EXPO ‘Pensieri preziosi 5: La llibertat de la Joia – Padova (IT) 19 dec 2009-28 fev 2010 -PROLONGATION 10 MARS
Prorogata fino al 14 marzo 2010
Precious Thoughts / Pensieri preziosi
Innovation, colour and energy: jewellery from Escola Massana of Barcelona
The fifth edition of “Precious Thoughts” presents by the works of seven internationally famous artists the Spanish contemporary jewellery developed at the Massana School of Barcelona.
After the important exhibition, “Artistic Jewellery – Padua and its Jewellery School” and last year’s review,“The Jewellery of Nature”, presenting Dorothea Prühl and the German School at Halle, with “La llibertat de la Joia” the same cultural path is continued to present the contemporary art of jewellery to the residents.
This is a cultural event of great importance carried on by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the City of Padova as Italy has not yet developed a proper culture of contemporarity and artistic jewellery is an expressive form still little known and appreciated
“La llibertat de la Joia” is presenting Massana School of Barcelona which thanks to its principles favours the growth of free personalities, fully mature and vivacious artists who work autonomously and completely independently to the extent that it is not possible to speak of a true Catalan style. However, there are many aspects which allow us to see a solid background and an identity in common in the jewellery-makers who attended the School: a marked tendency towards innovation, a conceptual search and the use of metaphor, a great freshness and energy, the tendency towards beauty through the use of colour, the mingling of different materials and objects trouvés, the frequent choice of assembly or construction techniques; the deep convinction that a piece of jewellery is one of the most particular, personal and fantastic ways of sharing one’s thoughts and feelings with the outside world.
Xavier Ines Monclùs - broche ‘just like the Ddsbury frogs’ 2004 – silver, bronze, paper, plastic, enamel
Ramon Puig Cuyas - broche ‘bilustris n° 1114′ 2006 – silver, plastic, nickel, acrylic painting
Grego García Tebar – necklace ‘niña en coral’ 2005 – plastic card, oxidized silver, coral, pearl
Artists : Manuel Capdevila, Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Gemma Draper, Grego García Tevar, Xavier Ines Monclús, Javier Moreno Frías, Silvia Walz.
Gemma Draper - Silver, Electroformed Copper, Enamel and Mirrors – 2008
Javier Moreno Frías
Oratorio di San Rocco
Via Santa Lucia
Padova – Italy
Telephone : 049 8204527
19 Dec 2009 – 28 Feb 2010
Opening hours: 9.30 – 12.30 / 15.30 – 19.00
infos at http://www.klimt02.net/exhibitions/index.php?item_id=16374
et sur http://padovacultura.padovanet.it/homepage-6.0/2009/12/pensieri_preziosi_5a_edizione.html