EXPO ‘ERGONOMIC TERRITORIES’ – Beyond Fashion gallery, Antwerp (BE) – 25 Oct.-1er Dec. 2012
LOTOCOHO is a brand of creation that translates signs into symbols.
Once the landscape and its story has been investigated, like the Atlas by Aby Warburg, we translate them to symbols according to geometric rules (Euclidian or Thiessen polygons).
Translating landscapes and signs into jewellery we have created a collection called Ergonomic Territories.
This collection is based on geology and landscapes, contemporary languages.
Made up of rings, brooches, bracelets and different elements that complement the anatomy.
LOTOCOHO -Ergonomis Territories
LOTOCOHO ‘Voronoi’ ring
LOTOCOHO Voronoi II Ring
Once the landscape and its story has been investigated, like the Atlas by Aby Warburg, we translate them to symbols according to geometric rules (Euclidian or Thiessen polygons).
Translating landscapes and signs into jewellery we have created a collection called Ergonomic Territories.
This collection is based on geology and landscapes, contemporary languages.
Made up of rings, brooches, bracelets and different elements that complement the anatomy.
Ergonomic Territories is an infinite system of creation.
Shaped by an idea that relates nature, the abstract-artificial and a constant game.
It is a field of opportunities where one finds pleasure in learning stories from each « mountain » or its most basic geologic constructions (diamonds-rocks).
Mountains contain unseen stories.
Learning myths and legends through jewelry.
Mountains which are built from their story, mountains of stories.
Shaped by an idea that relates nature, the abstract-artificial and a constant game.
It is a field of opportunities where one finds pleasure in learning stories from each « mountain » or its most basic geologic constructions (diamonds-rocks).
Mountains contain unseen stories.
Learning myths and legends through jewelry.
Mountains which are built from their story, mountains of stories.