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EXPO ‘Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América’ – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbonne (PT) – 27 Juin- 22 Juill. 2017

Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América

Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America

This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

PIN - 23


In an age of globalization when artists travel to numerous places, how relevant is their nationality in an artistic context?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
What do we mean when we say that jewelry can identify a people and a culture?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
Why do we mean when we say that a people and a culture can be identified by their jewelry?
Could it nowadays only identify an epoch?
// question the cultural identity and heritage of participating artists
// display works without showing the artists’ names and nationalities
// look at the way jewelry manufacturing undergoes changes and is affected by other materials and techniques
// reflect on concepts of identity and the way our past surfaces in the present
// foster a debate on the response of the public and reveal the artists’ names and nationalities when the event closes
Draw up the themes that PIN elected to embody the Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in the Ibero-America exhibition to promote a reflection on contemporary manufacturing that will make us re-think the cultural heritage of each artist and the relations this establishes.
Each of the 23 areas that make up the exhibition plan where the pieces are displayed represents a member nation of UCCI – Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities.
The artists’ names and nationalities are not displayed in order that their cultural identity and heritage can be probed and questioned.
The public is invited to seek the origin of each group of artists and interact in loco by trying to discover their nationality – and leave a flag sticker at each area.

Lúcia Abdenur / Luis Acosta / Rodrigo Acosta / Inês Almeida / Sandra Alonso / Rafael Luis Álvarez / Jordi Aparicio / Titi Berrio / Stella Bierrenbach / Anabell Bravo / Catalina Brenes / Ximena Briceño / Eva Burton / Daniela Caro Pérez / Jorge Castañón /Ignasi Cavaller / Hugo Celi / Cristina Celis / Trinidad Contreras / Ángela Cura Méndez / Teresa Dantas / Gemma Draper / Isa Duarte Ribeiro / Nicolás Estrada / Alejandra Ferrer Escobar / Filomeno /Alice Floriano / Sandra Frias / Pamela de la Fuente / Samantha Fung / Catalina Gibert / Carolina Gimeno / Leonor Hipólito / Caco Honorato / Gabriela Horvat / Amira Jalet / Ana María Jiménez / Erika Jordán / Kepa KarmonaMarie Pendariès / Guigui Kohon / Francisca Kweitel / Lorena Lazard / Nina Lima / Maru López / Jorge Manilla / Massiel del Mar (Massiel Mariel Muñoz)/ Caio Marcolini / Carlos Martiel / Simón Mazuera / Renata Meirelles / Marília Maria Mira /Miriam Mirna Korolkovas / Xavier Monclús / Marc Monzó / María Eugénia Muñoz / Lucía Nieves / Inês NunesCatarina Dias / Liliana Ojeda / Natalia Olarte / Raquel Paiewonsky / Clara del Papa /Miriam Pappalardo / Renata Porto / Ramón Puig Cuyàs / Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz) / Cristina Roque dos Santos / Kika Rufino / Vania Ruiz / Estela Sàez / Natalia Sarrazín / Marina Sheetikoff / Diana Silva / Inês Sobreira / Rita Soto / Manuela Sousa / Yolanda Sucre / Edu Tarín /Isabel Tristán / Anahí Vallejos / Manuel Vilhena / WALKA (NanoPulgar) / María Ignácia Walker

Luis ACOSTA at EXPO "23" Luis ACOSTA Rodrigo Acosta - en EXPO "Veintitrés"Rodrigo Acosta - brooch

en EXPO Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica - Pamela de la Fuente - Feliz de participar con "Pullme" en este gran evento en Portugal, además esta pieza es parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018,Pamela de la Fuente -   « Pullme »  (esta pieza es tambien parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018) Ramon Puig Cuyas en EXPO "Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica"Ramon Puig Cuyas – brooch

Rafael Luis Alvarez  - colección "Lo que fue escrito" Rafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección « Lo que fue escrito » - MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos Jordi AparicioJordi Aparicio

Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes Jorge CastañónJorge Castañón Catalina Gibert -   braceletCatalina Gibert -   bracelet

Carolina Gimeno JewelleryCarolina Gimeno Jewellery

Caco HonoratoCaco Honorato « Corazón de Greda Negra » de la colección Lloraría a Mares

Gabriela HorvatGabriela Horvat

Amira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica "Roble", Oil paintingAmira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch

Lorena LazardLorena Lazard

Jorge Manilla - This was not organically": Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoalJorge Manilla   – This was not organically »: Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoal Miriam Mirna Korolkovas - colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925Miriam Mirna Korolkovas – colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925

María Eugenia Muñoz -  colección "Paisajes Constructivos" brocheMaría Eugenia Muñoz -  colección « Paisajes Constructivos » broche

 Necklace by Natalia SarrazinNecklace by Natalia Sarrazin

 Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, telaLiliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)

Massiel de Mar,  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano.Massiel Mariel MUNOZ (Massiel Del Mar),  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano

Vania Ruiz's necklace 'Ayúdame Papito'Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)'s necklace 'Ayúdame Papito' (detail)Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ (detail)

Estela SaezEstela Saez Vilanova

Edu TarinEdu Tarin

Isabel Tristan -  Noves polseres.  col·lecció KubsIsabel Tristan · Noves polseres.  col·lecció Kubs

WALKA joyas - jewelryWALKA joyas – jewelry  – « Cornucopia: Charms for Life », 2017 (Cacho, plata, seda y retrato de la artista portuguesa Maria José Oliveira con su pieza, realizado por Cristina Felipe) Eva Ave Burton - «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014Eva Ave Burton – «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014

ToTa reciclados pieza “Backside 2“ 2017ToTa reciclados  pieza “Backside 2“

Marília Maria Mira 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper. 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card. Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.Marília Maria Mira – 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper – 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card.
Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.

Miriam Andraus PappalardoMiriam Andraus Pappalardo

Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015) • Necklace 'Horus 1' • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Necklace ‘Horus 1′ • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017

Simón Mazuera Zambrano - pieza de la serie el viaje. Simón Mazuera Zambrano - broche de la serie el viaje.

Rita Carolina Soto VenturaRita Carolina Soto Ventura (Rita Soto Joyaspieza Refugios I

Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36
1250-044 Lisbonne (PT)
De lunes a viernes (excepto festivos) de 12h00 a 19h00 y sábados de 14h00 a 20h00
*concept / curatorship / production: PIN (Madalena Braz Teixeira, Cristina Filipe, Carlos Silva, Raquel Soares, Joana Taurino) e Marco Roque Antunes
*production assistants: Beatriz Faustino, Natalia Olarte
*advisory commission:
​​​​​​​​Lúcia Abdenur, Titi Berrio, Eva Burton, Holinka Escudero, Pamela de la Fuente, Catalina Gibert, Carolina Gimeno, Klimt02 (Leo Caballero e Amador Bertomeu), Francisca Kweitel, Jorge Manilla, Natalia Olarte, Clara del Papa, Renata Porto, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Andreina Rodriguez-Seijas, Estela Sàez, Alberto Soarez Chang, Andrea Tello, Valeria Vallarta Siemelink, Manuel Vilhena, WALKA
*exhibition design: Fernando Brizio
*assistant designers: André Calvão, Rafael Sabino, Davide Mateus
*graphic design: Arne Kaiser




EXPO ‘Meer dan klompen en tulpen…/ Más que zuecos y tulipanes…’ – Galería Lalabeyou, Madrid (ES) – 17 Sept.-18 Oct. 2015

Meer dan klompen en tulpen… / Más que zuecos y tulipanes… 

Nederlandse sieradenontwerpers – diseñadores de Joyas holandeses – Dutch jewelry designers

Inauguracion jueves 17 de septiembre a las 21h


20 diseñadores de Joyas holandeses se presentarán en Madrid. Aquí un adelanto de lo que se podrá ver.
20 Dutch jewelry designers will be presented in Madrid.  Here’s a preview of what will you can expect.
Comisario – Curator : Luis Acosta

EXPO 'Meer dan klompen en tulpen.../ Más que zuecos y tulipanes...' - Galería Lalabeyou, Madrid (ES) - 17 Sept.-18 Oct. 2015 dans Birgit LAKEN (NL)

with :   Arianne van der Gaag – Birgit LakenCharlotte Molenaar – Dieuwke Raats – Eva Van Kempen – Francisca Henneman – Gemma Frowijn – Ina Hascher – Iris Weyer – Jacquelien Sluis – Jeanet Metselaar – Karin KortenhorstLinda EzermanMachteld van Joolingen - Maja HoutmanMargo Nelissen – Marjo van den Bekerom- Michela Mazzeo Timmer Privato – Miriam Verbeek – Sylvia Blickman

Linda EzermanLinda Ezerman

Karin KortenhorstKarin Kortenhorst

Charlotte MolenaarCharlotte Molenaar

Margo NelissenMargo Nelissen

Miriam VerbeekMiriam Verbeek

Birgit Laken Birgit Laken

Machteld van JoolingenMachteld van Joolingen

Ina HascherIna Hascher

Francisca HennemanFrancisca Henneman

Jeanet MetselaarJeanet Metselaar

Marja HoutmanMarja Houtman



Galería Lalabeyou
joyería contemporánea
Laura González Sanz
Travesía de Belén 2 – Local 1
28004 Madrid
0034 653300154





EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Galería CONTEXT, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona – ES) – 19 Fevr.-21 Mars 2015

Apertura – Opening, Jueves – Thursday, February 19 at 19:30 h
  BEYOND TEXTILE - 18 Jewelers from Argentina 2015(Alejandra Koreck – broche « La Dicha II » – plata, rafia sintètica, paper)


BEYOND TEXTILE¨ reune una serie de piezas de joyería realizadas por dieciocho diseñadores argentinos. Se trata de una serie de obras que, si bien tienen como referente el género de la Joyería Textil Contemporánea, es para trascenderlo y aventurarse fuera de sus límites a partir de los heterogéneos recursos expresivos, diversidad de criterios y variedad de materiales y técnicas de los que hacen uso los diferentes autores. No obstante, lo que permanece como criterio unificador es la relación – a veces discordante – entre la Joyería Contemporánea y la diversidad de técnicas provenientes del diseño textil.
BEYOND TEXTILE, gather a series of jewellery pieces made by eighteen Argentine designers. This is a series of works that, even if they have Contemporary Textile Jewellery genre as a reference, their aim is to trascend it and venture outside their limits using heterogeneous expressive resources, diversity of criteria and wide variety of materials and techniques implemented by different authors. However, what remains as a unifying criterion is the relation -sometimes conflicting- between Contemporary Jewellery and the diversity of techniques resulting from textile design.

 avec :  Alejandra KoreckBárbara Paz Sabina Tiemroth Valeria Hasse Ana ArliaGabriela Bonelli – Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Lilia Breyter Graciela LescanoMabel PeñaFabiana GadanoPaola Victoria SaavedraMaría Rosa MongelliAnsiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo)Patricia TrigubMai Solorzano –  Elida KemelmanFabiana Vodanovich Casañas — & Luis Acosta

 Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) - Collar "Necklace II"  - llana, tèxtils    Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) – Collar « Necklace II »  – llana, tèxtils 

Maria Solorzano - Collar "Revolt" -  cotó  Maria Solorzano - Collar « Revolt » -  cotó 

Luis Acosta - Collar "Quipus" - paper teixit  Peça única Luis Acosta – Collar « Quipus » – paper teixit  Peça única

TOTA RECICLADOS (Valeria Hasse - Marcela Muñiz)  - Collar "Die Gleichisse Jesu" - material trobat TOTA RECICLADOS (Valeria Hasse – Marcela Muñiz)  – Collar « Die Gleichisse Jesu » – material trobat

Lilia Breyter - Polsera "Gauzes C5"   - fil ferro de coure teixit xapat en orLilia Breyter – Polsera « Gauzes C5″   – fil ferro de coure teixit xapat en or

Mabel Pena - Anell "Cycles III"  - plata, bronze, nylon Mabel Pena - Anell « Cycles III »  – plata, bronze, nylon

 Elida Kemelman-  Penjoll "Surprise"   -guant de pell, plata  Elida Kemelman-  Penjoll « Surprise »   -guant de pell, plata

Fabiana Gadano - Fermall "Party" - gasa, tela de cotó, llana, alpaca Fabiana Gadano – Fermall « Party » – gasa, tela de cotó, llana, alpaca

This is the first time an exhibition of this size, themed on Argentine jewelers, is performed in Europe.
Will be presented :
*in April 2014 at the Galerie u Help zelven Netherlands, ,
*in May at Galerie Cebra Düsseldorf, Germany, ,
* and in September in Lalabeyou gallery in Madrid, .
Now for the first time presented in Catalonia in Context Gallery in Sant Cugat del Vallès (Bcn),  .




C/Viñolas, 10
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès (BCN) Spain
T 0034 935 893 806


EXPO ‘Beyond Textile’ – Galería Lalabeyou, Madrid (ES) – 11 Sept.-15 Oct. 2014

« Beyond Textile » – 11/09 – 15/10 – 2014  – Galería Lalabeyou – Madrid España -

inauguración / opening: jueves / thursday 11/09 21:00

"Beyond Textile" - 11/09 - 15/10 - 2014 Galería Lalabeyou -




extil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Textil en

- Textil en joyas, obras de 21 diseñadores de joyas argentinas. / Textile in jewelry, works of 21 Argentine jewelry designers. comisario/curator Luis Acosta



Artistas / Artists : Fabiana Vodanovich Casañas — Patricia Trigub — Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse + Marcela Muñiz) Sabina Tiemroth – Mai Solorzano — Paola Victoria Saavedra — Jimena Ríos Mabel Peña — Bárbara Paz — María Rosa Mongelli — Graciela Lescano – María Alejandra Koreck — Elida Kemelman — Ansiosa Hormona (Jessica Morillo) Fabiana Gadano — Lilia Breyter — Gabriela Bonelli — María Boggiano — Ana Arlía — Alícia Antich — Luis Acosta



Galería Lalabeyou
Travesía de Belén 2 – Local 1
28004 Madrid España – Spain
+34 653300154




EXPO ‘Le petit est beau’ – Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha, Cracovie (PL) – 2 aout-14 sept. 2014

Le petit est beau. Paper Jewellery
Luis Acosta : participo en esta exhibición  « Le petit est beau » en Cracovia (Polonia). Apertura el viernes 1 de agosto a las 18:00 hs / I participate in this exhibition in Krakow (Poland).
Opening on Friday, August 1 at 6 PM
le petit est beau

Artits :   Luis  Acosta / AR-NL — Grażyna Brylewska / PL — Noemi Gera / HU — Mari Ishikawa / JP — Alejandra Koreck / AR — Sergiusz Kuchczyński / PL — Nel Linssen / NL — Fritz Maierhofer / AT — Doris Maninger / AT-IT — Kazumi Nagano / JP — Piotr Pandyra / PL — Magdalena Soboń / PL — Janna Syvänoja / FI — Andrzej Szadkowski / PL — Kiwon Wang / USA — Li Chu Wu / TW-UK

Luis Acosta (Luis Acosta)Concentric C bracelet Noémi Gera (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora)Noémi Gera - Concentric C bracelet

le petit est beau - Doris Maninger Doris Maninger

Janna Syvänoja  Janna Syvänoja

 Kazumi Nagano broszki, 2014, fot. Ryota Seloguchi (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora)

Kazumi Nagano Kazumi Nagano

EXPO 'Le petit est beau' - Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha, Cracovie (PL) - 2 aout-14 sept. 2014 dans Alejandra KORECK (RA) 1544297_10152232748742322_943482978910961629_n Li-Chu WuMari Ishikawa Mari Ishikawa

Mari Ishikawa - Blooming (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora) Mari Ishikawa - Blooming

Luis Acosta paper thread brooch V (źródło: materiały prasowe organizatora) Luis Acosta paper thread brooch V



Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej manggha
ul. M. Konopnickiej 26, 30-302 Kraków
tel. 0-12 267 27 03; 0-12 267 37 53 fax. 0-12 267 40 79


EXPO ‘Beyond textile – 21 jewelers from Argentina’ – Galerie Cebra, Düsseldorf (Germany) – 3 Mai-7 Juin 2014

Beyond textile – 21 jewelers from Argentina

Curator: Luis Acosta

INVITATION TO THE OPENING of the exhibition that will take place here in Germany. I am referring to “beyond textile”, which will gather a series of jewellery pieces made by twenty-one Argentine designers.
I would like to highlight the fact that this is the first time an exhibition on this scale is held by Argentine jewellers in Germany.

vernissage : May 3th, 7:00PM

INVITATION TO THE OPENING of the exhibition that will take place here in Germany. I am referring to “beyond textile”, which will gather a series of jewellery pieces made by twenty-one Argentine designers.I would like to highlight the fact that this is the first time an exhibition on this scale is held by Argentine jewellers in Germany. Curator: Luis Acosta. The link to the blog of this exhibition is the following: May 3th, 7:00PM  Galerie Cebra - Andreasstr. 25 - 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany - 0039 21132321

This exhibition gathers a series of pieces produced by twenty-one Argentine designers.

It consist of a variety of works that, even if they have contemporary textile jewelry genre as a strong reference, they often transcend it and play with its borders and limits using their own individual expressive resources.

Thus, we can see how shapes, textures and colors are expressed in a variety of materials and techniques in which also arises the peculiar relation notions on the human body as a carrier, in some cases, since there are pieces that step aside from this requirement of traditional jewelry´s typical function: be worn by someone.


see also EXPO ‘Beyond textile – 21 jewelers from Argentina’ – Galerie help u zelven, Winterswijk (NL) – 27 Avril-24 Aout 2014


Galerie Cebra
Andreasstr. 25
40213  Düsseldorf, Germany
0039 21132321



WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA – BARCELONA (ES) – samedi 10 mai 2014

Classé dans : Atelier/workshop,BARCELONA,Luis ACOSTA (RA),papier / paper — bijoucontemporain @ 0:56

WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA – BARCELONA -    samedi 10 mai  – 10:00 – 17:00 -             Barcelona, A pasos de la Rambla, Metro Liceo, Mercado de la Boquería, Plaza Real, etc.  Sábado 10 de mayo de 10 a 17 hs en Barcelona

CUPO LIMITADO  Inscripción hasta un mes antes o sea hasta el 10 de abril.


WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA - BARCELONA -    samedi 10 mai  2014
Luis Acosta paper bracelet
And ….. to show you how much it LOOKS « EASY » to do it, Luis Acosta offers us the images of the process …..
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 1Luis Acostaproceso en imágenes  /  process images – 1
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 2Luis Acostaproceso en imágenes  /  process images – 2
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 3Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 3
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 4Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 4
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 5Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 5
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 6Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 6
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images -  7 - braceletLuis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images -  7bracelet
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 7 bracelet detailLuis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 7 bracelet detail
EASY !!! isnt’it ??????? ;-)
Luis Acosta - workshop Holland 20 mars 2014Luis Acosta – workshop Holland 20 mars 2014
Luis Acosta -  workshop in Hollande 20 mars 2014Luis Acosta -  workshop in Hollande 20 mars 2014


EXPO ‘INTENTION PAPIER’ – Les Ateliers de Paris, Paris (FR) – 4 Avril-10 mai 2014

INTENTION PAPIER – Paris – aux Ateliers de Paris

INTENTION PAPIER - Paris -  avec Luis Acosta - 4 Avril-10 mai 2014
Luis Acosta -  My first paper jewelry Ca.1997Luis Acosta -  My first paper jewelry Ca.1997
Luis Acosta paper necklaceLuis Acosta -    paper neckpiece
Luis Acosta -  The paper neckleces were created by repeating a simple basic shape. I use six layers of different types and colors of paper. Sewn by machine. diameter 38 cm high 3,5 cm till 5 cmLuis Acosta -  The paper neckleces were created by repeating a simple basic shape. I use six layers of different types and colors of paper. Sewn by machine. diameter 38 cm high 3,5 cm till 5 cm
Luis Acosta - collar de hilo de papel (nr.7 reverso) - paper thread necklace (nr 7 back), serie "Quipus" Sept 2012Luis Acosta - collar de hilo de papel (nr.7 reverso) – paper thread necklace (nr 7 back), serie « Quipus » Sept 2012
ATELIERS DE PARIS – L’incubateur des métiers de création
30 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine
75012 Paris
tel : 01 44 73 83 50
fax : 01 71 18 75 72


EXPO ‘Beyond textile – 21 jewelers from Argentina’ – Galerie help u zelven, Winterswijk (NL) – 27 Avril-24 Aout 2014

Beyond textile – 21 jewelers from Argentina

Curator: Luis Acosta

Beyond Textile - 21 jewelers from Argentina - 27-04/24-08 2014

This exhibition gathers a series of pieces produced by twenty-one Argentine designers.

It consist of a variety of works that, even if they have contemporary textile jewelry genre as a strong reference, they often transcend it and play with its borders and limits using their own individual expressive resources.

Thus, we can see how shapes, textures and colors are expressed in a variety of materials and techniques in which also arises the peculiar relation notions on the human body as a carrier, in some cases, since there are pieces that step aside from this requirement of traditional jewelry´s typical function: be worn by someone.


April 27 – Aug. 23, 2014

Galerie help u zelven
Wilhelminastraat 9 – 7101 CM
Winterswijk, The Netherlands

0031 0543 53178


May 3 – June 7, 2014

Galerie Cebra
Andreasstr. 25 – 40213 
Düsseldorf, Germany

0039 21132321

Luis Acosta  collar de hilo de papel (nr.1 reverso) - paper thread necklace (nr 1 back), serie "Quipus" Julio/July 2012
Luis Acosta  collar de hilo de papel (nr.1 reverso) – paper thread necklace (nr 1 back), serie « Quipus » Julio/July 2012
Alejandra Koreck  Paz - Thoreau / 2013  Brazalete / Papel / Rafia sintética / Técnica mixta / Construcción por calor / Impresión de papel / 15 x 10 x 8 cm  Paz - Thoreau / 2013  Bracelet / Paper / Synthetic raffia / Mixed technique / Heat construction / Printing paper / 15 x 10 x 8 cm
Alejandra Koreck Paz -  Thoreau / 2013  Bracelet / Paper / Synthetic raffia / Mixed technique / Heat construction / Printing paper / 15 x 10 x 8 cm
 Mabel Pena  Ciclos 1. Naturaleza, transformación / 2012  Collar / Plata / Alpaca / Papel / Cera perdida / Construcción / 25 x 34 x 4 cm   Cycles 1. Nature, transformation / 2012  Necklace / Silver / Alpaca / Paper / Lost Wax / Construction / 25 x 35 x 4 cm    Photo by Damián Wasser
Mabel Pena  « Ciclos 1. Naturaleza, transformación » 2012  Necklace / Silver / Alpaca / Paper / Lost Wax / Construction / 25 x 35 x 4 cm    Photo by Damián Wasser
Ana Arlia - Collar y brazalete Mandala / 2012 - - Mandala necklace and bracelet /2012 Transformable jewel / Tyvek / Swen / Necklace from diam. 9 cm / Bracelet from diam. 6 cm -   EXPO "BEYOND TEXTILE - 21 jewelers from Argentina" -Ana Arlia – Collar y brazalete Mandala   2012 -Joya transformable  – Tyvek – Cosido a mano – Collar desde diam. 9 cm – Brazalete desde diam. 6 cm  // Mandala necklace and bracelet -2012 Transformable jewel – Tyvek
 Barbara Paz - Angel 2012 - bombyx Mori silkworm cocoons - manually crochet wooven, tinted Barbara Paz – Angel 2012 – bombyx Mori silkworm cocoons – manually crochet wooven, tinted
Ansiosa Hormona / Jessica Morillo - necklace 6 - coll. Unisex portable sculptures Freedom 2012 - varied textures wool - reused textiles - crochetAnsiosa Hormona / Jessica Morillo – necklace 6 – coll. Unisex portable sculptures Freedom 2012 – varied textures wool – reused textiles – crochet
María Solorzano  Viejos los cerros / 2012 Broche / Alpaca / Algodón / Tejido / Construcción / Oxidación / 7.5 x 4.5cm The hills are old / 2012 Brooch / Alpaca / Cotton / Construction / Oxidized / Sewn / 7.5 x 4.5cm  Photo by Damián Wasser -   EXPO "BEYOND TEXTILE - 21 jewelers from Argentina" -María Solorzano  Viejos los cerros / 2012 Broche / Alpaca / Algodón / Tejido / Construcción / Oxidación / 7.5 x 4.5cm The hills are old / 2012 Brooch / Alpaca / Cotton / Construction / Oxidized / Sewn / 7.5 x 4.5cm  Photo by Damián Wasser
Lilia Breyter - "des sarments suvages" 2013 - necklace -  copper wire, weaved in manual loom, gold plated, slver plated, oxidized  Lilia Breyter – « des sarments suvages » 2013 – necklace -  copper wire, weaved in manual loom, gold plated, slver plated, oxidized
Maria Boggiano-Jewelry designer-Argentina -  "vertebrado corto - cuero 2012 - leather, magnet claspMaria Boggiano -  « vertebrado corto – cuero 2012 – leather, magnet clasp
Sabina Tiemroth Ciudades invisibles III / 2013 Collar / Textil de descarte / Alpaca / Costura / Construcción / Coiling / Oxidación / 37 x 15 x 1cm.   Invisible cities III / 2013 Necklace / Fabric recycled / Alpaca / Sewing / Coiling / Oxidation / 37 x 15 x 1cm.Sabina Tiemroth Ciudades invisibles III / 2013 Collar / Textil de descarte / Alpaca / Costura / Construcción / Coiling / Oxidación / 37 x 15 x 1cm.   Invisible cities III / 2013 Necklace / Fabric recycled / Alpaca / Sewing / Coiling / Oxidation / 37 x 15 x 1cm.





EXPO ‘Gioielli Alternativi’ – Fiera Abilmente di Vicenza, Vicenza (IT) – 20-23 Fevr. 2014

« Gioielli alternativi: ingegno e creatività indossabile », Vicenza, Italia

Abilmente, Fiera di Vicenza

Gioielli Alternativi

The exhibition « Unconventional Jewels: Wearable Talent and Creativity« , hosted at Abilmente on the Vicenza fairgrounds, is dedicated to body ornaments testifying to the happy mix between manual skills and courageous insights gaining their strength from artist’s experiences, preferences and personal histories.
Curated by Nunzia De Feo is organized by associazione Nurò established in Verona, that aims to enhance works by artists and designers working on contemporary jewelry.
The more than one hundred works that will be presented, created ​​by 38 artists from various countries, in their wearability, meet the need, as old as humanity, to create artifacts with which to inevitably communicate fragments of real life stories and for this reason authentic .
As stated by one of the participants, the London based artist-goldsmith Joanne Haywood in her interesting book « Mixed-media Jewellery », there is no limit to the choice of materials to use. The rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and brooches exhibited are made ​​of ceramic, fiber, yarn, horn, leather, plastics, metals, wood, resin, silicone, enamels and fabrics, sometimes recycled and used in different ways to produce innovative solutions. Metal is not one of the preferred choices and is often absent or relegated to a marginal role.
In light of this consideration, the link is evident between this show and Abilmente, place of choice for fresh and important encounters with materials and experiences and with the objects of the workshops which characterize this fair.
In conclusion, these « unconventional jewels » possess an intriguing and captivating charm, sometimes as naive as disarming. They are characterized by a narrative or abstract language rich of symbolic or conceptual references and by a raw, bitter , pungent, or sometimes, by contrast, graceful, kind and almost childlike aesthetic. They offer rare moments of intellectual and spiritual empathy to visitors. They are « little living worlds » capable of awakening dormant emotions, never suspected inclinations and reflect today’s contemporaneity crossed by the incessant demand for vitality and positive zeal.
Curator Nunzia De Feo

(at Gioielli Alternativi) Marion DelarueMarion Delarue

Artistas participantes :

Luis Acosta (AR/NL) — Patricia Alvarez (AR) — Rafael Luis Alvarez Main (AR) — Agata Bartos (PL) — Elizabeth Bone (UK) — Isabelle Busnel (FR/UK) — Elizabeth Campbell (UK) — Aurelio Castano (USA) — Patricia Cruz (IT) –  Nunzia De Feo (IT) –  Marion Delarue (FR) — Corrado De Meo (IT) — Clara Del Papa (IT) –  Suzanne Esser (NL) — Resi Girardello (IT) — Laura Giusti (AR) — Marianna Hadass (UK) — Liz Hamman (UK) — Joanne Haywood (UK) – Paula Isola (AR) — Laserbean (UK) — Paula Lindblon (SE) — Francesca Marcenaro (IT/UK) — Rita Martinez  (CR/IT) — Robyn McLean (UK), Mikiko Minewaki (JP) — Maria Rosa Mongelli (AR) — Louise Perrone (CA) — Jelka Quintelier  (UK) — Wanda Romano  (IT) — Swing Kit (UK) — Uniqeco (FI) – Julie Usel (UK) — Stella Valencia (CR) — Monica Vinci (IT) — Iolanda Violante (IT) — Seo Jeong Woo (KR) – Melania Zucchi (IT)

Luis Acosta - bracciale  (at Gioielli Alternativi)Luis Acosta - bracciale
Laura Giusti - necklace (at Gioielli Alternativi)Laura Giusti – necklace

Paula Lindblom, Brooch, 2011Paula Lindblom - Brooch: Untitled, 2011 – Mixed media, glass beads, silver 925

Joanne Haywood, Neckpiece, 2013 Joanne HaywoodNeckpiece: Plant Hunter, 2013 – Silver, silk yarns, Merino felt

Elizabeth Bone, Brooch, 2012Elizabeth BoneBrooch: Geometric, 2012Oxidized silver with orange silk thread – 13x18cm

 Mikiko Minewaki, Brooch, 2006Mikiko Minewaki, Brooch, 2006

DELARUE Marion "Mania" Objet de main. Laque naturelle coréenne, cheveux humains. 2011.
Marion Delarue,   »Mania » Objet de main. Laque naturelle coréenne, cheveux humains. 2011.

Julie Usel - la route de la soie - Princes Von Thurn und Taxis: silk, thread, silver leaf, broochJulie Usel – la route de la soie : brooch « Princes Von Thurn und Taxis » – silk, thread, silver leaf

Jelka Quintelier  Polilla coll.Jelka Quintelier – Polilla, the butterfly of the night. Dark, graceful, rhythmic.

Louise Perrone - "strictly platonic" neckpiece - flag fabric, styrene sheet, nylon thread, sailing cord - 2013 Perrone – strictly platonic – Flag fabric, styrene sheet, nylon thread, sailing cord – 2013

Robyn McLean - Velvet Bone BroochRobyn McLean – Velvet Bone Brooch
Clara Del Papa, Ring IguazuClara Del Papa, Ring Iguazu
Corrado de Meo - brocheCorrado de Meo – brooch



Fiera Abilmente di Vicenza
Via dell »Oreficeria
36100 – Vicenza
Telephone: 333 7443972