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Joya Barcelona 2011 – Galleries/schools – ALCHIMIA

Alchimia Gallery has no specific address, and no fixed base, to promote contemporary jewellery projects in different and sometimes unconventional spaces by producing, organizing and supporting cultural events, exhibitions and fairs. This use of transient locations reflects the spirit of adventure, mobility, innovation and energy, inherent in the philosophy of Alchimia Jewellery School.

The gallery’s activity is directed mainly to the motivation and support of artists, part of the Alchimia “family” with the aim to provide opportunities for visibility and growth through the creation of a valuable international network.

At JOYA 2011 the gallery is presenting a selection of work from teachers as well as students graduated in 2011: Lucia Massei (Italy), Doris Maninger (Italy-Austria), Marzia Rossi (Italy), Daniela Boieri (Italy), Yoko Shimizu (Japan), Aline Battegay (Switzerland), Anja Eichler (Germany), Wen-Hsien Carissa Hsu (Taiwan), Gabi Veit (Italy), Lea-Maria Becker (Denmark), Jade Drakes (Trinidad), Nadege Roscoe-Rumjahn (Canada) and Satita Rajpojjanarat (Thailand)

Daniela Boieri necklace ‘Revival’ 2008 silver
Daniela Boieri brooch ‘Lore’ 2008 – silver oxided, australian raw opal

Lucia Massei - pigment and acrilic heated on iron brooch Lucia Massei brooch ‘cuore-copia ‘, Silver, 18kt yellow gold, fine gold, red pigments, black spinels

Marzia Rossi  Necklace: Boudoir 2009  Silver, acrylic glass, mica, pearls Marzia Rossi necklace Boudoir, 2009, silver, pearls, mica

Gabi Veit, Over Night Emerged a New Day, 2011, Brooches. aluminum, resin 35x202x26 mmGabi Veit, « Over Night Emerged a New Day », 2011, Brooches. aluminum, resin 


School of contemporary jewellery
Piazza Piattellina 3/R 50124 Firenze Italy


Annual MARZEE selection of GRADUATE WORK JEWELLERY 2011 (NL) – 7 Aout-24 Sept. 2011


Brooch, electroformed copper. Gold plated Jade Drakes and her dogs – Brooch, electroformed copper. Gold plated

Satita Rojpojjanarat (from Alchimia) -  brooch, textile, magnet- «Thai clouds» Satita Rojpojjanarat and her « Thai clouds »

 Nadege Roscoe-RumjahnNadege Roscoe’s intimacies

(THANKS to Alchimia blog for pictures !)
Alla Malova Guy - necklace Post Fossil 2011, ceramics, metal chain, flocking, epoxy resin, iron, magnet – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD
Antje Stolz – necklace Steinlos I (Stoneless) 2010, stone veneer, enamel lacquer, oxidised silver, lead, coral cement  – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier
Agata Bartos – necklace Storytellers – Precious Buttons 2011, porcelain, epoxy resin  – Netherlands, Arnhem, ArtEZ
Bell Zhou – necklace Protect 2011, glass, silver, gems, paint, seed, copper, yellow plastic thread, steel  – Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
Andrêa Martins - brooch Shadow of Truth 2011, silver, cord, fishing line  – Portugal, Senhora da Hora, ESAD
Marine Stampfli - bracelet Paradoxes 2011, silver, cotton, resin  – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD
Satita Rojpojjanarat – brooch 2011, silk, nylon, magnet  – Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria
Hanna Liljenberg (MA) – brooch 2011, black paper, shellac, silver  – Sweden, Gothenburg, HDK
Alice Bo-Wen Chang (MFA) – necklace Bodyspace/bodyscape series 2011, silver, gold plated copper, copper  – UK, Edinburgh College of Art
Mariko Sumioka (BA) – necklace Bamboo Necklace 2011, oxidised copper, enamel on copper, kimono, gold-plated steel cable  – UK, Edinburgh College of Art
David Choi (MA) – brooch 2011, steel, oxidised silver  – USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY)
Younghee Hong – brooch Drawn to Nature #2 2011, polymer filament, plastic price tags, silver – USA, Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook Academy of Art
Anne Achenbach - necklace Kuh (Cow) 2011, zinc coated steel  – Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule
Sachiyo Higaki – necklace 2010, wood, thread  – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier

and ………..

Marcos Guzman (BA), Catherine Da Costa (BA), Inari Kiuru (BA), Bin Dixon-Ward (BA), from Australia, Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)  –  Marleen Henot, Sofie De Bakker, Hannes Groffy, from  Belgium, Hasselt, Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg — Ren Kai, Liu Xiao, from China, Beijing, Central Academy of Arts — Alena Hesounová, Karla Olsáková, from  Czech Republic, Prague, AAAD Academy of Art, Architecture and Design — Kadi Kübarsepp, Liina Lõõbas, Katrin Kosenkranius, Kadi Kübarsepp, from  Estonia, Tallinn, Eesti Kunstakadeemia — Krista Ruohonen, from Finland, Lappeenranta, South Carelia Polytechnic — Marie Masson, from France, Limoges-Aubusson, l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Art (ENSA) — Julie Connellan (MA), from  Ireland, Dublin, The National College of Art and Design (NCAD) — Laura Alvarado, Ricarda Tesch, from  Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule — Sabine Conrad, from Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier –  Hyoun Jung Sung, from Germany, Halle, Burg Giebichenstein, Hochschule für Kunst und Design –  Stefan Heuser, from Germany, Munich, Akademie der Bildenden Künste — Laura Rittlinger (BA), Michaela Prange (BA), Yasutaka Okamura (BA), from Germany, Pforzheim, FachhochschuleYael Nissan, Rotem Fishler, from Israel, Ramat-Gan, Shenkar College of Engeneering and Design — Keren Grinfeld, Shir Pins, from Israel, Jerusalem, Bezalel — Carissa Hsu, from Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria — Makoto Tachihara, Koji Toyama, Haruka Masuda, from Japan, Tokyo, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry — Morgane de Klerk, Atsuno Takase, Benedikt Fischer, Marina Elenskaya, from Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rietveld AcademieJie Sun, from Nederlands, Amsterdam, Sandberg Instituut — Iris Verstappen, from Netherlands, Maastricht, Academie Beeldende Kunsten — Jessica Winchcombe, Julia Middleton, from New Zealand, Porirua, Whitireia Polytechnic –  Ilse-Marie Erl, from New Zealand, Auckland, Aotearoa, Unitec — Typhaine Le Monnier (MA), Maria Emília Martinho (BA), from Portugal, Lisbon, AR.COJi-hye Lee, Jihyun Lee, Heon-Joo Ji, Heejoo Kim, from South Korea, Seoul, Kookmin UniversityMaría Saura Estruch, María Sol González Martínez, from Spain, Barcelona, Escola MassanaBarbora Hainzová, from Slovakia, Bratislava, Academy of Fine Arts and Design — Malin Peter (BA), Xiang Dai (MA), Charlotte Maslov (BA), Mikael Sellersjö (MA), from Sweden, Gothenburg, HDKKatrin Spranger (MA), from Sweden, Stockholm, KonstfackHannah Fewtrell-Bolton, Xiaohan Ren, from UK, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design BIADJenny Laidlaw (MA), Vershali Jain (MA), from UK, Edinburgh College of Art — Ruth Reifen, Mariah Tuttle, from USA, Providence, RISDAllyson Bone (MA), Allison Ullmer (MA), from USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY) –

many mant THANKS to Gallery Marzee for their pictures !!!

Galerie Marzee
Lage Markt 3
6511 VK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone +31 24 3229670

Fax +31 24 3604688


EXPO ‘ARTornamento 2011′ – Alternatives Gallery, Rome (IT) – 23 Juin-15 Juill. 2011

ARTornamento 2011
23.6 – 15.7.2011
(Anja Eichler brooch)

Now in its sixth year, the exhibition ArtOrnamento at Alternatives Gallery in Rome will present 8 ex-students from the contemporary jewellery School Alchimia in Florence, one of the leading Schools on an international level in the field. Alchimia is a starting point for innovation as well as a preserver of traditional goldsmithing techniques.
The 8 participants in this year’s exhibition studied under the most important contemporary jewellery artists on an international level. The jewellery in this exhibition aims to explore the relationship between the body and the finished piece, each artist interpreting a personal idea of what jewellery is today.
This exhibition aims to show the latest research carried out in the experimental jewellery field, pieces that will show an innovative and diverse approach to the more traditional concept of what jewellery is or may be considered.
This year, one of the pieces shown in the exhibition will be purchased by the gallery and will go to form part of the ArtOrnamento Collection.


Represented artists  :
Satita Rojpojjanarat –  Nadege Roscoe Lea Marie Becker — Jade Drakes — Gabi VeitCarissa HsuAnja EichlerAline Battegay
Wen-Hsien Carissa Hsu  – ‘Lust and Frost’, brooch, textile, silver
Nadege Roscoe - necklace cows – (Fashion and art photographer Dario Garofalo and stylist Camilla Bresci have orchestrated a photoshooting with jewellery from Alchimia students – fevr 2011)
Carissa Hsu- pink necklace  (Fashion and art photographer Dario Garofalo and stylist Camilla Bresci have orchestrated a photoshooting with jewellery from Alchimia students – fevr 2011)
Gabi Veit – « ricomincerò », neckpiece, aluminium cast, thread
Nadege Roscoe-Rumjahn – brooch, textile, gold
Lea Maria Becker - brooch, wood, paint
Satita Rojpojjanarat, brooch, textile, magnet- « Thai clouds »


Alternatives Gallery
Via d’Ascanio, 19
Rome -Italy
tel/Fax. ++39 0668308233