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#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (15) – « tog_ther ! » – Kunstpavillon, Munich (DE) – 7-12 Mars 2017

(15) tog_ther ! Fill in: e or a

Opening Tue March 7th at 18:00
« ….Here, the motto is: chairs instead of showcases ! »

EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Réka Lörincz

(15) tog_ther ! Fill in: e or a

with :   Peter Bauhuis — Emese Benczúr — David BielanderFlorian Buddeberg – Shirin Damerji — Anna EichlingerSusanne Elstner — Sławomir Fijałkowski — Christiane FörsterRéka LörinczDaniel Michel – Anna Moll — Pavol Prekop — Nicola ScholzKristýna ŠpanihelováGisbert Stach – Rose Stach — Norman Weber Arek WolskiChristoph Zellweger


Jewellery exhibitions are often presented in sterile glass cabinets. This leads to a distance between object and viewer and limits the freedom, which could develop in this sensual encounter.
Here, at the exhibition tog_ther !, curated by Gisbert Stach and Rose Stach, the motto is: chairs instead of showcases!
Twenty international author jewellery artists gather with their extraordinary objects in dialogue with strongly individualistic seats, from weight benches to a sandbag wall.
A potently interactive chair by Christoph Zellweger from Switzerland; a self-portrait stool by Arek Wolski from Warsaw; cheap pretense and reality from two female Budapest artists; and David Bielander Thonet chair sausage links, are among what’s to find.
Two female artists from Budapest play with cheap pretence and reality. Emese Benczúr forms the words “LET IT SHINE” on a rainbow-coloured surface using ear studs, while Réka Lörincz presents grooming gloves with enticingly glittering golden nails on a lavatory lid in her piece of art titled  Woman at Work. David Bielander, a native of Basel now living in Munich, even transforms the chair itself into a jewellery object by removing elements of the curved armrest of a Thonet chair and shaping them into sausage necklaces, explaining that the sausages had always been present in these chairs and he has now “set them free”!

Reka Lorincz at Schmuck 2017 Réka Lörincz – grooming gloves with enticingly glittering golden nails on a lavatory lid in her piece of art titled  Woman at Work.

 Réka Lörincz Object: Woman at Work, 2016 Gloves, artificial fingernails Photo by: Áron Weber  [ tog_ther ! Fill in e or a Exhibition  /  Munich Jewellery Week - Schmuck - 2017  /  08 Mar 2017  -  12 Mar 2017 Kunstpavillon Munich]: Réka Lörincz Object: Woman at Work, 2016 Gloves, artificial fingernails Photo by: Áron Weber

#15 tog_ther ! Fill in: e or a - David Bielander, Thonet (Sausages) 2007 Necklace made from one original Thonet no.14 chair bentwood, paint Foto©Dirk Eisel: David Bielander, Thonet (Sausages) 2007 Necklace made from one original Thonet no.14 chair bentwood, paint Foto©Dirk Eisel

 Nicola Scholz, 2015 Necklace intestine, gold 22 x 24 x 12 cm Foto©Mirei Takeuchi:  Nicola Scholz, 2015 Necklace intestine, gold 22 x 24 x 12 cm Foto©Mirei Takeuchi

Gisbert Stach, Superhero Videostill 2016 Sparklers, Silver Foto©Rose Stach - #15 tog_ther ! Fill in: e or a -: Gisbert Stach, Superhero Videostill 2016 Sparklers, Silver Foto©Rose Stach


Alter Botanischer Garten
Sophienstraße 7A
Wed–Sun 11:00–17:00
Finissage Sun 12.3. 14:00-17:00
Artist Talk Sun 12.3. 15:00



DECOUVERTE : Kristyna Spanihelova, selected for TALENTE 14

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Kristyna SPANIHELOVA (SK),organics,Slovaquie (SK),TALENTE — bijoucontemporain @ 19:24

Quelques découvertes grâce à SCHMUCK 2014 et TALENTE ………..

Kristyna Spanihelova nous vient de Slovaquie, et fait partie des «sélectionnés» pour TALENTE 2014

Kristýna Španihelová  studied under the guidance of professor Karol Weisslechner at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in the atelier of Metal and Jewellery where she is now working on her doctorate. She took part in academic internship programmes in the jewellery atelier at the  Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ) and studied design at the Academy in Ljubljana (SLO). In her theoretical and visual work she deals with feminine nature in connection with materiality and alchemy. Her works not only received various prizes (design competition Rings in Water 2007, Slovak jewellery competition Slovenský šperk 2005,2006…) but are on display in her home country and abroad as well.

Kristýna Španihelová presents a collection of bone jewellery from the cycle Život [i.e. Life] ANIMA. In her series of jewellery Kristýna primarily deals with the growth and development of feminine nature and principle.

Anima combines in itself the deeper and rationally imperceptible mystery of life. Carl Gustav Jung dealt with the topic of Anima in his work « The Idea of Redemption in Alchemy » and the author drew her inspiration from his theories as well. Jewellery from the cycle Life ANIMA are made of bleached bones which complement the carved-out silver lace work, synthetic pearls, gold foil, pyrites, coral and beads.


Kristýna Španihelová Kristýna Španihelová, bleached bones, carved-out silver lace work, synthetic pearls
Kristýna Španihelová  Kristýna Španihelová
Kristýna Španihelová - Artist, JewellerKristýna Španihelová
Kristýna Španihelová - Artist, JewellerKristýna Španihelová
Kristýna Španihelová - Artist, Jeweller
Kristýna Španihelová collection ‘Anima’
Kristyna Spanihelova - Collection: Life Anima (bone jewelry)Kristyna Spanihelova – Collection: Life Anima (bone jewelry)


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Gardens of Earth’ – Clubraum, Munich (DE) – 7-10 Mars 2013

Gardens of Earth: Bety Majernikova and friends

Artists:  Kristína Hrončeková — Steffanie Klemp — Maya Nepšinská — Slavomíra Ondrušová — Lucia Pelikantová — Pavol Prekop — Ulrich Reithofer — Gisbert StachRéka Lörincz — Rose Stach — Deganit Stern SchockenMonica StrasserKristýna Španihelová — Karol Weisslechner

(Bety Majerníková – Necklace: Garden of earth detail 2011 – Pvc, silver plated, lino, perspex, hematite pearls)



Bety K. Majerníková was one of the most outstanding performers of the young Slovak jewelry generation that came on the scene since 2000. Her uniqueness was in her specific spontaneous art language which changed according to the topic that she worked with, the selection and processing of the materials that she used, in what she expressed through her jewelry, and also according to the way that she was able to present it to the public. Sometimes very striking, open and funny and a minute later meditative, inquiring, mysterious and fragile. She could always surprise and was able to grow. Her small intense compositions were her personal commentary about the world around, but also about herself. Her solitary pieces excelled by very delicate soft form, progressive plastic material as well as by a special transparency through which they exposed their interior. And always by a small detail that sparkles them.

Bety studied by prof. Karol Weisslechner at the University of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava in the Metal and Jewellery Studio. In addition, she completed study visits in the glasswork studio at the University of Sunderland (UK) and also a study of jewelry and cutting gemstones at FH Idar-Oberstein (D). After graduating, she worked as an assistant in the Metal and Jewellery Studio, and in 2007 she earned a doctorate (as the first among women jewelers) for work dealing with the origin of artwork in a global society. Bety K. Majerníková established gallery Nuée, co-organized Schmuck Wander and Šperk Stret. She was a singer in group Noisecut. She exhibited her works in Slovakia as well as abroad and holds several prices (Kruhy na vode 2005, Designblok 2008).

Welserstraße 29-31
81373 – Munich
Telephone: +49 152 01911151


EXPO ‘DzuBox’ – Slowakisches Institut, Wien (AT) – 6 Juin-15 Aout 2012

DZUBOX Jewellery Ausstellung auch in Wien, Slowakisches Institut, Wipplingerstrasse



Exhibition organized by dzubox jewellery, which is a slovak platform for young contemporary jewelry.
You can see there works from :
Lucia Babjaková –  Janka Bálik –  Lucia Bartková –  Andrea Durianová –  Lucia Gasparovicová –  Marián Hornyák –  Kristína B. Hronceková –  Hany H. Kasicková –  Jan Michalisko –  Viktoria Münzker –  Kristýna Spanihelová.
Exhibition is in Slovak Institute in Vienna, Austria.

EXPO 'DzuBox' - Slowakisches Institut, Wien (AT) - 6 Juin-15 Aout 2012 dans Autriche (AT)Janka Bálik

 dans Exposition/ExhibitionKristýna Španihelová

Jan Michalisk - brooch (dzuboxjewellery)Ján Michalisko

Kristína Hrončeková (DžuBox)Kristína Hrončeková

Viktoria Münzker.Viktoria Münzker

Lucia Gasparovicova (dzuboxjewellery)Lucia Gasparovicova




Slowakisches Institut
Wipplingerstraße 24-26
1010 Wien
Wien, Österreich
T: +43-1-5354057


SCHMUCK 2012- ‘Fremde Federn – Borrowed Feathers’- Munich (DE) – 14-16 mars 2012

« Fremde Federn – Borrowed Feathers »

SCHMUCK 2012- ‘Fremde Federn - Borrowed Feathers’- Munich (DE) – 14-16 mars 2012 dans Allemagne (DE) VundV1-1024x711


Anlässlich der “Schmuck 2012″ präsentiert die kunst.wirt.schaft ihre Ausstellung « fremde federn » während der Internationalen Handwerksmesse in München bei KASU.

Eröffnung / steirischer Umtrunk: Mittwoch, 14. März 2012, 17 – 20 Uhr Ausstellungsdauer: 15. und 16. März 2012, 11 – 19 Uhr

KASU Theresienstraße 19 / Eingang Fürstenstraße, 80333 München.

( before  die k.w.s. – Ausstellung  fremde federn ist im Jänner und Februar 2012  in der  Wiener Galerie V&V zu sehen.  Ausstellungsdauer: 27. Jänner bis 10. März 2012)


kunst.wirt.shaft is in Munich to show the 3rd edition of Borrowed feathers or the Zeisig talent
The austrian author Clemens J. Setz wrote a text (title:borrowed feathers or the zeisig talent) exclusively for the kunst.wirt.schaft . 36 international jewellery artists created jewellery-objects in reference to this text. The results of this working process will be shown in the exhibition.


Participating artists: 
Elisabeth Altenburg (AT), Sara Borgegard (SE), Attai Chen (IL), Chen Huo Ling (TW), Diana Dudek (DE), Esther Engele (AT), Lis Gort (AT-TW), Ursula Guttmann (AT), Susanne Hammer (AT), Margit Hart (AT), Gigi Haubenhofer-Salicites (AT), Stefan Heuser (DE), Reiko Ishiyama (JP), Rainer Kaasik-Aaslav (Estland), Esther Knobel (Israel), Katarina Kotselainen (Estland), Lisa Kröber (DE), Erik Kuiper (NL), Birgit Laken (NL), Jana Machatova (Slowakei), Viktoria Münzker (Slowakei), Manfred Nisslmüller (A), Ettel Poobus (Estland), Wolfgang Rahs (A), Isabell Schaupp (DE), Ann Schmalwasser (DE), Eva Schmeiser-Cadia (A), Peter Skubic (A), Kristyna Spanihelova (Tschechien), Sanna Svedestedt (SE), Mirei Takeuchi (Japan), Terhi Tolvanen (Finnland), Andrea Wagner (NL), Anna Waibel (AT), Andrea Zahlbruckner-Jaufer (AT), Petra Zimmermann (AT)

 Sanna_Svedestedt_bracelet_Covered3_2011-400x346 dans Andrea WAGNER (NL)

Sanna_Svedestedt braceletCuir Bouilli, lava pearls, lacquer

3977201286_bc108cc0de dans Attai CHEN (IL)Katarina Kotselainen - Queen of pearls – Brooch – Silver, print, pearls 2009 Laken Collier Hoya Camosa

Andrea-Wagner-1 dans Autriche (AT)
5-Petra-Zimmermann dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)
Petra Zimmermann – ring 2010
Esther Engele – broche 2011 – gold, silver, paper, acrylic glass


EXPO ‘CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY : DZU BOX’ – Galeria Cin Cin, Bratislava (SK) – 7 Sept.-10 Oct. 2011


7.9. – 10.10. 2011

Lucia Bartková, Andrea Ďurianová, Lucia Gašparovičová, Marian Hornyák, Kristína B. Hrončeková, Hany H. Kašičková, Bety K. Majerníková, Maya Nepšinská, Kristýna Španihelová, Tatiana Warenichová
Lucia Gašparovičová
Lucia Gašparovičová
Kristýna Španihelová - brooch ‘silueta’
Kristýna Španihelová
Kristína B. Hrončeková
Bety K. Majerníková
Bety K. Majerníková
Andrea Ďurianová
Tatiana Warenichova  – from ‘Master’ collectio



Galeria Cin Cin
Podjavorinskej 4A
81103 Bratislava – Staré Mesto-Staré Mesto, Slovakia


EXPO ‘Kristyna Spanihelova – MATERIALITA BYTI’ – Bratislava (Slovakia) – 15-23 Sept. 2011

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Exposition/Exhibition,Kristyna SPANIHELOVA (SK),Slovaquie (SK) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:09

Kristyna Spanihelova – MATERIALITA BYTI

Výstava Materialita Bytí, v kaplnke sv.Jána evanjelistu vo Frantikanskom kostole, ul. Frantiskanska 2, Bratislava; dnes a zítra od 13:00-17:00

 Kristýna Spanihelova studied under the guidance of professor Karol Weisslechner at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in the atelier of Metal and Jewellery. She took part in academic internship programmes in the jewellery atelier at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (CZ) and studied design at the Academy in Ljubljana (SLO). Her works not only received various prizes (design competition Rings in Water 2007, Slovak jewellery competition Slovenský šperk 2005,2006…) but are on display in her home country and abroad as well. Kristýna presents a collection of bone jewellery from the cycle Život [i.e. Life] ANIMA. In her series of jewellery Kristýna primarily deals with the growth and development of feminine nature and principle. Anima combines in itself the deeper and rationally imperceptible mystery of life. Jewellery from the cycle Life ANIMA are made of bleached bones which complement the carved-out silver lace work, synthetic pearls, gold foil, pyrites, coral and beads.

Kristýna ŠpanihelováKristýna Spanihelova   - serie ANIMA

kristyna spanihelova

Kristýna Španihelová

Kristýna Španihelová


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