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EXPO ‘RULE THE WORLD’ – Friends of Carlotta, Zurich (CH) – 19 Juin-5 Sept. 2014

RULE THE WORLD, a juried exhibition at Friends of Carlotta in Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Bruna Hauert.

Welcome to our world of lived-out deficiencies and psychopaths!

What are the adornments of dictators, despots, and the plain delusional ? What do they need in order to let their real personalities shine through ? What tools do tyrants have to show that they are in charge ?

Rule the World

Despoten sind – bei aller Einfalt – ein sehr facettenreiches Trüppchen. Sie wollen nicht nur geliebt werden. Nein, sie wollen ehrlich und echt geliebt werden. Notfalls mit Gewalt.
Doch: Womit schmücken sich DiktatorInnen, Grössenwahnsinnige, Möchtegerns und Trauminöds? Womit präsentieren sie sich, damit ihre wahre Persönlichkeit im richtigen Licht erstrahlt? Womit zeigen GrosskotzInnen, TyrannInnen und zu Höherem Berufene, dass die Macht mit ihnen ist? Besitzt der Mächtige Objekte der Macht weil er mächtig ist? Oder ist er mächtig, weil er Objekte von magischer Macht besitzt?
Und: Was gönnt der Despot sich selbst in einer launigen Minute? Welcher Schmuck feiert mit ihm in der Stunde seines Triumphes? Womit verwöhnt er seine Untertanen, damit sie sich ihm leichter unter tun? Und wie kann ich ihm huldigen, damit er meine wahre Liebe und somit seinen wahren Wert erkennt?
Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema RULE THE WORLD beherrschen das Thema der nächsten jurierten Schmuckausstellung bei Friends of Carlotta.
Willkommen in der Welt der gelebten Defizite und der Psychopathen in Bestform!
Ich freue mich auf die Pracht der Macht und darauf, Sie an der Vernissage vom 19. Juni 2014 ab 17h begrüssen zu dürfen. Oder an jedem anderen Tag während der Ausstellung. Herzlich  Bruna Hauert

Despite their simple-mindedness, despots are a very diverse little group. All they want is
to be loved. Or rather, they want honest and real love. By force, if need be.
However, what do dictators, megalomaniacs, wannabes and the delusioned adorn themselves with? What do they use to cast their personalities in a positive light? What do fat cats, tyrants and those destined for greater things use to demonstrate that the force is with them? Do the powerful own objects of power because they are powerful? Or are they powerful because they own objects with magic powers?
What’s more: What do despots treat themselves to when they’re in a foul mood? Which pieces of jewellery are there to share the hours of victory with them? What do they spoil their subjects with in order to make them more eager to subdue themselves? And how must I worship these despots so that they recognise my pure love and therefore their true value?
These and other questions on how to RULE THE WORLD will be the dictating subject of the
next juried jewellery exhibition at Friends of Carlotta.

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -  Joo Hyung ParkJoo Hyung Park
- Annette Altenburger (DE) — Jessica Andersen (USA) — Christine Annau (DE) — Miriam Arentz & Annika Schindler (DE) — Ela Bauer (NL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Stefan Behnke & Miriam Gradl (DE) — Brigitte Berndt (DE) — Marlene Beyer (DE) — Wolfram Beyer (DE) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (UK) — Rachael Colley (UK) — Jennifer Crupi (USA) — Martina Czunczeleit (DE) — Laura Deakin (DE) — Saskia Derksen (DE) — Saskia Detering (DE) — Sam Tho Duong (DE) — Beate Eismann (DE) — Tanja Emmert (DE) — Ricarda Enderweit (DE) — Katja Fischer (CH) — Su Foster, Patsy Kay Kolesar & Simone Richmond (CA) — Katja Fox (DE) — Andrea Fretz (CH) — Yael Friedman (IL) — Helen Friesacher-Borst (DE) — Claudia Frisch (DE) — Masako Fukuda (JP) — Sam Gassman (USA) — Friederike Glück (DE) — Miriam Gonnissen (DE) — Nicole Grandics (USA) — Bénédicte Gross (CH) — Tamara Grüner (DE) — Christian Guthmann (DE) — Bruna Hauert (CH) – Stephanie Hensle (DE) — Jasmin Hess (CH) — Tomoko Hori (UK) — Mara Induni (CH) — Bettina Jakob (CH) — Florence Jaquet (CH) — Léonie Jeanrenaud (CH) — Edda Andrée Jessel (DE) — Leonore Jock (DE) — Udo Jung (DE) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Verena Klette (DE) — Luitgard Korte (DE) — Michelle Kraemer (AT) –  Unk Kraus (DE) — Martina Lang (DE) — Gregory Larin (IL) — Tracy Lee Black (USA) — Alisa Letsius (RU) — Reka Lorincz (HU) — Inés Mantel (CH) — Gigi Mariani (IT) — Laura Martínez (ES) — Susanne Matsché (DE) — Esther Mattille (CH) — Jennifer Merchant (USA) — Katharina Moch (DE) — Jillian Moore (USA) — Julika Müller (DE) — Viktoria Münzker (AT) — Nick Mullins (USA) — Elisabeth Mundwiler (CH) — Deanna Ooley (USA) — Ossi Oswald (DE) — Joo Hyung Park (KT) — Nadine Pawusch (DE) — Lina Peetz (DE) — Izabella Petrut (AT) — Annika Pettersson (SE) — Carmen Pfanner (AT) — Yvonne Raab (DE) — Daniel Ramos (DE) — Sarah Reinhard (CH) — Begoña Rentero (ES) — Claudia Römer (DE) — Sabine Roth (DE) — Vicky Saragouda (UK) — Nils Schmalenbach (DE) — Naoko Iyoda Schneeberger (CH) — Verena Schreppel (DE) — Nicole Schuster (DE) — Anna Silberstein (DE) — Eva Sörensen (DE) — Katrin Spranger (UK) — Johanna Stäss (DE) — Simone Strauss (DE) — Rebecca Strzelec (USA) — Eva Tesarik (AT) — Myung Urso (USA) — Viveka Valentin (DE) — Otto Van Winkle Peterstein (IE) — Barbara Vogl (DE) — Maria Volokhova (DE) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Heike Walk (DE) — Heike Wanner (AT) — Caro Weiss (DE) — Klaus Weisser (CH) — Angelika Wolpert (DE) — Grandpa Wooley (DE) — Diana Zeiler (DE)

EXPO virtuelle / virtual exhibition here

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_  Jennifer CRUPI power gestureJennifer CRUPI power gesture

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Luitgard Korte - ringLuitgard Korte - ring

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gregory Larin  'Nice to meat you'Gregory Larin  ‘Nice to meat you’ necklace – brass, textile, polymer

Andrea Wagner "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaAndrea Wagner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_Florence JaQUETFlorence Jaquet

Jasmin Hess jewels Jasmin Hess brooches « Love is what you PUT IN my heart » Brosche Holz, Textil, Garn, Silber

Tamara GrünerTamara Grüner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - FOC - Brigitte BerndtBrigitte Berndt – « man Eater »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD- Tanja EmmertTanja Emmert

Jillian Moore - at Friends of carlottaJillian Moore   « PHASELOS »
The obscenely over sized piece did not hang like a pendant. It framed her face and seemed to cradle her body. It required a formal posture and bearing that teased out an air of decorum she was not always prone to pulling off. A hybridization of legume, embryo, and organ, the piece could not be more ripe. It‘s glossy surface, and speckled edges felt less like a thing made than a thing born. To the starving masses it was a promise of fertility, but to her enemies it was a reminder that she might gut them at amoment‘s notice

 Johanna Stäß  Johanna Stäß

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ Yael FriedmanYael Friedman

 EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani
« I wanted to think of a jewel that affirm strength and power. in which the tyrant will exhibit their achievements represented by balls enclosed between cubes, like columns that recall the force of power.
A potential rosary made to be shown to confirm the ego and emphasize his power.
Object to show, but that becomes amulet and creates safety to the wearer »

Nick MullinsNick Mullins

Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Izabella Petrut Izabella Petrut
« Jewelry to live every deficiency to the fullest extent. I choose to use a female and a male despot, creating two characters and two scenarios. They both compete for power, adoration, attention and they use the same weapons: the Penis, a symbol of power and dominance. My characters have a lot of insecurities for which they have to overcompensate with decoration and dubious behavior. The Penis becomes a symbol of desire and the despots see it as the object of their desire. The Penis becomes a cult object. Queen of all queens carries around a small wooden Penis pendant as a symbol of her dominance over men. It looks modest, unimportant and not too cared for. It is a trophy.
King of all kings carries around a wooden Penis to show he is the biggest, strongest and most precious of all. The piece is carved out of balsa wood and carefully finished. The piece is really easily imprinted if one doesn’t handle it with care, just like the King’s ego. The way it is worn, as a brooch on the shoulder, is disturbing for the wearer as well as for the viewer. »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -Katharina MochKatharina Moch

Sam Tho Duong for "Rule the World", Friends of Carlotta, ZürichSam Tho Duong neckpiece

Jennifer Merchant, "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaJennifer Merchant

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - Begoña RenteroBegoña Rentero


Friends of Carlotta Bruna Hauert,
Neumarkt 22
8001 Zurich
Tel +41 44 261 87 07


EXPO ‘Spectrum’ – BIAD, Birmingham (UK) – 8-24 Mai 2013


exhibition showcasing the diversity of the jewellery & silversmithing world through the work of the Artists in Residence (2012-2013) at the School of Jewellery, Birmingham (BIAD) -

opening Tuesday 7th May from 6-8pm

'Spectrum' 8-24th May- exhibition showcasing the diversity of the jewellery & silversmithing world through the work of the Artists in Residence (2012-2013) at the School of Jewellery, Birmingham (BIAD) -  -  openingTuesday 7th May from 6-8pm -  School of Jewellery, Vittoria Street, Birmingham B1 3PA

work of:  Drew MarkouHannah Fewtrell-BoltonLaura Bradshaw-Heap — Francesca Antonello — Ruth Laird — Grace Page — Julie Legault — Owen Condon — Rhianne Hutchinson — Christine Davies — Joanna Candlish — Zehava Hashal-Spellman — Amanda Trimmer

Drew MarkouDrew Markou 

One should wear ones personal wealth - Neckpiece.  Couture and ready to wear statement jewellery.Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton neckpiece

Laura Bradshaw-Heap  Necklace: “That’s what we live with, that’s what it is, that’s what it boils down to...” 2011  Gilding metal, spray paint, Swarovski crystal, glue, silver, nylon coated stainless steel, glitte  8x5 cm  from ‘this is me’ project  - - Bradshaw-Heap  Necklace: “That’s what we live with, that’s what it is, that’s what it boils down to…” 2011  Gilding metal, spray paint, Swarovski crystal, glue, silver, nylon coated stainless steel, glitte  8×5 cm  from ‘this is me’ project  

Ruth Laird - "Multivariable" Hinged NecklaceRuth Laird – « Multivariable » Hinged Necklace


School of Jewellery, Birmingham (BIAD)

School of Jewellery, Vittoria Street,
Birmingham B1 3PA – UK


Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER – 30 Avril-30 June 2013

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER  -  May / June 2013  Venue: Gallery of Art in Legnica

This year in the Legnica International Jewellery Competition REVOLT participated 319 artists from 43 countries. They sended 625 pieces. International jury (Galit Gaon (IL), Jiro Kamata (JP/DE), Hans Stofer (CH/GB), Sławomir Fijałkowski and Aneta Lis-Marcinkiewicz (PL)), which sessed in the days 4-5 of April, qualified to the exhibition part of pieces and chosed laureates. Names of the winners we will know on the vernissage, 18th of May 2013  in the Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland.

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER - may-june 2013


It is better not to turn on the television today. We are being attacked by images of economic crises, stock market crashes, falling ratings, budget deficits, cost cutting programs and increasing unemployment from everywhere. As a reaction to the overwhelming impression of a lack of opportunities there are emerging movements such as « Occupy … », helplessly protesting against banksters, corporations and governments. Doesn’t speaking in such circumstances about jewellery – the subject invariably associated with the demonstration of wealth and selfish hedonism – seem socially unacceptable and even ethically suspect? After all, the burning  of ATMs and the broken glass of jeweller’s shops have become part of the frustration of all the Indignados.
But there is also another aspect of the design and use of jewellery – which – like no other product of the imagination – can be an effective message, manifesting the point of view of the user – a voice of protest, being anti-or pro-, attitudes of rebellion, rebellion and guerrilla warfare. Can a standard set of slogans written out on banners, T-shirts and slap tags be complemented with another more sophisticated message? Are jewellery designers able to demonstrate their own opinion and join the discussion concerning non-aesthetic issues? Is the tradition of exclusive gold jewellery going to be our irreversible remorse? And will the chorus « Diamonds are a girl’s best friend » always sound  as infantile as the recent testimony before the European Court of Justice in The Hague of the famous model Naomi Campbell, who at one time accepted an embarrassing gift from the dictator of Liberia, tried for war crimes, so evocatively reconstructed in the movie « Blood Diamond » with Leo DiCaprio as a ruthless mercenary?
EXPO - Revolt (competition) - Legnica SILVER festival 2013

List of artists qualified to the exhibition :
 Agata Bartos (PL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Claudia Betancourt & Ricardo Pulgar (Chile) — Krzysztof Borkowski (PL) — Andrzej Boss (PL) — Vernon Bowden (NZ) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (Irl) – Bartosz Chmielewski (PL) — Sungho Cho (S. KR) — Jeongsun Choi (S. KR) — Teresa Dantas (PT) — Katharina Dettar (DE/ES) — Sara Gackowska (PL) – Tamara Grüner (DE) — Mieczysław Gryza (PL) — Nils Hint (EE) — Susanne Holzinger (DE) — Maja Houtman (NL) — Marta Hryc (PL) — Joanna Hryniewicz (PL) — Dorry Hsu (Taiwan/CA) — Mari Ishikawa (JP) — Timothy Information Limited (GB) — Luijt Janjaap (NL) — Lee Jeong Hwa (S. KR) — Christina Karababa (GR) — Renata Korpas-Sutowicz (PL) — Dominik Kotwicki (PL) — Solveiga Krivičiene & Alfredas Krivičius (Lithuania) — Marzena Krupa (PL) — Claudia Küster (DE) — Lena Lindahl (SE) — Ria Lins (BE) — Susanne Matsché (AT) — Marek Mrowiński (PL) — Marek Nałęcz-Nieniewski (PL) — Michalina Owczarek (PL) — Andrzej Pacak (PL) — Fiona Parkinson (GB) — Krzysztof Piotrowski (PL) — Sari Räthel (DE) — Mandy Rasch (DE) — Berta Riera Ruiz (ES) — Isabell Schaupp (DE) — Kveto slava Flora Sekanova (Slovakia/ NZ — Katarína Siposová Węgry (HU) — Ludmila Šikolová (Czech Republic) — Grzegorz Radosław Ślączka (PL) — Terajima Takayoshi (JP) — Bartosz Ulatowski (PL)



About festival

For more than thirty years, the Gallery of Art in Legnica has specialised in promoting contemporary jewellery and artistic objects made mainly of silver. We have been organising individual and group exhibitions of Polish and international artists, publishing exhibition catalogues, organising conferences and symposia, as well as fashion and jewellery shows, competitions and fairs. The most important event we organize is Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER. Every year we present individual and collective exhibitions as part of the festival, including:
LEGNICA INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY COMPETITION The competition dates back to 1979 and every year it has a different topic. The competition is open and addressed to all artists, whose task is to present their work on a given topic – every year a different one – including an original artistic idea and representing a high level of artistry and technical skills. What is favoured is the concept, value and meaning of an artistic expression. Works entered for the competition are assessed by an international jury, on which over fifty outstanding goldsmithing artists and theoreticians have sat so far. What is characteristic of the competition is the fact that the winners of the first three prizes receive – according to a long-standing tradition – silver pellets and cash prizes.
The submitted works are qualified by an international jury. Over the years, we have invited a number of distinguished artists to seat on the jury, including: G. Babetto, G. Bakker, O. Boekhoudt,  S. Bronger, R. Puig Cuyás, P. Derrez, G. Dobler, A. Gut, F. Falk, M.R. Franzin, M.J. van den Hout,  E. Knobel, O. Kűnzli, T. Noten, V.K. Novák, R. Peters, M. Petry, K. Pontoppidan, G. Pucsala, A. Ratnikowa, P. Sajet, B. Schobinger, P. Skubic, Z. Songqing, W. Tasso-Mattar,  T. Smeets, D. Watkins, M. Vilhena, A. Zanella and from Poland – M. Dubiel, M. Gradowski, I. Huml, S. Fijałkowski, G. Jabłoński, J. Sokólski, A. Szadkowski, T. Zaremski, A. Wolski.
ABOUT THE ARTISTS is a cycle of retrospective presentations of distinguished personalities in jewellery art from Poland and abroad, including: J. Byczewski (PL), S. Fijałkowski (PL), P. Kaczyński (PL), N. Cherry (GB), H. O’Connor (USA), E. Knobel (IL), V.K. Novák (CZ), F. Peters (AU), M. Petry (GB), Rose & Gisbert Stach (D), L. Šikolová (CZ), W. Tasso-Mattar (D).  Soon: R. Puig Cuyás (E), H. Hedman (S), P. Sequeira (P).
SILVER SCHOOLS is a cycle presenting the artistic oeuvre of jewellery art schools from Europe, their professors, graduates and students. So far there have been presentations of schools from Barcelona, Birmingham, Bratislava, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Florence, Hanau, Idar-Oberstein, Lappeenranta, Łódź, Matosinhos, Munich, Oslo, Padua, Pforzheim, Prague, Stockholm, Tallinn and Vilnius. Continuing the cycle in the subsequent years, we are going to show one after the other all European silver schools. A total of 22 schools has been presented so far. The cycle will be continued with the intention to show all of them.
DEBUTS is a cycle presenting pieces of young Polish artists, who just start their activity in the field of design and art. Our plan is to invite novices from abroad.
THE BOUNDARIES OF GLOBAL ART is a cycle of science sessions devoted to the newest art, goldsmithery and design.




The Gallery of Art in Legnica
Pl. Katedralny 1
59-220 Legnica, Poland
tel. +48 76 86 20 910, fax. +48 76 85 65 126


SIERAAD Art Fair 2012 – Amsterdam – 1–4 Nov. 2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – 01.Nov.2012 – 04.Nov.2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair(ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010)

This year the poster will feature a ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010: True Colours. After the great success of last year another delegation of Korean contemporary jewellery designers will be present at the fair this year – definitely something to look forward to because in our Western eyes these artists give a unique interpretation of their cultural history.

 Pieces from Serin Oh from KoreaPieces from Serin Oh

SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair | Vivian MellerVivian Meller brooches

Ute van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen - at SIERAAD ART FAIRUte van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen
Kika Alvarenga, ring silver green turmalines - at SIERAADKika Alvarenga, ring – silver green turmalines
Lien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING - at SIERAADLien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING
Sound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright. - at SIERAADSound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright
TZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection - at SIERAADTZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection
 Linda Ezerman  Necklace, handmade, unique piece,felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink - at SIERAADLinda Ezerman  – stand 28 – Necklace, handmade, unique piece  from the series ‘tide land wet beach caught by seaweed’, felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink
Uli RAPP at SIERAAD Art fair 2012, stand 52Uli Rapp, stand 52
Xinrui (Sherry) Yu - at SIERAADXinrui (Sherry) Yu
Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55 (SIERAAD Art Fair)Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55
Stefania Lucchetta (SIERAAD Art Fair)Stefania Lucchetta
Jillian Moore (SIERAAD Art Fair)Jillian Moore
Ute Decker -  snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam, 1 - 4 Nov. www.sieraadartfair.comUte Decker – snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam stand 27

Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers, with Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Laura Bradshaw Heap Melanie CodarinKatie LeesYu-Ping LinGrace PageNatalie SmithAnna Wales

Katie Lees (SIERAAD Art Fair, Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers)Katie Lees

 Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011 -  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pencil, pastel – Dimensions: 14cm x 8cm x 5cm


Gasholder WesterGasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail: aberens@sieraadartfair.comand on FB :


with, among them :

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze Italy:
Valentina Caprini IT — Andrea Coderch Valor ES — Patrick Davison GB — Catalina Gibert Nadal ES —  Sam Hamilton IR — Dinah Lee USA — Weronika Marek PL — Izabella Petrut RM — Giulia Savino IT — Anna Helena van de Pohl de Deus USA


‘NEW NOMADS’ New Traditional Jewellery 2012

More Info:

exhibition New Nomads

exhibition New Nomads will be shown during SIERAAD Art Fair, 1 – 4 November 2012, in the Gashouder, WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam 

For the 2012 design contest and exhibition the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘NEW NOMADS’, because both literally and figuratively this theme offers many possibilities for inspiration.

NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY (gauche)NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY for 'new Nomads' droite

the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) at (hard !) work ….

The history of jewellery is as old as mankind. While people went in search of parts with the best living conditions they carried their valuables with them, wearing them on their bodies. Jewellery that represents economic and social status, as it still does nowadays in the case of nomadic tribes. The dissemination of religions went hand in hand with an unprecedented range of religious jewellery and ornaments, ranging from small containers for religious texts to reliquaries and portable altars.
To this day, jewellery made of stable materials like gold and gems is the guarantee for your ‘ticket home’ in times of crises or when you have to flee from high-risk areas. Due to the global financial crisis prices of this so-called ‘flight gold’ have skyrocketed. Is there an alternative? Nowadays there are quite different streams of migrants but the principle is the same: people in search of parts with better living conditions. The whole world is on the move, from refugees to tourists, from emigrants to employees of multinationals. And you don’t even have to get up from your chair: Skype e.g. has made videoconferencing into a social medium.
NTJ asks contemporary professional jewellery designers to build bridges between the traditional jewellery of e.g. nomads, pilgrims, explorers, globetrotters, refugees or colonists and possible symbols bearers representing the mobility of the ‘NEW NOMADS’. Check the attachments for conditions and criteria.

all nominees New Nomads:
Ariane Ernst D — Alejandra Solar Mex — Auk Russchen NL — Barbora Dzurakova SK — Casey Fenn UK — Dana Hakim IL — Daniela Malev D — Edu Tarín ES — Hee Won Kang ROK — Heng Lee RC — Hester Popma-van de Kolk NL — Jie Sun CN — Judy McCaig UK — Juliane Keßler D — Katharina Dettar D — Laila Smith UK — Leon Mommersteeg NL — Maria Hees NL — Matthew+Amanda Caines UK — Maryvonne Wellen NL — Minna Karhu FIN — Noa Liran IL — Patricia Domingues P — Peter Vermandere B — Petra Bole SLO — Raewyn Wash NZ — Ricarda Wolf D — Robean Visschers NL — Roseanne Bartley Au/NZ — Sang-Hee Park ROK — Saskia Govaerts B — Sina Wassermann D — Sung-Min Jung ROK — Tabea Reulecke D — Verena Klette D — Vernon Bowden NZ –

The exhibition during SAF: 1-4 november at Gashouder Westergasfabriek Amsterdam

the exhibition “New Nomads” will be then shown in MMKArnhem (museum for Modern Art in Arnhem) ,  November 24. – January 27. 2013!
The next exhibition will be published after the summer.

Maria Hees. Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubberMaria Hees (NL) – Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubber

New Nomads: Roseanne BartleyRoseanne Bartley (AU/NZ)

New Nomads: Noa Liran.Noa Liran (IL)

Robean Visschers (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers ring (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers – for 2012 competition
SIERAAD - new Traditional_Jewellery-- Auk Russchen - (Nederland, 1971) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010Auk Russchen – (NL) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010 (winner for 2010 New Traditional Jewellery « True Colours »)
sang hee park
Sang-Hee Park
Amanda Caines - Necklace - Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with ThamesMatthew+Amanda Caines – Necklace – Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with Thames
Tabea Reuckle, nominee New NomadsTabea Reulecke
from JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,   Jie Sun, nominated piece for New Nomads.Jie Sunfrom JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,  nominated piece for New Nomads


EXPO ‘SUSPENDED’ – Studio Gabi Green, Munich (DE) – 14-20 Mars 2012

Suspended, curated by Laura Bradshaw.

Works by Farrah Al-Dujaili, Karin Roy Andersson, Luz Arias, Laura Bradshaw-Heap, Alice Bo-Wen Chang, Melanie Codarin White, Andrea Coderch, Joana Cunha, Michelle Kraemer, Robert Longyear, Natalia Macia Bove, Margherita de Martino Norante, Rhona McCallum, Laura McGrath, Geraldine Nishi, Jo Pond, Rebecca Skeels, Jessica Turrell, Anna Helena Van De Pol de Deus

Suspended - an Installation hanging by a thread…    Defination  Sus·pend  (s-spnd) v. sus·pend·ed, sus·pend·ing, sus·pends  1. To bar for a period from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishment.  2. To cause to stop for a period; interrupt.  3.a. To hold in abeyance; defer. b. To render temporarily ineffective.  4. To hang so as to allow free movement.  5. To support or keep from falling without apparent attachment, as by buoyancy. v.intr.  1. To cease for a period; delay.Suspended – an Installation hanging by a thread…
Sus·pend  (s-spnd) v. sus·pend·ed, sus·pend·ing, sus·pends
1. To bar for a period from a privilege, office, or position, usually as a punishment.
2. To cause to stop for a period; interrupt.
3.a. To hold in abeyance; defer. b. To render temporarily ineffective.
4. To hang so as to allow free movement.
5. To support or keep from falling without apparent attachment, as by buoyancy. v.intr.
1. To cease for a period; delay.
As a phrase:
suspend disbelief: temporarily allow oneself to believe something that is not true, especially in order to enjoy a work of fiction.
1 As found in
2 The Oxford English Dictionary
Laura Bradshaw-Heap  Necklace: “That’s what we live with, that’s what it is, that’s what it boils down to...” 2011  Gilding metal, spray paint, Swarovski crystal, glue, silver, nylon coated stainless steel, glitte  8x5 cm  from ‘this is me’ project  - - Bradshaw – Heap  Necklace: “That’s what we live with, that’s what it is, that’s what it boils down to…” 2011  Gilding metal, spray paint, Swarovski crystal, glue, silver, nylon coated stainless steel, glitte  8×5 cm  from ‘this is me’ project
Geraldine Nishi  Necklace: Melanzana 2010  Concrete, silver, beadsGeraldine Nishi  Necklace: Melanzana 2010  Concrete, silver, beads
Jessica Turrell  Pendants: Hollow-form series 2010  Vitreous enamel on electroformed copper, oxidized silverJessica Turrell  Pendants: Hollow-form series 2010  Vitreous enamel on electroformed copper, oxidized silver
Jo Pond  Necklace: The Promise  Mixed mediaJo Pond  Necklace: The Promise  Mixed media
Michelle Kraemer  Necklace: Contorsion 3 2011  Cotton, latex, silver  4 x 4 x 52 cm  photo by Michelle KraemerMichelle Kraemer  Necklace: Contorsion 3 2011  Cotton, latex, silver
Luz Arias  Necklace: Chaos Collection 2011  Red corals, chrystalLuz Arias  Necklace: Chaos Collection 2011  Red corals, chrystal
Margherita de Martino Norante  Brooch: The Wise Old Man 2010  Cotton silvered wire, white goldMargherita de Martino Norante  Brooch: The Wise Old Man 2010  Cotton silvered wire, white gold
Anna-Helena-Van-De-Pol-de-Deus_dogAnna-Helena-Van-De-Pol-de-Deus – dog
Farrah Al-Dujaili  Necklace: Untitled 2011  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pastel, threadFarrah Al-Dujaili  Necklace: Untitled 2011  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pastel, thread
Karin Roy Andersson  Necklace: Cerdà 2011  Titanium, silver, pearl silkKarin Roy Andersson  Necklace: Cerdà 2011  Titanium, silver, pearl silk

Studio Gabi Green
80339 München
Tel. 089 54030254