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EXPO ‘Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América’ – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbonne (PT) – 27 Juin- 22 Juill. 2017

Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América

Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America

This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

PIN - 23


In an age of globalization when artists travel to numerous places, how relevant is their nationality in an artistic context?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
What do we mean when we say that jewelry can identify a people and a culture?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
Why do we mean when we say that a people and a culture can be identified by their jewelry?
Could it nowadays only identify an epoch?
// question the cultural identity and heritage of participating artists
// display works without showing the artists’ names and nationalities
// look at the way jewelry manufacturing undergoes changes and is affected by other materials and techniques
// reflect on concepts of identity and the way our past surfaces in the present
// foster a debate on the response of the public and reveal the artists’ names and nationalities when the event closes
Draw up the themes that PIN elected to embody the Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in the Ibero-America exhibition to promote a reflection on contemporary manufacturing that will make us re-think the cultural heritage of each artist and the relations this establishes.
Each of the 23 areas that make up the exhibition plan where the pieces are displayed represents a member nation of UCCI – Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities.
The artists’ names and nationalities are not displayed in order that their cultural identity and heritage can be probed and questioned.
The public is invited to seek the origin of each group of artists and interact in loco by trying to discover their nationality – and leave a flag sticker at each area.

Lúcia Abdenur / Luis Acosta / Rodrigo Acosta / Inês Almeida / Sandra Alonso / Rafael Luis Álvarez / Jordi Aparicio / Titi Berrio / Stella Bierrenbach / Anabell Bravo / Catalina Brenes / Ximena Briceño / Eva Burton / Daniela Caro Pérez / Jorge Castañón /Ignasi Cavaller / Hugo Celi / Cristina Celis / Trinidad Contreras / Ángela Cura Méndez / Teresa Dantas / Gemma Draper / Isa Duarte Ribeiro / Nicolás Estrada / Alejandra Ferrer Escobar / Filomeno /Alice Floriano / Sandra Frias / Pamela de la Fuente / Samantha Fung / Catalina Gibert / Carolina Gimeno / Leonor Hipólito / Caco Honorato / Gabriela Horvat / Amira Jalet / Ana María Jiménez / Erika Jordán / Kepa KarmonaMarie Pendariès / Guigui Kohon / Francisca Kweitel / Lorena Lazard / Nina Lima / Maru López / Jorge Manilla / Massiel del Mar (Massiel Mariel Muñoz)/ Caio Marcolini / Carlos Martiel / Simón Mazuera / Renata Meirelles / Marília Maria Mira /Miriam Mirna Korolkovas / Xavier Monclús / Marc Monzó / María Eugénia Muñoz / Lucía Nieves / Inês NunesCatarina Dias / Liliana Ojeda / Natalia Olarte / Raquel Paiewonsky / Clara del Papa /Miriam Pappalardo / Renata Porto / Ramón Puig Cuyàs / Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz) / Cristina Roque dos Santos / Kika Rufino / Vania Ruiz / Estela Sàez / Natalia Sarrazín / Marina Sheetikoff / Diana Silva / Inês Sobreira / Rita Soto / Manuela Sousa / Yolanda Sucre / Edu Tarín /Isabel Tristán / Anahí Vallejos / Manuel Vilhena / WALKA (NanoPulgar) / María Ignácia Walker

Luis ACOSTA at EXPO "23" Luis ACOSTA Rodrigo Acosta - en EXPO "Veintitrés"Rodrigo Acosta - brooch

en EXPO Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica - Pamela de la Fuente - Feliz de participar con "Pullme" en este gran evento en Portugal, además esta pieza es parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018,Pamela de la Fuente -   « Pullme »  (esta pieza es tambien parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018) Ramon Puig Cuyas en EXPO "Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica"Ramon Puig Cuyas – brooch

Rafael Luis Alvarez  - colección "Lo que fue escrito" Rafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección « Lo que fue escrito » - MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos Jordi AparicioJordi Aparicio

Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes Jorge CastañónJorge Castañón Catalina Gibert -   braceletCatalina Gibert -   bracelet

Carolina Gimeno JewelleryCarolina Gimeno Jewellery

Caco HonoratoCaco Honorato « Corazón de Greda Negra » de la colección Lloraría a Mares

Gabriela HorvatGabriela Horvat

Amira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica "Roble", Oil paintingAmira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch

Lorena LazardLorena Lazard

Jorge Manilla - This was not organically": Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoalJorge Manilla   – This was not organically »: Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoal Miriam Mirna Korolkovas - colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925Miriam Mirna Korolkovas – colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925

María Eugenia Muñoz -  colección "Paisajes Constructivos" brocheMaría Eugenia Muñoz -  colección « Paisajes Constructivos » broche

 Necklace by Natalia SarrazinNecklace by Natalia Sarrazin

 Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, telaLiliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)

Massiel de Mar,  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano.Massiel Mariel MUNOZ (Massiel Del Mar),  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano

Vania Ruiz's necklace 'Ayúdame Papito'Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)'s necklace 'Ayúdame Papito' (detail)Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ (detail)

Estela SaezEstela Saez Vilanova

Edu TarinEdu Tarin

Isabel Tristan -  Noves polseres.  col·lecció KubsIsabel Tristan · Noves polseres.  col·lecció Kubs

WALKA joyas - jewelryWALKA joyas – jewelry  – « Cornucopia: Charms for Life », 2017 (Cacho, plata, seda y retrato de la artista portuguesa Maria José Oliveira con su pieza, realizado por Cristina Felipe) Eva Ave Burton - «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014Eva Ave Burton – «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014

ToTa reciclados pieza “Backside 2“ 2017ToTa reciclados  pieza “Backside 2“

Marília Maria Mira 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper. 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card. Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.Marília Maria Mira – 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper – 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card.
Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.

Miriam Andraus PappalardoMiriam Andraus Pappalardo

Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015) • Necklace 'Horus 1' • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Necklace ‘Horus 1′ • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017

Simón Mazuera Zambrano - pieza de la serie el viaje. Simón Mazuera Zambrano - broche de la serie el viaje.

Rita Carolina Soto VenturaRita Carolina Soto Ventura (Rita Soto Joyaspieza Refugios I

Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36
1250-044 Lisbonne (PT)
De lunes a viernes (excepto festivos) de 12h00 a 19h00 y sábados de 14h00 a 20h00
*concept / curatorship / production: PIN (Madalena Braz Teixeira, Cristina Filipe, Carlos Silva, Raquel Soares, Joana Taurino) e Marco Roque Antunes
*production assistants: Beatriz Faustino, Natalia Olarte
*advisory commission:
​​​​​​​​Lúcia Abdenur, Titi Berrio, Eva Burton, Holinka Escudero, Pamela de la Fuente, Catalina Gibert, Carolina Gimeno, Klimt02 (Leo Caballero e Amador Bertomeu), Francisca Kweitel, Jorge Manilla, Natalia Olarte, Clara del Papa, Renata Porto, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Andreina Rodriguez-Seijas, Estela Sàez, Alberto Soarez Chang, Andrea Tello, Valeria Vallarta Siemelink, Manuel Vilhena, WALKA
*exhibition design: Fernando Brizio
*assistant designers: André Calvão, Rafael Sabino, Davide Mateus
*graphic design: Arne Kaiser




EXPO ‘Lo inesperado de lo cotidiano’ – Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires (Argentina) – 23 Juin-31 Juill. 2016

Lo inesperado de lo cotidiano

INAUGURACIÓN: Jueves 23 Junio 2016, 18HS

Centro Cultural Recoleta, (sala 11) Buenos Aires, Argentina

GESTION Y COORDINACION por Francisca Kweitel y Mayte Amezcua


“Lo inesperado de lo cotidiano” 23 Junio 2016, 18HS

 “Lo inesperado de lo cotidiano”
El Centro Cultural Recoleta presenta a 18 Joyeras Contemporáneas de Mexico y Argentina, que exhiben mas de 50 piezas, como resultado del foco puesto en situaciones inesperadas, dentro de la cotidianeidad de sus rutinas urbanas.
A través de la combinación de técnicas y materiales no convencionales con otros de la joyería tradicional, cada artista utiliza el lenguaje que le es más funcional a la idea.
Cada mirada posibilita un nuevo enfoque y una constante resignificación de los objetos.


participan :  Mayte Amezcua Mex. — Elvira Bessudo Mex. — Raquel Bessudo Mex. — Sandra Bostock Mex.Lorena Lazard Mex.Carol Neumann Mex. –  Jackie Roffe Mex.Laura Elena Sanchez Mex.Martacarmela Sotelo Mex.Carolina Bernachea Arg.Lucia Mishquila Brichta Arg.Cecilia Capisano Arg.Mercedes Castro Corbat Arg.Ana Hirsch Arg.Laura Leyt Arg.Micaela Mornaghi Arg.Sandra Tamborini Arg.Ana Weisz Arg.

"lo inesperado de lo cotidiano" -   Mayte Amezcua . Broche: Mayte Amezcua . Broche

'lo inesperado de lo cotidiano' EXPO -  Raquel Bessudo . Collar: Raquel Bessudo . Collar

'lo inesperado de lo cotidiano' EXPO -  Cecilia Capisano. Collar: Cecilia Capisano. Collar

'lo inesperado de lo cotidiano' EXPO - Laura Leyt. Collar:  Laura Leyt. Collar


Centro Cultural Recoleta
(sala 11)
Junín 1930 (C.P. 1113)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.: 4803 1040
en Facebook




EXPO ‘La Frontera’ – Museo Franz Mayer, Mexico – 6 Juin-28 Juill. 2013

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City

Exposición que explora el espacio de la frontera y lo que representa, entablando un diálogo entre diferentes artistas que a través de la joyería expresan cómo entienden esta realidad geográfica de implicaciones económicas, políticas, sociales, culturales e ideológicas.  A través de 150 piezas, diseñadas por  90 creadores provenientes de distintos continente se reflexiona sobre nuestra frontera con Estados Unidos y las implicaciones que ésta tiene para cada uno de nosotros.

La Frontera - and then at Velvet da Vinci  August 14 - September 15, 2013

& then :   14 Aout-15 Sept. 2013 : Velvet da Vinci Gallery

La Frontera opens June 6 at the Museo Franz Mayer in Mexico City.    Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch)( Julia Turner  Three Days Walking (Mourning Brooch))

« Borders separate but also unite » (Octavio Paz)
Historically the relationship between Mexico and the United States has been complicated, deep, and conflicted. Due to geography, this relationship is unavoidable and comprised of many underlying currents: economic, political, social, cultural, ecologic and ideological.
La Frontera (The Borderlands) is the physical space where the relationship between Mexico and the U.S is most evident. In recent years, drug trafficking and violence have made it the focus of almost daily news. However, the extremely porous nature of the border allows not only the illegal passage of arms and drugs, but also ideas, money, projects, families, and culture.
The border is an environment of opportunity both legal and not. Nearly 2000 miles long, the U.S. – Mexico border is the most frequently crossed international border in the world. Companies use differences in labor and environmental regulations to their advantage and create discontent on both sides of the border. Since the 1980s economic and political refugees from Central America have swelled populations at the border and migrations across it. The construction of the 700- mile U.S. – Mexico Border Fence of the past several years is the most tangible symbol of failed politics.
The exhibition LA FRONTERA seeks to explore this physical space and what it represents. This is why we want artists either born in either of these countries or who live in either of these countries to express how they understand the border.

 Jorge Castañón - "Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ? " -   'LA FRONTERA' exhibition -   Algunas veces queremos cruzarlas, otras , necesitamos cruzarlas, buscando recomenzar, renacer, una segunda oportunidad posiblemente.  Tal vez nuestros cuerpos puedan lograrlo, pero … qué será de nuestro corazón, nos acompañará?  Qué buscamos y qué dejamos, dos ideas de signos opuestos que nunca se igualan.  Nace una herida, que eternamente intentaremos que cicatrice.Jorge Castañón – « Hacia dónde va tu Sangre ?  »  La frontera(Donna d’Aquino jewelry )


Iacov Azubel bracelet, "¿Son necesarias las fronteras?"Iacov Azubel bracelet, « ¿Son necesarias las fronteras? »


Museo Franz Mayer
Hidalgo 45, Centro Historico, Cuauhtémoc,
06300 Ciudad de México, DF, Mexique
Téléphone :+52 55 5518 2266


EXPO ‘FERROUS’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (US) – 1er Mars-14 Avril 2013

FERROUS | Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery | San Francisco -

March 1 – April 14, 2013

FERROUS | Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery | San Francisco - 	    FERROUS  March 1 - April 14, 2013(David Choi bracelet)

Jewelry in a New Iron Age by 60 International Artists

Velvet da Vinci San Francisco exhibition
March 1 – April 14, 2013
Artists’ reception Friday, March 1, 2013 from 6 to 8 p.m.

FERROUS, an exhibition of jewelry using iron, steel, and steel alloys. Although the use of iron dates back more than two thousand years, this humble material is more commonly used for agriculture and industrial purposes than adornment. A significant exception is the Berlin Iron Jewelry of the early 19th century. The Prussian Royal family funded the uprising against Napoleon by encouraging wealthy citizens to exchange their precious gold and silver for intricately fabricated iron jewelry
.Intricacy is just one aspect the 60 artists of FERROUS explore with this versatile material. Known for its strength and lightness, the steel and iron jewelry of FERROUS is both rusty and shiny, sheet and wire, bejeweled and modest. The exhibition will take place simultaneously at Velvet da Vinci Gallery in San Francisco and as a virtual exhibition at crafthaus online. In May FERROUS will travel to 18Karat Gallery in Toronto, Canada as part of The Society of North American Goldsmith’s annual conference.
Participating artists:
Nanz Aalund, USA –  Anne Achenbach, Germany –  Dauvit Alexander, Scotland –  Talya Baharal, USA –  Michael Berger, Germany –  Lisa Bjorke, Sweden –  Aaron Bray, USA –  Elizabeth Callinicos, UK –  Melissa Cameron, USA/Australia –  David Choi, USA –  Kat Cole, USA –  Dialogue Collective, UK –  Andy Cooperman, USA –  Donna D’Aquino, USA –  Jaclyn Davidson, USA –  Ann Catrin Evans, Wales –  Maureen Faye-Chauhan, Australia –  Fekete Réka, NL –  Mirla Fernandes, Brazil –  Peg Fetter, USA –  Rebekah Frank, USA –  Motoko Furuhashi, USA –  Susie Ganch, USA –  Elliot Gaskin, USA –  Janna Gregonis, USA –  Dana Hakim, Israel –  Masako Hamaguchi, UK –  Tom Hill, USA/UK –  Heejin Hwang, USA –  Rob Jackson, USA –  Mary Frisbee Johnson, USA –  Lisa Juen Sinnott, USA –  Satomi Kawai, USA –  Maya Kini, USA –  Amy Klainer, USA –  Jenny Laidlaw, UK –  Lorena Lazard, Mexico –  Roxy Lentz, USA –  Timothy Information Limited, UK –  Kasja Lindberg, Sweden –  Tara Locklear, USA –  Sarah Loertscher, USA –  Drew Markou, UK –  Judy McCaig, Spain/Scotland –  Lindy McSwan, Australia –  Chris Nelson, USA –  Iker Ortiz, Mexico –  Claudio Pino, Canada –  Jo Pond, UK –  Suzanne Pugh, USA –  Meghan Patrice Riley, USA –  Mackenzie Sala, USA –  Natasha Seedorf, USA –  Sondra Sherman, USA –  Marjorie Simon, USA –  Melissa Stiles, USA –  Barbara Stutman, Canada –  Tore Svensson, Sweden –  Sarah West, USA –  Katie Wright, UK
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Donna D’Aquino : Red/Black Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Helen Shirk: Neckpiece
Dauvit Alexander Post-Apocalyptic Cocktal Rings
Alexander Dauvit : Three Post-Apocalyptic Cocktail Rings
David Choi BroochDavid Choi Brooch
Maureen Faye-Chauhan Octahedral BroochMaureen Faye-Chauhan: Stainless steel Octahedral brooch
Sarah West Coney Island/RCA Brooch #%Sarah West – Coney Island/RCA Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Susie Ganch : Pendant
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Mirla Fernandes Eu sou a medida II/Fe (I am the measure/Fe) Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Drew Markou Rust and Space Brooch #1
Tara Locklear Faux Real KJ Lane Replica EarringsTara Locklear – Faux Real KJ Lane Replica Earrings
Marjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage NeckpieceMarjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage Neckpiece
Sondra Sherman Study Valeriana BroochSondra Sherman Study Valeriana Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Barbara Stutman Boutonniere #11
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Jennifer Laidlaw No use in crying over spilt milk Necklace (detail)
Lindy McSwan Day 7 NYC v2.1 and v1.2 BroochesLindy McSwan Day 7 NYC v2.1 and v1.2 Brooches
Dana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels Brooch
Dana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels Brooch
Meghan Patrice Riley Interstitial II NecklaceMeghan Patrice Riley Interstitial II Necklace
Kat Cole 405 Summit Catalog of Belongings Neckpiece
Kat Cole 405 Summit Catalog of Belongings Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Kat Cole The Land Below – Winter Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Sarah Loertscher Structure Neckpiece #13
Amy Klainer Safety Chain NecklaceAmy Klainer Safety Chain Necklace
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Suzanne Pugh Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Roxy Lentz Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
 Lisa Bjorke Frigg Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Reka Fekete Juggling Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Lisa Juen I Make You Look Successful Brooch/Neckpiece
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,  Claudio Pino INOX Reverie Ring
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Michael Berger Kinetic Ring
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Motoko Furuhashi – Sentiment Brooch
All images from FERROUS at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Timothy Information Limited -  Gone Brooch


METAL Inclinations2 – online exhibition – will open on 31 OCTOBRE 2010

online Metalsmithing and Jewelry Exhibition

The METAL Inclinations2 exhibition will open online at
October 31, 2010.
Until that time, METAL Inclinations1 2008-09 will be shown at the same URL.

METAL Inclinations2 - online exhibition - will open on 31 OCTOBRE 2010 dans Alicia Jane BOSWELL (US) lens1956970_1288555459MI2_WINNERS

METAL Inclinations, an International online Metalsmithing and Jewelry Competition and Exhibition (2008-09) is presented by The Society for Midwest Metalsmiths (St Louis, Missouri, USA). This exhibition includes selections of the most exemplary fine metal art created by metalsmiths, silversmiths, goldsmiths and jewelers all over the world.(

These artists have one or more pieces selected :


Theresa Hauser
Theresa Hauser - « gold chain » necklace – crocheted yarn, sterling silver
« the gold chain necklace is an iconic style of necklace that i found to be suited for reproduction in this manner. yarn and thread are used in place of the original precious metal. this alteration inherently conveys a sense of playfulness and fun, but attempts to have as much appeal as the original inspiration. after all, the point is for them to be enjoyed »

Nicole Jacquard
Nicole Jacquard – ‘Wallpaper ‘ -  Silver, fine silver, gypsum powder, silk thread- 2009
« Within my work I am interested in exploring the themes of; the souvenir, ornamentation, memory, longing, and nostalgia associated with the collection of personal objects. I am interested in how ordinary everyday objects transcend the mundane through the association of memory thus becoming personal and precious. Overall my work draws reference to objects that I’ve collected, objects that were hand made or mass produced but due to their limited use for special occasions, they became precious and personal with meaning. By employing the use of new technologies and their materials, my work also explores the ideas of what it means to be made by hand in contrast to mass production and the future of mass customization. »

Jill Baker Gower
Jill Baker GowerPatterned Rosette Brooch – Vitreous enamel on copper, argentium sterling silver, velvet Acid etched, sifted and stoned enamel, fabricated

safe_image.php?d=439e66bbbe3a6b21610235ba167c4606& dans Aliyah GOLD (US)
Amy Tavern – necklace -Sterling Silver, Spray Paint – layers of red and white spray paint with sgraffito 2009

Patricia LeMaire
Patricia Lemaire – ‘Jardins Suspendus De Babylone’ – Maillechort, argent forgé, granulation, patine, crayons d’oursin
« I love creating worlds in which a piece to wear can be found…. metal … as a faithfull friend…. allows me to implement wireline architectures and large « self-carried » objects. »

Vincent Pontillo
Vincent Pontillo -  ‘For Saraswati’ – Sterling Silver, 23 Karat Gold Leaf. Forged, Fabricated
« « I will never look like that. » Usually a phrase which is heard, but most commonly said responding to a billboard.
I am attracted to the role this « billboard » plays in my life. Utilizing metalsmithing techniques and traditional jewelry form, I socially and conventionally reinterpret commercialism through adornment. Rendering each piece non-functional, I seek to express a personal commentary of the marketeers’ opportunistic approach to unattainable idealism through ornament. »

Lorena Lazard
Lorena Lazard- ‘Wrap Me Up ‘ -  Crochet Piece Pure Silver, Sterling Silver

David Choi
David Choi – brooch – fabricated steel
« The physicality of steel is cold and rigid. It is fascinating to turn this man-made material into something warm and beautiful. My focus is in this transition from constraint to plasticity. I construct complex forms from multiple elements. My work represents the seamless relationship between order and chaos. To me, perfection is an illusion. The more I deform it, the more it can represent my definition/sense of reality. Jewelry is a large subject in a small object; what animates me is the sentiment of the beautiful. »

Sung-Yeoul Lee
Sung-Yeoul LEE – ‘Connection II’ -  Sterling silver, Cable wire / Fabricated
« My goal is associating the idea of intimacy in jewelry objects to the body while the cord functions as a vehicle which conveys metaphorical meaning of connection. When the piece is on the body, the cord seems to penetrate or bind the wearer. I feel that it expresses the physical and conceptual connection between piece and wearer. It is also very meaningful in promoting the intimacy between wearer and the work itself. »

Liaung Chung Yen
Liaung Chung YEN - ‘Stone Pathway’ – Bracelet – By using the gold wire to create the structure and the feel of the natural stone, I create the stone pathway. Along the pathway, you can find some diamonds which imply the treasures during the journey. Hand fabricated, soldered and stone setting. 18k gold, diamonds

swarm%20back dans Amy TAVERN (US)
Aliyah GOLDSwarm Necklace Leather, Bronze, stainless steel, sterling silver
frame_rightbg dans David CHOI (US)

Pour METAL Inclinations1 2008-09, voir article : découverte(s) on METALinclinations – APPEL à CANDIDATURE / CALL for ENTRIES pour METALinclinations2 – Deadline 18 Juill. 2010



Ce n’est pas le « simple » coeur qui est donné à voir -à porter- ici, le « classique », à la Peynet, celui des « amoureux », non, c’est le coeur organe anatomique, masse musculaire, limite sanguinolant, et du fait de ce sang il évoque physique, mal, souffrance, et rejoint la représentation « chrétienne » du coeur christique, le « sanctus ignis sanctus viscus » ….. On part de la viscère pour arriver au coeur sacré de Jésus …… les voies du seigneur sont impénétrables…………………

All images from Virtual / Tangible v2.0 at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, All images from Virtual / Tangible v2.0 at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Adam Grinovich – « Heart » (& detail) (exhibition « Virtual / Tangible v2.0  » at Velvet da Vinci Gallery)

ATOUT COEUR dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) home-my_heart_back
Trudee HILL - ‘My Heart Is in Your Hands‘ necklace – purple heart wood, sterling silver, stainless steel – 2009

thumb446 dans Ela BAUER (NL)thumb445 dans
Ela Bauer (NL) ‘An’necklace -black & red thread

This is a huge heart which actually is a huge knot. That is the key feeling in this work; a huge,  screaming (maybe bleeding..), knot- heart. The knot is such a paradoxical form; it consists of “one”, but through an action (of knotting) it becomes “two”, with a heart between them. At the same time it is the ground of endless processes which in themselves are not complex, but all together they create an unsolvable, knotted reality. An un-followable mass of actions and reactions. There is no wrong or right, just a complex, painful situation.” (Ela Bauer)

Kim HyeJoo, Korea -3Kim,+HyeJoo3 dans Kim BUCK (DK)
Kim HyeJoo (Korea) - ‘the heart’ – 2006 (à droite)

voir article  COUP de COEUR ! (c’est le cas de le dire !) avec Kim HyeJoo

Lorena Lazard (Mexico) – body piece ‘With Each Pulse’ 2009 Macrame cord, nickel, silver
Lorena Lazard- Survival vest – detail- Sterling, copper, steel

15845_101263636564985_100000440486000_35034_3023395_n dans Kim HYEJOO (S.KR)
Lorena Lazard - »Life hangs by a thread » (under view)

Pat+Flynn2 dans Lin STANIONIS (US)
Pat Flynn (US) – from « Heart Pin Collection » ‘Susan’ – sterling, 18k

sculpted heart pendant necklace by nanopodPlasma Heart of Glass
Tosca Teran – heart pendants - »sculpted heart » (left) & ‘Plasma Heart of Glass’ (right)- stylized crystal clear anatomical glass heart with a red drop in its center, and red tube ends – Flame-worked by hand
(hearts to SHOP on Etsy)
Tosca Teran – ‘Encyclopaedia Anatomica’ – Transgenic Heart – Life size sterling silver and low fire enamel heart. Part of the Orbis Tertius installation

 Lin Stanionis, 'Seed of Temptation' Brooch in urethane resin.
Lin Stanionis (US) – ‘Seed of Temptation’ Brooch in urethane resin (Facere Gallery)

« More recently, I have begun to explore the heart and the many implicit meanings it has … Removed from the body, the heart is at the same time both container and content. It extends beyond the symbolic as it becomes both metaphor and metonym. In using the heart in my work as a vessel form, my intent is to continue the close association between body and object functions, thus developing a syntax that signifies interchange, transformation and desire. A recent piece « Mystic Interchange » addresses these concerns. These notions of union through interchange, transformation and desire are brought forward in the work through the tension found in the visual imagery, which is intended to suggest the oscillation between physical and spiritual planes. Not unlike the Eastern concept of bindu, an extensionless point from which there is an endless rhythmic expansion and contraction of the energy vibrations that form the cosmos, I also sought to express that moment of in-between, that moment where one is straddling the plane of transformation, where one is acutely aware of both sides and where at this point one is simultaneously both and neither. »(Lin Stanionis)

 Masumi Kataoka, 'Enemy' Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, and nickel silver. Masumi Kataoka, 'Burnt' Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, and nickel silver.
Masumi Kataoka (JP) ‘Enemy’ Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, nickel silver. (FACERE Gal.)
Masumi Kataoka ‘Burnt’ Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, and nickel silver


ETSYMETAL Jewelry Challenge « Design Your Heart Out! » :

2-saraW dans Lorena LAZARD (MEX)6-Norsola dans Masumi KATAOKA (JP)
 Sara Westermark (US) - « I was originally going to make a locket, but I wanted a large hole in my heart. The hole represents our missing piece….. instead of lamenting our brokeness, our hearts are ornamented with gold and rubies. Material: sterling silver, 18k gold, rubies.
Norsola Johnson  » the theme fits perfectly with a new series I’ve been working on… It’s a locket containing a flaming sacred heart… the latin words  » sanctus ignis sanctus viscus » (sacred fire sacred heart) are stamped on the sides of the locket… »
Kim BUCK heart necklace


COUP de COEUR ! Lorena Lazard (Mexico) – HEART embraces the whole existence

Classé dans : Amerique Latine,COUP DE COEUR,fibres / thread,Lorena LAZARD (MEX),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:40

« I was born and raised in Mexico from a second generation of Jewish immigrants. I grew up surrounded by images and symbols which I couldn’t relate to. By combining traditional images and figurative elements from Mexican culture, in a contemporary form, I try to integrate a common ground between my past and my present.
My work is an internal search from a religious and a secular sphere. Through my jewelry I question existence. I intend to do this by reflecting on the equilibrium of the opposites. The heart embraces the whole of existence,
life and death, presence and absence, love and hate, good and evil, happiness and sadness, passion and despair, faith and disbelieve. « 

Lorena Lazard – body piece ‘With Each Pulse’ 2009 Macrame cord, nickel, silver


COUP de COEUR !  Lorena Lazard (Mexico) - HEART embraces the whole existence dans Amerique Latine Lazard

‘In Seclusion’ – fabricated pendant – 2004 – sterling, 14K gold bimetal, brass

 » The heart embraces the whole of existence, life and death, presence and absence, love and hate, good and evil, happiness and sadness, passion and despair, faith and disbelief. It is only through the search of this equilibrium that we can exist.
Today, my work is an internal search from a religious and a secular sphere. Through my jewelry I question existence. I intend to do this by reflecting on the equilibrium. The heart embraces the whole of existence, life and death, presence and absence, love and hate, good and evil, happiness and sadness, passion and despair, faith and disbelief. It is only through the search of this equilibrium that we can exist.«
 Lorena Lazard – brooch ‘Public and Private’ Sterling, pure sliver, 14k gold bimetal, ruby
Survival vest – detail- Sterling, copper, steel

15845_101128793245136_100000440486000_30806_1628061_n dans COUP DE COEUR
Lorena Lazard – pendant « Spinning Heart » Sterling, pure silver, 24Kt gold, copper, acrylic paint