang Ni –  Zita HsuAnnie Tung

Tricia Tang: Family & I 2012  Cinnabar, Jade, Acrylic Polymer Dispersion  Photographed by Ebee LamTricia Tang : Family & I 2012  Cinnabar, Jade, Acrylic Polymer Dispersion  Photographed by Ebee Lam

Alice Bo-Wen ChangAlice Bo-Wen Chang

helen.mok at SOYAHelen Mok    (

Shan Shan Mok Contemporary Jewellery (on her FB page)Shan Shan Mok (Eliza Wing Shan Mok) ring

Shan Shan Mok 6th series, titanium earring. 220$, via Etsy.Shan Shan Mok 6th series, titanium earring – you can SHOP it on Etsy ! (let me the time to buy it first ! ;-) I love it !!)

Heng Lee Jewelry -   Floral Embroidery- Pixel 4.7    2013  Stainless steel, threadHeng Lee  -   Floral Embroidery- Pixel 4.7  -  2013  Stainless steel, thread

Ming Gu - ring "Mr Bongbong" - Ming  – ring « Mr Bongbong »

Zita HSU - collection of Relics brooches - magnetism brooches, 2012 Photography: Ioana VrabieZita HSU - collection of Relics brooches – magnetism brooches, 2012 Photography: Ioana Vrabie

Mei Lee ringsMei Lee rings

Tricia Tang  Neckpiece: Shan Shui Shui Mo–Shui Zhong Shui (Mountain Water Water Ink – Water within Water) 2012  Acrylic Paint, Acrylic Polymer Dispersion, Fishing Line Tricia Tang  Neckpiece: Shan Shui Shui Mo–Shui Zhong Shui (Mountain Water Water Ink – Water within Water) 2012  Acrylic Paint, Acrylic Polymer Dispersion, Fishing Line

Annie Tung. Loves Endless TearsAnnie Tung – Loves Endless Tears


AME gallery
12/F, Tin On Shing Commercial Building, 41-43
Graham St, Central ,
Hong Kong


EXPO ‘Suspend-ed in Pink’ – The Atrium-The School of Jewellery, Birmingham (UK) – 7-28 Janv. 2013

Suspend-ed in Pink
The Atrium – The School of Jewellery, Birmingham.  07.01.13-28.01.13

 Suspend-ed in Pink  The Atrium - The School of Jewellery, Birmingham.  07.01.13-28.01.13

Exhibitiors ‘Suspend.ed in Pink’ 2013 :
Alexandra Hopp –  Andrea Coderch –  Annette Dam –  Babette Von Dohnanyi –  Claire Lavendhomme –  Claire McArdle –  Corrado de Meo –  Demitra ThomloudisDrew Markou –  Erica Voss –  Farrah Al Dujaili –  Galatée Pestre –  Helena Johansson –  Heng Lee –  Isabel Dammermann –  Jane Richie –  Jo PondJorge Manilla — Josephine Siwei Wang — Kate RohdeKaren BartlettKaren VanmolKarin Roy AnderssonKatharina Moch — Kevin Hughes — Lauren MarkleyLaurence VerdierLital MendelLynn BatchelderMallory WestonMasako HamaguchiMichelle KraemerMinna KarhuPatricia A GallucciRachel McKnight —  Réka FeketeRhona McCallumRia LinsSam HamiltonSilke FleischerSofia Björkman Thea Clark — Vinit Koosolmanomai — Yeseul SeoZoe Robertson.

EXPO 'Suspend-ed in Pink' - The Atrium-The School of Jewellery, Birmingham (UK) -  7-28 Janv. 2013 dans Alexandra HOPP (US) Karen+Bartlett-+School+of+Jewellery,+Birmingham,+UK.NECKPIECE++01.+H+33+X+W26++X+D+11cm+2010.+Copper,+CZ,+hematite,+rubber+bands,+powder+coat.+copyKaren Bartlett

Claire+McArdle-Australia-The+%28kanga%29Roo-50x21x23mm-2012-fluoro+pink+kangaroo+leather+&+polystyrene-1 dans Andrea CODERCH (ES)Claire McArdle

GloriaBrooch+copy dans Annette DAM (DK)Sam Hamilton

Corrado de Meo  Brooch: Flower in Pink 2012  Mixed media  Photographer: Federico CavicchioliCorrado de Meo Brooch: Flower in Pink 2012  Mixed media -  Photographer: Federico Cavicchioli

Heng-Lee - Floral Embroidery- Pixel SeriesHeng Lee – Floral Embroidery- Pixel Series

Andrea Coderch  Brooch: Untitled 2012  Mixed mediaAndrea Coderch  Brooch: Untitled 2012  Mixed media

Babette Von Dohnanyi  Brooch: Sea Miracles 2012  Mixed media  Photographer: Federico CavicchioliBabette Von Dohnanyi  Brooch: Sea Miracles 2012  Mixed media  Photographer: Federico Cavicchioli

Helena JohanssonHelena Johansson

Kate Rohde cuff.Kate Rohde resin cuff

Farrah Al Dujaili piece 'Beautifully Marked' at "Suspended in Pink "Farrah Al Dujaili- ‘Beautifully Marked’

Curvature Collection - Lital Mendel : pink necklace with ribbonLital Mendel- Curvature Collection : pink necklace with ribbon (this one will not be exhibited here …)

Lital Mendel -  necklace from "Epehmeral collection" shown at "SUSPENDED IN PINK" exhibitionLital Mendel  necklace from « Epehmeral collection »  (THIS one will be exhibited !)

Michelle Kraemer- "like red but not quite" / brooch / cotton, acrylic paint, steelMichelle Kraemer- « like red but not quite » / brooch / cotton, acrylic paint, steel

Rachel McKnight - Pink Twisted Ruffle NeckpieceRachel McKnight – Pink Twisted Ruffle Neckpiece

Pickup #4 velvet pink Fleischer – Pickup #4 velvet pink 

Zoe Robertson  Brooch: Double Bubble 2011  High density modelling foam, flock fibre, magnet, powder coated steel  8 x 8 x 1 5cm Robertson  Brooch: Double Bubble 2011  High density modelling foam, flock fibre, magnet, powder coated steel



The Atrium Gallery (Birmingham School of Jewellery)
Vittoria Street
B1 3PA – Birmingham
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 121 331 5940


SIERAAD Art Fair 2012 – Amsterdam – 1–4 Nov. 2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – 01.Nov.2012 – 04.Nov.2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair(ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010)

This year the poster will feature a ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010: True Colours. After the great success of last year another delegation of Korean contemporary jewellery designers will be present at the fair this year – definitely something to look forward to because in our Western eyes these artists give a unique interpretation of their cultural history.

 Pieces from Serin Oh from KoreaPieces from Serin Oh

SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair | Vivian MellerVivian Meller brooches

Ute van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen - at SIERAAD ART FAIRUte van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen
Kika Alvarenga, ring silver green turmalines - at SIERAADKika Alvarenga, ring – silver green turmalines
Lien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING - at SIERAADLien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING
Sound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright. - at SIERAADSound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright
TZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection - at SIERAADTZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection
 Linda Ezerman  Necklace, handmade, unique piece,felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink - at SIERAADLinda Ezerman  – stand 28 – Necklace, handmade, unique piece  from the series ‘tide land wet beach caught by seaweed’, felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink
Uli RAPP at SIERAAD Art fair 2012, stand 52Uli Rapp, stand 52
Xinrui (Sherry) Yu - at SIERAADXinrui (Sherry) Yu
Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55 (SIERAAD Art Fair)Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55
Stefania Lucchetta (SIERAAD Art Fair)Stefania Lucchetta
Jillian Moore (SIERAAD Art Fair)Jillian Moore
Ute Decker -  snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam, 1 - 4 Nov. www.sieraadartfair.comUte Decker – snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam stand 27

Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers, with Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Laura Bradshaw Heap Melanie CodarinKatie LeesYu-Ping LinGrace PageNatalie SmithAnna Wales

Katie Lees (SIERAAD Art Fair, Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers)Katie Lees

 Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011 -  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pencil, pastel – Dimensions: 14cm x 8cm x 5cm


Gasholder WesterGasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail: aberens@sieraadartfair.comand on FB :


with, among them :

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze Italy:
Valentina Caprini IT — Andrea Coderch Valor ES — Patrick Davison GB — Catalina Gibert Nadal ES —  Sam Hamilton IR — Dinah Lee USA — Weronika Marek PL — Izabella Petrut RM — Giulia Savino IT — Anna Helena van de Pohl de Deus USA


‘NEW NOMADS’ New Traditional Jewellery 2012

More Info:

exhibition New Nomads

exhibition New Nomads will be shown during SIERAAD Art Fair, 1 – 4 November 2012, in the Gashouder, WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam 

For the 2012 design contest and exhibition the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘NEW NOMADS’, because both literally and figuratively this theme offers many possibilities for inspiration.

NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY (gauche)NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY for 'new Nomads' droite

the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) at (hard !) work ….

The history of jewellery is as old as mankind. While people went in search of parts with the best living conditions they carried their valuables with them, wearing them on their bodies. Jewellery that represents economic and social status, as it still does nowadays in the case of nomadic tribes. The dissemination of religions went hand in hand with an unprecedented range of religious jewellery and ornaments, ranging from small containers for religious texts to reliquaries and portable altars.
To this day, jewellery made of stable materials like gold and gems is the guarantee for your ‘ticket home’ in times of crises or when you have to flee from high-risk areas. Due to the global financial crisis prices of this so-called ‘flight gold’ have skyrocketed. Is there an alternative? Nowadays there are quite different streams of migrants but the principle is the same: people in search of parts with better living conditions. The whole world is on the move, from refugees to tourists, from emigrants to employees of multinationals. And you don’t even have to get up from your chair: Skype e.g. has made videoconferencing into a social medium.
NTJ asks contemporary professional jewellery designers to build bridges between the traditional jewellery of e.g. nomads, pilgrims, explorers, globetrotters, refugees or colonists and possible symbols bearers representing the mobility of the ‘NEW NOMADS’. Check the attachments for conditions and criteria.

all nominees New Nomads:
Ariane Ernst D — Alejandra Solar Mex — Auk Russchen NL — Barbora Dzurakova SK — Casey Fenn UK — Dana Hakim IL — Daniela Malev D — Edu Tarín ES — Hee Won Kang ROK — Heng Lee RC — Hester Popma-van de Kolk NL — Jie Sun CN — Judy McCaig UK — Juliane Keßler D — Katharina Dettar D — Laila Smith UK — Leon Mommersteeg NL — Maria Hees NL — Matthew+Amanda Caines UK — Maryvonne Wellen NL — Minna Karhu FIN — Noa Liran IL — Patricia Domingues P — Peter Vermandere B — Petra Bole SLO — Raewyn Wash NZ — Ricarda Wolf D — Robean Visschers NL — Roseanne Bartley Au/NZ — Sang-Hee Park ROK — Saskia Govaerts B — Sina Wassermann D — Sung-Min Jung ROK — Tabea Reulecke D — Verena Klette D — Vernon Bowden NZ –

The exhibition during SAF: 1-4 november at Gashouder Westergasfabriek Amsterdam

the exhibition “New Nomads” will be then shown in MMKArnhem (museum for Modern Art in Arnhem) ,  November 24. – January 27. 2013!
The next exhibition will be published after the summer.

Maria Hees. Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubberMaria Hees (NL) – Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubber

New Nomads: Roseanne BartleyRoseanne Bartley (AU/NZ)

New Nomads: Noa Liran.Noa Liran (IL)

Robean Visschers (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers ring (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers – for 2012 competition
SIERAAD - new Traditional_Jewellery-- Auk Russchen - (Nederland, 1971) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010Auk Russchen – (NL) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010 (winner for 2010 New Traditional Jewellery « True Colours »)
sang hee park
Sang-Hee Park
Amanda Caines - Necklace - Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with ThamesMatthew+Amanda Caines – Necklace – Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with Thames
Tabea Reuckle, nominee New NomadsTabea Reulecke
from JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,   Jie Sun, nominated piece for New Nomads.Jie Sunfrom JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,  nominated piece for New Nomads