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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF’ – 3stations, Munich (DE) – 24-28 Fevr. 2016

A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF   – 43 Students Pay Homage
43 of his former students from 22 countries who will each show a piece at the exhibition, dedicated to Manfred’s golden “Fingerpuppets” by creating their own little version of Manfred, the real golden boy.

Opening 24.02.2016 18:00

« About the exhibition :  A former student, Isabel Dammermann, took it upon herself to make a special event for the teacher Manfred Bischoff who inspired so many. At the same time, she has managed to create a very interesting exhibition that is on display during the Munich Jewellery week 2016. »

tribute to manfred Bischoff

43 Students Pay Homage :  Dina Abargil — Noriko Akao — Silvie AltschulerRinaldo AlvarezKatharina AsamEunjae BaekSuzanne Beautyman — Silje Bergsvik — Catalina BrenesDaniela BoieriShannon CarneyMarianne Casmose DenningMonica Cecchi – Yu- Chun Chen — Sungho Cho — Claudia Costa — Isabel DammermannElisa DevalCoco DunmireKatie GruberJoanne HuangSayaka ItoAnastasia KandarakiKarin KatoRallou KatsariMichelle KraemerAra KuoSiri O. KvalfossMaru LopezMartina MühlfellnerMalaika Najem — Naoka Nakamura — Angela O’KeefeSelen ÖzusNaama Reich Jimena RiosMarzia RossiAlessia SemeraroYoko ShimizuYuki Sumiya Rudee TancharoenFlora VagiAnne Wiedau

Jewellery artists from 22 countries all over the world come together in a memorial exhibition for Manfred Bischoff who passed away a year ago. At some point or other, they have all been taught by Manfred at Alchimia, contemporary jewellery school in Florence, and have each submitted one piece to the exhibition that honours a great teacher.
German born Manfred Bischoff lived in Tuscany in a house that was in itself a piece of exquisite art. Its magical interior made a natural and perfect framework for his work that has been called by many names: sensual, poetic, lyrical, great, intimate, strong, beautiful, satirical and always surprising. He worked in 22K gold, as pure as he could manage and still maintain a rigidity in the metal that allowed him to execute his ideas in delicate and well crafted pieces, often accompanied with subtle pink coral and drawings.
His dedication to the language of jewellery and his visions were most likely one of the reasons that the Alchimia school managed to become known and respected internationally in a relatively short time span.

  Manfred BischoffManfred Bischoff by Manfred Bischoff

Daniela Boieri, "Wind beneath my wings" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Daniela Boieri, « Wind beneath my wings » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 Catalina Brenes Orfebre, "My sheep and I say hi" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" – photo OHMYBLUE: Catalina Brenes , « My sheep and I say hi » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Katie Gruber - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  - photo OHMYBLUE: Katie Gruber - « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Rudee Tancharoen, "In the memory of Manfred Bischoff"/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE): Rudee Tancharoen, « In the memory of Manfred Bischoff »/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE)

Noriko Akao, "M..." - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Noriko Akao, « M… » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! 'A tribute to Manfred Bischoff'  (photo Alliages):  collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! ‘A tribute to Manfred Bischoff’  (photo Alliages)

The teacher
« As a student at Alchimia, you never really met Manfred until the third year. He was a giant figure who arrived to the narrow street in Florence on Tuesdays. He spent time with the older students, watched the world from behind his sunglasses when he leaned onto the wall at coffee breaks, and then he vanished again.
It was not until you were there yourself – in your final year – that you met the myth and began to appreciate his capacity to engage in your work and to show you how you might develop it. He was a surprisingly selfless teacher, and during critiques in the small classroom he managed to create a space for you and him to engage in a dialogue about your work that was stripped of second agendas and based solely on how he could help you to become a better artist.
It is only later, you come to understand how exceptionally truthful and helpful he tried to be in order to make you grow as a person and as an artist. »



Welserstrasse 15,
81373 Munich
Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00



Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Made in Vienna’ – Galerie GestalterBund, Munich (DE) – 7-9 Mars 2013

Made in Vienna

An eclectic group of six viennese based jewellery artists – claudia steiner, eva tesarik, viktoria münzker, michelle kraemer, katie gruber and katharina schmid – present their most recent works at GalerieGestalterbund in Munich.

during SCHMUCK : Michelle Kraemer / Jewellery

Artists:  Katie Gruber, Michelle Kraemer, Viktoria Münzker, Katharina Schmid, Claudia Steiner, Eva Tesarik




Galerie GestalterBund
Holzstraße 22
80469 – Munich
Telephone: +43 699 11180455


SCHMUCK 2012 – Munich (DE) 14-20 mars 2012 – PROGRAMME

Classé dans : Adam GRINOVICH (SE),Akiko KURIHARA (JP),Alexander BLANK (DE),Allemagne (DE),Anna TALBOT (NO),Arek WOLSKI (PL),Beate KLOCKMANN (DE),Beppe KESSLER (NL),Bettina SPECKNER (DE),Birgit LAKEN (NL),Birgit WIE (AT),Carina CHITSAZ-SHOSHTARY (DE),Caroline ERTL (AT),Claudia RINNEBERG (DE),Dana HAKIM (IL),Daniel KRUGER (DE),Deborah RUDOLPH (DE),Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL),Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA),Doris BETZ (DE),Elise HATLO (NO),Emma PRICE (AU),Esther KNOBEL (PL),Eva TESARIK (AT),Exposition/Exhibition,Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK),Felix LINDNER (DE),Fiona HERMSE (UK),Florence LEHMANN (FR),Francis WILLEMSTIJN (NL),Francisca BAUZA (DE),Frederic BRAHAM (FR),Georg DOBLER (DE),Gisbert STACH (DE),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Helen BRITTON (AU),Henriette SCHUSTER (DE),Iacov AZUBEL (RA),Jacqui CHAN (NZ),Jamie BENNETT (US),Janna SYVANOJA (FI),Jens-Rudiger LORENZEN (DE),Jiri SIBOR (CS),Jorge MANILLA (MEX),Karen PONTOPPIDAN (DK),Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE),Karin SEUFERT (DE),Katharina MOCH (DE),Katherine RICHMOND (UK),Kathryn PARTINGTON (UK),Katie GRUBER (UK),Katsura SASAKI (JP),Kiko GIANOCCA (CH),Kim BUCK (DK),KLINK (NO),Kristiina LAURITS (EE),Lisa BJORKE (SE),Liv BLAVARP (NO),Machteld van JOOLINGEN (NL),Margherita de MARTINO NORANTE (IT),Margit JASCHKE (DE),Mari ISHIKAWA (JP),Mari IWAMOTO (JP),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Martin PAPCUN (CS),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Michelle KRAEMER (Lx),Mikaela LYONS (UK),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Nedda EL-ASMAR (BE),Nina SAJET (NL),Octavia COOK (AU),Pavel OPOCENSKY (CS),Pernilla PERSSON (SE),Peter VERMANDERE (BE),Petra ZIMMERMAN (AT),Philip SAJET (NL),Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES),Rebecca HANNON (DE),Ritsuko OGURA (JP),Ruudt PETERS (NL),Salon,Sanna SVEDESTEDT (SE),SCHMUCK / MJW (DE),Sigurd BRONGER (NO),Silke FLEISCHER (BE),Sungho CHO (KR),Tamsin LEIGHTON-BOYCE (UK),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tore SVENSSON (SE),Toril BONSAKSEN (NO),Unk KRAUS (DE),Ursula GUTTMANN (AT),Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT),Willy Van De VELDE (BE),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 23:14

This year 665 applications reached us from all over the world. Dr. Karl Bollmann was invited as juror for Schmuck 2012. He selected 65 jewellery artists. His statement about the jury will be published in the catalogue Schmuck 2012.

Selected artists:

Iacov Azubel (AR), Jamie Bennett (USA), Doris Betz (DE), Alexander Blank (DE), Liv Blåvarp (NO), Frédéric Braham (FR), Helen Britton (AU), Sigurd Bronger (NO), Kim Buck (DK), Jacqui Chan(NZ), Sungho Cho (KR), Octavia Cook (NZ), Georg Dobler (DE), Kiko Gianocca (CH), Lisa Gralnick (USA), Ursula Guttmann (AT), Rebecca Hannon (USA), Mielle Harvey (USA), Mari Ishikawa (JP), Margit Jäschke (DE), Svenja John (DE), Machteld van Joolingen (NL), Beppe Kessler (NL), Sabine Klarner (DE), Beate Klockmann (DE), Esther Knobel (IL), Daniel Kruger (ZA), Birgit Laken (NL), Kristiina Laurits (EE), Florence Lehmann (FR), Lieglein Grandpa Wooley (DE), Felix Lindner (DE), Xiao Liu (CN), Jana Machatová (SK), Mia Maljojoki (FI), Jorge Manilla (MX), Margherita de Martino Norante (IT), Mikiko Minewaki (JP), Nazumi Nagano (JP), Ritsuko Ogura  (JP), Karla Olšáková (CS), Pavel Opocensky (CS), Martin Papcun (CS), Kathryn Partington (UK), Francesco Pavan (IT), Ruudt Peters (NL), Karen Pontoppidan (DK), Ramon Puig Cuyàs (ES), Philip Sajet (NL), Katsura Sasaki (JP), Pedro Sequeira (PT), Karin Seufert (DE), Jiri Sibor  (CS), Despo Sophocleous (CA), Bettina Speckner (DE), Gisbert Stach (DE), Tore Svensson (SE), Janna Syvanoja (FI), Carine Terreblanche (ZA), Catherine Truman (AU), Tanel Veenre (EE), Graziano Visintin (IT), Francis Willemstijn (NL), Petra Zimmermann (AT).


Klassiker der Schmuck 2012
Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen, Deutschland

This year there will be a retrospective exhibition of the work of a « Modern Classic » designer. In 2012 the chosen designer is the German goldsmith Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen. Together with Francesco Pavan, Lorenzen was the first goldsmith to be awarded the Herbert Hofmann Prize, back in 1973. The award presentation ceremony, which this year is being held on Saturday, 17 March 2012, is always one of the highlights at SCHMUCK. Lorenzen, who was born in 1942 in Hagen, Westphalia, taught at the « Staatliche Zeichenakadamie » in Hanau from 1974 to 1985, while also acting as a visiting lecturer at the « Hochschule für Gestaltung » in Pforzheim, at which college he then, in 1985, took up an appointment as a professor. He continued to teach there in the jewellery design department until retiring in 2008.

SCHMUCK 2012 – Munich (DE) 14-20 mars 2012 – PROGRAMME dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE)Jens Rüdiger Lorenzen - Silber mit Pergament



After the Internationale Handwerksmesse, SCHMUCK will as usual be setting off abroad, this time to Valencia in Spain. Each year since 2006 the exhibition has been hosted in a range of countries, among them Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (Municipal Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua), the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York) and the French town of Cagnes-sur-Mer (Espace Solidor).





Wednesday, 14. March 2012
11 Uhr
GEDOKFormART 2011, Klaus Oschmann Preis, Preisträgerinnen: Michaela Kirchner, Gabriele von Lehsten, Maria Verburg und 18 weitere Künstlerinnen der GEDOK galerieGEDOKmuc, Elisabethstraße 13 RG, 80796 München  – 14.-20.3. — 11-19 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung — Tel. 089 24290725

Preisträgerinnen: Michaela Kirchner, Gabriele von Lehsten, Maria Verburg, Kerstin Becker, Barbara Butz, Susanne Elstner, Elke Fischer, Barbara Hattrup, Barbara Heigert und Cornelia Moebs, Katja Höltermann, Christiana Joeckel, Traudel Lindauer, Angelika Link, Elvira Martens, Daniela Osterrieder, Ulrike Scriba,
Martina Sigmund-Servetti, Margit Tabel, Monika Vesely, Hanni Weber, Elke Wolf.



17-20 Uhr Steirischer Umtrunk, kunst.wirt.schaft  –  Graz bei KASU, Theresienstr. 19 (Eingang Fürstenstraße) – Fremde Federn-Wortschmuck nach einem Text von Clemens J.
Setz. Schmuckarbeiten von 36 internationalen Künstlern, 14.-16.3 Do, Fr 11-19 Uhr,
Tel. 0043 6644631253 und 0043 6991212 0590

VundV1-1024x711 dans Akiko KURIHARA (JP)

18 Uhr Neo Materialista, Unk Kraus, Claudia Rinneberg
Galerie Artefakt,, Hans-Sachs-Str. 13, 80469 München.
14 Mars-14 avril – Mo-Fr 11-19; Sa 11-15 Uhr

unkKraus dans Alexander BLANK (DE)Unk Kraus - Blüten-Folien-Kolliers

18 Uhr Living room,, Concept of big brother phenomenon transformed into creative process / Live process of creation and installation of jewellery objects is opened to the audience with live stream internet presentation — 14.-17.3. 11-18 Uhr

Mini Artist-Residency will be comprised of 8 professional young artists from Slovakia. They will create a collective art stage as their adaptation to Munich Schmuck context.  Artists:    Mária Nepšinská – Jan Guga – Hanka Polívková – Slávka Ondrušová – Pavol Prekop – Kristýna Španihelová – Andrea Ďurianová – Rudolf Rusňák – Tatiana Warenichová – Jan Michalisko

19 Uhr « 151″ – neue Schmuckideen von Akiko Kurihara & Mari Iwamoto, Akiko Kurihara, Mari Iwamoto  –  Micheko Galerie,, Theresienstr. 18, 80333 München.  — 14.-18.3. Do-Sa 11-19, So 11-16 Uhr, Tel 089 38169388

Akiko%20Kurihara_ring%20ring_18Kgold_silver925 dans Allemagne (DE)

Akiko Kurihara - ring ring – 18Kgold, silver925

Ring, Mari IwamotoMari Iwamoto - ring

19 Uhr „4D Zeitgenössischer Schmuck“, Alena Hesounova, Lucie Houdkova, Karla Olsakova, Katerina Rezacova  –  Tschechisches Zentrum, Prinzregentenstraße 7, 80538 München.
14 Mars-13 Avril Do-Fr 10-17,  — Sa 10-14, So 12-16, ab 19.3. Mo-Do 10-17, Fr 10-16 Uhr — Tel. 089 21024932

4D_Talk_Munich_blog dans Anna TALBOT (NO)

21 Uhr Schmuck-Show 2012, Schmuck braucht den Körper! Auftaktevent unter Mitwirkung von Künstlern und Galerien, die während der kommenden Tage in München ausstellen — Konzeption: Olga Zobel Biro und Kinga Zobel
MaximiliansForum, Passage für interdisziplinäre Kunst, Fußgängerunterführung in der Maximilianstraße/ Ecke Altstadtring, 80539 München.

“Schmuck-Show 2012” is a jewellery presentation with professional models, set in an exceptional light and sound design. With the cooperation of several artists who exhibit their works at different places in Munich during these ‘Jewellery Days’, on the evening before the start of the trade fair jewellery is being presented directly on the body. The jewellery stirs emotions and prompts diverse conversations. At the bar, artists, jewellery lovers and laymen meet; there is room for an animated exchange. The project has been initiated by Olga Zobel Biro

Akihiro IkeyamaMobile Gallery Eine mobile Ausstellung auf einem Fahrrad — 14.-19.3.
Informationen zu den Haltestellen:

m11 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)a travelling exhibition of jewellery pieces displayed in a bicycle trailer.

M6 dans Beate KLOCKMANN (DE)Akihiro Ikeyama Schmuckobjekte

Thursday, 15. March 2012
11-18 Uhr I am sorry, there’s no group, curated by Peter Vermandere, Merte Van de Perre, Reverend R.T. Ampee, Dave Renpermeter,  –  Schraudolphstr. 16, 80799 München.  — 15.- 18.3. 11-18 Uhr, Tel. 0032 486759470

uitnod1 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)

12 Uhr Life’s a bench: meddle, Fiona Hermse, Tamsin Leighton-Boyce, Mikaela Lyons, Katharina Moch, Katherine Richmond, Elena Ruebel plus three guests Farrah Al-Dujaili, Kathryn Partington, Fliss Quick  –  Galerie im Raum, Herzog-Rudolfstr.9 — Do-Sa 12-18, So 12-14 Uhr

 meddle dans Bettina SPECKNER (DE)

blog dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)
blog dans Birgit WIE (AT)
%27Constellations%27+Brooch dans Carina CHITSAZ-SHOSHTARY (DE)

13-18 Uhr Playlist, Doris Betz und Henriette Schuster, — Geschäft, Rothmundstr. 6, 80337 München. –  Do, Fr, So 13-18 Uhr,  — Tel. 0174 3263647

haus dans Caroline ERTL (AT)Henriette Schuster« Haus » – gold – 2004

13-18 Uhr MURMURation, Silke Fleischer, Adam Grinovich, Dana Hakim, Hanna Joris, Jorge Manilla, Peter Vermandere, downstairs, Ulo Florack, Caroline von Steinau-Steinrück, in the car, Stephen Gallagher, Willy van de Velde  — Frauenstr. 36, 80469 München — 15.-18.3 -Tel. 0179 2047433

Pinned Image

15-20 Uhr A flock of pillars on parade, Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Emma Price, Barbara Schrobenhauser — Seidl villa Nicolaiplatz 1b, 80802 München. 16.-18.3.  — Tel. 0179 8223311

pk-pillars dans Claudia RINNEBERG (DE)

 dans Dana HAKIM (IL)‘Bridal’ (necklace) by Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary

16 Uhr Beetlemania, Christina Köhler, Melanie Nützel, Renate Scholz, Christina Weck, — Studio K162 Renate Scholz, Klugstr. 162 (U1 Gern). — 15.-18.3. Do-Sa 16-21, So 12-18 Uhr

16 Uhr Bodenstation, Katharina Baur, Jasmin Hess, Susanne Kunz, Sabine Roth, Caroline Weiss. — Gartensalon, Türkenstr. 90, 80799 München. — 15.-18.3.

17-19 Uhr Katalogpräsentation Einen Fehler machen, alle Fehler machen, ordentlich Fehler machen, Stephanie Müller, Klaus Erich Dietl, Masayo Oda, Gülcan Turna, Mari Ishikawa, Mirei Takeuchi — Kunstarkaden, Sparkassenstr. 3, 80331 München – 22.2.-24.3-

17 Uhr 3stations. ,
The Sound of Silver & Brooches para las Chicas, Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp.
Galerie Elsa Barenyi Welserstr.1, 81373 München. — 15.-18.03. — Tel. 0032 485434390

 dans Daniel KRUGER (DE)

What’s in a Frame? Gisbert Stach, Jorge Manilla, Ursula Guttmann, Deganit Stern Schocken, Nedda El-Asmar, Arek Wolski and many friends, Welserstr. 15, 81373 München. — Tel. 089 88901319

 dans Deborah RUDOLPH (DE)Arek Wolski

Pin up, Lisa Björke, Francisca Bauzá, Märta Mattsson, Deborah Rudolph, Nina Sajet,
Welserstr. 29a, 81373 München. — Tel. 0046 722127970

 dans Deganit STERN SCHOCKEN (IL)

17-21 Uhr In the Forest 2012, Hanna Liljenberg, Pernilla Persson, Sanna Svedestedt, Karin Roy AnderssonSchwedische Kirche, Schwanthalerstr. 60, 80336 München. — Entrance from the inner court yard, second floor, — 16.-18.3.  — Tel. 0046 703303379

Pinned Image

17-22 Uhr Francisca Bauzá und Isabell Schaupp,
Schmuckgalerie Tal20, Tal 20, 80331 München. –  15.-19.3.

17-19 Uhr Maß und Zahl, Babette von Dohnanyi — Schlegelschmuck, Nordendstr. 7a Eingang Ecke Adalbertstr., 80799 München. — 16.-18.3. — Tel. 089 2710071

17-21 Uhr Totem on the Sideline, Alexander Blank  –  Galerie Artikel3, Luisenstr. 68, 80798 München — 16.-18.3.  – Tel.0049 17662072099

 dans Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA)Alexander Blank

18 Uhr KL!NK from Norway, Anna Talbot, Elise Hatlø, Runa Vethal Stølen, Anne Leger, Toril Bonsaksen, Helena Linkosuonio, Hedda Bjerkeli, Kjetil Aschim, Trond Johansen, Ingrid Holand, Benedicte Lyssand and Silje Bergsvik, www.klinkmetall. — Boque auf Croque, Sonnenstr. 22, 2nd floor, 80331 München. –  Initiated by Norwegian Association for Arts & Crafts, — 16.-19.3.

Klink-invitasjon-299x300 dans Doris BETZ (DE)Pinned Image

b5 dans Elise HATLO (NO)b0-e1331961838280 dans Emma PRICE (AU)Elise Hatlø

photoHelena J. Linkosuonio‘s work (left) -  Benedicte Lyssand‘s work (right). The artist group KL!NK ( exhibited in Munchen during Schmuck. Photo: André Gali


18 Uhr No Stone unturned, Volker AtropsAntiquariat Dieter Zipprich, Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 München — 15.3.-5.4. — Mo-Fr 11-13,14-18.30 Uhr

Buchpräsentation (BOOK presentation), Eine Auswahl von Schmuckereignissen zur Zeit der Internationalen Handwerksmesse – Events related to Jewellery during the International Trade Fair –  So.18.3. 16-18 Uhr – Tel. 089 52059553, Tel. 01577 3443578

18.30 Uhr GLEE, Lisa Walker, — Galerie Biro, Zieblandstr.19, 80799 München,
17.3.-28.4. — Sonderöffnungszeiten 16.-18.03. 11-18 Uhr

18.30 Uhr slanted for granted, Nicole Beck, Melanie Isverding, Despo Sophocleous, –
Projektraum J. Baumeister, Georgenstr. 66, 80799 München. — 16.-18.3.

19 Uhr A in R, Nine London Makers: Riccardo Bovo, Isabelle Busnel, Dan Hilldrup, Mara Irsara, Elisabeth Auriol Peers, Maria Piana, Marina Skia, Luca Eszter Rományi, Deborah Werbner –
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, Georgenstr. 84, 80799 München, — 15.-18.3. — Tel. 089 30637911

19 Uhr 8together! Zwei Wiener Schmuckkollektive- schmuckstelle & STOSSimHIMMEL präsentieren ihre neuesten Arbeiten. Claudia Steiner, Katie Gruber, Katharina Schmid, Eva Tesarik, Caroline Ertl, Michelle Kraemer, Viktoria Münzker, Birgit Wie. — Galerie GestalterBund, Holzstr. 22, 80469 München. — 15.-18.3.

8together%21+einladung dans Esther KNOBEL (PL)


Friday , 16. March 2012
11 Uhr ABECEDARIUM von Peter Bauhuis, Buchpräsentation (BOOK presentation)  mit einer Fotoarbeit von Katharina Gaenssler,  — Einführung durch Liesbeth den Besten, — Galerie Handwerk, Max- Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 München. — Tel. 089 595584

11-18 Uhr Carl Weishaupt – Florian Biehler, zehn Generationen Silberschmiede in München –
Promenadenplatz 13, 80333 München. — 16.-17.3. — Fr, Sa 10-18 Uhr

11-13 Uhr Suspended, curated by Laura Bradshaw. Works by Farrah Al-Dujaili, Karin Roy Andersson, Luz Arias, Laura Bradshaw-Heap, Alice Bo-Wen Chang, Melanie Codarin White, Andrea Coderch, Joana Cunha, Michelle Kraemer, Robert Longyear, Natalia Macia Bove, Margherita de Martino Norante, Rhona McCallum, Laura McGrath, Geraldine Nishi, Jo Pond, Rebecca Skeels, Jessica Turrell, Anna Helena Van De Pol de Deus –  Studio Gabi Green, Gollierstr.17, 80339 München. — 14.-18.3. Tel. 089 54030254

Suspended,+munich+germany dans Eva TESARIK (AT)

12 Uhr BAVARIAN feat DK, Florian Buddeberg, Anna Maria Eichlinger, Annette Dam, Marie-Louise Kristensen — Bergmannstr. 28, 80339 München. — 16.-19.3. — Fr 12-14, Sa 9.30-13, So 13-16, Mo 9-13 Uhr

16-18 Uhr Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile, Nr. 5, Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann, kuratiert von Galerie Biro, Einsäulensaal der Münchner Residenz, Residenzstr. 1, 80333 München — 17.-18.3.

Eins%C3%A4ulenM%C3%A4rz12 dans Exposition/Exhibition

16-18 Uhr Aperitivo, hoffertig, Christiane Förster, Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia, bei Kunstbüro reillplast, Amalienstr. 21, 80333 München. — 15.-18.3. — Do-So 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089 38903538

16 Uhr Nora Rochel: Neuen Schmuck, — Almstadt Schmuck, Reichenbachstr. 25, 80469 München.
16.-18.3 –  Tel. 089 12555761

17-18 Uhr meet the artist, Künstlergespräch mit Michael Becker,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst,, Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München

17-19 Uhr Aperitivo, Two installations, Elisabeth Altenburg, Wolfgang Rahs,
Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia,, bei Galerie Jordanow, Fürstenstr. 11, 80333 München., — 15.-18.3. — Do-So 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 0160 5535795

17-19 Uhr Wittenbrink zeigt SchmuckSimon Cottrell, Mielle Harvey and Wittenbrink Charms, by 14 Contemporary Jewellery Artists WittenbrinkFuenfHoefe, www.galeriewittenbrink. de, Theatinerstr.14, 80333 München. — 17.-24.3. 10-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089 25541933

18 Uhr Seltene Erden, Rike Bartels, Laurenz Stockner, — Galerie Isabella Hund, Frauenplatz 13, 80331 München., — 16.3.-7.4. — Mo-Fr 11-14, 15-19, Sa 11-16 Uhr

18-21 Uhr Dialogue 12, Petra Bishai, Laura Cave, Sophie Hall, Elsa Hedberg, Buddug Wyn Humphreys, Maarit Liukkonen, Vicky King, Therese Morch-Jorgensen, Paolo Scura, Margot Sevadjian, Ana Simoes, Rachel Terry, Timothy Information Limited — Kunstgießerei München, Schleißheimerstr. 72, 80797 München with 84GHz,, 16.-18.3. — Tel. 089 30637911

18 Uhr Ruudt Peters – Corpus und 30 Jahre Galerie Spektrum
Doris Betz, Helen Britton, Attai Chen, Anton Cepka, Saskia Detering, Georg Dobler, Iris Eichenberg, Jürgen Eickhoff, Kyoko Fukuchi, Thomas Gentille, Herman Hermsen, Mari Ishikawa, Rian de Jong, Vered Kaminski, Esther Knobel, Winfried Krüger, Florence Lehmann, Stefano Marchetti, Suska Mackert, Mia Maljojoki, Nanna Melland, Ted Noten, Ruudt Peters, Karen Pontoppidan, Marianne Schliwinski, Peter Skubic, Graziano Visintin, Arek Wolski, — Theresienstr.46, 80333 München. – 16.3.-28.4. Sa 11-14, –
So 13-18, Mo 13-19 Uhr, — Tel. 089-284590

19 Uhr Vernissage Ädellab – The State of Things. Konstfack Stockholm. Schmuck.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich, Barerstr. 40, Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München. — 17.3.-29.4. — Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 Uhr, –
Tel. 089 2727250 und 089 23805360

IMG_3849-300x225 dans Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK)


Saturday, 17. March 2012
15 Uhr Everyone‘s a winner! Neue Messe München Halle A1, Schmuckbar, Bekanntgabe der Hauptpreise der Schmucktombola der Klasse Otto Künzli, — Kunstakademie München  –
Neue Messe München Halle A1, Aktionsbühne

15.30 Uhr „hello“, Buchpräsentation mit Alexandra Bahlmann,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein

16 Uhr Talente-Preis Verleihung
16 Uhr Neuerscheinungen von ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers: Peter Bauhuis- ABECEDARIUM, Liesbeth den Besten-On Jewellery, Tanel Veenre-Castle in the Air
17 Uhr Herbert-Hofmann-Preis Verleihung
19 Uhr Goldschmiedetreffen, Augustinerkeller, Arnulfstr. 52, 80335 München.
Tel. 089 594393



Sunday, 18.March 2012 
10-14 Uhr
Sonderöffnung Die Renaissance des Emaillierens – Internationaler Schmuck und Gerät, — Galerie Handwerk,, Max-Joseph- Str. 4, 80333 München.
Tel. 089 595584

Francesco Pavan
Francesco Pavan

11 Uhr Lecture by Marjan Unger: Freedom has its limitations. Jewelry now, seen from a Dutch perspective,
Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium, Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich,, Barerstr.40,
Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München.
Tel. 089 2727250 u. 089 23805360

11-17 Uhr Sonderöffnung Michael Becker – Bewegung und Farbe,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe- Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst,, Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München.
14-15 Uhr Galerieführung mit Michael Becker,
Tel. 089 2901470

13-16 Uhr meet the artists Baculum, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen, Karen Pontoppidan, Miro Sazdic, Nelli Tanner, Tarja Tuupanen,
Deutsches Jagd und Fischerei Museum,
Neuhauserstr. 2, 80331 München.
Täglich 9.30-17 Uhr

14-17 Uhr Mia Maljojoki: Crossing the Line, Performance, Installation in Zusammenarbeit mit Monica Gomis, Judith Hummel, Eduardo Navarro, Mimosa Pale und anderen. In Kooperation mit Galerie Spektrum. — MaximiliansForum, Passage für interdisziplinäre Kunst, Fußgängerunterführung in der Maximilianstr./Ecke Altstadtring, 80539 München

Pinned Image

16-19 Uhr Vernissage Français Jewellery From Words: Collectif GLA, Galatée Pestre, Laurence Verdier et Aude Medori, — Institut Français,, Kaulbachstr. 13, 80539 München.
18.-20.3. So 10-19, — Mo, Di 11-18 Uhr, — Tel. 089 28662836 fly+recto+schmuck dans Felix LINDNER (DE)

und außerhalb der Stadt: Nisslmüller-Skubic, — Galerie Anna Pirk, Seestr. 24, 83700 — Rottach-Egern am Tegernsee, Tel. 08022-1884222,, — 13.3.-24.3. –
Di-Sa 11-19 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung, Eröffnung Samstag, 10.3. ab 17 Uhr





Schmuck 2012
Willy Brandt Allee 1
81829 – Munich – Germany


Telephone: 0049 89 5119 248
Fax: 00 49 89 5119 245


Firenze – la scuola di gioelleria ALCHIMIA – Mostra juin 2009

Les jeunes arrivent ! et ATTENTION! … ils sont doués …. !!!

Firenze. Il design del gioiello alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai. ‘Outsider Project’ incontra la scuola di gioelleria Alchimia. (juin 2009)

« Per chi desidera distinguersi ornando il proprio corpo con originali creazioni artistiche alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai dal 12 al 30 Giugno sono in mostra una serie di gioelli ideati e realizzati da 12 studenti della scuola ALCHIMIA di Firenze.
Si tratta di spille, orecchini, bracciali e collane composti da vari materiali: legno, carta, rame, plastica, etc. Tra assemblaggio, pittura e decorazione prendono vita forme e volumi stravaganti che a tratti rendono difficile comprendere il loro utilizzo. Niente hanno di fazioso e sofisticato. Alcuni si compongono su linee morbide ed essenziali, altri hanno forme più “colorate” adatte a coloro a cui piace farsi notare.
Quello che è interessante è che dietro a ciascun oggetto vige un messaggio. I gioielli della tedesca Anne Wiedau parlano di vita urbana (sono pezzetti di legno raccolti per strada), quelli della coreana Eun Jae Baek ricalcano forme della natura come l’albero; altri fanno riferimento al ricordo o catturano momenti di vita quotidiana come nel caso di Marina Elenskaya.
Queste creative elaborazioni dimostrano come l’arte possa risiedere non solo nelle cosa da contemplare ma anche da indossare o più in generale da usare. Come afferma Bruno Munari: “Non ci deve essere un arte staccata dalla vita: cose belle da guardare e cose brutte da usare. Se quello che usiamo ogni giorno è fatto con arte (non a caso o a capriccio) non avremo niente da nascondere
Anne Wiedau  –  Marina Elenskaya

Con il programma Outsider Project nato nel 2008 la galleria si rivolge all’ “arte pratica” o meglio all’ “inter-mondo” – come lo definisce l’ideatrice del progetto Antonella Villanova – quel luogo “outsider” in cui si incontrano arte e design, funzionalità ed artisticità.
La scuola di gioielleria ALCHIMIA, realtà situata nel cuore di Firenze, offre una valida formazione artigianale e culturale nel campo dell’oreficeria contemporanea e soprattutto un interscambio (ancora raro nel panorama fiorentino) con realtà internazionali.

Oltre a vantare l’insegnamento del famoso artista orafo Manfred Bischoff gode infatti di importanti collaborazioni con Accademie, Istituti di Formazione ed Università, in Italia e all’estero.
Michelle Kraemer (LX) –  Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)

In mostraKatharina Asam (Germania), Eun Jae Baek (S. Korea), Daniela Bensason(Israele), Marianne Casmose Denning (Danimarca), Marina Elenskaya(Russia), Katie Gruber (UK), Eugenia Ingegno (Italia), Michelle Kraemer (Lussemburgo), Angela O’Keefe (UK), Young Bin Park (Corea), Camilla Teglio (Italia), Anne Wiedau (Germania).

Alchimia de pied en cap !!
ALCHIMIA Jewellery School – là, c’est l’ecole ALCHIMIAde pied … sans cap ! :-) )
Sur cette photo : Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Angela O’Keefe (UK) , Camilla Teglio (IT), Doris Maninger (AT), Eun jea, Marina Elenskaya (RU), Katie Gruber(UK) , Eugenia Ingegno (IT) , Michelle Kraemer (LX) !!!!!!!!! 

Firenze - la scuola di gioelleria ALCHIMIA - Mostra juin 2009 dans Angela O' KEEFE (UK) 117401 
Eun Jae Baek (S. Korea) – brooch « windy day » – silver, gold plated (Galerie Slavik)
Daniela Bensason (IL) ring
Young Bin Park (Korea) – brooch
Katie Gruber (UK) – ‘innocente’ – collana
Camilla Teglio (Italia) – ‘screenhunter ‘
Michelle Kraemer (LX)
Eugenia Ingegno  ‘ciocia’ spilla
Marina Elenskaya (Russia) ‘compressed image’
Angela O´Keefe – Rings ‘ice skating in the dark’

Via Del Sole 15r (50123)
+39 0556802066 , +39 0556814190 (fax)



« appel du pied » !        Hey !! ALL of  YOU, JEWELERS !!!
j’ai remarqué que vous aimiez bien prendre … votre PIED !! ;-) ou en tout cas des photos de vos pieds !! je voulais faire un « bobinoscope » des créateurs sur mon blog, je vais faire un « pied-de-nez_OH!_scope » !! ENVOYEZ-MOI vos photos en PIEDS !!!!
I saw that you like to take pictures of your feet … so instead of publishing your faces on my blog, to allow people to know « WHO IS THIS JEWELLER ? », I will publish … your feet ! please SEND ME YOUR FEET’s pictures !! :-)   (cet article reste sur le « pied de guerre » !! tout pied est constamment la bienvenue pour augmenter la galerie de portraits ! all « feet’s portrait is anytime welcomed, to increase this picture’s gallery !!!)(summertime is crazy-time, isnt’it ?)

Et voilà, y a qu'à demander! Marrante comme tout cette idée! :-)
Sylvie Jousset … les doigts de pieds en éventail ! – … et un des ses bijoux (bracelet) – c’est ce qui s »appelle « faire des pieds et des mains » ! :-)

26285_1362727102079_1048633979_31075631_317666_n dans ALCHIMIA (IT)Alina Alamorean
Alina Alamoreanc’est le pied (sexy) ! ….. & deux de ses bagues sculpture

c'est le pied !35643_401705511485_696426485_4886541_1385956_n dans Alina ALAMOREAN (FR)
Augousta Themistokleous (CY) – une des ses bagues ….. et rougir de plaisir de la tête aux pieds ! :-)

Alchimia de pied en cap !!ALCHIMIA Jewellery School – là, c’est l’ecole ALCHIMIAde pied … sans cap ! :-) )
mais comment (re)trouver chaussure (créateur)  à son pied ???!!
Sur cette photo : Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Angela O’Keefe (UK) , Camilla Teglio (IT), Doris Maninger (AT), Eun jea, Marina Elenskaya (RU), Katie Gruber(UK) , Eugenia Ingegno (IT) , Michelle Kraemer (LX)!!!!!!!!!

25568_380327937973_770792973_3683408_7688712_n dans Angela O' KEEFE (UK)
Marianne Casmose Denning (DK)Marina Elenskaya (RU)
Angela O´Keefe (UK) – Rings Untitled 2009 – Diverse materials
Michelle Kraemer (Luxembourg) – brooch
Katie Gruber (UK) – Necklace: Untitled 2009 – Diverse materials

36969_1474431897397_1131675561_1347499_855229_n dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)36969_1474423737193_1131675561_1347396_6627124_n dans Aude MEDORI (FR)
Viktoria Münzker (left), Michelle Kraemer – Viktoria Münzker « C’mon ring » – C’mon !!

jewellers' feet !!UIUC Metals School -  Sur cette photo : Billie Theide (on left) , Kristi Wilson , Eun Yeong Jeong (en bas, celle qui « pointe » tout le monde du pied !), Soyeon Kim (à droite chaussure brune), Keri Kwik (la « nouvelle » à la chaussure rouge !)

39183_1424812053322_1023362072_30927524_3195255_n dans Augousta THEMISTOKLEOUS (CY)Sensual Elegance, 2009 by Soyeon Kim.
Eun Yeong Jeong‘vessels of life – growth
Soyeon Kim- Sensual Elegance, 2009 - fine silver, glass, red and pink coral, traditional chain making technique

Keri Kwik (US) - ring39059_142768602413873_100000422031752_319607_7769410_n dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Keri Kwik (US) – ring – une NOUVELLE découverte ! quel … PIED !! :-)
Billie Theide necklace

hannahedman5 dans Beth LEGG (UK)10 dans Billie THEIDE (US)
avec Hanna Hedman ai perdu (son) pied !! reste plus qu’un doigt …. :-(   - necklace

Mes pieds...35411_133653553331343_100000600979713_258945_4809449_n dans Camilla TEGLIO (IT)
Susanne Klemm (CH) – « Beach’s feet » ! :-)   - … et FABULEUX collier !

 Gary Schott - ‘impatient shoes’, brooch – and IMPATIENT to find a MAN’s foot !!!!!!!!!

34364_112544085461193_100001168061499_79428_8186134_n dans Catalina BRENES (Costa Rica)
Heidemarie Herb - ‘my herbs’ ring

piedsMarta Miguel Martínez-Soria – ‘primeros pasos’ … pour ses chaussettes vertes ou pour son collier ? ;-)

 Image+4 dans Chiara TRENTIN (IT)
Galatée Pestre - ses pieds parlent pour elle ! ;-) -  broches ‘bulles’ de BD

Image+4 dans Chryssa DAMIANIDOU (GR)
Aude Médori (FR)- De cette nécessité de mouvement et de la liberté qu’elle implique….

35855_1435810868867_1640828533_1096783_6677803_n dans Corrado De MEO (IT)31370_1414620859130_1640828533_1045933_75681_n dans Daniela HEDMAN (SE)
Barbara Paganin – bon… elle est partie en vacances …. – spilla ‘corallo nero’

36715_10150216541610117_836915116_13249299_3820129_n dans Dominika NABOROWSKA (PL)
Catalina BrenesAra Kuo – high heels for graduation day !!

Ting-Chun-Ara-Kuo dans Doris MANINGER (AT)
Ara Kuo. Ring ‘brush’, pearls gold

26221_10150155056535117_836915116_11567890_6211965_n dans Doug BUCCI (US)39665_10150238201155117_836915116_13900739_2704322_n dans Ellen JACOBSEN HOLVIK (SE)
Catalina Brenes – feet’s fan !  « vieni qua » ring – zirconia, plata 925

34136_448091374528_523864528_5864867_3469534_n dans Eugenia INGEGNO (IT)Maru Lopez - "telling stories"
Maru Lopez - pinky feminity ….. « telling stories » (necklace),  silver

8117_157352877565_614452565_2690456_6024856_n dans Eun YEONG JEONG (US)35939_10150263099290585_820840584_14269651_4468333_n dans Federico VIANELLO (IT)
Kathryn Wardill (AU)- 7 Sites, 7 Neckpieces – Studio Ingot6 – 21 Aug 2010 « Stairs of Passion »

well...these are mine!! i couldn't resist......38777_1472392743305_1638259298_1146444_1128108_n dans Frederique TRINCHESE (FR)
Chryssa Damianidou (GR) (c’est ce qu’on appelle le « pied grec » ! ;-)

40601_126299994083540_100001106193640_131607_6325431_n dans Galatee PESTRE (FR)40994_126295107417362_100001106193640_131593_571225_n dans Gary SCHOTT (US)
Federico Vianelloun créateur tout en PIED ! ….. anello ‘piedi’… « hand made » !

*3408876_orig dans Genne LAAKSO (US)
Maricha Genovese (US) – “Diamond Ring” Ring: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver  

*Image6 dans Hanna HEDMAN (SE)
Beth Legg (Scotland) -  larkspur and rosewood brooches

voila eheheehMirla+Fernandes2 dans Hanna LILJENBERG (SE)
Mirla Fernandes – ….. ou faire des pieds et des mains ! ;-)

45210_147176248645592_100000596541182_325893_2682840_n dans Heidemarie HERB (DE)36958_139431526086731_100000596541182_282682_7203008_n dans Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE)
Rachel Timmins – tired feet… after a Ruudt Peters’ workshop ! ;-) -silicon rubber bracelets

40296_1441499315261_1166423138_31060025_5602936_n dans Kathryn WARDILL (AU)18369_1252208623112_1166423138_30625001_7484395_n dans Katie GRUBER (UK)
Corrado de MEO – qualè il gioiello ??? ;-)

montserrat lacomba - Too often we are late dans Keri KWIK (US)
Montserrat Lacomba – ‘Too often we are late’… with our feet …- ‘Far away’ brooch – silver, copper, garnets (for me, Montserrat Lacomba is « Mrs mar de Color Rosa » !! :-) )

ss6 dans Kristi WILSON (US)
une découverte !! (aujourd’hui 21 aout 2010, grâce à Montserrat Lacomba : tout ça pour vous dire que NON, je n’ai pas copié l’idée !) ! lesecond blog deDominika Naborowska : promenades vue(s) des pieds  !!! ;-)

Genne Laakso2009-07b dans Liz HAMMAN (UK)
Genne Laakso« au pied levé ….  » neoprene ‘O’ rings, sterling silver, fishing line, latex, fish hooks, copper, steel, 2009. NJB Photography

40250_415477693061_633898061_4977454_8347381_n dans Malin LOVGREN (SE)Silvina Rio  - lo invisible
Silvina Rio – broche ‘lo invisible’
Daniela Hedman

*Agnes Figueres
Agnes Figueres   (du groupe « Bijou5″)- en vert et contre tout ! ;-) bague en matériaux de récupération, ligne ‘pétillante’

h dans Gal. Articula (PT)
Tiina Rajakallio – « mini vacations » for feet ! -  necklace 

47717_1267958437585_1788546471_491343_2905118_n dans Manolya KONUK (FR)Patricia Lemaire - Grand Jardin 2- 1998 défilé Lapidus
Patricia Lemaire …qui m’a fait « faire le pied de grue« … pendant qu’elle était « au vert… :-) - ‘Grand Jardin’ maillechort et … (Hte couture – 1998 - pièces conçues et réalisées pour Olivier Lapidus)

40422_427109003669_683768669_4563294_5472972_n dans Marianne CASMOSE DENNING (DK)37972_421552433669_683768669_4427070_5018876_n dans Maricha GENOVESE (US)
Manolya Konuk- comment, au pied levé, faire « pieds » ET « mains » ! bracelet ‘semainier’

16847_100589216637140_100000581855166_12944_5598318_n dans Marina ELENSKAYA (RU)59882_154371501258911_100000581855166_378901_3771363_n dans Marta Miguel MARTINEZ-SORIA (ES)
Chiara Trentin – piedi « Romani » ! è collana ecobottoni

34709_1499231893568_1617292000_1184003_4051910_n dans Maru LOPEZ (P.Rico)Frédérique Trinchese - bijoux couture - Bague/pendentif Cannette
Frédérique Trinchese – pieds …. cousu(s) main ! Bague/pendentif Cannette

*35813_1463615946953_1130128048_1352527_1269817_n dans Massimo Ottavio PAVAN (IT)
Poly Nikolopoulou

40196_423367861605_541946605_5433721_794771_n dans Michelle KRAEMER (Lx)45039_420159186980_651021980_5201053_2327412_n dans Mirla FERNANDES (BR)
Discrets, les pieds des « FOUR » ! – « FOUR » are the jewelry artists: Hanna Liljenberg, Karin Roy Andersson, Malin Lövgren, Ellen Jacobsen Holvik, from Sweden

45083_420417881980_651021980_5206421_6605596_n dans Montserrat LACOMBA (ES)40475_419571051980_651021980_5189695_4801349_n dans Nadine ABDALLAH (Liban)
46576_419862681980_651021980_5195351_5011936_n dans Patricia LEMAIRE (FR)

61520_1448663976943_1243502537_31146087_4555522_n dans Poly NIKOLOPOULOU (GR)5534_1135554269396_1243502537_30416245_3034482_n dans Rachel TIMMINS (US)
Nadine Abdallah – son pied … et ses « poissons-bijoux » en galets

156496_1538240170108_1058002920_31205198_7047158_n dans Rossana RO/NIIRO JewelryEntangled wire necklace - by NIIRO jewelry ( Rosanna RO) - 747$ (583€)
Rosanna RO (« Niiro Jewelry« ) -  pieds d’hiver & Entangled wire necklace

63002_1575466275474_1500099122_1426046_4142116_n dans Sebastian BUESCHER (DE)n1500099122_174175_7977 dans Silvina RIO (RA)
et … TA-DAAM ! mon pied ! ;-) et un des bracelets de « charms » que je fais & qui racontent chacun une histoire. Ici « La vie en rouge », excessive ….

BON ! Maintenant, vous savez à quoi ressemblent « vos » créateurs ??!!?? ;-)
Now you KNOW what your favourite jewellers look like !! emoticone


EXPO ‘curiOsando’ – Galleria d’arte Il Vicolo, Genova (Italy) – 7-27 Mai 2010

« CuriOsando », mostra di gioielli contemporanei realizzati da 13 giovani artiste provenienti dalla scuola di gioielleria “Alchimia” di Firenze.

«  Punti di vista, stati d’animo, forme e materiali inconsueti diventano pezzi unici o piccole produzioni che si fanno protagonisti di un percorso personale ed unico. Legno, silicone, fotografie, seta, fili di rame, fimo, prendono forma insieme ai metalli nobili trasformandosi in inaspettati ornamenti per il corpo e forme espressive. Il gioiello contemporaneo diviene strumento di dialogo tra il corpo di chi lo indossa ed il mondo circostante, contiene elementi del mondo dell’arte, del design, della moda, pur rimanendo un linguaggio autonomo. »

Artist list:
Daniela Boieri, Maria Brossa, Monica Buongiovanni, Margherita de Martino Norante, Katie Gruber, Eugenia Ingegno, Michelle Kraemer, Doris Maninger, Lucia Massei, Geri Nishi, Angela O’ Keefe, Marzia Rossi, Camilla Teglio.


Camilla Teglio- Necklace 'Laces and colours- blue' 2009 wood, japanese paper, paint, silver, fimo, silkDaniela Boieri necklace 'chiacchiere' silver oxidized
Camilla Teglio – necklace ‘Laces and colours: blue’ 2009 Wood, japanese paper, paint, silver, fimo, silk
Daniela Boieri - necklace ‘Chiacchiere’ 2009 Silver oxidized
 Lucia Massei - pendant ‘Comunque e sempre’ 18kt yellow gold, silver, iron, ruby, black spinels 2009

EXPO 'curiOsando' - Galleria d’arte Il Vicolo, Genova (Italy) - 7-27 Mai 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) 2005halsschmuck%20domino
Doris Maninger- ‘the winner’ neckpiece

1493151265814461 dans Angela O' KEEFE (UK)
Geri Nishi - ‘clutch’ necklace – pearls, concrete, silver

gal5_3_big dans Camilla TEGLIO (IT)
Marzia Rossi ‘rooms’ Necklace – gold, shibuishi, perspex, micca

1280751255529717 dans COUP DE COEUR
Margherita de Martino Norante- WAIT #3  necklace – copper wire, shibuichi, pink gold. 2009

58d832edc0e0869fdd4edbe22cf67b2f dans Daniela BOIERI (IT)
Maria Brossa- « Semi », 2008. Brooche. Silver and latex.



Galleria d’arte Il Vicolo
Salita Pollaiuoli, 37r
16123 – Genova – (Italy)
Tel : 010-2467717
Fax: 010-2468909