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EXPO ‘SCHMUCKSEHNSUCHT’ – Galerie Slavik, Vienna (AT) – 9 Avril – 3 Mai 2014

Next exhibition at Galerie Slavik : 09.04. – 03.05.2014
Elisabeth Heine, Sabine Hauss, Nicola Heidemann, Ulla & Martin Kaufmann, Jacqueline Ryan, Annamaria Zanella


Jacqueline Ryan Brooch 2008, 18 ct gold, enamel. 52x52x15 mm Jacqueline Ryan Brooch 2008, 18 ct gold, enamel.

Nicola Heidemann  brooch "Moosgruenes Ei" silver,enamel,chromdiopsid www.galerie-slavik.comNicola Heidemann  brooch « Moosgruenes Ei » silver,enamel,chromdiopsid
 Nicola Heidemann - Bracelet "fence" -  silver, forged and blackened Nicola Heidemann - Bracelet « fence » -  silver, forged and blackened
Sabine Hauss -  brooch "Size W 56" 1999 gold 750  Sabine Hauss -  brooch « Size W 56″ 1999 gold 750 

Galerie Slavik
Himmelpfortgasse 17
A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 513 48 12


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Neuer Schmuck für die Götter’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 7 Mars-5 Mai 2013

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter / New Jewelry for the Gods

Galerie Handwerk zu Gast in den Staatlichen Antikensammlungen,
Vernissage 6. mars., 19 h -

Le titre de l’exposition se réfère à l’exposition ayant lieu au même moment « Unsterblichen – les dieux de la Grèce » / The title of the exhibition refers to the current exhibition “the Unsterblichen – Gods of Greece”.
in the National Antique collections Gallery.
The collection of antique and gold jewellery of the National Antique collections Gallery has a world-wide reputation. It appears extremely delightful to place contemporary jewelry of internationally renowned designers into this unusual context.

during SCHMUCK : Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -  Georg Dobler, DE (Georg Dobler necklace)

Teilnehmer :
Robert Baines, AU — Peter Bauhuis, DE — Manfred Bischoff, DE — Bettina Dittlmann, DE — Georg Dobler, DE — David Huycke, BE — Daniel Kruger, ZA — Christa Lühtje, DE — Bruno Martinazzi , IT — Francesco Pavan, IT — Dorothea Prühl, DE — Gerd Rothmann, DE — Jacqueline Ryan, IT — Philip Sajet, NL — Bernhard Schobinger, CH — Hubertus von Skal, DE — Tanel Veenre, EE — Graziano Visintin, IT

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - brooch by Bettina Dittlmann, DE brooch by Bettina Dittlmann

Bruno Martinazzi - Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern - Bruno Martinazzi

Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Francesco Pavan, IT Francesco Pavan
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Graziano VisintinGraziano Visintin
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" -  Bernhard Schobinger, CHBernhard Schobinger ring
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Philip Sajet, NL Philip Sajet
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - Tanel Veenre  Tanel Veenre
Neuer Schmuck für die Götter - by Daniel Kruger, ZA Daniel Kruger
Dorothea Prühl, DE  ("Neuer Schmuck für die Götter") Dorothea Prühl
"Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Georg Dobler Georg Dobler brooch
Diashow zur Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" - Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern - Hubertus von Skal (DE) Hubertus von Skal – ring
Robert Baines, AU Robert Baines ring
Manfred Bischoff, DE - Ausstellung "Neuer Schmuck für die Götter" -  Manfred Bischoff


Galerie Handwerk
Königsplatz 1,
80333 München
Di-So 10-17, Mi 10-20 h


EXPO ‘The New Italian Design 2.0′ – Alhondiga Bilbao (Spain) – 8 Fevr.-5 Mai 2013

The New Italian Design 2.0

The New Italian Design 2.0    (Bilbao, Spain)  08-Feb-2013 - 05-May-2013

Triennale Design Museum presents The New Italian Design 2.0 exhibition, which will be hosted by Alhóndiga Bilbao, between 8 February and 5 May 2013: an overview on contemporary Italian design that explains and describes the transition of the movement and its links with economic, political, technology changes that occurred over the century.

Triennale Design Museum, the first museum devoted to the Italian design movement, is directed by Silvana Annicchiarico, and has organized this exhibition to analyze, value and promote the new Italian creativity.
The exhibition presents the results of the survey New Italian Design carried out by the Triennale di Milano in April 2006 and updated to the first decade of the new Century. The survey was aimed at designers acting as designers, art-directors, consultants, service, communication and promotion organizers for the environment and for processes.
It was open to anyone of Italian nationality who was actively involved in research, experimentation, concept creation. Intended to be a sign of recognition, a census, and a representation of young Italian designers on a national scale, it was based on the idea that the passage from the XX to the XXI century was not characterized by new stylistic tendencies in the design field, but rather a substantial change in the role of the profession. Roughly 600 designers entered the data bank, 140 of which were invited. The others presented themselves as candidates. The selection committee was headed by Andrea Branzi and Silvana Annicchiarico, with Alba Cappellieri, Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis, Carmelo Di Bartolo, Anna Gili, Cristina Morozzi, Stefano Maffei, Mario Piazza.

The exhibition is comprised of 282 projects, 165 of which deal with product design issues, 30 are graphics, 54 are focussed on the body and decorative objects such as jewels, bags and accessories, 14 are pure research projects, 14 are on food design while 5 are on interior design.

Thanks to the analysis of both the survey and the exhibition, the state of the art of design has become visible. It is a phenomenon with its own characteristics, independent of the great tradition of the Masters of Italian design.


Works by:
Massimiliano Adami, Adrianodesign, Massimiliano and Raffaele Alajmo, Amaterasu, Dodo Arslan, Stefano Asili, Enrico Azzimonti, Loretta Baiocchi, Alessandra Baldereschi, Thomas Berloffa, Alessandro Biamonti, Giorgio Biscaro, Denise Bonapace, Max Bònoli, Mattia Cielo, Massimo Bottura, Alessandro Busana, Pier Bussetti, Elio Caccavale, Brunella Caccaviello, Fabio Cammarata, Moreno Cedroni, Cristina Chiappini, Mariavera Chiari, Alessandro Ciffo, CLS Architetti, Silvia Cogo, Maya Cohen, Margherita Colleoni, Carlo Contin, Luisa Lorenza Corna, Francesca Corradini, Giovanni Corvaja, Antonio Cos, Simona Costanzo, Carlo Cracco, Manuel Dall’Olio, Carlo Dameno, Lorenzo Damiani, Domenico De Palo, Marco De Santi, Deego, Deepdesign, Carmine Deganello, Design trip, Leonardo Di Renzo, David Lorenzo Dolcini, Dotdotdot, Elitradesign, ESTERNI, Massimo Fenati, Odoardo Fioravanti, Gionata Gatto, Lorenzo Gecchelin, Antonio Giancontieri, Ilaria Gibertini, Roberto Giolito, Cristiana Giopato, Monica Graffeo, Diego Grandi, Gruppo EXP, Gumdesign, HABITSmln, Giulio Iacchetti, Interaction Design Lab, Brunno Jahara, Jekyll & Hyde, JoeVelluto, Lagranja, Marco Lambri, Francesca Lanzavecchia and Hunn Wai, Ettore Lariani, Leftloft, Pierpaolo Lenoci, Emilio S. Leo, LLDesign, Loredana Longo, Concetta Lorenzo, Stefania Lucchetta, M+A+P Designstudio, Emanuele Magini, Marchetti Stefano, Ilaria Marelli, Miriam Mirri, Bruno Morello, Federica Moretti, Chiara Moreschi, Marco Morosini, N!03 Studio ennezerotre, Narcisiva, Luca Nichetto, Davide Oldani, OPOS, Pietro Palladino, Lorenzo Palmeri, Paolucci & Statera, Daniele Papuli, Generoso Parmegiani, Donata Paruccini, Daniele and Vittorio Passaro, Alessandro Pedretti, Edoardo Perri, Gabriele Pezzini, Piano Design, Sylvia Pichler, Pierandrei Associati, Albert Pinggera, Edoardo Pitton, Angela Ponzini, Aldo Presta, Matteo Ragni, Angelo Ricchiuti, Risonanze Creative, RND_LAB, Lucia Roscini/ZUP assoc. Design, Andrea Ruschetti, Jacqueline Ryan, Fabrizio Schiavi, Luca Schieppati, Gianmaria Sforza, Brian Sironi, Leonardo Sonnoli, Studio FM Milano, Studio Ghigos, Studiocharlie, Studio X Design Group, Stefano Tonti, Marco Tortoioli Ricci, Total Tool, Barbara Uderzo, Paolo Ulian, Vittorio Venezia, Davide Vercelli, Annamaria Zanella, Marco Zavagno, Zetalab, Marco Zito, ZPZ Partners.

 Giovanni Corvaja 1999. Bracelet. 18K gold, 22K gold and niello. d 90 mm  x 45 mm. Wire  d 0,03 mmGiovanni Corvaja 1999. Bracelet. 18K gold, 22K gold and niello. d 90 mm  x 45 mm. Wire  d 0,03 mm

 Tentacles - Paper Design , Daniele PapuliTentacles – Paper Design , Daniele Papuli

Annamaria Zanella, Brooch, 2013 - Brooch - silver, gold, niello,enamel, lapis powderAnnamaria Zanella, Brooch, 2013 – Brooch – silver, gold, niello,enamel, lapis powder

Barbara Uderzo, blob rings, struttura in argento rodiato, plastica, materiali veri, pesce cristallo. Barbara Uderzo, blob rings, struttura in argento rodiato, plastica, materiali veri, pesce cristallo


Alhondiga Bilbao
Plaza Arriquibar 4
48008 – Bilbao
Telephone: +34 944 01 40 14




EXPO ‘Play of Form and Color’ – The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (DE) – 20 Janv.-14 Avril 2013

Play of Form and Color – New Directions in Enameled Jewelry

 Play of Form and Color - New Directions in Enameled Jewelry -   Artists: Ralph Bakker, Nilton Alves Cunha, Beate Eismann, Uta Feiler, Stephanie Fleck, Sylke Alma Klopsch, Esther Knobel, Tabea Reulecke, Jacqueline Ryan, Isabell Schaupp, Danni Schwaag, Vera Siemund, Silke Trekel, Jessica Turrell, Christian Wuytack  The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus  (Hanau, Germany) - 20-Jan-2013 - 14-Apr-2013

Artists:  Ralph Bakker — Nilton Alves Cunha — Beate Eismann — Uta Feiler — Stephanie Fleck — Sylke Alma Klopsch — Esther KnobelTabea ReuleckeJacqueline RyanIsabell SchauppDanni SchwaagVera SiemundSilke TrekelJessica Turrell — Christian Wuytack

  Isabell Schaupp  Brooch: Flugobjekt – Hummel 11 2012  Enamel, copper, foto, silver, agate, plastics  Photo: Isabell Schaupp Isabell Schaupp  Brooch: Flugobjekt – Hummel 11 2012  Enamel, copper, foto, silver, agate, plastics  Photo: Isabell Schaupp

Ralph Bakker  Earrings: Earjewelsgreen 2012  Gold, silver, enamel  Photo: Michael Anhalt Ralph Bakker  Earrings: Earjewelsgreen 2012  Gold, silver, enamel  Photo: Michael Anhalt

Esther Knobel  Brooch: Magnet-Series 2011  Enamel, copper, found objects  Photo: Tamir Niv Esther Knobel  Brooch: Magnet-Series 2011  Enamel, copper, found objects  Photo: Tamir Niv

Tabea Reulecke  Necklace: Wenn die Mäuse auf dem Tisch tanzen 2012  Enamel, copper, oxidised silver  Photo: Manuel Ocana Mascaró Tabea Reulecke  Necklace: Wenn die Mäuse auf dem Tisch tanzen 2012  Enamel, copper, oxidised silver  Photo: Manuel Ocana Mascaró


The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus
Altstädter Markt 6
63450 – Hanau
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181 2565-56
Fax: +49 (0) 6181 2565-54


EXPO ‘The Beauty Chase’ – Espace le Carré, Lille (FR) – 16 Nov. 2012-13 janv. 2013

The Beauty Chase – Parcours esthétiques du bijou contemporain

Commissariat : Valeria Accornero
En collaboration avec la Direction des Arts Visuels et des Expositions de la Ville de Lille
Exposition visible du 16.11.2012 au 13.01.2013
The_beauty_chase - Lille (FR) - nov 2012 - X
The Beauty Chase – Parcours esthétiques du bijou contemporain. Ce n’est pas Un diamant gros comme le Ritz qui rend fantastique le bijou contemporain, mais la capacité de l’artiste à créer des mondes imaginaires avec les matériaux les plus divers. Le doute et l’innovation, la recherche et l’idée sont au centre du bijou contemporain, il n’y a pas de chemin tracé à suivre. Dans le parcours de la création, le caractère précieux tient donc plus au projet et au travail qu’au matériau “brut” utilisé. Papier, bois, plastique, or ou titane, tissu ou verre : la matière choisie est déjà un mode d’expression esthétique avec l’envie d’être “autre”. C’est justement là l’aspect « fantastique » du bijou contemporain : l’envie de travestissement et de transformation qui le rend surprenant. Le plastique ne semble plus en être, la résine devient bois, l’or se transforme en se mêlant au tissu, au plexiglass, au pigment, le verre révèle sa transparence là où et quand l’artiste le veut. Très développé en Europe du Nord, peu connu par le grand public en France où la tradition de la haute joaillerie éclipse, peut être, tout le reste, le bijou contemporain expérimente, ose, provoque, crée avec des résultats poétiques, irrévérencieux ou ironiques, spectaculaires voire féériques. Et, si on veut emprunter les mots de Tzvetan Todorov, en sa présence: “on accepte le surnaturel”.
 Barbara Paganin: Brosche RAMI BLUBarbara Paganin Broche RAMI BLU
Artifizio — Giampaolo Babetto — Helen Britton — Maria Cristina Bellucci — David Bielander — Peter Chang — Jantje Fleischhut — János Gábor Varga — Francesca Gabrielli — Mirjam Hiller — Beppe Kessler — Sari Liimatta — Nel Linssen — Stefania Lucchetta — Svenja John — Lisa Juen — Iris Nieuwenburg — Barbara Paganin — Katja Prins — Jacqueline Ryan — Bettina Speckner — Fabrizio Tridenti — Tanel Veenre — Petra Zimmermann

  Svenja John - bracelet 2012  ZAMIST (EXPO The beauty Chase)Svenja John – bracelet   « ZAMIST »  2012

Barbara Paganin - collier Silenzi 2012 (EXPO The beauty Chase )Barbara Paganin – collier Silenzi 2012

Fabrizio Tridenti - 'restricted area' bague 2010 (EXPO The beauty Chase)Fabrizio Tridenti – ‘restricted area’ bague 2010

Tanel Veenre - 'Princess' 2002 - brooch (EXPO The beauty Chase)Tanel Veenre – ‘Princess’ 2002 – brooch

Angle rue de la Halle et rue des archives (Vieux Lille)
28 rue des Archives
angle de la rue de la Halle
59000 Lille
03 20 74 46 96
MER – SAM : 14:00-19:00
DIM : 10:00-13:00 et 15:00-18:00


EXPO ‘Die Renaissance des Emaillierens’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 9 mars-14 avril 2012

Sonderöffnung Die Renaissance des Emaillierens – Internationaler Schmuck und Gerät, — Galerie Handwerk

Das Emaillieren gehört zu den klassischen Gold- und Silberschmiedetechniken. Das seit über 3500 Jahren bekannte Verfahren stellt eine der ältesten und haltbarsten Methoden dar, Farbe auf Metall aufzubringen und den betreffenden Gegenstand, Schmuck oder Gerät, damit besonders zu akzentuieren.

In der zeitgenössischen Gold- und Silberschmiedeszene hat das Emaillieren in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren eher ein Schattendasein geführt. Seit einigen Jahren erlebt die Technik eine Renaissance. Die Galerie Handwerk in München nimmt dieses Phänomen zum Anlass einer Ausstellung, zu der 41 Gestalter aus 15 Ländern eingeladen wurden. Gezeigt werden Schmuck und Gerät.

Seit den 1990er Jahren spielt Email im Avantgardeschmuck zunehmend eine größere Rolle. Dabei wird mit den unterschiedlichsten Verfahren, Zellenschmelz, Grubenschmelz, Fensteremail, gearbeitet und oftmals auch experimentiert. Viele Goldschmiede haben ihre ganz eigene, persönliche Herangehensweise gefunden. Auffallend ist, dass das Verfahren sehr unkonventionell gehandhabt wird und ganz offensichtlich nicht nur die dem Email klassisch zugeschriebenen Effekte – Farbe, Transparenz, Leuchtkraft – gesucht werden.

Der Aspekt, durch Email Farbe auf das Metall aufzubringen, ist nicht mehr entscheidend, längst sind Lack und Farbe gebräuchlich. Nicht, dass die farblichen und malerischen Möglichkeiten des Emaillierens ihre Wichtigkeit verloren hätten, doch scheint heute die Auseinandersetzung mit der Oberfläche und das Spiel mit ihren reizvollen haptischen Qualitäten der gemeinsame Nenner zu sein.

Email kann transparent, glatt, in kräftigen Farben leuchtend sein und sich durch eine makellose, perfekte Oberfläche auszeichnen. Häufig wird aber auch eine matte oder körnige Oberfläche wie bei Pigmentpulver gesucht, oder die Oberflächen sind aufgebrochen und wirken wie korrodiert.

Beim Gerät hat sich die Verwendung von Email in den letzten 20 Jahren grundlegend geändert. Eine sinnliche Oberflächengestaltung, die ihre Ästhetik häufig in schlichten Formen und monochromen Farben sucht, hat das Figürliche und Ornamentale verdrängt.

Die Ausstellung in der Galerie Handwerk versucht, die unterschiedlichsten Positionen zeitgenössischer Schmuckkünstler zum Thema Email vorzustellen und dabei auf die Aktualität dieser alten Goldschmiedetechnik hinzuweisen. Sie wird wenige Tage vor Beginn der Internationalen Schmuckschau eröffnet und ist ein Teil der umfangreichen Schmuckpräsentationen während der Internationalen Handwerksmesse München.

Artists on the show:

Jamie Bennett, USA| Adrean Bloomard, IT | Stephen Bottomley, GB | Helen Carnac, GB | Bettina Dittlmann, DE | Gemma Drapper, ES | Beate Eismann, DE | Ulo Florack, DE | Christiane Förster, DE | Carolina Gimeno, CL | Christine Graf, DE | Kirsten Haydon, AUS | Hiroki Iwata, JP | Karin Johansson, SE | Ike Jünger, DE | Kaori Juzu, JP | Astrid Keller, DE | Young-I Kim, KR | Nikolaus Kirchner, DE | Jutta Klingebiel, DE | Beate Klockmann, DE | Esther Knobel, IL | Daniel Kruger, ZA | Gualan Liang, CN | Stefano Marchetti, IT | Katharina Moch, DE | Nazan Pak, TR | Francesco Pavan, IT | Ramón Puig Cuyàs, ES | Jacqueline Ryan, IT | Phillip Sajet, NL | Isabell Schaupp, DE | Barbara Seidenath, USA | Vera Siemund, DE | Silke Trekel, DE | Elizabeth Turrell, GB | Jessica Turrell, GB | Graziano Visintin, IT | Agnes von Rimscha, DE | Silvia Walz, ES | Annamaria Zanella, IT .

EXPO 'Die Renaissance des Emaillierens' - Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) - 9 mars-14 avril 2012 dans Adrean BLOOMARD (IT) renaissance
Francesco Pavan
14c0830454824f6cd3da0390603886f1size2 dans Allemagne (DE)
Francesco Pavan
Bettina Dittlmann, DeutschlandBettina Dittlmann
 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)Bettina Dittlmann
 dans Barbara SEIDENATH (DE)Elizabeth Turrell
NECKLACE;+plastic,+enamel,+cz,+pvc+cord dans Beate EISMANN (DE)
Silvia Walz, SpanienRamon Puig Cuyàs, Spanien
Silvia Walz                —                   Ramon Puig Cuyàs
3ca4c5bdf02814872a37d90801aafc65size2 dans Bettina DITTLMANN (DE)
Christine Graf
6fb5a9a26a8ad7818cb07f68a52923b8 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Stephen Bottomley – Deep blue brooch – 2012 – Oxidised silver, enamel, and gold
Annamaria Zanella, ITEsther Knobel, Israel
Annamaria Zanella                —                  Esther Knobel
9657766b2d7773b20b3c39fc3282bfddsize2 dans Christine GRAF (DE)
Beate Klockmann
Christine Graf, DENazan Pak, TR
Christine Graf            —                 Nazan Pak

Adrean Bloomard, ItalienJacqueline Ryan, Italien

Adrean Bloomard            —         Jacqueline Ryanf516d717553db4ef78e7562e4e89de03size2 dans Daniel KRUGER (DE)Vera Siemund

fbc0f2f162d6a0c7fd4cfac99fff9d40size2 dans Elizabeth TURRELL (UK)Jamie Bennett
9b6231cb9d2f96f6accd8c6faa15fb0esize2 dans email / enamel
Silke Trekel

Downloads : Broschüre zur Ausstellung « Die Renaissance des Emaillierens » ( PDF 3926 kB)

Galerie Handwerk
Max-Joseph-Straße 4
Eingang Ecke Ottostraße
80333 München
Tel. 089 595584


….. et plonger dans le grand BLEU !

Classé dans : Akiko BAN (JP),Aldo MONDINO (IT),Alexis KOSTUK (CA),Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX),Andi GUT (CH),Andrea JANOSIK (SK),Annamaria ZANELLA (IT),Anne GOLDFARB (FR),Anthony TAMMARO (US),Anya KIVARKIS (US),Arthur HASH (US),Babette EGERLAND (DE),Barbara PAGANIN (IT),Benedikt FISCHER (AT),Birgit SKOLIMOWSKI (EE),Blanche TILDEN (AU),Camilla TEGLIO (IT),Carola BAUER (DE),Carolina GIMENO (Chili),Catherine JACQUET (FR),Celio BRAGA (BR),Christian ASTUGUEVIEILLE (FR),Christophe MARGUIER (FR),Coco DUNMIRE (US),COUP DE COEUR,David BIELANDER (CH/DE),Denise Julia REYTAN (DE),Donald FRIEDLICH (US),Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),Eleanor BOLTON (UK),Emiko OYE (US),Enrica PRAZZOLI (IT),Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES),Farah BANDOOKWALA (UK),Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK),Floor MOMMERSTEEG (NL),Flora VAGI (HU),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Gesine HACKENBERG (NL),Giampaolo BABETTO (IT),GIIA (IT),Gijs BAKKER (NL),Giorgio VIGNA (IT),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Gulnur OZDAGLAR (TR),Hana KARIM (Sl),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Hannah FEWTRELL-BOLTON (UK),Hanneke PAUMEN (NL),Helen BRITTON (AU),Helena LEHTINEN (FI),Helfried KODRE (AT),Jacqueline RYAN (UK),Jean-Francois PERENA (FR),Jean-Pierre DUSSAILLANT (FR),Jessica CALDERWOOD (US),Jillian MOORE (US),Joanna GOLLBERG (US),Julia deVILLE (AU),Karin KATO (JP),Kate BAUMAN (US),Kath INGLIS (AU),Katie SCHUTTE (US),Liana PATTIHIS (CY/UK),Lisa JUEN (CN),Lucia MASSEI (IT),Luis ACOSTA (RA),Maria Rosa FRANZIN (IT),Marijke de GOEY (NL),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Melissa TOLAR (US),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Mirla FERNANDES (BR),Nel LINSSEN (NL),Nora FOK (UK),Paolo SCURA (IT),Patricia LEMAIRE (FR),Pawel KACZYNSKI (PL),Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL),Pilar GARRIGOSA (ES),Rallou KATSARI (GR),Ralph BAKKER (NL),Sam Tho DUONG (VN),Sara BORGEGARD (SE),Sari LIIMATTA (FI),Sayumi YOKOUCHI (JP),Shannon CARNEY (US),Silvia WALZ (DE),Stacey BENTLEY (UK),Stefano POLETTI (IT),Sue GREGOR (UK),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Susie GANCH (US),Tabea REULECKE (DE),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tobias ALM (SE),Ute EITZENHOFER (DE),Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT),Yoko SHIMIZU (JP),Yurij BYLKOV (RU) — bijoucontemporain @ 15:15

THANKS to  Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria page/selection on Pinterest, about blue jewellery !!!! it was the departure for this ….. blue OCEAN !! :-) or, to be more in the « intellectual » actuality, « 99 shades of … BLUE » !! ;-)
Giorgio Vigna – gorgoglio – vetro
Arthur Hash  Blue Wave (cast polyurethane)
Donald FRIEDLICH  (gal. Loupe)brooch ‘Translucence’ series – glass, 18k & 14k gold, diamond
Gésine Hackenberg- Table Glass: Dutch/Finnish Still Life, Brooch
Gésine Hackenberg Double Glass Still life BroochFinnish table glass (vintage by Itala); cut and ground
Giampaolo Babetto – Brosche
Graziano Visintinbroche – or, argent, niellage – 2009 

   Graziano VISINTIN broche 2
Graziano VisintinBrooch, 2006 – 18k gold, enamel, gold leaf  (The David Collection)

Lisa JUEN - don't dream it wear it - blue brooch or necklace
Lisa JUEN – ‘don’t dream it wear it’ – blue brooch or necklace- Lasercut Stainless Steel, CZ, LED, LED Screen, Plastic, Cable, Light Switch, Battery

Maria Rosa Franzin Maria Rosa Franzin brooch

Pilar Garrigosa   broochPilar Garrigosa brooch
Julia deVille (AU) – ‘Mechanical Wing’
brooch, Kingfisher Wing, silver
Luis Acosta – paper bracelet
Märta Mattsson
Rallou Katsari - ‘whispering loud’ ring

..... et plonger dans le grand BLEU ! dans Akiko BAN (JP) Reconstruction-8-300x225Reconstruction-1-300x225 dans Aldo MONDINO (IT)

Aline Berdichevsky – brooches “Reconstructio »
Benedikt Fischer – brooches
Christian Astuguevieille – Bracelet éponge bleue (La Piscine, Roubaix – don de l’artiste en 1995)
Stefano Poletti- Collier en éponge naturelle teintée et perle recouverte de feuille d’or monté sur fil d’or

The Scottish Gallery Nel Linssen - blue bangleNel Linssen – blue bangle – paper

ute_eitzenhoefer dans Alexis KOSTUK (CA)
Ute Eitzenhöfer – brooch – Mixed media (labradorite)
Eleanor Bolton – blue(s) necklaces
Tabea Reuleake – ring
Birgit Skolimowski (EE)
Estela Saez Good by(e) nest.” serie  2008- ‘SEPIA’ – silver/wool/fabrics/paint
Carolina Gimeno- portable objects

Phacella Congesta from Portable Objects 2010
Carolina Gimeno-‘Phacella Congesta’ from Portable Objects 2010 – brooch

Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa 2009
Carolina Gimeno- ‘Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa’ 2009 – Brooch – Copper, Vitreus Enamel, wood, silver , steel
Carolina Gimeno (Chili) – série “dibujando en el espacio”

Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch
Susie Ganch – blue dust enamel brooch

Flora Vagi  azur reverse necklace  ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold - 2005 Flora Vagi -azur reverse necklace – ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold – 2005
Stacey Bentley brooch – enamel

Blanche Tilden - Compress necklace
Blanche Tilden – “Compress” necklace - glass
Christophe Marguier – ‘esperance de vie de l’homme’ necklace- plastic, silver, steel
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry necklace
Catherine Jacquet – collier cascade – plastiques

Barbara Paganin - broche 'fiore di luce'
Barbara PAGANIN (IT) broche ‘fiore di luce’ – verre  (Galerie SLAVIK)

GIIA - blue wave
GIIA (IT) “blue wave” felt neckpiece

"Mimesi n2"  Collana: legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore Camilla Teglio – « Mimesi n2″  Collana : legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore
 Lucia Massei - pendant ‘Comunque e sempre’ 18kt yellow gold, silver, iron, ruby, black spinels 2009
 Lucia Massei -  bague « la bella adormentata »

Mirla Fernandes - "Herança" necklace - latex, paint, porcelain
Mirla Fernandes- Herança necklace- latex,paint, porcelain – 2006

Peter  Hoogeboom - chainmail porcelain necklacesPeter  Hoogeboom – chainmail porcelain necklaces
Liana Pattihis  - Blue Circle Brooch 2007 – Silver, copper, enamel stainless steel – Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Painting ‘Blue Circle’
Liana Pattihis - Brooch: Blue Istos 02 2010 -silver Light Trace Chain, Copper, Enamel, St. Steel
Viktoria Münzker- Kollektion PARADISO
Mirjam Hiller - Catopsia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium

Sari Liimatta "The Costume I", necklace, 2006glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toySari Liimatta « The Costume I », necklace, 2006 glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toy
Mia Maljojoki - 2010 (Photo: Mirei Takeuchi)
Sara Borgegård  2009 necklace, wood, paint, iron, cotton
Sara Borgegård necklace
Yuri Bylkov - ring- metal, paper, acrylic – 2009
Alexis Kostuk“high gear” brooch- copper, which I used a patina on to darken, pearls & gem beads, sterling silver ball chain, resin, and flocking.

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan
Denise Julia Reytan

Momentaufnahme_9 par DENISE JULIA REYTAN
Denise Julia Reytan- Snapshots”

Dora Haralambaki - earthenweare clay rings with colour glazes Dora Haralambaki - ceramic ring
Edith Bellod - collier en porcelaine de limoges : “kaléidoscope”
Annamaria Zanella – brooch
Andi Gut - ring

Orden%20saabujale-01 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX)
Tanel Veenre“Orden for the one who is arriving”

Helfried Kodré - brooch

102210 dans Andi GUT (CH)Helfried Kodré, Bague
Helfried Kodré - ring, silver, lapislazuli – ring, gold, silver, turquoise, bronze, 2007
Aldo Mondino, BIC – cristallo di rocca, lapislazzuli e tappo in oro smaltato blu, esemplare unico – 2008
Aldo Mondino, BIC necklace
Paweł Kaczyński
Paweł Kaczyński – Silver and Steel Water Bracelet

 dans Andrea JANOSIK (SK)
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - restriction 3 – conceptual textile
Jean-Pierre Dussaillant- Bague “Cactus”
Anya Kivarkis – copper, silver, enamel brooch
Emiko Oye – duchess2_ Necklace from My First Royal Jewels Jewellery Collection. Repurposed LEGO necklace inspired by Cartier’s diamond, emerald and platinum necklace, and Harry Winston’s pendant, 1960. emiko-o 2008.

Enrica Prazzoli, necklace, 2011 (Alchimia school)Enrica Prazzoli – Ives Klein (Alchimia – 2011)

Enrica Prazzoli (from Alchimia) blue Klein collection rings 

Floor Mommersteeg, Pebble-necklace, nylon Floor MommersteegPebble-necklace, nylon
Floor Mommersteegbroche

Hana Karim Ceramic Jewelry Hana Karim  Ceramic Jewelry

Helen Britton broochHelen Britton – brooch 

Quinault3_640 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)
Hanna Liljenberg -  Quinault 3, halssmycke järn, oljefärg, lintråd, silver

babetteblauerballon dans Anne GOLDFARB (FR)
Babette Egerland- ring “Ballonschmuck” 925 Ag rhodiniert

FARAH BANDOOKWALA -blue hair brooch Bandookwala (UK) – blue hair brooch
Mikiko Minewaki-
‘toy-camera’ necklace

Katie Schutte - cluster necklace - crocheted silver wireKatie Schutte – Cluster necklace – crocheted, electroformed, and powdercoated found wire, cubic zirconia

Shannon Carney ring
Kath Inglis  “Blue Pollinator” Brooch

AKIKO BAN / Collar 2010Akiko Ban- collar – 2010  (from Alchimia)

Jillian Moore -  brooch-pendant ‘Cucurbits’ 2008 Fiberglass, resin, copper, paint, felt

Joanna Gollberg - prong series blue broochJoanna Gollberg - prong series blue brooch
Sayumi Yokouchi - ‘Layered’ Brooch in plastic, silk thread, and stainless steel.
Karin Kato – ‘QU4DRO’ Brooch in sand, resin, and silver

b99bajoagua dans Anthony TAMMARO (US)
Silvia WalzUnder water brooch-  Series: Burbujas   – silver, copper, resine, enamel, glas – 2010

All images from ¡Genial!  New Jewelry from Spain at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Silvia Walz La visionaria (Geometria Series) Brooch

Tobias Alm – Summer series – Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint. Picture from Tobias Alm - Summer series 2009 Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint

Jessica Calderwood, Portrait of an Eye Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood -Portrait of an Eye’ Brooch/Pendant – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

blue-white-ruins-ring_Gal700px dans Anya KIVARKIS (US)
Gésine Hackenberg  – ‘blue white ruins’ ring

Carola Bauer necklace – Silver, enamel

Jacqueline Ryan 18kt gold and vitreous enamel brooch

Jean-François PEREÑA - bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, plexiglas (bleu), argentJean-François PEREÑA - MON bracelet ! PETIT
Jean-François PEREÑA -  bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, nacre, plexiglas (bleu), argent

Patricia Lemaire – Aspara la Bleue 1- 1999 défilé Lapidus

Anne Goldfarb OUT OF AFRICA - 2011 Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminiumAnne Goldfarb – OUT OF AFRICA – Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminium – Afedap 2011

Andrea Janosik- Blue Brooch - sIlver and suede - 2007

00360-0-10-1-blue-amdder-cuff dans Arthur HASH (US)
Sue GREGOR – cuff,foto1,118&c=390x390
Gijs Bakker- Bracelet « Porsche bracelet » stéréolithographie, polyuréthane -, 2000
David Bielander – Enzian Brooch – titanium
Sam Tho Duong

0501_Hanneke_Paumen_Tule_Blauw dans Babette EGERLAND (DE)Hanneke Paumen (NL) – Tulle blauw Collar (detail)- felt

kate bauman Kate Bauman  - barnacle no.9 (ring) – enamel, copper, sterling silver
Anthony Tammaro – « neck object » – Gypsum/Epoxy/Silicone*O9Hi3lxisakPgZBUId-p9pV0nc3mA6a3nZT836RickOMkqUzEjWHCd5mhH1UkXM5Bs1JHUN3*UJMTIdeAPCfl2tzTVas0M/brooch3royalblue2.jpg?width=605&height=600
Farah Bandookwala (UK) Parasite series: magnetic brooches – Rapid prototyped nylon, stainless steel, dye, rare earth magnets. Collection of brooches with interchangable magnetic backs
Melissa TOLAR  - Enamel, hand-cast gems, and pearl jewelry

Mirla Fernandes

Mirla Fernandes ring

click to close window
Ralph Bakker “the Fly” – earrings
Yoko Shimizu – necklace – resin, pigment, silver

Yoko Shimizu  (from Alchimia school), necklace from the « transformation » series – 2010
Celio Braga, Brazil (Think Twice: New Latin American Jewellery exhibition)
Marta Mattsson- The Human Touch – Cricket brooch

Susanne Elstner, brosche Susanne Elstner, brosche

image16 dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Farrah Al-DujailiNecklace – Copper, enamel paint, watercolour pencil, thread2010
Carolina Gimeno (Chile) resinas – bracelet
Shannon Carney – medium collar resin necklace
Helena Lehtinen- Gardens Collection, Blue brooch, 2011 Wood, thread, beads DE GOEY – 1999 – Pièce unique. BAGUE « Curly » en or or et titane à patine bleue Hiller  brooch Draper, Barcelona- brooch Fok  ring Scura - ring 


EXPO ‘Surface and Substance’ – Electrum Gallery, London (UK) – 7 Oct.-5 Nov. 2011

 Surface and Substance

International contemporary enamel jewellery  – Curated by Jessica Turrell

Part I: 7th October to 5th November 2011 at Electrum

Over the last few years there has been a significant revival of interest in enamel with a number of contemporary jewellers developing new ways of working with enamel that enable them to create exciting and innovative work.

This exhibition showcases the work of thirty jewellers of international standing who, through a varied set of practices, take enamel well beyond its traditional boundaries.

The title, Surface and Substance, has been chosen to emphasize that while this is clearly an exhibition that focuses on the use of vitreous enamel – the surface – of equal importance is the ‘substance’ that underpins the work on display; the thinking and the research, which along with the obvious material knowledge and skill, is evident in the striking and individual pieces on show.

Artists on show at Electrum:
Ralph BakkerCarola BauerPatrizia BonatiStephen BottomleyKathleen BrowneLydia FeastKarin JohanssonJutta KlingebielAnn LittleNazan PakJacqueline RyanMarjorie SimonSilke TrekelJessica Turrell
Carola Bauer necklace – Silver, enamel, gold- 2009

Carola Bauer necklace – Silver, enamel
Patrizia BONATI - earring/brooch – 2003 – gold, white enamel
Patrizia BONATI - Brooch – Gold 18 Kt, white enamel
Stephen Bottomley – neckpiece ‘Yellow Drape’, Drape series 2007 – Steel, enamel 480 x 384 mm – photo. John K McGregor

Leila Arzaghi
Lydia Feast- ‘Chaos’ series – Vitreous enamel and white metal brooch
Marjorie Simon  (Gallery Loupe)
Nazan Pak - Foam brooches
Silke Trekel -  ‘Branching Out’  Brooch,  2010 -  chased iron, enamelled  (from ‘Spatial Structures’ exhibition)

Jacqueline Ryan 18kt gold and vitreous enamel brooch
Kathleen Browne- Double Trouble, brooch, 2002 -  fine and Sterling silver, vitreous enamel, plexiglas
Jessica Turrell – Brooch (THE ENAMEL SHOW -Velvet da Vinci Gallery)



Part II: 14th October to 12th November at Contemporary Applied Arts
Artists on show at CAA, 14 October – 12 November 2011:
Jamie Bennett, Stacey Bentley, Jessica Calderwood, Adrean Bloomard, Helen Carnac, Bettina Dittlmann, Susie Ganch, Christine Graf, Carolina Gimeno, Ike Junger, Kaori Juzu, Esther Knoble, Liana Pattihis, Isabell Schaupp, Vera Siemund, Elizabeth Turrell, Jessica Turrell, Annamaria Zanella



Electrum Gallery
21 South Molton Street
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7629



Innovation in ENAMEL jewelry – Research project by Jessica Turrell

The Innovation in Enamel Jewellery database is one of the outcomes of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)  funded three-year fellowship Innovation in Vitreous Enamel Surfaces for Jewellery.

As part of the research project extensive research was undertaken to identify a group of internationally prominent contemporary jewellers whose practice demonstrates an open and innovative approach to the use of enamel. When complete the database will feature images and supporting information on the work of approximately 30 artists. The aim of the database is to highlight the potential of enamel as an expressive and contemporary medium as well as serving as an important research tool.

The database, which is fully searchable, focuses exclusively on enamel jewellery and complements the existing archive ICVEA (International Contemporary Vitreous Enamel Archive) that is also hosted by the University of the West of England and which includes a broad range of contemporary enamel work.

Currently the database features the work of the following artists:
Carola Bauer – Germany
Jamie Bennett – USA
Stacey Bentley – UK
Patrizia Bonati – Italy
Stephen Bottomley – UK
Jessica Calderwood – USA
Lydia Feast – UK
Mirjam Hiller – Germany
Ike Junger – Germany
Kaori Juzu – Denmark
Ann Little – UK
Lianna Pattihis – UK
Jacqueline Ryan – Italy
Isabell Schaupp – Germany
Vera Siemund – The Netherlands
Marjorie Simon – USA
Elizabeth Turrell – UK
Jessica Turrell – UK
Annamaria Zanella – Italy
The following artist will be added in early autumn 2010:
Jennaca Davies – USA
Carolina Gimeno – Spain
Christine Graf – Germany
Sangeun Kim – UK
Natalia Pinchuck – USA
Barbara Seidenath – USA

Electroformed and enamelled pendants
 Jessica Turrell



 Innovation in Vitreous Enamel Surfaces in Jewellery

(UWE – University of the West England – Bristol – AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Vitreous Enamel Research Project)

Awarding body: Arts and Humanities Research Council
Awarded to: Jessica Turrell
Project duration: 1.09.2007 – 31.08.2010

The research project is based on the premise that there is huge and largely unexplored potential for innovation within the field of enamelled jewellery. By taking both a practice-led and theoretical approach the aim of the project has been to identify factors that might hinder innovation and present a series of alternative approaches that encourage a more experimental and open-minded approach to enamel.

Research Context
The practical aspects of the research project were underpinned by theoretical and contextual research into the place of enamel in contemporary jewellery practice. This included a wide-ranging visual and literature survey. Web-based research combined with a series of visits to individual practitioners in the USA and Europe as well as to significant exhibitions and collections in Europe, the UK and USA, provided a broad overview of current enamel jewellery practice. This contextual research led to the identification of a number of contemporary jewellers for whom enamel forms a significant part of their practice. A methodology was developed by which the output of these jewellers was analyzed and then allocated to one of three distinct categories. These were as follows:

Skilled (fine) – broadly work that concentrates on traditional enamelling techniques to create work for a mainstream or commercial market.

New – where the work itself engages with contemporary ideas but where enamel is used simply to add a paint-like layer of colour to the surface of the piece using only basic techniques.

Innovative – where the two practices overlap and the artist is able to demonstrate both a k

A selected group of individuals, identified through this process as falling into the Innovative category, were then invited to submit images and supporting written material to the new Innovation in Vitreous Enamel Surfaces in Jewellery database that operates alongside (and is complimentary to) the existing International Contemporary Vitreous Enamel Archive (ICVEA) currently held by the Enamel Research Unit at the University of the West of England, Bristol.

Link to Innovation in Enamel Jewellery database

The contextual and theoretical aspects of the project are examined in depth in an article for Craft Research entitled Surface and Substance – a call for the fusion of skill and ideas in contemporary enamel jewellery.
The article is available online at the following site: craft research journal online

Discussion Forum
A variety of approaches have been taken in order to stimulate debate and comment regarding the place of enamel in contemporary jewellery practice. The first of these was a discussion forum entitled ‘Innovation in Enamel’ which has involved a number of internationally prominent enamel artists all of whom demonstrate a non-traditional approach to their enamel practice. The central aim of this forum has been to highlight the potential of enamel as an innovative medium and to stimulate debate about the aesthetic, conceptual and practical considerations that govern the use of enamel in contemporary jewellery practice. The forum has operated as a members’ only project, meaning that the site can only be accessed by registered members and they alone are able to view the content and submit comment. The rational for this was to encourage those involved to freely discuss their ideas without the constraints of operating within a public arena.

Selected extracts and a summary of the discussions threads can be accessed here.

In addition to the forum site, Jessica has initiated a discussion strand -‘Surface and substance: the place of enamel in contemporary jewellery practice’, which appears on the International Art Jewellery Online Community, Klimt02 –

These two discussion strands have informed the written and theoretical aspects of the research and the production of a number of case studies.
Case Studies
The case studies feature artists who were chosen as representative of a broad and diverse range of approaches to enamel :

Innovation in ENAMEL jewelry - Research project by Jessica Turrell dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT) bottomley_large
Stephen Bottomley, Yellow Drape Neckpiece, Laser-cut steel and enamel -(Photo: John K. McGregor)

pattihis_large dans Barbara SEIDENATH (DE)
Liana Pattihis, Coral Red Snake Chain Brooch 2009

isabell_schaupp dans Carola BAUER (DE)
Isabell Schaupp, Brooch, Enamel, copper, silver, 2009

christine_graf dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Christine Graf, 2010

In order to 

promote innovative enamel jewellery to the widest possible audience Jessica is currently curating a significant international exhibition that will feature a group of jewellers identified for their innovative use of enamel. The show will begin its tour at Contemporary Applied Arts in London in late 2011, and will then travel to a number of venues across the UK including to the Ruthin Craft Centre in Wales.

Practical and Technical Research

The focus of the practical element of the research has been an investigation into the use of innovative and experimental enamelling techniques in the production of contemporary jewellery. Methods and approaches more usually associated with large-scale and panel enamelling and industrial processes have been adapted for use in wearable pieces. This investigation is supported by the development of a range of techniques that allow for the creation of three-dimensional forms that can be successfully enamelled.
The practical and technical aspects of the research fall into two main categories, these are the production of three-dimensional forms capable of being enamelled in the round and the development of enamelling techniques suitable for application to these three-dimensional forms.

Three-dimensional form trials

Initial research involved investigations into the use of three-dimensional forms created using traditional forming, construction and joining methods. The most commonly used joining technique is the use of high melting-point (or hard) silver solders. The received wisdom is that it is not possible to enamel directly over a soldered joint as the solder will discolour the overlying enamel and can in some cases cause it to come away from the soldered joint. In order to test this theory, extensive investigations were undertaken into the use of a group of silver alloy solders, which were tested for their stability and the effect that they had on the subsequent layer of fired enamel.

Although some solders gave better results than others they all visibly interfered with the enamel they were directly in contact with in some way.

As an alternative to the use of solders, fusion and laser welding were investigated. Both these methods use high levels of accurately directed heat to achieve a fused joint that does not require any additional solder. Although, to differing degrees, both of these techniques created a satisfactory join over which enamel could successfully be applied without too many problems the equipment required was not easily accessible, required outside assistance and was expensive to trial. For these reasons this avenue of research was not pursued.
It seemed that a seam free object should prove the ideal form over which to apply the enamel. There are a number of small-scale silver and copper-smithing techniques that can be employed to raise a seam-free hollow form from a flat sheet of meta,l but such methods are technically demanding and particularly difficult on a small scale. Thus this avenue of research was also rejected. Instead, the technique of electroforming seemed to offer a versatile and accessible method for the creation of 3D forms, and it became clear that a detailed investigation of the technique would prove to be the most productive strand of research.

To this end bespoke electroforming equipment was researched, designed, and built, and a series of tests undertaken. Research and trials were carried out to establish the most suitable materials and methods of production of base forms upon which metal might be deposited during the electroforming process.

Discussions took place with colleagues from the 3D Research Laboratory within the CFPR into the possibilities of creating mandrels using rapid prototyping techniques, and the indicative trials that were carried out to ascertain the suitability of the RP process to create electroforming mandrels and the potential for the medium with which the object is printed both to withstand the process and be easily removed as a core prior to enamelling. As a direction for further research these initial trials hold a lot of promise.
This collaborative strand of research was documented in a poster presentation given during the IMPACT 7 conference in 2009.

In order for the electroforming process to occur it is necessary that the surface of the object to be electroformed is able to conduct an electrical current. As a number of non-conductive materials had been identified as appropriate to this research it was therefore necessary to undertake a further series of trails to establish the most suitable electro-conductive coatings for the purposes of the project.

The final experiments in the production of the underlying electroforms was to trial all the variable of the electroforming process itself to establish the best method for the creation of a smooth and stable form of an appropriate surface and structure that would withstand the application of enamel.

Enamelling trials
In order to develop methods for the application of enamel to the three-dimensional forms resulting from the first strand of investigation, a comprehensive series of tests for the application and adhesion of jewellery and industrial enamel to two and 3D surfaces was undertaken. Stilting and firing methods for 3D objects enamelled in the round were also investigated. Methodology for the recording of technical tests has been developed and trialed and a standardized format has been developed, informed by these trials, which has been used to record the results of all tests undertaken.

Practical Outcomes
On completion of the practical trials a group of jewellery pieces were created using the methods established as most appropriate in the realization of a defined personal aesthetic. These pieces were exhibited at Contemporary Applied Art in London during June and July 2010.

finished2 dans Christine GRAF (DE)
Jessica Turrell- Electroformed and enamelled pendants

fiinished1 dans Elizabeth TURRELL (UK)
Jessica Turrell- Electroformed and enamelled pendants


The practical and theoretical outcomes of the project were disseminated by a number of methods throughout the period of the research.

A symposium was held at the Bower Ashton Campus, University of the West of England in July 2010:
Read a review of the symposium here –

Addressing an audience composed of professional makers, academics, researchers and students the symposium examined the place of enamel within contemporary jewellery practice, celebrating its potential as an exciting and innovative material. At a time when increasing numbers of contemporary jewellers are rediscovering enamel this event offered a timely opportunity for the sharing of information and ideas plus a chance to network and take part in debate.


The ultimate aim of the project has been to demonstrate the potential of enamel as an exciting and innovative material and to thus affect a change in the commonly held perception that enamel is a medium not readily associated with contemporary jewellery practice. It is anticipated that the dissemination of the outcomes of the research project Innovation in Vitreous Enamel Surface for Jewellery will go some way towards the creation of an environment where the innovative potential of the material is more widely recognized, both by the jewellery community and within art education, thus allowing a more ambitious and rigorous enamel practice to flourish.


Visit the CAA exhibition page at

JessicaTurrell dans email / enamel
Jessica Turrell

« The intimate scale of jewellery is a central factor in my practice. I strive to create work that has a tactile delicacy and that rewards the wearers close attention with an intricate and detailed surface. Over recent years I have developed an experimental approach to enamel by which I seek to create work that moves away from traditional jewellery enamel practice in order to achieve a more ambiguous and expressive surface quality. » (Jessica Turrell)

Exhibitions 2010 – Showcasing a New Collection of Enamel Jewellery 18 June – 17 July 2010, London

All images from The Enamel Experience at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,


Elizabeth Turrell – cross Badges (exhibition « The Enamel Experience », Velvet da Vinci Gallery, 2008)


Image de prévisualisation YouTube


Image de prévisualisation YouTube