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Grassimesse 2010 – Leipzig (DE) – 29-31 Oct 2010


The GRASSIMESSE is organized by the GRASSI museum of Applied Art (Leipzig) and takes place in the reconstructed Grassimuseum, an important building of the Art Decó period. Three exhibition rooms with a total of 1200 sqm provide space for 85 exhibitors.

Grassimesse Leipzig

The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity.” Since the reestablishment in 1997, the fair has been held once each year on the last weekend of October.

The GRASSIMESSE forum and sales exhibition in equal measure, reflects the world of ideas and the variety of contemporary creative design, promotes developments and sharpens the awareness for design quality. Unique products, limited editions and sample industrial products of jewellery, ceramics, glass, textile, clothing, furniture, metal, leather, toys etc. display a fascinating variety of creative design which allures to see and buy as well. This selection and international orientation enables to gain a comprehensive overview of recent innovations and trends, as well as timeless modern design.

Subject and concern of the GRASSIMESSE is the selection and promotion of quality. Therefore a jury of experts decides on the selection of the exhibitors and will award the four prizes on the occasion of the GRASSIMESSE.

A catalogue of the GRASSIMESSE will be released, it will be feature one example of every exhibitor.

Grassimesse 2010 - Leipzig (DE) - 29-31 Oct 2010 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) Hiller_Mirjam_01Nguyen_Thanh-Truc_01 dans Allemagne (DE)
Mirjam Hiller  – “Tulema” brooch, 2010. Stainless steel, created from a single piece, sawn.
Thanh-Truc Nguyen – Brooch, 2010. Silver, blackened, textile, plastic, assembled, wound, sewn.


Exhibitors 2010 (jewelry) : 

Aliki Apoussidou — Alexandra Bahlmann — Nicole Bauer — Maria Cristina Bellucci — Reinhard Berkes — Vera-Marie von ClaerBabette von Dohnanyi — Marianne Eggimann — Beate Eismann — Nora Fiege –  Jan Exnar — Miki Gamzou — Angela Wandelt –  Barbara Hast –  Mirjam HillerMargit Jäschke Michaela Kirchner — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke –  Unk Kraus – Thanh-Truc NguyenNicolay Sardamov – Beatrix SchmahAngela Simone — Silke Spitzer — Silke TrekelJasmin Winter — Susanne Wolbers — Arek Wolski — Alchimia Jewellery School — Burg Giebichenstein HS für Kunst und Design Halle – Studienrichtung: Schmuck –  Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim Fakultät Gestaltung/Metallgestaltung — Hochschule Wismar, Fachbereich Schmuck

Sardamov_Nikolay_01 dans Angela SIMONE (IT)Spitzer_Silke_01 dans Arek WOLSKI (PL)
Nicolay Sardamov – Brooch, 2010. Silver, shaped (wax model), cast.
Silke Spitzer -“Ein-Astkette” neck jewellery,2010. Wood, silver, blackened

Trekel_Silke_01 dans Beate EISMANN (DE)Winter_Jasmin_03 dans Jasmin WINTER (DE)
Silke Trekel – “Kaktus” brooch,2010. Iron, engraved, enamelled
Jasmin Winter – “Two sides” reversible neck jewellery, 2009. Silver, enamel, artificial resin, silk, assembled, enamelled, knotted

Wolski_Arek_01 dans Maria Cristina BELLUCCI (IT)
Arek Wolski – “Ludzie” brooch, 2008. Aluminium, anodised

13_31 dans Michaela KIRCHNER (DE)
Nicole Bauer
Neck jewellery, 2009. German silver, silver, etched, assembled

Beate Eismann – « Mass and Weight » works

Kleine_Behnke_Ulrike_01 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Ulrike Kleine-Behnke – Brooch, 2010. Silver, wood, assembled, sawn





GRASSI Museum of Applied Art
Johannisplatz 5-11, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Phone 0049-(0)341-2229100,
Fax. 0049-(0)341-2229200


CAGNES-sur-MER (FR) – Espace SOLIDOR – Collection permanente – Musée

Labellisée «Ville Métiers d’Art», Cagnes-sur-Mer s’investit, depuis plus de dix ans maintenant, dans la promotion du bijou contemporain. Les expositions se succèdent ainsi régulièrement à l’Espace Solidor, au pied du Château Grimaldi et accueillent de nombreux artistes français et étrangers de renommée internationale.

Aujourd’hui, le fonds permanent constitué d’œuvres originales acquises au fil de ces événements culturels, offre un regard unique sur le bijou et la création contemporaine. Composé d’or, de pierres précieuses, de métaux divers, de matières composites, de bois et même de papier, le bijou contemporain illustre la maîtrise et le talent des artistes qui le façonnent, au gré de leur inspiration, de leur culture et de leur sensibilité.

Solidor-fonds permanentsolidor-expoCagnesS - regard sur L'Estonie

Récemment, la collection s’est enrichie avec les dernières acquisitions de Kadri Mälk, Tanel Veenre et Piret Hirv de l’exposition «Regard sur l’Estonie» (juin 2007).

Tanel veenreKadri Mälk - brooch -'the order of garter' Cork, silver, synthetic sapphires , smoked quartz, ebonyPiret Hirv - broche 'two' - or

Tanel Veenre – broche
Kadri Mälk – brooch -’the order of garter’ Cork, silver, synthetic sapphires , smoked quartz, ebony
Piret Hirv – broche ‘two’ – or

Ces bijoux, qui dépassent la simple fonction esthétique d’ornement du corps sont à eux-seuls de véritables porteurs de message, aux formes surprenantes et aux matériaux insolites.

Artistes représentés :
Christel Balez – Robert BainesGijs BakkerArlette BaronIris BodemerFrédéric BrahamChristophe BurgerJoaquim Capdevila – Faust Cardinali – Françoise et Claude ChaventCathy ChotardCostanza – Xavier Doménech – Gabriele Dziuba – Eva Eisler – Denis Essayie – Joël Faivre-Chalon – Karl Fritsch – Kyoko Fukuchi – Henri GargatEsty GrossmanSophie HanagarthMari IshikawaGilles Jonemann – Mila Kalnitzkaya – Kepa KarmonaMichaela KirchnerElisabeth KrampeFlorence LehmannPatricia LemaireBenjamin LignelNel Linssen – Michail Maslennikow – Paul McClureAmandine Meunier – Astrid Meyer – Ted NotenRitsuko OguraSuzanne Otwell-NegreClaude PelletierRamon Puig-Cuyas – Anna Raigorodskaya – Gerd Rothmann – Julie Rouault – Agathe Saint-GironsKiff SlemmonsJanna SyvänojaTorunChristophe VerotWabéAnnamaria ZanellaChristoph Zellweger

Wabé broche papier maché - 2002solidor-Mari Ishikawa-Necklace-Blooming Red-2004- japanese kozo paperCathy Chotard

Wabé broche papier maché – 2002 (bon, pas au musée, c’est la mienne !)
Mari Ishikawa – Necklace-Blooming Red-2004- japanese kozo paper
Cathy Chotard

Place du Château, Haut-de-Cagnes
06800 – Cagnes-sur-Mer
Telephone: +33 4 93 73 14 42
Fax: +33 4 93 22 19 09
M. Roland Constant

chaque exposition qui a lieu à l’Espace Solidor est mise en ligne sur le site de la ville :  onglet “culture”.
(merci de cette précision donnée par l’Espace Solidor :-) )


EXPO ‘Hoar Frost’ – Craft2EU gallery, Hambourg (DE) – 13 Jan 2010 – 6 Mar 2010

 Kathryn Partington -'ethereal' neckpiece 2009 - silver & silk, transfers 2Anke HennigEisschollen 2009 Silver

Kathryn Partington – neckpiece ‘Ethereal’ 2009 – Silver and silk, transfers
Anke Hennig – necklace  ‘Hybrid II’ 2009 Makrolon
 Michaela Kirchner – necklace ‘Eisschollen’ 2009 Silver

*Kathryn Partington produces one-off wearable items of jewellery by utilising her background training within the discipline of tableware ceramics & printed  textiles. She does not leave us with the association of the hoar frost on our skin. She rather conserve it in silver, silk and porcelain with fine patterns. These are applied in various printing and embossing techniques. some of them seems total magic ; it glimmers ever so softly, shimmers delicately and comes across changing just like a changing picture does.

*Anke Hennig combines with her jewellery the colours of winter and icy glitter with her delicate transparency of textile weave, called Monofil. The secret of her invention she keeps all to herself. The rosettes which are made into brooches and earrings are light and precious : a flexible development of the chains, partly because of the secrecy of their technique and at the same time their beauty.

*Michaela Kirchner experiments with tiniest structures, which line up around the neck of the person carrying them as if they were silver-coloured floating ice. Their amorpheus shapes are, melted into tiny glitter sructures which catch the light from all sides and throw back the light, shimmering and prescious.


« Hoar Frost »
craft2eu – agency and gallery for european arts and crafts
Eppendorfer Weg 231
20251 – Hamburg
Telephone: 0049-(0)40-480 928 22/24
Fax: 0049-(0)40-480 928 22/24


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