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EXPO ‘Botanical Connections’ – PIN sstudio, Kaohsiung City (Taiwan) – 24 Mai-28 Juin 2015

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. PIN sstudio (TW),Marian HOSKING (AU),Taiwan (RC) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05
« Botanical Connections » by Marian Hosking
Botanical connections - Marian Hosking

 ***  Marian Hosking brooch 2015Marian Hosking brooch 2015

 Marian Hosking -  12 gum caps brooch - Gum caps brooch - 2015 925 silver: Marian Hosking - 12 gum caps brooch & Gum caps brooch – 2015 – 925 silver

Marian Hosking - Rhododendron 2015 925 silver necklace, paints, thread: Marian Hosking -  Rhododendron necklace 2015 925 silver, paints, thread

Marian Hosking - orchid brooch 2015 - 925 silver:  Marian Hosking – orchid brooch 2015 – 925 silver

PIN sstudio 

C8-6, Kaohsiung
No.2-2, Dayi St., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung City 803, Taiwan
+886 972 341 109


SCHMUCK 2013 – The official selection

This year the exhibits accepted for SCHMUCK were selected by Bernhard Schobinger of Richterswil in Switzerland. A trained goldsmith, Schobinger is one of today´s leading jewellery designers. His works are regarded as influential in determining new directions in style and the man himself is seen as an artist with a unique aesthetic sense who has broken new ground particularly in avant-garde jewellery design. Not surprisingly, the works selected by him for SCHMUCK 2013, reflect this background. « They include a number of exciting new artists, but also many familiar names, » reveals Dieter Dohr. The exhibits at SCHMUCK include works by Robert Baines (Australia), David Bielander (Switzerland), Sungho Cho (Korea), Sam Tho Duong (Vietnam), Kimiaki Kageyama and Ryuichiro Nakamura (Japan) and Bruce Metcalf (USA).


Selected artists:
Robert Baines, AU — Peter Bauhuis, DE — David Bielander, CH — Melanie Bilenker, USA — Alexander Blank, DE — Julie Blyfield, AU — Kathrin Borst, DE — Klaus Burgel, USA/DE — Hyun Sook Chang, KR — Ying-Hsiu Chen, TW –  Sungho Cho, KR — Kristin D’Agostino, NZ/USA — Sam Tho Duong, VT — Andrea Ďurianová, SK — Stephanie Fleck, DE — Karl Fritsch, NZ/DE — Kyoko Fukuchi, JP –  Makoto Hieda, JP – Yu Hiraishi, JP –  Marian Hosking, AU — Mari Ishikawa, JP — Mari Iwamoto, JP – Kimiaki Kageyama, JP –  Jiro Kamata, JP — Kim Yeonkyung, KR — Jun Konishi, JP –  Alejandra Koreck, RA — Julia Maria Künnap, Estland – Agnes Larsson, SE — Helena Lehtinen, FI — Jens-Rüdiger Lorenzen, DE — Natalie Luder, CH — Carlier Makigawa, AU — Doris Maninger, AT — Sally Marsland, AU — Nanna Melland, NO — Bruce Metcalf, USA – Choonsun Moon, KR — Mrokon-Thomas Monomer, DE — Kazumi Nagano, JP — Ryuichiro Nakamura, JP — Estela Saez Vilanova, ES — Giulia Savino, IT — Sondra Sherman, USA — Lousje Skala, AU — Janna Syvänoja, FI — Fumiki Taguchi, JP — Mirei Takeuchi, JP — Sabina Tiemroth, RA — Silke Trekel, DE — Fabrizio Tridenti, IT – Luzia Vogt, CH — Lisa Walker, NZ – Cia-Xuan Wu, TW — Wen-Miao Yeh, TW — Annamaria Zanella, IT –  Christoph Zellweger, CH

58 participants from 18 countries:
Argentinen (2), Australien (6), Deutschland (8), Deutschland/Neuseeland (1), Deutschland/Vietnam (1), Estland (1), Finnland (2), Italien (3), Japan (12), Korea (4), Neuseeland (3), Norwegen (1), Österreich (1), Schweden (1), Schweiz (4), Slowakische Republik (1), Spanien (1), Taiwan (3), USA (4)

After the Internationale Handwerksmesse, SCHMUCK will be setting off on tour. In 2013, it will be stopping off in the town of Legnica in Poland, where visitors can admire the pieces as part of the International Jewellery Competition in May 2013. Since 2006 the exhibition has put in a guest appearance in a range of countries, among them Spain (Museo de Illustración y Modernidad, Valencia), Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (Municipal Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua), the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York) and France (Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer).

Annamaria Zanella (IT) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Annamaria Zanella (IT)

Estela Saez, ES (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Estela Saez, ES

Fabrizio Tridenti, Brooch, silver, brass, acrylic paint (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Fabrizio Tridenti, Brooch, silver, brass, acrylic paint

Lousje Skala, Bracelet, 'correlation' 2010 - ABS, chrome rapid prototyping (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Lousje Skala, Bracelet, ‘correlation’ 2010 – ABS, chrome rapid prototyping

Karl Fritsch, Ring, 2011 silver, pounamou (NZ jade) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Karl Fritsch, Ring, 2011 silver, punamou (NZ jade)

Robert Baines (AU) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection) Robert Baines (AU)
Melanie Bilenker (US) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Melanie Bilenker (US)
Choonsun Moon, Necklace, 2012 plastic, beads, wire, elastic (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Choonsun Moon, Necklace, 2012 plastic, beads, wire, elastic
Mari Iwamoto (JP) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Mari Iwamoto (JP)
david Bielander - bracelet 'koi' - thumb tacks, leather, silver 2012David Bielander – bracelet ‘koi’ – thumb tacks, leather, silver 2012
Bruce Metcalf (US) (SCHMUCK 2013 selection)Bruce Metcalf (US)
Internationale Handwerksmesse
6.-12. März 2013, Messegelände München


SCHMUCK 2013 – Munich (DE) – PROGRAMME – 6-12 Mars 2013

 SCHMUCK is an international jewellery competition which is staged every year in March as part of the Internationale Handwerksmesse. For over fifty years SCHMUCK has been the jewellery sector´s premier exhibition. From among the many applications received from designers to exhibit in SCHMUCK, a single juror makes his or her own personal selection of those whose work will be presented. This juror is generally an international curator and expert in contemporary jewellery design. In 2006 the Danner Foundation took over as patron of the exhibition. The organiser is the Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern (Chamber of Trades and Crafts for Munich and Upper Bavaria), and the venue host is the Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH.

Organized by the Verein zur Förderung des Handwerks e.V.
Willy Brandt Allee 1, 81829 München, Germany



This year the exhibits accepted for SCHMUCK were selected by Bernhard Schobinger of Richterswil in Switzerland. A trained goldsmith, Schobinger is one of today´s leading jewellery designers. His works are regarded as influential in determining new directions in style and the man himself is seen as an artist with a unique aesthetic sense who has broken new ground particularly in avant-garde jewellery design. Not surprisingly, the works selected by him for SCHMUCK 2013, reflect this background. « They include a number of exciting new artists, but also many familiar names, » reveals Dieter Dohr. The exhibits at SCHMUCK include works by Robert Baines (Australia), David Bielander (Switzerland), Sungho Cho (Korea), Sam Tho Duong (Vietnam), Kimiaki Kageyama and Ryuichiro Nakamura (Japan) and Bruce Metcalf (USA).

Selected artists:
Robert Baines, Australien — Peter Bauhuis, Deutschland — David Bielander, Schweiz — Melanie Bilenker, USA — Alexander Blank, Deutschland — Julie Blyfield, Australien — Kathrin Borst, Deutschland — Klaus Burgel, USA/Deutschland — Hyun Sook Chang, Korea — Ying-Hsiu Chen, Taiwan –  Sungho Cho, Korea — Kristin D’Agostino, Neuseeland/USA — Sam Tho Duong, Vietnam — Andrea Ďurianová, Slowakische Republik — Stephanie Fleck, Deutschland — Karl Fritsch, Neuseeland/Deutschland — Kyoko Fukuchi, Japan –  Makoto Hieda, Japan – Yu Hiraishi, Japan –  Marian Hosking, Australien — Mari Ishikawa, Japan — Mari Iwamoto, Japan – Kimiaki Kageyama, Japan –  Jiro Kamata, Japan — Kim Yeonkyung, Korea — Jun Konishi, Japan –  Alejandra Koreck, Argentinen — Julia Maria Künnap, Estland – Agnes Larsson, Schweden — Helena Lehtinen, Finnland — Jens-Rüdiger Lorenzen, Deutschland — Natalie Luder, Schweiz — Carlier Makigawa, Australien — Doris Maninger, Österreich — Sally Marsland, Australien — Nanna Melland, Norwegen — Bruce Metcalf, USA – Choonsun Moon, Korea — Mrokon-Thomas Monomer, Deutschland — Kazumi Nagano, Japan — Ryuichiro Nakamura, Japan — Estela Saez Vilanova, Spanien — Giulia Savino, Italien — Sondra Sherman, USA — Lousje Skala, Australien — Janna Syvänoja, Finnland — Fumiki Taguchi, Japan — Mirei Takeuchi, Japan — Sabina Tiemroth, Argentinen — Silke Trekel, Deutschland — Fabrizio Tridenti, Italien – Luzia Vogt, Schweiz — Lisa Walker, Neuseeland – Cia-Xuan Wu, Taiwan — Wen-Miao Yeh, Taiwan — Annamaria Zanella, Italien –  Christoph Zellweger, Schweiz

58 participants from 18 countries:
Argentinen (2), Australien (6), Deutschland (8), Deutschland/Neuseeland (1), Deutschland/Vietnam (1), Estland (1), Finnland (2), Italien (3), Japan (12), Korea (4), Neuseeland (3), Norwegen (1), Österreich (1), Schweden (1), Schweiz (4), Slowakische Republik (1), Spanien (1), Taiwan (3), USA (4)

After the Internationale Handwerksmesse, SCHMUCK will be setting off on tour. In 2013, it will be stopping off in the town of Legnica in Poland, where visitors can admire the pieces as part of the International Jewellery Competition in May 2013. Since 2006 the exhibition has put in a guest appearance in a range of countries, among them Spain (Museo de Illustración y Modernidad, Valencia), Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (Municipal Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua), the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York) and France (Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer).


* >> Klassiker der Schmuck 2013
Warwick Freeman , New Zeland
Each year at this special exhibition one designer is honoured in a retrospective called « Classic of the Modern ». This time it´s the turn of New Zealand designer Warwick Freeman. His pieces are characterised by a reduced, very clear idiom and a particular reference to natural forms.

@Warwick Freeman at Freeman


Schmuck 2013 in München – Jewellery in Munich: 6-12 March 2013
Events related to Jewellery during the International Trade Fair

(* for these exhibitions, see the corresponding post)

>> Messegelände München I Halle B1
Sonderschauen der 65. Internationalen Handwerksmesse München . Schmuck 2013, Talente 2013, Exempla 2013 – Handwerk bewegt, Meister der Moderne 2013, Frame with Galerie Marzee, Platina, Ra, Format, Handshake, Chrome Yellow Books, Claudia Augusta Projekt

>> Galerie Handwerk zu Gast in den Staatlichen Antikensammlungen,
* Neuer Schmuck für die Götter. Robert Baines, Peter Bauhuis, Manfred Bischoff, Bettina Dittlmann, Georg Dobler, David Huycke, Daniel Kruger, Christa Lühtje, Bruno Martinazzi, Francesco Pavan, Dorothea Prühl, Gerd Rothmann, Jacky Ryan, Philip Sajet, Bernhard Schobinger, Hubertus von Skal, Tanel Veenre, Graziano Visintin
Vernissage 6.3., 19 h – Königsplatz 1, 80333 München – - 7.3.-5.5., Di-So 10-17, Mi 10-20 h

during SCHMUCK : Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -  Georg Dobler, DE(Georg Dobler)

>>Die Neue SammlungThe International Design Museum Munich
* Otto Künzli. Die Ausstellung.
Vernissage 8.3., 19 h
– Barer Strasse 40, 80333 München – 9.3.-7.4., Mi-So 12-20. Sa 9.3.+ So. 10.3. 10-18 h.

during SCHMUCK : Otto Kunzli, the exhibition -

>>Pinakothek der Moderne.
The Perfect Place to grow: Royal College of Art.
9.3.-7.4. Mi-So 10-18 h. Schaustelle outdoor.
Talk 10.3. 11 h Warwick Freeman: All about me
Tel. +49 89 2727250, +49 89 23805360,

>>Die Neue Sammlung/ Neues Museum für Kunst und Design in Nürnberg.
* Talk in Nürnberg 7.3., 14 h : Things I see….. Helen Britton, Ausstellungsgespräch,
Klarissenplatz, 90402 Nürnberg – Tel. +49 911 2402069 – 6.2.-28.4., Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h -

Helen Britton (the things I see) Helen Britton brooch

>>Museum Villa Stuck,
Aftermath of art jewellery, Schmuck aus Oslo und München, Sigurd Bronger, Eunmi Chun, Ingeborg Resell Elieson, Stefan Heuser, Runa Vethal Stølen, Lisa Walker, Norman Weber, Reinhold Ziegler – Vernissage 6.3., 19 h
Prinzregentenstraße 60, 81675 München,  7.3.-7.4., Di-So 11-18 h -  Tel. +49 89 4555510,

Eunmi Chun, Gorilla, 2011  Haar, Kuhdarm, Samen, Silber, Foto: Martin Papcun   (Museum Villa Stuck  Aftermath of art jewellery, Schmuck aus Oslo and Munich) Eunmi Chun, Gorilla, 2011

>>Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Galerie für Angewandte Kunst
* Transit Zeitgenössischer Schmuck aus Israel, Portrait im Laden Verkettungen
7.3. 20 h
Gespräche zur Ausstellung Transit, Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München – Tel. +49 89 2401470
1.3.-13.4., Mo-Sa 10-18 h, 10.3. Sonderöffnung 11-17 h

SCHMUCK 2013 – Munich (DE) - PROGRAMME - 6-12 Mars 2013 dans Agnes LARSSON (SE) umschlag%20transitk

(see EXPO ‘TRANSIT’ – The Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (DE) – 14 Juin-12 Aout 2012)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wednesday, 6. March 2013
>> 9-18 h
Messegelände München, Halle B1,
* Frame/Galerie Platina, This is where they met. Jewellery Sessions 2013, Beatrice Brovia & Nicolas Cheng, Sofia Björkman, Helen Carnac, Hilde De Decker, Gemma Draper, Cristina Filipe, Silke Fleischer, Adam Grinovich, Dana Hakim, Hanna Hedman, Hannah Joris, Agnes Larsson, Mia Maljojoki, Mikiko Minewaki, Jorge Manilla, Ruudt Peters

2cd4940625bdbf702de40ee1db72a4ba dans Alexander BLANK (DE) 
>> 10-19 h Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia
Manfred BischoffBruno Martinazzi
kunstbüro reillplast,  Amalienstraße 21, 80333 München – Tel. +39 33 13311681, Tel. +49 89 5420637
6.-10.3.,10-19 h,

>> 11-19 h Wittenbrink FUENFHOEFE
Theatinerstraße 14, 80333 München – 6.3.-12.3., Mo-Sa 10-19 h

>> 11-19 h Café Clara
* Matadero, Walka Studio, Claudia Betancourt, Ricardo Nano Pulgar
Isabellastraße 8, 80798 München -  6.3.-12.3., 11-19 h, Montag geschlossen

during SCHMUCK :  exhibition "MATADERO" by WALKA STUDIO (claudia betancourt + nano pulgar)    The MATADERO series, reflects on matters such as death, the relation between body and ornament, the primal origin of corporal ornament and its sacred meaning, associated to the cultures from Latin America and the Pacific Basin.    Place: Cafe Clara, Isabellastraße 8, 80798 München  Dates: March 6th - 12 th. Monday Closed  Opening hours: 11-19 hrs

>> 13.30 h Messegelände München, Halle B1/939,
* Booklaunch, Handshake, 12 Contemporary Jewellers meet their Hero
Artist and Curator’s talk


>> 13-17 h Atelier Shari Pierce
* Te mato porque te amo, Jorge Manilla, Shari Pierce
Morawitzkystraße 1, 80803 München -Tel. +49 176 28993050 -  6.-9.3., Mi-Sa 13-17 h,

during SCHMUCK : Te mato por que te amo - Jorge Manilla - Shari PierceMorawitzkystraße 1, 80803 München (Atelier Shari Pierce)

>> 17-20 h kunst.wirt.schaft Graz
Eva Schmeiser-Cadia, Andrea Zahlbruckner- Jaufer, Gigi Haubenhofer-Salicites, Esther Engele, Anna Waibel,
mobile Schmuckpräsentation – Tel. +43 664 4631253, Tel. +43 69912120590 – 7.- 8.3., 11-18 h,

>> 18 h Galerie Artefakt
Melanie Nützel, Bernhard Simon
Hans-Sachs-Str. 13, -  6.-30.3., Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 11-15 h

>> 18.30 h Tschechisches Zentrum
* Five MenPavel Filip, Rene Hora, Pavel Opocensky, Martin Pouzar, Jiri Sibor
Prinzregentenstraße 7, 80538 München – Tel. +49 89 21024932
6.3.- 5.4., Do 10-17, Fr 10-17, Sa 10-14, So 12-16 h,

"Five Men" – Zeitgenössischer Schmuck  Tschechisches Zentrum (jewel (brooch ?) by Pavel Filip)Pavel Filip

>> 19 h Schmuckmalen, Choonsun Moon, Heejoo Kim, Hyorim Lee, Yeonsoo Kim
* Steinheilstraße 16 Rgb., 80333 München – Tel. +49 176 32916054 – 6.-12.3.,10-19 h,

during SCHMUCK : Schmuckmalen – avec Heejoo Kim et Choonsun Moon

>> 19 h Micheko Galerie
Was it a cat I saw?
Akiko Kurihara, Go Segawa
Theresienstraße 18, 80333 München – Tel. +49 89 38169388 – 6.-10.3., Do-Sa 11-20, So 11-16 h,

human chain  01, Akiko Kurihara  - Kurihara new work – « human chain  01″

>> 19 h Museum Villa Stuck
Aftermath of art jewellery, Schmuck aus Oslo and Munich
Prinzregentenstraße 60, 81675 München – Tel. +49 89 4555510 – 7.3.-7.4, Di-So 11-18 h,

Eunmi Chun, Gorilla, 2011  Haar, Kuhdarm, Samen, Silber, Foto: Martin Papcun   (Museum Villa Stuck  Aftermath of art jewellery, Schmuck aus Oslo and Munich)Eunmi Chun, Gorilla, 2011

>> 19 h Galerie Handwerk zu Gast in den Antikensammlungen
* Neuer Schmuck für die Götter

Königsplatz 1, 80333 München – 7.3.-5.5., Di-So 10-17, Mi 10-20 h

during SCHMUCK : Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -  Georg Dobler, DE

>> 20 h Akademie Galerie
* Irony Forest
, Akihiro Ikeyama, Junwon Jung, Mari Iwamoto
UBahn Station Universität, 6.-12.3. – Tel. +49 176 61638237
Mo-Di 14-21, Do-Sa 14-21, So 14-18 h

during SCHMUCK  -Irony forest - - Akihiro Ikeyama / Junwon Jung / Mari Iwamoto Die drei Künstler arbeiten in der Schmuckklasse von Prof. Otto Künzli in der Akademie der Bildenden Künste München: Akihiro Ikeyama (Japan) seit 2008, Junwon Jung (Südkorea) und Mari Iwamoto (Japan) seit dem Jahr 2010

>> 21 h SCHMUCK-Show 2013
Live-Präsentation über die Ausstellungen der kommenden Tage

NEWS - JasminMatzakow  SCHMUCK show


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday, 7. March 2013
>> 11-17 h Theresa – Restaurant,
Fallmamal-Umsturz erwünscht.
 Nine Jewelers at the Bowling Alley.
Sungho Cho, Anja Eichler, Beate Eismann, Julia Heineccius, Young-Hee Hong, Wolfgang Löffler, Barbara Schrobenhauser, Gabi Veit, Manuel Vilhena
Theresienstraße 29, 80333 München – 7.-9.3., Fr, Sa 11-17 h

during SCHMUCK  Fallmamal – Fallmamal – Umsturz Erwünscht. Nine Jewelers at the Bowling Alley    Artists: Sungho Cho, Anja Eichler, Beate Eismann, Julia Heineccius, Young-Hee Hong, Wolfgang Löffler, Barbara Schrobenhauser, Gabi Veit, Manuel Vilhena  Place: Theresa Restaurant  (Munich, Germany)  07-Mar-2013 - 09-Mar-2013    website:  mail:

>> 11-18 h Atelier von Gierke-Berr
Peter Vermandere: Pseudomorphic Projections, Reframed Wonderwall & Reverend RT Ampee’s Pillow Pictures and Erotic Insignia
Schraudolphstraße16, 80799 München – Tel. +32 486 759470 – 7.-10.3., 11-18 h,

>> 11-21 h Galerie Kullukcu
* Bucks ‘N Barter
, Katrin Spranger, Nicolas Cheng, Friederike Daumiller, Beatrice Brovia, Hilde De Decker, Richard Elenbaas, Tzu-Ling Lee, Prang Lerttaweewit,
Schillerstraße 23, 80336 München – de, 7.-9.3., Do-Sa 11-21 h,
Food event by a-n-d studio and Katrin Spranger, Do 17.30-21 h

during SCHMUCK : Bucks 'N Barter

>> 11-19 h Saffeel’s
Babette von Dohnanyi: Volatile Geometria
Barerstraße 63, 80799 München, Tel. +49 89 45214660 – 7.-10.3., Di-Fr 11-19, Sa, So 10-18 h

during SCHMUCK : Volatile Geometria

>> 11-23 h galerieGEDOKmuc
Mind the gap!
  Susanne Elstner, Susanne Holzinger, Christiana Jöckel, Christiane Oexl, Gottlinde Singer, Monika Vesely, Annette Zey,
Elisabethstraße 13, Rgb., 80796 München – Tel. +49 171 1762705 – 7.-10.3., Do 11-23, Fr-So 11-19 h

>> 12-15 h Galerie im Raum
* Guck ins Schmuckloch… Schmuck im Guckloch
, Elena Ruebel, Katharina Moch, Lisa Juen, Sina Emrich, Tabea Reulecke
Herzog-Rudolf-Straße 9, 80539 München – Gucklöcher/peekholes: Do-So 24/7, Finissage So 11-13 h

during SCHMUCK :  Guck ins Schmuckloch... Schmuck im Guckloch :  Elena Ruebel, Katharina Moch, Lisa Juen, Sina Emrich, Tabea Reulecke  - 7-10 Mars 2013 - DURING SCHMUCK -   - - X

>> 12 h Studio K162
, Christine Demmel, Heike Jacobsen, Renate Scholz
Klugstraße 162, 80637 München – Tel. +49 89 1577231 – 7.-10.3., Do-So 12-20 h

>> 13 h Das Geschäft
Henriette Schuster: Grow
Rothmundstraße 6, 80337 München – 7., 8. und 10.3., Do, Fr, So 13-18 h – Tel. +49 174 3263647

>> 13-17 h F.X. Muschelkalk
* Lusitania, Estefânia r. de Almeida, Catarina Dias, Inês Nunes, Pedro Sequeira
Dreimühlenstraße 32, 80469 München – 7.-9.3., Do-Sa 13-17 h

during SCHMUCK : LUSITANIA @ Schmuck 2013    Estefânia Almeida  Catarina Dias | Membro PIN  Inês Nunes | Membro PIN  Pedro Sequeira    Pré - Apresentação · Galeria Adorna Corações | Porto  2 Março 16h    F.X.Muschelkalk | Munique  7,8,9 Março 13h-17h    Pós- Apresentação · Oficina 12 | Lisboa  16 e 17 Março 16h

>> 14 h Die Neue Sammlung München/Neues Museum in Nürnberg. Staatliches Museum für Kunst und Design,
* Things I see….. Helen Britton
Ausstellungsgespräch, Klarissenplatz, 90402 Nürnberg – Tel. +49 911 2402069
6.2.-28.4. Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h

Helen Britton  Brooch: Untitled 2007  Silver, plastic, paint  Detail  Photo: Helen Britton   (Helen Britton: The Things I see)Helen Britton  Brooch: Untitled 2007  Silver, plastic, paint  Detail    (Helen Britton: The Things I see)

>> 15 h Fotostudio Adrian Greiter
* To Tie or not to Tie
, Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp for Hermès
Welserstraße 11 – Tel. +32 485434390

during SCHMUCK : "To Tie or not to Tie,"  Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp for Hermès,  Fotostudio Adrian Greiter, Welserstraße 11, Tel. +32 485434390« To Tie or not to Tie, »  Students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp for Hermès

>> 15 h Atelier Oliver Dopheide
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem, Department of Jewelry & Fashion, Graduates’ works 2006-2012

Welserstraße 11, Tel. +49 176 615445726

during SCHMUCK :  Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem,  Department of Jewelry & Fashion, Graduates’ works 2006-2012  Atelier Oliver Dopheide, Welserstraße 11,Tel. +49 176 615445726    Doppelgänger’, Brooch, Noga Harel, 2012Doppelgänger’, Brooch, Noga Harel, 2012

>> 15 h Atelier Karola Schweinbeck
Dark, Jonathan Hens, Celina Gram
Welserstraße 13 – Tel. +32 498 75 03 55

during SCHMUCK : "Dark",  Jonathan Hens, Celina Gram  Atelier Karola Schweinbeck, Welserstraße 13, Tel. +32 498 75 03 55  (here work by Celina Gram)Celina Gram

>> 15 h Clubraum
* Gardens of Earth
, Bety Majernikova and friends
Welserstraße 29-31 – Tel. +49 152 01911151

>> 15 h Perp Walk, Babette Boucher, Nicola Scholz
Welserstraße 13, 81373 München – 7.-10.3, Fr 10-18, Sa 10-18, So 10-14 h

during SCHMUCK : "PERP WALK"  Künstlerinnen: Babette Boucher, Nicola Scholz  Ort: Welserstr. 13, 81373 München  Telefonnr.: +49(0)89 – 32450198 oder  +49(0)176 – 23568016 oder +49(0)176 – 20903473  Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 07.03.2013 15:00 Uhr  Öffnungszeiten: Freitag, 08.03. – Sonntag, 10.03.2013, Freitag und Samstag 10:00 – 18:00 Uhr, Sonntag 10:00 – 14:00 Uhr    (oeuvre de Babette Boucher) Babette Boucher

>> 15-19 h Schlegelschmuck, Sofia Björkman, Sophie Hanagarth, Karin Johannson, Benedikt Fischer
Nordendstraße 7a/Eingang -  Adalbertstraße, 80331 München – Tel. +49 89 2710071
7.-16.3., Fr 11-19, Sa 11-14, So 11-14 h

sophie hanagarth  Eiserne Fesseln, 2012  Armband, Länge ca. 20 cm,  Eisen, geschmiedetSophie Hanagarth bracelet

>> 16-20 h Dear Goods-Garage, craft2eu poetry pop up, Aude Tahon, Armel Barraud, Ilka Bruse, Lilli Veers u.a,
Baaderstrasse 65, 80469 München – Tel. +49 177 875 34 55 – 7.-.9.3., Fr, Sa 10-20 h,

the_poetry_pop_up -  The Poetry Pop Up 07.03.2013 - 09.02.2013  Times like this induce the desire for things created, giving us the excuse for precious lingering and enchanted associations - inspiring and delighting. craft2eu is on the look-out for the new trends and has brought together five European experts of magical-material poetry for the international SCHMUCK 2013  Munich into a unique Pop-Up Show.

>> 16 h Instituto Cervantes
* ConSpiración
, EASD València y Escola Massana,
Alfons-Goppel-Straße 7, 80539 München – Tel. +49 89 290718 – 6.-11.3.,Mo-So 10-19 h,

during SCHMUCK : "ConSpiración" . EASD València y Escola Massana. New Jewellery from Spain.

>> 16 h Café Gartensalon
, biquin (Katharina Baur, Sabine Roth) and Jasmin Hess
Türkenstraße 90/Amalienpassage, 80799 München – 7.-10.3., Do-Sa 10-18 h

>> 16 h Almstadt Schmuck
Antje StutzLinda Pieri
Reichenbachstraße 25, 80469 München – Tel. +49 89 12555761 – 7.-10.3., Fr-So 11-19 h

>> 16-20 h Goldbergstudios
* Still waters run deep
, Kinga Huber, Orsolya Kecskés, Mária Pecsics, Krisztina Stomfai, Fanni Vékony,
Müllerstraße 46A, 80469 München – Tel. +36 302883431 – 7.-10.3., Fr-So 11-19 h,

during SCHMUCK "Still waters

>> 16.30-21 h Galerie GestalterBund
* Made in Vienna, Katie Gruber, Michelle Kraemer, Viktoria Münzker, Katharina Schmid, Claudia Steiner, Eva Tesarik
Holzstraße 22, 80469 München – Tel. +43 699 11180455 – 7.-9.3. Fr, Sa 11-18 h

during SCHMUCK : Michelle Kraemer / Jewellery

>> 17 h Galerie Biro Junior
* Schmuck you!
Réka Lorincz, Flora Vági
Luisenstr. 66 / Ecke Schellingstr – Tel. +49 163 254 70 79 – 8.-16.3., 12-18 h,

during SCHMUCK : Réka Lorincz and Flora Vági: Schmuck you!  -  Galerie Biro Junior  (Munich, Germany)  07-Mar-2013 - 16-Mar-2013    mail:    - - X

>> 17 h Galerie Christian Pixis,
Alles Zeichen, Anna Moll
Kurfürstenstraße 7, 80799 München -  7.3.-6.4., Di-Fr 11-13, 14-18, Sa 11-15, So 10.3. 11-15 h

>> 17-20 h Atelierhaus Theresienstraße with GHz
* Dialogue 13 & Dialogue 14
, Jewellery Art and Metalwork from London
Theresienstraße/Augustenstraße, 80333 München – Tel. +49 89 3063 7911 – 7.-10.3., Fr-Sa 12-19, So 12-17 h,

LOGO%2013-14%202 dans Allemagne (DE)

>> 17-20 h Studio Gabi Green
* Suspended in Pink, 50 artists, Curated by Laura Bradshaw-Heap
Gollierstraße 17, 80339 München – 7.-11.3., Do, Fr 12-20 h, Sa, So 10-18 Uhr, Mo 10-15 h


>> 17-20 h Kunstarkaden
* The Lunatic Swing
, Attai Chen, Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Sungho Cho, Laura Deakin, Melanie Isverding, Emma Price
Sparkassenstraße 3, 80331 München – 26.2.-30.3., Di-Sa 13-19, So 10.3., 13-18 h

Schmuckklasse / Akademie der Bildenden Künste München  J’aime cette Page · 8 février    Neue Ausstellung mit Attai Chen, Carina Shisaz-Shoshtary. Sungho Cho, Laura Deakin Melanie Isverding und Emma Price in Kunstarkaden, München.

>> 17-21 h Galerie ARTikel3
Kings of my Blues
, Alexander Blank
Luisenstraße 68, 80798 München – Tel. +49 176 62072099 – 7.-10.3., Do 17-21, Fr 11-18, Sa 11-16, So 11-17 h

during SCHMUCK : "Kings of my Blues" - Alexander Blank

>> 17-21 h Schwedische Kirche
* Ignoble
, Hanna Liljenberg, Pernilla Persson, Sanna Svedestedt, Karin Roy Andersson, Lisa Björke
Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Tel. +46 703303379 – 7.-10.3., Fr 13-18, Sa 12-19, So 12-15 h,

during Schmuck 2013 :  exhibition "(ig)noble "   -  -   Location: Schwedische kirche  Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 Munich -    Participating artists:  Karin Roy Andersson, Lisa Björke, Hanna Liljenberg, Pernilla Persson, Sanna Svedestedt           - - X

>> 17-22 h Schmuckgalerie tal20
Christja Tritschler, Jessica Turrell
Tal 20, 80331 München – Tel. +49 89 24231491 – 7.-11.3., Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 10-16 h,

during SCHMUCK : Donnerstag, den  7. März 2013    Vernissage 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr         Zeitgenössischer Schmuck    von  Christja Tritschler  Jessica Turrell  Ausstellungsdauer vom  7. März - 11. März         während der    Internationalen Handwerksmesse geänderte Öffnungszeiten    Montag bis Freitag 11:00 - 19:00 Uhr  Samstag 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr

>> 18 h Galerie P13
tafelbesteck – outils de table – table tools

Promenadeplatz 13, 80333 München, Tel. +49 89 22 93 12 – 8.-10.3., 11-19 h und nach Vereinbarung,

>> 18 h Projektraum Streitfeld
FiveOEight on Coffee Break
, Isabelle Busnel, Mara Irsara, Jonas Mace, Elizabeth Auriol Peers, Maria Piana, Simone Ten Hompel, Rachel Terry, Deborah Werbner
508, Streitfeldstraße 33, 81673 München – 7.-10.3., Fr-Sa 11-18, So 11-17 h

during SCHMUCK : Five 0 Eight "0n Coffee Break" - 508 @ Schmuck 2013 @ Streitfeld Projektraum.  Espresso Martini Vernissage 7th March at 7pm.Open 7th-10th March. Fri-Sat 11 to 6pm. Sun 11 to 5pm.  508 artists play with the qualities of nontraditional materials.  Simone ten Hompel, Deborah Werbner, Elizabeth Peers, Isabelle Busnel, Jonas Mace, Maria Piana, Mara Irsara, and Rachel Terry.

>> 18.15 h Antiquariat Dieter Zipprich
* Vintage Violence
, Volker und Brigitte Atrops,
Stiftung Villa Bengel Idar-Oberstein, Zieblandstraße 2, 80799 München – Tel. + 49 157 73443578
7.-10.3., Mo-Sa 11-18 h, So Window shopping only,

during SCHMUCK : Vintage Violence

>> 18.30 h Galerie Biro
What I do for you, Karl Fritsch
Zieblandstraße 19, 80799 München, Tel. +49 89 273 06 86
8.-10.3., Fr-So 11-18 Uhr, 12.3.-27.4., Di-Fr 14-18, Sa. 11-14 h

6db986b3eda6e0836c1a1ef5ae73f730 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)

>> 18.30 h Projektraum J. Baumeister
All Aboard!,
Nicole Beck, Despo Sophocleous, Mirei Takeuchi
Georgenstraße 66, 80799 München – 7.-10.3., Fr 12-18, Sa 12-16, So 12-18 h

during SCHMUCK : All abroad

>> 19 h 84 GHz
* Lahti Jewellery, International artists view on Lahti City, Finland.
Georgenstraße 84, 80799 München, Tel. +49 89 30637911 – 7.-10.3., Fr-So 12-19 h

>> 19-21 h Atelier Hefele/Hottner, backyard studio
Christin Hölscher, Laura Rittlinger, Art: Theresia Hefele, Oliver Hottner
Thalkirchnerstraße 80 Rgb, 803337 München, Tel. +49 162 7337227 – 7.-10.3., Fr-Sa 10-19, So 11-16 h,

>> 20 h Galerie für Angewandte Kunst
* Gespräche zur Ausstellung Transit, Zeitgenössischer Schmuck aus Israel

Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Friday, 8. March 2013
>> 10 h Tragbar, Masche, Stich und heisse Happen
, Anna Lang, Isabell Enders, Sarah Lierl
Zenettistraße 33, 80337 München – 8.-10.3., Fr 10-18, Sa 10-18, So 13-18 h

>> 10 h Weitblick/93/13, Volker Atrops, Florian Buddeberg, Anna Eichlinger, Christiane Förster, Irene Gonzalez, Dorothea Schippel, Gisbert Stach, Norman Weber
Bergmannstraße 26, 80339 München – Tel. +49 173 5926015 – 8.-10.3., Fr, Sa, So 10-16 h,

>> 11 h N°10 Preziosen, Caro Weiss, Christiane Köhne, Claudia Lassner,
Schraudolphstr. 10, 80799 München – Tel. +49 177 4911114 – 8.-10.3., Fr, Sa 11-20 h, So 11-18 h

>> 13 h * Plateaus Jewellery, Barbora Dzuráková, Patricia Correia Domingues, Katharina Dettar, Edu Tarin -  Rote Zelle, Adalbertstraße 11, 80799 München – 8.-10.3., 11-19 h

during SCHMUCK : Plateaus Jewellery Project @ Schmuck 2013.    Adalbertstrasse 11 | Munique  8, 9 Março at 13h - with Katharina Dettar - Patricía Dominques  - Barbora Dzuráková - Edu Tarín

>> 14-18 h Strain’s Rhetoric, Gemma Draper bei Diana Dudek
Wörthstraße 23, 81667 München – 8.-9.3.,14-18 h

>> 16.30-20 h Schloss Nymphenburg
* Flora eats Fauna, Nora Rochel, Dana Hakim, Susanne Wolbers, Leonore Jock, Jasmin Matzakow, Stephanie Hensle, Jimin Kim, Hannah Joris.
Johannissaal im Orangerietrakt, 8.-10.3. Sa, So 10-17 h

during SCHMUCK : Flora eats Fauna -  Artists: Nora Rochel, Dana Hakim, Susanne Wolbers, Leonore Jock, Jasmin Matzakow, Stephanie Hensle, Jimin Kim, Hannah Joris.  Place: Nymphenburg Palace, Johannissaal in the Orangery  (Munich, Germany)  08-Mar-2013 - 10-Mar-2013    website:

>> 17 h Galerie Handwerk
* Neuer Schmuck für die Götter
Antikensammlungen – Königsplatz 1, 80333 München – Di-So10-17, Mi 10-20 h

during SCHMUCK : Neuer Schmuck für die Götter -  Georg Dobler, DE(Georg Dobler)

>> 17-19 h Aperitivo Maurer Zilioli – Contemporary Arts, Brescia
Manfred BischoffBruno Martinazzi

kunstbüro reillplast – Amalienstr. 21, 80333 München

manfredebruno_web dans Bruce METCALF (US)

>> 17-21 h Galerie Wittenbrink,
Otto Künzli: FOR SALE
Türkenstraße 16, 80539 München – 8.3.-14.3., Di-Sa 10-18 h

Otto KunzliGALERIE WITTENBRINK zeigt Otto Künzli. FOR SALE 

>> 18 h Galerie Isabella Hund
Best of Mirjam Hiller und Michael Becker

Frauenplatz 13, 80331 München – 8-30 Mars, Di-Fr 11-14 und 15-19, Sa 11-18 h

during SCHMUCK : "  Best of Mirjam Hiller und  Michael Becker"    Dauer der Ausstellung:  8. März bis 30. März 2013

>> 18 h Kunstgießerei with 84GHz,
* Tanel Veenre: My Kingdom
The Foundrey, Schleißheimerstraße 72, 80797 München – Tel. +49 89 30637911 – 8.-10.3., Sa 12-19, So 10-16 h

during SCHMUCK : " Tanel Veenre: My Kingdom "Munich Germany

>> 18 h Galerie Spektrum,
* Mia Maljojoki: Life is juicy – How fragile is your day
Im Fenster, Ohrschmuck, Helen Britton
Theresienstraße 46, 80333 München – Tel. +49 89 284590 – 8.3.-27.4., So, Mo 13-18, Di-Fr 13 -19 h

maljojoki-cover dans Carlier MAKIGAWA (AU)

>> 19 h Die Neue SammlungThe International Design Museum Munich
Otto Künzli. Die Ausstellung
Pinakothek der Moderne und Schaustelle,
Barer Strasse 40, 80333 München.
9.3.-7.4., Mi-So 12-20. Sa 9.3. + So. 10.3. 10-18 h.
Schaustelle. The Perfect Place to grow: Royal College of Art.
9.3.-7.4., Mi-So 10-18 h. Schaustelle outdoor

Otto Künzli: The Exhibition -   Die Neue Sammlung - (Munich, Germany)  09-Mar-2013 - 07-Apr-2013    website:  mail: info@die-neue-sammlung.deOtto Künzli  – Brooch: Heart 1985 – Hardfoam, red lacquer

>> 22 h Maximilians Forum
Schmuckklasse München, Schluck No.9, Schmuckfest,



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturday, 9. March 2013
Messegelände München, Halle B1
11-15 h Schmuckbar, (public) artist meetingJewellery Sessions 2/13
* 15.30 h Aktionsbühne, Talente Preis 2013
16 h Aktionsbühne, Buchpräsentation, Arnoldsche
16.30 h Aktionsbühne, Die Fette Beute, Chrome Yellow Books Buchauktion
17 h Aktionsbühne, Herbert-Hofmann-Preis 2013
* 11-18 h Galerie Biro, Returning to the jewel is a return from exile Nr.6, Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann,
Residenzstraße 1, 80333 München, 9.-10.3., 11-18 h
19 h Augustinerkeller, Goldschmiedetreffen
Arnulfstraße 52, 80335 München – Tel. +49 89 595584

during SCHMUCK : "Returning to the jewel is a return from exile, Nr.6"  - Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann, kuratiert von Galerie Biro.  Einsäulensaal der Münchner Residenz  Residenzstr. 1  80333 München  09. - 10.03.2013  11:00 - 18:00 Uhr  Einsäulensaal Programm

20 h Tragbar, Heißluft Dinner, experimentelles Essen für 10 Personen von Isabell Enders
Zenettistraße 33, 80337 München
bitte anmelden: Tel. +49 89 76703974


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday, 10. March 2013
11 h Warwick Freeman: All about me. Die Neue Sammlung – The InternationalDesign Museum Munich
Barer Straße 40, Pinakothek der Moderne.
Tel. +49 89 2727250,  +49 89 23805360

11-17 h Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V.,
* Transit, Zeitgenössischer Schmuck aus Israel, Portrait im Laden, Verkettungen,
Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München

Transfer dans Choonsun MOON (S.KR)

Business Forum: „Unikat und Serie“- „One-of- a-kind objects and mass products“
Messegelände München, Halle B1, Aktionsbühne
10:00 h – Copyright lawyer, Markus Mainx, Meissner Bolte Partner GbR Nürnberg will illuminate various property rights from the perspective of a legal practitioner.
14 h Leo Caballero, Klimt02: How to spread our work in the age of the Internet
16 h Prof. Kilian Staus, Gesellschaftlicher Kontext, Dialog und Kooperation
17 h Simone ten Hompel, London, Metropolitan University und außerhalb der Stadt: Samstag, 2. März ab 17 h Galerie Anna Pirk, Ich fühl mich heute nicht so wohl, Ludwig Menzel, Seestraße 24, 83700 Rottach-Egern am Tegernsee,
5.3.-16.3., Di-Sa 11-19 hoder nach Absprache, Tel. +49 8022 1884222


Schmuck 2013
Willy Brandt Allee 1
81829 – Munich
Telephone: 0049 89 5119 248
Fax: 00 49 89 5119 245


JamFactory Contemporary Craft & Design, Adelaide (Australia) – Australian jewelry – EXPOs précédentes

31 Jan– 22 Feb 2009
Marian Hosking: Jewellery  -  Living Treasures : Masters of Australian Craft
Living Treasures is an annual exhibition series that celebrates Australia’s most respected icons of craft. The third features new work by jeweller Marian Hosking. With 40 years professional experience, Marian Hosking is one of Australia’s foremost contemporary jewellers. Working almost exclusively with silver, Hosking has developed a distinctive vocabulary of techniques including casting, drilling and saw-piercing. She translates specific elements of the natural world into the language of silver, creating jewellery and objects of astonishing beauty.

Marian Hosking
Marian HoskingCasuarina Chain 2001,  925 silver, chemically blackened


8 Aug- 26 Sept 2009
Bluecoat Display Centre, Liverpool UK
JamFactory will be presenting a survey of South Australian jewellers at Bluecoat Display Centre, Liverpool, UK-

Sun-Woong Bang, Julie Blyfield, Jane Bowden, Christian Hall, Kath Inglis, Michelle Taylor and Catherine Truman.
This project has been assisted by ArtSA and is presented in partnership with Bluecoat Display Centre


12 Sept-11 Oct 2009
The Infinite Fold
- Zoe Veness
Veness’s jewellery combines elements of pattern, overlay and repetition to achieve rhythm and harmony in her carefully balanced forms and compositions. Using the ‘concertina fold’ as a fundamental construction element, Veness creates her pieces by careful wrapping, twisting, and knotting of multicoloured strands of paper.

  Zoe Veness- Brooch v  from transformation series ii 2008, light blue paper, light blue ink, varnish,


5 Dec 2009- 24 Jan 2010
Cook & Co; Antiquities for the Future – Octavia Cook
Cook and Co was self consciously established in 2003 as a fictitious and irreverent family jewellery company for the aggrandisement of Cook and her ideas. This it has proven to be, and it has become what is more, a valuable tool by which she mines the themes of beauty, decay, providence and value within contemporary jewellery practice.

Octavia Cook- Death of a Ponytail, 2007, brooch; acrylic, sterling silver, stainless steel pin


26 Jan – 17 Feb 2008
fuse and Flip side are presented as part of Inside Out, the 13th National JMGA Conference (Jewellers and Metalsmiths Group of Australia)
fuse : jewellers and artists exploring self and society through diverse technologies
Nicholas Bastin, Kirsty Boyle, Vernon Bowden, Leah Heiss, Ryota Kuwakubo, SymbioticA: Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, Mark Vaarwerk  – New jewellery + objects
Guest curator Sean O’Connell, presents seven practitioners who take a creative look at the social impact of technology. The diverse works in this exhibition question our relationships with technology, and the connections between ideas of self, society and the artificial worlds we create around ourselves


5 April – 25 May 2008
Informing Facets-
Regine Schwarzer – new jewellery
Embracing the unpredictable and the unexpected Schwarzer uses traditional faceting of gem stones to subvert expectations by selecting stones with impurities. Cutting her stones carefully she reveals their innermost individuality, emphasizing flaws trapped within, rather than cutting stones only to reveal the scintillating properties.


6 May – 20 June 2005 
All That Glitters
Guest Curator Zara Collins (SA/NSW)
Featuring glass artists Ruth Allen, Elizabeth Bower, Jane Pollard, Lisa Cahill, Kristin McFarlane
Five fresh, innovative yet practical designers untilise the seductive qualities of glass in jewellery.


Gallery 1/2 – JamFactory Contemporary Craft & Design
19 Morphett Street
Adelaide SA 5000 (Australia)
Phone: 08 8410 0727