EXPO ‘Butcher, Baker, Candlestickmaker’ – Caroline Van Hoek gallery, Bruxelles (BE) – 4-23 Aout 2012
« Butcher, Baker, Candlestick maker » – Caroline Van Hoek gallery (Brussels, Belgium) 04-Aug-2012 – 23-Aug-2012
A project generously hosted by Caroline Van Hoek gallery to promote young work in contemporary jewelry. Works by Cranbrook Academy of Art, USA.
The breakdown of material-specific practice is an opportunity to acknowledge and re-engage the long-standing culture of borrowing within the maker’s studio. This exhibition examines the loss in reducing our identity as makers from goldsmiths, silversmiths, blacksmiths, and whitesmiths to generalized “metalsmiths” and the gain in casting lines to outside archetypes as concepts continue to override materials in our collective system of making. Now, in addition to our traditional practices, we are dissecting carcasses, hanging cuts to cure, greasing our molds, kneading and salting our dough, dipping and re-dipping our waxes in order to glean foreign phrases from exterior societal crafts whose methods increase the potency of our own.
curated by Timothy Mc Mahon
Artists: Laura Bombach — Kathleen Janvier — Alissa Lamarre — Réka Fekete — Rebekah Frank — Julia Heineccius – Tiff Massey – Jane Ritchie — Amy Weiks.

Caroline Van Hoek gallery
Rue Van Eyck 57
1050 – Brussels
Telephone: + 32 2 6444511
website: www.carolinevanhoek.be
mail: btchr.bkr.cndlstckmkr@gmail.com
mail: info@carolinevanhoek.be