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Le Bonheur de regarder un bijou de Jack Cunningham

Jack Cunningham

Jack Cunningham is an academic and contemporary studio jeweller whose particular interest is narrative jewellery, being that which tells a story or makes a statement through visual imagery.

Jack Cunningham trained at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee and is currently head of silversmithing and jewellery at Glasgow School of Art where he has taught since 1990.
« I am motivated by the construct of our relationship with family, place, people, of recollection and memory, life and death. I am also interested in the dialogue that is consequently established between the maker – the originator of the artefacts statement, the wearer – the vehicle by which the work is seen, and the viewer – the audience who thereafter engages with the work.
I work exclusively with the brooch form to explore these personal narrative themes, which are sourced during numerous visits to Japan and time spent in Glasgow and Paris. »
His work is held in a number of public collections including the National Museums of Scotland and the Musee des Arts Decoratif in Montreal. He has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad and was a shortlisted finalist for the Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2000

Chaque fois que je me retrouve face à un bijou, souvent une broche, de Jack Cunningham, j’ai un sourire… C’est comme retrouver son âme d’enfant, une fraicheur, une joie de vivre, une « simplicité » qui font chaud au coeur …. Je suis peut-être naïve ou simple d’esprit, mais ses bijoux me font du bien au coeur, ce ne sont pas des « crises esthétiques » mais « juste » de petits bonheurs …..

« In most of my designs I aspire to evoke a feeling of nostalgia. I consciously work in a miniature scale, using a diverse range of materials in order to create attention so that the onlooker has to become more involved in the piece, hopefully sparking memory or thought as well as making them smile. »

oui, tout à fait ……………

Jack CunninghamFragments -  Brooch 2006 – white metal, garnet, green coral, wood, crystal

Jack Cunningham - Fragments Brooch 2006 white metal, coral, readymadeJack Cunningham – Fragments Brooch 2006 white metal, coral, readymade

 » The choice of materials in the pieces reflects an alchemical collage approach. Plastic and coral, biscuit tin and garnet; the found and the sought-after cohabit in many pieces where, most succesfully they show the validity of each person’s story as an ‘everything-except-the-obvious’ approach in order to put across a personal coherence, a revelation and a testimony, and ultimately a report on the highlights of the experience of cultural transplantation.  » (about the Narrative jewelryAnalysis of ‘Transplantation A sense of place and culture- British and Australian Narrative Jewellery’ – Samuel O’Hana – Manchester, Samuel O’Hana, 2012- Klimt02-forum)

Jack Cunningham, 'The Great Barrier'  Photo by Electric EggJack Cunningham, ‘The Great Barrier’  Photo by Electric Egg

Jack Cunningham  Brooch: The Great Barrier (series)  Found objects (detail)  Photo by Electric EggJack Cunningham  Brooch: The Great Barrier series (detail) – Found objects   Photo by Electric Egg

Jack Cunningham - "Kit" series -   Love Kit Blue  Brooch 2002 white metal, enamel, moonstone, turquoise, cultured pearl, amethyst, sodaliteJack Cunningham – « Kit » series -   Love Kit Blue  Brooch 2002 white metal, enamel, moonstone, turquoise, cultured pearl, amethyst, sodalite

Jack Cunningham - "Kit" series - Nature Kit  Brooch 2003 - white metal, amber, shell, cultured pearl, amethystJack Cunningham – « Kit » series – Nature Kit  Brooch 2003 – white metal, amber, shell, cultured pearl, amethyst

Jack CunninghamJack Cunningham – « I collect many things, but this particular collection is based on plastic and lead geese and chickens, which were manufactured by a Company called Britains. » The story behind the collection… : « I am a contemporary narrative jeweller (in addition to being a full time Academic), and therefore collect small items which may in some way, convey a message, tell a story or trigger a memory. »

The "Paris" series - Midnight Blues  Brooch 2003 - white metal, lapis lazuli, agate, turquoise « Paris » series – Midnight Blues  Brooch 2003 – white metal, lapis lazuli, agate, turquoise 

Jack Cunningham - "Japan" series -  "The Peak" brooch 2003 white metal, obsidian, jade, nephrite, rock crystalJack Cunningham – « Japan » series -  « The Peak » brooch 2003 white metal, obsidian, jade, nephrite, rock crystal

Jack Cunningham - 'Relationship' Series - "How deep is your love"  brooch 2010 - white metal, bone, wood, cultured pearl, aquamarineJack Cunningham – ‘Relationship’ Series – « How deep is your love »  brooch 2010 – white metal, bone, wood, cultured pearl, aquamarine


EXPO ‘Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery’ – New Brewery Arts, Cirencester (UK) – 14 Janv-27 Fevr. 2011

 Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery

Jewellers are not defined by traditional materials and today’s makers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what jewellery can be.
Be it big and bold or pale and subtle, the innovative world of studio jewellery will delight and challenge in equal measure often making us re examine our pre conceptions of what jewellery means.
ALCHEMISTS, the latest jewellery exhibition to be curated at New Brewery Arts, sets out to investigate and present the work of contemporary jewellers who take precious or unexpected materials and transform them into unusual and desirable jewellery.
The notion of using precious and non-precious materials within jewellery is hardly new, but this show seeks to highlight the breadth of approaches and range of materials used by today’s makers when exploring the adornment of the body.
New Brewery Arts is proud to present the work of over 25 artists. Internationally renowned and award winning contemporary jewellers will be exhibiting alongside the fresh talent of new makers just stepping out in their careers.

Jane Adam, Jivan Astfalck, Karen Bartlett, Sally Collins, Jack Cunningham, Anna Gordon, Maria Hanson, Yoko Izawa, Tanvi Kant, Hannah Louise Lamb, Bridie Lander, Alison Macleod, Lindsey Mann, Toni Mayner, Maria Militsi, John Moore, Grainne Morton, Louise Parry, Kathryn Partington, Betty Pepper, Lina Peterson, Jo Pond, Mah Rana, Katherine Richmond, Zoe Robertson, Ruth Tomlinson, Jessica Turrell.

Jivan Astfalck
Jivan Astfalck – ‘Vanitas’
Lina Peterson

Jack Cunningham
Jack Cunningham

Sally Collins' brooch
Sally Collins - brooch
Grainne Morton Ruth
Lindsey Manncombines brightly printed sheet aluminium & other non-precious materials (found objects)

< />Scribble Series</em><br />brooches, silver, copper, vitreous enamel, 2009  » width= »284″ height= »348″ /><br />
<font size=Jessica Turrell- Scribble Series – brooches, silver, copper, vitreous enamel, 2009 : brooch - given a kite
Jo Pond- brooch – given a kite (cocoon serie)



EXPO 'Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery' - New Brewery Arts, Cirencester (UK) - 14 Janv-27 Fevr. 2011 dans Alison MAcLEOD (UK) Maria-Militsi---Inner-Voice
Maria Militsi

Karen Bartlett - Ring-Copper, silver,CZ,gold plate,powder coat



New Brewery Arts
Brewery Court, Cricklade St
GL7 1JH – Cirencester
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01285 65718


Coloured Aluminium Jewellery: design & make – Lindsey Mann -
Published by A& C Black Publishers Ltd, London – 128 pp


le CORAIL, ça vous signe un bijou …..

La petite branche/touche de corail a le vent en poupe, visiblement, dans le monde du bijou contemporain ….

Pour son côté « précieux » ? son côté « nature » ? son petit côté « vintage », désuet ?? Bettina Speckner-brooch- ferrotype, silver, coral, snail, photo in enamelBettina Speckner-brooch 2007- Ferrotype, Silver, Coral, Maple
Bettina Speckner – brooch  2004 – ferrotype, silver, coral, snail, photo in enamel
Bettina Speckner – brooch 2007 – Ferrotype, Silver, Coral, Maple
Nikolai Balabin-tree of passion-brooch2008-silver, patina, coralnikolai-balabin4 Tree of passions, brooch, 2007, silver, patina, coral, print on paper,
Nikolai Balabin (Russie)- Tree of passion-brooch 2008-silver, patina, coral
Nikolai Balabin - Tree of passions, brooch, 2007, silver, patina, coral, print on paperRamon Puig Cuyàs-  1140-7 in sensibusRamon Puig Cuyàs.Brooch, 2010. Labyrinthus. Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, resin, acrylic painting
Ramon Puig Cuyàs (ES) -   » in sensibus«  brooch
Ramon Puig Cuyàs  – Brooch, 2010 « Labyrinthus » Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, resin, acrylic painting

Ramon Puig Cuyàs- nº 1311, brooche, 2010. 'Scène de jardin'Rinaldo Alvarez - brooch 'Forced to be a tree when it's a bike 2008 silver coral
Ramon Puig Cuyàs- brooch, 2010. ‘Scène de jardin’, Silver, nickel silver, plastic, paper, resin, acrylic painting
Rinaldo Alvarez (ES)- brooch ‘Forced to be a tree when it’s a bike 2008 silver coral

Jack Cunningham - EXPO PARADIGMA
Jack Cunningham - (EXPO « PARADIGMA »)


EXPO ‘PARADIGMA’ – Escola MASSANA, Barcelona (ES) jusqu’au 16 mars 2010

Exhibition « Paradigma » at Escola Massana in Barcelona.

Teachers from the jewelry departments at BIAD, Birmingham City University, and Escola Massana show their work that ranges from more conceptual projects to jewels of more typical use such as necklaces and pendants. The exhibition makes it evident that diversity of ideas and concepts does not owe as much to any certain culture ; communication and globalization are in control and iron out the similarities and differences.

Birmingham : Jack Cunningham, Jivan Astfalck, Jo Pond, Zoe Robertson, Terry Hunt, Anna Lorenz, Karen Bartlett & Bridie Lander.
Barcelona : Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Silvia Walz, Judy McCaig, Carmen Amador, Ursula Viñolas, Carles Codina & Elisabet Puig.

PARADIGMA - Carmen AmadorJack Cunningham-PARADIGMA expoEXPO PARADIGMA - Bridie LANDER EXPO PARADIGMA - Silvia WALZ EXPO PARADIGMA - Karen Bartlett - 3.jpg
Carmen Amador  Jack Cunningham  Bridie LANDER  Silvia WALZ  Karen Bartlett

catalogue :


Escola Massana
Sala Busquets
Hospital 56
08001 Barcelona (ESP.)
Tel. 93 442 20 00
Fax 93 441 78 44


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