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EXPO ‘INFLUENCES’ – during the Munich Jewellery Week – B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) – 7-10 Mars 2018


Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside   Munich Jewellery Week    7 – 10 March
opening: 7 March - 3pm  at  B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck


INFLUENCES - Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside  Munich Jewellery Week  7 - 10 March  opening: 7 March - 3pm     B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck  Zieblandstraße 19, 80799 München, Deutschland - Artists: Claudia Steiner, Corrado De Meo, Elin Flognman, Gabi Veit, Gigi Mariani, Judy McCaig, Lluís Comín, Maria Rosa Franzin, Nicola Heidemann, Patrizia Bonati, Stefano Rossi, Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri.

The City, the environment and the surrounding landscape in which one lives, inevitably affects our doing and being. Architecture, urbanity, green space, colors, sounds, smells, neighborhood, open spaces, quality of life, mentality, politics, social and societal developments, old and new, climate, tradition, modify and characterize the city and the lifestyle.

Consciously or unconsciously – this is also reflected in the work and expressions from the artist living and working there. Born or moved to this place, it affects the vision and inspiration, existing is taken up and re-interpreted and refleocted. This expresses itself in the form, color, material and technics.

The current works of the participating artists from geographically, structurally and scenic different – large or small cities – reflect all this conditions.


Artists:     Claudia Steiner – Corrado De Meo –  Elin Flognman – Gabi Veit –  Gigi Mariani – Judy McCaig – Lluís Comín – Maria Rosa Franzin –  Nicola Heidemann –  Patrizia Bonati –  Stefano Rossi – Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri.

Aucun texte alternatif disponible.

 Patrizia Bonati / Cremona

Patrizia Bonati / Cremona

Patrizia Bonati  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Patrizia Bonati 

Lluis Comin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Lluís Comín / Barcelona

Lluis Comin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Lluis Comin 

Elin Flognman /Trollhättan

Elin Flognman /Trollhättan

Elin Flognman  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Elin Flognman

Maria Rosa Franzin / Padova

Maria Rosa Franzin / Padova – brooch

Maria Rosa Franzin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Maria Rosa Franzin 

Nicola Heidemann / Passau

Nicola Heidemann / Passau

Nicola Heidemann - - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Nicola Heidemann

Judy McCaig -Barcelona/ Edinburgh

Judy McCaig -Barcelona/ Edinburgh

Judy McCaig  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Judy McCaig 

Gigi Mariani /Modena

Gigi Mariani /Modena

Gigi Mariani -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Gigi Mariani 

Corrado De Meo /Livorno

Corrado De Meo /Livorno

Corrado de Meo  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Corrado de Meo 

Stefano  Rossi  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Stefano  Rossi 

Stefano  Rossi  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Stefano  Rossi  

Claudia Steiner - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Claudia Steiner /wien

Claudia Steiner - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Claudia Steiner

Gabi Veit

Gabi Veit

Gabi Veit /Bolzano

Gabi Veit /Bolzano

Gabi Veit  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Gabi Veit  

Yoko Takirai/Pietro  Pellitteri- EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Yoko Takirai/Pietro  Pellitteri

Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri 


B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck
Zieblandstraße 19,
80799 München, Deutschland

Opening: Wednesday – 3pm

Wednesday: 3pm – 7pm
Thursday: 11:00am – 7:00pm
Friday & Saturday: 11:00am – 6:00pm

Special: Saturday – 11am
“meet the artists & breakfast”


EXPO ‘Selected stories’ – OHMYBLUE!, Venezia (IT) – 10 Dec.2016-10 Janv. 2017

at  OHMYBLUE è lieto di inaugurare « Selected Stories », una mostra collettiva di maestri del gioiello contemporaneo italiani.

Opening: Saturday 10 December 2016, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

OH MY BLUE - Selected stories dec 2016

I partecipanti sono:   Susanna BaldacciCorrado De MeoMaria Rosa FranzinGigi Mariani Barbara PaganinYoko Takirai e Pietro Pellitteri — Sergio e Stefano Spivach  — Babette von Dohnanyi Gabi VeitCaterina Zanca
The exhibition Selected Stories at OHMYBLUE focuses on the relationship between bodies of work created in the last years by some of the most relevant Italian contemporary jewelry artists.
This exhibition invites the viewer to experience the different languages that these authors speak, having the chance to witness to a web of interlocking formal decisions and identities.
Every piece of jewelry is an image, a tangible object that one can pick up, put down, look from a distance, caress. Even read. Because these objects and their beauty, their shapes, their strangeness, they tell a story that accompanies us and which we want to possess, participating in the construction of significance by appropriating whatever fragment it feels dear to us.
These pieces of jewelry are lonely architectures, spaces that become ourselves and where we can feel at home, strangely. 
Barbara Paganin, Rami blu, brooch:
Barbara Paganin - Rami blu,  brooch –
“Da sempre i vegetali mi affascinano così come l’unicità dell’essere umano. Siamo tutti simili, ma nessuno è uguale all’altro [...] In particolare mi affascinano i cavolfiori nella loro varietà: cavolo rosso, cavolo verza, cavolo rapa, broccoli, cavolfiori, il cavolo romano [...] In forma di foglia, i rilievi e le venature rimandano immediatamente al nostro sistema venoso e linfatico. In forma di fiore, c’è un diretto riferimento all’albero. Del calco mi interessa l’impronta, l’impronta che identifica, segno quindi unico e identificabile”.
BARBARA PAGANIN brooch - detail - at OH MY BLUE: BARBARA PAGANIN brooch – detail

Caterina Zanca - detail of a broochCaterina Zanca – detail of a brooch
« Tutto nasce dal disegno, dal dare senso ad un colore, ad un segno per creare forme che diventano oggetti indossabili, gioielli espressioni della mia emozione: questa è la mia ricerca. Amo le forme pulite, le architetture contemporanee, ricerco pulizia formale, l’armonia fra gli spazi, la luce, i volumi, mentre creo strutture che dialogano con il corpo, perché un gioiello deve essere prima di tutto un oggetto indossabile. Cerco il colore nei suoi contrasti, ma specialmente nella sua matericità che diviene elemento fondamentale di dettaglio. La preziosità del gioiello non sta più nel materiale, ma nell’idea e nel messaggio che questo trasmette. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES  CATERINA ZANCA detail of a brooch: CATERINA ZANCA detail of a brooch
Gigi Mariani, Find#2, brooch
Gigi Mariani, Find#2, brooch
« Negli anni ho coltivato la passione per la pittura, informale segnica, materica, dove il colore o un segno rappresentano un’emozione o particolare stato d’animo. Ecco, cercavo qualcosa di analogo anche in oreficeria e l’ho trovato utilizzando le tecniche del Niello, la Granulazione o le ossidazioni in modo pittorico, informale. Un utilizzo che cambia l’aspetto dei gioielli e li rende unici. »
OHMYBLUE SELECTED STORIES - GIGI MARIANI - DECEMBER10th  gigi mariani  goldsmith  master italianartist gold oro aurum niello nigellum: Gigi Mariani, brooch detail
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES ••••• MARIA ROSA FRANZIN - detailMaria Rosa Franzin – detail of a brooch
Maria Rosa Franzin - detail Maria Rosa Franzin - detailof a necklace
Corrado de Meo - broochCorrado de Meo - brooch
  »Nei miei gioielli voglio proiettare anche la mia consapevolezza del loro processo di attuazione, cristallizzando le fasi della trasformazione della materia di cui sono fatti per evidenziare uno dei passaggi del loro divenire e scoprire l’armonia e l’equilibrio presenti in ogni fase in cui la materia, misteriosamente, prende forma seguendo quelle leggi che ne regolano la sua struttura, partecipe della realtà di tutte le cose del mondo che sono in costante e continua trasformazione. Osservando poi, una forma colorata, non provo solamente una emozione visiva perché il colore appartiene prima al dominio dell’inconscio e successivamente a quello della ragione e, nel prendere forma esprimendo le sue sonorità, diventa una percezione globale capace di comunicare alla nostra intera essenza. »
Corrado De Meo, A red shows its relations, brooch: Corrado De Meo, A red shows its relations, brooch
« Credo che un gioiello debba essere innanzitutto un qualcosa che ti porta altrove, un po’ come un viaggio improvviso, qualcosa che ti alleggerisce e ti sbalordisce allo stesso tempo. Con una forma che ti porta felicemente da un’altra parte rispetto a dove eri sicuro di andare o che ti allieta con un’ironia inaspettata.
Amo i vuoti che danno spazio al pensiero, che ti accolgono, i contrasti cromatici e delle forme, le superfici materiche, le ombre che si creano e che cambiano a seconda dei punti di vista e della luce.« 
Susanna Baldacci - detailSusanna Baldacci – detail
Susanna Baldacci, Faretra, brooch: Susanna Baldacci, Faretra, brooch
Sergio e Stefano Spivach, Untitled, opal ring 2016 - at OH MY BLUE:
Sergio e Stefano Spivach 2016 – opal ring
« Il segreto della lavorazione dell’opale si basa sulla profonda conoscenza del grezzo, che permette di riconoscerne le qualità e l’impiego più adatto.�Essa è esclusivamente manuale e non potrebbe essere altrimenti, perché ogni grezzo d’opale viene scelto per la propria unicità.�Nelle diverse fasi della lavorazione, ad ogni gesto, ad ogni passaggio viene dedicato il tempo necessario, senza forzature. La cura con cui viene seguito ogni dettaglio è assoluta, così come l’attenzione e la capacità di adattarsi ad ogni grezzo sono un distillato di esperienza e passione. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES YOKO TAKIRAI & PIETRO PELLITTER DECEMBER10th  takiraidesign silver gold minimalism: YOKO TAKIRAI & PIETRO PELLITTER - minimalism ….. – brooches
« I gioielli di Yoko Takirai e Pietro Pellitteri sono espressione di nuovi concetti di spazio. Una pluralità di percorsi animano i suoi gioielli e celano per questo spesso qualcosa d’inaspettato. Le collane, glie anelli, gli orecchini sia nelle forme tridimensionali che in quelle lineari, esprimono un movimento e un’emozione inattesa finche` non li si indossa. Talvolta enigmatici nelle loro forme, i suoi gioielli si svelano nel momento dell’incontro con il corpo, rivelando una leggerezza, un’eleganza e una sinuosità estremamente femminile. E questo a dispetto anche delle linee geometriche utilizzate in alcune collezioni. La sua ricerca, riesce ad arrivare a delle forme pure e ad armonizzare eleganza e confort. Oggetti finemente elaborati perseguiti grazie ad una dedizione alla ricerca di laboratorio determinata di cui possiede la padronanza tecnica che consente di trasferire una emozione filtrata dai movimenti e le cui forme semplici e pulite rimangono senza nessuna cosa di troppo. Finemente lavorati certamente, questi gioielli, in un sereno tentativo – riuscito – raggiungono uno stato di purezza, si elevano in qualità. »
OHMYBLUE•••••SELECTEDSTORIES ••••• Gabi Veit - detailGabi Veit – detail



Campo san Toma’, sestiere di San Polo 2865
Venezia, Veneto 30125
+39 041 243 5741





EXPO ‘PAST PRESENT’ – Alternatives gallery, Roma (IT) – 12 Nov.-6 Dec. 2016

The Grammar of Jewellery

 Maria Rosa Franzin
Gigi Mariani

Alternatives gallery - Opening 12th November – at 6pm
Online exhibition:


Just as language is a set of rules that represent the culture and the way of life of a people, in the same way jewellery is a set of conventions which are also an expression of a vision that is characteristic of a nation. For both, it is a constant interplay and alternation of rules, conventions and customs that come from the past to describe the present. Jewellery is a language and as such is alive insofar as it represents the people who use it. This exhibition aims to focus on the many forms of expression through jewellery. The two goldsmith artists presented, with different personal and professional backgrounds, are however both interpreters of that way of thinking and feeling that is typical of the Italian culture. Italy has always been a melting pot where past and future are fused together, where tradition and innovation are in dialogue, often generating conflicts that can open up new avenues. The rediscovery of ancient techniques and skillful use of existing construction methods characterize the work of Maria Rosa Franzin and Gigi Mariani. Their works show the peculiarities of the Italian language, different for rules and concepts from that of other countries. In other words, we could say « I speak jewellery ».


« Maria Rosa Franzin, who is part of the School of Padua, remains faithful to the use of traditional materials typical of the jewellery world, such as gold and silver, even if with the introduction of colour in recent years. In her latest works, a three-dimensionality already present in the past is accentuated, made of hidden, personal interior spaces. They are introspective works that reveal strength and fragility, light and shadow, presenting a double, inner and outer space, in dialogue with the surrounding world. These are intimate and individual spaces that the artist chooses to share. The introduction of rapid and intense signs, along with the choice of colour, suggest a state of mind. These traces take on the ideal value of an experience, a memory, an emotion. »

Past/PresentMaria Rosa Franzin


« Gigi Marianis works express a strong primordial nature, determined by the skillful use of niello, a technique once used extensively in Europe in the Middle Ages as an inlay on engraved or etched metal. Mariani has personalized this skill by completely covering the surface of the metal with this mixture, as if to conceal the underlying preciousness. His work evokes the earth’s crust attacked by the elements. The forms are linear, compact, in spite of being irregular, and express a great force, while maintaining a significant sense of proportion and balance. »

Past/Present - Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani

Maria Rosa Franzin Brooch - Unique Piece Title: La casa dell’Anima 1 Materials: Silver, acrylic painting, acrylicMaria Rosa Franzin – Brooch – Unique Piece « La casa dell’Anima 1″ Materials: Silver, acrylic painting,acrylic

Maria Rosa Franzin  - Brooch - Unique Piece  Materials: Silver, acrylic painting, acrylic - 2016 -   1 535,00 €: Maria Rosa Franzin  - Brooch - Unique Piece "La casa dell anima 3"   Materials: Silver, acrylic painting, acrylic - 2016

Maria Rosa Franzin  – Brooch   « La casa dell anima 3″  – Silver, acrylic painting, acrylic – 2016

Maria Rosa Franzin Brooch - Unique Piece Title: La casa dell’Anima 11 Materials: Silver, acrylic painting, acrylicMaria Maria Rosa Franzin -  Brooch – Unique Piece – « La casa dell’Anima 11″ Materials: Silver, acrylic painting, acrylic

Maria-Rosa Franzin Bracelet - Unique Piece - Pure gold, gold, oxidized silver, steelMaria-Rosa Franzin Bracelet – Unique Piece – Pure gold, gold, oxidized silver, steel

Gigi Mariani Brooch Title: Tracks #2 Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patinaGigi Mariani - brooch from Rock series, 2016  Title: Tracks #2 – Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Gigi Mariani Ring Title: Sketches series Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patinaGigi Mariani  Ring  « Sketches series »  Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Gigi Mariani Brooch Title: Thoughts Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, enamel, patinaGigi Mariani Brooch  « Thoughts »  Materials: Silver, 18kt yellow gold, enamel, patina

Gigi Mariani  Bracelet: Etnic#1, 2016  Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello patina.: Gigi Mariani  Bracelet: Etnic#1, 2016  Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello patina



Alternatives Gallery
Via della Chiesa Nuova 10
00186 -  Rome
Management: Rita Marcangelo

NO-GRAM = online shop of the gallery






OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘CONFLUENCIAS’ – Museo del Modernismo, Barcelona (ES) – 22 Sept.-16 Oct. 2016


Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona
Opening: 22 September, 19.00h
Press Conference: 21 September, 11.00h
curated by Nichka Emme /The Morning Bark


OFF JOYA 2016 - "LES CONFLUENCES" Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona

(Ramon Casas,  « Dama con peineta i mantón », c.1915,   carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art -  …for Jorge Manilla ……)


List of paints by R. Casas and Jewellery Artists:
“El petó de bona nit”, 1890, Gigi Mariani (Italy) and Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Recogiendo la ginesta”, 1899, Judy McCaig (Scotland/Spain).
“Dama amb foulard vermell”, 1901, Karin Johansson (Sweden).
Dama con sombrero”, Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy).
“Dama vestida amb gavardina i tocat”, 1899-1903, Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Manola con mantilla”, 1915, Sungho Cho (South Korea).
“Chula con manto y pañuelo rojo”, 1898, Lucia Massei (Italy).
Júlia”, 1915, Kazumi Nagano (Japan).
Figura femenina”, 1898, Lydia Hirte (Germany).
Dama con peineta i mantón”, 1915, Jorge Manilla (Mexico).

Les confluences. Ramon Casas y la joyería contemporánea

« En el marco de la 8ª edición de JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, la comisaria y experta en historia del arte Nichka Marobin, comisaria de la muestra, nos presenta el proyecto de “Les Confluences | Las Confluencias”. Nuestro particular homenaje a Ramon Casas continúa: un paso más allá que abasta un territorio híbrido, un diálogo entre la pintura modernista y la joyería artística.

La exposición tendrá lugar del 22 de septiembre al 16 de octubre, donde podremos apreciar un diálogo artístico, confluencia de ideas, patrones, colores y texturas entre las pinturas del artista catalán Ramon Casas y piezas de joyería artística de nivel mundial. El proyecto es el testimonio de la repetición de motivos ornamentales, adornos decorativos y texturas similares mediante la yuxtaposición de piezas de joyería contemporánea y pinturas extraídas directamente del período modernista.
En la muestra se podrá disfrutar de un Ramon Casas, en su Año oficial, enfrentado a diez artistas de diferentes nacionalidades, con su particular visión del universo de la joya contemporánea. Una sinfonía artística de colores, texturas y emociones, que danzan alrededor de las obras de Casas. Las sensaciones que transmiten sus óleos y dibujos atrapan a estos artistas, inspiradas en un Casas más actual que nunca.
Mundos aparentemente diferentes como son la pintura y la joyería artística, el Modernismo y el arte contemporáneo: sutiles broches, brazaletes o pendientes de originales contrastes, encuentran en esta exposición su espacio, su conversación, poética y sugerente. Una muestra que acerca fuentes artísticas de raíz diversa –técnica y culturalmente- para compartir la inagotable capacidad creativa de los artistas y del ser humano. »

cuadros que son joyasen in « Descubrir el Arte« 

The project is the testimony of repeating ornamental motives, decorative ornaments and similar textures by juxtaposing pieces of artistic jewellery and paintings taken directly from the modernist period, is comparing two forms of artistic expression different time and space come together harmoniously together.
An artistic dialogue, confluence of ideas, patterns, colors and textures among the paintings of the Catalan Modernist painter Ramón Casas and art jewelry pieces of 10 renowned artists worldwide.

RECOGIENDO LA GINESTA, c.1899, carbó i cera sobre paper/ carbón y cera sobre papel - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  matched with JUDY McCAIGRamon Casas, « Recogiendo la ginesta », c.1899,   carbón y cera sobre papel -Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
-  matched with jewelry by  JUDY McCAIG

Judy McCaig  Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm: Judy McCaig –   Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm:

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb peineta i mantó/ Dama con pineita y mantón, c.1915, carbó sobre paper/ carbon sobre papel, 58x44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art. JORGE MANILLA (Mexico/Belgium), Who of us has lost the most, 2016 - Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood - 45 x 11 x 8 cmRAMON CASAS,  « Dama con pineita y mantón », c.1915,  carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art.
, « Who of us has lost the most », 2016 – Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood – 45 x 11 x 8 cm

OFF JOYA 2016 -  -  confluences - Ramon Casas chica con manto rojo - Lucia Massei bracelet  Ramon Casas « chula con manto y pañuelo rojo » – Lucia Massei Bracelet: Rosso Cionsapevole, 2013
Copper, pigments, mixed media, fine gold  (picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS,   FLÓRA VÁGI  RAMON CASAS,  Dama vestida con gabardina y tocado, 1899-1903,  carbón y pastel sobre papel
FLÓRA VÁGI  , Sun lost in waves, brooch – cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel – 9 x 5.5 x 2 cm

 Ramon Casas - Manola con mantilla - broche Sungho Cho (en "Descubrir el Arte"):  Ramon Casas – Manola con mantilla – broche Sungho Cho (from « Descubrir el Arte« )

OFF JOYA 2016 - "confluences" - Ramon Casas    / Kazumi nagano:  Ramon Casas « Julia »   / Kazumi Nagano brooch Wowen Linen paper, gold 18kt, nylon thread, 950 slver.  ( picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb foulard vermell/ Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901, Tècnica mixta sobre paper/Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60x45 cm - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  KARIN JOHANSSON (Sweden), Sweep, earrings, 2016 - sawing, bending and soldering - 11 cm, gold and acrylicRAMON CASAS,  Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901,  Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60×45 cm – Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
KARIN JOHANSSON  , Sweep, earrings, 2016 – sawing, bending and soldering – 11 cm, gold and acrylic



Museo del Modernismo CatalánMMBCN
Carrer de Balmes 48,
08007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932722896
Fax +34 932724276

Horario : Lunes cerrado / Martes a sábado de 10:30h a 19h / Domingos de 10:30h a 14h
Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30h to 19.00h Sunday, 10.30h to 14.00h Monday closed

The Morning Bark – blo(g)azette on arts and humanities | founded by Nichka Marobin




OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘R-EVOLUCIONS’ – 66 Mistral Gallery, Barcelona (ES) – 28 Sept.-31 Oct. 2016

Os presentamos la exposición R-EVOLUCIONS, incluida en OFFJOYA 2016 (Feria de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona). Queremos mostrar, aunque sea con una pincelada, la evolución personal y colectiva de 13 joyeros contemporáneos. Podrás ver una joya actual y una pieza anterior al año 2000 de cada autor. Pensamos que es una buena manera de profundizar en la idea de la joya como objeto de arte.

« R-EVOLUTIONS » Contemporary jewellery exhibition. 66 Mistral Gallery  Barcelona -
Opening: 28 September, 17.30h   OFF JOYA 2016 - "R-EVOLUTIONS" Contemporary jewellery exhibition. 66 Mistral Gallery

Akis GoumasClara del PapaCorrado de Meo Gigi Mariani Jorge ManillaJose MarínJudy McCaigLluís ComínMaria Rosa FranzinRamon Puig CuyasSilvia WalzStefano RossiXavier Monclús

son los autores que quieren compartir con vosotros los frutos de su trabajo, no te lo pierdas!

We want to show individual and collective evolution of 13 contemporary jewelers. From each author we will show a current jewel and a piece created before 2000, we think it is a good way to delve into the idea of jewelery as art.

 OFF JOYA 2016 - R-evolucion -- Corrado de Meo: Corrado de Meo

Clara del Papa - R-evolucionClara del Papa

OFF JOYA 2016 -   - R-evolucion - Gigi Mariani: Gigi Mariani

OFF JOYA 2016 - - R-evolucion -  Akis Goumas: Akis Goumas

R-evolucion - - Jorge Manilla: Jorge Manilla

R-evolucion -  José Marin: José Marin

R-evolucion -  Silvia Walz: Silvia Walz

R-evolucion --  Ramon Puig Cuyas: Ramon Puig Cuyas

Lluis Comin - R-evolucion: Lluis Comin

 R-evolucion -Stefano Rossi: Stefano Rossi

R-evolucion -- Judy McCaig: Judy McCaig

R-evolucion --Maria Rosa Franzin: Maria Rosa Franzin

R-evolucion -  Xavier Monclus: Xavier Monclus



66 Mistral Gallery
Avinguda Mistral 66,
08015 Barcelona
tel +34 933 25 53 40
Monday to Friday, 9.00h to 13.30h and 16.30h to 20.00h.
Saturday 10.00h to 13.30h and 16.30h to 20.00h






EXPO ‘A dark spark of light’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 11 Dec.2015 – 30 Janv. 2016

Inauguration 11 décembre a  18h
 a muestra “A dark spark of light”,
Juan RIUSECH & Thereza PEDROSA, curators of this exhibition, present A DARK SPARK OF LIGHT, where opposites attract and are connected by an invisible thread. There is no light without shadow, good without evil, no happiness without pain. “A dark spark of light” is an invitation to reflect on the beauty of life, in all contradictory and opposing forms in which it manifests itself.
A Dark Spark of Light, en exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics showed simultaneously in ALLIAGES & in Beautiful People Live Art blog from Dec. 12th 2015 to Jan. 30th 2016.
The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 11th, 2015 at 6 PM at ALLIAGES gallery.
Artists selected :   Akis GoumasAlina CarpAna Garcia MoyaAngela CiobanuAurelia Yeomans Caterina Zanca — Ching-Ting Yang — Clara del PapaClaudia Steiner — Emmanuelle Durand — Erato KouloubiFabienne ChrystinFranziska HöhneGigi MarianiGili DolinerHebe ArgentieriIsabelle Busnel Izabella PetrutJanny Huang Yokota Jina SeoKatja ToporskiMabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita Alonso Margo NelissenMaria-Rosa Franzin — Noelia Macchi — Rodrigo AcostaRosa Borredá — Roxana Casale — Saerom KongSébastien CarréSofia Björkman — Valérie Ceulemans — Victoria IoannidouViktoria MünzkerXenia Deimezi
Sofia BjörkmanSofia Björkman
Sebastien Carré "rancoeur"Sebastien Carré « rancoeur »
Maria-Rosa Franzin - broochMaria-Rosa Franzin – brooch
Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - brocheRodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » – broche
Gigi Mariani Gigi Mariani ring 2015
Akis Goumas brooch Akis Goumas brooch
Alina CarpAlina Carp
Rosa Borredá   Rosa Borreda
 Angela Ciobanu - earring Angela Ciobanu – earring
Xenia DeimeziXenia Deimezi
 Aurelia Yeomans (AU)Aurelia Yeomans
Mar SanchezMar Sanchez
Viktoria Münzker Viktoria Münzker
111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – YAMANASHI Jewelry Museum, Kofu (JP) – 19-28 Sept. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture,  19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNOErina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARIKeiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Italian selected authors (AGC members):

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - - Maria Rosa FRANZIN-Due .... -- Keiko Kobari 'Light & Shadow'Maria Rosa Franzin (bottom) – « Due » brooch — Keiko Kobari (top) ‘Light & Shadow’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KOMIYA TakakoーLaputa, Castle in the Sky - NICOLETTA FRIGERIO -Our precious land-Compared territories Takako  KOMIYA (top) ーLaputa, Castle in the Sky – Nicoletta FRIGERIO (bottom) – Our precious land-Compared territories

dialoghi ....  Rita Marcangelo 'Dotty' brooches - Mario SUGA 'Out of Fontana'Rita Marcangelo ‘(bottom) Dotty’ brooches – Mario SUGA (top) ‘Out of Fontana’

dialoghi .... Liana Pattihis brooch -- Taeko Narumi - 'curve' pendant
                    Liana Pattihis brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work) — Taeko Narumi – ‘curve’ pendant
 dialoghi Italy-Japan - . LIANA PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)                                                    Liana PATTIHIS -   Brooch (from Makie, a Japanese lacquer work)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - KIYOTA TomoakiーLantern - ELISABETTA DUPRE’ ー Shoji. look through                Tomoaki KIYOTA  « Lantern » brooch (top) – Elisabetta DUPRE’  »Shoji. look through » brooch (bottom)
dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KIYOTA Tomoakiー "Lantern"  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, butteryTomoaki KIYOTAー  »Lantern »  Brooch / silver, bamboo, wood, washi, buttery
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Flavia Fenaroli 'Prima Materia' - Takashi KOJIMA 'Trinity'                                          Flavia Fenaroli ‘Prima Materia’ brooch (bottom) – Takashi KOJIMA ‘Trinity’ (top)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch "torii" - argento, rame e mokume gane  &  HIRAKAWA Fumie (bottom) "Proportion", brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
Stefano ROSSI  (top) brooch « torii » – argento, rame e mokume gane  &  Fumie HIRAKAWA  (bottom) « Proportion », brooch (from Leonardo da Vinci, Vitruvian Man)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - SERGIO SPIVACH - STEFANO SPIVACH E FUJIMOTO NAHOKOSergio & Stefano SPIVACH (top) Mt. Fuji, opal object -  Nahoko FUJIMOTO  (bottom) Brooch: Acanthus, 2015 silver paper, magnet – (Acanthus, brooch from Fountain basin, Roma I sec. ac.)
dialoghi Italy-Japan - Yoko Takirai (IT-JP)  &  MISHIMA ITTOYoko Takirai (IT-JP) (top) « Kin », pins (from Kintsugi, Repairing technique for broken pottery with lacquer
& gold) -   Itto MISHIMA  Colosseo, brooch (from a view of Colosseo, Roma) (bottom right)

dialoghi  Italy-Japan -- UNNO Eriko-Perfection and Imperfection //  Patrizia BONATI - Perfezione-imperfezione Eriko UNNO (top) – « Perfection and Imperfection » //  Patrizia BONATI (bottom) – Perfezione-imperfezione

Dialogui Italy-Japan - Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) and Gigi Mariani (brooch) "Differences" (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)Fumie SUMA (Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K ) –  Gigi Mariani (brooch) « Differences » (from Kumamoto castle, stone walls)

dialoghi Marco Minelli - Harumi TakanakaHarumi Takanaka (To the other side, bracelet – right)   &   Marco Minelli Yellow Game ring

dialoghi .... Claudia Steiner - Mineri MatsuuraClaudia Steiner ‘Connected’ necklace (left) – Mineri Matsuura brooch (wood, rubber)(right)

dialoghi .... Angelo Lomuscio ring 'Samukawa Shrine' - Emiko Shigeta 'Toward the future' broochAngelo Lomuscio ring ‘Samukawa Shrine’ (bottom) – Emiko Shigeta (top) ‘Toward the future’ brooch

 dialoghi Italy-Japan - SILVIA VALENTI // YAMAZAKI SUMIKOSilvia VALENTI  (top) Water and Seigaiha. I am imperfect. brooch (from Katsushika Hokusai, The great wave at Kanagawa) // Sumiko YAMAZAKI  (bottom) Ruined Earth, ring (from Arnaldo Pomodoro, Group of spheres on Ticino shores)

 dialoghi Italy-Japan -  KITADA MichieーStairs and Grid --  CLARA DEL PAPA ー LazosMichie KITADA « Stairs and Grid » (top) –  Clara del PAPA  (bottom) « Lazos /Hug », 2015 silver 925, pickled, solded gold leaf, red enameldialoghi Italy-Japan -  Keiko Tsuboi (left) - Eliana Negroni (right) - Keiko Tsuboi Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  Eliana Negroni Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015Keiko Tsuboi (left)  Poetry in the winter, necklace 2015  – Eliana Negroni (right)  Aluminium garden Overhelming distance, necklace/brooch 2015

dialoghi Italy-Japan - Barbara Uderzo  &  YASUGI MAYUMIBarbara Uderzo  (left) ring – &  Mayumi YASUGI (right) brooch

dialoghi Italy-Japan -  Mayumi YASUGI   broochMayumi YASUGI   brooch

Yamanashi Jewelry Museum
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan
 From Tokyo (Shinjuku – Ryuo/Kofu)
Shinjuku Station -> about 2hours 10min. -> Kofu Station



EXPO ‘Gioielli in Fermento al Museo del Bijou’ – Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore (IT) – 13 Juin-19 Juil. 2015

Gioielli in Fermento 2015

Con il supporto di AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo e le crescenti relazioni con omologhe organizzazioni internazionali, il progetto è curato da Eliana Negroni socia AGC per l’Emilia e sostenuto da Enrico Sgorbati di Torre Fornello, prestigiosa cantina dei Colli Piacentini.

 Gioielli in Fermento 2015

Una nuova occasione di dialogo tra tradizione e attualità offerta dal Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, che mostrerà queste opere gioiello uniche, realizzate dal 2011 al 2015 su percorsi di ispirazione paralleli, evocativi del gusto e dell’ « assaggio », dove estetica e sensazioni superano i canoni convenzionali e offrono spunti per esperienze nuove, attivando contemporaneamente le esperienze sensoriali di abbinamento tra colori, aromi, forme, consistenze, materiali, con la stessa efficacia e la stessa memoria con la quale l’osservatore si lascerebbe coinvolgere nella degustazione di cibi e vini.

Nell’anno di Expo 2015, l’Esposizione Universale di Milano, dedicata a “nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita”, Gioielli in Fermento pone ancora maggiore attenzione a quel binomio tra arte e gusto che ha sviluppato la costante ispiratoria del progetto fin dalla prima edizione .

Il progetto Gioielli in Fermento é stato riconosciuto tra le attività culturali di maggior interesse legate al territorio piacentino nella presentazione del programma in Expo2015 di ATS Piacenza Lands of Values.
I temi di tutte le edizioni:
2011 “Gioielli in fermento nella Vigna delle Arti”
2012 “A wine tale, il racconto del vino”
2013 “The sense of taste, il senso del gusto”
2014 “Wearing intensities, vestire le intensità
2015 « unconventional jewellery: l’ornamento contemporaneo materiale, spirituale, prezioso, quotidiano »

Artist list Silvia Beccaria, Maura Biamonti, Patrizia Bonati, Isabelle Busnel, Katarina Cudic, Giuseppina Dallanoce, Virginia Escobar, Maria Rosa Franzin, Nicoletta Frigerio, Akis Goumas, Mia Kwon, Ria Lins, Gigi Mariani, Alessia Mocavero, Olivia Monti, Liana Pattihis, PeggyArte, Gianni Riva, Stefano Rossi, Kika Rufino, Sergio e Stefano Spivach, Simonetta Starrabba, Claudia Steiner, Angelina Tsvetkova, Lluís Comín , Nicoletta dal Vera, Corrado de Meo, Clara del Papa

Premio Torre Fornello – Gioielli in Fermento 2015 :
Akis Goumas  &   Sébastien Carré
Akis Goumas, Spirits of a symposium, remnants of red wine,  necklaceAkis Goumas, « Spirits of a symposium, remnants of red wine »,  necklace -
silver ,copper,steel,PVC fabricated and mixed techniques with pigments and soil.

Akis Goumas, Spirits of a symposium, remnants of red wine,  necklace - DETAILAkis Goumas, Spirits of a symposium, remnants of red wine,  necklace – DETAIL – materials :   silver ,copper,steel,PVC fabricated and mixed techniques with pigments and soil.  Sebastien CARRE Bague "Diversi Scala Di Uva"- dentelle de nylon, Aventurine, perles et cotonSebastien CARRE Bague « Diversi Scala Di Uva »- dentelle de nylon, Aventurine, perles et coton
EXPO gioielli in fermento - sebastien CarréSebastien CARRE Bague « Diversi Scala Di Uva »

Ylenia Deriu, INtralci, collana, necklace vine shoots, brass - coll 2015Ylenia Deriu, INtralci, collana/necklace – vine shoots, brass – coll 2015  *

Yoko Takirai, Ice, bracciale, bracelet - coll 2015Yoko Takirai, Ice, bracciale, bracelet sterling silver, cobalt blue pigment – coll 2015

PeggyArte, Inebriating night, anello, ring - coll. 2015PeggyArte (Tiziana Fossati) , Inebriating night, anello/ring – papier maché made exclusively of pure cellulose pulp, ecological glues, colored pigments, cotton gauze, gold leaf Corrado De Meo I colori della notte, Barbara Uderzo FreeZero Rubedo - 2015Corrado de Meo – I colori della notte, spilla e pendente, brooch/pendant – menzione speciale JOYA Gioielli in Fermento 2015 *

Clara Del Papa, Anesidora, hug ring, anello da mano -   2015Clara Del Papa, Anesidora, hug ring, anello da mano -   2015

Clara Del Papa, Anesidora, hug ring, anello da mano -   2015Clara Del Papa, Anesidora, hug ring, anello da mano -   2015

 Lluis Comin – Soul reflections, necklace – menzione speciale AGC Gioielli in Fermento 2015Lluis Comin – Soul reflections, necklace – menzione speciale AGC Gioielli in Fermento 2015

Isabelle Busnel, Pasta necklace, collana - coll 2015Isabelle Busnel, Pasta necklace, collana -   2015 *

EXPO gioielli in fermento  2015 - Silvia BeccariaSilvia Beccaria, Bijou aux pains. gorgiera/ruff –  nylon, pvc – twenty-two different breads (olive bread, pumpkin bread, rye bread, rustic bread from the Italian countryside, Tyrolean bread, whole spelt bread, Finnish loaf, rye bread with sunflower seeds, 3-grain bread, whole wheat bread, whole rye bread, grain tartaruga, coarsely ground durum wheat -sfarinato- bread, Khorasan wheat bread, spelt bread, grains and rolled oats bread, common wheat ciabatta, Sicilian bread, durum wheat bread, Sardinian bread, flatbread, walnut bread)

Barbara Uderzo Blob ring “wine”  anello, ring silver (rhodium electroplating), various plastics, glass, porcelain, freshwater pearl, cork, crystal –Barbara Uderzo Blob ring “wine”  anello, ring silver (rhodium electroplating), various plastics, glass, porcelain, freshwater pearl, cork, crystal *

Saerom Kong - Gioielli in Fermento 2015 Awarded Student - exhibit at #Joya2015 next octobe - "Eat it or wear it"  brooch #hanji traditional #korean paper handmade from #mulberry trees, ebony, rice, silver, brass, nail polishSaerom Kong (M.F.A. stud.) • Brooch « Eat it or Wear it » • Hanji (traditional Korean paper handmade from mulberry trees), Ebony, Rice, Silver, Brass, Nail Polish…  – Gioielli in Fermento 2015 Awarded Student -

 Ria Lins Eau Bénité  spilla, brooch silver and silk threadRia Lins « Eau Bénité »  spilla, brooch silver and silk thread *

Kika Rufino - "Fermento" - 2015 -  spilla, brooch silver, acrylic glass, inkKika Rufino – « Fermento » – 2015 -  spilla, brooch silver, acrylic glass, ink *

 Virginia Escobar Las uvas estan verdes (Gestacion)  collana, necklace naturally green egg shells, oxidized silverVirginia Escobar Las uvas estan verdes (Gestacion)  collana, necklace naturally green egg shells, oxidized silver *

 Angelo Verga - Impressioni di un convivio in una macchia, collana, necklace (front)  white tablecloth, planks of wood, resin, silver, wine and pigment.Angelo Verga – Impressioni di un convivio in una macchia, collana/necklace (front) white tablecloth, planks of wood, resin, silver, wine and pigment. *
Liana Pattihis Aureola, Halo  collana, neckpiece  6m continuous beeswax covered wick knitted and shaped, silver snake chain- enamelled. Inspired by the halo in icons of the Virgin MaryLiana Pattihis Aureola/Halo  collana/neckpiece (detail)  6m continuous beeswax covered wick knitted and shaped, silver snake chain- enamelled. Inspired by the halo in icons of the Virgin Mary *
Hester Popma Van de Kolk - necklace and brooch "Crucifix " for gioiellinfermento2015 - Klimt02 special mention (the prize is the individual profile for one year on Klimt02 Art Jewellery network online)Hester Popma Van de Kolk - necklace and brooch « Crucifix  » for gioiellinfermento2015 –
Klimt02 special mention - *

 * photos credits Angela Petrarelli

Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore

via Porzio 9,
26041 Casalmaggiore – ITALY
+39 0375 284423


EXPO ‘Empreintes’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 1er Avril-30 Juill. 2015

Empreinte : trace laissé par une personne. 40 artistes issus du monde du bijou contemporain, de la céramique et du verre laissent leur empreinte à ALLIAGES. Ils nous dévoilent leurs rêves et nous laissent voir leur monde imaginaire.

Impression : trace left by a person. 40 artists from the world of contemporary jewelery, ceramics and glass to leave their mark at ALLIAGES. They reveal to us their dreams and show us their imaginary world.
Impressions, the permanent exhibition at Alliages, renewed continously.

Opening next Friday April 24th, 18:30 / Vernissage vendredi 24 avril à 18h30

Alliages - EMPREINTES avril 2015(collier Jee Hye Kwon)

The Permanent 2015, showing works of Aiko FujitaAlice ClarkeAna-Belén MonteroAna Garcia MoyaAngela BermudezAngela Ciobanu Anja Eichler  Anke Huyben  Barbara Uderzo Beate Pfefferkorn Inou Beru –  Burcu Sulek Cata Gibert Chun-Tai Chen Clara DelPapa Claudia SteinerDemitra Ryan-ThomloudisDora HaralambakiElin FlognmanFabienne ChristynFederica Sala Francine SchloethGeorge GiannoutsosGigi MarianiHelena Johansson LindellInbar ShahakIsabelle Busnel  –  Ismini PachiIzabella PetrutJee Hye KwonJessica AndersenJose MarinJuan Riusech  Kaori KuriharaKaren VanmolKonstantinos Konstantopoulos Leslie Shershow  Lluís Comín Lucilla Giovanninetti Mar Sanchez Margarita Alonso Maria Rosa Franzin  Maria Solórzano  Maria Tsimpiskaki Minna Karhu   Niki Stylianou Nicole Schuster  Nicole Taubinger  Patricia Gallucci Paula Isola  Peter Hoogeboom Sabine Pagliarulo  Sangji Yun Sébastien Carré Şenay Akın Silvia Beccaria Sophie Giet  Steffi Götze  Teresa F Faris –  Tracy NicholsValérie Ceulemans Valentina Gallo & Camilla Gallo –  Vasia Pachi  Wu Ching-Chih Ye-jee Lee –  Yu Ping Lin –  Zeta Tsermou

 Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai ChenPermanent 2015 – April Highlighting  Demitra Ryan-Thomloudis, Sangji Yun & Chun-Tai Chen

Permanent 2015 - March Highlighting Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa FranzinPermanent 2015 – March Highlighting : Lluís Comín, Gigi Mariani, Angela Ciobanu & Maria-Rosa Franzin
Permanent 2015 - Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna KarhuPermanent 2015 – Highlighting Maria Tsimpiskaki, Angela Bermudez, Zeta Tsermou & Minna Karhu
 Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.Aiko Fujita Necklace: Dans une suite, 2014 Wool, gold wire 40 x 45 x 15 cm.
 Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8 x 3 x 3 cm.Sébastien Carré Ring: Inflammation, 2015 Jasper, Cornelian, beads, silk, cotton, elastic thread 8x3x3cm.
  Angela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-NotAngela Ciobanu Ring: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 Silver, 24k gold foil, recycled silk paper, saw blades 6 x 6 x 7 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not
  Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain   .Teresa Faris Necklace: Collaboration with a Bird lV, #4, 2015 925 silver, wood altered by a bird, 18K gold 10.2 x 11.5 x 1.3 cm, 51.2 cm chain


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



EXPOs – ‘DIALOGUES AGC/JJDA’ – Institute of Italian Culture, Tokyo (JP) – 3-11 Juill. 2015

DIALOGHI tra AGC e JJDA Associazione gioiello contemporaneo Giapponese (Japan Jewellery Designers Association)

* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture : ISTITUTO DI CULTURA ITALIANO A TOKYO - 3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015


"Dialoghi Italy-Japan" Exhibition  /  03 -11 Jul 2015 Institute of Italian Culture in Tokyo -


The exhibition will take place in:
* Istituto di Cultura di Tokyo / Tokyo Institute for Italian Culture
3–11 luglio 2015 / 3-11 July 2015
* Kofu Prefectural Museum of Art (YAMANASI Jewelry Museum (Kofu, JP) at Main Residence Shiinoki , Ishikawa Prefecture, 19 – 28 19–28 September 2015
* Museo di Arte Orientale, Roma, Italy, October 2015
*Museo di Storia naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, Italy, June 2016
*Museo del Bijou di Casalmaggiore, Italy 2016
*Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice/B Salò, Italy, September 2016
* Museo Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova, Italy, October 2016


Japanese selected authors :
Chisa TAKAGI — Eiko NAKAHARA  — Emiko SHIGETA  — Eriko UNNO — Erina KASHIHARA  — Fumiki TAGUCHI — Fumie HIRAKAWA  — Fumie SUMA  — Harumi TAKANAKA  – Itto MISHIMA — Kimiko IINO  — Keiko KOBARI — Keiko TSUBOI  — Koichi HIRAKO  — Makiko YUKI  –  Makoto HIEDA  — Mariko KOBAYAKAWA — Mario SUGA — Masako SAWAMOTO — Mayumi YASUGI — Michie KITADA — Mineri MATSUURA — Nagi NAKAJIMA — Nahoko FUJIMOTO  — Nobuko NISHIWAKI — Nobuko WASHIMI  — Noriko HATANAKA — Norihiro KIUCHI  — Satomi ITO  –  Setsuko TANEZAWA  — Sumiko YAMAZAKI  — Takako KOMIYA  — Takashi KOJIMA — Taeko NARUMI — Tomoaki KIYOTA  — Yayoi OSHIMA  — Yoko SATO  — Yoshiko UCHIDA  — Yumi SHIRAO — Yutaka NAGAI

Takako Komiya -  ringNicoletta Frigerio ring

Takako Komiya  // Nicoletta Frigerio

SUMA FumieGigi Mariani

 Fumie SUMA Bracelet: Harmony of Space and Form, 2015 silver, vinyl, gold 18K// GigiMariani brooch

Makoto Hieda Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint - Dialogues Italy-Japan.Hieda Makoto  Brooch: Trapped Organism, 2015 Stainless steel acrylic resin paint

 MARIA ROSA FRANZIN (dialogo con Keiko Kobari) Maria Rosa FRANZIN brooch  – (dialogo con Keiko Kobari)

Unno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-platedUnno Eriko - Brooch / silver, gold-plated


dialoghi Caterina Zanca e Nobuko WashimiNobuko Washimi  »Heavenward »  (up) //  Caterina Zanca Obi Brooch, 2015 silver, gold leaf 1000, pigments, steel
« My newest jewelry titled « Heavenward » for « DIALOGHI AGC and JJDA » in Tokyo. The motif is a beautiful church in Roma.
Thanks a lot Caterina Zanca, my partner in Italy, for sending a beautiful photo. And Caterina made very charming brooch,inspired by Japanese style Obi. »

Yoko Takirai Yoko Takirai

Italian selected authors (AGC members):
Francesca ANTONELLO — Adrean BLOOMARD — Roberta BERNABEI — Patrizia BONATI — Anna Maria CARDILLO — Luisa CHIANDOTTO — Corrado DE MEOClara DEL PAPAElisabetta DUPRE’Flavia FENAROLIAnna FORNARIRita MARCANGELOMaria Rosa FRANZINNicoletta FRIGERIOLucilla GIOVANNINETTIAngelo LOMUSCIO — Chiara LUCATO — Gigi MARIANISimona MATERI — Marco MINELLI — Paola MIRAI — NALJ Jewels — Eliana NEGRONI – Margareta NIEL — Tania PALAZZI — Liana PATTIHIS — Alessandra PASINI — Roberta PAVONE — Marco PICCIALI — Alba POLENGHI LISCA — Daniela REPETTO – Stefano ROSSIChiara SCARPITTISergio SPIVACHStefano SPIVACHClaudia STEINERYoko TAKIRAI – Silvia VALENTI — Barbara UDERZOGabi VEITCaterina ZANCA

 Corrado de MeoCorrado de Meo

Clara DelPapa -   Clara DelPapa bracelet 2015

Angelo LomuscioAngelo Lomuscio

Claudia SteinerMineri Matsuura

Claudia Steiner  // Mineri Matsuura
A DIALOGUE between the work of Mineri Matsuura and me, inspired by the work of the architect Andrea Palladio in the North of italy like villa rotonda or the staircase at Castello duino and different pieces of traditionel Japanese Culture like harmony and light of a Tearoom, a way to warp eggs, a plant to make paper or a way to repair ceramic!

Barbara Uderzo - Blob ring  Barbara Uderzo – Blob ring 

SATO YOKOLucilla Giovanninetti

SATO Yoko // Lucilla Giovanninetti

Liana PattihisLiana Pattihis



* Yamanashi Jewelry Museum19-28 September 2015
1-6-1 Marunouchi, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0031, Japan

* Istituto ITALIANO di Cultura,  TOKYO31 Dec. 2014 – 30 Sept. 2015
2-1-30 Kudanshita, Chiyoda-ku,
102-0074 Tokyo
transport Kudanshita Station (Tozai, Hanzomon, Toei Shinjuku lines)