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EXPO ‘UltraMarine’ – Tallinn, Estonia – 7 Oct.-6 Nov. 2011

UltraMarine as a word derivates from Latin ultra + marinus and means ’over the sea’ or ’beyond the sea’.
Ultramarine is a fiery blue pigment extracted from lapis lazuli, one of the oldest precious stones used in jewellery for thousands of years. Lapis lazuli or lazurite was imported to Europe from Middle Asia by sea via Venice, hence the name ’beyond the sea’.
Ultramarine was a rare and valuable colorant, as expensive as gold leaf because of its remote origin and complex production process. Medieval masters often used that exotic pigment for the uppermost colour layer only. Sometimes just the robes of Virgin Mary and li’l Jesus were painted using the priceless blue.
UltraMarine is a solo sailor’s route across the sea, an artist’s dialogue with a material that takes place while she works at her desk. One can spy a knowing smile on the countenance of she who has arrived at her destination – for the joy of surpassing oneself is the greatest pleasure of all. A co-conspirator knows the feeling well. The sea unites; the land divides. UltraMarine is bluer than the sea.

(Sara Borgegård – necklace: ULTRAMARINE 2011 – Iron, embroidery thread, lapis lazuli, spraypaint)


There are works of 51 artists from Estonia, Europe, US, Australia and Asia, which will be seen in an exhibition space specially set up for the occasion in the Noblessner district. UltraMarine exhibition will be accompanied by an 80-page catalogue which will be published for the opening of the exhibition.
The exhibition is initiated by four fellow jewellery artist from Estonia: Merle Kasonen, Julia Maria Künnap, Maarja Niinemägi, Kertu Tuberg.

UltraMarine is part of the programme of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011


Dina Abargil — Linda al-Assi — Kätrin Beljaev — Marta Boan — Daniela BoieriSara Borgegård ÄlgåAdam Grinovich — Ulvi Haagensen — Hanna Hedman — Sachiyo Higaki — Nils Hint — Pilleriin Jürisoo — Rainer Kaasik-Aaslav — Anni Kagovere — Merle Kasonen — Rallou Katsari — Annika Kedelauk — Mart Kekišev — Kristiina Kibe — Jenny Klemming — Katrin Kosenkranius — Lisa KröberAkiko KuriharaJulia Maria Künnap — Teresa Lane — Beth Legg — Bruno Lillemets  — Liina Lõõbas — Veera Metso — Maria Militsi — Edgar Mosa — Maarja Niinemägi — Jaanika PajusteTiina RajakallioTabea ReuleckeMarzia Rossi — Deborah Rudolph — Ann Schmalwasser — Constanze SchreiberDaniela SchwaagEstella Saez Vilanova — Birgit Skolimowski — Adolfas Šaulys & Mari Relo-Šaulys — Nelli Tanner — Ketli Tiitsar — Kertu Tuberg — Elo UibokandFlóra Vági — Maria Valdma — Luzia Vogt
Tiina Rajakallio-  « Unho »  2011
Rallou Katsari‘WHISPERING LOUD’ – brooch gold, pigment 2007
Estella Saez - ‘BOYA’ brooch – oxidized silver, wool, paint 2008


Address: Noblessner Foundry, entrance at Tööstuse 48, Tallinn – Estonia
Management: Merle Kasonen, Julia Maria Künnap, Maarja Niinemägi, Kertu Tuberg


TOUT est bon dans le COCHON !!

A « porky pig » selection …… ;-)

Growth series - by Sung-Yeoul Lee - Copper mesh, Cast plastic, Pig intestine, Gold leaf Sung-Yeoul Lee – brooch: Growth series 2010 – Cast plastic, sterling silver, copper mesh, gold leaf, pig intestine

Sung-Yeoul Lee, Artist, Growth series, necklace, 2010, cast plastic, sterling silver, copper mesh, gold leaf, pig intestine, 2 1/4" x 2 1/4" x 3" Sung-Yeoul Lee – Necklace ‘Growth series’ 2010 – Cast plastic, sterling silver, copper mesh, gold leaf, pig intestine
Marta Mattsson’s brooches- sofa ny highlights part two: märta mattsson’s skins
at SOFA NY was jewelry artist Märta Mattsson, represented by Sienna Gallery.
while it might look like paper, the reality is that each piece is made of skin – goat skin, calf skin and reindeer skin. Repulsion quickly mixed with fascination (dailyartmuse)
Märta MattssonSkin flowers Brooches -  Goatskin, walnut wood, silver

TOUT est bon dans le COCHON !! dans Akiko KURIHARA (JP) img7130
Catarina Hällzon – beautiful necklace- Here comes the surprise: it’s the intestines of a pig, tightened around silver


Catarina Hällzon- Necklace 2006 – Material: Intestinal tract from a pig, silver  -detail

Catarina HällzonBrooch 2006 Material: Intestinal tract from a pig, silver, thread Hash – 2005 Dried Pig’s ear bracelet

intestines_crea-tiff_bijoux_ dans ALCHIMIA (IT)
Tiffany Rowe- “Made with fresh sheep intestines !”  (bon, c’est pas du cochon, mais on va pas chipoter !!)

All Maria Phillips images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All Maria Phillips images at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Maria Phillips (USA) – “Portrait” Brooches – gut (boyaux) (Velvet da Vinci exhibition)

Stephanie Hensle – MEAT serie Hensle brooch(es) Hensle brooch

Andrea Coderch Valor, necklace 2010Andrea Coderch Valor – necklace – 2010- Silver, plastic, white pearls, black pearls

Andrea Coderch Valor - ring - 2011 - silver, pearls, resin Andrea Coderch Valor – ring – 2011 – silver, pearls, resin
Ted-Noten- Evening Butterfly ring – 2010

David Bielander – brooch

Nikki Majajas   Pigs and Pearls Nikki Majajas, from the « tenmoregirls » group (Australia)

Jimena RiosJimena Rios


Jaanika Pajuste  Two in One  Necklace in porcelain, pearls, silver, thread and magnets. Shown with optional 'Sweets' magnets Jaanika Pajuste  Two in One  Necklace in porcelain, pearls, silver, thread and magnets. Shown with optional ‘Sweets’ magnets

Akiko Kurihara - necklace "thank you for the meat" 2010 - silver, acrylic resin, colour Akiko Kurihara – necklace « thank you for the meat » 2010 – silver, acrylic resin, colour (Marzee Gallery)

and the last two from ALCHIMIA :

« Alchimiajewellery school presents ‘Tastes just like chicken….’ the Quaternitas exhibition 2011, curated by Ruudt Peters.
Michelle Kraemer and Maru Lopez present the final results after a yearlong development under the guidance of their tutor and curator. The work of both started with an exploration of gender, identity, sex, skin, touch, within the borders generated around those concepts by the individual and society.
The artists have worked in a close dialogue and with corresponding materials like fabric, latex, nylon and foam, but the resulting jewellery pieces show clearly their difference in cultural identity and personal interest.
Set up in the beautiful entrance hall of Alchimia, the exhibition is articulated in two installations referring to the display of ‘organic material’ , one related to commerce (the butcher) the other to curiosity and science (the natural history museum).« 

michelle kraemer - "have you got the guts?" / necklace / wood, stockings, latex, embroidery thread Michelle Kraemer: ‘have you got the guts?’ latex, nylon thights, balsa wood, embroiderie thread

maru lopez Maru Lopez: ‘pass me the salt’, Fabric, acrylic paint, thread, plastic filling , iron, and shibuichi


Valérie Salvo |
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