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OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘CONFLUENCIAS’ – Museo del Modernismo, Barcelona (ES) – 22 Sept.-16 Oct. 2016


Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona
Opening: 22 September, 19.00h
Press Conference: 21 September, 11.00h
curated by Nichka Emme /The Morning Bark


OFF JOYA 2016 - "LES CONFLUENCES" Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona

(Ramon Casas,  « Dama con peineta i mantón », c.1915,   carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art -  …for Jorge Manilla ……)


List of paints by R. Casas and Jewellery Artists:
“El petó de bona nit”, 1890, Gigi Mariani (Italy) and Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Recogiendo la ginesta”, 1899, Judy McCaig (Scotland/Spain).
“Dama amb foulard vermell”, 1901, Karin Johansson (Sweden).
Dama con sombrero”, Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy).
“Dama vestida amb gavardina i tocat”, 1899-1903, Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Manola con mantilla”, 1915, Sungho Cho (South Korea).
“Chula con manto y pañuelo rojo”, 1898, Lucia Massei (Italy).
Júlia”, 1915, Kazumi Nagano (Japan).
Figura femenina”, 1898, Lydia Hirte (Germany).
Dama con peineta i mantón”, 1915, Jorge Manilla (Mexico).

Les confluences. Ramon Casas y la joyería contemporánea

« En el marco de la 8ª edición de JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, la comisaria y experta en historia del arte Nichka Marobin, comisaria de la muestra, nos presenta el proyecto de “Les Confluences | Las Confluencias”. Nuestro particular homenaje a Ramon Casas continúa: un paso más allá que abasta un territorio híbrido, un diálogo entre la pintura modernista y la joyería artística.

La exposición tendrá lugar del 22 de septiembre al 16 de octubre, donde podremos apreciar un diálogo artístico, confluencia de ideas, patrones, colores y texturas entre las pinturas del artista catalán Ramon Casas y piezas de joyería artística de nivel mundial. El proyecto es el testimonio de la repetición de motivos ornamentales, adornos decorativos y texturas similares mediante la yuxtaposición de piezas de joyería contemporánea y pinturas extraídas directamente del período modernista.
En la muestra se podrá disfrutar de un Ramon Casas, en su Año oficial, enfrentado a diez artistas de diferentes nacionalidades, con su particular visión del universo de la joya contemporánea. Una sinfonía artística de colores, texturas y emociones, que danzan alrededor de las obras de Casas. Las sensaciones que transmiten sus óleos y dibujos atrapan a estos artistas, inspiradas en un Casas más actual que nunca.
Mundos aparentemente diferentes como son la pintura y la joyería artística, el Modernismo y el arte contemporáneo: sutiles broches, brazaletes o pendientes de originales contrastes, encuentran en esta exposición su espacio, su conversación, poética y sugerente. Una muestra que acerca fuentes artísticas de raíz diversa –técnica y culturalmente- para compartir la inagotable capacidad creativa de los artistas y del ser humano. »

cuadros que son joyasen in « Descubrir el Arte« 

The project is the testimony of repeating ornamental motives, decorative ornaments and similar textures by juxtaposing pieces of artistic jewellery and paintings taken directly from the modernist period, is comparing two forms of artistic expression different time and space come together harmoniously together.
An artistic dialogue, confluence of ideas, patterns, colors and textures among the paintings of the Catalan Modernist painter Ramón Casas and art jewelry pieces of 10 renowned artists worldwide.

RECOGIENDO LA GINESTA, c.1899, carbó i cera sobre paper/ carbón y cera sobre papel - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  matched with JUDY McCAIGRamon Casas, « Recogiendo la ginesta », c.1899,   carbón y cera sobre papel -Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
-  matched with jewelry by  JUDY McCAIG

Judy McCaig  Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm: Judy McCaig –   Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm:

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb peineta i mantó/ Dama con pineita y mantón, c.1915, carbó sobre paper/ carbon sobre papel, 58x44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art. JORGE MANILLA (Mexico/Belgium), Who of us has lost the most, 2016 - Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood - 45 x 11 x 8 cmRAMON CASAS,  « Dama con pineita y mantón », c.1915,  carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art.
, « Who of us has lost the most », 2016 – Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood – 45 x 11 x 8 cm

OFF JOYA 2016 -  -  confluences - Ramon Casas chica con manto rojo - Lucia Massei bracelet  Ramon Casas « chula con manto y pañuelo rojo » – Lucia Massei Bracelet: Rosso Cionsapevole, 2013
Copper, pigments, mixed media, fine gold  (picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS,   FLÓRA VÁGI  RAMON CASAS,  Dama vestida con gabardina y tocado, 1899-1903,  carbón y pastel sobre papel
FLÓRA VÁGI  , Sun lost in waves, brooch – cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel – 9 x 5.5 x 2 cm

 Ramon Casas - Manola con mantilla - broche Sungho Cho (en "Descubrir el Arte"):  Ramon Casas – Manola con mantilla – broche Sungho Cho (from « Descubrir el Arte« )

OFF JOYA 2016 - "confluences" - Ramon Casas    / Kazumi nagano:  Ramon Casas « Julia »   / Kazumi Nagano brooch Wowen Linen paper, gold 18kt, nylon thread, 950 slver.  ( picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb foulard vermell/ Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901, Tècnica mixta sobre paper/Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60x45 cm - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  KARIN JOHANSSON (Sweden), Sweep, earrings, 2016 - sawing, bending and soldering - 11 cm, gold and acrylicRAMON CASAS,  Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901,  Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60×45 cm – Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
KARIN JOHANSSON  , Sweep, earrings, 2016 – sawing, bending and soldering – 11 cm, gold and acrylic



Museo del Modernismo CatalánMMBCN
Carrer de Balmes 48,
08007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932722896
Fax +34 932724276

Horario : Lunes cerrado / Martes a sábado de 10:30h a 19h / Domingos de 10:30h a 14h
Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30h to 19.00h Sunday, 10.30h to 14.00h Monday closed

The Morning Bark – blo(g)azette on arts and humanities | founded by Nichka Marobin




EXPO ‘Alchimia: an Anthology’ – SAC Exhibition Gallery, Boston (USA) – 1er Mai-11 Juill. 2015

Alchimia: an Anthology

Reception: Thursday, May 21, 2015 6-8pm

An exhibition that features the work of Alchemists, teachers and students, former and current, to render visible how skill and creativity pass from one generation to the next, from master to apprentice, giving shape to concept and material

Alchimia contemporary Jewellery school in Firenze Lucia (Lucia Massei, « Hotel Centenario » bracelet, iron, silver, gold, pigments and mixed media, 2014)

Alchimia: an Anthology features work of current and former faculty of the world-renowned jewelry program at the Alchimia School in Florence, Italy, complemented by a juried selection of pieces by alumni and final semester students. The exhibition highlights technical skill and creativity, and shows a breadth materials and processes realized to form masterful pieces. The exhibition gives visitors an opportunity to support student work and see the way faculty inspires new generations of makers.

The exhibition coincides with the annual Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) conference, which will be held in Boston during May 20-23, 2015.

#AlchimiaAnAnthology A #contemporaryjewellery exhibition (Anja Eichler  “Collier”)

Works by the following faculty will be shown: Orsetta Andreotti — Giampaolo BabettoPeter Bauhuis — Paolo Bernardoni — Manfred BischoffDaniela BoieriDoris Maninger – Giovanni Martinelli — Lucia Massei Ruudt Peters (Keynote Speaker at SNAG Conference) – Marzia Rossi Manuel Vilhena.

The works of the students have been selected by the Society of Arts and Crafts a non profit organization that has been advocating for artists and craftsmen since 1897. Among them Anja Eichler — Sungho Cho — Anna Drexel — Catalina Gibert — Gabi Veit — Isabel Dammermann — Michelle Kraemer — Monica Cecchi – Enrica Prazzoli — Maru López — Andrea Coderch  Doris ManingerDoris Maninger

Marzia Rossi Necklace: Untitled 2006 Acrylic glass, gold, lapislazuli, shibuishi Marzia Rossi Necklace: Untitled 2006 Acrylic glass, gold, lapislazuli, shibuishi

Lucia Massei braceletLucia Massei - « Hotel Centenario » bracelet, iron, silver, gold, pigments and mixed media, 2014- photo : Federico Cavicchioli

Anja Eichler  “Collier,” 2015 - Hardened quail eggs, brass with 18kt gold leaf, 18kt tubes and spheres, gold plated steel wire 65 cm in lengthAnja Eichler  “Collier” 2015 – Hardened quail eggs, brass with 18kt gold leaf, 18kt tubes and spheres, gold plated steel wire 65 cm in length

Sungho Cho “Faces,” 2013 - 24 kt gold Keum Boo, silver, garnet, plastic, found objects 9 x 6 x 4 cmSungho Cho “Faces,” 2013 – 24 kt gold Keum Boo, silver, garnet, plastic, found objects 9x6x4 cm

Isabel Dammermann "Roog,” 2013 - Jade and silver 12 x 9 x .5 cmIsabel Dammermann « Roog,” 2013 – Jade and silver 12 x 9 x .5 cm

Cata Gibert - ‎llimona‬ brooch‬  Catalina Gibert - ‎llimona‬ brooch‬ 

Gabi Veit “Rosengarten,” 2013 - Oxidized silver, garnet 4 x 3 x 2 cmGabi Veit “Rosengarten,” 2013 – Oxidized silver, garnet 4 x 3 x 2 cm

Anna Drexel  “Untitled,” 2013 - Cement and silver 21 x 21 x 2 cmAnna Drexel  “Untitled,” 2013 – Cement and silver 21 x 21 x 2 cm

Michelle Kraemer -  necklace "starry night" Michelle Kraemer -  necklace « starry night »

Michelle Kraemer - necklace "starry night" (BACK)Michelle Kraemer - necklace « starry night » (BACK)

Enrica Prazzoli "sign language" brooch  Enrica Prazzoli « sign language » brooch 

Andrea Coderch and María Eugenia López  Andrea Coderch and María Eugenia López (Maru lopez)

Daria Borovkova- ALCHIMIADaria Borovkova



SAC Exhibition Gallery
on the second floor, above the SAC Retail Gallery:
175 Newbury Street,

Boston, MA 02116 – USA


EXPO “INTERNO” – Antonella Villanova/Galleria Bagnai, Firenze (IT) – 21 Juin-14 Sept. 2013


Lucia Massei e Pizzi Cannella (peinture)
21 giugno – 14 settembre 2013

Inaugurazione: venerdì 21 giugno 2013 ore 19.00

Dal 21 giugno al 14 settembre 2013 Antonella Villanova, in collaborazione con la Galleria Alessandro Bagnai, presenta negli spazi di Palazzo Ricasoli, Piazza Goldoni 2 a Firenze: “Interno”, Lucia Massei e Pizzi Cannella.


Lucia Massei - Gioielli - mostra "Interno"

In the project Absentia-Essentia – Lucia Massei ’s latest pieces of jewelry realized and displayed in a cross-dialogue with admired Italian painter Pizzi Cannella.
The jewels of Massei, made with gold, shibuichi, silver, iron and pigments, are evocative forms: the suggested but unsaid, the energy retained, the empty space as a contrast, the intermission of silence between musical notes or words, the suspension.
Massei’s work aims to capture the “in-between,” attempting to catch what separates and links strength and fragility, transience and eternity, past and future. Her jewels capture the transition from raw matter to unique and essential forms. Perceiving a particularly affinity with her poetry, Massei will involve the celebrated artist Piero Pizzi Cannella to conceive a silk wall tissue made by Antico Setificio Fiorentino, an Italian factory specializing in silk production. In 1780 the Grand Duke Leopoldo of Lorraine donated several looms to the factory, enabling the decoration of the most beautiful and prestigious homes and museums throughout Europe.
The silk tissue is decorated with a chandelier, creating an evocative subject that is frequently present in Pizzi Cannella works. It becomes a total interior environment, conceived to lend the exhibition the proper “suspended” scenography.

Lucia MasseiLucia Massei ring

Il percorso espositivo si svilupperà in quattro sale. In tre sale in mostra i gioielli di Lucia Massei in oro.
Il titolo della mostra Interno, sottolinea la volontà di ricreare un ambiente privato, intimo, in cui le opere dei due artisti dialogano e si misurano con la spazio circostante nel tentativo di realizzare un luogo in cui tutto rimane sospeso, evocativo.
I gioielli di Lucia Massei sono realizzati “a strati”, l’oro, i pigmenti naturali, come l’olio nelle opere di Pizzi Cannella, si sovrappongono, celano e svelano, in un continuo rimando, fino a divenire altro nella forma e nel colore, in un processo che molto ricorda il “girare simbolico ed intimo delle immagini nella rappresentazione iconografica della memoria collettiva, misto di vero e onirico” (E.Nobile Mino), presente nel lavoro dell’artista romano.

 Lucia Massei Lucia Massei, bracelet, suspended red

 Lucia Massei vive e lavora a Firenze dove è co-fondatrice, direttrice e docente di Alchimia. Scuola di Gioiello Contemporaneo. La scuola è una delle più importanti nel settore e attira studenti da tutto il mondo. Lucia Massei ha esposto il suo lavoro a livello nazionale e in gallerie di arte contemporanee e di design e in contesti istituzionali.

LUCIA MASSEI Aritmia BraceletsLucia MASSEI Aritmia Bracelets – Iron, yellow gold, pigments.


Antonella Villanova contemporary jewellery
Galleria Alessandro Bagnai
Palazzo Ricasoli, Piazza Goldoni, 2 – 50123 Firenze
Tel. +39 055 6802066 / 055 213372  –


Lucia MASSEI, coup de coeur toujours !

Lucia Massei, director of Alchimia is now part of the artists in Galerie Sofie Lachaert

« intense colours, mediterranean atmospheres, light and the illusive shine of gold, together with the seduction of black ornaments that seem to take us into etruscan banquets, these are the distinctive features of Lucia Massei’s jewellery.
“We stay on the surface because we feel the depth”, would be a phrase to describe the feeling Lucia’s jewellery can give  »
Here are some of her new (MARVELLOUS !) work

Lucia Massei - 'café della pace' gold, oxidized silver, spinelLucia Massei - « caffè della pace » necklace – 18k yellow gold, oxidated silver, black spinels


Lucia Massei- «Le parole vengono dopo» 2011Lucia Massei - ring « le parole vengono dopo » 2011 . Yellow gold, fire opals.

Lucia Massei - Ophelia | necklace year 2011 silver, white gold, pigmentsLucia Massei – « Ophelia » necklace year 2011 silver, white gold, pigments

Lucia Massei - Caffè della Pace | brooches year 2011 oxidated silver, yellow gold, black spinelsLucia Massei – « Caffè della Pace » brooch 2011 oxidated silver, yellow gold, black spinels


….. et plonger dans le grand BLEU !

Classé dans : Akiko BAN (JP),Aldo MONDINO (IT),Alexis KOSTUK (CA),Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX),Andi GUT (CH),Andrea JANOSIK (SK),Annamaria ZANELLA (IT),Anne GOLDFARB (FR),Anthony TAMMARO (US),Anya KIVARKIS (US),Arthur HASH (US),Babette EGERLAND (DE),Barbara PAGANIN (IT),Benedikt FISCHER (AT),Birgit SKOLIMOWSKI (EE),Blanche TILDEN (AU),Camilla TEGLIO (IT),Carola BAUER (DE),Carolina GIMENO (Chili),Catherine JACQUET (FR),Celio BRAGA (BR),Christian ASTUGUEVIEILLE (FR),Christophe MARGUIER (FR),Coco DUNMIRE (US),COUP DE COEUR,David BIELANDER (CH/DE),Denise Julia REYTAN (DE),Donald FRIEDLICH (US),Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR),Eleanor BOLTON (UK),Emiko OYE (US),Enrica PRAZZOLI (IT),Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES),Farah BANDOOKWALA (UK),Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK),Floor MOMMERSTEEG (NL),Flora VAGI (HU),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Gesine HACKENBERG (NL),Giampaolo BABETTO (IT),GIIA (IT),Gijs BAKKER (NL),Giorgio VIGNA (IT),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Gulnur OZDAGLAR (TR),Hana KARIM (Sl),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Hannah FEWTRELL-BOLTON (UK),Hanneke PAUMEN (NL),Helen BRITTON (AU),Helena LEHTINEN (FI),Helfried KODRE (AT),Jacqueline RYAN (UK),Jean-Francois PERENA (FR),Jean-Pierre DUSSAILLANT (FR),Jessica CALDERWOOD (US),Jillian MOORE (US),Joanna GOLLBERG (US),Julia deVILLE (AU),Karin KATO (JP),Kate BAUMAN (US),Kath INGLIS (AU),Katie SCHUTTE (US),Liana PATTIHIS (CY/UK),Lisa JUEN (CN),Lucia MASSEI (IT),Luis ACOSTA (RA),Maria Rosa FRANZIN (IT),Marijke de GOEY (NL),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Melissa TOLAR (US),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Mirla FERNANDES (BR),Nel LINSSEN (NL),Nora FOK (UK),Paolo SCURA (IT),Patricia LEMAIRE (FR),Pawel KACZYNSKI (PL),Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL),Pilar GARRIGOSA (ES),Rallou KATSARI (GR),Ralph BAKKER (NL),Sam Tho DUONG (VN),Sara BORGEGARD (SE),Sari LIIMATTA (FI),Sayumi YOKOUCHI (JP),Shannon CARNEY (US),Silvia WALZ (DE),Stacey BENTLEY (UK),Stefano POLETTI (IT),Sue GREGOR (UK),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Susie GANCH (US),Tabea REULECKE (DE),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tobias ALM (SE),Ute EITZENHOFER (DE),Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT),Yoko SHIMIZU (JP),Yurij BYLKOV (RU) — bijoucontemporain @ 15:15

THANKS to  Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria page/selection on Pinterest, about blue jewellery !!!! it was the departure for this ….. blue OCEAN !! :-) or, to be more in the « intellectual » actuality, « 99 shades of … BLUE » !! ;-)
Giorgio Vigna – gorgoglio – vetro
Arthur Hash  Blue Wave (cast polyurethane)
Donald FRIEDLICH  (gal. Loupe)brooch ‘Translucence’ series – glass, 18k & 14k gold, diamond
Gésine Hackenberg- Table Glass: Dutch/Finnish Still Life, Brooch
Gésine Hackenberg Double Glass Still life BroochFinnish table glass (vintage by Itala); cut and ground
Giampaolo Babetto – Brosche
Graziano Visintinbroche – or, argent, niellage – 2009 

   Graziano VISINTIN broche 2
Graziano VisintinBrooch, 2006 – 18k gold, enamel, gold leaf  (The David Collection)

Lisa JUEN - don't dream it wear it - blue brooch or necklace
Lisa JUEN – ‘don’t dream it wear it’ – blue brooch or necklace- Lasercut Stainless Steel, CZ, LED, LED Screen, Plastic, Cable, Light Switch, Battery

Maria Rosa Franzin Maria Rosa Franzin brooch

Pilar Garrigosa   broochPilar Garrigosa brooch
Julia deVille (AU) – ‘Mechanical Wing’
brooch, Kingfisher Wing, silver
Luis Acosta – paper bracelet
Märta Mattsson
Rallou Katsari - ‘whispering loud’ ring

..... et plonger dans le grand BLEU ! dans Akiko BAN (JP) Reconstruction-8-300x225Reconstruction-1-300x225 dans Aldo MONDINO (IT)

Aline Berdichevsky – brooches “Reconstructio »
Benedikt Fischer – brooches
Christian Astuguevieille – Bracelet éponge bleue (La Piscine, Roubaix – don de l’artiste en 1995)
Stefano Poletti- Collier en éponge naturelle teintée et perle recouverte de feuille d’or monté sur fil d’or

The Scottish Gallery Nel Linssen - blue bangleNel Linssen – blue bangle – paper

ute_eitzenhoefer dans Alexis KOSTUK (CA)
Ute Eitzenhöfer – brooch – Mixed media (labradorite)
Eleanor Bolton – blue(s) necklaces
Tabea Reuleake – ring
Birgit Skolimowski (EE)
Estela Saez Good by(e) nest.” serie  2008- ‘SEPIA’ – silver/wool/fabrics/paint
Carolina Gimeno- portable objects

Phacella Congesta from Portable Objects 2010
Carolina Gimeno-‘Phacella Congesta’ from Portable Objects 2010 – brooch

Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa 2009
Carolina Gimeno- ‘Zurciendo cuerpos sobre el mapa’ 2009 – Brooch – Copper, Vitreus Enamel, wood, silver , steel
Carolina Gimeno (Chili) – série “dibujando en el espacio”

Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch Flora Vagi – curious wish – brooch
Susie Ganch – blue dust enamel brooch

Flora Vagi  azur reverse necklace  ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold - 2005 Flora Vagi -azur reverse necklace – ebony, silk, cord enamel,18 ct gold – 2005
Stacey Bentley brooch – enamel

Blanche Tilden - Compress necklace
Blanche Tilden – “Compress” necklace - glass
Christophe Marguier – ‘esperance de vie de l’homme’ necklace- plastic, silver, steel
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry
Gulnur OZDAGLAR – PET jewelry necklace
Catherine Jacquet – collier cascade – plastiques

Barbara Paganin - broche 'fiore di luce'
Barbara PAGANIN (IT) broche ‘fiore di luce’ – verre  (Galerie SLAVIK)

GIIA - blue wave
GIIA (IT) “blue wave” felt neckpiece

"Mimesi n2"  Collana: legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore Camilla Teglio – « Mimesi n2″  Collana : legno, carta giapponese, argento, colore
 Lucia Massei - pendant ‘Comunque e sempre’ 18kt yellow gold, silver, iron, ruby, black spinels 2009
 Lucia Massei -  bague « la bella adormentata »

Mirla Fernandes - "Herança" necklace - latex, paint, porcelain
Mirla Fernandes- Herança necklace- latex,paint, porcelain – 2006

Peter  Hoogeboom - chainmail porcelain necklacesPeter  Hoogeboom – chainmail porcelain necklaces
Liana Pattihis  - Blue Circle Brooch 2007 – Silver, copper, enamel stainless steel – Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s Painting ‘Blue Circle’
Liana Pattihis - Brooch: Blue Istos 02 2010 -silver Light Trace Chain, Copper, Enamel, St. Steel
Viktoria Münzker- Kollektion PARADISO
Mirjam Hiller - Catopsia – brooch – stainless steel powdercoating, titanium

Sari Liimatta "The Costume I", necklace, 2006glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toySari Liimatta « The Costume I », necklace, 2006 glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toy
Mia Maljojoki - 2010 (Photo: Mirei Takeuchi)
Sara Borgegård  2009 necklace, wood, paint, iron, cotton
Sara Borgegård necklace
Yuri Bylkov - ring- metal, paper, acrylic – 2009
Alexis Kostuk“high gear” brooch- copper, which I used a patina on to darken, pearls & gem beads, sterling silver ball chain, resin, and flocking.

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan
Denise Julia Reytan

Momentaufnahme_9 par DENISE JULIA REYTAN
Denise Julia Reytan- Snapshots”

Dora Haralambaki - earthenweare clay rings with colour glazes Dora Haralambaki - ceramic ring
Edith Bellod - collier en porcelaine de limoges : “kaléidoscope”
Annamaria Zanella – brooch
Andi Gut - ring

Orden%20saabujale-01 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX)
Tanel Veenre“Orden for the one who is arriving”

Helfried Kodré - brooch

102210 dans Andi GUT (CH)Helfried Kodré, Bague
Helfried Kodré - ring, silver, lapislazuli – ring, gold, silver, turquoise, bronze, 2007
Aldo Mondino, BIC – cristallo di rocca, lapislazzuli e tappo in oro smaltato blu, esemplare unico – 2008
Aldo Mondino, BIC necklace
Paweł Kaczyński
Paweł Kaczyński – Silver and Steel Water Bracelet

 dans Andrea JANOSIK (SK)
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - restriction 3 – conceptual textile
Jean-Pierre Dussaillant- Bague “Cactus”
Anya Kivarkis – copper, silver, enamel brooch
Emiko Oye – duchess2_ Necklace from My First Royal Jewels Jewellery Collection. Repurposed LEGO necklace inspired by Cartier’s diamond, emerald and platinum necklace, and Harry Winston’s pendant, 1960. emiko-o 2008.

Enrica Prazzoli, necklace, 2011 (Alchimia school)Enrica Prazzoli – Ives Klein (Alchimia – 2011)

Enrica Prazzoli (from Alchimia) blue Klein collection rings 

Floor Mommersteeg, Pebble-necklace, nylon Floor MommersteegPebble-necklace, nylon
Floor Mommersteegbroche

Hana Karim Ceramic Jewelry Hana Karim  Ceramic Jewelry

Helen Britton broochHelen Britton – brooch 

Quinault3_640 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)
Hanna Liljenberg -  Quinault 3, halssmycke järn, oljefärg, lintråd, silver

babetteblauerballon dans Anne GOLDFARB (FR)
Babette Egerland- ring “Ballonschmuck” 925 Ag rhodiniert

FARAH BANDOOKWALA -blue hair brooch Bandookwala (UK) – blue hair brooch
Mikiko Minewaki-
‘toy-camera’ necklace

Katie Schutte - cluster necklace - crocheted silver wireKatie Schutte – Cluster necklace – crocheted, electroformed, and powdercoated found wire, cubic zirconia

Shannon Carney ring
Kath Inglis  “Blue Pollinator” Brooch

AKIKO BAN / Collar 2010Akiko Ban- collar – 2010  (from Alchimia)

Jillian Moore -  brooch-pendant ‘Cucurbits’ 2008 Fiberglass, resin, copper, paint, felt

Joanna Gollberg - prong series blue broochJoanna Gollberg - prong series blue brooch
Sayumi Yokouchi - ‘Layered’ Brooch in plastic, silk thread, and stainless steel.
Karin Kato – ‘QU4DRO’ Brooch in sand, resin, and silver

b99bajoagua dans Anthony TAMMARO (US)
Silvia WalzUnder water brooch-  Series: Burbujas   – silver, copper, resine, enamel, glas – 2010

All images from ¡Genial!  New Jewelry from Spain at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Silvia Walz La visionaria (Geometria Series) Brooch

Tobias Alm – Summer series – Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint. Picture from Tobias Alm - Summer series 2009 Necklace. Cotton, wood, paint

Jessica Calderwood, Portrait of an Eye Brooch/Pendant, Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel
Jessica Calderwood -Portrait of an Eye’ Brooch/Pendant – Enamel on copper, sterling, stainless steel

blue-white-ruins-ring_Gal700px dans Anya KIVARKIS (US)
Gésine Hackenberg  – ‘blue white ruins’ ring

Carola Bauer necklace – Silver, enamel

Jacqueline Ryan 18kt gold and vitreous enamel brooch

Jean-François PEREÑA - bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, plexiglas (bleu), argentJean-François PEREÑA - MON bracelet ! PETIT
Jean-François PEREÑA -  bracelet -cuir, lapis-lazuli, nacre, plexiglas (bleu), argent

Patricia Lemaire – Aspara la Bleue 1- 1999 défilé Lapidus

Anne Goldfarb OUT OF AFRICA - 2011 Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminiumAnne Goldfarb – OUT OF AFRICA – Collier Soie, Argent, Fil d’aluminium – Afedap 2011

Andrea Janosik- Blue Brooch - sIlver and suede - 2007

00360-0-10-1-blue-amdder-cuff dans Arthur HASH (US)
Sue GREGOR – cuff,foto1,118&c=390x390
Gijs Bakker- Bracelet « Porsche bracelet » stéréolithographie, polyuréthane -, 2000
David Bielander – Enzian Brooch – titanium
Sam Tho Duong

0501_Hanneke_Paumen_Tule_Blauw dans Babette EGERLAND (DE)Hanneke Paumen (NL) – Tulle blauw Collar (detail)- felt

kate bauman Kate Bauman  - barnacle no.9 (ring) – enamel, copper, sterling silver
Anthony Tammaro – « neck object » – Gypsum/Epoxy/Silicone*O9Hi3lxisakPgZBUId-p9pV0nc3mA6a3nZT836RickOMkqUzEjWHCd5mhH1UkXM5Bs1JHUN3*UJMTIdeAPCfl2tzTVas0M/brooch3royalblue2.jpg?width=605&height=600
Farah Bandookwala (UK) Parasite series: magnetic brooches – Rapid prototyped nylon, stainless steel, dye, rare earth magnets. Collection of brooches with interchangable magnetic backs
Melissa TOLAR  - Enamel, hand-cast gems, and pearl jewelry

Mirla Fernandes

Mirla Fernandes ring

click to close window
Ralph Bakker “the Fly” – earrings
Yoko Shimizu – necklace – resin, pigment, silver

Yoko Shimizu  (from Alchimia school), necklace from the « transformation » series – 2010
Celio Braga, Brazil (Think Twice: New Latin American Jewellery exhibition)
Marta Mattsson- The Human Touch – Cricket brooch

Susanne Elstner, brosche Susanne Elstner, brosche

image16 dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Farrah Al-DujailiNecklace – Copper, enamel paint, watercolour pencil, thread2010
Carolina Gimeno (Chile) resinas – bracelet
Shannon Carney – medium collar resin necklace
Helena Lehtinen- Gardens Collection, Blue brooch, 2011 Wood, thread, beads DE GOEY – 1999 – Pièce unique. BAGUE « Curly » en or or et titane à patine bleue Hiller  brooch Draper, Barcelona- brooch Fok  ring Scura - ring 


Joya Barcelona 2011 – Galleries/schools – ALCHIMIA

Alchimia Gallery has no specific address, and no fixed base, to promote contemporary jewellery projects in different and sometimes unconventional spaces by producing, organizing and supporting cultural events, exhibitions and fairs. This use of transient locations reflects the spirit of adventure, mobility, innovation and energy, inherent in the philosophy of Alchimia Jewellery School.

The gallery’s activity is directed mainly to the motivation and support of artists, part of the Alchimia “family” with the aim to provide opportunities for visibility and growth through the creation of a valuable international network.

At JOYA 2011 the gallery is presenting a selection of work from teachers as well as students graduated in 2011: Lucia Massei (Italy), Doris Maninger (Italy-Austria), Marzia Rossi (Italy), Daniela Boieri (Italy), Yoko Shimizu (Japan), Aline Battegay (Switzerland), Anja Eichler (Germany), Wen-Hsien Carissa Hsu (Taiwan), Gabi Veit (Italy), Lea-Maria Becker (Denmark), Jade Drakes (Trinidad), Nadege Roscoe-Rumjahn (Canada) and Satita Rajpojjanarat (Thailand)

Daniela Boieri necklace ‘Revival’ 2008 silver
Daniela Boieri brooch ‘Lore’ 2008 – silver oxided, australian raw opal

Lucia Massei - pigment and acrilic heated on iron brooch Lucia Massei brooch ‘cuore-copia ‘, Silver, 18kt yellow gold, fine gold, red pigments, black spinels

Marzia Rossi  Necklace: Boudoir 2009  Silver, acrylic glass, mica, pearls Marzia Rossi necklace Boudoir, 2009, silver, pearls, mica

Gabi Veit, Over Night Emerged a New Day, 2011, Brooches. aluminum, resin 35x202x26 mmGabi Veit, « Over Night Emerged a New Day », 2011, Brooches. aluminum, resin 


School of contemporary jewellery
Piazza Piattellina 3/R 50124 Firenze Italy


some RINGS discovered here & there ……………

Each time I see great rings I think about the great « ring web site », « The Carrotbox » ! :-) and my dream would be to help her to discover new rings ….. but she knows ALL about rings before everybody ! :-( so keep up dreaming ! :-)

………….. and trying to STOP this post !!!! finding every hour new GORGEOUS rings !!!
Alina Alamorean

Julia  deVille

some RINGS discovered here & there ............... dans Agata FRIEDMAN (PL) ringe9
Lisbeth Nordskov ring – Nylon, sølv, elfenben og granater.
Susanne Klemm

Rita Marcangelo – silk (burnt) & silver rings

 dans Alina ALAMOREAN (FR)Lucia Massei- « Le parole vengono dopo  » 2011
Lucia Massei- 2 Pigmented shibuichi (silver & copper) rings
Patty Nieman – Ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)

 dans Amber O'HARROW (US) dans Anthi VOYATJES (ZA)
Marcus Marguillier- 3rd hologram series ring
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway

Medan Toril ring (saw on blog)

Shannon Carney ring
‘s contribution to the book New Rings: 500+ Designs from Around the World :-)
Violaine Ulmer - céramique, argent

Tomasz ZaremskiTomasz Zaremski – Poland

Tomasz Zaremski (Poland) – rings

 dans Ashley AKERS (US)
Amber O’Harrowseashell ring
Esther Knobel
Tasso Mattar

Marie Bonfils  (DK) – ‘Ode to Manfred’ ring

existence+ring+on+the+body dans Augousta THEMISTOKLEOUS (CY)
Katherine Wheeler existence ring

Susanne Klemm – sleeping-beauties – couldn’t resist to them …………

Joe Wood (US) – ball rings 1999 – cast sterling silver, with 18K gold liner

Augousta Themistocleous  – ‘ping pong’ ring – collection 2009

Melanie Moulhen – émail – bagues ? (blog Bijouterra)

Winfried Krueger ring 1999
(blog Bijouterra)
Sun Kyoung Kim
Iwaki Yu

Agata Friedman

pj_2011_03-37 dans blog TheCarrotBox
Liisa Hashimoto – shoe ring
Margaret Bridgewater – ‘Floating’ rings
Anthi Voyatjes - « Death encapsulated » - Sterling silver, pearls, animal skull; hollow form construction

n679453139_913412_6129 dans BOOKS / BIBLIO
Keri Kwik (US) – ring
Kaylee Russotti
Robean Visschers so well-known « under-construction » structure ring -Gold, silver (oxidized)- 2006

Robean VISSCHERS ring
Robean Visschers  - another construction/structure ring – glorious ! :-)
Lisa JUEN – ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Yoko Izawa - veiled rings (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Nora FOK – ring ?  (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Rhona HOGG (UK) ring
Jenny Llewellyn set of rings -  like jelly worms …..
Isabelle Hertzeisen – twist tie rings
Ashley Akers


41I7KuDLL8L._SS500_ dans COUP DE COEUR

New Rings – 500+ Designs from Around the World – by Nicolas Estrada – Thames & Hudson, 272 pp – available in JUNE 2011 -


GREAT RINGS saw on this Flickr page about « Finger symbols » exhibition  held in 2010 by Shetland Arts (Finger Symbols, an exhibition exploring rings and finger ornaments, curated by Mary Smith can be seen at Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale, Shetland from 7 August to 5 September. 2010)
Felieke Van der Leest – ring ……. LOL !

VIDEO à voir ABSOLUMENT sur les bagues de l’expo  « Finger symbols » !


GREAT page too on this Flickr gallery : The Ring Show !!(The Ring Shows: ‘Then & Now’ and ‘Putting the Band Back Together’ at the Georgia Museum of Art in Georgia, US- It runs August 23-November 2, 2008)
Yael Krakowski
Vickie Sedman (US)


EXPO ‘RING, RINGS and RINGS AGAIN’ Galerie Mangold, Leipzig (DE) – 17 Mars-15 Mai 2011

« Ring, Ringe und nochmals Ringe » Exhibition at Galerie Mangold, Leipzig Germany
each student of Alchimia shows 2 rings.
opening: March 17th at 6p.m.

In this occasion we will also present the newest Lark Book selection

EXPO 'RING, RINGS and RINGS AGAIN' Galerie Mangold, Leipzig (DE) - 17 Mars-15 Mai 2011 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) Anellipic

 dans Allemagne (DE)
Lucia Massei – ‘bella addormentata’

 dans Anastasia KANDARAKI (GR)
Michelle Kraemer


 dans blog ALCHIMIA

Joanne Huang

 dans Daniela BOIERI (IT)
Isabel Dammermann

 dans Doris MANINGER (AT)
Gabriele Veit

 dans Exposition/Exhibition
Doris Maninger ‘Caviar’

 dans Gabriele (Gabi) VEIT (IT)
Anastasia Kandaraki
Daniela Boieri



Galerie Mangold
Daniela und Thomas Seidel
thomaskirchhof 17
04109 Leipzig (DE)
03 41 / 22 54 06 99
t / f 03 42 05 / 4 29 80


Unusual SHOP : « In Stock » – goes to ASIA during Taiwan Designers’ Week 2010 – 3-12 Sept 2010

‘In Stock’ the jewellery pop-up store in a hardware shop coat is a blessed concept initiated by the three Dutch designers Ineke Heerkens, Jantje Fleischhut, Jeannette Jansen since 2009. This project of an unconventional display of contemporary jewellery design shows work, which lingers on the edge of design and art. Around seventy renowned international designers produce for this concept multiples in an edition of five – still mostly handmade.

In Stock pops up   Taiwan 2010

For the display, blister packaging on perforated wooden walls is used, price labels, cash register, a supermarket trolley at the entrance.

'In Stock' the jewellery pop-up store

After popping up in cities like Munich and Amsterdam, ‘In Stock’ is coming to Asia (Taipei) during the Taiwan Designers’ Week 2010 with the help of the two guest curators Yu-Chun Chen and Min-Ling Hsieh.

Unusual SHOP :

TAIWAN DESIGNERS’ WEEK – Sept.03 -Sept.12 in Taipei City

at FABRIK Creative Project Space
1F, No3, Ln31
Shaoxing N. St.
Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100 – Taiwan
For more info please contact :

participants : Annelies Planteijdt, Akiko Ban , Andrea Wagner, Anna Rikkinen, Beppe Kessler, Birgit Laken, Chequita Nahar, Claudio Bracco, Constanze Schreiber, Danni Schwaag, Dionea Rocha Watt, Doris Maninger, Ela Bauer, Eric Hu, Yun-Hsiang, Floor Mommersteeg, Gitte Nygard, Henriette Schuster, Hilde De Decker, Hsiu-Hsuan Huang, I Ting Wang, Ineke Heerkens, Jacomijn Van Der Donk, Jantje Fleischhut, Jeannette Jansen, Jorge Manilla, Julia Walter, Karin Seufert, Kathleen Janvier, Katja Prins, Kim Buck, Kuan Lin Liu, Lucia Massei, Lucy Sarneel, Luzia Vogt, Maaike Ebbinge, Machteld Van Joolingen, Manon Van Kouswijk, Maria Hees, Märta Mattsson, Mia Maljojoki, Mikiko Minewaki, Min-Ling Hsieh, Mirei Takeuchi, Monique Van Bruggen, Nanna Melland, Natalie Luder, Nina Helms, Noemie Doge , Pauline Wiertz, Pei-Chi Hung, Peter Hoogeboom, Ruudt Peters, Sarah Enoch, Sarah Mesritz, Sasson Kung, Silke Fleischer, Stefanie Condes, Stella Bierenbach, Susan Pietzsch, Susanne Klemm, Suska Mackert, Suzanne Van Oirschot, Szu-Min Kuo, Tabea Reulecke, Tanel Veenre, Atelier Ted Noten, Ting-Ting Tsao, Tomomi Arata, Ulrike Rapp, Ursula Woerner, Xiao Lin Cai, Yen-Yi Chen, Yu-Chun Chen.

Mirei Takeuchi, What’s Untitled, Neck jewelry, 2011, iron, steelMirei TAKEUCHI (JP) – Necklace

hsihsuan dans Andrea WAGNER (NL)
Hsiu-Hsuan HUANG – Hair Necklace

Szu-Min KUO - ‘Distortion’  RingSzu-Min KUO - ‘Distortion’  Ring

Kuan LIN LIU - ‘On the hill’ NecklaceKuan LIN LIU - ‘On the hill’ Necklace

   Floor MommersteegFloor MOMMERSTEEG (NL) – Brooch

Annelies Planteijdt - Beautiful city - white wings blue figure, 2009, necklace, 18ct gold, pigment, white baroque South Sea pearls - fase 1: 200 x 360 mm, fase 2: 120 x 320 mmAnnelies PLANTEIJDT (NL) – ‘Beautiful city’ Necklace

Jorge Manilla - ex-votos for a serial killerJorge MANILLA (Mex) – ‘ex votos for a serial killer’  Necklace

Jacomijn VAN DER DONK (NL) – ‘Penseelketting’ NecklaceJacomijn VAN DER DONK (NL) – ‘Penseelketting’ Necklace

Tomomi Arata - Brooch #1 - Silver, pearl, sand, enamel, drift coralTomomi ARATA -  Brooch

MIN-LING HSIEH-TAIWAN – ‘Take a break’ RingMin-Ling HSIEH – ‘Take a break’ Ring

Tanel Veenre extra light earrings from collection „Fruits of Paradise" - Pauline WIERTZ – Earrings
Tanel VEENRE – Earrings
Pauline WIERTZ – Earrings

PETER HOOGEBOOM-NL "one for the road" bracelet/containerPeter HOOGEBOOM – ‘One for the Road’ Bracelet-Container

ela dans Annelies PLANTEYDT (NL)danni dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)
Ela BAUER – Netted ring 
Danni SCHWAAG - Pearlsring

suzanne dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)
Suzanne VAN OIRSCHOT – ‘Tin Heroes’ Brooch

tinwang dans Chequita NAHAR (Surinam)
I Ting WANG - ‘Connection’ Brooch

mia dans Claudio BRACCO (IT)
 Mia MALJOJOKI- ‘Frozen fireworks’ Necklace

All images from 200 RINGS at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Jantje Fleischhut« Nylon Rings »

Akiko Ban ring

More info:


Ting-Ting TSAO – ‘Origami’ BroochTing-Ting TSAO – ‘Origami’ Brooch

« Metalsmiths » dreams come true – Peggy Hung & Ting Ting Tsao
Peggy Hung and Ting Ting Tsao , both graduates of Tainan National University of the Arts, are friends who decided to create their own brand following their studies in metalsmithing and jewellery design. The duo is now running an unusually playful label to release their artistic talents ………. The label « Bomb Metal & Fry Jewelry » (BMFJ) was established in 2005 and has been quickly emerging in Taipei as an innovative brand that excels in jewellery design and visual merchandising with a personal touch




For more info please contact



COUP de … ROUGE avec Lucia MASSEI – Filo ROSSO ………

Une architecture à l’allure délicate mais à la présence puissante et qui me touche profondément ….

« Lucia Massei‘s works reveal evocative forms and release a strong energy. The artist likes to use hard metals such as shibuichi and iron, due to their inherent internal tension and surprising lightness. She also enjoys availing herself of gold due to its ability to bring to life different hues of red. Jewellery making to Massei is a very special moment, a time when she can shut off from the rest of her surroundings and enter into a world of her own. It is a private space, a time for reflection and a time to elaborate her thoughts, that will then be translated into sculptural pieces for the body. Her jewellery pieces are the result of her experiences, a time for her to be able to make up stories that she will later share with all of us. They create a bridge between her and the rest of the world, a bridge that allows her to reach out to people and speak to them in a language of her own. At times they are the end of one journey and the beginning of another. They come to us in the form of delicate, feminine, poetic works for the body, able to tell us a different story every time we look at them. A journey into the artist’s intimate sphere, but at the same time, a journey each one of us can make into our own private realm. » (Alternatives Gallery)

Lucia Massei  Brooch: Mon Coeur 2010  Silver, iron, pigments, fine gold, black spinelsLucia Massei - ‘Mon coeur 1′ brooch – silver, 18kt yellow gold, iron, fine gold, pigment, black spinels – 2010

Lucia Massei - Touching your skin | necklace year 2007 yellow gold, silver, iron,pigmentsLucia Massei - « la tua pelle » / « Touching your skin » necklace – 18kt yellow gold, silver, iron, pigment 2007

Ensamble | necklace year 2006 shibuichi, pigments, yellow goldLucia Massei « Ensamble » necklace 2006 shibuichi, pigments, yellow gold

COUP de ... ROUGE  avec Lucia MASSEI - Filo ROSSO ......... dans COUP DE COEUR gal1_13_big
Lucia Massei - « homeless » pendant – silver, iron, pigment 2006
Lucia Massei necklace

Pigmented shibuichi (silver & copper) by Italy's Lucia Massei.Lucia Massei - shibuichi rings  (shibuichi : silver & copper)

Lucia Massei. aritmia | bracelet  2007 iron, yellow gold, pigmentsLucia Massei - « aritmia » bracelet  2007 iron, yellow gold, pigments

lucia massei Necklace: All around you / tutto intorno a te 2006  Shibuichi, yellow gold 18kt, pigment Lucia Massei -  Necklace: « All around you » / « tutto intorno a te » 2006  Shibuichi, yellow gold 18kt, pigment

Lucia Massei Due come noi / two like us | necklace year 2005 shibuichi, fine gold, resin, yellow goldLucia Massei -  « Due come noi » / « two like us » necklace (detail) 2005 shibuichi, fine gold, resin, yellow gold

Lucia Massei - Suit of armour Bracciale 2007 shibuichi oro giallo pigmentiLucia Massei - « Suit of armour » Bracciale 2007 shibuichi oro giallo pigmenti
Lucia Massei - « IL MURO » Pendente

Shibuichi (四分一?) is a billon which can be patinated into a range of subtle muted shades of blue or green. Its name means « one-fourth » in Japanese and indicates the standard formulation of one part silver to three parts copper, though this may be varied according to the desired effect. A 5% silver / 95% copper alloy is also marketed as « shibuichi » [1]. An wide range of colours can be achieved using the whole range of alloy compositions, even above 50% silver. It is a common misconception that both copper and silver oxides form but in fact a detailed study has shown that only copper oxides are formed on the copper rich regions of the materials microstructure while the silver rich regions are left largely untouched.
For most of its history, shibuichi was mostly used to ornament various fittings for katana until the Meiji reforms, when most swordmakers began to make purely decorative objects instead. Similar alloys have been used elsewhere but the use of shibuichi to achieve different colored patinas has remained nearly unknown outside Japan, despite recent interest from artisans in the West.  (wikipedia)