Jade Drakes and her dogs – Brooch, electroformed copper. Gold plated
Satita Rojpojjanarat and her « Thai clouds »
Nadege Roscoe’s intimacies
(THANKS to Alchimia blog for pictures !)

Alla Malova Guy - necklace Post Fossil 2011, ceramics, metal chain, flocking, epoxy resin, iron, magnet – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD

Antje Stolz – necklace Steinlos I (Stoneless) 2010, stone veneer, enamel lacquer, oxidised silver, lead, coral cement – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier

Agata Bartos – necklace Storytellers – Precious Buttons 2011, porcelain, epoxy resin – Netherlands, Arnhem, ArtEZ

Bell Zhou – necklace Protect 2011, glass, silver, gems, paint, seed, copper, yellow plastic thread, steel – Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology

Andrêa Martins - brooch Shadow of Truth 2011, silver, cord, fishing line – Portugal, Senhora da Hora, ESAD

Marine Stampfli - bracelet Paradoxes 2011, silver, cotton, resin – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD

Satita Rojpojjanarat – brooch 2011, silk, nylon, magnet – Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria

Hanna Liljenberg (MA) – brooch 2011, black paper, shellac, silver – Sweden, Gothenburg, HDK

Alice Bo-Wen Chang (MFA) – necklace Bodyspace/bodyscape series 2011, silver, gold plated copper, copper – UK, Edinburgh College of Art

Mariko Sumioka (BA) – necklace Bamboo Necklace 2011, oxidised copper, enamel on copper, kimono, gold-plated steel cable – UK, Edinburgh College of Art

David Choi (MA) – brooch 2011, steel, oxidised silver – USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY)

Younghee Hong – brooch Drawn to Nature #2 2011, polymer filament, plastic price tags, silver – USA, Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook Academy of Art

Anne Achenbach - necklace Kuh (Cow) 2011, zinc coated steel – Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule

Sachiyo Higaki – necklace 2010, wood, thread – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier
and ………..
Marcos Guzman (BA), Catherine Da Costa (BA), Inari Kiuru (BA), Bin Dixon-Ward (BA), from Australia, Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) – Marleen Henot, Sofie De Bakker, Hannes Groffy, from Belgium, Hasselt, Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg — Ren Kai, Liu Xiao, from China, Beijing, Central Academy of Arts — Alena Hesounová, Karla Olsáková, from Czech Republic, Prague, AAAD Academy of Art, Architecture and Design — Kadi Kübarsepp, Liina Lõõbas, Katrin Kosenkranius, Kadi Kübarsepp, from Estonia, Tallinn, Eesti Kunstakadeemia — Krista Ruohonen, from Finland, Lappeenranta, South Carelia Polytechnic — Marie Masson, from France, Limoges-Aubusson, l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Art (ENSA) — Julie Connellan (MA), from Ireland, Dublin, The National College of Art and Design (NCAD) — Laura Alvarado, Ricarda Tesch, from Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule — Sabine Conrad, from Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier – Hyoun Jung Sung, from Germany, Halle, Burg Giebichenstein, Hochschule für Kunst und Design – Stefan Heuser, from Germany, Munich, Akademie der Bildenden Künste — Laura Rittlinger (BA), Michaela Prange (BA), Yasutaka Okamura (BA), from Germany, Pforzheim, Fachhochschule — Yael Nissan, Rotem Fishler, from Israel, Ramat-Gan, Shenkar College of Engeneering and Design — Keren Grinfeld, Shir Pins, from Israel, Jerusalem, Bezalel — Carissa Hsu, from Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria — Makoto Tachihara, Koji Toyama, Haruka Masuda, from Japan, Tokyo, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry — Morgane de Klerk, Atsuno Takase, Benedikt Fischer, Marina Elenskaya, from Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rietveld Academie — Jie Sun, from Nederlands, Amsterdam, Sandberg Instituut — Iris Verstappen, from Netherlands, Maastricht, Academie Beeldende Kunsten — Jessica Winchcombe, Julia Middleton, from New Zealand, Porirua, Whitireia Polytechnic – Ilse-Marie Erl, from New Zealand, Auckland, Aotearoa, Unitec — Typhaine Le Monnier (MA), Maria Emília Martinho (BA), from Portugal, Lisbon, AR.CO — Ji-hye Lee, Jihyun Lee, Heon-Joo Ji, Heejoo Kim, from South Korea, Seoul, Kookmin University — María Saura Estruch, María Sol González Martínez, from Spain, Barcelona, Escola Massana — Barbora Hainzová, from Slovakia, Bratislava, Academy of Fine Arts and Design — Malin Peter (BA), Xiang Dai (MA), Charlotte Maslov (BA), Mikael Sellersjö (MA), from Sweden, Gothenburg, HDK — Katrin Spranger (MA), from Sweden, Stockholm, Konstfack — Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton, Xiaohan Ren, from UK, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design BIAD — Jenny Laidlaw (MA), Vershali Jain (MA), from UK, Edinburgh College of Art — Ruth Reifen, Mariah Tuttle, from USA, Providence, RISD — Allyson Bone (MA), Allison Ullmer (MA), from USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY) –
many mant THANKS to Gallery Marzee for their pictures !!!
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