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EXPO ‘Swedes and Belgian Blues’ – Gallery Four, Göteborg (SE) – 2 Sept.-1er Oct. 2016

Swedes and Belgian Blues

Four Gothenburg, Sweden

Opening: September 2nd, 17-21

FOUR - Swedes and Belgian Blues

Chocolate, beer and Jean-Claude Van Damme, waffles, the European parliament and Brussels sprouts. Sadly enough people probably also associate Belgium with terror and cattle with breeding problems.
When we think of Belgium we think of jewellery! Not only of the diamonds in Antwerp, but predominantly of the eminent art jewellery scene. Belgium has some of the most famous contemporary jewellery schools, – galleries and – artists. Playful, thought provoking and with an elegant confidence, the art jewellery culture is vibrant and powerful.
Galerie Beyond (formerly Beyond Fashion) is situated in the central parts of Antwerp and has been run by Karin De Buysere and René Darmont for 15 years. The work of the artists that the gallery represents has a conceptual strength and challenges the traditional perception of what jewellery is. The connection to the lively fashion- and art field is unmistakable while classic goldsmithing seams more distant.
The exhibition ”Swedes and Belgian Blues” is a co-operation between Galerie Beyond and Four, showing work by 5 Belgian and 5 Swedish artists. Sweden is also a well-known country in the international jewellery world and we also have an influential fashion scene. Are there any similarities? Are there any differences? To connect a certain aesthetic or a style to a nationality might be impossible in a society where the global art scene is only a browser away. But is there something of a local culture? Swedes and Belgian Blues will be shown in Antwerp in January 2017.


Participating artists:
Tine De RuysserJonathan HensArnaud SprimontAnneleen SwillenKaren VanmolKarin Roy AnderssonLinnéa ErikssonHanna LiljenbergAnna Norrgrann – Sanna Svedestedt Carboo.

Karin Roy Andersson - brooch from 2016 made of recycled plastics (from lunch trays), thread and steel - FOUR: Karin Roy Andersson – My brooch from 2016 made of recycled plastics (from lunch trays), thread and steel –
« Since I was a kid I have had a strong interest in animals, especially fish and birds. I love their shape, their movements and the pattern of the feathers and scales, their bodies, faces and exceptional behaviour. The pieces on show at « Swedes and Belgian Blues » are made of plastics collected from garbage containers and ditch-banks. I keep my eyes open when I go to the hairdresser; I search in my friends’ bathrooms and fridges – you have to be observant if you are going to find that perfect jewellery material!

Sanna Svedestedt Carboo-  Building blocks, 2013, necklace made of naturally tanned leather Sanna Svedestedt Carboo -  Building blocks, 2013, necklace made of naturally tanned leatherSanna Svedestedt Carboo works with leather. In this material she create sharp and exact shapes that look heavy but are surprisingly light. Svedestedt Carboo uses old leather shaping techniques and Cuir Bouilli, adding a contemporary expression to a classic craft tradition. With the right touch, boiling hot water and quite a lot of stubbornness, the leather is transformed into the desired form. « I am drawn to the combination of controlled shapes and soft organic flow, and the clash that takes place in the meeting of the two. »

bracelets by Tine de RuysserTine de Ruysser - Dollar Bracelets, 2016,  made of banknotes
Paper money came into existence because people did not want to carry their gold around. Through time the relation between money and gold has been close but the connection has changed. Now we are hesitating about having too much money in our wallets but many of us are happy to show wealth, status or image by wearing gold. For this piece banknotes are used as a precious material. The notes are put together to create an object. The banknotes are not damaged, so the object can be taken apart and returned to the monetary value of the materials. Just like precious metals.

 Anneleen Swillen - Weights pending 2, 2016, necklace made of resin, plaster, concrete, cotton, rubber and natural stonesAnneleen Swillen – Weights pending 2, 2016, necklace made of resin, plaster, concrete, cotton, rubber and natural stones
Inspired by the way daily goods are consumed and (re)presented, Anneleen Swillen draws attention to the intrinsic but often unnoticed qualities of everyday objects. Weights, pending is an artistic research into both formal and functional potential of disposable packaging for object and jewellery design.  The necklace is composed of pairs of various pendants that differ in weight, shape and size. Both sides of the necklace can be shifted and scaled in search for a balance – or imbalance – when worn. Carrying these weights as a collection of charms around the neck and shoulders does not go unnoticed for the wearer or the viewer.

Anna Norrgrann - Necklaces made of aluminium and nylon threadAnna Norrgrann – Necklaces made of aluminium and nylon thread
« I’m attracted to the qualities in different kinds of metal that make them perform in various ways, depending on the treatment. I see my work as collaboration between these qualities in the material and my own technical skills. m attracted to the qualities in different kinds of metal that make them perform in various ways, depending on the treatment. I see my work as collaboration between these qualities in the material and my own technical skills. » – Anna Norrgrann

Karen Vanmol - AKA #Iseefaces, brooches -made of wood, laminate and steelKaren Vanmol - AKA #Iseefaces, brooches -made of wood, laminate and steel
« The human mind has the desire to name things. Our brains are so eager to recognize patterns and correlations they see them where there are none. Have a closer look at Karen Vanmol’s brooches and let us know what you see. »

Hanna Liljenberg - Untitled, brooches, 2016- made of black burned iron, oil paint, varnish and steelHanna Liljenberg - Untitled, brooches, 2016- made of black burned iron, oil paint, varnish and steel
« My jewellery is in constant collision between the organic and the rigidly constructed. In this project I wanted to simplify the construction of my jewellery to the greatest extent, and I have been working with old painting techniques to produce light in the darkness. Having previously worked with repetitions of one single form, I have now tried to shape one sprawling piece into a cohesive unit. » – Hanna Liljenberg

Jonathan Hens - Human 2.0 #1, #4 and #5, necklaces made of pewter, suture and latex  Jonathan Hens – Human 2.0 #1, #4 and #5, necklaces made of pewter, suture and latex 
 - Jonathan Hens designs are the result of an intense search for an alternative identity. Rather than a classic example of beauty, the viewer gets to see Hens’ interpretation of it.

Linnéa Eriksson- Connect, necklace 2016 made of steel, oxidized silver and spray paint.Linnéa Eriksson- Connect, necklace 2016 made of steel, oxidized silver and spray paint.
Linnéa Eriksson’s work is a reflection of her surroundings. She finds inspiration in pieces of metal or in the feeling of a heavy beat. « It is a combination of traditional jewellery crafts and the modern street expression. »

 Arnaud Sprimont  - Microbiota 1, brooch, 2016 -made of polyurethane resin, steel and pigments.Arnaud Sprimont  – Microbiota 1, brooch, 2016 -made of polyurethane resin, steel and pigments. 
Supported both by a scientific and empirical observation of the cells and patterns of the living, Arnaud Sprimont investigates an invisible and frightening universe.  The exploration of the strong ties that exist between human being and nature is the heart of his approach and of his will to define himself, in nature and in harmony with it, as microbiotes living in symbiosis with their host.

Nordhemsgatan 74,
Göteborg (Sweden)
+46 73 086 42 49
New ppen hours! Wed, Thu, Fri 12-18, Sat 12-16





EXPO ‘Et si on exposait des Belges, une fois?!’ – ICKX Contemporary Jewelry, Bruxelles (BE) – 1er Sept.-3 Dec. 2016

« Et si on exposait des Belges, une fois?!« , c’est bientôt!
A partir du 01/9 au 03/12/2016 -  «ICKX Contemporary Jewelry»

inauguration  jeudi 8 septembre   18:00 – 21:00

ICKX gallery (BE) "Et si on exposait des Belges, une fois?!"

Exposition du 1 septembre au 3 décembre 2016.
Pour cette saison, le «made in Belgium» est mis à l’honneur.
Une vingtaine de créateurs Belges ou vivants en Belgique nous proposent leur vision du bijou contemporain mais aussi une sélection de designers d’objet, une créatrice de bijou pour cheveux et un créateur de montre.
Les pièces sont choisies pour leur design singulier, épuré à minimaliste; pour les matériaux variés parfois inattendus; pour les techniques utilisées (fabrication artisanale et nouvelles technologies).
Le concept store proposent des pièces uniques ou de petites séries pour tous les budgets.

For this season, the «made in Belgium», is in the spotlight.
Around twenty Belgian creators or creator who live in Belgium offer you their interpretation of contemporary jewelry but also a selection of designers, a creatror of hair jewelery and a creator of watch.

 Créateurs de bijoux contemporain/Creators of contemporary jewelry  Cécile BetrandFrédérique CoomansNoana GiambraAnne GoyAudrey IckxSylvie JoussetChristine Keyeux-Schnöller — Claire LavendhommeBrigitte Mathieu — Camille PennequinAlain Roggeman — Lou Sautreau –  Stéphanie Seutin — Dominique Thomas VansteenbergheUbustine — Diederick van Hövell Karen Vanmol —  Isabelle Carpentier - et les pin’s de Boon’s

 ICKX gallery (BE) "Et si on exposait des Belges, une fois?!",




ICKX Contemporary Jewelry
Av. Georges Henri 435
1200 Bruxelles – BELGIQUE
Heures d’ouverture du mardi au samedi de 11h à 18h30.

+32 494 64 93 36




During SCHMUCK 2016 : TALENTE 2016 awards – 27 Fevr. 2016

  TALENTE 2016
Award Ceremony, 27.02.2016 16:30
Fairground Messe Munich, Hall B1

Talente 2016 presents the work of 102 artists, designers and craftsmen from 26 countries in 12 different areas of production. This year Talente has also participants from Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, South Africa and Argentinia. Talente will show innovative and very different works in glass, ceramics and jewellery as well as a very large selection of textiles. The works are inspired by considerations of material and re-use, the specific haptic and visual qualities of materials and the effect of their combination. The artists experiment with various surfaces and use materials in unusual ways. It is fascinating to observe how surfaces contrast and harmonize how perfection and decay are evoked.
As in the last years, an unusual high number of applications arrived for “Talente” from the field of jewellery. The young artists show a special interest in the techniques and ideas of the collage and the use of unusual materials like basketry, ceramic, plaster, textile and different stones. The works concentrate more on the surfaces themselves less on decorative embellishments. In many instances they emphasise the archaic and rough side. A pattern is also created by the materials themselves.

Steffi Götze Brooches: Untitled, 2015 Silver, copper,enamel Photo by: Karlos Rodriguez Garcia From series: Inside Outside: Steffi Götze Brooches: Untitled, 2015 Silver, copper,enamel Photo by: Karlos Rodriguez Garcia From series: « Inside Outside »

Selected Artists:
for Jewelry:
Paul Adie — Tata Akhatova –  Irene G. Barrera –  Dovile Bernadisiute – Shachar Cohen — Maria Camila Fernández –  Katrin Feulner — Veronika Gocová –  Steffi Götze –  Jonathan HensAnnie Huang –  Sarah Yeonjeong Kim –  Maria Kobelová –  Eölisa Lutteral — Aiza MahmoodThanh-Truc Nguyen –  Darja Popolitova –  Eva Ruzickova –  Nina Sajet –  Dana Shapira –  Nelly Stein — Janina Stübler –  Fanmiano Tang –  Edu Tarin –  Karen Vanmol –  Sanna Wallgren –  Kun Zhang

Annie Huang -   My twigs are going off to Munich for Talente! #munichjewelleryweek #contemporaryjewellery #artjewellery: Annie Huang -   My « twigs » are going off to Munich for Talente!

 Dovile Bernadisiute Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Dry paint, Titan, stainless steel 12 x 6 x 1 cm From series: Layers of Paint: Dovile Bernadisiute Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Dry paint, Titan, stainless steel 12 x 6 x 1 cm From series: Layers of Paint

pendant by Sachar Cohen "The Postmodern Noble Savage" #enamel #mika #iron #cotton -TALENTE 2016 /   the selectees for #talente2016 on show during #munichjewelleryweek  Sachar Cohen pendant  « The Postmodern Noble Savage » enamel, mika, iron, cotton

Irene G. Barrera Jewellery - exhibited at TALENTE 2016: Irene G. Barrera Jewellery

Edu Tarin - winner TALENTE 2016Edu Tarin

 Katrin Feulner  necklace  -iron  - talente 2016 Katrin Feulner  necklace  -iron

Camila Fernandez Polo - Blend Ring -  C A M I L A Contemporary Jewelry, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Talente 2016 Múnich Camila Fernandez Polo – Blend Ring

Jonathan HENS talente2016  - pewter, rubber, leather, diamonddust, sutures -jonathan hens Jonathan Hens  – pewter, rubber, leather, diamond dust, sutures

Janina Stübler necklace  - textile, labels - talente2016 on show during #munichjewelleryweek #mjw16 Janina Stübler necklace  – textile, labels

Paul Adie    been selected to be part of Talente 2016, the only Scot and, incidentally, the only 'Brit' to be doing so. My Fruits from the Wasteland will be going to Munich early next year. I feel proud and know my parents and friends are too. See you in Munich!: Paul Adie – THE Scot ! :-) -  Fruits from the Wasteland

Eva Růžičková - ring, silver 2016Ava Růžičková – ring, silver 2016

Sarah Yeonjeong KimSarah Yeonjeong Kim

Nina SajetNina Sajet

Mária Kobelová  - Epi, jewelery and communication Mária Kobelová  – Epi, jewelery and communication

 Darja Popolitova JewelleryDarja Popolitova Jewellery

Kun Zhang, Hochschule Trier Idar Oberstein, Germany (JADE brooches) Marzee Graduate Show 2015 - Kun Zhang JADE brooches  (Hochschule Trier Idar Oberstein, Germany – Marzee Graduate Show 2015)

Aiza Mahmood (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Ring "3" • Iron and slate • 2015 Aiza Mahmood (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Ring « 3″ • Iron and slate • 2015

Thanh-Truc Nguyen Brooch: Untitled Powder coated stainless steel, silver 6 x 8 x 1.5 cm: Thanh-Truc Nguyen Brooch: Untitled Powder coated stainless steel, silver 6 x 8 x 1.5 cm


EXPO ‘FIFTEEN YEARS OF JEWELRY’ – Beyond Fashion, Antwerp (BE) – 3 Dec. 2015 – 23 Janv. 2016

You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition « FIFTEEN YEARS OF JEWELRY » gallery Beyond Fashion

Official opening 3rd December 2015 18:00 – 21:00.

at Beyond fashion gallery:

The expo Fifteen Years of Jewelry invites the viewer to question the limits of the area traditionally occupied by jewelry. Beyond fashion has invited 16 of its artists to celebrate the gallery’s 15th birthday.
For the occasion they will show a small series of 3 pieces and/or 1 unique piece related to one of their works in our permanent collection. Let us all celebrate fifteen years of offering a platform where the relation between jewelry artists and art jewelry lovers can bloom.

Artist list Karin Roy Andersson Carolina ApoloniaNevin ArigJudith BloedjesHervee Darmont Yu HiraishiCynthia JacobsJeannette JansenNolia ShaktiArnaud SprimontMarina StanimirovicAnneleen SwillenAmy Tavern Karen Vanmol ZwardTine de Ruysser

 Yu Hiraishi  Yu Hiraishi 

Marina Stanimirovic (FR-UK)   Marina Stanimirovic (FR-UK)

Kirsten Spuijbroek for ZWARD Necklace: Peekaboo, 2015 Silver, resin Limited edition: 3/3 - Kirsten Spuijbroek for ZWARD Necklace: Peekaboo, 2015 Silver, resin Limited edition: 3/3

 Karin Roy Andersson Earrings: Backupfront, 2015 Recycled plastics (from snuffboxes and motor-oil bottle), silver, varnish, steel, textile Unique piece Karin Roy Andersson Earrings: Backupfront, 2015 Recycled plastics (from snuffboxes and motor-oil bottle), silver, varnish, steel, textile Unique piece


Beyond Fashion
Pourbusstraat 7
2000 – Antwerp
Telephone: +3232378541



Prix européen des Arts Appliqués /European Prize for Applied Arts – Wcc-bf, Anciens Abattoirs, Mons (BE) – 24 Oct.2015-10 Janv.2016

Prix européen des Arts Appliqués

European Prize for Applied Arts

Friday 23 October 2015: opening ceremony and Prize awarding Master Prize and Young Talent Prize and Mons 2015 Prize At the Grand Hall of the « Anciens Abattoirs » of Mons Exhibition from 24 October 2015 until 10 January 2016

 Prix européen des Arts Appliqués European Prize for Applied Arts Du 24 octobre 2015 au 10 Janvier 2016
L’objet d’art actuel, en tant que trace du temps, reflète l’évolution de notre société avec talent et ingéniosité. Aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, le secteur des art appliqués tient une place de choix sur la scène artistique contemporaine, ce que ne contredira pas la troisième triennale du Prix européen des Arts appliqués qui propose les créations de pas moins de 78 créateurs venant de 18 pays d’Europe. Tous, sans exception, apportent une matière, une forme, une couleur, une âme à leur œuvre. Qu’il s’agisse d’arts appliqués à vocation utilitaire ou d’expression libre, les créations ici exposées détruisent les barrières entre les catégories et démontrent tout le talent, la créativité, l’innovation et l’ingéniosité nécessaire à leur élaboration. C’est dans le cadre de «Mons, Capitale européenne de la Cultureen 2015» que cette troisième édition du Prix européen des Arts appliqués vient apporter sa touche contemporaine aux différents domaines de création,qu’ils soient céramique, verre, bijou, mobilier, textile, objets de décorationou encore stylisme…
Trois prix sont décernés par un jury d’experts :  le Prix des Maîtres d’art (prix de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles),le Prix Jeune Talent (prix du WCC-Europe) et le Prix Mons 2015.
 Annamaria Zanella - Purple Tubes, 2014 6 x 6 x 2 cm Photo : Daniela MartinAnnamaria Zanella. – Purple Tubes, 2014 6 x 6 x 2 cm Photo : Daniela Martin
participants :  Cécile AHN — Barbara AMSTUTZ  — Nevin ARIG  — Hayley BECKLEY — Marian BIJLENGA — Iris BODEMER –  Nicolas BOVESSE  –  Abigail BROWN  — Sébastien CARRE  — Hermien CASSIERS  — Mathilde CAYLOU  — Marion COURTILLE  — Betty CUYKX — Annette DAM — Tania DE BRUYCKER  — Silke DECKER Elisa DEVAL  — Patricia DOMINGUESSamTho DUONG  — Anja EICHLER  — Sanna ESKOLA  — Maria ESPERSEN  — Flora FIXY  — Nicolas GALAND  — Maryan GELUK  — Christine GRAF  — Margret GUDNADOTTIR  & Olof BJARNADOTTIR  –  Gesine HACKENBERG  –  Michal HANULA  — Malene HARTMANN RASMUSSEN  — Peter HOOGEBOOM  — Camille JACOBS  — Hannah JORIS  — Kaori JUZU  — Ulla & Martin KAUFMANN  — Ulrike KLEINE-BEHNKE  — Saerom KONG  — Tine KRUMHORN  — Therese LEBRUN  — Typhaine LEMONNIER  — Juliette LEPERLIER — Christoph LEUNER  — Ria LINS  — Ruediger LORENZEN  — Yves MALFLIET  — Sofja MARKAROVA  — James MASKREY  — Hugo MEERT  — Hilde METZ  — Frank MEURER  — Rosa NOGUES  — Monika PATUSZYNSKA – Kirsten PLANK  — Tiina RAJAKALLIO  — Marie-Noelle RISACK  — Zoe ROBERTSON  — Bruno ROMANELLI  — Verena SCHATZ  — Isabell SCHAUPP — Helena SCHEPENS  — Karin SEUFERT  — Antonino SPOTO  — Edgars SPRIDZANS  — Frank STEYAERT  — Esther SUÁREZ RUIZ  — Kyoko SUGIURA — Dominique THOMAS-VANSTEENBERGHE  — Alexandra TOLLET  — Yayoi TSUJI Jessica TURRELL  — Flora VAGI  — Reinhilde VAN GRIEKEN  — Karen VANMOLNelly VAN OOST  — Esther VAN SCHUYLENBERGH  — Luzia VOGTMonique VOZ Annamaria ZANELLA
Nelly Van Oost - With feelings, 2014 47 x 43 x 35 cm Photo : Ophélie Friberg Nelly Van Oost – With feelings, 2014 47 x 43 x 35 cm Photo : Ophélie Friberg
Flora Vagi. - Pillowaves I, 2014 9 x 9 x 3 cm Photo : Flora Vagi Flora Vagi. – Pillowaves I, 2014 9 x 9 x 3 cm Photo : Flora Vagi
Jessica Turrell. - Field Unit, 2014 20 x 20 x 1 cm Photo : Mark Ashbee  Jessica Turrell. – Field Unit, 2014 20 x 20 x 1 cm Photo : Mark Ashbee
Patricia Domingues (M.A. 2013) • Brooch "Set Free & Matter" • Necuron, Steel • 2014 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña Patricia Domingues (M.A. 2013) • Brooch « Set Free & Matter » • Necuron, Steel • 2014 • ©photo by Manuel Ocaña
Luzia Vogt - Candy I, 2014 6 x 6 x 4 cm Photo : Luzia VogtLuzia Vogt - Candy I, 2014 6 x 6 x 4 cm Photo : Luzia Vogt
Voz Monique. - Nomadic eating, 2015 2 x 2 x 8 cm Photo : Monique Voz Monique Voz   – Nomadic eating, 2015 2 x 2 x 8 cm Photo : Monique Voz
Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe. - Don’t touch me, 2015 19 x 17 cm Photo: D.Thomas  Dominique Thomas Vansteenberghe. – Don’t touch me, 2015 19 x 17 cm Photo: D.Thomas
Isabell Schaupp - Sliced tower building, 2014 7,1 x 7,1 x 2,8 cm Photo : Isabell Schaupp Isabell Schaupp – Sliced tower building, 2014 7,1 x 7,1 x 2,8 cm Photo : Isabell Schaupp
Karen Vanmol  Karen Vanmol
Rosa Nogués Freixas - Por la boca muere el pez, 2015 30,5 x 10 x 6 cm Photo : Rosa Nogués FreixasRosa Nogués Freixas – Por la boca muere el pez, 2015 30,5 x 10 x 6 cm Photo : Rosa Nogués  
 Zoe Robertson - Subscribe series, 2014 80 x 35 x 15 cm Photo : Zoe Robertson Zoe Robertson - Subscribe series, 2014 80 x 35 x 15 cm Photo : Zoe Robertson
Ria Lins - Beware, 2014 65 x 5 x 3 cm Photo: Dries Van den BrandeRia Lins - Beware, 2014 65 x 5 x 3 cm Photo: Dries Van den Brande
Hermien Cassiers  - (BE) - gold -  Earrings, 2013 5,5 x 5,5 x 2,5 cm Photo: © Nice Job: Hermien Cassiers   -  Earrings, 2013 gold Photo: © Nice Job
Sébastien Carré - Bracelet Inflammation # 6, 2013 11 x 11 x 4 cm Photo: Milo Lee - Wcc-bf:   Sebastien Carré  Bracelet Inflammation # 6, 2013 11 x 11 x 4 cm Photo: Milo Lee
  Saerom Kong.  - Pink Daisy, 2015 9,4 x 6,4 x 3 cm Photo: Saerom Kong:  Saerom Kong.  – Pink Daisy, 2015 9,4 x 6,4 x 3 cm Photo: Saerom Kong
Les Anciens Abattoirs/ Galerie du WCC-BF 17/02, rue de la Trouille 7000 Mons (Belgique) Exposition du 24 octobre 2015 au 10 janvier 2016 Exhibition from 24th october to 10th january 2016 Tous les jours (sauf le lundi, et les 24, 25, 31.12.2015 et 01.01.2016) de 10h00 à 18h00 Open everyday (except Monday, 24, 25, 31.12.2015 and 01.01.2016)  from 10:00 to 18:00


EXPO ‘TWEEX 3′ – La Vénerie/Ecuries, Watermael-Boitsfort (Brussels) (BE) – 24 Avril-17 Mai 2015

TWEEX 3 : masters & students of Contemporary Art Jewellery creation

The TWEEX 3 exhibition takes place at  La Vénerie/Ecuries, Watermael-Boitsfort Cultural Centre Vernissage: jeudi 23 avril de 18h à 21h + KERMESSE – Stand pêche aux canards -  happening :  Je 23 avril  18h >  20h

TWEEX 3.     Exhibition  /  24 Apr-17 May 2015 - La Vénerie, Bruxelles -

In a co-production with La Vénerie, Françoise Vanderauwera and Bernard François present a third overview of masters and student work from four different colleges and art academies:
KASKA (Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten), Antwerp, (Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp)
RHoK (Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten), Brussels, (College of Fine Arts, Brussels)
SASK (Stedelijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten), Sint-Niklaas and
Académie de Dessin et des Arts décoratifs « Gustave Camus » de Châtelet ,Charleroi.


Maîtres et élèves créateurs de bijoux contemporains.  3ème Etat des lieux de la transmission des savoirs maîtres-élèves du «bijou d’auteur» dans nos écoles supérieures et académies d’art. Art jeune et pluridisciplinaire, à la croisée des beaux-arts et du design, le bijou d’art contemporain, forme d’expression artistique à part entière, fait incontestablement partie de notre patrimoine. En s’interrogeant sur le poids des savoirs et la part de ceux-ci dans la création contemporaine et en soulignant le caractère critique et autoréflexif de cette discipline artistique, nous vous proposons de découvrir les passeurs de ces savoirs issus des Académies des Beaux- Arts de Châtelet (Charleroi), KASK (Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen) RHoK (Academie Beeldende Kunsten, Brussel) et SASK (Stedelijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Sint-Niklaas).

Tatiana Warenichova (KASKA alumni), Fairy Teller Queen, brooch, 2010, magazine paper, wood, silvervander Tatiana Warenichova (KASKA alumni), Fairy Teller Queen, brooch, 2010, magazine paper, wood, silvervander

Artist list :  Nina AirapetovaVelislava Bozhinova — Nadine Braeckeleer — Tineke Carels — Ilse Claus — Antonio Conati — Laurent-Max De Cock — Barbara Deriemaeker — Alain Duprez — Silke Fleischer — Kathleen Frisson — Jeaninne Gailly — Max Gielis — Jonathan Hens — Karin Lanneer –  Jorge Manilla — Brigitte Mathieu — Marta Miguel — Michel Mousset — Hilde Van Belleghem — Lore Van KeerJasper VandenbergheKaren VanmolPeter Vermandere

 TWEEX 3. Ilse Claus Bracelet: Second skin, 2015 chamois leather, gelatin, pigment, plastic zipper bag Photo by: Stanislas Huaux SASK-Sint-Niklaas studentIlse Claus - Bracelet: Second skin, 2015 chamois leather, gelatin, pigment, plastic zipper bag - Photo by: Stanislas HuauxSASK-Sint-Niklaas student

Marta Miguel - RHoK alumni - healing pendant, 2011 pink felt with latexMarta Miguel -  healing pendant, 2011 pink felt with latex - RHoK alumni -

 Left: Max Gielis (RHoK teacher), Are we Going to Die Pretty?, brooch, 2013, silver, feathers, glass, blood Right: Barbara Deriemaeker (RHoK alumni), No titel, necklace, 2012, plaster, lintLeft: Max Gielis (RHoK teacher), Are we Going to Die Pretty?, brooch, 2013, silver, feathers, glass, blood
Right: Barbara Deriemaeker (RHoK alumni), No titel, necklace, 2012, plaster, lint

 Barbara Deriemaeker RHoK alumni No titel 2012 plaster, stuffed animals, boxesBarbara Deriemaeker (RHoK alumni) No titel 2012 plaster, stuffed animals, boxes

 Left: Jorge Manilla (KASKA teacher), Essence of morality, pendant, 2013, Polymer Gypsum, steel, fabrics, photo: Hanne Nieberding Right: Jonathan Hens (KASKA alumni), DARK PARADISE #4, bracelet, 2013, tin, sutures, plastic, photo: Hanne NieberdingLeft: Jorge Manilla (KASKA teacher), Essence of morality, pendant, 2013, Polymer Gypsum, steel, fabrics, photo: Hanne Nieberding
Right: Jonathan Hens (KASKA alumni), DARK PARADISE #4, bracelet, 2013, tin, sutures, plastic, photo: Hanne Nieberding

Left: Hilde Van Belleghem (SASK teacher), ruuw & puur, necklace-bracelet and ring, 2015, silver 925, photo: Lieven Herreman Right: Tineke Carels (SASK alumni), hebberige handjes, necklace, 2014, silver, photo: Stanislas HuauxLeft: Hilde Van Belleghem (SASK teacher), ruuw & puur, necklace-bracelet and ring,2015, silver 925, (detail) photo: Lieven Herreman
Right: Tineke Carels (SASK alumni), hebberige handjes, necklace, 2014, silver, (detail) photo: Stanislas Huaux

Left: Hilde Van Belleghem (SASK teacher), ruuw & puur, necklace-bracelet and ring,2015, silver 925, (detail) photo: Lieven Herreman / Right: Tineke Carels (SASK alumni), hebberige handjes, necklace, 2014, silver,  photo: Stanislas Huaux   Left: Hilde Van Belleghem (SASK teacher), ruuw & puur, necklace-bracelet and ring,2015, silver 925, (detail) photo: Lieven Herreman Right: Tineke Carels (SASK alumni), hebberige handjes, necklace, 2014, silver, photo: Stanislas Huaux

 Dimitar Stankov KASKA alumni Bagpipes and Memories ring, 2014 silver Dimitar Stankov (KASKA alumni) Bagpipes and Memories ring, 2014 silver

 Dimitar Stankov Ring: Untitled, 2014 silver KASKA alumni Dimitar Stankov Ring: Untitled, 2014 silver KASKA alumni

 Velislava Bozhinova Necklace: Adaptation, 2014 porcelain, hemp rope KASKA alumniVelislava Bozhinova Necklace: Adaptation, 2014 porcelain, hemp rope KASKA alumni

 Karen Vanmol Necklace: Cultivate, 2014 Wood, Laminated, brass, paint, silver, plastic vintage beads KASKA alumniKaren Vanmol Necklace: Cultivate, 2014 Wood, Laminated, brass, paint, silver, plastic vintage beads KASKA alumni

 Gailly Jeannine Pendant: Untitled, 2015 Châtelet alumni Gailly Jeannine Pendant: Untitled, 2015 Châtelet alumni

 Left: Kathleen Frisson (SASK teacher), In memoriam, necklace, 2015, onyx, silver, gold, photo: Stanislas Huaux Right: Karin Lanneer (SASK alumni), ode aan de onbekende schilder 2, necklace, 2013, chitterlings, yarn, pearls, silver metal, photo: Stanislas Huaux Left: Kathleen Frisson (SASK teacher), In memoriam, necklace, 2015, onyx, silver, gold, photo: Stanislas Huaux
Right: Karin Lanneer (SASK alumni), ode aan de onbekende schilder 2, necklace, 2013, chitterlings, yarn, pearls, silver metal, photo: Stanislas Huaux

 Jasper Vandenberghe (KASKA alumni), Experimentables - Exp2.W.2015, ring, tin, Amethyst QuartsJasper Vandenberghe (KASKA alumni), Experimentables – Exp2.W.2015, ring, tin, Amethyst Quarts


Vander A Gallery  / La Vénerie
3 place Gilson 3
1170 Watermael-Boitsfort  (Brussels) BELGIUM
tel  (0) 495 264 281
(0) 478 570 674
from Friday 24 April 2015 to Sunday 17 May 2015 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saterday: from 14:00 to 18:00 Sunday: from 10:00 to 13:00




EXPO ‘Empreintes’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 1er Avril-30 Juill. 2015

Empreinte : trace laissé par une personne. 40 artistes issus du monde du bijou contemporain, de la céramique et du verre laissent leur empreinte à ALLIAGES. Ils nous dévoilent leurs rêves et nous laissent voir leur monde imaginaire.

Impression : trace left by a person. 40 artists from the world of contemporary jewelery, ceramics and glass to leave their mark at ALLIAGES. They reveal to us their dreams and show us their imaginary world.
Impressions, the permanent exhibition at Alliages, renewed continously.

Opening next Friday April 24th, 18:30 / Vernissage vendredi 24 avril à 18h30

Alliages - EMPREINTES avril 2015(collier Jee Hye Kwon)

The Permanent 2015, showing works of Aiko FujitaAlice ClarkeAna-Belén MonteroAna Garcia MoyaAngela BermudezAngela Ciobanu Anja Eichler  Anke Huyben  Barbara Uderzo Beate Pfefferkorn Inou Beru –  Burcu Sulek Cata Gibert Chun-Tai Chen Clara DelPapa Claudia SteinerDemitra Ryan-ThomloudisDora HaralambakiElin FlognmanFabienne ChristynFederica Sala Francine SchloethGeorge GiannoutsosGigi MarianiHelena Johansson LindellInbar ShahakIsabelle Busnel  –  Ismini PachiIzabella PetrutJee Hye KwonJessica AndersenJose MarinJuan Riusech  Kaori KuriharaKaren VanmolKonstantinos Konstantopoulos Leslie Shershow  Lluís Comín Lucilla Giovanninetti Mar Sanchez Margarita Alonso Maria Rosa Franzin  Maria Solórzano  Maria Tsimpiskaki Minna Karhu   Niki Stylianou Nicole Schuster  Nicole Taubinger  Patricia Gallucci Paula Isola  Peter Hoogeboom Sabine Pagliarulo  Sangji Yun Sébastien Carré Şenay Akın Silvia Beccaria Sophie Giet  Steffi Götze  Teresa F Faris –  Tracy NicholsValérie Ceulemans Valentina Gallo & Camilla Gallo –  Vasia Pachi  Wu Ching-Chih Ye-jee Lee –  Yu Ping Lin –  Zeta Tsermou

 Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai ChenPermanent 2015 – April Highlighting  Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai Chen

Permanent 2015 - March Highlighting Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa FranzinPermanent 2015 – March Highlighting : Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa Franzin
Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna KarhuPermanent 2015 – Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna Karhu
 Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.
 Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8 x 3 x 3 cm.Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8x3x3cm.
  Angela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-NotAngela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not
  Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain   .Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



Schmuck 2015 – PROGRAMME – Munich (DE) – 11-17 Mar 2015


Schmuck Event-Programm 2015

This year 63 artists have been selected from 23 different countries and this year Modern Classic is Karel Novak from Czeck Republic. Have an overview of the selected works as well as last year awarded artists. This special exhibition is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 every year during the International Trade Fair in March

Karel Novák  1996  Lenticular   RingKarel Novák  1996  Lenticular   Ring


Artist list :  Ulla AholaNicole BeckSofia BjörkmanBecky BlissJim Bove Helen BrittonBeatrice BroviaKim BuckFlorian Buddeberg – Jorge Castañon Mercedes Castro CorbatEunmi ChunKat Cole Simon CottrellPaul Derrez – Katharina DettarMaria Diez –  Carolina DutariJantje FleischhutSol Flores Kyoko FukuchiEmi FukudaAran GalliganChristine Graf Stanislava GrebenickovaMirjam Hiller Nils HintJunwon JungKaori JuzuChristiana JöckelKimiaki Kageyama — Minna Karhu — Merle Kasonen – Merlin Klein — Anne LegerHadas LevinLi LiangGigi MarianiSharon MasseyMikiko Minewaki — Neke Moa — Carla MoviaKazumi Nagano — Karel Novak — Karla OlsakovaPavel OpocenskyMartin PapcunRuudt PetersKatja PrinsRamon Puig CuyàsAnne-Marie Rebillard Lucy Sarneel  –  Pedro Sequeira — Martina Singerova — Arnaud Sprimont Yuki SumiyaTore SvenssonGeorgina TrevinoJessica TurrellKaren Vanmol Julia WalterAsami Watanabe Annamaria ZanellaManon van Kouswijk

(* in BLUE : see posts about their jewelry)


The SCHMUCK is an international exhibition that has been taking place in Munich for more than 50 years. It combines works of established artists and promising newcomers in the area of contemporary jewellery design and is the meeting place for collectors, jewellery lovers and museum curators from Germany and abroad. Organized as a worldwide contest, the works are chosen by an internationally renowned curator each year, this time by Eva Eisler, professor at the Prague Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (AAAD). “Presenting works at the SCHMUCK is an honor for any jewellery designer“, says Dieter Dohr, Management Board Chairman of the GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH. That is also why this time, more than 600 gold smiths and jewellery designers from Germany and abroad applied for the special show. In spring 2015, contributions by 63 artists from 21 countries will finally be on display. This time, Karel Novak from the Czech Republic will be honored as the classic of modern art. Highlight of the SCHMUCK will be the awarding of the Herbert-Hofmann-prizes on Saturday, 14 March 2015 at 5 pm on stage in hall B1. On this day, a jury will select the three best works of the SCHMUCK. Each year, a number of accompanying events group around the special show at the Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich galleries, museums and cultural institutes.

At the Fair  (Pavilion B1) 
11 – 17 March /  9:30 – 18:00 h. Special Shows at the 67th International Trade Fair in Munich.

FRAME : cf During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘The Grass Is Always Greener Overseas’ – Handwerksmesse, Munich (PLATINA Stand) (DE) – 11-17 Mars 2015
FRAME : cf During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘In Between by Sigurd Bronger’ – Galerie RA (NL) – 11-17Mars 2015


14 March /

  At Munich (Featured events) 

  •  Galerie Handwerk 

  5 March / 18.30 h – « From the Coolest Corner – Nordic Jewellery »
6 March ->18 April  (Di.- Mi.- Fr.)  10-18 h., Do. 10-20 h. – 14-16 March 10-15 h.
Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 Munich
cf During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘From the Coolest Corner – Nordic Jewellery’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 6 Mars-18 Avril 2015

from the coolest corner

  13 March / 10-15 h « Re-public Jewellery« .
Seminar produced by Martina Kaufmann, Prof. Ingjerd Hanevold and Prof. Anders Ljungberg, lectures: Yuka Oyama, Liesbet Bussche, Nanna Melland, Helen Carnac
Registration required. Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 Munich Tel. +49 89 5119 296/298
events during Schmuck 2015 connected to the Nordic project From the Coolest Corner: Exhibition, Seminar and Jewellery Stunts. More information about the seminar program on NB! You need to register with the Handwerkskammer to participate at the seminar.
  15-17 h/ « Please sign here« 
Mobil Location: stunts in public space by ALLA, Emil Kristoffer Gustavsson, A 5 and Anna-Maria Saar and Nils Hint.
 ALLA ........
  • Die Neue Sammlung –The International Design Museum Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne

13.March / 19h « Anton Cepka – Kinetischer Schmuck » – 14.March.->7.June
 cf during SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘Anton Cepka – Kinetischer Schmuck’ – Die Neue Sammlung /International Design Museum, Munich (DE) – 14 Mars-7 Juin 2015

ANTON CEPKA – KINETIC JEWELRY (Anton Cepka – Kinetic Jewelry – brooch)

« Harebutai. A grand occasion. The Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry Tokyo zu Gast in der Neuen Sammlung, Hiko Mizuno College invited by Die Neue Sammlung »
14.->22. March – Di.-So. 10-18, Do. 10-20 h
Harebutai.  The Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry TokyoHarebutai.  The Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry Tokyo
15.March / 11 h
« Toni Greenbaum: MAG to SNAG: American Studio Jewelry, 1940-1970« 
Barerstr. 40, 80333 Munich Tel. +49 89 2727250, +49 89 23805360
  • Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst

26.February / 18.30 h
« Doerthe Fuchs –Schmuck-Handlun »
« Meet the Artist“ with Doerthe Fuchs on 13.March., 16-18 h and 15.March., 14-15 h
27.February.->18.April., Mo.-Sa. 10-18 h
Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 Munich Tel. +49 89 2901470

Doerthe Fuchs SCHMUCKhandlung

  • Villa Stuck

12.March / 17-19 h

GlAmour“, »GlAmour Empfang », Giampaolo Babetto, Robert Baines, Gabi Dziuba, Karl Fritsch, Daniel Kruger, Gerd Rothmann, Philip Sajet, Robert Smit, Lisa Walker.
Curated by Olga Zobel Biró
7.March->6.April, 12.3., 17-19 h
Prinzregentenstr. 60, 81675 Munich Tel. +49 89 4555510
cf EXPO ‘glAmour’ – Villa Stück, Munich (DE) – 7 Mars-6 Avril 2015

  • MaximiliansForum – Passage für Kunst und Design

18-22 h / « On the elementary power of jewellery oder Schmuck als Urgewalt“, Eine mediale Rauminstallation von Gisbert Stach mit Videoarbeiten von Pavol Prekop/Jana Minarikova und Gisbert Stach. Eröffnung mit der Aktion « Wurfmesser » von Gisbert Stach Unterführung Maximilianstr./Altstadtring
12.March. -> 25.April. – 24 h window display
Tel. +49 89 23324382

on the elementary power .....
At Munich (Other events – by date)  
Monday, 9. March 2015
11 h / Galerie Biró Junior zu Gast bei Galerie Jordanow
« GBJ Projekt 3« , Catarina Hällzon, Heejoo Kim, Réka Lörincz, Nolia Shatki, Flóra Vági
9->21 March, Mo.-Sa. 11-18, So.11-15 h
Zieblandstr. 19, 80799 Munich Tel. +49 163 2547079
galerie Biro junior "GBJ Projekt 3"
Tuesday, 10. March 2015
10-18 h /  Galerie Wittenbrink
Einzelausstellung: Hermann Jünger – Zu Ehren von Hermann Jünger“ (with catalogue)
10.->17.March., Di.-Sa. 10-18 h, Do. 10 -20 h.
Türkenstr. 16, 80333 Munich Tel. +49 89 25541933
Wittenbrink - Herman Junger
18 h / Akademie Galerie
« Ich bin keine Vase« ; Jing Yang
U-Bahn U3/U6, Station Universität Zwischengeschoss
11.->17.March., Mi.-Sa. 11-18 h, So. 12-18 h
Tel. +49 176 32458058
- Jing Yang Pendant: Ich bin keine Vase, 2014 Jing Yang Pendant: Ich bin keine Vase, 2014
19-21 h / Super + Centercourt Gallery
« paper-plastic-metal-stone« , Emi Fukuda, Clementine Edwards, Gillian Campbell Deery, Katie Jayne Britchford
9->17.March., Mo.-Fr. 12-17 h, Sa./So. 14-17 h
Adalbertstr. 44, 80799 Munich Tel. +49 72130537088
  paper-plastic-metal-stone -
19-22 h / Kunsthaus Maximilian
« Zeichen der Zeit – Timeperception« , Hatara-project, Annea Lounatvuori & Christine Jalio
Maximilianstr. 54, 80538 Munich
10->14.March., Mi.-Fr. 10-19 h, Sa. 11-16 h
Tel. +49 89 215524310
Hatara Project
19 h / kunstarkaden Ein Kunstraum der Stadt München
« Schmuck/Objekte/VideoMartin Papcùn, Merlin Klein, Pedro Sequeira, Junwon Jung
Sparkassenstr. 3, Munich
11.March->11.April., So.15.March. 16-20 h, Di.-Sa. 13-19 h
Tel. +49 89 23320947
Kunstarkaden‎Jung - Klein - Papcún - Sequeira
19 h / Maurer Zilioli – Contemporary Arts zu Gast bei Kunstbüro reillplast
« Quodlibet« , Christiane Förster, Norman Weber
Amalienstr. 21, 80333 Munich
10.->15.March., 14-19 h Tel. +49 157 73362236
Maurer Zilioli - QUODLIBET invitation
Wednesday, 11. March 2015
Diana Dudek
Theatinerstr. 14, 80333 Munich
11.->17.March., Mo-Sa. 10-19 h Tel. +49 89 25541933
Wittenbrink - Diana Dudeck
11-19 h / Galerie Artefakt
« Porzellanschmuck« , Silke Trekel
Hans-Sachs-Str. 13, 80469 Munich
11.->21.March., Mo.-Fr. 11-19 h, Sa. 11-15 h Tel.+49 89 2603108
  Silke Trekel   Porzellanschmuck
15-22 h / GalerieGEDOKmuc
« Black Box« , Susanne Elstner, Susanne Holzinger, Christiana Jöckel, Kirsten Plank, Monika Vesely
Schleißheimer Str. 61, 80797 Munich
11.->15.March., Do. 11-22 h, Fr.-So. 11-19 h, Tel.+49 171 1762705, +49 89 24290715
Kirsten Plank, "Genzgang – lila Wolken sehen"Kirsten Plank
16-20 h / Steinstr. 59
« Blanco« , Aaron Patrick Decker, Anke Huyben, Steven Gordon Holman,Christie Schellings, Babs Zwanink
Steinstr. 59, 81667 Munich
11.->15.March., Do.-So. 11-17 h Tel. +31 613507975
16 h / Vintage Design M. Müller
« aire negro« , Alejandra Solar. Introduction by Brigitte Betz
Fraunhoferstr. 41, 80469 Munich
11.->17.March., 11-19 h, Tel. +49 176 28635638
Aire Negro
16 h / Walking exhibition « MAD exhibitionists« ,
master students of the MAD-Faculty, PXL, Hasselt
Students: Jill Lenaerts / Juan Harnie / Margot Declerck / Liesje Merken / Senna Fransen / Sofie Van Belle / Billie Van Nieuwenhuyzen / Liu Zhaoan
exact times and locations on facebook: MAD exhibitionists
Tel. +32 478 833106
17 h / Türkenstr. 78, RGB, 1. Stock
« Winner Winner Vertical Dinner« , Samira Götz, Nadine Kuffner, Janina Stübler
80799 Munich,
12.->15.March., Do. 11-21 h, Fr. 11-19 h, Sa. 11-15 h, So. 11-18 h
Tel. +49 176 22767661
18-21 h/ Sommer-Solheim
« Is this my place? », Arkivet group : Hilde Dramstad, Elsie-Ann Hochlin, Camilla Luihn, Putte Helene Dal, Heidi Sand
Gaßnerstraße 21, 80639 Munich
Thursday March 12th -> Sunday March 15th from 12-18.
Is this my place?
18-20 h / Antiquariat Zipprich
« Yesterday’s Papers«   by Volker Atrops special guest: Manon Van Kouswijlk
Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 Munich
12.->20.March., Mo.-Fr. 11-13/14-18 h, Sa.11-13 h
Tel. +49 157 73443578 +49 89 52059553
18 h / Francoise Heitsch
This is so contemporary ’’, Joohee Han, Naama Bergman, Shachar Cohen
Amalienstr. 19, 80333 Munich
12->16.March., Do-Mo. 12-19 h Tel. +49 (0)89 481200
So contemporary
18-21 h / Galerie P 13 bei Carl Weishaupt
Farbige Preziosen“, Historischer Emailschmuck (Story of the enameled jewelry)
Promenadeplatz 13, 80333 Munich
12.March.->13.June., Di.-Fr. 11-18 h, Sa. 11-16 h Tel. +49 89 229314
Farbige Preziosen
18 h / Micheko Galerie
« Möbius« , Akiko Kurihara, Misato Seki
18.30-19 h performance by Japanese drummer group TAMPOPO japanische Trommel-Musik und Tanz
Theresienstr. 18, 80333 Munich
11.->21.March., 11-20 h Tel. +49 89 38169388
  Möbius Akiko Kurihara & Misato Seki  Micheko Galerie

18.30 h / Gallery Kobeia
« Bubble Land« , Bench 886 Ten Contemporary Jewellery Artists from Taiwan
Luisenstr. 49, 80333 Munich
12.->15.March.,Do.-So. 11-17 h Tel.+49 89 18921101
cf During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘Bubble Land’ – Gallery Kobeia, Munich (DE) – 11-15 Mars 2015Bubble land

19-22 h / Galerie Weltraum
« Mythen/Myths 2015 » A contemporary insight in precious Greece
Rumfordstr. 26, 80469 Munich
11.->17.March., Mi.-Mo. 14-20 h
Myths  / Mythen 2015
19 h / Berliner Fenster
« Schmuck-Objekte-Seezeichen« , Susanna Kuschek, Julika Müller, Ludwig Menzel
Aventinstr.11, 80469 Munich
11.->15.March., Do.-Fr. 14-18, Sa.-So. 12-18 h,
Tel +4915777787838, +49 176 29961332
19 h / Tschechisches Zentrum   (Munich Czech Centre)
« Schnitt/Incision« , Stanislava Grebeníčková, Kateřina Matěchová, Pavel Opočenský, Jana Střílková, Jiří Šibor, Karel Votipka
Prinzregentenstr. 7, 80538 Munich
12->15.March. 10-18 h, 16.3.-3.4., 10-17 h
Tel. +49 89 21024932
Czech Center Munich - Tschechisches Zentrum München - Ausstellung "Schnitt"

19 h / Elisabethstr. 16 Rgb.
« HANG« , Adam Grinovich, Heejoo Kim, Hyorim Lee, Nora Rochel, Julia Walter
Elisabethstrasse 16 Rgb, 80796 Munich
12.->15.March., Do.-Fr. 10-20 h, Sa.-So. 10-18 h
Tel. +49 176 32916054
cf During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘HANG’ – Elisabethstr. 16 Rgb., Munich (DE) – 12-15 Mars 2015

Thursday, 12. March 2015
10-17 h / Geschäft
« Conglomerate« , Laura Deakin, Doris Betz, Mielle Harvey, Henriette Schuster
Rothmundstr. 6, 80337 Munich
13.->15.March., Fr.-So. 10-17 h Tel. +49 174 3263647
11-20 h / Schmuck in Gern Renate Scholz
« Welcome to Steinerberg« , Claudia Steiner + Ingrid Berg
Klugstr. 162, 80637 Munich
13.-14.March., Fr.-Sa. 11-18 h
Welcome to Steinerberg
10-12 h / Studio Gabi Green
« SENSEability« , 14 artists: Drew Markou, Elin Flognman, Helena Johansson Lindell, Josefine Rønsholt Smith, Kirsty Pearson, Laura Rose, Lena Lindahl, Libby Ward, Lore Langendries, Olivia Monti Arduini, Panjapol Kulpapangkorn, Ria Lins, Rachel Darbourne, Victoria Pearce
Gollierstr. 17, 80339 Munich
12.->15.March., Do. 10-20 h, Fr. 10-18 h, Sa./So. 9.30-18 h
Tel. +44 7931 226806
Studio Gabi Green "SENSEability"
11 h / Saffeels
« Equilibrium« , Babette von Dohnanyi
Barerstr. 63, 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., Do.-Fr. 11-19 h, Sa. 10-18 h, So. 10-17 h
Tel. +39 3381581209
11-17 h / Bowling Alley (Kegelbahn) at the Theresa, Grill *Restaurant * Bar
Bowling for SuccessAndrea Coderch Valor, Anja Eichler, Beate Eismann, Silke Spitzer, Gabi Veit, Zindzi Wijminga
Theresienstr. 29, 80333 Munich
12.->14.March, Do./Fr. 11-17, Sa. 10-13 h
Tel.+49 177 2381869
11-18 h / Atelier von Gierke-Berr
12.->15.March, Do.-So. 11-18 h
* Microphilia, Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Annamaria Leiste
Schraudolphstr. 16, 80799 Munich
Tel. +49 171 3696009
* Adansonia digitata, Arnaud Sprimont, Silke Fleischer, Carine van Landeghem, Peter Vermandere
Schraudolphstr. 16, 80799 Munich
Tel. +32 486759470
12 h. 14 h. 16 h. / Windfall GmbH
Amalienstr. 81a, 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., 11-17 h, Tel. +36 302215534
The Postcon Project:  Do You Speak Jewellery? Manuel Vilhena, Flora Vagi
18-20 h/ Deutsches Jagd- Und Fischereimuseum
Trophies // In the Reign of Coyote. Cameron Andersen, Jane Dodd, Aliyah Gold, Steven Gordon Holman, Akihiro Ikeyama, Lore Langendries, Märta Mattsson, Kerianne Quick, Anna Talbot, Tanel Veenre, Mallory Weston.
Neuhauser Strasse 2, .
March 11->16 – Wed 9:30 – 15:30, Thu 9:30 – 21:00, Fri – Mon 9:30 – 17:00
19 h / 84 GHz
« Consequence« , Hibernate, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen, Tarja Tuupanen
Georgenstr. 84, 80799 Munich
13.->15.March., Fr.-So. 12-20 h Tel. +49 89 30637911
20 h / Galerie Biró
Zieblandstr. 19, 80799 Munich
13.->15.March., 11-18 h, Sa.-So. 11-15 h Tel. +49 892730686
Something New and Something Old by Daniel Kruger   Daniel Kruger 
21-3 h / Lost Weekend, Book Store + Café
Current Obsession Paper Launch Party” 12th of March 2015 in Munich/ Starting at 20:00
Schellingstr. 3, 80799 Munich
  Current Obsession Paper Launch Party
13-19 h / Adalbertstr. 11
« Union« , Jose Bravo, Nelly van Oost
Adalbertstr. 11, 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., 11-19 h Tel. +32 485620313
Nelly Van Oost - UNION -
14 h / Internationale Handwerksmesse München,
« Handwerk & Design« , Halle B1, Aktionsbühne
Vorträge von: Andreas Fabian, Ma´ayan Pesach, Beate Leonards
Tel. +49 176 52109080
Symposium: T "usable - unusable".
15-18 h / Zu Gast in der Hefnerstrasse 11
« Answering Pravu« , David Clarke, Fredrik Ingemansson, Henrik Brandt, Karen Pontoppidan, Magnus Liljedahl, Miro Sazdic, Pravu Mazumdar, Tobias Birgersson
Hefnerstr. 11, 81541 Munich
12.->15.March., Do. 15-18, Fr. 10-17, Sa. 10-12, So. 13-18 h
Tel. +49 89 2021511
Pravu ........
15-19 h / Margaritifera
« am um in« , Studenten aus Düsseldorf Halle, Hildesheim, München, Pforzheim
and Wismar :
Samira Götz, Annamaria Leiste, Carla Mayerhofer, Kvetoslava Flora Sekanova, Nelly Stein, Martina Singerová, Sarah Schuschkleb, Lea Klein, Elisa Sophia Herrmann, Sophie Baumgärtner, Julia Bergmann, Maria Konschake, Isis Maurer, Stefan Pejunk, Annika Heilmann, Luisa Fastabend, Katharina Hetzelein, Marie Grewenig, Julia Krämer, Niklas Link, Jannik Löffler, Franziska Behlert-Pohl, Linda Gehrig, Katharina Tannous
Meindlstr. 4, 81373 Munich
12.->15.March., Fr.-So. 11-18 h
Tel. +49 89 76754565
15-19 h / 3stations
« Fault Line » Inyanim Group, Aviv Kinnel, Dana Seachuga, Deganit Stern-Schocken, Edda Vardimon-Gudnaon, Gregory Larin, Kobi Roth, Michal Oren, Rory Hooper, Shirly Bar-Amotz
Welserstr. 15 UG, Fr.-Sa. 10-18, So. 10-14 h
Tel +972 508356414
 gregory_larin_fault_line Gregory Larin fault_line
« Work », Students of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design Bratislava
Welserstr. 29-31
3stations  - WORK
« A Touch of Steel« , Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
Welserstr. 11 UG, 81373 Munich
12->15 March, Do. 15-19, Fr./Sa. 10-18, So. 10-14 h
A Touch of Steel   Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
« Oscure Sacrifice« , Jorge Manilla and Jonathan Hens, Dimitar Stankov
Welserstr. 11 UG, 81373 Munich
12.->15.March., Do.15-19 h, Fr./Sa.10-18 h, So. 10-14 h
Oscure Sacrifice – Jorge Manilla,
16 h / Institut Cervantes
« En Tránsito« , EASD Valéncia, Escola Massana Barcelona
Alfons-Goppel-Str. 7, 80539 Munich
11.->15.March., Mi. 10-18 h, Do. 10-19, Fr./Sa. 10-18, So. 10-17 h,
Tel. +49 89 2907180
16-19.30 h / Windfall GmbH
« Other deLights » Flora Vagi
Amalienstr. 81a, 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., 11-17 h, Tel. +36 30 221 4434
Flora Vagi
16-19 h / Web up Media
« Looking for Michael« , Kinga Huber, Orsolya Kecskés, Krisztina Stomfai, Fanni Vékony
Kreuzplätzchen 6, 81669 Munich
12.->15.March., Do.-So. 11-18 h
Tel. +36 30 2883431
Web up Media "Looking for Michael",
16-19 h Almstadt Schmuck Nicole Schuster
Reichenbachstr. 25, 80469 Munich
12.->14.March., Do.-Sa. 11-19 h
Tel. +49 89 12555761
16-20 h Schmuckgalerie tal20
Tabea Reulecke, Danni Schwaag
Tal 20, Radlsteg, 80331 Munich
12.->16.March., Mo.-Fr. 11-19, Sa. 10-16 h
Tel. +49 89 24231491
Galerie tal20 -  Tabea Reulecke and Danni Schwaag
16-21 h Kunstpavillon
« Lux is the Dealer« , Alexander Blank, Kiko Gianocca, Stefan Heuser, Melanie Isverding, Jiro Kamata, Noon Passama
Sophienstr. 7a, 80333 Munich
12.->16.March., Fr. So. Mo. 11-18 h, Sa. 11-16 h
Tel. +49 176 62072099
Lux is the Dealer
17-20 h / HUIJ
« Hypnostone I₄ O« , Yiftah Avraham, Pia Groh, Typhaine le Monnier, Stephanie Morawetz, Katja Köditz
Westendstr. 49, 80339 Munich
12.->15.March, Do.-Sa. 14-19 h, So. 14-16 h
Tel. +49 1785496312
Hypnostone i4o1
17-21 h / Galerie Spektum
« Terra Mutantica“, Attai Chen & in the windowcase “Jenseits der Bücherwand/Beyond the wall of books“, Marianne Schliwinski
Theresienstr. 46, 80333 Munich
12.March.->25.April., Di.-Fr. 13-19, Sa. 11-14 h
Tel. +49 89 284590
Galerie Spektum "Terra Mutantica“, Attai Chen Attai Chen
17- 21 h / ARTikel 3 Galerie ARTikel 3
« Falling into Place« , Despo Sophocleous
Luisenstr. 68, 80798 Munich
12.->15.March., Fr. 11-18, Sa. 11-16, So.11-18 h
Tel. +49 176 89269438
17-19 h / Schlegelschmuck
« Zabo Paradise« , Akademie der bildenden Künste, Nürnberg
Nordendstr. 7a/ Adalbertstr., 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., Fr.-Sa. 11-19 h, So. 14-16 h
Tel. +49 89 2710071
schlegelschmuck - ZABO PARADISE
17-20 h / BCA Friday Gallery
« Objection« , Zoe Arnold, Inderjeet Sandhu, Laurie Schram, Mariko Sumioka
Frauenstr. 18, 80469 Munich
12.->16.March., Do. 17-20, Fr./Sa. 11-20, So. 11-18, Mo. 11-14 h
Tel. +44 7818255710, +44 7884151468
17-21 h / Nr.10
« km 609« , Sofia Beilharz, Maren Düsel, Claudia Lassner, Lynne Philippe
Schraudolphstr. 10, 80799 Munich
12.->14.March., Fr./Sa. 14-19 h
18-21 h / Ingo Maurer Showroom
Heller WahnsinnHelen Britton
Kaiserstr. 47, 80801 Munich
12.-14./ 17.March., Di-Fr 11-19, Sa 11-16 h
Tel. +49 89 38160691
 Heller Wahnsinn -  Helen Britton
18 h / Kleines Spiel with 84 GHz
« The Light Side » Dialogue Collective ‘In The Spotlight.’
Petra Bishai, Isabelle Busnel, Sophie Hall, Buddug Wyn Humphreys, Vicky King, Maarit Liukkonen, Rachel Terry, Timothy Information Limited, Deborah Werbner, Anet Wrobel
Neureutherstr. 12, 80799 Munich
13.->15.March., 12-20 h Tel. +49 89 30637911
 THE LIGHT SIDE, Dialogue Collective 'In The Spotlight.'
18-21 h / Atelier Sunkler
« Beloved Stangers« , Nicole Beck
Neureutherstr. 15, 80799 Munich
12.->15.March., Fr. 12-18, Sa. 12-16, So. 12-18 h
Tel. +49 176 23112592
Nicole BeckNicole Beck
18 h / Büro Hermann
« Salto Mortale« , Judith Pschibl, Nicola Scholz, Barbara Schrobenhauser
Heßstr. 27, 80798 Munich
13.->14.March., Fr.-Sa. 11-18, So. 10-15 h,
Tel. +49 176 23568016,+49 179 8223311

Salto Mortale -Exhibition  /  12 -14 Mar 2015

19-20 h / Café Clara
« Ojalá » 20 h Tombola/raffle, Alejandra Koreck, Patricia Gallucci, Sabina Tiemroth
Isabellastr. 8, 80798 Munich
10.->17.March., 10-19 h,
Tel. +49 176 26555475
19 h / Munikat Projekte
« What Misses Names« , Rebekka Kraft, Linda Lenssen, Mirei Takeuchi
Gabelsbergerstr. 26, 80333 Munich
13.->15.March., Fr.-So. 14-19 h,
Tel. +49 177 6776890, +49 179 6725201
Friday, 13. March 2015
15-18 h / Atelier Diana Dudek
« Silber aus dem See« , Robert Kis and Diana Dudek Wörthstr. 23/I.St., 81667 Munich
Fr.-Sa. 15-18 h  – Tel. +49 89 12193230
15h  / Werkstatt Galerie München
WHO’s WHO, Jewellery & Metal Exhibition by second-year Jewellery & Metal students from the Royal College of Art -
students :Haydee Alonso, Joanne Bowles, Nana Dawson, Kaat de Groef, Carrie Dickens, Emily Goodaker, Georgina Howling, Oya Kozacioglu, Lisa Krause, Yunjung Lee, Bo Kyeong Lee, Chai Ling Lin, Patricia Lip, Hongang Lu, Revekka Moustaki-Zei, Victoria Shennan, Gwen Wei, Mengfei Zhang, Sindy Zhou, Yup Sun Jang, Cherry Tainhui Jiang
Opening 13.03.2015 15:00 – Zentnerstrasse 3, Munich – 13.00 – 18.30
12.03 ->15.03.2015
15-19 h / MaximiliansForum – Passage für Kunst und Design
15h / « Wurfmesser“ von Gisbert Stach
17 h / « Happy Hour“, Réka Lörincz
Unterführung Maximilianstr./Altstadtring Tel. +49 89 23324382
16 h / Internationale Handwerksmesse München, « Handwerk & Design »
Aktionsbühne Silber-Sommer-Galerie Tafelgerät – Zeitgenössiche Positionen, « usable – unusable« , Vorträge von: Tobias Birgersson, Simone ten Hompel Messegelände, Munich
Tel. +49 176 52109080
16 h / Aperitivo Maurer Zilioli – Contemporary Arts zu Gast bei Kunstbüro reillplast
« Quodlibet« , Christiane Förster, Norman Weber
Amalienstr. 21, 80333 Munich
9.->15.March., 14-19 h Tel. +49 157 73362236
Maurer Zilioli - QUODLIBET invitation
17 h / Aperitivo Maurer Zilioli – Contemporary Arts
« Robert Smit – Schrittmacher« 
Luisenstr. 45/I, 80333 Munich
Eröffnung 25.February., 18.30, Mi.-Fr. 14-19, Sa.11-16 h
Maurer Zilioli  - Robert Smit - invitation
17h / Lot62 with 84 GHz
« Objects, continued (From my Microwave with love) » Enrica Prazzoli
Schleißheimerstr. 62, 80333 Munich
12.->15.March., Do., Sa., So. 12-20 h
Tel. +49 89 30637911
Objects, Continued From My Microwave With Love
18 h / Kunstgießerei München with 84 GHz
« Nature Morte« , Ketli Tiitsar, Kristi Paap,
Schleißheimerstr. 72, 80797 Munich
14.->15.March., Sa./So. 12-20 h
Tel. +49 89 30637911
 Nature Morte - Kriti Paap
18-21 h / Galerie Isabella Hund, Schmuck
« The nature of structure« , Jacqueline Ryan
Frauenplatz 13, 80331 Munich
14.March.->4.April., Di.-Fr., 11-14/15-19 h, Sa. 11-16/18 h
Tel. +49 89 29160717
Galerie Isabella Hund,
19-22 h / iRRland
« Arbeitsgruppe Oblomow« 
Bergmannstr. 8, 80339 Munich
13.->17.March., Fr. 19-22 h, Sa./So. 16-22 h, Mo./Di.
Tel +49 1634262118
Saturday, 14.March 2015
11 h / Münchner Residenz, Einsäulensaal
Returning to the juwel, is a return From exile, Nr. 8”, Robert Baines,Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann
Residenzstr. 1, 80333 Munich
Sa./So. 11-18 h
Tel. +49 89 2730686
12 h / MaximiliansForum – Passage für Kunst und Design
12 h / »Lightning Jewellery »,  Pavol Prekop
15-19 h / Aktion „Wurfmesser“, Gisbert Stach
Messegelände München, Halle B1
16.30 h / Talente-Preis - Verleihung 2015
17 h / Herbert-Hofmann-Preis -Verleihung 2015
17 – 20h /Art Jewelry Forum 2014 award followed by Shows and Tales –Buchpräsentation
19 h / Goldschmiedetreffen
21-22 h /Sasebo Konzert
Arnulfstr. 52, 80335 Munich
Augustinerkeller Tel. +49 89 595584
20 h / Glockenbachwerkstatt with 84 GHz
“Live!“, Punk Music by Scrotum Clamp Jewellery From The Dialogue Collective
Blumenstr. 7, 80331 Munich
Tel. +49 89 30637911
scrotum Clamp
Sunday, 15. March 2015 
11 h / Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne Lecture Toni Greenbaum: MAG to SNAG: American Studio Jewelry, 1940-1970 Barerstr. 40, 80333 Munich
Tel. +49 89 2727250, +49 89 23805360
10-15 h / Galerie Handwerk
Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 Munich
Tel. +49 89 5119296/298
14-15 h / Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst
Meet the artist « Doerthe Fuchs – Schmuck – Handlung« 
Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 Munich
Tel. +49 89 2901470

  Outside Munich City 

17 h / Galerie Anna Pirk Anuschka Walch-Kunze
Saturday, 7.March
Seestr. 24, 83700 Rottach-Egern am Tegernsee
10.->21.March., Di.-Sa. 11-19, So. 15.March., 14-18 h
Tel. +49 8022 1884222

15 h / Buchheimmuseum
Sunday, 15.March
Meet the artist « JAC & Friends auf dem Promenadendeck »
Am Hirschberg 1, 82347 Bernried
16.November.->22.March., Di.- Fr. 10-17 h
Tel. +49 89 664600
Willy Brandt Allee 1










selected for SCHMUCK 2015 : Karen Vanmol

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),bois / wood,Karen VANMOL (BE),recup' / recycled,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 12:41

Karen Vanmol

« Karen Vanmol finds a city without nature claustrophobic, but nature with no sign of humanity is too quiet. She uses her tools trying out how materials reacts to them.  »

« As in my earlier work, I find my inspiration in architecture and nature. Except that everything continues to evolve and change. A city without a little nature works claustrophobic for me, but a nature landscape with no sign of humanity is too quiet for me. Protecting or imitating nature, the use of natural materials in architecture, the restoring of a road surface, accidental strong shapes on a construction site, these things I find very interesting. 
On my way through town, I hunt and collect. I always encounter interesting images that I use as an inspiration. In addition, there is a certain choice of materials and colors, these are strongly influenced by memories. For example the necklaces, furniture in different colors, certain constructions. I make my story and the viewer projects its own story on top of mine.
  I always start from my sources of inspiration, with these eyes I look around me. I show viewers how I look at things around me. Next to that I make jewellery and I like to use my tools and try out how materials reacts to them. Eventually I work with materials, and that provides an additional factor. I find out the properties they possess and how I can edit them and this will count in the final result. Some techniques I use are common and you can find them in your house. 
Naturally I tend to work clean and delineated, here I try against it by for example damaging materials. It gets me out of my comfort zone and it bothers me, but at the same time I want to do it. » Karen Vanmol page at Klimt02

Karen Vanmol -   Brooch 'Cultivate' 2014Karen Vanmol -   Brooch ‘Cultivate’ 2014

Karen Vanmol - "Cultivate"  Brooch: wood, fiber reinforced plastics, brass, steel, 2013 .Karen Vanmol - « Cultivate »  Brooch: wood, fiber reinforced plastics, brass, steel, 2013 .

Karen Vanmol  Wood, formica, veneer, silver, steel pin  Brooch, 2012Karen Vanmol -  brooch back & front – Wood, formica, veneer, silver, steel pin   2012

Karen Vanmol, Cultivate Necklace 2, 2014, wood, laminate, plastic, vintage beads, brass, spray-paint, 110 x 270 x 20 mm, photo: artistKaren Vanmol, « Cultivate » Necklace 2, 2014, wood, laminate, plastic, vintage beads, brass, spray-paint, 110 x 270 x 20 mm, photo: artist

 Karen Vanmol "Evolving Habitat"  Karen Vanmol « Evolving Habitat »  Necklace 2012 Wood, fiber reinforced plastics, veneer, oxidized silver, vintage plastic beads Pendant: 8 x 11 x 1 cm chain: 44 cm - "cultivate" collection - brooch 2013Karen Vanmol - « cultivate » collection – brooch 2013

Karen Vanmol Rings: Under construction 2010 Wood, concrete, paint, cotton, silver 2.5 cm x 4 cm x 3.5 cmKaren Vanmol Rings: Under construction 2010 Wood, concrete, paint, cotton, silver 2.5 cm x 4 cm x 3.5 cm - under construction collectionKaren Vanmol - « Under construction » collection


EXPO ‘Parallel Worlds’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 13 Déc. 2014- 17 Janv. 2015

Les Mondes Parallèles
Opening of the exhibition next Friday Dec. 12th, 2014 at 18h PM.
New display with The Parallel Worlds, the new ALLIAGES exhibition showing
the works (for jewelry) of :
Les Mondes Parallèles


The Parallel Worlds, dream or reality, where beauty is everywhere, where wonders begin or end.
Angela Ciobanu - "Piece for the heart" (broche) Angela Ciobanu - « Piece for the heart » (broche) silver, fine gold, recycled silk paper, fretsaw blades
Keum boo technique
Rodrigo Acosta - Rito Cardíaco (broche)
Rodrigo Acosta – Rito Cardíaco (broche) 
Isabelle Busnel, brooch – white silicone rubber with magnetsIsabelle Busnel, brooch – white silicone rubber with magnets
Viktoria MunzkerViktoria Munzker Necklace: Corialias, 2014 – Porcelain, glass, Silver, granules, old plastic pearls
20 x 20 x 3 cm

Mar Sanchez - broche oct 2014Mar Sanchez - broche oct 2014
Sebastien CarréSebastien CarréCollier, bois, fibres, perles,2014 – Necklace, wood, fibers, beads – photo Lee Makkam
Sébastien Carré - Organique, Collier, 2014 Organic, Necklace  bois, fibres, perles, wood, fibers, beadsSébastien Carré - Organique, Collier, 2014   bois, fibres, perles, porté
Alina Carp - brooch 2014Alina Carp – brooch 2014
Ana Carolina EscobarAna Carolina Escobar - Ring: Memoria-Historia, 2014 – silicon, Blown glass, Gold Plated Brass
Carina Chistaz-Shoshtary Brooch: Stained 6 Graffiti, silver, stainless steel Graffiti paint taken from a Graffiti wall, divided in fine layers, form hollowly built, form made strong with layer of bioresin inside --  The Parallel Worlds.Carina Chistaz-Shoshtary Brooch: Stained 6 Graffiti, silver, stainless steel Graffiti paint taken from a Graffiti wall, divided in fine layers, form hollowly built, form made strong with layer of bioresin inside
Sangji YUN - broochSangji YUN – brooch
Karen VanmolKaren Vanmol necklace: Cultivate – wood, laminate, plastic vintage, beads, brass, spray paint, silver  Cutting, soldering, gluing, spray , painting
Cai Xuan WuCai Xuan WuBrooch: Under the sea – Acrilic, Plastic – Hand knitting, colour dyening.
Nicole Schuster  Brooch Nicole Schuster  Brooch
Ingeborg VandammeIngeborg Vandamme Necklace: Tear catcher, 2014 – silver, paper, pigment
Aiko Fujita - (AFEDAP - diplomes 2014)Aiko Fujita – (AFEDAP – diplomes 2014)
Karin Roy Andersson Brooch: Catching Big Fish, 2013 Recycled plastics; icecream boxes, fast food containers, textile, steel - The Parallel Worlds.Karin Roy Andersson  - Brooch: Catching Big Fish, 2013 Recycled plastics; icecream boxes, fast food containers, textile, steel
Konstantinos KonstantopoulosKonstantinos Konstantopoulos
Liisa Hashimoto.Liisa Hashimoto Pin: Silver chair shadow – silver
Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection,ring, 2014Maria Tsimpiskaki, Ring: Corrosion-Corruption: The Negative of Dreams, 2014 – Sterling Silver, gold plated, pvc, patina – Traditional metal working techniques, hand forming for PVC.
George Giannoutsos brooch 2014George Giannoutsos
Gigi Mariani - bangle 2014Gigi Mariani – Bracelet: Moments « And the clouds were running », 2014 – Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina
Akis Goumas (& sa femme pour le textile)Akis Goumas & Georgia Gremouti (for the textile part)
Teresa FarisTeresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a bird III, 2014 – silver, wood altered by a bird
Peter Hoogeboom, Necklace, "red lantern" 2014Peter Hoogeboom, Necklace, « red lantern » 2014 – Taiwanese porcelain, silver
  José Marin   José Marin
111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h