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EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2017′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 20 Aout-25 Oct. 2017

Marzee International Graduate Show 2017

Please join us, and the participating graduates, for the opening of the Marzee International Graduation Show on Sunday 20 August 2017 at 4pm at Galerie Marzee.

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

The annual Marzee International Graduation Show, is the highlight of our exhibition calendar, and has grown from a modest affair to an event unparallelled in size and scope. This year’s show will present a selection of jewellery and objects by more than 100 graduates from 40 different art schools and academies from Europe, US, Asia and Australia.
Galerie Marzee is unique in its support for emerging young talent and since 1986 the Marzee International Graduate Show has offered the best new graduates their first opportunity to exhibit in a world-renowned gallery. During the opening we will also award the Marzee Graduate Prize to this year’s most promising students.
Bringing together student works from all over the globe, Galerie Marzee’s graduate exhibition is the only of its kind. It serves as an annual survey of thesis research in the field of jewellery, but more importantly, as a venue for these investigations, questions, and queries to come to light. Indeed, with contributions from over 40 academies and colleges across the world, design and process are as varied as there are selected works. As these students transition from the structure provided by university jewellery departments into a studio practice of their own making, the opportunity for their first body of work to continue into the contemporary conversation is significant. Perfectly housed within the gallery, the Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 marks the 31st installment, and the only jewellery degree exhibition of this size and scope.
The exhibition will be on show through October 25th.


  Lotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, EstoniaLotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, Estonia
 Graduate Show preview: Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK Academy of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden
  Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK – School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Melissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United StatesMelissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United States

 Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 -  Lu Kuai, Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, ChinaLu Kuai , Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China

MARZEE Graduate Show (2017) preview: Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan
Lilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, ItalyLilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, Italy

 Holly O'Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK. #graduateshow2017 #galeriemarzee Holly O’Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK

Graduate Show preview: Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium

Natalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, USNatalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, US

Marzee graduate show 2017 - Pia Groh, N'1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, GermanyPia Groh, N’1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, Germany

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670




EXPO ‘Weapons of Perfection’ – Chiasso Perduto, Firenze (IT) – 2-4 Dec. 2016

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School Florence
2/4 dicember 2016

OPENING EXHIBITION: 2 dicembre ore 17.00

Lilian Mattuschka‎ Weapons of Perfection

« The unconscious is sitting on my shoulders, whispering, calling for revolution. The giant grandpa wants to teach me how to move, how to smile, how to behave. I shave my hair.

Weapons of Perfection is the result of a two-year research revolving around issues on social behavior and norms that define and direct human interactions.
This body of work is presented as an installation created to encourage a dialogue between body and objects, photography and video. The work is divided in chapters, each representing a specific type of instruction, intended to shape both our posture and our mind.
Weapons of Perfection explores the alphabet of forms we live every day. Here the apple is a weapon of knowledge; the pacifier is an artifice of compensation; the smile is a trick of expression; the handle is a temptation of contact; the posture is an imposition of openness; the chain is a distorted bond.
The thoroughly refined artifacts invite touch, but resist use when perceived as weapons.
Weapons of Perfection offers an insight into the invisible social constrictions and boundaries with which we can be confronted. » Lilian Mattuschka POLENA. back-piece. material: wood. The work explores the alphabet of forms we live every day. Here the posture becomes an imposition of openness

EXPO 'Weapons of Perfection' - Chiasso Perduto, Firenze (IT) - 2-4 Dec. 2016 dans ALCHIMIA (IT)Lilian Mattuschka - pacifier SMILE – Weapons of perfection offers a wiew on the invisible social constrictions and boundaries we can be confronted with



via coverelli 4R Firenze – ITALIA
VISITING HOURS: 10.00 to 17.00




SIERAAD 2014 – International Jewellery Art Fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 6-9 Nov. 2014

SIERAAD  6-9 nov 2014 – Amsterdam

List of participants 2014

sieraad 2014



La liste des participants commence somptueusement !!! : « Erato Kouloubi, ALCHIMIA Jewellery school in Florence, Alina Carp, Andrea Coderch Valor ……. Catalina Brenes, Catalina Gibert,  …. Wu Ching-Chih, David Choi ……….. Dora Haralambaki, Edith Bellod, ……… Gabrielle Desmarais, George Giannoutsos, etc etc etc pour ne citer que mes préférés ……… la Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers … (voir la liste (lien ci-dessus)

ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki.ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki - at stand 84

George GiannoutsosGeorge Giannoutsos at stand 1

 Erato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver www.eratojewellery.comErato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver  at stand 1

Niki Stylianou presents " Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy" Necklace - Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolorNiki Stylianou –  » Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy » Necklace – Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolor – at stand 1

Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014  at stand 1

SO, stand 1 is a « GREEK » stand, with : Maria Tsimpiskaki - Niki Stylianou Erato Kouloubi   & George Giannoutsos

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert - Serra_2014 Necklace – at stand 41B

Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.  – at stand 41A

Liisa Hashimoto -  5set Red Seed Ring - at SIERAAD 2014Liisa Hashimoto (HINGE Dept.) -  5set Red Seed Ring – at stand 48

Cécile Bertrand - SIERAAD 2014Cecile Bertrand – broche « GUN » – at stand 74
stand 74 avec la « dream team » : Cécile BertrandSylvie Jousset & Isabelle Carpentier

Sylvie Jousset -  "catch me cactus" bracelet - Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus et plantes grassesSylvie Jousset -  « catch me cactus » bracelet – Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus & plantes grasses - at stand 74

Nevin Arig brooch-simple5 - at SIERAAD 2014Nevin Arig – brooch simple5 – at stand 71

SIERAAD 2014 International Jewellery Art Fair | Gabrielle DesmaraisGabrielle Desmarais at stand 75,
sharing with Isabelle Busnel, Edith Bellod and  Eun Mi Kwon


they made a collective necklace !

sieraad 2014 - collective necklace - Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace

Eun Mi Kwon - spring on skin #07 - 2014 porcelaine Eun Mi Kwon (Mia Kwon jewellery) – spring on skin #07 – 2014 – porcelaine  at stand 75

SIERAAD 2014  International Jewellery Art Fair | Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel - neckpiece – at stand 75

Edith Bellod Necklace  Kaléidoscope Necklace Bouton 3 rows - at SIERAAD 2014Edith Bellod – at stand 75

CHING CHIH WU - SIERAAD 2014Wu ching-chih- at stand 18

 Judith Bloedjes - ring precious triplet 2014 - porcelaineJudith Bloedjes – ring precious triplet 2014 – porcelaine


SIERAAD 14 -  Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes  at stand 64

Alina Carp - broochAlina Carp – brooch – at stand 25Lauren Markley - SIERAAD 2014Lauren Markley -at stand 44

SIERAAD -  Raewyn Walsh (- NTJ)Raewyn Walsh Vessel pendant, 2012 NZ, silver, epoxy, silk thread

Eily O'Connell at SIERAAD 2014Eily O’Connell-  at stand 31

Han-Chieh Chuang - red brick brooch serie - silver, copper, enamel, steel wireHan-Chieh Chuang – red brick brooch serie – silver, copper, enamel, steel wire – at stand 38

Silvia Beccaria - at stand 100Silvia Beccaria - gorgiera Splendor – 2011 -  at stand 100

Jeehyun ChungJeehyun Chung

papallona - Karolina Bik -  'graphium' ring - peridot, argent oxydéKarolina Bik -  ‘graphium’ ring – peridot, argent oxydé

Linda Ezerman - Necklace with a storyLinda Ezerman - Necklace with a story

Linda Ezerman - Sea Seed Brooches - SIERAAD 2014Linda Ezerman - new work ! – Sea Seed Brooches – Balsawood, pigment(powder), laquer and stamen -
SIERAAD 2014 at stand 53

SIERAAD 2014 --Jillian-MooreJillian Moore – at stand 33

maria diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) ph federica cioccoloniMaria Diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) – at stand 67

Mariko Sumioka -Mariko Sumioka

Merav O. Roth JewelryMerav O. Roth Jewelry

YUNG HUEII CHAO (TAIWAN), Bracelets (2010)  Nilckel silver I   Window Series  8 X 10 X 3 cm (each)   Selected Artist ,Talente 2011Yung Huei, Chao (Taiwan). « Windows Series ». Nickel silver Bracelets (2010) 

stand of Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers, with Vincent Verstrepen, Elitsa Macheva, Annika Wirken, Elya Tettelin, Josefine Mass, Mara Gabriela Grigoriu :

Annika Wirken -  ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP - Annika Wirken

  Vincent Vestrepen - ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP   Vincent Vestrepen

Josefine Mass - ANTWERPJosefine Mass

stand of Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, (stand 101), with :
Daria Borovkova (Russia), Amani Boudargham (Lebanon), Francesco Coda (Italy), Elena Gil (Costa Rica), Sana Khalil (Lebanon),  Daniela Malev (Germany), Lilian Mattuschka (Austria), Carla Movia (Italy), Federica Sala (Italy), Maria Ignacia Walker (Cile)

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School - with here Federica Sala neckpieceFederica Sala neckpiece

María Ignacia WalkerMaría Ignacia Walker

Klonneplein 1,
1014DD Amsterdam
tel +31 20 586 0710










Alchimia Graduation show 2014 – « TOUCH » – Florence (Italy) – 19-26 Juin 2014

Alchimia Graduation show 2014

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School proudly presents Touch, Graduation Show 2014.

Official Opening with cocktail and DJ set Thursday, June 19, 6pm.
The exhibition will remain open until Thursday, June 26, from 6 pm to 9 pm.
An art jewellery exhibition that is the culmination of this year’s graduate students.
TOUCH - graduation show ALCHIMIA 2014 - 19-26 june 2014
For this occasion, twelve students have based their development on personal experiences. Individual matters discuss universal subjects; in correlation to the body as a form of function and space. As a result, each body of work materializes these personalities. Hands spoke in replacement of words. While unspoken, the act of making became the way of realization. Touch is an invitation to feel. The students will be present during the whole duration of the show to talk about their work.
Curated by: Doris Maniger, Lucia Massei, Ruudt Peters.
Students:  Melissa AriasDaria BorovkovaAmani Bou Dargham Francesco CodaElena Gil Sana KhalilDaniela MalevLilian MattuschkaCarla Movia –  Federica Sala Maria Ignacia Walker.

broches en metal oxidado de Maria Ignacia Walker para Alchimia (Firenze)Maria Ignacia Walker broches en metal oxidado  
 Lilian Mattuschka - it was a tree - ring - grape wood, silkLilian Mattuschka - it was a tree – ring – grape wood, silk
if i was a tree i would be a grape, i choose the grape wood because of his adjectives, fragile, cave and jaded because of this attributes i chose to leave the wood as it is and, by nitting, i made a structure that holds it.

HUGE ROUND ALUMINIUM NECKLACE BY sANA KHALILSana Khalil - huge round aluminium neckpiece
Federica Sala -  (Alchimia - end 2013) - pendant - cedar wood, cotton threads - naked wood serie -

Federica Sala -  pendant – cedar wood, cotton threads – naked wood serie -

Amani Bou Dargham: brooch, iron, paperAmani Bou Dargham: brooch, iron, paper
DARIA BOROVKOVA - RU (Alchimia 2012-13) - "Has Anyone Seen My Phone?"Daria Borovkova - (RU) – « Has Anyone Seen My Phone? »
Francesco Coda (Alchimia 2014) necklaceFrancesco Coda – necklace
Carla Movia Selfportrait necklace 2013 iron, rope Photo: Federico CavicchioliCarla Movia Selfportrait necklace 2013 iron, rope Photo: Federico Cavicchioli
elena gil  (Alchimia 2012-13)Elena Gil
Daniela Malev.Daniela Malev
Alchimia school
Piazza Piattellina 3/r
50124 Florence, Italy
tel +39 055 223218


EXPO ‘ECCOCI’ – Blue Chair Café, Victoria (Australia) – 22 Nov-1st Dec 2013

ECCOCI (« Here we are !! ») :   An exhibition featuring students from Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Florence, Italy.  12 Jewellers, from 9 different countries, showing a distinct range of jewellery all available for sale. Opening night – Friday 22nd November 7pm

ECCOCI - at Blue Chair  - 22 Nov-1st Dec 2013

12 Jewellers, from 9 different countries :   Amani Bou DarghamCarla Movia — Daria Borovkova — Elena GilFederica SalaFrancesco Coda — Kyla Murrihy (Curator) — Lilian MattuschkaLucy Clark — María Ignacia Walker — Melissa AriasSana Khalil

  Amani Bou Dargham (Alchimia 2012-13)Amani Bou Dargham – wood rings

EXPO ECCOCI - Amani Bou Dargham (Alchimia)
Amani Bou Dargham
Lilian Mattuschka anelli 2013
Federica Sala (Alchimia 2013)
Federica Sala  Frogs. Ring. 2012. Plastic Balloon, Lattex, Silver, Emerald.
EXPO ECCOCI - Federica Sala (Alchimia)

Federica SalaElena Gil, 2013  Flamboyant, Brooch. Sterling silver, plexiglass, steel and resin-dipped cotton buds.

Elena Gil, 2013  Flamboyant, Brooch. Sterling silver, plexiglass, steel and resin-dipped cotton buds.

Maria Ignacia Walker (Alchimia) ECCOCI exhibition
Maria Ignacia Walker





Blue ChairCafe
611 Nepean Hwy, Carrum,
Victoria, Australia 3197 (just outside of Melbourne !)


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