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Grassimesse Leipzig 2011 – Leipzig (DE) – 28-30 Oct. 2011

 Grassimesse Leipzig 2011


Grassimesse Leipzig

The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity.” Since the reestablishment in 1997, the fair has been held once each year on the last weekend of October


exhibitors :

Aliki ApoussidouMiriam Arentz Antje Bräuer – Dimitar Delchev Beate EismannTamara GrünerBirgit Hagmann – Margit JäschkeLeonore JockUlla und Martin Kaufmann – Ulrike Kleine-Behnke – Jasmin MatzakowGertrud MenzelMelanie NützelKarla Schabert Isabell SchauppBeatrix Schmah Susanne Elisabeth Schmitt Heike Schönfeld Susanne SchumacherMarkus Schürmeyer Hiawatha Seiffert Volker Senger Ja-Kyung ShinSilke Spitzer Katja Stelz Anna Sykora Silke Trekel Lilli Veers Gabi Veit GELA-HÜTE Martin Wilmes Irene Wolf Bettina WürtenbergerSabine Zimmermann Galerie Brutto Gusto Angewandte Kunst SchneebergBauhaus-Universität Weimar Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule HalleBurg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle – Studienrichtung: BuchkunstBurg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle – Studienrichtung: PlastikBurg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle – Studienrichtung: Textil Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Anhalt (FH) Hochschule für angewandte Kunst und Wissenschaft Hildesheim (HAWK) Universität der Künste Berlin
Leonore Jock - « Klunker für Uschi » –

Grassimesse Leipzig 2011 - Leipzig (DE) - 28-30 Oct. 2011 dans Aliki APOUSSIDOU (GR) Gruener_Tamara_Halsschmuck_Dorium_01
Tamara Grüner Halsschmuck „Dorium“, 2011. Historische Press- und Stanzteile, farbiges Porzellan, Silber, Kunststoff –
Phantasievolle Schmuck-Käfer zeigt uns im Herbst Melanie Nützel auf der Grassimesse 2011!
Miriam Arentz bei der Grassimesse 2011:

Schabert_Karla_Ohrschmuck_01 dans Allemagne (DE)
Karla Schabert- Ohrschmuck « Spezial 1″, seit 2004. 100% Baumwollgarn, Glasperlen, 925er Silber (Brisuren), umhäkelte Glasperlen
Aliki Apoussidou -Dreifacher Ring, 2011. Eisen, heiß geschmiedet –
Добре дошли! Broschen aus Waschmaschinenschlauch zeigt Dimitar Delchev auf der Grassimesse 2011
Beate Eismann in ihrem Schmuck – zu sehen auf der Grassimesse 2011 und hier:

Braeuer_Antje_Brosche_01 dans Beate EISMANN (DE)
Antje Bräuer - brooch 2010. Titan, Gold, Edelstahl, gesägt, montiert.



GRASSI Museum für Angewandte Kunst, 04103 Leipzig, Germany



COUP de COEUR : Miriam ARENTZ – Silicone … valley

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),COUP DE COEUR,Miriam ARENTZ (DE),plastiques — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

Miriam ARENTZ : « I experiment with the altering of classic materials, styles and appearances to create objects that refer to familiar natural forms in an unfamiliar way.
By composing new shapes out of every day objects I want to draw the attention to the beauty that lies within the most simple things around us.
I get my inspiration by traveling and working in different, unfamiliar places. I look out for things that inspire me to create site-specific collections.
The pieces I make are like a reflection of my very personal and subjective impression of a place, its history, nature or culture. They are my very personal travel diary. Back home I continue working with these new and fresh impressions.

Collection 3: Klunkern (Klunkern: Erfurt dialect: to hang around,  german: tassel)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver
Miriam ARENTZ – necklace: Klunkern 2011 -Silicone, silver (detail)


JOYA Barcelona 2011 (ES) – 15-16-17 Sept 2011


JOYA–Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Week is a fair for local and international contemporary jewellers organized by Le Département and curated by Leo Caballero and Amador Bertomeu (Klimt02), Petra Marín (Grupo Duplex), Gemma Draper (contemporary jeweller) and Paulo Ribeiro and Anthony Chevallier (Le Département). The fair aims to become a meeting point for artists, galleries, buyers and other professionals working in the field of design jewellery.

JOYA Barcelona 2011 (ES) - 15-16-17 Sept 2011 dans ALCHIMIA (IT) 249157_205068489528956_114937468542059_507480_6886315_n


Artistas invitados :

Andrea Coderch (España, 1986)Anna Puig (España, 1979)Cilmara de Oliveira (Brasil, 1955)Claire Lavendhomme (Congo, 1959) Florence Croisier (Francia, 1965) Iñaki Salom (España, 1964) Iro Kaskani (Chipre, 1966)Isabel Dammermann (Alemania, 1985)Laura Munteanu (Rumania, 1981) Liana Pattihis (Reino Unido, 1961) Marco Ricci (Italia, 1972)Marijke de Goey (Holanda, 1947)Marlene Beyer (Alemania, 1983)Michal Lerman (Israel, 1977)Miriam Arentz (Alemania)Misun Won (Corea del Sur, 1979)Nevin Arig (Turquía, 1961)Nicolás Hernández (Chile, 1971)Niki Stylianou (Grecia, 1968) Nina Friesleben (Alemania, 1979)Paco Rivas (España, 1974)Petr Dvorak (Austria, 1954)Rebecca Richard (Francia, 1974)Toril Bonsaksen (Noruega, 1973)Violaine Ulmer (Francia, 1964)Yannick Mur (Francia, 1963)
Florence Croisier
Iro Kaskani
Isabel Dammermann
Liana Pattihis
Nevin Arig
Laura Munteanu
Misun Won
Niki Stylianou
Toril Bonsaksen
Violaine Ulmer - bijoux en porcelaine
Rebecca Richard
Miriam Arentz


Artite invité : Michael Berger


GALERIES présentes :
KLIMT02 Gallery
La Basílica Gallery
DTerra Gallery
1X1 Collective
ECOLES présentes :
SOdAPforzheim – Germany
Escola Arsenal – Barcelona - Eva Ortín
Escola d´Art del Treball - Barcelona - Anna Salas - Liliana Ruiz
Escola Llotja – Barcelona - Laia Castellà
Escola d´art y disseny de Tarragona - Gloria Giménez




FAD – Plaça dels Àngels, 5-6,
08001 Barcelona‎ -ESPAÑA
934 437 520‎
Ver mapa de localización


EXPO ‘IN DER SÜDSEE’ – Friends of Carlotta, Zürich (CH) – 31 Mars-25 Juin 2011

IN DER SÜDSEE  (The South Seas)
Jewellery award and fellowship prize 2011 : The South Seas – 31st March – 25th June 2011

EXPO 'IN DER SÜDSEE' - Friends of Carlotta, Zürich (CH) - 31 Mars-25 Juin 2011 dans Anna SILBERSTEIN (DE) suedsee1b

« As the red sun looked across the placid ocean through the tall, clean stems of the coconut trees, like a blooming whisky bloat through the bars of a city prison, I went and stood on the edge of the water on the flat rock pressed by Capt. Cook’s feet when the blow was dealt which took away his life… » Taken from “Letters from Hawaii” by Mark Twain

For centuries, the South Seas have inspired buccaneers, explorers and dreamers alike – now it is the jewellery designers turn. All the pieces of jewellery created for the South Seas topic and their accompanying stories will be virtually exhibited on our homepage (and on Facebook) and also presented in the elaborate exhibition documentation.
In November 2010, a pre-judging will take place by means of the sent in photos and texts. Thereby, the work of approximately 40-50 participants will be selected. These items will not only be presented virtually, but also physically, at our exhibition room “Trüffel” at Friends of Carlotta gallery.

In February 2011, an independent jury will select the best of the 40-50 works and award it the FoC jewellery award and fellowship prize 2011. As always, the audience prize will be awarded by the visitors of the exhibition. The works that were nominated for the virtual exhibition will also be on display in “Trüffel” at Friends of Carlotta. They will be shown on a screen as well as in the available exhibition documentation.


Miriam ArentzCarmen Berner – Brigitte Berndt – Helena Biermann – Luisa Bruni – Sandra Coym – Sam Tho Duong – Franziska Gnos – Tamara GrünerBruna Hauert – Tomoko Hori – Leonore Jock – Verena Klette – Unk Kraus – Martina Lang – Katharina MochJillian Moore - Sarah Reinhard – Denise Julia Reytan – Claudia Römer – Lucy SarneelAnna Silberstein – Katja Steinemann – Anthony Tammaro – Andreas Zidek – Daniel Weinberger
Carmen Berner – ‘Feenqualle’
Luisa Bruni  – ‘Miniplink’
Sam Tho Duong – ‘TemàAs’
Franziska Gnos  – ‘Moana’
Tamara Grüner  – ‘Der letzte Tanz im Paradies’
Bruna Hauert – ‘Hermeline der Südsee: RatsNeck’
Katharina Moch  – ‘Borscheltierchen’
Denise Julia Reytan - Samoa Island
Leonore Jock – ohne Titel
Daniel Weinberger – Coral
Martina Lang – ‘Zwei Inseln’
Jillian Moore - Succulum
Claudia Roemer – Papyrus kette
Lucy Sarneel – Pacific Heart
Anthony Tammaro « The Gray and White »


Friends of Carlotta
Galerie für Schmuck und Objekte
Bruna Hauert
Neumarkt 22
8001 Zürich (CH)
T + + 4 1 ( 0 ) 4 4 2 6 1 8 7 0 7
F + + 4 1 ( 0 ) 4 4 2 6 1 8 7 7 6
www. f o c . c h
i n f o@f o c . c h


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