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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘**BIG FISH**’ – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

**BIG FISH**   Rietveld Jewellery Department 

Visit the website for location and time. #34

**Big Fish** seeks for encounters in Munich. With our van we will drive around and strike various places. Anytime possible the trunk opens for a jewellery intervention, when shortly after we will hit the road again.

Big Fish

**Big Fish** is a group exhibition of 11 students of the Jewellery Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.
Individual projects of the students will be shown – a combination of jewellery, objects, performance and interactive work.
Big Fish pops up on several locations – three announced by now, others to be discovered by walking through the jewellery scene of Munich.
* 25.02 19-20 h
Galerie Biró
* 26.02 17-19 h
Pinakothek der Moderne
* 27.02 10-12 h
Haus der Kunst

Follow Big Fish at Facebook:
Big Fish jewellery department
and on the website:

Rietveld Jewellery Department presents:  Niki Ulfstedt — Gongon Chang — Inge van Genuchten — Koen Jacobs — Martina Turini — Mika Yamakoshi — Lindsey Fontijn — Lisa Plaut — Madelief Geus — Sara Leme — Yunting Zhang

Every student made one teaser picture which is representing their project :

BIG FISH 2016 - Gongon Chang: BIG FISH 2016 - Lisa Plaut:

Gongon Chang                       -                      Lisa Plaut

BIG FISH 2016 - Lindsey Fontijn   (Rietveld Jewellery Department ): Lindsey Fontijn

BIG FISH 2016 - Niki Ulfstedt   (Rietveld Jewellery Department ):  Koen Jacobs - growing crystals - making my own jewels:

                  Niki Ulfstedt                              -            Koen Jacobs – growing crystals – making my own jewels

BIG FISH 2016 - Madelief Geus: BIG FISH 2016 - Mika Yamakoshi:

       Madelief Geus                            -                                                Mika Yamakoshi



Big Fish pops up on several locations - three announced by now, others to be discovered by walking through the jewellery scene of Munich :
* 25.02 19-20 h
Galerie Biró
* 26.02 17-19 h
Pinakothek der Moderne
* 27.02 10-12 h
Haus der Kunst

Follow Big Fish at Facebook:
Big Fish jewellery department
and on the website:


selected for TALENTE 2015 : Koen Jacobs

Koen Jacobs (selected for Talente) with his series “DESTROYED BEAUTY

[Talente-Award presentation 2015 : 14 March 2015  16:30, Halle B1 Main stage of IHM (Internationalen Handwerksmesse Munich)]

Exploring the relationship between two worlds : the upper and underworld.
For me these worlds are not necessarily black and white, good and bad or life and death.
It can also be the reverse, with the upper world being hell and the underworld heaven.
Koen Jacobs was student at Alchimia in 2013, now is at Gerrit Rietveld Academy. During Alchimia Graduation work 2013, « Koen Jacobs, dutch and the only boy in class had moved to Alchimia from the very technical and traditional school of Schonhooven. His work is a sign of his transformation as a maker and he has shown great  courage and has challenged his assumptions without holding back throughout the year. »
During the creative process I was experimenting how to express this relationship through two materials, ebony wood and resin and how to let them become one. I found the answer in the circle of creation and destruction

Koen Jacobs - afbeelding-2  - 'Blue Reborn nr.5 Brooch, 2013 8 x 5 x 4 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, steel.Koen Jacobs – afbeelding-2 – ‘Blue Reborn nr.5 Brooch, 2013
8 x 5 x 4 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, steel.
(mythological relationship between the upper and underworld with the tree as a symbolic connection)

Koen Jacobs - afbeelding-2  - 'Blue Reborn nr.5 Brooch, 2013 8 x 5 x 4 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, steel. BACKKoen Jacobs – afbeelding-2  – ‘Blue Reborn nr.5 Brooch, 2013 8 x 5 x 4 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, steel. BACK

Koen Jacobs 2013 - ebony wood, resin Koen Jacobs 2013 – Blue Life Brooch, 2013 – 10 x 6 x 4 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, steel.

Koen Jacobs 2013 'Big Blue Pendant', 2013 60 x 10 x 7 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, black rope. Koen Jacobs – ‘Big Blue Pendant’, 2013
60 x 10 x 7 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, silver, black rope.
(mythological relationship between the upper and underworld with the tree as a symbolic connection)

Koen Jacobs 2013 (Alchimia)Koen Jacobs 2013 – Destroyed Beauty – Pendant, 60 x 10 x 7 cm – Ebony wood, resin, silver, black robe

Koen Jacobs 2013 -( Alchimia) 'Downfall', 2013 44 x 12 x 10 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, zinc-plated steel. (mythological relationship between the upper and underworld with the tree as a symbolic connection)Koen Jacobs   – ‘Downfall’, 2013 – 44 x 12 x 10 cm, made from: Ebony Wood, resin, zinc-plated steel.
(mythological relationship between the upper and underworld with the tree as a symbolic connection)


TALENTE 2015 – Munich (DE)– 11-17 Mars 2015

TALENTE 2015 competition –  Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich

 11th to 17th March 2015 Special exhibition Talente at the International Skilled Trades Fair. Thursday 18:00 VIP evening at the fair. Presentation of prizes on Saturday, 14th March 16:00 on the stage in hall B1

[Talente-Award presentation 2015 : 14 March 2015  16:30, Halle B1 Main stage of IHM (Internationalen Handwerksmesse Munich)]


Talente 2015 presents the work of 99 artists, designers and craftsmen from 32 countries in 12 different areas of production.
see selected Artists 2015 (for jewellery) : 

Sharareh Aghaei Hazel BakerSofia Bankeström –  Lynn BatchelderAmani Bou DarghamAmy Peace BuzzardSébastien Carré Katie CollinsPia FarrugiaElvira Golombosi –  Karin Gyllerfelt –  Elisa Sophia Herrmann — Nan-Chiang Huang — Koen JacobsMinji JoYoumi Kim Anna Norrgrann – Kota Okuda — Francisca OnumahEsther Suarez RuizNatalia SarrazinAnneleen Swillen – Pei Chen Tsai — Iraida VedrielAric VerrastroJing YangTala YuanJiye Yun

PS : in BLUE see the posts abouth their jewellery !

« This year the exhibition is characterized by innovative, very different works in glass, ceramics and jewellery as well as by a large selection of textiles. In addition to works that are inspired by nature – whether by plant forms or by the atmosphere and moods of the landscape – works are to be seen that are dealing with the city and try to translate its poetry and problems into a visual mode. The appeal of surfaces and the development of new techniques to enhance the range of possibilities resulted in very different works. Other topics are the definition and the meaning of home and country, problems of environmental protection and the relationship of new technical possibilities and traditional craftsmanship. The combination of various unusual ideas, of different conceptual and aesthetic approaches results in a very special and fascinating exhibition.
As in the last years, many applications arrived for Talente from the field of jewellery. The young artists show a special interest in the techniques and ideas of the collage. Impressive are the contributions of the students from Idar-Oberstein (Germany) working with and interpreting the material stone which results in very different works with diverse concerns but all of quite archaic character (Sharaeh Aghaei, Iran; Elvira Golombosi, Ukraine; Tala Yuan, China). The works deal with issues of homeland, strangeness and identity, the unconscious and magic forces being inherent to the objects as well as with the importance and the condition of civilization-creating elements in the present. All in all, this year again the general interest in the combination of different materials and for the connection of specially made parts and found objects is evident. These elements can be created into architecturally-style arrangements, extended into long tubes, combined with materials such as perspex glass or be gathered into subtle, poetic compositions. Besides the major inspiration from natural forms technical ideas play a significant rôle. Katie Collins (USA/Australia) for example works from steel collapsible necklaces and bracelets that present different stages and are inspired by machines. Unusual are Karin Gyllerfelt’s (Sweden) works in which photos of richly draped textiles are applied on metal surfaces causing a vexing trompe l’œil-effect. By means of technique and motifs she hints at the themes of transformation and transience. Jing Yang (China/Germany) deals in her « vases » not only with gender-based stereotypes of her native China, but also with the playful analysis of forms by dividing a vase shape into compartments reflecting in her pendants on the relationship of these parts.  » (Klimt02)


TALENTE is an international competition for young craftsmen and women in design and technology. This special show reflects the ideas of young people in the context of an experimental approach to materials and craft techniques. The best entries are awarded the highly sought-after TALENTE prize.

Young artist working in the applied arts and technology will have the opportunity to show their work in the international competition TALENTE 2015 in Munich, Germany from 11th to 17th March 2015. The aim of TALENTE is to promote young people with a particular manual talent and to show an interested audience the enormous potential which lies in the new generation in crafts and trades.

 Young artist working in the applied arts and technology will have the opportunity to show their work in the international competition TALENTE 2015 in Munich, Germany, during the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades from 11th to 17th March 2015.
The aim of TALENTE is to promote young people with a particular manual talent and to show an interested audience the enormous potential which lies in the new generation in crafts and trades. The works will be the outcome of formal or technical considerations and experiments, showing something new and exceptional.
Participants are chosen from any section of crafts and technology. They will have made the artefact by their own hands. Age limit is set at 33 in the domains of crafts, and at 35 in the domain of technology.
Hazel Baker - 'Bell Neckpiece' for 'Mabandod and Things' Collection © 2014Hazel Baker - (Birmingham’s School of Jewellery( BIAD), UK) – ‘Bell Neckpiece’ for ‘Mabandod and Things’ Collection © 2014
Sofia Bankeström - (HDK Jewellery Art Gothenburg University)Karin Gyllerfelt - (HDK Jewellery Art Gothenburg University)
LYNN BATCHELDERLynn Batchelder - (SUNY  New Paltz, USA) – necklace, Sawing/Drawing, 2013, steel
Amani Bou Dargham tree ringsAmani Bou Dargham (Alchimia) – tree rings
Amy Peace Buzzard - Forgotten shadows - 2014Amy Peace Buzzard – (Birmingham City University, UK) Forgotten shadows – 2014 – Ring – Silver, Shibuichi, Silicone and Wax
Sébastien Carré - Collier Inflammation, 2014 Inflammation Necklace -  plaques de cuivre émaillées, cotte de maille acier inoxydable, coton, soie, cuir, perles de rocaille  fermoir avec des aimants de Naturopathie  Copper shapes with enamel, steel chainmail, cotton, silk, leather, beads  clasp with Naturopathy's magnetsSébastien Carré – (HEAR Strasbourg FR) Collier Inflammation, 2014 Inflammation Necklace -  plaques de cuivre émaillées, cotte de maille acier inoxydable, coton, soie, cuir, perles de rocaille  fermoir avec des aimants de Naturopathie / Copper shapes with enamel, steel chainmail, cotton, silk, leather, beads  clasp with Naturopathy’s magnets
 Youmi KIM Root of plant 4, Necklace, copper wire,  390×160×70mm, 2014Youmi KIM  (Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea) Root of plant 4, Necklace, copper wire,  390×160×70mm, 2014
Min-ji JO - 2012  symbiosis NO.6Min-ji JO – (Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea)  2012  symbiosis NO.6
 Pia Farrugia (MA) - HEAD (Haute école d'art et de design), Geneva, Switzerland Bulla Niteo, 2014, brooch, silver, Pyrex, Perspex, pearl, silicone, 150 mm Galerie-Marzee-GraduateShow2014- Pia Farrugia HEAD (Haute école d’art et de design), Geneva, Switzerland Bulla Niteo, 2014, brooch, silver, Pyrex, Perspex, pearl, silicone
Elvira Golombosi - rose quartz, obsidian, falcon’s eye 7x7cm - rings 2014 - "GUARDIANS" *My recent work -- Series of rings-objects carved in stoneElvira Golombosi - rose quartz, obsidian, falcon’s eye – rings 2014 – « GUARDIANS » — Series of rings-objects carved in stone Anna Norrgrann, Brooches, 2014  (ENJOIA'T 2014) Anna Norrgrann, (HDK Göteborg University SE 2013 ) – Brooches, 2014
Anneleen SwillenAnneleen Swillen
Natalia Sarrazin (Colombia) - Jewellery and Object Maker -  cocoons serie -  Birmingham City University School of Jewellery, 2011-2014Natalia Sarrazin (Colombia) – Jewellery and Object Maker -  cocoons serie -  Birmingham City University School of Jewellery, 2011-2014
Aric Verrastro Brooch: Timekeepers: Souvenir, 2014 Driftwood, steel, sterling silver, thread, embroidery floss, ink, gold leaf, acrylic paint 13 x 10 x 4 cmAric Verrastro Brooch: Timekeepers: Souvenir, 2014 Driftwood, steel, sterling silver, thread, embroidery floss, ink, gold leaf, acrylic paint – Piece A Day SeriesTala Yuan Neckpiece: Gold ist im Sumpf untergegangen, 2014 Silver, brass mesh, paint 25 x 18 x 3 cmTala Yuan Neckpiece: Gold ist im Sumpf untergegangen, 2014 Silver, brass mesh, paint 25 x 18 x 3 cm
 Iraida Vedriel - brooch 2014 - Esc. Massana  - Iraida Vedriel - brooch 2014 – Esc. Massana Barcelona
JIYE YUN Brooches 2014 - (Kookmin University)  - Diving iron, copper, enamel, epoxy on cardboard box 2014Jiye YUN Brooches 2014 – (Kookmin University)  – Diving iron, copper, enamel, epoxy on cardboard box 2014
Jing Yang, CN - TALENTE 2015  Jing Yang , (ADBK, Munich) ,„Ich bin keine Vase », Hals-schmuck, Messing, Baumwollband, gelötet, 15x10x76 cm
Katie Collins Bracelets: The cicada and the rig, 2014 Mild steel, vitreous enamel, sterling silver 85 x 85 x 1 cmKatie Collins Bracelets: The cicada and the rig, 2014 Mild steel, vitreous enamel, sterling silver 85 x 85 x 1 cm
Elisa Sophia Herrmann, Broschen. Alpaka, Kupfer emailliert, 2009Elisa Sophia Herrmann, Broschen. Alpaka, Kupfer emailliert, 2009
Nan-chiang Huang, MA 2014 BIAD - Untitled, 2014, ring, resin, 65 x 33 x 25 mm, photo: Nan-Chiang HuangNan-chiang Huang, MA 2014 BIAD – Untitled, 2014, ring, resin, 65 x 33 x 25 mm, photo: Nan-Chiang Huang
Talente 2015 Competition
Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich (Munich, Germany)
Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich
Max-Joseph-Str. 4
80333 – Munich
Telephone: 089 5119-293
Fax: 089 5119-245

Fur further information please contact:
Dr. Michaela Braesel, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, Abteilung Messen und Ausstellungen, Max-Joseph-Straße 4, 80333 München
T +49 89 5119-293, F +49 89 5119-245




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