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Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER – 30 Avril-30 June 2013

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER  -  May / June 2013  Venue: Gallery of Art in Legnica

This year in the Legnica International Jewellery Competition REVOLT participated 319 artists from 43 countries. They sended 625 pieces. International jury (Galit Gaon (IL), Jiro Kamata (JP/DE), Hans Stofer (CH/GB), Sławomir Fijałkowski and Aneta Lis-Marcinkiewicz (PL)), which sessed in the days 4-5 of April, qualified to the exhibition part of pieces and chosed laureates. Names of the winners we will know on the vernissage, 18th of May 2013  in the Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland.

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER - may-june 2013


It is better not to turn on the television today. We are being attacked by images of economic crises, stock market crashes, falling ratings, budget deficits, cost cutting programs and increasing unemployment from everywhere. As a reaction to the overwhelming impression of a lack of opportunities there are emerging movements such as « Occupy … », helplessly protesting against banksters, corporations and governments. Doesn’t speaking in such circumstances about jewellery – the subject invariably associated with the demonstration of wealth and selfish hedonism – seem socially unacceptable and even ethically suspect? After all, the burning  of ATMs and the broken glass of jeweller’s shops have become part of the frustration of all the Indignados.
But there is also another aspect of the design and use of jewellery – which – like no other product of the imagination – can be an effective message, manifesting the point of view of the user – a voice of protest, being anti-or pro-, attitudes of rebellion, rebellion and guerrilla warfare. Can a standard set of slogans written out on banners, T-shirts and slap tags be complemented with another more sophisticated message? Are jewellery designers able to demonstrate their own opinion and join the discussion concerning non-aesthetic issues? Is the tradition of exclusive gold jewellery going to be our irreversible remorse? And will the chorus « Diamonds are a girl’s best friend » always sound  as infantile as the recent testimony before the European Court of Justice in The Hague of the famous model Naomi Campbell, who at one time accepted an embarrassing gift from the dictator of Liberia, tried for war crimes, so evocatively reconstructed in the movie « Blood Diamond » with Leo DiCaprio as a ruthless mercenary?
EXPO - Revolt (competition) - Legnica SILVER festival 2013

List of artists qualified to the exhibition :
 Agata Bartos (PL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Claudia Betancourt & Ricardo Pulgar (Chile) — Krzysztof Borkowski (PL) — Andrzej Boss (PL) — Vernon Bowden (NZ) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (Irl) – Bartosz Chmielewski (PL) — Sungho Cho (S. KR) — Jeongsun Choi (S. KR) — Teresa Dantas (PT) — Katharina Dettar (DE/ES) — Sara Gackowska (PL) – Tamara Grüner (DE) — Mieczysław Gryza (PL) — Nils Hint (EE) — Susanne Holzinger (DE) — Maja Houtman (NL) — Marta Hryc (PL) — Joanna Hryniewicz (PL) — Dorry Hsu (Taiwan/CA) — Mari Ishikawa (JP) — Timothy Information Limited (GB) — Luijt Janjaap (NL) — Lee Jeong Hwa (S. KR) — Christina Karababa (GR) — Renata Korpas-Sutowicz (PL) — Dominik Kotwicki (PL) — Solveiga Krivičiene & Alfredas Krivičius (Lithuania) — Marzena Krupa (PL) — Claudia Küster (DE) — Lena Lindahl (SE) — Ria Lins (BE) — Susanne Matsché (AT) — Marek Mrowiński (PL) — Marek Nałęcz-Nieniewski (PL) — Michalina Owczarek (PL) — Andrzej Pacak (PL) — Fiona Parkinson (GB) — Krzysztof Piotrowski (PL) — Sari Räthel (DE) — Mandy Rasch (DE) — Berta Riera Ruiz (ES) — Isabell Schaupp (DE) — Kveto slava Flora Sekanova (Slovakia/ NZ — Katarína Siposová Węgry (HU) — Ludmila Šikolová (Czech Republic) — Grzegorz Radosław Ślączka (PL) — Terajima Takayoshi (JP) — Bartosz Ulatowski (PL)



About festival

For more than thirty years, the Gallery of Art in Legnica has specialised in promoting contemporary jewellery and artistic objects made mainly of silver. We have been organising individual and group exhibitions of Polish and international artists, publishing exhibition catalogues, organising conferences and symposia, as well as fashion and jewellery shows, competitions and fairs. The most important event we organize is Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER. Every year we present individual and collective exhibitions as part of the festival, including:
LEGNICA INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY COMPETITION The competition dates back to 1979 and every year it has a different topic. The competition is open and addressed to all artists, whose task is to present their work on a given topic – every year a different one – including an original artistic idea and representing a high level of artistry and technical skills. What is favoured is the concept, value and meaning of an artistic expression. Works entered for the competition are assessed by an international jury, on which over fifty outstanding goldsmithing artists and theoreticians have sat so far. What is characteristic of the competition is the fact that the winners of the first three prizes receive – according to a long-standing tradition – silver pellets and cash prizes.
The submitted works are qualified by an international jury. Over the years, we have invited a number of distinguished artists to seat on the jury, including: G. Babetto, G. Bakker, O. Boekhoudt,  S. Bronger, R. Puig Cuyás, P. Derrez, G. Dobler, A. Gut, F. Falk, M.R. Franzin, M.J. van den Hout,  E. Knobel, O. Kűnzli, T. Noten, V.K. Novák, R. Peters, M. Petry, K. Pontoppidan, G. Pucsala, A. Ratnikowa, P. Sajet, B. Schobinger, P. Skubic, Z. Songqing, W. Tasso-Mattar,  T. Smeets, D. Watkins, M. Vilhena, A. Zanella and from Poland – M. Dubiel, M. Gradowski, I. Huml, S. Fijałkowski, G. Jabłoński, J. Sokólski, A. Szadkowski, T. Zaremski, A. Wolski.
ABOUT THE ARTISTS is a cycle of retrospective presentations of distinguished personalities in jewellery art from Poland and abroad, including: J. Byczewski (PL), S. Fijałkowski (PL), P. Kaczyński (PL), N. Cherry (GB), H. O’Connor (USA), E. Knobel (IL), V.K. Novák (CZ), F. Peters (AU), M. Petry (GB), Rose & Gisbert Stach (D), L. Šikolová (CZ), W. Tasso-Mattar (D).  Soon: R. Puig Cuyás (E), H. Hedman (S), P. Sequeira (P).
SILVER SCHOOLS is a cycle presenting the artistic oeuvre of jewellery art schools from Europe, their professors, graduates and students. So far there have been presentations of schools from Barcelona, Birmingham, Bratislava, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Florence, Hanau, Idar-Oberstein, Lappeenranta, Łódź, Matosinhos, Munich, Oslo, Padua, Pforzheim, Prague, Stockholm, Tallinn and Vilnius. Continuing the cycle in the subsequent years, we are going to show one after the other all European silver schools. A total of 22 schools has been presented so far. The cycle will be continued with the intention to show all of them.
DEBUTS is a cycle presenting pieces of young Polish artists, who just start their activity in the field of design and art. Our plan is to invite novices from abroad.
THE BOUNDARIES OF GLOBAL ART is a cycle of science sessions devoted to the newest art, goldsmithery and design.




The Gallery of Art in Legnica
Pl. Katedralny 1
59-220 Legnica, Poland
tel. +48 76 86 20 910, fax. +48 76 85 65 126


EXPO/MOSTRA ‘Natura e Artificio’ -Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno (IT) – 27 avril- 3 mai 2010

L’idea di questa mostra nasce dall’ interesse che gli artisti orafi hanno mostrato già nel passato, per il mondo della natura, in particolare per quello floreale; questo interesse ha segnato la nascita a cavallo di due secoli, di uno stile forte e deciso che in Europa è stato comunemente conosciuto come  “Art Nouveau”. E’ a quello spirito di innovazione e discussione che ci ispiriamo, non a caso nato poco dopo la rivoluzione industriale ed in contemporanea ai nuovi materiali, alle nuove tecnologie… ai nuovi pensieri.

livorno EXPO

Chiediamo quindi agli artefici (che vorranno contribuire con la loro partecipazione al nostro progetto) di confrontarsi con il tema della natura, interrogandosi sul naturale (o innaturale) significato di artificio. Sarà poi interessante vedere quale è oggi, nel gioiello contemporaneo, il nuovo punto di vista : quali le forme dell’artificio più consone a rappresentare la natura, quale il punto di contatto (o rottura) tra il naturale e l’ artificiale.
Il locale espositivo è prestigioso e si presta molto bene per una manifestazione del genere, è un’ampia struttura in acciaio e vetro molto moderna e super attrezzata dotata di vetrine illuminate (di varie misure), posta in un bellissimo giardino.
Nell’ organizzazione dell’evento, che ha il patrocinio e il sostegno della Provincia di Livorno, siamo stati coadiuvati dal Garden Club di Livorno che parteciperà presentando, per l’ inaugurazione, composizioni floreali di impostazione contemporanea.
I partecipanti potranno inviare un massimo di tre opere (di cui almeno una obbligatoriamente sul mondo dei fiori o delle piante, mentre le altre due potranno avere come soggetto la natura in senso lato) . Ogni autore presenterà un breve testo critico (verrà esposto nelle vetrine e stampato nel catalogo insieme alla foto dell’opera) che possa aiutare a mettere in evidenza la relazione esistente per l’autore tra natura e artificio. Ci auguriamo che ciò serva a chi parteciperà per crescere nel confronto, e ai visitatori per abituarsi ad osservare le opere esposte con un occhio più contemporaneo, più consapevole dei cambiamenti e delle spinte che oggi indirizzano la ricerca in tutti i campi.
A tale proposito il pubblico voterà le tre opere più meritevoli, parallelamente ad una giuria di addetti ai lavori. Le opere selezionate verranno segnalate in catalogo, e sarà interessante interrogarsi poi sulle eventuali discordanze di giudizio. Firmatari del progetto: Corrado De Meo, Federico Vianello, Walter Romani, Carlotta Gambineri, Stefano Pedonesi, Fabio Corsini

Partecipants from Alchimia:  Anja Eichler — Gabi Veit — Ktty Kao — Satita Rojpojjinarat  — Nadege Roscoe-Rumjahn — Carissa Hsu — Catalina Brenes  — Malaika Najem — Lucia Massei
Corrado De Meo, “Peonia Aurea”  -
first price public selection

« The exhibition “Natura e Artificio” organized by the Tuscan section of AGC (Contemporary Jewelry Association, Italy) and the Garden Club Livorno opened on Tuesday 27th of April in the delicious location of Villa Henderson in Livorno.
It is the first exhibition of contemporary jewelry in Livorno and the affluence was amazing.
The idea of this exhibition comes from the interest that goldsmiths always showed for the natural world, especially for flowers, and we wanted to show to the public contemporary interpretations. We asked the authors to confront themselves with the theme of nature, questioning the natural or unnatural meaning of artifice.

The exhibition had no selection, all authors who wanted to join the project could do it. The reason for this as Corrado Demeo – Pluto, chairman of the Tuscan AGC explains, is that we do not intend to create events and exhibitions for experts, rather we want to present open spaces where it is possible to bring the audience in contact with a variety of expressions, in order to grow a sensibility for contemporary confrontation.
The quality revealed by this exhibition is simply determined by the energies devoted to the organization and the self-responsability of the participants.

Three works were selected by a jury, that did not have to agree but each juror chose the piece he considered most valuable according to the theme of the event and his own criteria. Also the public of the Vernissage was asked to choose their preferred piece and the visitors took this task extremely seriously by taking notes and examining all the pieces on exhibit with great attention.
The only false note was the bad weather, but at the end also this brought people to closer relations being forced to cramp under the few roofs in the wonderful garden.
 » (Doris Maninger)

EXPO/MOSTRA 'Natura e Artificio' -Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno (IT) - 27 avril- 3 mai 2010 dans AGC Italia 25422_1322416553024_1609157137_736981_616973_n

18369_1252208543110_1166423138_30624999_8223037_n dans Angelo LOMUSCIO (IT)

Stefano Pedonesi – Ciondolo « La forza della natura »: Argento, sabbia colorata, cemento, mattone, plexyglass, plastica, corniola » / The power of nature » Pendant: silver, colored sand, cement, brick, plexyglass, plastic, carnelian
Corrado de Meo – ‘Eldorado’ – paper, acrylic paint, gold leaf

30936_1351932770911_1609157137_799620_1270370_n dans Anja EICHLER (DE)30936_1351933050918_1609157137_799627_2517792_n dans Annamaria IODICE (IT)
Corrado de Meo

30936_1351940531105_1609157137_799637_6889978_n dans Catalina BRENES (Costa Rica)30936_1351940571106_1609157137_799638_1515920_n dans Corrado De MEO (IT)
Angelo Lomuscio

30936_1351940451103_1609157137_799635_2244725_n dans Exposition/Exhibition30936_1351971371876_1609157137_799729_7060614_n dans Fabio CORSINI (IT)
Annamaria Iodice – collana ‘Natura’
Graziano Barzetti

30619_1352941036117_1609157137_802935_3974351_n dans Federico VIANELLO (IT)28188_428037522951_213131087951_5481583_153820_n dans Graziano BARZETTI (IT)
Massimo Ottavio Pavan - « la germogliazione » anelli di corian
Zero43 – ‘BORLOTTI IN SCATOLA’ – spilla in acciaio, argento, oro, perle e diamanti.

30936_1352027893289_1609157137_799844_6462368_n dans Isabell SCHAUPP (DE)
Patrizia Bonati

30936_1351940331100_1609157137_799632_2397353_n dans Italie (IT)
Maddalena Rocco

biamau01-200x300 dans Lucia MASSEI (IT)catbre1-300x199 dans Maddalena ROCCO (IT)
Maura Biamonti – “Olivo” – oxydized silver earrings
Catalina Brenes - untitled, bracelet- iron and silver
Simonetta Giacometti - ‘Unheimlich 1′  brooch, recycled plastic, silver, steel
Michalina Owczarek -  earring – silver, threads

isasch01-200x300 dans Malaika NAJEM (Liban)
Isabell Schaupp (DE) – brooch, wood, silver, enamel
Rallou Katsari (GR) “florentine”- silver, paint, pigment

Solveig Linke (DE) – “Blossom and Caducity”- latex,silver,glas,flowers.

la-bella-addormentata-190x300 dans Massimo Ottavio PAVAN (IT)
Lucia Massei - ‘la-bella-addormentata’

30936_1351964651708_1609157137_799715_6275941_n dans Maura BIAMONTI (IT)
Malaika Najem

30936_1351970971866_1609157137_799722_5619789_n dans Michalina OWCZAREK (PL)
Federico Vianello  – cactus ring

30936_1351971171871_1609157137_799725_6022398_n dans Paolo MAZZESCHI (IT)
Anja Eichler - ‘Moscatelle 45′

30936_1351971531880_1609157137_799732_3567433_n dans Patrizia BONATI (IT)
Paolo Mazzeschi – collana

Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo
Villa Henderson
Via Roma 234
57100 Livorno (Italia)
tél : 0586 266711


SCHMUCK 2010 – Munich (DE) 3-9 mars 2010

The high standards and stunning inventiveness of its participants turn the international special show SCHMUCK into a renowned show case for trends in jewellery art world wide.


SCHMUCK is a special show of the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades taking place in Munich in March each year.
Tout le programme (et fichier à décharger) sur la page de Klimt02 (un grand merci !)

Monika brugger - bagues_trousRamon Puig Cuyas - Guighi de nihilo nihil 2007 broochANNAMARIA ZANELLA - bracelet
Monika Brugger bagues trous –Ramon Puig Cuyas broche ‘Guighi de nihilo nihil’ 2007– Annamaria Zanella bracelet

Selected artists : 

Lucia Babjakova, Peter Bauhuis, Doris Betz, David Bielander, Sofia Björkman, Alexander Blank, Marta Boan, Sigurd BrongerMonika Brugger, Doug Bucci, Simon Cottrell, Gemma Draper, Diana Dudek, Iris Eichenberg, Maureen Faye-Chauhan, Jantje Fleischhut, Melanie Georgacopoulos, Andi Gut, Ursula Guttmann, Gésine Hackenberg, Mielle Harvey, Stefan Heuser, John Iversen, Sergey Jivetin, Machteld van Joolingen, Jasleen Kaur, Marie-Louise Kristensen, Felieke van der Leest, Helena Lehtinen, Benjamin Lignel, Anne Lene Løvhaug, Mia Maljojoki, Mikiko Minewaki, Marc Monzó, Shelley Norton, Maria Nuutinen, Michalina Owczarek, Seth Papac,  Matin Papcún, Johanna Persson, Ruudt PetersNatalya Pinchuk, Karen Pontoppidan, Beverley Price, Ramon Puig CuyàsEstela Sáez VilanovaMiro Sazdic, Isabell Schaupp, Bernhard SchobingerPetra Schou, Karin Seufert, Chey Son, Sanna SvedestedtMirei Takeuchi, Annie Tung, Flora Vagi, Tanel Veenre, Andrea Wagner, Annamaria Zanella.

Mikiko Minewaki - necklace 'plachain 2004' - curler - schmuck2010pinky- Mia Maljojoki necklace.jpg
Mikiko Minewaki (JP) necklace ‘pla-chain’
Mia Maljojoki jewelry


Les dernières créations de  Ramon Puig Cuyàs seront visibles du 3 au 9 mars pendant Schmûck 2010

>> Download the complete program of events

(or have quick look at : )

Schmuck 2010
Willy Brandt Allee 1
81829 – Munich
Telephone: +49 (089) 9 49 55-230
Fax: +49 (089) 9 49 55 – 239


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