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EXPO ‘Body Jewels’ – TextielMuseum, Tilburg (NL) – 29 Mars 2014-15 mars 2015

Body Jewels - textielmuseum

29 March 2014 till 15 March 2015

 Body jewels - TextielMuseum

In Body Jewels, the TextielMuseum presents a large selection of Dutch jewellery from its own collection, alongside a number of high-profile commissions produced in the TextielLab. Jewellery no longer serves only as an expensive status symbol, but has evolved in recent decades into art, fashion and sometimes almost unwearable objects. Body Jewels traces a number of these developments.

In the mid-1960s, a young generation of jewellers turned away from traditional jewellery practices. They set out to design jewellery that was accessible to all, experimenting with everyday, ‘base’ materials such as textiles, plastic and rubber. The use of textiles in jewellery culminated in the 1980s. Several artists with a textile background – such as Mecky van den Brink, LAM de Wolf and Beppe Kessler – gained recognition in the jewellery world and beyond, prompting the TextielMuseum to begin its own jewellery collection.

Both jewellery design and textiles have traditionally been associated with ‘women’s work’ and ‘the feminine’. Consequently, expressions are often dismissed as applied rather than fine art, as the makers would like. The older generation of innovators paved the way for jewellery ‘s recognition as a serious mode of self-expression. Today, those prejudices and value judgements carry far less weight.

The exhibition includes works by Maria Blaisse, Ela Bauer, Ellis Belier, Joke Brakman and Claudy Berbéé, Mecky van den Brink, Brigit Daamen, Iris Eichenberg, Studio Formafantasma, Willemijn de Greef, Maria Hees, Marion Herbst, Bart Hess, Lolkje op de Hoek, Beppe Kessler, Digna Kosse, Sonja Landweer, Marijke de Ley, Felieke van der Leest, Lous Martin, Hill Metselaar, Regula Maria Müller, Chequita Nahar, Evert Nijland, Emilie Pallard and Niels Heymans, Alet Pilon, Winde Rienstra, Margot Rolf, Lia de Sain, Jenna Tas, Annemarie Timmer, Thea Tolsma, Miriam Verbeek, Lie van der Werff and LAM de Wolf.

Body jewels - TextielMuseumBody jewels – TextielMuseum

Body jewels - TextielMuseumWillemijn de Greef - RED - 2006 - from the Weavings seriesWillemijn de Greef - RED – 2006 – from the Weavings series

Beppe KesslerBeppe Kessler - spinnaker cloth – 1985 – necklace & bracelet

Halssieraad 'Leguaan' uit serie: Zuiderzeewerken II, Willemijn de Greef, 2009, Collectie TextielmuseumWillemijn de Greef Halssieraad ‘Leguaan’ uit serie: Zuiderzeewerken II,  2009, Collectie Textielmuseum

 Willemijn de Greef -  "green" 2010Willemijn de Greef -  « green » 2010

EXPO Body Jewels - Maria Hees - Kubus -(photos Astrid Berens)Maria Hees – Kubus – (photos Astrid Berens)



Goirkestraat 96
5046 GN Tilburg – NL
Telephone: +31 (0)13 536 74 75 (Tuesday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00)


EXPO ‘Lines Inside’ – Lam de Wolf – Audax Textile Museum, Tilburg (Hollande) – 26 juin-12 sept. 2010

from 26 June to 12 September 2010 the Audax Textile Museum Tilburg is presenting an overview of the oeuvre of visual artist Lam de Wolf.

EXPO 'Lines Inside' - Lam de Wolf - Audax Textile Museum, Tilburg (Hollande) - 26 juin-12 sept. 2010 dans BOOKS / BIBLIO Lam%20de%20Wolf%20-%20Draagbaar%20objektLAM de Wolf- Sieraad Draagbaar object, , textiel, hout, 1981

Lam de WOLF- Sieraad Draagbaar object, textiel, hout, 1981

« Textiles often form the basis of her work - varying from monumental space-filling installations to sculptures, murals, clothing and wearable objects. Her particular oeuvre covering thirty years emanates from a logical and clear concept.
Lam de Wolf’s (1949) works are composed with detached elements, grid patterns, rectangular and square lines of textiles. By repeating these elements she creates graphic patterns bearing her hallmarks: rhythms, stratifications and three dimensionality. Moreover, they open the window to a contextual interpretation.
In the early 1980s Lam de Wolf caused a furore with her wearable objects : extremely-protruding headgear, neck and shoulder objects made of sticks, textiles and flexible combinations. She later created monumental ‘Muurwerken’ composed of painted textiles, attached to sticks or pressed in between steel strips or wooden slats. This work gained international recognition when, in 1992, she was invited to take part in the renowned Lausanne Biennial. In the 1990s, in the reactive interplay with the space in which the work was presented, she produced large ‘Muurtekeningen’ displaying detached, square handkerchief edgings in the form of abstract grids.
Words play an important role, embroidered on a handkerchief or a ‘Sinnerok’. Taken out of their normal context they not only communicate, they confront the onlooker. The ‘Sinnerokken’, skirts with a ‘sinne’, a thought or a moral, are constructed of traditional and new fabrics with embroidered texts. De Wolf collected texts written by poets and writers such as Remco Campert and Arnold Grunberg, about living with awareness, injustice and transience.
Repetition and rhythm never result in a monotone visual image in Lam de Wolf’s work. Since 1997 she has constructed works she calls ‘Handcomputer’. These comprise thin strips of rolled-up fabric that are pinned perpendicular to the wall. They are inspired by the computer but produced by hand. In 2009 Lam de Wolf spent six months in the ‘Van Doesburghuis’ in Meudon (France). Here, inspired by artist and writer Theo van Doesburg’s house, she created spatial compositions of grids in coloured surfaces. They comprise networks of torn strips of fabric and plastic knotted together in different layers, with the plastic of the binding tie-rips projecting from the knots.
The exhibition displays a large selection of her diverse, wide-ranging work : from wearable objects of frayed textiles and sticks from the 1980s to monumental ‘drawings’ on the wall. Film material of the various periods sheds light on her work.


Audax Textielmuseum Tilburg
Goirkestraat 96
5046 GN Tilburg
Tel :+31 13 53 67 475
Fax :  +31 13 53 63 240
E-mail :


Lam de Wolf Monumentaal en dichtbij, Lam de Wolf

recently published book with an overview of her work ‘Lam de Wolf, monumentaal en dichtbij’ (Monumental and Close By)(published by Voetnoot, Antwerp) is on sale in the Textile Shop, price € 45 – 260pp – 2010


EXPO ‘Materia e colore’ – Studio GR20, Padova (Italie) – 16 avril-15 mai 2010

Gioielleria Contemporanea – Materia e colore / Material and Colour
Omaggio a Sandra Marconato
……. quando la sostanza incide sulla forma e diventa arte

EXPO GR-20 - 16avril-16mai 2010_ Padova

Artists: Karl Fritsch, Bussi Buhs, Beppe Kessler, Annamaria Zanella, Barbara Paganin, Stefano Marchetti, Iris Eichenberg, Ruudt Peters, Lam de Wolf, Robert Smit, Isabella Facco, Silvia Walz, Lisa Walker, Fritz Maierhofer, Fabrizio Tridenti, Sandra Marconato.

« The exhibition focuses on a phenomenon which, originating from artistic experimentation in the 1990s, has gradually outlined itself more clearly in the first decade of this century. Organic, mineral and artificial matter now has a central role : it bears creative stimuli associated with the analysis of its own specificity, which gives rise to fantastic, symbolistic and naturalistic formulations. All materials may be subjected to examination, which inspires free, unregulated schemes devoid of preconstituted ideas. Artists like Karl Fritsch, Bussi Buhs, Beppe Kessler, Annamaria Zanella, Barbara Paganin and Stefano Marchetti in his recent works elaborate images that are profoundly affected by transformations and pulsations of matter which their own rules and energy set into motion. Other artists, such as Iris Eichenberg, Ruudt Peters, Lam de Wolf and Robert Smit choose very different materials: they combine metals with wood, paint, fabric, glass and minerals – the latter in their morphological entirety – and join them with conceptual and symbolic associations related to individualistic representations and esoteric, mythological and historical expressions. Still others convey their messages through objects – sometimes selected as true objets trouvés – the assemblage of which becomes installation-jewellery: such are the works by Isabella Facco, Silvia Walz and Lisa Walker. Lastly, there are artists who have skilfully associated their experience with images defined both by geometric elaborations and by mechanical constructions, like Fritz Maierhofer and Fabrizio Tridenti. Recalling the great Minimalist and Constructivist movements, they carry out experiments with materials that give them freedom of expression: Maierhofer uses Corian, a plastic substance, and Tridenti upsets perfect mechanisms by introducing rust, paints and pigments that jeopardise their functional structures. The exhibition also displays Bussi Buhs’s sculptures and one of Barbara Paganin’s installations.
With this exhibition, Studio GR.20 aims at emphasising the importance of substance over form, and in this context pays homage to Sandra Marconato. The artist uses evanescent materials like gauze, paper, tempera and acrylics to create sculptures and installations that the Paduan public already admired at exhibitions in the Palazzo della Ragione (16th Biennale del Bronzetto e Piccola Scultura, Padua, 1995) and at the Museum of Palazzo del Monte (anthological exhibition, 1996).
«   (Graziella Folchini Grassetto)

EXPO 'Materia e Colore' -Fabrizio TridentiEXPO 'Materia e Colore' - Iris Eichenberg.jpgEXPO 'Materia e Colore' -Karl Fritsch.jpg
Fabrizio Tridenti – Spilla, “Limited area”, argento, ferro zincato, vernice acrilica. 2009
Iris Eichenberg – Spilla, “New Rooms”, argento, rame, legno, smalto. 2008
Karl Fritsch – Anello, argento ossidato. 2005

EXPO 'Materia e colore' - Studio GR20, Padova (Italie) - 16 avril-15 mai 2010 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT) 22
Bussi Buhs – ‘Apsu’
Lam de Wolf - neckpiece 1981-82 – Cane, cloth strips, ribbons; wrapped, tied
Fritz Maierhofer - ring -  corian

D- 5, silver, brass, plastic, textil
Silvia Walz - brooch  ‘Series Dolly’ 2002 – Silver, textile, plastic, paper

newtown-necklace dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Lisa Walker – necklace ‘Stuffed Animal’ 2008  Stuffed animals, thread
Stefano Marchetti - brooch 2007
Beppe KesslerBrooch: Hematite 1997 – wood, textile, acrylic, graphite, hematite


Studio GR·20
Graziella Folchini Grassetto
Via dei Soncin 27
35122 – Padova (Italy )
Telephone: +39 049 8756820
Fax: 39 049 8787077
website: (??)


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