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EXPO ‘Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery ‘ – Putti Art Gallery, Riga (Latvia/Lettonie) – 23 Mai-2 Aout 2014

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -

Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia)

Amber - Riga - Putti gal.

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -  Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia) 23-May-2014 -
Nikolai Balabin (brooch ?)

The core idea of the exhibition is to demonstrate the possible range of application of amber in the contemporary art jewellery created by professional jewellers.  This area of interest is largely based on the specific materiality of amber – and its historical significance. The choice of exhibition organizers to choose „Amber Road” as the thematic background is not accidental; it played a significant role between 1st and 5th centuries AD as an exchange route of goods between the Baltic Sea region and Roman Empire. The route started in the eastern coastal area of the Baltic Sea, which at that time was inhabited by the Prussians and Curonians. It continued down the Visla up to the city of Karnunta (currently in Hungary) and further to the coast of the Adriatic Sea and the Apennine peninsula, providing Rome with the precious and exclusive material. Many Roman coins and antiquities found in the graveyards in the Baltic countries is perceived as the evidence of this trade route together with testimonies in the writings of Roman Empire era. Thus not only will Latvian and Italian jewellers participate in the exhibition but also artists from countries that Amber Road passed through (Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, and Hungary). This exhibition will not only link the Amber Road geographically, but also historically by connecting the ancient times with the present, the past with the future and demonstrating the spectacular miracle of amber jewellery creation.

The stage of the exhibition is set by an internationally renowned fashion designer brand “MAREUNROL’S”. The fashion designers – Mārīte Mastiņa and Rolands Pēterkops created their first joint collection in 2002 while still being students at Riga Applied Art College. Since then, they have participated and received awards in various international fashion and arts festivals, including the International Fashion and Photography Festival in Hyeres (France). ( and )

Exhibition catalogue is designed by Kirils Kirasirovs and the text authors are Una Meistere and Daiga Rudzāte. The catalogue is issued by the arts and culture portal “Arterritory” (

The catalogue publishing is supported by “Rīga 2014″.

Twenty artists take part in the exhibition: Andris Lauders (Latvia), Claudia Steiner (Austria), Eva Tesarik (Austria), Eve Margus-Villems (Estonia), Fanni Vékony (Hungary), Gigi Mariani (Italy), Guntis Lauders (Latvia), Heidemarie Herb (Italy), Helfried Kodré (Austria), Jānis Vilks (Latvia), Jurgita Erminaitė-Šimkuvienė (Lithuania), Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy), Māris Auniņš (Latvia), Māris Šustiņš (Latvia), Nataša Grandovec (Slovenia), Nikolai Balabin (Russia), Pawel Kaczynski (Poland), Sara Gackowska (Poland), Valdis Brože (Latvia) and Viktoria Münzker (Austria).

Gigi Mariani, Brooch, 2013Gigi MarianiBrooch: Alone in my Thoughts, 2013Silver, 18kt yellow gold, Amber, Niello, patina12,5 X 6,5 X 1,6 Photo: Paolo Terzi
gigi mariani - will remain a sign...- ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patinaGigi Mariani - « will remain a sign… »  ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patina
Heidemarie Herb, Brooch, 2013
Heidemarie HerbBrooch: Untitled, 2013925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm -Photo: Silvana Tili
Andris Lauders, Ring, 2013
Andris LaudersRing: Seal’s Dream, 2013Amber, Mammoth bone, 925 Silver, 750 Gold7,5 x 5 cmPhoto: Normunds Brasliņš
Fanni Vékony, Brooch, 2013
Fanni VékonyBrooch: Names of Amber II, 2013Plastic coated paper, copper, silver and Matrix boardPhoto: Mária Pecsics
claudia steiner, ring -highlighted distance- amber
Claudia SteinerRing: Highlighted Distance, 2013Copper, 925 Silver oxidized, Resin, Baltic Amber7 x 5 cmPhoto: Claudia Steiner
Helfried Kodre  - ring - amberHelfried Kodre  Ring: Vienna, 2013Amber, silver, gold, copper1,9 x 2 x 3,8 cm
Victoria Munzker - white electron - brooch with amberVictoria Munzker – white electron – brooch 
Eva Tesarik - brooch with amber
Eva Tesarik - brooch
Valdis BrozeValdis Brože – pendant (« The big one, the talkative one », 2013 -Carved amber, Silver 925, enamel
140 x 50 x 30 cm)  & ring (?)
Maria Cristina Bellucci, Necklace, 2013Maria Cristina Bellucci, Schon 2, necklace, 2013 – Silver, marble, amber, coloured pencils, rubber, epoxy resin
88 cm –
Photo: Giulia Lupi
Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 – Rīga
Telephone: +371 67214229
Fax: +371 67214230


Workshop « Transformaction » – Maria Cristina Bellucci & Arianna Pittini – Rome (Italy) – 5-10 Aout 2013

Maria Cristina Bellucci workshop : Workshop abstract

We are ever more surrounded by utilitarian objects in our daily life; these objects represent the things that make up our individual worlds.
By changing the way we look at things around us, we will activate our creativity and expand our conception of the everyday.


Maria Cristina Bellucci workshop
The objective of the workshop is to revisit the ordinary objects, deconstruct and decontextualize them in order to create new forms, change their original purpose and give them new meanings.
“Transformaction” workshop intend to bring together jewellery artists, designers and other playful people to re-imagine the ordinary, experience new creative opportunities and create challenging contemporary jewellery objects.


Organized by :

Maria Cristina Bellucci:   The work I’ve been producing over the last years explores ordinary objects and ways of taking them out of their ordinary context;  by transforming readymades I extend and reconfigure their properties.  I find that an interesting way to reflect on perception and sensitivity and work on this qualities.

Maria Cristina Bellucci  Necklace: 12 necklace 3 2012  Coloured pencils, silverMaria Cristina Bellucci  Necklace: 12 necklace 3 – 2012  Coloured pencils, silver

Arianna Pittini:   having travelled to England to study , I gained a Bachelor degree and Master degree in jewellery design.  Contemporary Jewellery fascinates me; I enjoy investigating how worthless materials may be ascribed value when placed in the context of jewellery.  My approach to materials and practice is intuitive, I enjoy using a unprecious materials, in particular paper, fabric, iron. I have taught Art and Design in England and I am lecturing  in “jewellery design”  in an Art Accademy in Rome.

 Arianna PITTINIArianna Pittini



Booking information:
Date and times:  From the 5th to the 10th of August 2013;  10 am till 6pm, from Monday 5th August to Saturday 10th August . (total: 43 hours teaching)
LocationM.Cristina Bellucci’s Studio, via della Selvotta 14, Formello (Rome) Italy   (search with Lokator on Klimt02)


Price:  700 euros for each participant.
Max 8 persons may be accepted at the course.
Language: Italian and English.
Cost include:  the use of a fully equipped workshop. A lunch-buffet will be provided for participants.


Accomodation: this is not included in the workshop price. We can suggest different options for your accommodation.

Payment must be made as follows:   50% deposit to be paid at the moment of  booking, the remaining part is due to be paid by end of July.


To sign up: 


(Booking works on a first come first served basis)


Send  a message describing:
-          your background,
-          what attracts you to this workshop,
-          8 images maximum ( 72 dpi only ) of your recent work


EXPO ‘Ring Party » – Associazione TRA, Treviso (IT) – 8-16 Juin 2013

Ring Party
Treviso, 8 – 16 June 2013 – with AGC Italia

65 anelli in mostra

L’edizione del 2013 di Ring Party, si terrà a Treviso da sabato 8 al 16 giugno nello storico palazzo del tredicesimo secolo Ca’ De Ricchi in Via Barberia 25.
La mostra s’inaugurerà sabato 8 Giugno alle ore 18.00 con la breve relazione  » Il significato del Gioiello nella Moda » della Prof.ssa Maria Luisa Frisa Direttrice del Corso Design della Moda

Ring Party

  ring party - avec l'AGC Italia

Partecipanti:  Daniela Archiutti, Eleonora Battaggia, Silvia Beccaria, Maria Cristina Bellucci, Roberta Bernabei, Paolo Bertelli, Fernando Betto , Maura Biamonti, Adrean Bloomard, Patrizia Bonati, Luisa Bruni, Veronica Caffarelli, Monica Cecchi, Luisa Chiandotto, Katarina Cudic , Corrado De Meo, Clara del Papa, Francesca Di Ciaula, Elisabetta Duprè , Fernanda Duso,  Anna Fornari, Emma Francesconi, Maria Rosa Franzin, Nicoletta Frigerio, Francesca Gabrielli, Francesca Gazzi, Simonetta Giacometti, Lucilla Giovanninetti, Heidemarie Herb, Ute Kolar, Alba Polenghi Lisca, Angelo Lomuscio, Elvio Lunian, Letizia Maggio, Rita Marcangelo, Gigi Mariani, Simona Materi, Marco Minelli, Paola Mirai, Francesca Mo, Giancarlo Montebello, Marilena Morello, Eliana Negroni, Margareta Niel, Bernardetta Ostani, Marco Picciali, Sara Progressi, Daniela Repetto, Roberta Risolo, Maddalena Rocco, Stefano Rossi, Kika Rufino, Giulia Savino, Sara Sazo, Chiara Scarpitti, Giovanni Sicuro, Sonia Spano, Sergio e Stefano Spivach, Maurizio Stagni, Simonetta Starrabba, Yoko Takirai, Rossella TornquistBarbara Uderzo, Angelo Verga, Federico Vianello, Laura Volpi.




palazzo Ca’ De Ricchi
Via Barberia 25
Treviso (Italy)


EXPO ‘The Beauty Chase’ – Espace le Carré, Lille (FR) – 16 Nov. 2012-13 janv. 2013

The Beauty Chase – Parcours esthétiques du bijou contemporain

Commissariat : Valeria Accornero
En collaboration avec la Direction des Arts Visuels et des Expositions de la Ville de Lille
Exposition visible du 16.11.2012 au 13.01.2013
The_beauty_chase - Lille (FR) - nov 2012 - X
The Beauty Chase – Parcours esthétiques du bijou contemporain. Ce n’est pas Un diamant gros comme le Ritz qui rend fantastique le bijou contemporain, mais la capacité de l’artiste à créer des mondes imaginaires avec les matériaux les plus divers. Le doute et l’innovation, la recherche et l’idée sont au centre du bijou contemporain, il n’y a pas de chemin tracé à suivre. Dans le parcours de la création, le caractère précieux tient donc plus au projet et au travail qu’au matériau “brut” utilisé. Papier, bois, plastique, or ou titane, tissu ou verre : la matière choisie est déjà un mode d’expression esthétique avec l’envie d’être “autre”. C’est justement là l’aspect « fantastique » du bijou contemporain : l’envie de travestissement et de transformation qui le rend surprenant. Le plastique ne semble plus en être, la résine devient bois, l’or se transforme en se mêlant au tissu, au plexiglass, au pigment, le verre révèle sa transparence là où et quand l’artiste le veut. Très développé en Europe du Nord, peu connu par le grand public en France où la tradition de la haute joaillerie éclipse, peut être, tout le reste, le bijou contemporain expérimente, ose, provoque, crée avec des résultats poétiques, irrévérencieux ou ironiques, spectaculaires voire féériques. Et, si on veut emprunter les mots de Tzvetan Todorov, en sa présence: “on accepte le surnaturel”.
 Barbara Paganin: Brosche RAMI BLUBarbara Paganin Broche RAMI BLU
Artifizio — Giampaolo Babetto — Helen Britton — Maria Cristina Bellucci — David Bielander — Peter Chang — Jantje Fleischhut — János Gábor Varga — Francesca Gabrielli — Mirjam Hiller — Beppe Kessler — Sari Liimatta — Nel Linssen — Stefania Lucchetta — Svenja John — Lisa Juen — Iris Nieuwenburg — Barbara Paganin — Katja Prins — Jacqueline Ryan — Bettina Speckner — Fabrizio Tridenti — Tanel Veenre — Petra Zimmermann

  Svenja John - bracelet 2012  ZAMIST (EXPO The beauty Chase)Svenja John – bracelet   « ZAMIST »  2012

Barbara Paganin - collier Silenzi 2012 (EXPO The beauty Chase )Barbara Paganin – collier Silenzi 2012

Fabrizio Tridenti - 'restricted area' bague 2010 (EXPO The beauty Chase)Fabrizio Tridenti – ‘restricted area’ bague 2010

Tanel Veenre - 'Princess' 2002 - brooch (EXPO The beauty Chase)Tanel Veenre – ‘Princess’ 2002 – brooch

Angle rue de la Halle et rue des archives (Vieux Lille)
28 rue des Archives
angle de la rue de la Halle
59000 Lille
03 20 74 46 96
MER – SAM : 14:00-19:00
DIM : 10:00-13:00 et 15:00-18:00


EXPO Design Centrum, Kielcke (Poland) – 23 Juin-4 Aout 2012

inauguration of Design Centrum Kielcke Poland (June 23-24th)

« For the official opening of the Design Centrum Kielce in the spring of 2012, our first exhibition will present exceptional achievements of Polish and international contemporary design, showing wide spectrum of this creative field and its unconventional approach towards everyday life.
In the main galleries the exposition will present furniture, lighting and innovative home accessories.
In the thematic galleries we will display contemporary industrial porcelain, ceramic and glass, avant-garde jewelry and projects of Kielce architects. In the library we will exhibit graphics, lettering and book design. »

EXPO  Design Centrum, Kielcke (Poland) - 23 Juin-4 Aout 2012 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)

Jewelry artists :  Arek WolskiKarolina BikDanni SchwaagSilvia BeccariaYoko TakiraiMaria Cristina BelucciMarc MonzoNora FokEla BauerDonald FriedrichDoug BucciShunichiro NakashimaChristel van der Laan

are invited to exhibit their contemporary jewelry in the design exhibition curated by Daga Kopala. The exhibition will be held in Kielcke, in Poland for the inauguration of Design Centrum Kielcke Poland on June 23th to 24th






EXPO ‘WHITE’ – gallery Putti, Riga (Lettonie) – 9 Dec. 211-29 Fevr. 2012

winter exhibition  » WHITE « 

WHITE interpreted by a painter Vija Zariņa and jewellery artists Valdis Brože Jānis VilksGuntis Lauders Māris ŠustiņšMāris AuniņšSaulius Treiny (Lithuania) Gigi Mariani (Italy) Nicolas Estrada (Spain) Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy) Eugenia Ingegno (Italy) Ramjuly (NL)

Valdis BrožeValdis Brožeāris Šustiņš – ring

Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy): Necklace made out of silver and pencilsMaria Cristina Belucci (Luigi) Mariani

Eugenia Ingegno for exhibition "White" galleria PuttiEugenia Ingegno (aka Bulgarian jewellers Antoaneta Petrova Ramdjulska and Emanuela Deyanova Ramjuly )

Ramjuly - Snowflacke Coral Ring




Art gallery Putti

Mārstaļu 16, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
tel +371 67214229


EXPO ‘Conceptual jewellery’ – Gallery Putti, Riga (Latvia) – 23 Sept.-22 oct. 2011

 ’Conceptual jewellery’Gallery Putti, Riga (Latvia)

Felieke van der Leest –  Gigi Mariani (Luigi Mariani) (Italy) –  Fabrizio Tridenti (Italy) –  Emmanuel Lacoste (France) –  Doris Betz (Germany) –  Eugenia Ingegno (Italy) –  Dace Vitola (Latvia) –  Daniela Boieri (Italy) –  Coco Dunmire (USA) –  Beppe Kessler (NL) –  Ara Kuo (Thailand) –  Anastasia Young (UK) –  Ana Cardim (PT) –  Adam Grinovich –  Lisa Björke –  Tarja Tuupanen –  Ted Noten –  Silke Fleischer –  Poly Nikolopoulou –  Pawel Kaczynski (Poland) –  Nicolas Estrada (Spain) –  Nora Rochel –  Margherita de Martino Norante (Italy) –  Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy) –  Isabell Schaupp (Sweden) –  Liisa Hashimoto (Japan) –  Sigurd Bronger (Norway) …..



Gallery Putti
Mārstaļu 16, Riga, Latvia, LV-1050
+371 67214229


Grassimesse 2010 – Leipzig (DE) – 29-31 Oct 2010


The GRASSIMESSE is organized by the GRASSI museum of Applied Art (Leipzig) and takes place in the reconstructed Grassimuseum, an important building of the Art Decó period. Three exhibition rooms with a total of 1200 sqm provide space for 85 exhibitors.

Grassimesse Leipzig

The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity.” Since the reestablishment in 1997, the fair has been held once each year on the last weekend of October.

The GRASSIMESSE forum and sales exhibition in equal measure, reflects the world of ideas and the variety of contemporary creative design, promotes developments and sharpens the awareness for design quality. Unique products, limited editions and sample industrial products of jewellery, ceramics, glass, textile, clothing, furniture, metal, leather, toys etc. display a fascinating variety of creative design which allures to see and buy as well. This selection and international orientation enables to gain a comprehensive overview of recent innovations and trends, as well as timeless modern design.

Subject and concern of the GRASSIMESSE is the selection and promotion of quality. Therefore a jury of experts decides on the selection of the exhibitors and will award the four prizes on the occasion of the GRASSIMESSE.

A catalogue of the GRASSIMESSE will be released, it will be feature one example of every exhibitor.

Grassimesse 2010 - Leipzig (DE) - 29-31 Oct 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) Hiller_Mirjam_01Nguyen_Thanh-Truc_01 dans Allemagne (DE)
Mirjam Hiller  – “Tulema” brooch, 2010. Stainless steel, created from a single piece, sawn.
Thanh-Truc Nguyen – Brooch, 2010. Silver, blackened, textile, plastic, assembled, wound, sewn.


Exhibitors 2010 (jewelry) : 

Aliki Apoussidou — Alexandra Bahlmann — Nicole Bauer — Maria Cristina Bellucci — Reinhard Berkes — Vera-Marie von ClaerBabette von Dohnanyi — Marianne Eggimann — Beate Eismann — Nora Fiege –  Jan Exnar — Miki Gamzou — Angela Wandelt –  Barbara Hast –  Mirjam HillerMargit Jäschke Michaela Kirchner — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke –  Unk Kraus – Thanh-Truc NguyenNicolay Sardamov – Beatrix SchmahAngela Simone — Silke Spitzer — Silke TrekelJasmin Winter — Susanne Wolbers — Arek Wolski — Alchimia Jewellery School — Burg Giebichenstein HS für Kunst und Design Halle – Studienrichtung: Schmuck –  Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Fakultät Gestaltung/Metallgestaltung — Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Schmuck

Sardamov_Nikolay_01 dans Angela SIMONE (IT)Spitzer_Silke_01 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)
Nicolay Sardamov – Brooch, 2010. Silver, shaped (wax model), cast.
Silke Spitzer -“Ein-Astkette” neck jewellery,2010. Wood, silver, blackened

Trekel_Silke_01 dans Beate EISMANN (DE)Winter_Jasmin_03 dans Jasmin WINTER (DE)
Silke Trekel – “Kaktus” brooch,2010. Iron, engraved, enamelled
Jasmin Winter – “Two sides” reversible neck jewellery, 2009. Silver, enamel, artificial resin, silk, assembled, enamelled, knotted

Wolski_Arek_01 dans Maria Cristina BELLUCCI (IT)
Arek Wolski – “Ludzie” brooch, 2008. Aluminium, anodised

13_31 dans Michaela KIRCHNER (DE)
Nicole Bauer
Neck jewellery, 2009. German silver, silver, etched, assembled

Beate Eismann – « Mass and Weight » works

Kleine_Behnke_Ulrike_01 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Ulrike Kleine-Behnke – Brooch, 2010. Silver, wood, assembled, sawn





GRASSI Museum of Applied Art
Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone 0049-(0)341-2229100,
Fax. 0049-(0)341-2229200


Grassimesse 2010 – Leipzig (DE) – 29-31 Oct 2010


The GRASSIMESSE is organized by the GRASSI museum of Applied Art (Leipzig) and takes place in the reconstructed Grassimuseum, an important building of the Art Decó period. Three exhibition rooms with a total of 1200 sqm provide space for 85 exhibitors.

End of application: 9 april 2010

Grassimesse Leipzig

The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity.” Since the reestablishment in 1997, the fair has been held once each year on the last weekend of October.

The GRASSIMESSE forum and sales exhibition in equal measure, reflects the world of ideas and the variety of contemporary creative design, promotes developments and sharpens the awareness for design quality. Unique products, limited editions and sample industrial products of jewellery, ceramics, glass, textile, clothing, furniture, metal, leather, toys etc. display a fascinating variety of creative design which allures to see and buy as well. This selection and international orientation enables to gain a comprehensive overview of recent innovations and trends, as well as timeless modern design.

Subject and concern of the GRASSIMESSE is the selection and promotion of quality. Therefore a jury of experts decides on the selection of the exhibitors and will award the four prizes on the occasion of the GRASSIMESSE.

A catalogue of the GRASSIMESSE will be released, it will be feature one example of every exhibitor.


Exhibitors 2010: 

Cornelia Ahnert – Barbara Amstutz – Alexandra Bahlmann - Nicole Bauer – Maria Cristina Bellucci - Reinhard Berkes – Chakobag – Claudia Christl - Vera Marie von Claer – Sandra Davilio – Babette von Dohnany – Marianne Eggimann – Beate Eismann – Mieke Everaet - Jan Exnar – Nora Fiege – Miki Gamzou – Ragna Gutschow – Barbara Hast - Hebach & Kloess - Susan Heise –  Mirjam Hiller - Annina Homuth - Margit Jäschke – Matthias Kaiser - Kristiina Karinen –  Ulla und Martin Kaufmann – Kamaldeep Kaur - Keskusta – Young-I Kim –  Michaela Kirchner – Ulrike Kleine-Behnke – Uta Kolozcek - Unk Kraus – Annedore Krebs – Christof Lungwitz – Xenia Lassak - Sonngard Marcks – André von Martens – Frank Meurer – Andreas Möller – Thanh-Truc Nguyen - Jutta Nordheim – Anja Pfefferkorn Retextil – Salon Elfi - Nikolay Sardamov – Sebastian Scheid - Martin Schlotz – Beatrix Schmah – Manfred Schmid – C.G.G. Schönfeld – Markus Schürmeyer – Lucia Schwalenberg – Hiawatha Seiffert – Senger Tierpuppen – Angela Simone – Silke Spitzer – Katja Stelz – Stefan Strube – Suzusan – The way of wood (Clemens Gerstenberger) – Silke Trekel – Peter Wagensonner – Angela Wandelt – Christiane Wilhelm – Jasmin Winter – Susanne Wolbers – Arek Wolski

Freie Universität Bozen, Fakultät Design
Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Produktdesign
Hochschule für Kunst und Design Halle Burg Giebichenstein Fachbereiche Kunst/Schmuck – Möbeldesign – Malerei/Glas – Buch
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Fakultät Gestaltung/Metallgestaltung
Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Schmuck
Alchimia Goldschmiedeschule Florenz

Laureats 2009 :  Carmen Hauser — Claudia Küster — Mirjam Hiller — Gertrud Menzel

Grassimesse 2010 - Leipzig (DE) - 29-31 Oct 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) hauser_01hiller_01 dans Allemagne (DE)menzel_07 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)
Carmen Hauser , bracelet  –   Mirjam Hiller, brooch „Ovalhaufen orange“ — Gertrud Menzel, pendant

 Participants 2009 :

Vera-Marie von Claer  – Coco Dunmire –  Beate Eismann – Ursula Gnädinger Bettina Götsch Birgit Hagmann – Carmen Hauser –  Anke Hennig Juliane Herden Mirjam Hiller –  Ulrike IsenseeMargit Jäschke –  Ulla und Martin KaufmannMichaela Kirchner – Unk KrausClaudia Küster – Rebecca Maeder – Gertrud Menzel – Alessandra PizziniAlke Reeh Nikolay Sardamov Isabell SchauppAnn Schmalwasser Dorit SchubertSabine SteinhäuslerKlaus TitzeSilke Trekel Lilli Veers Angela Wandelt Gabriele Wiegand Annette ZeyMartina ZwölferAlchimia Jewellery School Hochschule Burg Giebichenstein Hochschule HildesheimHochschule Pforzheim


GRASSI Museum of Applied Art
Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone 0049-(0)341-2229100,

Fax. 0049-(0)341-2229200



COUP de COEUR ! Maria Cristina Bellucci et autres coups de crayon

Jusqu’à maintenant, les bijoux de Maria Cristina Bellucci  j’aimais bien … sans plus .. je trouvais ça bien fait (c’est vrai que chez elle c’est particulièrement bien fait, avec une belle finition !), amusant, coloré …. mais là, ce bracelet a basculé la donne !

Maria Cristina Bellucci - bracelet 'egg'Maria Cristina Bellucci - bracelet ‘Egg’ -Silver, coloured pencils – 2010

« Un oggetto comune che ha accompagnato tutta la mia vita. Tolte dal loro ambiente e decontestualizzate le matite  divengono irriconoscibili,  acquistano una nuova bellezza e una nuova funzione. Le matite colorate  a  sezione esagonale si incastrano perfettamente e divengono una superfice unica come le celle di un alveare.   Le tecniche usate sono quelle tradizionali dell’oreficeria e falegnameria, le matite sono lavorate come fossero un unico pezzo di legno e incollate come fossero pietre all’argento. Viene applicata una patina per rendere impermeabile il legno, si tratta di una cera mista ad oli usata in bioarchittettura, un prodotto naturale privo di tossicità,  è incolore permettendo la lettura cromatica delle mine in tutte le loro tonalità.  » (Maria Cristina Bellucci)

Maria Cristina Bellucci - rings 'only wood' or '12 colors' - Silver, coloured pencils, ebony  Maria Cristina Bellucci – rings ‘only wood’ or ’12 colors’ – Silver, coloured pencils, ebony 

Maria Cristina Bellucci - brooches 'Red one' & 'Blue' - Coloured pencils, silver 2008Maria Cristina Bellucci – brooches ‘Red one’ & ‘Blue’ – Coloured pencils, silver 2008

 » For several years I worked as theatre costume and accessories maker, creating also a wide range of jewellery for stage use. I developed a strong interest for contemporary jewellery and I dedicated myself to it.
As much as designing and making my own personal jewellery collection, I work on commission, and also design and create jewellery in collaboration with other artists and designers.
What characterized my early work was the use of very thin metal sheets and wires, experimenting with hollowness and fullness. In later work, I started using even thinner metal sheets, as if working with paper sheets, creating pieces that were voluminous and light at the same time.
My more recent work is characterised by having more solid looking elements and also by the introduction of colour, not previously explored.  » (Maria Cristina Bellucci)


Mais ….. pendant qu’on est dans le crayon …….. Margherita MARCHIONI en fait des bijoux … pointus ! ;-)
« materiamorfosi is the brainchild of Margherita Marchioni (IT), another talented young artist. Are we feeling old yet? all materials are fair game for this imaginative soul. rubber bands and plastic kitchen gloves morph into necklaces and bracelets. and pasta…oh what she does with pasta! more neckwear. plastic grocery bags too. and that’s not even her new stuff. My head is spinning – the recycled eyeglass sculptures, handbags made from photographic slides, chopsticks, pencils…i’m getting tired just thinking about it. I think it’s time for my nap. »

Margherita Marchioni - colliers

Margherita Marchioni - colliersMargherita Marchioni - colliers

Margherita Marchioni - colliersMargherita Marchioni - colliers

VU aussi :

Susan Lenart Kazmer (USA) - colection 'talisman', objets trouvés

Marta Miguel Martinez-SoriaMarta Miguel Martinez-Soria
Marta Miguel Martinez-Soria (ES) – ‘joyas Sensacionales’ (Taller Perill) ‘Lo raro’

Miyuki TokunagaMiyuki Tokunaga shows quite a range of styles within a tiny collection! Pictured here is an ingenious piece made from coloured pencils (TheCarrotbox – 2006)


Ellen Cheek -  from 200 RINGS at Velvet da Vinci Gallery, Fernando Delaye Villalever in '1000 rings' book
Ellen Cheek (US) – « Back to Basics »  Ring  (from 200 RINGS at Velvet da Vinci Gallery)
Fernando Delaye Villalever ‘day by day’ ring (from « 1000 rings » book)

Gemma Holt's Pencil JewelleryGemma Holt - Pencil Jewellery

Diana TorcolettiDiana Torcoletti (Arg.)- Serie: ¡QUE REGISTRO! – anillos elaborados con plata y lápices.

Jennifer MaestreJennifer Maestre (US) – pendant & earrings

  Ariel Matias Ortega  ©ORTEGA_925 CReaTuReSAriel Matias Ortega  (Arg.) – bague – (groupe des « Artigiani Orafi ») (photo Viviana Berti)

Lisa & Scott Cylinder Lisa & Scott Cylinder  (US) – « Full Bloom » Brooch