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EXPO ‘Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América’ – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbonne (PT) – 27 Juin- 22 Juill. 2017

Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América

Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America

This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

PIN - 23


In an age of globalization when artists travel to numerous places, how relevant is their nationality in an artistic context?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
What do we mean when we say that jewelry can identify a people and a culture?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
Why do we mean when we say that a people and a culture can be identified by their jewelry?
Could it nowadays only identify an epoch?
// question the cultural identity and heritage of participating artists
// display works without showing the artists’ names and nationalities
// look at the way jewelry manufacturing undergoes changes and is affected by other materials and techniques
// reflect on concepts of identity and the way our past surfaces in the present
// foster a debate on the response of the public and reveal the artists’ names and nationalities when the event closes
Draw up the themes that PIN elected to embody the Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in the Ibero-America exhibition to promote a reflection on contemporary manufacturing that will make us re-think the cultural heritage of each artist and the relations this establishes.
Each of the 23 areas that make up the exhibition plan where the pieces are displayed represents a member nation of UCCI – Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities.
The artists’ names and nationalities are not displayed in order that their cultural identity and heritage can be probed and questioned.
The public is invited to seek the origin of each group of artists and interact in loco by trying to discover their nationality – and leave a flag sticker at each area.

Lúcia Abdenur / Luis Acosta / Rodrigo Acosta / Inês Almeida / Sandra Alonso / Rafael Luis Álvarez / Jordi Aparicio / Titi Berrio / Stella Bierrenbach / Anabell Bravo / Catalina Brenes / Ximena Briceño / Eva Burton / Daniela Caro Pérez / Jorge Castañón /Ignasi Cavaller / Hugo Celi / Cristina Celis / Trinidad Contreras / Ángela Cura Méndez / Teresa Dantas / Gemma Draper / Isa Duarte Ribeiro / Nicolás Estrada / Alejandra Ferrer Escobar / Filomeno /Alice Floriano / Sandra Frias / Pamela de la Fuente / Samantha Fung / Catalina Gibert / Carolina Gimeno / Leonor Hipólito / Caco Honorato / Gabriela Horvat / Amira Jalet / Ana María Jiménez / Erika Jordán / Kepa KarmonaMarie Pendariès / Guigui Kohon / Francisca Kweitel / Lorena Lazard / Nina Lima / Maru López / Jorge Manilla / Massiel del Mar (Massiel Mariel Muñoz)/ Caio Marcolini / Carlos Martiel / Simón Mazuera / Renata Meirelles / Marília Maria Mira /Miriam Mirna Korolkovas / Xavier Monclús / Marc Monzó / María Eugénia Muñoz / Lucía Nieves / Inês NunesCatarina Dias / Liliana Ojeda / Natalia Olarte / Raquel Paiewonsky / Clara del Papa /Miriam Pappalardo / Renata Porto / Ramón Puig Cuyàs / Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz) / Cristina Roque dos Santos / Kika Rufino / Vania Ruiz / Estela Sàez / Natalia Sarrazín / Marina Sheetikoff / Diana Silva / Inês Sobreira / Rita Soto / Manuela Sousa / Yolanda Sucre / Edu Tarín /Isabel Tristán / Anahí Vallejos / Manuel Vilhena / WALKA (NanoPulgar) / María Ignácia Walker

Luis ACOSTA at EXPO "23" Luis ACOSTA Rodrigo Acosta - en EXPO "Veintitrés"Rodrigo Acosta - brooch

en EXPO Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica - Pamela de la Fuente - Feliz de participar con "Pullme" en este gran evento en Portugal, además esta pieza es parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018,Pamela de la Fuente -   « Pullme »  (esta pieza es tambien parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018) Ramon Puig Cuyas en EXPO "Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica"Ramon Puig Cuyas – brooch

Rafael Luis Alvarez  - colección "Lo que fue escrito" Rafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección « Lo que fue escrito » - MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos Jordi AparicioJordi Aparicio

Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes Jorge CastañónJorge Castañón Catalina Gibert -   braceletCatalina Gibert -   bracelet

Carolina Gimeno JewelleryCarolina Gimeno Jewellery

Caco HonoratoCaco Honorato « Corazón de Greda Negra » de la colección Lloraría a Mares

Gabriela HorvatGabriela Horvat

Amira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica "Roble", Oil paintingAmira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch

Lorena LazardLorena Lazard

Jorge Manilla - This was not organically": Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoalJorge Manilla   – This was not organically »: Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoal Miriam Mirna Korolkovas - colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925Miriam Mirna Korolkovas – colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925

María Eugenia Muñoz -  colección "Paisajes Constructivos" brocheMaría Eugenia Muñoz -  colección « Paisajes Constructivos » broche

 Necklace by Natalia SarrazinNecklace by Natalia Sarrazin

 Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, telaLiliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)

Massiel de Mar,  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano.Massiel Mariel MUNOZ (Massiel Del Mar),  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano

Vania Ruiz's necklace 'Ayúdame Papito'Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)'s necklace 'Ayúdame Papito' (detail)Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ (detail)

Estela SaezEstela Saez Vilanova

Edu TarinEdu Tarin

Isabel Tristan -  Noves polseres.  col·lecció KubsIsabel Tristan · Noves polseres.  col·lecció Kubs

WALKA joyas - jewelryWALKA joyas – jewelry  – « Cornucopia: Charms for Life », 2017 (Cacho, plata, seda y retrato de la artista portuguesa Maria José Oliveira con su pieza, realizado por Cristina Felipe) Eva Ave Burton - «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014Eva Ave Burton – «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014

ToTa reciclados pieza “Backside 2“ 2017ToTa reciclados  pieza “Backside 2“

Marília Maria Mira 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper. 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card. Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.Marília Maria Mira – 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper – 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card.
Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.

Miriam Andraus PappalardoMiriam Andraus Pappalardo

Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015) • Necklace 'Horus 1' • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Necklace ‘Horus 1′ • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017

Simón Mazuera Zambrano - pieza de la serie el viaje. Simón Mazuera Zambrano - broche de la serie el viaje.

Rita Carolina Soto VenturaRita Carolina Soto Ventura (Rita Soto Joyaspieza Refugios I

Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36
1250-044 Lisbonne (PT)
De lunes a viernes (excepto festivos) de 12h00 a 19h00 y sábados de 14h00 a 20h00
*concept / curatorship / production: PIN (Madalena Braz Teixeira, Cristina Filipe, Carlos Silva, Raquel Soares, Joana Taurino) e Marco Roque Antunes
*production assistants: Beatriz Faustino, Natalia Olarte
*advisory commission:
​​​​​​​​Lúcia Abdenur, Titi Berrio, Eva Burton, Holinka Escudero, Pamela de la Fuente, Catalina Gibert, Carolina Gimeno, Klimt02 (Leo Caballero e Amador Bertomeu), Francisca Kweitel, Jorge Manilla, Natalia Olarte, Clara del Papa, Renata Porto, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Andreina Rodriguez-Seijas, Estela Sàez, Alberto Soarez Chang, Andrea Tello, Valeria Vallarta Siemelink, Manuel Vilhena, WALKA
*exhibition design: Fernando Brizio
*assistant designers: André Calvão, Rafael Sabino, Davide Mateus
*graphic design: Arne Kaiser




#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (69) – ‘Light Matters’ – Erco Showroom, Munich (DE) – 9-11 Mars 2017


Opening Fri 10.03  18:00-20:00

(69) Light matters
Six jewellery artists and Erco, together in a show reflecting on why LIGHT MATTERS. Unique jewellery pieces interact with innovative illumination in order to create a new subject full of possibilities for interpretations. The viewer is swirled into a game of light and shadow, material and ephemeral, handmade and digital. The silent dialogue between these two realities create an intricate scenery.
All photos by Federico Cavicchioli
with :  Daria Borovkova Valentina CapriniLena Grabher — Daria Olejniczak — Lavinia RossettiMaría Ignacia Walker
  Light Matters - Daria Borokova. Ring: Untitled, 2016. Personal alloy.. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Being and Belonging.  Daria Borokova. Ring: Untitled, 2016. Personal alloy.. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Being and Belonging 
  Light Matters - Maria Ignacia Walker. Necklace: Untitled, 2017. Resin, fishing line.. 30 x 15 x 4 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Piel. Maria Ignacia Walker. Necklace: Untitled, 2017. Resin, fishing line.. 30 x 15 x 4 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Piel
Light Matters-   Lena Grabher. Bracelet: Diplopia 11, 2016. 3D printed elasto-plastic, glass, monofilament.. 16 x 13 x 13 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli.: Lena Grabher. Bracelet: Diplopia 11, 2016. 3D printed elasto-plastic, glass, monofilament.. 16 x 13 x 13 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli 
Light Matters - Valentina Caprini. Brooch: Hybrids, 2017. Thread, silver, white gold.. 63 x 47 x 5 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Pink roots Valentina Caprini. Brooch: Hybrids, 2017. Thread, silver, white gold.. 63 x 47 x 5 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Pink roots
Valentina Caprini  -   cuffs  valentinacaprini_gioielli - at LIGHT MATTERS Valentina Caprini_gioielli - cuffs 
Valentina Caprini - LIGHT MATTERS-exhibition during #mjw2017.  Valentina Caprini
Light Matters - Lavinia Rossetti. Necklace: Untitled, 2017. Silver.. 18 x 24 x 9 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Aracne  Lavinia Rossetti. Necklace: Untitled, 2017. Silver.. 18 x 24 x 9 cm. Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli. From series: Aracne 
LIGHT MATTERS - Daria Olejniczak Pendant: Untitled, 2016 Women's magazine paper, silver, cotton ribbon. 4 x 7 x 50 cm Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli From series: Bodies: Daria Olejniczak Pendant: Untitled, 2016 Women’s magazine paper, silver, cotton ribbon. 4 x 7 x 50 cm Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli From series: Bodies 




Erco Showroom
Mauerkircherstraße 8
81679 -  Munich



EXPO ‘Bodies and Minds’ – Galeria Romanelli, Firenze (IT) – 17-19 Juin 2016

« Bodies and Minds »

Mañana se inaugura la muestra “Bodies and Minds” en la Galeria Romanelli en Firenze !
La muestra curada por Antonia Alampi y Riccardo Lami que reúne el trabajo realizado por Lavinia RossettiDaria BorovkovaFederica SalaSana KhalilGiulia Savino y mi (Maria Ignacia Walker) obra « Trascendieron ».

Invito a todos los que se encuentran por estos lados del mundo y aprovecho de agradecer a Alchimia contemporary Jewellery school in Firenze y Jorge Manilla.

 Opening: Friday June 17, from 6.30 pm

"Bodies & Minds"

Alchimia – Contemporary Jewellery School presents :
With jewellery by  Daria Borovkova, Sana Khalil, Lavinia Rossetti, Federica SalaGiulia Savino and Marìa Ignacia Walker (Mi Walky).
Curated by Antonia Alampi and Riccardo Lami.
Galleria Romanelli,  Firenze
Alchimia is happy to present BODIES AND MINDS, a group exhibition opening on June 17 at 6.30pm, featuring the work of its recent MFA graduates, choreographed as a conversation between contemporary jewellery and the sculptures and fascinating spaces of the historical Galleria Romanelli.
BODIES AND MINDS wants to incite a reflection on the hybrid nature of the contemporary artistic jewel, on the relationship between the body and the mind, on the constraints determined by physical prerequisites vis-à-vis conceptual investigations, between the weight of tradition and the fragility of innovation.

galeria Romanelli Firenzegaleria Romanelli Firenze

In 1829 the sculptor Lorenzo Bartolini transforms an abandoned fourteenth century church in a studio where his student Pasquale Romanelli, followed by five generations of male heirs, develops the Romanelli Gallery. Hundred-eighty-seven years later six female jewellery artists take over the space and its collection challenging disciplinary and gender hierarchies. BODIES AND MINDS offers unexpected connections and ironic cultural appropriations, in a path that relates illustrious examples of copies and originals from the history of Italian sculpture to the experimental relational dimension of contemporary jewellery.

 galeria Romanelli Firenzegaleria Romanelli Firenze

A large crowd of rings asks us to reflect on the manufacturing of our cultural identities, both as individuals and as members of larger communities, in « Being and Belonging » by Daria Borovkova.
Another critical mass of circular shapes, now without a specific identity, characterizes « In Conflict. Moments of Strike » by Sana Khalil, a tribute or cynical celebration to the impossibility of the artist to perform direct political agency over the world.
While such ambitions can only strengthen our sense of inadequacy, « 1: 20,000″ by Giulia Savino invites us to remain suspended, to let ourselves be carried away by those states of temporary sense of satisfaction that keep us above the world through the appropriation of real and imaginary cities.
On a more personal level, « Madeleine » by Lavinia Rossetti evokes the ephemeral existence of our memories, finding ways to give form to the essence of significant moments.
A similar sense of transience characterizes « Trascendieron » by María Ignacia Walker in a tribute to our daily losses, a possible humorous comment to the Western impulse to preserve and collect.
Finally, and gently, « True Lies. A Collection of Oxymoron » by Federica Sala confronts us with existential questions: what is the true nature of our experience or how do we define reality, whispering, perhaps, what contemporary jewelry wants .

Daria Borovkova  - "Being and Belonging"  2016 Daria Borovkova  – « Being and Belonging »  2016

Sana Khalil  - Alchimia Graduation Show 2014: Sana Khalil

Giulia Savino - " 1 : 20.000" collectionGiulia Savino -  » 1 : 20.000″ collection – Geneve necklace

Lavinia Rossetti - Madeleine - 25-26 March 2016   (ALCHIMIA): Lavinia Rossetti – Madeleine

María Ignacia Walker Contemporary Jewellery - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON: María Ignacia Walker   – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON

True Lies by Federica Sala  2016 - RINGS True Lies by Federica Sala  2016 – rings

On the same evening Alchimia presents at its premises « Wonder/Wander« , a group show with jewellery by Anna Okamoto Gayton, Dana AL-Nafisi, Diana Pantea, Lena Kosztyucsenko, Sehnaz Erdal, all international graduating students of its BFA program.


Galleria D’arte Romanelli

Borgo San Frediano 70,


EXPO ‘Trascendieron’ – Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana, Santiago (CHILE) – 17 Mars-21 Avril 2016

Classé dans : Chili (RCH),COUP DE COEUR,Exposition/Exhibition,Maria Ignacia WALKER (Chili) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:34
Inauguración   jueves 17 de marzo a las 19:30 hrs. 
« ¿Cuántos cabellos se desprenden constantemente?
¿Cuántas pérdidas del cuerpo ocurren cada día?« 
Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON
La artista chilena María Ignacia Walker presentará un homenaje a la pérdida de los cabellos, elementos que inmortaliza a través de un trabajo en el cual incorpora porcelana e hilos de oro dando vida a interesantes piezas de joyería contemporánea.
Exposición de joyería contemporánea de la orfebre María Ignacia Walker (Master en Bellas Artes de la destacada escuela Alchimia de Florencia)
Esta muestra fue expuesta recientemente en Barcelona y podrá ser vista desde el 18 de marzo en Chile, en la Sala Terracota del Centro Cultural Scuola. Posteriormente será llevada a Florencia para continuar su itinerancia.
« A simple fact of life that María Ignacia Walker obsesses over: The shedding of hair.
The obsession – losing them, collecting them, ordering them, measuring them and archiving them. The desire – to preserve these losses – It gives rise to “transcendieron”.
The discourse is not about beauty and it is not about sensuality, not even about cultural symbols that hair carries.
How much hair do you lose constantly, everyday?
How many pieces grow out of your body and die every moment?
“The transcendents” are a homage to the moments when you lose your hair.
Captured and immortalized in the fragility of the porcelain, they give perpetuity and freeze all their expressions in the moment of their detachment from the body.
With a threading method, the artist uses horsehair as connectors. They show the lightness, energy and freedom, while demonstrating the real, natural movement of the hair.
Together with the act of keeping and protecting the hair in a porcelain form, they are given another life that keeps them present through their absence.
Maria Ignacia Walker  - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold Maria Ignacia Walker  – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold
Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Photographs: Aleksandra Trajkovic and Silvano Di GeronimoMaria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Photographs: Aleksandra Trajkovic and Silvano Di Geronimo
Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Photographs: Aleksandra Trajkovic and Silvano Di GeronimoMaria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Photographs: Aleksandra Trajkovic and Silvano Di Geronimo

 Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERONMaria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – work in progress
Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON Test Tubes No.03 Quantity: 35 hairs Place: shower Hour: 8:03 am Hair length: 10.530 mm Au length: 10.530 mmMaria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON Test Tubes No.03 Quantity: 35 hairs Place: shower Hour: 8:03 am Hair length: 10.530 mm Au length: 10.530 mm

María Ignacia Walker  - octobre 2015 ·   Last details ready for the exhibitions!!!!!! María Ignacia Walker  – octobre 2015 ·   Last details ready for the exhibitions!!!!!!

Maria Ignacia Walker - TRASCENDIERON 13 2015 Brooch 7 x 8 cm Porcelain / Horse Hair / Gold Photographs: Marcos Bucco: Maria Ignacia Walker – TRASCENDIERON 13 2015 Brooch 7 x 8 cm Porcelain / Horse Hair / Gold Photographs: Marcos Bucco
Maria Ignacia Walker - TRANSCENDIERON - Necklace-object, 28 x 45 cm, porcelain, horse hair and resin Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist Maria Ignacia Walker – TRASCENDIERON – Necklace-object, 28 x 45 cm, porcelain, horse hair and resin Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist
- Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold Porcelana / Cabellos de caballo / Resina / Hilo de oro / Oro: Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold Porcelana / Cabellos de caballo / Resina / Hilo de oro / Oro
Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana – Sala Terracota
Avda. Las Flores 12.707,
San Carlos de Apoquindo
7610662 Santiago – CHILE
de lunes a viernes entre 8 y 17 hrs.



EXPO ‘Enhance Colours tour’ – Gal. CONTEXT & Gal. Ingallerybcn, Barcelona (ES) – 8 Oct.-8 Nov. 2015

during JOYA 2015 (but NOT part of the « OFF JOYA » !) : Alchimia Alumni Collective –  our EnhanceColours tour will stop too in Barcelona this October !

Join and enjoy with us at two beautiful spaces:
1st #opening will be on October 7th at 18h at Ingallerybcn C/Penedés, 3 Barcelona
2nd #opening on October,10th at 12h at Context Galeria C/Viñolas,10 #StCugat


during JOYA 2015 : Alchimia alumni collective --  our #EnhanceColours tour  (Elena GIL brooch)

 La intenció de l’exposició “Pugem el colors” és la de comunicar, mitjançant l’ús del color, els pensaments, sentiments i emocions de quinze alumnes de l’escola Alchimia de Florència.

Participants: Andrea CoderchCatalina GibertAkiko BanElena GilFrancesco CodaMaría Constanza OchoaMaría Eugenia LópezMaría Ignacia Walker Poly NicolopoulouSelen ÖzusYuki SumiyaValentina CapriniMargherita de MartinoClaudia Cucchi

  ENHANCE the COLORS - m.c.Ochoa: Maria Constanza OCHOA  Penjoll « MAY » plata oxidada, pigment, fil de seda 

 Andrea Coderch   Polsera "OPOSS"  : plata, pell, tela japonesa, plexiglàs, seda - ENHANCE COLORS: Andrea Coderch -  Polsera « OPOSS »  : plata, pell, tela japonesa, plexiglàs, seda

Akiko Ban - collar "Espagna" làmines de plàstic, fil de poliuretà, plata.Akiko Ban - collar « Espagna » làmines de plàstic, fil de poliuretà, plata

Poly Nicolopoulou    - brooch "Pass throught"   -  plata, resina, cordills - ENHANCE COLORS: Poly Nicolopoulou    – brooch « Pass throught »   -  plata, resina, cordills

 Francesco Coda - Anell "Northside", plata, guix, pintura acrílica -  ENHANCE COLORS:  Francesco Coda - Anell « Northside », plata, guix, pintura acrílica

María Ignacia Walker - Collar "Neltume 7",  porcellana, seda,cotó, esmalts, plata - ENHANCE COLORS: María Ignacia Walker – Collar « Neltume 7″,  porcellana, seda,cotó, esmalts, plata

Catalina Gibert  Collar "Serra" - fusta cremada de pi mediterrani, pintura acrílica, fil de lli Catalina Gibert  Collar « Serra » 2014 – fusta cremada de pi mediterrani, pintura acrílica, fil de lli



CONTEXT Galeria 
c. Viñolas, 8-10
Sant Cugat del Vallès (BCN)
Tel  935 893 806



C/Penedés, 3
08012 Barcelona (M° Diagonal)
Tel 93 237 96 94





EXPO ‘TRASCENDIERON’ – Mutuo Centro de Arte, Barcelona (ES) – 8-10 Oct. 2015


at Mutuo Centro de Arte

 OPENING ON OCTOBER 8, 2015 FROM 8.30 pm TO 11 pm

Alchimia is proud to present Trascendieron, a solo exhibition by Chilean graduating jewellery artist Maria Ignacia Walker opening at the independent cultural centre Mutuo in Barcelona on October 8, 2015. This is the first in a series of solo exhibitions realized by the graduating students of Alchimia’s MFA program 2014/2015, each happening in a diffezrent city, from Prague to Antwerp, between October 2015 and April 2016

Mi Walky

Alchimia contemporary jewellery School
2013 – 2015
« mi proyecto de graduación del Master en Bellas Artes »
Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold
Porcelana / Cabellos de caballo / Resina / Hilo de oro / Oro

“Mis joyas son el resultado de un dialogo con mi propio cuerpo”

María Ignacia Walker, joyera contemporánea nacida en Chile, con un background en dirección de arte publicitaria.
Actualmente reside en Florencia, luego de haber realizado un Magíster en joyería contemporánea y ornamentación del cuerpo en Alchimia School of Contemporary Jewellery.
Su trabajo nace a partir de la investigación de rituales propios traducidos en amuletos y objetos conceptuales que expresan su esencia y se conectan con su cuerpo mediante performances

Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 7 2015 Necklace-object, 8 x 59 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold thread Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist: Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 7 – 2015 Necklace-object, 8 x 59 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold thread Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist

A simple fact of life that María Ignacia Walker obsesses over: The shedding of hair.
The obsession – losing them, collecting them, ordering them, measuring them and archiving them. The desire – to preserve these losses – It gives rise to “transcendieron”.
The discourse is not about beauty and it is not about sensuality, not even about cultural symbols that hair carries.
How much hair do you lose constantly, everyday?
How many pieces grow out of your body and die every moment?
“The transcendents” are a homage to the moments when you lose your hair.
Captured and immortalized in the fragility of the porcelain, they give perpetuity and freeze all their expressions in the moment of their detachment from the body.
With a threading method, the artist uses horsehair as connectors. They show the lightness, energy and freedom, while demonstrating the real, natural movement of the hair.
Together with the act of keeping and protecting the hair in a porcelain form, they are given another life that keeps them present through their absence.

Un simple hecho cotidiano que obsesiona a María Ignacia Walker: El desprendimiento del cabello.
Perderlos, recopilarlos, ordenarlos, medirlos y archivarlos. El deseo de preservar estas pérdidas da origen a “Trascendieron”.
Un discurso que no es sobre belleza, tampoco de sensualidad y menos de los símbolos o conceptos culturales que existen a partir del cabello.
¿Cuántos cabellos se desprenden constantemente?
¿Cuántas veces al día se desprenden partes del cuerpo?
“Trascendieron” es un homenaje a la muerte de los cabellos, los que son plasmados e inmortalizados a través de la frágil porcelana, que les otorga perpetuidad y congela las expresiones de cada uno de ellos al momento de su adiós.
A modo de hilo, la artista usa los cabellos de caballo como conectores. Ellos entregan libertad, ligereza y energía, características propias de los movimientos naturales del cabello.
Junto al acto de preservar los cabellos en estas formas de porcelana, se hace presente su vida en la ausencia de la misma.  - Text: Josefina Monsalve

Maria Ignacia Walker -Trascendieron 1Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 1 – 2015 Necklace-object, 28 x 45 cm, porcelain, horse hair and resin Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist

Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 13 2015 Brooch, 7 x 8 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist: Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 13 – 2015 Brooch, 7 x 8 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist

Trascendieron - Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015: Maria Ignacia Walker – Trascendieron –   2015

Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 14 2015 Brooch, 11 x 13 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist: Maria Ignacia Walker Trascendieron 14 2015 Brooch, 11 x 13 cm, porcelain, horse hair and gold Photo by Marcos Bucco, courtesy of the artist

 Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold Porcelana / Cabellos de caballo / Resina / Hilo de oro / Oro: Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold Porcelana / Cabellos de caballo / Resina / Hilo de oro / Oro

Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold: Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold

Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold: Maria Ignacia Walker – 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – Materials: Porcelain / Horsehair / Resin / Gold thread / Gold

Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 - TRASCENDIERON - work in process ...Maria Ignacia Walker - 2015 – TRASCENDIERON – work in process …




Mutuo Centro de Arte
c/Julià Portet, nº5,
tel 630426684 / 675 316 999




EXPO ‘Subamos los colores/Enhance colours’ – Aram. Espai de Joies, Palma de Majorca (ES) – 19 Sept.-3 Oct. 2015

On Saturday it will be the 2nd stop of the « Enhance Colours » tour during the « Nit de l’Art » in Palma of Majorca.
A night when all the city is invaded by all sort of artistic proposals.
Come and join us.
We are waiting for you at « Aram. Espai de Joies« !!!!

nit del art 2015  palma de mallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours /Pugem_els_colors tour.

Join us on Saturday, September 19th @AramEspaideJoies !!

 nitdelart2015  palmademallorca will be the 2nd stop of the Enhance_Colours


Exhibition organised by Alchimia alumni collective :

List of participants:
Akiko Ban — Andrea Coderch — Catalina Gibert — Claudia Cucchi — Elena Gil — Francesco Coda — Elisa Deval — Margherita de Martino Norante — Mª Constanza Ochoa — Mª Ignacia Walker — Maru Lopez — Poly Nikolopoulou — Selen Özus — Valentina Caprini  – Yuki Sumiya


Claudia Cucchi EXPO 'Subamos los colores/Enhance colours' Claudia Cucchi

catalina_gibert dans Exposition/ExhibitionCatalina Gibert

Elena GilElena Gil

akiko_ban dans Gal. Silvestre (ES)Akiko Ban

andrea_coderchAndrea Coderch

maria_ignacia_walkerMaria Ignacia Walker

Poly Nikolopoulou: Poly Nikolopoulou

Selen Ozus Jewelry | "Friends" necklace(s) 2013 - silver, porcelain, cotton thread: Selen Ozus – « Friends » necklace(s) 2013 – silver, porcelain, cotton thread

Valentina Caprini 2015Valentina Caprini

Carrer Missió

07003 Palma de Majorque
tel 971572348
de dill a div de 10.30 a 14.00 i de 17.00 a 20.30h


SIERAAD 2014 – International Jewellery Art Fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 6-9 Nov. 2014

SIERAAD  6-9 nov 2014 – Amsterdam

List of participants 2014

sieraad 2014



La liste des participants commence somptueusement !!! : « Erato Kouloubi, ALCHIMIA Jewellery school in Florence, Alina Carp, Andrea Coderch Valor ……. Catalina Brenes, Catalina Gibert,  …. Wu Ching-Chih, David Choi ……….. Dora Haralambaki, Edith Bellod, ……… Gabrielle Desmarais, George Giannoutsos, etc etc etc pour ne citer que mes préférés ……… la Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers … (voir la liste (lien ci-dessus)

ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki.ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki - at stand 84

George GiannoutsosGeorge Giannoutsos at stand 1

 Erato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver www.eratojewellery.comErato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver  at stand 1

Niki Stylianou presents " Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy" Necklace - Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolorNiki Stylianou –  » Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy » Necklace – Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolor – at stand 1

Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014  at stand 1

SO, stand 1 is a « GREEK » stand, with : Maria Tsimpiskaki - Niki Stylianou Erato Kouloubi   & George Giannoutsos

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert - Serra_2014 Necklace – at stand 41B

Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.  – at stand 41A

Liisa Hashimoto -  5set Red Seed Ring - at SIERAAD 2014Liisa Hashimoto (HINGE Dept.) -  5set Red Seed Ring – at stand 48

Cécile Bertrand - SIERAAD 2014Cecile Bertrand – broche « GUN » – at stand 74
stand 74 avec la « dream team » : Cécile BertrandSylvie Jousset & Isabelle Carpentier

Sylvie Jousset -  "catch me cactus" bracelet - Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus et plantes grassesSylvie Jousset -  « catch me cactus » bracelet – Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus & plantes grasses - at stand 74

Nevin Arig brooch-simple5 - at SIERAAD 2014Nevin Arig – brooch simple5 – at stand 71

SIERAAD 2014 International Jewellery Art Fair | Gabrielle DesmaraisGabrielle Desmarais at stand 75,
sharing with Isabelle Busnel, Edith Bellod and  Eun Mi Kwon


they made a collective necklace !

sieraad 2014 - collective necklace - Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace

Eun Mi Kwon - spring on skin #07 - 2014 porcelaine Eun Mi Kwon (Mia Kwon jewellery) – spring on skin #07 – 2014 – porcelaine  at stand 75

SIERAAD 2014  International Jewellery Art Fair | Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel - neckpiece – at stand 75

Edith Bellod Necklace  Kaléidoscope Necklace Bouton 3 rows - at SIERAAD 2014Edith Bellod – at stand 75

CHING CHIH WU - SIERAAD 2014Wu ching-chih- at stand 18

 Judith Bloedjes - ring precious triplet 2014 - porcelaineJudith Bloedjes – ring precious triplet 2014 – porcelaine


SIERAAD 14 -  Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes  at stand 64

Alina Carp - broochAlina Carp – brooch – at stand 25Lauren Markley - SIERAAD 2014Lauren Markley -at stand 44

SIERAAD -  Raewyn Walsh (- NTJ)Raewyn Walsh Vessel pendant, 2012 NZ, silver, epoxy, silk thread

Eily O'Connell at SIERAAD 2014Eily O’Connell-  at stand 31

Han-Chieh Chuang - red brick brooch serie - silver, copper, enamel, steel wireHan-Chieh Chuang – red brick brooch serie – silver, copper, enamel, steel wire – at stand 38

Silvia Beccaria - at stand 100Silvia Beccaria - gorgiera Splendor – 2011 -  at stand 100

Jeehyun ChungJeehyun Chung

papallona - Karolina Bik -  'graphium' ring - peridot, argent oxydéKarolina Bik -  ‘graphium’ ring – peridot, argent oxydé

Linda Ezerman - Necklace with a storyLinda Ezerman - Necklace with a story

Linda Ezerman - Sea Seed Brooches - SIERAAD 2014Linda Ezerman - new work ! – Sea Seed Brooches – Balsawood, pigment(powder), laquer and stamen -
SIERAAD 2014 at stand 53

SIERAAD 2014 --Jillian-MooreJillian Moore – at stand 33

maria diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) ph federica cioccoloniMaria Diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) – at stand 67

Mariko Sumioka -Mariko Sumioka

Merav O. Roth JewelryMerav O. Roth Jewelry

YUNG HUEII CHAO (TAIWAN), Bracelets (2010)  Nilckel silver I   Window Series  8 X 10 X 3 cm (each)   Selected Artist ,Talente 2011Yung Huei, Chao (Taiwan). « Windows Series ». Nickel silver Bracelets (2010) 

stand of Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers, with Vincent Verstrepen, Elitsa Macheva, Annika Wirken, Elya Tettelin, Josefine Mass, Mara Gabriela Grigoriu :

Annika Wirken -  ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP - Annika Wirken

  Vincent Vestrepen - ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP   Vincent Vestrepen

Josefine Mass - ANTWERPJosefine Mass

stand of Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, (stand 101), with :
Daria Borovkova (Russia), Amani Boudargham (Lebanon), Francesco Coda (Italy), Elena Gil (Costa Rica), Sana Khalil (Lebanon),  Daniela Malev (Germany), Lilian Mattuschka (Austria), Carla Movia (Italy), Federica Sala (Italy), Maria Ignacia Walker (Cile)

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School - with here Federica Sala neckpieceFederica Sala neckpiece

María Ignacia WalkerMaría Ignacia Walker

Klonneplein 1,
1014DD Amsterdam
tel +31 20 586 0710










AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair – AUTOR 12 – Casa Universitarilor, Bucarest (Romania) – 1-2 Nov. 2014

It’s official! AUTOR 12 – the autumn edition will take place in Casa Universitarilor (str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 46), București . The best designers, the most spectacular jewelry and lots of fun and surprises. And don’t forget about the AUTOR Awards.

AUTOR connects you through contemporary jewelry. Stay connected, join & share the event!

  AUTOR 12 -


 Irina Moise - PINKMOSS  Irina Moise / PINKMOSS  « I like change, I always did. I think it represents this period of my life and I think I’m doing it consciously. »

 Viktor Pavlov Viktor Pavlov – “Fascinated by the qualities and the symbolical meaning of the gems I asked myself: why could not be created pieces of jewels having these characteristics but without using the real material of precious stones?”
Jewellery designer Viktor Pavlov, graduated in the “Metal” Department of the National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, often uses recycled materials with the aim is to reflect the problem of eco-fashion and to raise awareness toward the overuse of non-degradable materials.

Elena RistovskaElena Ristovska – « I had one thing on my mind while I was creating this collection, to create a new planet. This planet is a place where, just for a brief moment you can hear your own voice, you can feel balanced rhythm of your heartbeat. »

 Velislava Urieva BozhinovaVelislava Urieva Bozhinova « With my work I want to represent the relationship between human and nature. Nature as an inspiration for the organic shapes of my works and the ready mades created by the human are the main keywords for my concept. »

 Raluca Buzura Raluca Buzura – “Being structured as an organized person, I wanted this time to go beyond and push my feelings to an irregular type of construction. It was more like an experiment over me, how much can you detach from a habit, a pattern that you got used to?”

AND « our » dear AAC jewellers (Alchimia Alumni Collective), will be present too, among others, with Akiko Ban, Anastasia Kandaraki, Andrea Coderch, Catalina Gibert, Chiara Cavallo, María Constanza Ochoa, Elisa Deval, Francesco Coda, Karin Kato, María Ignacia Walker, Melissa Arias, Rudee Tancharoen, Yuki Sumiya & Poly Nikolopoulou :

Andrea Coderch Valor - "Hana" necklace silver | wood | silkAndrea Coderch Valor - « Hana » necklace silver – wood – silk

Catalina Gibert L’mon necklace - linen canvas,  acrylic paintCatalina Gibert L’mon necklace – linen canvas,  acrylic paint

 María Constanza Ochoa - Climbing necklace -brassMaría Constanza Ochoa – Climbing necklace -brass

 francesco Coda - brooch - carbon, silver, steel, magnet, iron, paraloid b72Francesco Coda – brooch – carbon, silver, steel, magnet, iron, paraloid b72

María Ignacia Walker - Vuelo - necklace textile, plasticMaría Ignacia Walker – Vuelo – necklace textile, plastic

Rudee Tancharoen - neck and chest piece - steel wire, 18k goldRudee Tancharoen - neck and chest piece – steel wire, 18k gold

 Yuki Sumiya - Perfect house #5 brooch silver, shibuichi, 10K goldYuki Sumiya - Perfect house #5 brooch silver, shibuichi, 10K gold

Poly Nikolopoulou - "Gialiskari" brooch silver , feltPoly Nikolopoulou – « Gialiskari » brooch silver , felt



Casa Universitarilor
str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 46





EXPO ‘Delirio y Cordura’ – Velvet da Vinci gallery (USA) – 9 Juill.-10 Aout 2014

Velvet da Vinci : Coming in July… « Delirio y Cordura » (Delirium and Sanity)
Chilean Contemporary Jewelry

Opening Reception: Friday July 11, 6-8 pm

Artist’s Talk: 6:30 pm

Coming in July... Delirio y Cordura (Delirium and Sanity)Chilean Contemporary Jewelry
In the ten years since Joyas Jóias, Velvet da Vinci’s first exhibition of Latin American jewelry, there has been a growing awareness and appreciation for the achievements of contemporary jewelers in Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Brazil. For our exhibition, Delirio y Cordura (Delirium and Sanity) we concentrate on contemporary Chilean jewelry artists. Each jeweler was inspired by the themes of delirium and sanity, choosing one or both concepts. The idea of harmony and balance versus  insanity and irrationality influence the creation of each work through an exploration of shape, color, material, and concept.  Chaos, out of order.
Participating ArtistsCarolina Gimeno Carolina Hornahuer — Claudia Correa — Claudio Pino — Francisco Ceppi — Gabriela Fissore — Maria Eugenia Munoz — Maria Ignacia Walker — Nicolas Hernandez — Paola Raggo — Pia Walker — Rafaella Pruzzo — Rocco Napoli — Valentina Rosenthal — Veronica Perez Artigas — Walka Studio — Yessica Bordon

​Gabriela Fissore Piece: Cor Silver, copper, japanese lacquer 19cmGabriela Fissore Piece: Cor Silver, copper, japanese lacquer 19cm

Rafaella Pruzzo Necklace: Molindore Oxidized silver, book pages 21 x 18 x 5 cmRafaella Pruzzo Necklace: Molindore Oxidized silver, book pages 21 x 18 x 5 cm

Walka Studio , Brooch, Walka Studio T-Oro Sagrado Bull horn, gold plating brass, steel

Pia Walker, Pendant, Pia WalkerPendant: Rotamiento – Steel, copper, acrylic, aluminium

Carolina Gimeno Velvet da VinciCarolina Gimeno Encounter IV, Brooch Birch, sterling silver 13 x 11 x 5 cm

Carolina Hornauer Brooch: Ismos #1 Rigid polystyrene foam, japanese lacquer, silver, enameled stoneware ceramic 7 x 6 x 7 cmCarolina Hornauer Brooch: Ismos #1 Rigid polystyrene foam, japanese lacquer, silver, enameled stoneware ceramic 7 x 6 x 7 cm

Maria Eugenia Munoz Ring: Delirium Tremensdoscópicos Sterling silver, copper, acrylic, mirror, Swarovski crystal 4.5 x 2.5 x 3 cmMaria Eugenia Munoz Ring: Delirium Tremensdoscópicos Sterling silver, copper, acrylic, mirror, Swarovski crystal 4.5 x 2.5 x 3 cm
Claudio Pino Ring: Interactive Mirror, 2 14k gold, 925 sterling silver, mirror, carnelians, pearls Kinetic RingClaudio Pino Ring: Interactive Mirror, 2 14k gold, 925 sterling silver, mirror, carnelians, pearls Kinetic Ring