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EXPO ‘Beauty of the Beast: Jewellery & Taxidermy’ – Museum Arnhem (NL) – 24 Janv.-10 Mai 2015

Beauty of the Beast: Jewellery and Taxidermy -  Museum Arnhem, Netherlands

The museum presents the work of more than 15 international designers and artists for the exhibition, Beauty of the Beast.  The displayed works explore the connection between taxidermy, jewellery and visual arts.

Beauty of the Beast: Jewellery and Taxidermy 24 Jan-10 May 2015 Museum Arnhem, NL (Reid Peppard – Head Piece: Double Rat Headdress, 2008)

Artist list : Karley Feaver — Charlie Tuesday Gates — Kate Gilliland — IdiotsBenjamin LignelMärta MattssonKelly McCallum — Kate MccGwire — Ted Noten — Reid Peppard — Iris Schieferstein — Simei Irene Snyman — Tinkebell — Cecilia Valentine — Emily Valentine — Tanel Veenre — Christel Verdaasdonk — Lisa WalkerJulia deVille — Niels van Eijk — Miriam van der Lubbe

From high-concept shops to cocktail bars: every style-conscious place these days displays a mounted fox or peacock in the window. Taxidermy, the mounting of dead animals, is hot. But what happens when you apply taxidermy to contemporary jewellery design? In the exhibition Beauty of the Beast Museum Arnhem presents the work of more than 15 international designers and artists who make a connection between taxidermy, jewellery and visual arts. The exhibition presents, on the one hand, wearable jewellery and fashion accessories such as necklaces, brooches, bags, hats, hair ornaments and shoes. But it also includes more sculptural and autonomous work.

Märta Mattsson Brooch: Crash!, 2011 Taxidermy bird, walnut wood, silverMärta Mattsson Brooch: Crash!, 2011 Taxidermy bird, walnut wood, silver

 Märta Mattsson Brooch: Palindrome, 2014 Cicada wings, resin, crushed sulphur, silver, glitterMärta Mattsson Brooch: Palindrome, 2014 Cicada wings, resin, crushed sulphur, silver, glitter

Emily Valentine,Vijf broches, Deconstructed Budgie, 2010. Foto: John LeeEmily Valentine,Vijf broches, Deconstructed Budgie, 2010. Foto: John Lee

Benjamin Lignel Piece: Io ce l'ho d'oro (yeah...but mine's gold), 2007  .Benjamin Lignel Piece: Io ce l’ho d’oro (yeah…but mine’s gold), 2007 Fine gold 6,5 x 3,4 x 3,4 cm Beak extension for pigeon photo: Enrico Bartolucci, Paris  An experiment on the ambivalent use of accessories to either mock, or ape, the demeanour of our betters. .

Tanel Veenre. rooch: Forever Together, 2014 Seahorses, wood, gold leaf, silver Photo by Tanel Veenre .Tanel Veenre. brooch: Forever Together, 2014 Seahorses, wood, gold leaf, silver Photo by Tanel Veenre

 Julia deVille Brooch: Bird Skull, 2004 Bird Skull, cubic zirconia, sterling silver 5 x 2.5 x 3 cmJulia deVille Brooch: Bird Skull, 2004 Bird Skull, cubic zirconia, sterling silver 

Kelly McCallum broochKelly McCallum brooch


Museum Arnhem
Utrechtseweg 87
6812 AA -  Arnhem
tel +31(0)26 30 31 400


EXPO ‘ONoff’ – SooLOCAL, Minneapolis (USA) – 24 Avril 2014

ONoff: An Exhibition of Makers that work ON and off the body

jeudi 24 avril 2014 –  18:00 – 21:00 (CDT)

This exhibition will be presented at SooLOCAL: A Division of Soo Visual Arts Center to run in conjunction with the 2014 SNAG conference in Minneapolis, MN.

 ONoff Exhibition.
image details: Manuela Jimenez - Right: Casi… 2013 / Left: She is Getting Lighter 2012
One would expect Jewelry artists to be limited to objects of personal adornment, but many contemporary makers in this field have gone beyond the constraints of functionality to pursue conceptual interests in areas such as photography, kinetics and sculpture.This exhibition seeks makers whose work demands exploration both on and off of the body. What happens when a metalsmith goes beyond the boundaries of the wearable? How does the work change when function and jewelry mechanics no longer need to be considered? Can the conversation continue seamlessly from a necklace into an installation or sculpture? The exhibition will feature two works by each artist selected: one piece of jewelry or wearable object and one piece that shifts in scale, medium or material in order to further investigate their ideas.Juror: Susie GanchSusie Ganch is currently Associate Professor and Head of the Metals Program at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She is also Director of Radical Jewelry Makeover, an international traveling community jewelry mining and recycling project. Exhibition Organizers: Sarah Holden and Kat Cole
ONoff Exhibition Artists Katja Toporski — Lisa Phelps-Havelin — Rachel Timmins — Manuela Jimenez — Kelly MccallumBrooke Swanson Gabriel CraigHeejin HwangCaitie SellersMelissa CameronStephanie Lynn VoegeleBillie J. TheideMasako Onodera — Evin Dubois — Jill Gower — Alexis Archibald –  April Wood — Demi ThomloudisDavid ChoiSarah HoldenKat Cole
A Division of SooVAC
3506 Nicollet Avenue South,
Minneapolis, MN 55408  – USA


EXPO ‘The Year was 2006′ – Studio2017, Waterloo NSW (AU) – 19-30 Juin 2012


An exhibition of 100 jewellery pieces made in 2006

The Year Was 2006 Waterloo Australia exhibitions unique custom jewelry custom handmade jewellery exhibitions

2006. It was a common year that started on a Sunday. John Howard was PM and Pluto was no longer classified as a planet. It is often bandied about that art is a reflection of our society; intrigued, we set out to find what 2006 might have looked like in terms of contemporary jewellery. 100 jewellers from across the globe have been invited to present one piece of jewellery they made 6 years ago. Presented as a salon hang, this exhibition will showcase an incredibly diverse array of jewellery and will give an overall snapshot of what these jewellers were thinking, making and the materials they were using all those years ago in 2006.

Alice Potter — Alice Whish — Alida Cappelletta — Amy Renshaw — Andrew Welch — Barbara Cotter — Bernadette Trainor — Beatriz Ruiz — Birgit LakenClaire McArdle — Coconut Lu — Bridget Kennedy — Danielle Butters — Danielle Sweeney — Deborah Rudolph — Diane Beevers — Elfrun Lach — Elfi Spiewack — Emma Fielden — Erin Timony — Francine Haywood — Heidemarie Herb — Helen Mok — Ilse-Marie Erl — InSync Design — Jacomien Labuschagne — Jandy Pannell — Jane Millard — Jane Pollard — Jane Reynolds — Jasmine Matus — Jennifer Gehbauer — Jessica McMullen — Jessica Morrison — Jessica Page — Judy McCaigJulie Usel — Julie Kiefel — Justine Austine — Karen Thompson — Karin Jakobsson — Karina Hunnerup — Karola TorkosKate BartonKath Inglis — Katrina Freene — Kelly McCallum — Kim Ebbeck — Linda Blair — Linda Van Niekerk — Lisa Furno — Luke-John Matthew Arnold — Madeleine Clark — Manuela Gandini — Mark Vaarwerk — Melanie Ihnen — Melinda YoungMelissa Cameron — Mervi Kurvinen — Michelle Kelly — Michelle Taylor — Minnette Michael — Mirca Maffi — Miriam Andraus Pappalardo — Nadine Smith — Naomi Schwartz — Paula Rodrigues — Phoebe Porter — Rachel Bell — Radka Passianova — Renee Damiani — Robi Szalay — Rudee Tancharoen — Sandy Marker — Shan Shan Mok — Sharon Fitness — Sharon Massey — Shauna Mayben – Shimara Carlow — Sian Edwards — Simon Cottrell — Sonya Scott — Stefanie Koelbel — Stephen Gallagher — Susan Frisch — Susanna Dwyer — Suzanne Esser — Szilvia Gyorgy — Tatjana Panyoczki — Teresa Faris — Vernon Bowden — Vicki Mason — Ximena Natanya Briceño — Zoe Brand
Flowering Gum Brooch Susan Frisch – Flowering Gum Brooch 

Alice Potter - spotty-necklaceAlice Potter – spotty necklace

Elfrun Lach - 'Corallium Rubrum' necklace - natural red coral branches, Elfrun Lach – ‘Corallium Rubrum’ necklace – natural red coral branches

carlow bangleShimara Carlow bangle
Birgit Laken -   Big Thumbnail, pendant hard fabric, 2006,Birgit Laken -   Big Thumbnail, pendant hard fabric, 2006


6b/ 2 Danks St
Waterloo NSW 2017  (AUSTRALIA)
Ph/fax: 02 9698 7999
Open: Tues – Sat 11 – 6pm
Email –


EXPO ‘Diamonds and Dead Things’ – Galeria Articula, Lisboa (Portugal) – 14 Avril-12 Mai 2012

Exhibition: Diamonds and Dead Things
Works by Kelly McCallum and Märta Mattsson
Opening night Saturday 14th of April

EXPO 'Diamonds and Dead Things' - Galeria Articula, Lisboa (Portugal) - 14 Avril-12 Mai 2012 dans Exposition/Exhibition diamonds+&+dead+things

“Art is far too important to be taken seriously”

Diamonds and Dead things is the brain child of Kelly McCallum and Märta Mattsson.
A constantly evolving project in which anything goes and everything is possible.

D&D is not a straightforward collaboration of ideas or a way to share the making of pieces, but an opportunity to throw caution to the wind and to create work in which each artist does not always have complete control.
It’s about constructing opportunities for creative play, to search for the magical in the unexpected and to allow two creative minds free reign to explore all that is possible.

Pinned ImageKelly McCallum
Picture+2 dans Gal. Articula (PT)Kelly McCallum
facing_cicadas_2 dans Kelly McCALLUM (UK)
Märta Mattsson – brooch
Rua dos Remédios 102
1100-450 Lisboa
+351 211913138




EXPO ‘Diamonds & Dead Things’ – MINT, London (UK) – 7-31 Mai 2011

Diamonds & Dead Things Exhibition
an exhibition, recreating the wonder of the cabinets of curiosities of the past.

In the beginning of May we are putting up our first Diamonds & Dead Things exhibition at MINT in London. See all the details on the flyer below… Hope to see you there!

EXPO 'Diamonds & Dead Things' - MINT, London (UK) - 7-31 Mai 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition

 dans Grande-Bretagne (UK)

Kelly McCallum and Märta Mattsson, graduates of the Royal College of Art are exciting new artists, updating the cabinet of curiosities for a new audience; by injecting their collections with humour, glamour and a twist of Victoriana. Their love of taxidermy and obscuring the expected united these talented artists, to collaborate, starting with a workshop in Poland last summer.

The collection is a modern twist on taxidermy through the use of semi-precious stones and metals that bring the jewellery to life as objects of beauty and astonishment. These miniature objects of delight, feature stones such as black diamonds and pink sapphires or embellishments with gold such as delicate moustaches or glasses, whilst others are encased in golden resins or merged with vintage wallpapers, or sprinkled with luminous malachite creating unique and captivating treasures.
Kelly McCallum- Colonol James Blashford’
Kelly McCallum- ‘Lady Wilamina Cartwright’

 dans Kelly McCALLUM (UK)
Kelly McCallum-  Admiral Gustav Ullrich’

Kelly McCallum’s works explores personalities and humour, naming her pieces with titles such as ‘Lord Alfred Turnbull’ or ‘Lady Willamina Cartwright’ evokes a playfulness; a touch of whimsy, in the case of Lady Willamina Cartwright who sports a moustache. Each piece assumes a personality, allowing the viewer or the wearer to create a story for them. Whether they are a funny little friend on your lapel or a brilliant way to start a conversation, they will capture your imagination.
Marta Mattson- Brooch: Rebirth – Copper electroformed Atlas beetle, white cubic zirconias, lacquer silver

Marta Mattson- ‘Rhino Beetle’ Brooch - Copper electroformed Rhino beetle, cubic zirconias, lacquer, silver

Examining the tensions between attraction and repulsion through her works, Märta Mattsson hopes to translate ordinary and familiar objects into extraordinary and unfamiliar. Taking reference from the eighteenth century cabinets of curiosities, Märta brings new life to the creatures in her work, allowing her audiences to rediscover their beauty whilst reminding them that once they were considered extraordinary and to be marvelled at.



MINT shop
2 North Terrace
Alexander square
London SW3 2BA (UK)


PREZIOSA YOUNG 2011 – 30 selected artists for the final

PREZIOSA YOUNG 2011 - 30 selected artists for the final dans Christiane KOEHNE (DE) 167881_10150124987219954_662939953_7934263_5107161_n


Since 2008 PY is the international competition/exhibition dedicated to young designers chosen for their individual research and the originality of their creations. This project was conceived and coordinated by Giò Carbone, Director of « Le Arti Orafe”, since 1985 Contemporary Jewellery School in Florence

For the 2011’s edition, the Art historian Dr. Maria Cristina Bergesio was called to give a critical contribution for the catalogue and to be responsible for the selection of the participants.
The first selection indicated the 30 finalists from among the 180 participants from all over the world
The international panel in charge of choosing the eight winner artists met in February 2011, during the fair inhorgenta, and was composed by:
*Dr. Petra Hölscher, senior curator at the Neue Sammlung, Monaco Munich, Germany;
*Dr. Wolfgang Lösche, Leiter der Abteilung Messen und Austellungen, Handwerkskultur, Formgebungsberatung, Akademie für Gestaltung, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany;
*Dr. Barbara Schmidt, Director of the Bildungszentrum für Gestaltung in Munich, Germany;
*The artist Helen Britton, Australia;
*Dr. Maria Cristina Bergesio, art critic, Florence, Italy
The jury had chosen the 8 participants for the exhibition 2011, as follow
Dana Hakim, Israel/Italy
Sam Hamilton, Ireland
Hanna Hedman, Sweden
Lisa Juen, China
Heejoo Kim, South Korea
Seul-Gi Kwon, South Korea
Marie Pendariès, Spain
Elena Ruebel, Germany
A special prize (a  2.000 Euro’s voucher for one of the participants, as a contribution for the rental of a booth at Inhorgenta 2012) was awarded by the Exhibition Management of Inhorgenta Fair, partner of PREZIOSA project, to the Korean artist Heejoo Kim

I nomi dei 30 selezionati per la finale.
La giuria internazionale che si riunirà a Monaco di Baviera, durante Inhorgenta 2011, sceglierà gli 8 artisti che parteciperanno alla mostra PREZIOSA YOUNG 2011

The names of the 30 selected artists for the final.
The international jury will meet in Munich (Germany), during Inhorgenta 2011, and will select the 8 artists participating to PREZIOSA YOUNG 2011 exhibition.

Anna Osmer AndersenClaire BalogeChristiane KoehneDana Hakim — Elena RuebelFarrah Al-DujailiHanna HedmanHeejoo KimHyorim Lee — Jihyun LeeJimin KimKatharina MochKelly mcCallumLisa JuenMaria MamkaevaMaria SolorzanoMarie PendarièsMärta MattssonMisun WonNicolas ChengNicole BauerSabine LangSam HamiltonSaori KitaDanni Schwaag Oh SerinSeul-gi KwonShu-Lin Wu — Yi LiuYong Joo Kim.

162628_10150125540404954_662939953_7944795_1411683_n dans Claire BALOGE (FR)
Christiane Koehne

167086_10150125540454954_662939953_7944796_1987684_n dans Dana HAKIM (IL)
Claire Baloge

168473_10150125540779954_662939953_7944807_1200150_n dans Danni SCHWAAG (DE)
Farrah Al-Dujaili

167722_10150125541154954_662939953_7944817_6653338_n dans Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK)
Katharina Moch

Dana hakim
Dana Hakim

Lisa Juean - preziosa Young 2011Lisa Juen

162603_10150125541419954_662939953_7944822_4625256_n dans Hanna HEDMAN (SE)
Maria Mamkaeva

Marie Pendariès - Preziosa Young 2011Marie Pendariès

165166_10150125541574954_662939953_7944827_6610915_n dans Jimin KIM (S.KR)
Märta Mattsson

168942_10150125541709954_662939953_7944831_2689987_n dans Katharina MOCH (DE)
Nicolas Cheng

165754_10150125541864954_662939953_7944834_6917622_n dans Kelly McCALLUM (UK)
Oh Serin

163118_10150125541924954_662939953_7944836_5038628_n dans Le Arti Orafe (LAO)(IT)
Sabine Lang

SeulGi KwonSeulGi Kwon

165692_10150125542554954_662939953_7944861_6757883_n dans Lisa JUEN (CN)
Yong Joo Kim

Heejoo Kim
Heejoo Kim
Sam Hamilton

Sam Hamilton


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