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EXPO ‘From Chaos to Comprehension’ – ATTA Gallery, Bangkok (Thailand‎) – 21 Aout-27 Sept. 2014

 « From Chaos to Comprehension » curated by Nanna Grønborg 7 contemporary Jewellery artists, all graduated from the MA ‘Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products’ at Birmingham City University, UK between 2010 and 2013

From Chaos to Comprehension


Participating Artists:  Panjapol Kulpapangkorn (Thailand) –  Nanna Grønborg (Denmark/Germany) — Fliss Quick (England) — Hannah Fewtrell- Bolton (England)  — Natalie Smith (England) — Farrah Al-Dujaili (England) — Xiao Liu (China)

Farrah Al-DujailiFarrah Al- Dujaili (England)
Farrah Al- Dujaili’s design methodology is equal measures of intuitive play and measured control. Often tempted by the suggestion of new forms held within a piece, she imposed restraint to stay with the form of the Venus flytrap but plays with its endless compositional possibilities. Each component is individually soldered ensuring no one piece is the same to uphold the idiosyncratic aesthetic of her work. By using one single form multiple times she attempts to reveal the machinations of her mind at work as pieces germinate into different compositions.

Natalie SmithNatalie Smith (England)
My work explores the ideas of growth, transformation and disintegration. I create pieces by combining permanent and temporary materials such as paint, metal and sugar.
I find inspiration in surrealist science fiction, which is rich in atmosphere and imagery. Many of the books describe apocalyptic landscapes and alternate worlds that are on the brink of geographical catastrophes. In these dramatic dreamscapes there are no utopias, emphasis is placed on mental explorations and evocative journeys of the isolated humans.
This collection focuses on the term ‘Wear and Tear’, which can be used to describe damage, depreciation or loss.

From Chaos to Comprehension - Nanna GronborgNanna Grønborg (Denmark/Germany)

My jewellery is a body related tool used to comment on problems arising from the collision of the man-made and the conditions of nature. This collision, in combination with the ongoing fusion of cultures fascinates me and it affects my work as my own life is a cultural combination. I use theoretical tools like semiotics and the science of perception to reflect on these topics with a touch of irony. The contradictions between the rational and the intuitive, between what we see and what we make of it feed my jewellery universe. My investigation into the interrelationships between objects and the imagination is an ongoing process. My way of working is to draw on diverse methods, which help me to be aware of every decision including those which deliberately allow for chance. I strive to reach a subtle, sometimes minimalist aesthetic in my work, leaving it to the beholder to decode its message. It should irritate as much as it stimulates reflection. A few words on the new pieces from the 2014 series called Midas’ Musa: In ancient Greek mythology King Midas got his wish fulfilled that all he touched may turn into gold. Musa is the Latin botanical name for banana. I imposed the restriction on myself to stay with one form and fuse it with one intellectual idea to make my point and raise some questions about habit and routine. This series is literally Food for thought.

From Chaos to Comprehension - Xiao LiuXiao Liu (China) The Rice Stone is intended to represent this original spiritual force, which is rough and dynamic; the work is researched through and visually related to ritualistic forms of the prehistoric age. Rice and dust are used as the main materials in my work, which are common and usually unattractive. The working process transforms the ephemeral substance into precious and durable rough stone and I use laborious stone-cutting techniques to shape and polish the stones to bring out their crystalline structures ordered in repetitive formations. The concept is presented through a series of speculative practice which including jewellery, installation, photography, text and performance

From Chaos to Comprehension - Fliss QuickFliss Quick (England) Fliss Quick’s jewellery can be viewed as anecdotal evidence; pieces which allude to an earlier event. She works as a narrator conjuring protagonists and their consequent environments or scenarios to build a vocabulary of making to evoke stories. This process allows her to present social comment in a removed and playful manner. Where she presents pieces as pseudo-factual objects, blurring the distinction between fact and fiction, she looks to raise questions about and essentially subvert, social norms and assumptions. « Office Folk » explores what happens when the spirit of ‘folk’ interrupts the usual expectations of an office environment. A bored office worker, who lingers in the stock cupboard, finds alternative uses for the tools and stationery he discovers: Employing makeshift methods he mis-appropriates and adapts common place objects to create escritoires (desk companions) to tickle, cheer and now with the departmental shuffle, flirt with his new colleague.

Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton  Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton (England)
Fascinated by the fashion world Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton draws on its design terminology to create her Jewellery. Strongly influenced by street fashion and it’s capability to create an individual appearance, her collections are defined by the urge to make a statement and cause a reaction. Hannah’s new work explores the ideas of individuality and fashion through contemporary textiles and illustration. The fast life of a fashion style is contradicted by the direct use of a traditional tool – the stitching frame – which again highlights the contemporary aspects of the graphics chosen.
The essence of her work can be explored by the simple pleasure of seeing.

Panjapol Kulpapangkorn "Pai" (Thailand)Panjapol Kulpapangkorn « Pai » (Thailand)
“Everybody has their own jewellery, But not everyone realises that they have already worn it.”
Panjapol Kulpapangkorn recorded and collected memories from places visited by using film, sound, diary, photographs and found objects. All these things have a strong emotional and physical relationship in his work. The precious memory is very personal and individual. He defines it as a piece of jewellery that is still a part of him and with him all the time and as such it is worn, not on the body but in the mind:
“7 days a week with assoc. Prof. Wipha” is a part of the “Jewellery is at my feet, the show is yours” project. The project focuses on Wipha Kulpapangkorn’s memories (my lovely mom) who suffer from a Frontotemporal Dementia (this form of FTD affects social skills, emotions, personal conduct and self-awareness). After returning to Bangkok In 2013 I started this project by spending a month doing a documentary film on my mom (Suspended in Green exhibition). This project is still continuously developed for my own research on ways to find directions of communication.”


Atta Gallery
OP Garden, Unit 1109, Charoenkrung 36, Bangrak,
Bangkok, Thailand 10500
tel +66 2 238 6422
Facebook page


EXPO ‘Destination SCHMUCK’ – Ligsalzstr. 27, Munich (DE) – 17-20 Mars 2014

SCHMUCK 2014 – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Destination Schmuck’ is the first show held in Munich by the ‘Made to Make’ collective, having first exhibited during Schmuck 2013 with the online show ‘Matching Items Available’. ‘Destination Schmuck’ will showcase new work created in response to the theme of  Travel by the participating artists.

EXPO ‘Destination SCHMUCK’ – Ligsalzstr. 27, Munich (DE) – 17-20 Mars 2014 dans Allemagne (DE) VIhhgqe2WqtDestination SCHMUCK -Photo de Farrah Al-Dujaili.

“With the growth in popularity of the Internet and social media within the art jewellery world our work ‘travels’ across the virtual world everyday. You are able to recognise a piece of work or a face of a jeweller you have only ever seen on a computer screen. Those jewellers and their work congregate yearly in Munich for those few days of ‘Schmuck’. Initial virtual connections of Like’s, Tweets and Pins are turned into tactile experiences and burgeoning dialogues.”

Members Farrah Al-Dujaili and Natalie Smith have taken on the role of curators for the show. ‘Made to Make’ collective is proactive in creating opportunities and platforms to display our work and engage with the jewellery community at large. By undertaking collective briefs that question, confront and push conceptions of jewellery we aim to ultimately invigorate our individual practices. Each member’s work exudes craftsmanship, imagination and creative ingenuity distinctive of the art jewellery approach.

The private view will be held on Thursday 13th March and the show will run until 16th March.


Farrah Al-Dujaili  'Taking not the smallest notice' 2013 Necklace Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, beads, acrylic coating. 13cm x 53cm x 5cmFarrah Al-Dujaili  ‘Taking not the smallest notice’ 2013 Necklace Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, beads, acrylic coating. 13cm x 53cm x 5cm
Li-Chu Wu  Necklace: Blossom II 2010  Paper  8 x 7 x 8 cm, length: 76 cmLi-Chu Wu  Necklace: Blossom II 2010  Paper
Li-Chu-Wu- 2012 brooch

Li-Chu Wu  – Mountains - 2012 Paper Jewellery- Brooches

Natalie SmithNatalie Smith Brooch: ‘Heart of Glass’ 2011 -13x 8.5x 4.5cm
Natalie Smith Brooch: 'A Study in Camouflage: 6.6' 2013. Steel, textile, paint and sugar. Natalie Smith Brooch: ‘A Study in Camouflage: 6.6′ 2013. Steel, textile, paint and sugar
 Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - Piece 5 - 2010 - Textile, Advanced plastics and base metal Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton – Piece 5 – 2010 – Textile, Advanced plastics , base metal
Jo Pond - Remnants. Cocoon on suspender clip.Jo Pond - Remnants. Cocoon on suspender clip.

Sally Collins   Silver Reknitted brooch Collins   Silver Reknitted brooch

Ligsalzstr. 27
80339 München


EXPO ‘SUGAR’ – Platina, Stockholm (Sweden) – 13 Fevr.- 8 Mars 2014


During the year Sofia Björkman and Yasar Aydin are working on a project Eating Art. This time we have invited Natalie Smith and Sarah Hurtigkarl to take a part in the project.
Friday 14th of February is Valentin’s Day and we wonder if Sugar is for the heart?

The project is funded by Konstnärsnämnden and is scheduled to last 2013-2014.
Jewellery Art’s strength, is that it can through human movement, be shown and used in both private and public contexts, intimately as spiritually. Being a performer jewellery artist means to operate in many different situations and it is in the exciting voids we experiment. Through interdisciplinary practice and experimental meals in combination with artistic work, we discuss current issues such as gender, ethnicity, class, ethics and the environment.

with : Natalie SmithSarah Hurtigkarl — Yasar Aydin Sofia Björkman

"SUGAR" Natalie Smith, ringNatalie Smith, ring « Rushing to Paradise », 2010 – Plastic, textiles, sugar -8x 9x 7.5 cm Detail

Natalie Smith, Ring, 2010Natalie Smith - Ring  « Coral D », 2010 – Plastic, textiles, sugar -10.5x 7x 7.3 cm


Odengatan 68
11322 – Stockholm
Telephone: +46-8-300280


EXPO ‘Magic City’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery – 12 Juin-14 Juill. 2013

Magic City
Work from Artists from the School of Jewellery, Birmingham
June 12 — July 14, 2013

exhibition catalog available

Magic City is coming...  June 12 — July 14, 2013    Farrah Al-Dujaili, Emily Bullock, Lydia Feast, Christine Graf, Nanna Grønborg, I Ting (Heather) Ho, Zita Hsu, Christiana Joeckel, Lisa Juen, Yi (Roger) Liu, Katharina Moch, Kathryn Partington, Jo Pond, Fliss Quick, Xiaohan (Vincent) Ren, Natalie Smith, Li-Chu Wu, Wen-Miao Yeh    Natalie Smith "When" brooch

MAGIC CITY is an exhibition of current work from emerging and established artists who came through the School of Jewellery, Birmingham. Flourishing despite the recent global downturns, jewelers coming out of Birmingham have shown a resourcefulness and resilience in the making and presentation of their work. Velvet da Vinci is pleased to showcase a selection of this talented group.Contrary to the often-remarked grey of its post industrialism, Birmingham, a city of multiple cultures, has become a vibrant center for the arts. The artists of this city are forging a strong presence within the art jewelry world. They are making a name for themselves for producing distinctive and desirable work that is offbeat, loud, quiet, funny, thoughtful, unfamiliar and unabashed: The art jewelry coming out of this city is testament to the magic.

Participating artists:
Christiana Jöckel — Christine Graf — Emily Bullock — Farrah Al-Dujaili — Fliss Quick — I-Ting Ho — Jo Pond — Katharina Moch — Kathryn Partington — Li Chu Wu — Lisa Juen — Lydia Feast — Nanna Grønborg — Natalie Smith — Xiaohan Ren — Wen-Miao Yeh — Yi Liu — Ying-Hsun Hsu
Farrah Al-Dujaili,  "How queer it seems" brooch, Farrah Al-Dujaili,  « How queer it seems » brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
 Li-Chu Wu, « Grassland » Brooch
Kathryn Partington,  "Fragments Above" brooches,
Kathryn Partington,  « Fragments Above » brooches
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
Jo Pond, « Baking Tin & Grater Collection » Brooches
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Nanna Grønborg, « Twin Parts » Necklace
Christine Graf, "dunkles Sinngrün" brooches,
Christine Graf, « dunkles Sinngrün » brooches
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Wen-Miao Yeh, « The Space » brooch
Emily Bullock, "Moseley" brooch, Emily Bullock, « Moseley » brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Fliss Quick, « Scissors Talisman » brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Lydia Feast, Necklace
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery,
 Zita Hsu, « Blooms of Darkness » Necklace
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Natalie Smith, « When? » brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Katharina Moch, brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Lisa Juen,  « Demons of Age » brooch
All images from Magic City at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Christiana Jöckel, « a view inside » pendant
Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
(near Broadway)
San Francisco, CA  94109


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO online ‘Matching Items Available’

Matching Items Available

Made to Make collective are embracing the virtual space of the Internet with ‘Matching Items Available’ an online exhibition that goes live 06.03.2013 to coincide with Schmuck 2013. -  -  06-10-Mar 2013

 ​​‘Matching items Available’ sees ten art jewellers transform a mass-produced, fast-fashion necklace into something wholly different.

​These reworked pieces exude craft, imagination and creative ingenuity distinctive of the art jewellery approach.

​This brief was set to question, confront and push conceptions of jewellery and to ultimately invigorate our individual practices to show ‘Made to Make’ as a collective that is proactive in creating opportunities and platforms to display work and engage with the jewellery community at large.

​Within the art jewellery community, the Internet is an invaluable tool of learning, display and connection. Reflecting the value of social media in the visibility of art jewellery Made to Make embraced the virtual space of the Internet for Schmuck 2013, with the integration of Twitter and Youtube within the exhibition. Creating a sensory experience in the virtual venue, with the aid of photographic, video and audio ‘sketches’ provided by each artist.

Made to Make collective are embracing the virtual space of the Internet with ‘Matching Items Available’ an online exhibition that goes live 06.03.2013 to coincide with Schmuck 2013. -Artists: Farrah Al-Dujaili, Stephanie Arm, Emily Bullock, Sally Collins, Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton, Jo Pond, Fliss Quick, Katherine Richmond, Natalie Smith, Li-Chu Wu  06-Mar-2013 - 10-Mar-2013

Artists:  Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Stephanie Arm Emily BullockSally CollinsHannah Fewtrell-BoltonJo PondFliss Quick — Katherine Richmond — Natalie Smith Li-Chu Wu

« Made to Make’ is a collective of art jewellers who are all alumni of the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design’s School of Jewellery MA course whose diverse collections have already culminated in an exhibition in the UK.
We are Farrah Al-Dujaili, Stephanie Arm, Emily Bullock, Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton, Sally Collins, Lydia Feast, Jo Pond, Fliss Quick, Katherine Richmond, Natalie Smith and Li-Chu Wu. »

Hannah Fewtrell-BoltonHannah Fewtrell-Bolton - ’High Street Incognito’ - Necklace Primark necklace, advanced plastics, enamel paint, plaster, pigment.
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - ’High Street Incognito’ - Necklace Primark necklace, advanced plastics, enamel paint, plaster, pigment. Fewtrell-Bolton – ’High Street Incognito’ – Necklace Primark necklace, advanced plastics, enamel paint, plaster, pigment. 
Li Chu WU - 'My Pink Garden'    Necklace Primark necklace, paper sheets, paper threads, gild wire, nail polish, acrylic paint & glue.Li-Chu Wu – ‘My Pink Garden’    Necklace Primark necklace, paper sheets, paper threads, gild wire, nail polish, acrylic paint & glue.Farrah Al-Dujaili - 'Some Strange Species'    Necklace Primark necklace, copper, fabric paper, thread, plastic beads, acrylic dip, acrylic paint, watercolour pencil, nail varnish, ceramic beads.Farrah Al-Dujaili – ‘Some Strange Species’    Necklace Primark necklace, copper, fabric paper, thread, plastic beads, acrylic dip, acrylic paint, watercolour pencil, nail varnish, ceramic beads.
Katherine Richmond 'Community Values'    Brooch Primark necklace, book pages, epoxy glue and solder.Katherine Richmond ‘Community Values’    Brooch Primark necklace, book pages, epoxy glue and solder.
Fliss Quick - broochFliss Quick – brooch
Sally Collins - 'Hey! Why So Serious?'    Collar brooch Primark necklace and textiles.Sally Collins – ‘Hey! Why So Serious?’    Collar brooch Primark necklace and textiles.
Natalie Smith - 'Underneath It All...'    Neckpiece Primark necklace, textile, paint, icing.Natalie Smith – ‘Underneath It All…’    Neckpiece Primark necklace, textile, paint, icing.
Li-Chu Wu  Brooch: Place-Work2-Oxford 2012  Paper, copper, stainless steel  8 x 8 x 2 cmLi-Chu Wu  Brooch: Place-Work2-Oxford 2012  Paper, copper, stainless steel  8 x 8 x 2 cm
Natalie Smith  Brooch: Bad Seed 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  12.8x6.5x8 cmNatalie Smith  Brooch: Bad Seed 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  (‘From Dreams & Dust’ is a new collection that continues my work with SUGAR as a material.)
Farrah Al-Dujaili  Necklace: Meddle 2012  Copper, blackboard paint, chalk marker Farrah Al-Dujaili  Necklace: Meddle 2012  Copper, blackboard paint, chalk marker
Stephanie Arm   Spring  BangleStephanie Arm  – Spring  Bangle
Sally Collins   Silver Reknitted brooch Collins   Silver « Reknitted » brooch
Fliss Quick - "Office Folk" : "wish I'd joined the foreign legion", 2011Fliss Quick "wish I'd joined the foreign legion, 2011"
Fliss Quick « wish I’d joined the foreign legion, 2011″
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton - "don't give a block"
Hannah Fewtrell-Bolton – « don’t give a block »


Coup de COEUR : Natalie Smith et ses douceurs en SUCRE

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Grande-Bretagne (UK),Natalie SMITH (UK),organics,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

Je vais avoir l’air d’une « mémé qui radote » mais ces bijoux m’ont remis en tête un souvenir de mon enfance : Pollux, le chien du manège enchanté, qui marmonne et « ronchogne » « je veux un CHUCRE, je veux un SSSUCRE, où est passé mon SUCRE » …….. On a tous besoin de douceur(s) ! ;-)

‘From Dreams & Dust’ is a new collection that continues my work with sugar as a material. Natalie Smith

« My work explores the ideas of growth, transformation and disintegration.
I find inspiration in surrealist science fiction, which is rich in atmosphere and imagery. Many of the books describe apocalyptic landscapes and alternate worlds that are on the brink of geographical catastrophes. In these dramatic dreamscapes there are no utopias, emphasis is placed on mental explorations and evocative journeys of the isolated humans.
I create my pieces by combining permanent and temporary materials such as textiles and sugar. I like the pieces to have a constantly changing structure and once completed, begin their transient lives. Depending on how they are cared for they may dissolve in humid conditions, change colour or melt like an ice-lolly on a hot day revealing the materials underneath. The evolution of the work is something that interests me greatly. I do not attempt to try and control what happens to the pieces after they are finished. I like an element of surprise.  »

Natalie Smith  Brooch: When? 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  11.5x7x5.8 cmNatalie Smith  Brooch: When? 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  11.5x7x5.8 cm

Natalie Smith  Brooch: Bubble 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  12.3x5.4x1.5 cmNatalie Smith  Brooch: Bubble 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  12.3×5.4×1.5 cm

Natalie Smith  Ring: The Spider 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  12x6x5 cmNatalie Smith Ring: The Spider 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  12x6x5 cm

Natalie Smith - Neckpiece: Bella 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  47x25x5 cmNatalie Smith – Neckpiece: Bella 2012  Clay, paint, textiles, steel, sugar  47x25x5 cm


SIERAAD Art Fair 2012 – Amsterdam – 1–4 Nov. 2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – 01.Nov.2012 – 04.Nov.2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair(ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010)

This year the poster will feature a ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010: True Colours. After the great success of last year another delegation of Korean contemporary jewellery designers will be present at the fair this year – definitely something to look forward to because in our Western eyes these artists give a unique interpretation of their cultural history.

 Pieces from Serin Oh from KoreaPieces from Serin Oh

SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair | Vivian MellerVivian Meller brooches

Ute van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen - at SIERAAD ART FAIRUte van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen
Kika Alvarenga, ring silver green turmalines - at SIERAADKika Alvarenga, ring – silver green turmalines
Lien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING - at SIERAADLien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING
Sound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright. - at SIERAADSound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright
TZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection - at SIERAADTZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection
 Linda Ezerman  Necklace, handmade, unique piece,felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink - at SIERAADLinda Ezerman  – stand 28 – Necklace, handmade, unique piece  from the series ‘tide land wet beach caught by seaweed’, felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink
Uli RAPP at SIERAAD Art fair 2012, stand 52Uli Rapp, stand 52
Xinrui (Sherry) Yu - at SIERAADXinrui (Sherry) Yu
Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55 (SIERAAD Art Fair)Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55
Stefania Lucchetta (SIERAAD Art Fair)Stefania Lucchetta
Jillian Moore (SIERAAD Art Fair)Jillian Moore
Ute Decker -  snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam, 1 - 4 Nov. www.sieraadartfair.comUte Decker – snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam stand 27

Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers, with Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Laura Bradshaw Heap Melanie CodarinKatie LeesYu-Ping LinGrace PageNatalie SmithAnna Wales

Katie Lees (SIERAAD Art Fair, Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers)Katie Lees

 Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011 -  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pencil, pastel – Dimensions: 14cm x 8cm x 5cm


Gasholder WesterGasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail: aberens@sieraadartfair.comand on FB :


with, among them :

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze Italy:
Valentina Caprini IT — Andrea Coderch Valor ES — Patrick Davison GB — Catalina Gibert Nadal ES —  Sam Hamilton IR — Dinah Lee USA — Weronika Marek PL — Izabella Petrut RM — Giulia Savino IT — Anna Helena van de Pohl de Deus USA


‘NEW NOMADS’ New Traditional Jewellery 2012

More Info:

exhibition New Nomads

exhibition New Nomads will be shown during SIERAAD Art Fair, 1 – 4 November 2012, in the Gashouder, WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam 

For the 2012 design contest and exhibition the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘NEW NOMADS’, because both literally and figuratively this theme offers many possibilities for inspiration.

NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY (gauche)NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY for 'new Nomads' droite

the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) at (hard !) work ….

The history of jewellery is as old as mankind. While people went in search of parts with the best living conditions they carried their valuables with them, wearing them on their bodies. Jewellery that represents economic and social status, as it still does nowadays in the case of nomadic tribes. The dissemination of religions went hand in hand with an unprecedented range of religious jewellery and ornaments, ranging from small containers for religious texts to reliquaries and portable altars.
To this day, jewellery made of stable materials like gold and gems is the guarantee for your ‘ticket home’ in times of crises or when you have to flee from high-risk areas. Due to the global financial crisis prices of this so-called ‘flight gold’ have skyrocketed. Is there an alternative? Nowadays there are quite different streams of migrants but the principle is the same: people in search of parts with better living conditions. The whole world is on the move, from refugees to tourists, from emigrants to employees of multinationals. And you don’t even have to get up from your chair: Skype e.g. has made videoconferencing into a social medium.
NTJ asks contemporary professional jewellery designers to build bridges between the traditional jewellery of e.g. nomads, pilgrims, explorers, globetrotters, refugees or colonists and possible symbols bearers representing the mobility of the ‘NEW NOMADS’. Check the attachments for conditions and criteria.

all nominees New Nomads:
Ariane Ernst D — Alejandra Solar Mex — Auk Russchen NL — Barbora Dzurakova SK — Casey Fenn UK — Dana Hakim IL — Daniela Malev D — Edu Tarín ES — Hee Won Kang ROK — Heng Lee RC — Hester Popma-van de Kolk NL — Jie Sun CN — Judy McCaig UK — Juliane Keßler D — Katharina Dettar D — Laila Smith UK — Leon Mommersteeg NL — Maria Hees NL — Matthew+Amanda Caines UK — Maryvonne Wellen NL — Minna Karhu FIN — Noa Liran IL — Patricia Domingues P — Peter Vermandere B — Petra Bole SLO — Raewyn Wash NZ — Ricarda Wolf D — Robean Visschers NL — Roseanne Bartley Au/NZ — Sang-Hee Park ROK — Saskia Govaerts B — Sina Wassermann D — Sung-Min Jung ROK — Tabea Reulecke D — Verena Klette D — Vernon Bowden NZ –

The exhibition during SAF: 1-4 november at Gashouder Westergasfabriek Amsterdam

the exhibition “New Nomads” will be then shown in MMKArnhem (museum for Modern Art in Arnhem) ,  November 24. – January 27. 2013!
The next exhibition will be published after the summer.

Maria Hees. Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubberMaria Hees (NL) – Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubber

New Nomads: Roseanne BartleyRoseanne Bartley (AU/NZ)

New Nomads: Noa Liran.Noa Liran (IL)

Robean Visschers (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers ring (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers – for 2012 competition
SIERAAD - new Traditional_Jewellery-- Auk Russchen - (Nederland, 1971) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010Auk Russchen – (NL) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010 (winner for 2010 New Traditional Jewellery « True Colours »)
sang hee park
Sang-Hee Park
Amanda Caines - Necklace - Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with ThamesMatthew+Amanda Caines – Necklace – Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with Thames
Tabea Reuckle, nominee New NomadsTabea Reulecke
from JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,   Jie Sun, nominated piece for New Nomads.Jie Sunfrom JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,  nominated piece for New Nomads


EXPO ‘Donning Oxford’ – O3 Gallery, Oxford (UK) – 2 Juin-1er Juill. 2012


EXPO 'Donning Oxford' - O3 Gallery, Oxford (UK) - 2 Juin-1er Juill. 2012 dans Exposition/Exhibition GetInline-1This exhibition of contemporary fine art jewellery looks to explore and stretch the notions of how or what it is to ‘don’ Oxford. Contributing artists have been selected for their collectively broad approach to jewellery making and will undoubtedly reflect, interpret and respond to this theme in varied and surprising ways.


Contributing artists:
Farrah Al DujailiKaren Bartlett — Emily Bullock — Rachael Colley — Sally Collins — Sian Haigh-Brown — Lucy Harvey — Fiona Hermse — Heidi Hinder — Tamsin Leighton-Boyce — Yi Lu — Mikaela LyonsToni MaynerKathryn PartingtonJo Pond — Fliss Quick — Katherine RichmondMiriam RoweNatalie SmithShadi Vossough — Li-Chu Wu

3_72dpi dans Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK)Farrah Al-Dujaili‘Out-of-the-way-things’ necklace  Copper, enamel paint, acrylic paint, watercolour, beads, acrylic coating.



Donning Oxford

Li-Chu WuBrooch ‘Plants’ 2011 -Paper, copper, wax, silver plated
 dans Fiona HERMSE (UK)Mikaela LyonsNeckpiece ‘Organic 3′ 2012 – Curtain trim, black fresh water pearls, enameled copper, wax


O3 Gallery
03 Gallery
Oxford Castle New Road
Oxford, OX1 1AY
Phone: 01865 246131
Opening times during exhibitions:
Tues – Fri 12-5pm, Sat & Sun 11am-4pm, Closed Mondays.


EXPO ‘Schmuck à Cagnes-sur-Mer’ – Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR) – 21 Mai-28 Aout 2011

Après avoir participé en 2010, pour la première fois, à l’exposition «Cagnes hors les murs» à l’Institut Français de Munich dans le cadre de «Schmuck», la ville de Cagnes-sur-Mer s’honore de pouvoir accueillir en 2011 à l’Espace Solidor dans le Haut-de-Cagnes, cette grande manifestation, véritable référence internationale pour le bijou contemporain. C’est un événement culturel qui se double d’une grande première. En effet, le «Schmuck», qui regroupe les créations des plus grands artistes représentant les cinq continents, franchit pour la première fois les frontières de l’hexagone.

Qu’est ce que  SCHMUCK ?

Depuis 1959, l‘exposition temporaire « Schmuck » accueille chaque année ses visiteurs au sein de la foire internationale des métiers de l’artisanat de Munich. Celle ci est la plus ancienne des expositions temporaires présentées. Cette manifestation n’a toutefois rien perdu de son actualité ni de sa signification. C’est à cette occasion que, pendant la foire internationale des métiers de l’artisanat de Munich, la communauté des orfèvres du monde entier se rencontre chaque année pour un échange d’expériences et d’idées. Cette exposition constitue l’événement majeur dans le monde du bijou contemporain. La réputation internationale de l’exposition temporaire « Schmuck » de la foire internationale des métiers de l’artisanat de Munich est telle qu’elle a été invitée à New York en 2006, à Padoue en 2007, à Birmingham en 2008, à Lodz en 2009, et même à Melbourne en Australie où elle a fait grande impression.

62 artistes / 26 nationalités
Espagnols, australiens, allemands, américains, suédois, japonais, chinois,néerlandais…
Avec une maîtrise parfaite de la technique, sans tabous, guidés par le seul souci de l’harmonie des formes, les artistes bousculent les conventions, en s’appuyant pour cela sur des matériaux aussi fragiles que le papier, aussi généreux que le bois, aussi précieux que l’or ou l’argent. C’est sans doute par cette approche qu’ils nous fascinent, qu’ils nous intriguent parfois, pour éveiller en nous cette réflexion indispensable à la connaissance.
Un nouveau panorama sur le bijou contemporain, unique en son genre, s’offre à présent à notre regard, grâce à cette exposition prestigieuse. Elle transcende toutes les idées reçues et bouscule pour notre plus grand bonheur notre belle planète, revue et corrigée dans son approche artistique, par une pléiade de créateurs d’exception.



Rinaldo Alvarez (ES) – Robert Baines (AU) – Peter Bauhuis (DE) – Suzanne Beautyman (USA) – Romeu Bettencourt (PT) – David Bielander (CH) – Ewelina Bocian (PL) -  Helen Britton (AU) – Burcu Büyükünal (TR) – Jorge Castañón (Arg.) – Attai Chen (IL) – Eun Mi Chun (Korea) – Trinidad Contreras (ES) – Laura Deakin (AU) – Saskia Detering (DE) – Beate Eismann (DE) – Christiane Förster (DE) – Thomas Gentille (USA) – Sophie Hanagarth (CH) – Kirsten Haydon (NL) – Mirjam Hiller (DE) – Hsuan-Ying Ho (Taiwan) – Mari Ishikawa (JP) – Reiko Ishiyama (JP) – John Iversen (USA) – Margit Jäschke (DE) -  Karin Johansson (SE) -  Ike Jünger (DE) – Kimiaki Kageyama (JP) – Jiro Kamata (JP) -  Beppe Kessler (NL) – Beate Klockmann (DE) – Markéta Kratochvílová (CS) – Daniel Kruger (ZA) – Julia Maria Künnap (EE) – Guanlan Liang (CN) – Yi Liu (CN) – Bety Majernikova (SK) – Mia Maljojoki(FI) – Stefano Marchetti (IT) – Märta Mattsson (SE) – Lital Mendel (IL) – Eija Mustonen (FI) – Kazumi Nagano (JP) – Shunichiro Nakashima (JP) – Yu Natsume (JP) – Iris Nieuwenburg (NL) – Geraldine Nishi (CA) -Ted Noten (NL) – Barbara Paganin (IT) – Shari Pierce (USA) – Alessandra Pizzini (DE) – Henriette Schuster (DE) – Vera Siemund (DE) – Natalie Smith (GB) – Alejandra Solar (Mex.) – Mirei Takeuchi (JP) – Jennifer Trask (US) – Graziano Visintin (IT) – Lisa Walker (NL) – Jasmin Winter (DE) – Annamaria Zannella (IT) -

EXPO 'Schmuck à Cagnes-sur-Mer' - Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR) - 21 Mai-28 Aout 2011 dans Alejandra SOLAR (Mex.)
Robert Baines (image courtesy of, and with thanks to, the gallery, tarraWarra Museum of Art, AU)

249855_wvVluvz6ol0uk0a1Vn4Z_6AUn dans Alessandra PIZZINI (IT)
Ewelina Bocian“emergency pin” – brass & silver etching, medicine – jewellery envelope for a pill

ishiyama04 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)
Reiko Ishiyama necklace

Alejandra-Solar-7-880x698 dans Attai CHEN (IL)
Alejandra Solar – wood print cotton pendants 2010

mattson dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)
Märta Mattsson – « Beetlejuice » Broche, 2010 Scarabée, zircone, argent, résine, laque

web_Attai%20Chen2_alt dans Beate EISMANN (DE)
Attai Chen – Collier – Papier, peinture, charbon, colle, lin -2010

Eija Mustonen

Pierce_2 dans Beate KLOCKMANN (DE)
Shari Pierce Necklace: 34 Sexual Offenders and 2 Sexual Predators 2010 – photo prints from transparencies, silk
David Bielander - « Ratte » Collier, 2010 Argent patiné
Natalie SMITHnecklace , 2010 – plastic, textiles, sugar

Kirsten Haydon – « ice work » brooches
Bety Majernikova

john Iversen square cut chaos broochJohn Iversen - square cut chaos brooch
 Saskia Detering
Alessandra Pizzini  Brosche ‘Algablu’

vsup-kov-designblok-2010-4 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)
Markéta Kratochvílová (CS)
Margit Jäschke
Lital Mendel (IL)   ‘stone’ rings
Ike Jünger  brooch, silver, enamel
 Geraldine (Geri) Nishi (CA) ring
Mirei Takeuchi – necklace – Pergament, Aluminium , Beize, Lack
Jasmin Winter – Brosche, 2008 – silber, Kunstharze mit Pigment, Email

Espace Solidor
Place du Château, Haut-de-Cagnes
06800 – Cagnes-sur-Mer
Telephone: +33 4 93 73 14 42
Fax: +33 4 93 22 19 09


SCHMUCK 2011 – Munich (DE) 16-22 mars 2011 – PROGRAMME

Classé dans : Adam GRINOVICH (SE),Adrean BLOOMARD (IT),Agnieszka KNAP (PL),Akiko KURIHARA (JP),Alejandra SOLAR (Mex.),Alessandra PIZZINI (IT),Alexander BLANK (DE),Allemagne (DE),Amy DEATH (UK),Anna EICHLINGER (DE),Anna LANG (DE),Annamaria ZANELLA (IT),Ara KUO (Taiwan),Attai CHEN (IL),Babette BOUCHER (FR),Barbara PAGANIN (IT),Beate EISMANN (DE),Beate KLOCKMANN (DE),Beatrice BROVIA (IT),Benjamin LIGNEL (FR),Beppe KESSLER (NL),Burcu BUYUKUNAL (TR),Carolina GIMENO (Chili),Caroline BROADHEAD (UK),Christiana JOCKEL (DE),Christine GRAF (DE),Chuchart SARUNNAYAWATSIN (Thai.),Claudia LASSNER (DE),Dana SEACHUGA (IL),Daniel KRUGER (DE),David BIELANDER (CH/DE),Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA),Doerthe FUCHS (DE),Edgar MOSA (PT),Eija MUSTONEN (FI),Elena RUEBEL (DE),Elisabetta DUPRE (IT),Emmanuel MANOLO,Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES),Eunmi CHUN (KR),EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT,Ewelina BOCIAN (PL),Exposition/Exhibition,Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT),Fiona HERMSE (UK),Flora VAGI (HU),Florian BUDDEBERG (DE),Gal. Handwerk (DE),Gal. Marzee (NL),Gal. Platina (SE),Gal. RA (NL),Gemma DRAPER (ES),Georg DOBLER (DE),Geri NISHI (CA),Graziano VISINTIN (IT),Hanna HEDMAN (SE),Hanna LILJENBERG (SE),Helen BRITTON (AU),Henriette SCHUSTER (DE),Ike JUNGER (DE),Iris NIEUWENBURG (NL),Jasmin WINTER (DE),Jiri SIBOR (CS),Jiro KAMATA (JP),Joanne GRIMONPREZ (FR),John IVERSEN (US),Jorge CASTANON (RA),Jorge MANILLA (MEX),Julia Maria KUNNAP (EE),Karin JOHANSSON (SE),Karin Roy ANDERSSON (SE),Karl FRITSCH (DE),Katharina KATAROS (DE),Katharina MOCH (DE),Katherine RICHMOND (UK),Kathryn PARTINGTON (UK),Kazumi NAGANO (JP),Kiko GIANOCCA (CH),Kimiaki KAGEYAMA (JP),Kirsten HAYDON (NZ),Laura DEAKIN (AU),Leila ARZAGHI (IRAN),Life is a BENCH (UK),Lisa BJORKE (SE),Lisa JUEN (CN),Lisa WALKER (DE/NZ),Lucy SARNEEL (NL),Malaika NAJEM (Liban),Malin LOVGREN (SE),Manfred BISCHOFF (DE),Manon van KOUSWIJK (NL),Margit HART (AT),Margit JASCHKE (DE),Margot SEVADJIAN (FR),Mari ISHIKAWA (JP),Maria Rosa FRANZIN (IT),Marta MATTSSON (SE),Martin PAPCUN (CS),Maurizio STAGNI (IT),Melanie ISVERDING (DE),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikaela LYONS (UK),Mirei TAKEUCHI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Natalie SMITH (UK),Nicolas CHENG (SE),Nicole BECK (DE),Noemie DOGE (CH),Noon PASSAMA (Thai.),Norman WEBER (DE),Paolo SCURA (IT),Patrick McMILLAN (US),Pavel OPOCENSKY (CS),Peter BAUHUIS (DE),Peter CHANG (UK),Peter SKUBIC (YU),Petr DVORAK (CS),Petra BISHAI (UK),Rachel TERRY (UK),Ramon PUIG CUYAS (ES),Reiko ISHIYAMA (JP),Renate SCHMID (DE),Rinaldo ALVAREZ (ES),Rita MARCANGELO (IT),Robert BAINES (AU),Romina FUENTES (RA),Ruudt PETERS (NL),Salon,Sanna SVEDESTEDT (SE),Saskia DETERING (DE),SCHMUCK / MJW (DE),Seth PAPAC (US),Shadi VOSSOUGH (UK),Shari PIERCE (US),Shunichiro NAKASHIMA (JP),Silke FLEISCHER (BE),Silke SPITZER (DE),Sofie BOONS (BE),Sophie HANAGARTH (CH),Stefan HEUSER (DE),Stefano MARCHETTI (IT),Sungho CHO (KR),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Suzanne BEAUTYMAN (US),Tamsin LEIGHTON-BOYCE (UK),Ted NOTEN (NL),Thomas GENTILLE (US),Tobias ALM (SE),Toni MAYNER (UK),Tore SVENSSON (SE),Trinidad CONTRERAS (ES),Vera SIEMUND (NL),VIDEO,Volker ATROPS (DE),Willy Van De VELDE (BE),www Klimt02,Yi LIU (CN) — bijoucontemporain @ 2:17

Please find enclosed the program of the Schmuck 2011 during the International Trade Fair in Munich.

This special exhibition is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 every year during the International Trade Fair in March. Except the transport cost until Munich the participation in the special show is free of charge for you. Three contributions of Schmuck 2011 will be awarded with the Herbert Hofmann Prize. The prize commemorates Dr. Her-bert Hofmann, the founder of the special show in 1959. In addition the jury of the Bavarian States Prize will look at the works in the special show. The Bavarian States Prize is awarded to 10 contri-bution of applied art within all contribution of the International Trade Fair. This prize is awarded with 5.000 €


>> download fair plan

The selection of the 62 exhibits to feature in the special show SCHMUCK 2011 was made by Dr Rüdiger Joppien (Head of the Department of Art Nouveau and Modernism at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg), a recognised expert in the applied arts. In total over 650 designers had submitted applications to be granted a space to exhibit within SCHMUCK 2011. Featured in the exhibition are the works of a number of designers of international renown – names like Kimiaki Kageyama (Japan), Ted Noten (Netherlands), Lisa Walker (New Zealand), Ike Jünger (Germany) and Peter Bauhuis (Germany). For the first time this year the exhibition will also include work from China, Mexico and Turkey.


Selected artists:
Rinaldo Alvarez (ES) – Robert Baines (AU) – Peter Bauhuis (DE) – Suzanne Beautyman (USA) – Romeu Bettencourt (PT) – David Bielander (CH) – Ewelina Bocian (PL) -  Helen Britton (AU) – Burcu Büyükünal (TR) – Jorge Castañón (Arg.) – Attai Chen (IL) – Eun Mi Chun (Korea) – Trinidad Contreras (ES) – Laura Deakin (AU) – Saskia Detering (DE) – Beate Eismann (DE) – Christiane Förster (DE) – Thomas Gentille (USA) – Sophie Hanagarth (CH) – Kirsten Haydon (NL) – Mirjam Hiller (DE) – Hsuan-Ying Ho (Taiwan) – Mari Ishikawa (JP) – Reiko Ishiyama (JP) – John Iversen (USA) – Margit Jäschke (DE) -  Karin Johansson (SE) -  Ike Jünger (DE) – Kimiaki Kageyama (JP) – Jiro Kamata (JP) -  Beppe Kessler (NL) – Beate Klockmann (DE) – Markéta Kratochvílová (CS) – Daniel Kruger (ZA) – Julia Maria Künnap (EE) – Guanlan Liang (CN) – Yi Liu (CN) – Bety Majernikova (SK) – Mia Maljojoki(FI) – Stefano Marchetti (IT) – Märta Mattsson (SE) – Lital Mendel (IL) – Eija Mustonen (FI) – Kazumi Nagano (JP) – Shunichiro Nakashima (JP) – Yu Natsume (JP) – Iris Nieuwenburg (NL) – Geraldine Nishi (CA) - Ted Noten (NL) – Barbara Paganin (IT) – Shari Pierce (USA) – Alessandra Pizzini (DE) – Henriette Schuster (DE) – Vera Siemund (DE) – Natalie Smith (GB) – Alejandra Solar (Mex.) – Mirei Takeuchi (JP) – Jennifer Trask (US) – Graziano Visintin (IT) – Lisa Walker (NL) – Jasmin Winter (DE) – Annamaria Zannella (IT) -

SCHMUCK 2011 - Munich (DE) 16-22 mars 2011 - PROGRAMME dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) 249855_wvVluvz6ol0uk0a1Vn4Z_6AUn
Ewelina Bocian« emergency pin » – brass & silver etching, medicine – jewellery envelope for a pill

dishonest-pearls-2007-main dans Adrean BLOOMARD (IT)
Laura Deakin – pearl series

ishiyama04 dans Agnieszka KNAP (PL)
Reiko Ishiyama necklace

All images from Anti-War Medals: at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Alejandra Solar Anti-War Medal

Klassiker der Moderne 2011 : Manfred Bischoff
In 2011, as in every year, there will be a retrospective of the works of one of the ‘classics of the Modern’. SCHMUCK 2011 will present the key works of Manfred Bischoff, a German goldsmith living in Italy who is regarded around the world as one of today´s leading contemporary jewellery designers. At the Internationale Handwerksmesse one of the many prizes he has received is the Bavarian State Prize (2005), an award which enjoys the very highest regard in the field of arts and crafts.

Manfred Bischoff

SCHMUCK the special show culminates in the presentation of the Herbert Hofmann Prize on 19 March 2011. In addition SCHMUCK 2011 is accompanied by a whole host of other events taking place in galleries, museums and arts institutes in Munich.


After the Internationale Handwerksmesse SCHMUCK goes on tour, this time, for the first time, also to France.
The French town which was given this honour is Cagnes-sur-Mer (Espace Solidor) in Provence. In recent years this small town has developed a reputation as a meeting place for statement jewellery designers. SCHMUCK first started to travel around the world in 2006, and has been seen in Australia (RMIT Gallery, Melbourne), Great Britain (Birmingham City University), Poland (National Art Gallery, Lódz), Italy (Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua) and the US (Museum of Arts and Design, New York).



Schmuck 2011 day by day:

16 -> 22 /3/2011
Neue Messe München I Halle A1 ›Handwerk & Design‹ 9.30-18 Uhr
Sonderschauen der 63. Internationalen Handwerksmesse München. Schmuck 2011, Exempla 2011-Werkstätten der Zukunft mit Karl Fritsch, David Huycke; Talente 2011; Meister der Moderne 2011 mit Johanna Dahm, Georg Dobler; ›Frame‹ Präsentation internationaler Galerien: Galerie Marzee, Galerie Platina, Galerie Ra.

Galerie Handwerk, Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 München,, 
Galerie der Preisträger
, Bayerische Staatspreise 2005-2010, 11.3.-21.4.
Vernissage am 10.3. um 18 Uhr, Di, Mi, Fr 10-18 Uhr, Do 10-20 Uhr, Sa 10-13
Uhr, So 20.3. Sonderöffnung 10-14 Uhr, Tel. 089-595584

Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich,
Barerstr. 40, Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München.

robert+baines+1 dans Akiko KURIHARA (JP)
Robert Baines ‘Courtly Love

Radikal. Peter Skubic. Schmuck und Schatzjäger. Klasse Eva Eisler,
Prag 19.3.-15.5. Vernissage am 18.3. um 19 Uhr, Di-So 10-18 Uhr, Do 10-20 Uhr, Tel. 089-2727250 und 089-23805360,

Skubic_Brosche-1984_s dans Alejandra SOLAR (Mex.)
Peter Skubic – Brosche-1984

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

ALL ABOUT ME So 20.3. 11 Uhr Lecture in English Wendy Ramshaw and David Watkins (siehe So 20.3.)

Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München
NOW-Jewels by Norman Weber, 25.2.-9.4, Vernissage am 24.2. um 18.30 Uhr,

620971966c dans Alessandra PIZZINI (IT)

Porträt im Laden The JAMES Days, Christine Graf, Lisa Juen, Toni Mayner, Patrick McMillan, Kathryn Partington,
25.2.-9.4. Mo-Sa 10-18 Uhr, So 20.3. Sonderöffnung 11-17 Uhr, www.kunsthandwerk-, Tel. 089-2901470

patrick-mcmillan_brosche2011_kl dans Alexander BLANK (DE)lisa-juen_kette2011_kl dans Allemagne (DE)
Patrick McMillan -brosche 2011 — Lisa Juen kette 2011

Freitag, 11.3.2011 / 11 Mars

19-22 Uhr Agraphobia, Shari Pierce,
324 Raum für Kunst, Gabelsbergerstr. 65,
80333 München, Tel. 0049-15771733324,,
12.-26.3., 16.-22.3. 12-18 Uhr

Pierce_2 dans Amy DEATH (UK)
Shari Pierce Necklace: 34 Sexual Offenders and 2 Sexual Predators 2010 – photo prints from transparencies, silk

Sonntag, 13.3.2011 / 13 Mars

11 Uhr SCHÖNES SAMMELN – Der Verein Neuer Schmuck e.V. präsentiert 6 private Schmucksammlungen seiner Münchner Mitglieder. MaximiliansForum, Fußgängerunterführung,
Maximilianstr./Altstadtring, 80539 München, 14 Uhr
München Schmückt sich. Film, 13.-20.3. 11-18 Uhr

04 dans Anna EICHLINGER (DE)
Annamaria Zanella Ring

01 dans Anna LANG (DE)
Peter Chang

Dienstag, 15.3.2011 / 15 Mars

16 Uhr Peter Bauhuis, der Goldschmied, Film ›Schmuck und Exzess‹ und Vortrag, Pravu Mazumdar, MaximiliansForum, Fußgängerunterführung, Maximilianstr./
Altstadtring, 80539 München


Mittwoch, 16.3.2011 / 16 Mars

Der Galliumhort von Obertraun – präsentiert von Peter Bauhuis,
Institut für Neuere Archäologie
, Archäologische Staatssammlung, Lerchenfeldstraße 2,
80538 München, Tel. 089-2112402, 16.3.-8.5. Di-So 9.30-17 Uhr,

18 Uhr hautnah, Eunmi Chun, Akiko Kurihara,
Micheko Galerie
, Theresienstr. 18,
80333 München, 17.-20.3. 11-19 Uhr, Tel. 089-38169388[Akiko+Kurihara.png]
Eunmi Chun      —        Akiko Kurihara

18 Uhr Birgit Hagmann,
Galerie Artefakt, Hans-Sachs-Str.13, 80469 München,
Tel. 089-2603108, 16.3.-16.4. Mo-Fr 11-19 Uhr, Sa 11-15 Uhr
Birgit Hagmann brooches

19 Uhr Tschechischer Schmuck in Europa: Petr Dvorák (Wien), Pavel Opocensky (Prag), Martin Papcún (München), Jiri Sibor (Brünn),
Tschechisches Zentrum, Prinzregentenstr. 7,
80538 München, Tel. 089-21024932, 16.3.- 8.4. Do-Fr 10-20 Uhr, Sa 19.3. 10-14
Uhr, ab 20.3. Mo-Do 10-17, Fr 10-16 Uhr

Pavel Opocensky brooch

sibor_broz_nerez_sklo_2008 dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)
Jiri Sibor brooch

Donnerstag, 17.3.2011 / 17 Mars

10 Uhr Life´s a bench II, Fiona Hermse, Tamsin Leighton-Boyce, Mykaela Lyons, Katharina Moch, Katherine Richmond, Elena Ruebel, Chuchart Sarunnayawatsin, Shadi Vossough, Nicola Turnbull,
(The exhibition ‘Life’s a Bench!‘ showcases the students graduating from the School of Jewellery’s MA programme, Birmingham City University)
Studio K162 Renate Scholz, Klugstr.
162, 80637 München, Tel. 089-1577231, 17.-19.3. Fr-Sa 12-18 Uhr, So 12-14 Uhr

final+Kopie dans Ara KUO (Taiwan)

11 Uhr Finger- und Handkostüme (« costumes de doigts et de mains »), Susanne Elstner, Andrea Hiebl, Christiane Oexl, Daniela Osterrieder, Renate Schmid, Renate Scholz, Gottlinde Singer, Monika Vesely, Christine Vitzthum, Hanni Weber, Christina Weck. GÄSTE (invités): Hinrichs, Kraus,
galerieGEDOKmuc, Elisabethstr. 13 RG, 80796 München, Tel. 0171-1762705,
17.-22.3. 11-20 Uhr, 23.3.-25.3. 15-19 Uhr

Rita de Muynck
« costumes de doigts et de mains »

Susanne Elstner | Ring „Cindy“ (aus der Serie Secrets from the Bottom of the Sea) | Silber, Rotgold und Fell
Susanne Elstner - Ring ‘Cindy’ (aus der Serie Secrets from the Bottom of the Sea) – Silber, Rotgold und Fell

12 Uhr Look, curated by Ruudt Peters presented by Caroline van Hoek, Contemporary Art Jewelry,
Tel. 0032-475753102. Galerie Sonja Junkers,
Amalienstraße 45, 80799 München, 17.-19.3. 10-19 Uhr
Various artists, curated by Ruudt Peters :  Tobias Alm, Sara Borgegard, Beatrice Brovia, Nicolas Cheng, Noemie Doge, Diana Dudek, Romina Fuentes, Carolina Gimeno, Adam Grinovich, Hanna Hedman, Hannah Joris, Ara Kuo, Edgar Mosa, Malaika Najem, Seth Papac, Annika Pettersson, Estela Saez, Dana Seachuga, Nelli Tanner

cvanhoek_CVHfritzmunchen170311newsletter dans Attai CHEN (IL)

13 Uhr Mari Ishikawa, Mia Maljojoki, Steinau-Steinrück, Flora Vagi, im Auto van de Velde
Frauenstr. 36, Tel. 0179-2047433,, 17.-20.3. 13-16 Uhr
Flora Vagi wood jewelry ‘azur-seanemone’ brooch

13 Uhr Dreispaltigkeit-Einblicke, Verein experimenteller Transformationsforschung: Muriel Lang, Katharina Kataros, Emmanuel Manolo, kuratiert von Kuschmann,
Galerie IM RAUM,
Herzog-Rudolph-Str. 9, 80539 München, Do 13-18 Uhr,
Fr 11-17 Uhr, Sa 11-15 Uhr, So 12-17 Uhr

veextra-katharina-kataros-bonbon-02 dans Babette BOUCHER (FR)
Katharina Kataros ‘bonbon’ kette

14 Uhr Henriette Schuster,
Geschäft Rothmundstraße 6 (Nähe Sendlinger Tor),
80337 München, Tel. 0174-3263647,, 17.-20.3. Do,
Fr 14-18 Uhr, So 12-18 Uhr

Henriette dans Barbara PAGANIN (IT)henri07 dans Beate EISMANN (DE)

henriette dans Beate KLOCKMANN (DE)
Henriette Schuster – inside-outside brooch

16 Uhr Discursive Picnic – ein Austausch zwischen Passanten, Kunstinteressierten und Künstlern. Ein Ereignis, bei dem jeder Gast und Gastgeber zugleich ist. oder MaximiliansForum, Fußgängerunterführung,
Maximilianstr./Altstadtring, 80539 München

17 Uhr Normal ist der Tod, Bernhard Lehner,
Schlegelschmuck München,
Nordendstrasse 7a/Eingang Ecke Adalbertstr., 80799 München, www.schlegelschmuck.
de, Tel. 089-2710071, Fr, Sa 11-19 Uhr, So 11-15 Uhr

19b1031d88 dans Beatrice BROVIA (IT)
Bernhard Lehner

17-19 Uhr WITTENBRINK ZEIGT SCHMUCK Tobias Alm, Kiko Gianocca, Noon Passama, David Phillips.
WITTENBRINK FUENF HOEFE, Theatinerstraße 14,
80333 München, Tel. 089-25541933, 17.-24.3. 10-19 Uhr, So 20.3. 14-17 Uhr

Tobias Alm - Summer series 2009

302 dans Benjamin LIGNEL (FR)
Kiko Gianocca

17-21 Uhr A Pieceful Swedish Smögåsbord, Nina Mårtensson, Hanna Liljenberg, Malin Lövgren, Pernilla Persson, Maria Ylander, Marta Mattson, Lisa Björke, Linda Marie Karlsson, Sanna Svedestedt, Karin Roy Andersson,
Schwedische Kirche, Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, 17.-20.3. Fr 13-21 Uhr,
Sa 12-19 Uhr, So 12-17 Uhr, Finissage 15-17 Uhr

24143 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)

17-21 Uhr I am sorry, there’s no title, Jorge Manilla, Peter Vermandere, Silke Fleischer, Willy van De Velde,
Schraudolphstr.16, 80799 München, 17.-20.3. 11-18

Jorge Manilla
Jorge Manilla

17-22 Uhr Ulrike Kraus, Alessandra Pizzini und MunSun Schumacher,
schmuckgalerie tal20, Tal 20, 80331 München,,
Tel. 089- 24231491, 17.-21.3. Di-Fr 11-19 Uhr, Sa 10-16 Uhr

einladungskarte dans Burcu BUYUKUNAL (TR)

17 Uhr 3stations., 18.-20.3. Fr 10-18; Sa und So 10-14 Uhr
Jewels for the Ladies. Bead necklaces designed for Anita Evenepoel and Marjan Unger, Students from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Galerie Elsa Barenyi, Welserstr.1, 81373 München, Tel. 0032-485434390.

bijvoegen_portfolio7_jpg_scale.jpg.scaled.500 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Sofie Boons necklace

Holy. Gisbert Stach, Rose Stach & special guests. Schmuck, Fotos, Videoarbeiten. Fotostudio Adrian Greiter, Welserstr. 11, 81373 München, Tel. 0174-8050333.
Schmuck Wander. Made by Many. A project by Bety Majernikova and Maria Nepsinska,
Clubraum, Welserstr. 29a, 81373 München, Tel. 0042-1902615785

17 Uhr NieOhneSeifeWaschen, Kathleen Hennemann, Christiane Köhne, Claudia Lassner, Christina Pauls,
Blutenburgstraße 79, 80634 München,, 17.-20.3.
Fr, Sa 11-19 Uhr, So 11-17 Uhr

 dans Caroline BROADHEAD (UK)

18-20.30 Uhr BFG-Bund für Gestaltung (Volker Atrops, Grießmayr, Michalski),
Antiquariat Dieter Zipprich, Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 München, Tel. 089-52059553,
17.-26.3. Mo-Sa 11-18 Uhr, So 15-18 Uhr

18.30 Uhr A Theatre of Appearances – Die Bühne des Augenscheins, David Bielander, Schmuck, Michelle Taylor, Fotografie,
Galerie Biro, Zieblandstr. 19, 80799
München,, Tel. 089-2730686, 17.3.-16.4. Di-Sa 14-18 Uhr

18.30 Uhr SOME KIND OF HEAVEN – WILL RAMBO BE THERE? Nicole Beck, Melanie Isverding, Despo Sophocleous,
Projektraum J. Baumeister, Georgenstr. 66,
80799 München, 18.-20.3. Fr 12-18 Uhr, Sa 12-16 Uhr, So 12-18 Uhr

right bloc
Despo Sophocleous

19-21 Uhr RUUDT PETERS – ANIMA 17/3 -> 23/4.
und im Fenster UNDER THAT CLOUD 17->22/3.
(An exhibition of jewellery inspired by 18 artists being stranded in Mexico City under the Icelandic volcanic ash cloud – Artist list: Agnieszka Knap, Andrea Wagner, Benjamin Lignel, Caroline Broadhead, Cristina Filipe, Gemma Draper, Janina Stübler, Jiro Kamata, Jorge Manilla, Jürgen Eickhoff, Karin Seufert, Lucy Sarneel, Manon van Kouswijk, Nanna Melland, Nedda El-Asmar, Ramon Puig Cuyàs, Sarah O’Hana, Tore Svensson.)
Galerie Spektrum, Theresienstr. 46, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-284590,, Di-Fr 13-19 Uhr, Sa 11-14 Uhr,
Sonderöffnung am 20.3. 13-18 Uhr

187783_133073286766062_611866_n dans Christiana JOCKEL (DE)
Benjamin Lignel- piece 2011

19 Uhr GARDENS, Helena Lehtinen,
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, Georgenstraße 84,
80799 München, Tel. 089-30637911., 17.-20.3. Fr-So 12-20 Uhr

24232 dans Christine GRAF (DE)

20-22 Uhr Martin Papcun, Sungho Cho,
Akademie Galerie, U-Bahn Universität, Ludwig-Maximilian-
Universität, Akademiestraße, 80539 München, 17.-25.3. 15-20 Uhr

pap_cho_DL_press-1024x997 dans Chuchart SARUNNAYAWATSIN (Thai.)
Sungho Cho

Freitag, 18.3.2011 / 18 Mars

10.30 Uhr Helen Britton, ›Jewellery Life‹ Catalogue launch, introduction by Helen Drutt-English,
Galerie Handwerk, Max-Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-595584

24101 dans Claudia LASSNER (DE)

12 Uhr was zählt – what counts, Leila Arzaghi, Christiana Jöckel, Anna Lang, Geri Nishi,
Studio Gabi Green, Gollierstr. 17, 80339 München, Tel. 089-54030254. 18.-21.3. Fr 12-18 Uhr,
Sa-Mo 10-18 Uhr

whatcounts dans Dana SEACHUGA (IL)

joeckel dans Daniel KRUGER (DE)
Christiana Jöckel 


12 Uhr Curgäste und Fremde, Erol Gurian, Fotografie, Florian Buddeberg, Anna Eichlinger,
Schmuck, Bergmannstr. 28, 80339 München, Tel. 0173-5926015,
18.-20.3. Fr 14-18 Uhr, Sa, So 10-18 Uhr

BODY dans David BIELANDER (CH/DE)Highslide JS
Anna Eichlinger              —              
Florian Buddeberg

15-20 Uhr die kunst.wirt.schaft Graz auf ›schmucktour‹,
Route Maxvorstadt, Tel. 0043-6644631253 oder 0043-69912120590,

16 Uhr Claudia Milic, Claudia Stebler, Silke Spitzer,
Almstadt Schmuck, Reichenbachstrasse 25,
80469 München, Tel. 089-12555761, 18.-20.3. 11-19 Uhr

EinladungAlmstadt dans Despo SOPHOCLEOUS (CA)

16-18 Uhr meet the artists The JAMES Days, Graf, Juen, Mayner, McMillan, Partington,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Pacellistraße 6-8,
80333 München, Tel. 089 290147-0

16 Uhr Aperitivo FIVE OF A KIND, Positionen anwendbarer Kunst („five of a kind, Positions in Usable Art“). Margit Hart, Stefan Heuser, Fritz Maierhofer, Kathryn Partington, Wolfgang Rahs,
Manuela Schlossinger mit Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia, Galerie Jordanow, Fürstenstraße 11, 80333 München,,, Tel. 089-28779776, 18.-21.3. 10-19 Uhr

Einladung_GRAZ_30.11.2010_Seite_1 dans Doerthe FUCHS (DE)

17.30 Uhr Aperitivo LADIES BOXES, Elisabeth Altenburg, Helen Britton, Christiane Förster, Joanne Grimonprez, Therese Hilbert, Despo Sophocleous,
Maurer Zilioli-Contemporary Arts, Brescia, Kunstbüro reillplast,, Amalienstr. 21, 80333 München, Tel. 089-38903538, 18.-20.3. 10-19 Uhr

Joanne Grimonprez
Joanne Grimonprez

17-19 Uhr Rebellen der LIEBE / Rebels of LOVE, Alexander Blank, Stefan Heuser, Christian Hoedl, Jiro Kamata,
Kunstarkaden, Sparkassenstrasse 3, 80331 München,,, 22.2.-26.3.
Di-Sa 13-19 Uhr, So 20.3. 13-17 Uhr

18-21 Uhr Dialogue X: Petra Bishai, Amy Death, Elsa Hedberg, Buddug Humphreys, Therese Morch-Jorgensen, Julia Patterson, Margot Sevadijan, Paolo Scura, Rachel Terry,
Timothy Information Limited. Kunstgießerei München, Schleißheimer Str. 72, 80797 München, with 84 GHz, 18.-20.3.
Fr 18-21 Uhr, Sa, So 12-20 Uhr, Sa 11 Uhr brunch view, Tel. 089-30637911


18 Uhr Nuove Direzioni del Gioiello Italiano Contemporaneo, 11 Goldschmiede aus Italien,
Galerie Isabella Hund, Frauenplatz 13, Eingang Schäfflerstraße,
80331 München,, 19.3.-16.4. Mo-Fr 11-14 ,15-19 Uhr,
Sa. 11-16/18 Uhr
(Artists: Adrean Bloomard, Patrizia Bonati, Lucia Davanzo, Elisabetta Dupre, Maria Rosa Franzin, Rita Marcangelo, Maurizio Stagni, Fabrizio Tridenti)

24125 dans Edgar MOSA (PT)

Elisabetta Dupré – ‘aracne’ – ciondolo


18.30 Uhr TIERPARADE oder Schmuck ohne Mensch, Ecole supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg. commissariat Sophie Hanagarth et Florence Lehmann,
Französisches Kulturinstitut,, Kaulbachstraße 13,
80539 München, Tel. 089-2866280, 17.-20.3. 10-19 Uhr

cf article :  EXPO ‘TIERPARADE’ – Institut Français de Munich (DE) – 17-20 mars 2011

71017_203188479708452_7801362_n dans Eija MUSTONEN (FI)

19 Uhr Förderpreis der Landeshauptstadt München 2011,
lothringer13_halle, Lothringerstrasse 13, 81667 München,, 19.3.-17.4. Di-So
14-20 Uhr, Tel. 089-4486961

20 Uhr Do You Want A….? An act of Piracy. Guerilla Jewellery from students of the Academy Fine Arts Maastricht,


Samstag, 19.3.2011 / 19 Mars

11 Uhr Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile Nr. 4, Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gert Rothmann,
Münchner Residenz, Einsäulensaal, Residenzstr. 1, 80333 München,
19.-20.3. 11-18 Uhr

 dans Elena RUEBEL (DE)
Robert Baines (image courtesy of, and with thanks to, the gallery, tarraWarra Museum of Art, AU)


>> Neue Messe München Halle A1, Aktionsbühne
16 Uhr
Talente-Preis Verleihung
17 Uhr Herbert-Hofmann-Preis Verleihung
18 Uhr ›Ausgezeichnet!‹ Vortrag, Dr. Weber-Stöber
19 Uhr Achtung Adressenwechsel! Goldschmiedetreffen Festsaal, Augustinerkeller, Arnulfstr. 52,
20 Uhr edible, Annamaria Leiste & Sarah Lierl, mit den Kitchen Guerillas,
Anmeldung erforderlich unter, Tragbar, Zenettistr. 33,
80337 München, Tel. 089-76703974, 16.-20.3. 11-19 Uhr


Sonntag, 20.3.2011 / 20 Mars

10-14 Uhr Galerie der Preisträger, Sonderöffnung,
Galerie Handwerk, Max- Joseph-Str. 4, 80333 München, Tel. 089-595584

11 Uhr ALL ABOUT ME Lecture in English Wendy Ramshaw and David Watkins,
Ernst von Siemens-Auditorium, Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design
Museum Munich, Barerstrasse 40, Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-2727250 u. 089-23805360,

Wendy Ramshaw und David Watkins © Artists

« In the mid 1960s Wendy Ramshaw and David Watkins ran a small firm called Optik Art Jewellery. They designed acrylic fashion jewellery inspired by Pop art paintings of the period. Later in 1967 they designed and sold paper jewellery all over the world. This was prior to a new revolution in jewelry design which was looming, throughout the 70s with non-precious materials and artistic ideas replacing material values. Ramshaw and Watkins were among the protagonists of the London scene. Ramshaw started out as an illustrator and textile designer. She has received numerous prestigious awards for her works, which include the Millennium Medal for Queen Elizabeth II. Her husband David Watkins was a jazz pianist, now a sculptor, and jewelry artist. Through his unconventional techniques and methods of working with materials he creates a unique style all of his own; from 1984 until 2006 he was Professor of Metalwork and Jewelry at the Royal College of Art in London. »
SUN 20.03., 11.00, Pinakothek der Moderne, Ernst von Siemens Auditorium, Admission free Lecture in English

15 Uhr NOW-Jewels by Norman Weber, Führung Norman Weber,
Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V., Pacellistraße 6-8, 80333 München, Tel. 089-2901470

Fai clic per ingrandire

Norman Weber


16 Uhr Baby Bling Bling, Finissage mit Schmuck-Performance,
Maximilians- Forum, Fußgängerunterführung, Maximilianstr./Altstadtring, 80539 München
« Eine Revue über Rein-Gold und kuriose Gehänge, dicke Klunker und zarte Geschmeide. Schmuckstückstories in 6 Akten. Schauspiel von Die Vorleserinnen Katja Brenner, Sophie Engert, Vanessa Jeker.
Die Vorleserinnen verwandeln die individuellen Persönlichkeiten von Schmuckstücken von SchmuckkünstlerInnen, die eng mit München verbunden sind ,in verschiedene dramatische Formen: Gangsta-Rap, Soap, Ballade oder Stummfilm – der Schmuck spielt die Hauptrolle. »

und außerhalb der Stadt: Schmuckstücke von Doerthe Fuchs,
Galerie Anna Pirk, Seestrasse 24, 83700 Rottach-Egern am Tegernsee, Tel. 08022-1884222., 15.3.-26.3. Di-Sa 11-19 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung, Eröffnung Samstag, 12.3. ab 17 Uhr
Doerthe Fuchs



Apart from SCHMUCK, other special displays of arts and craft are hosted at «Handwerk & Design»: TALENTE, a show of the work of promising young designers; EXEMPLA, subtitled this year ‘Workshops of the Future’; and MEISTER DER MODERNE, featuring a selection of the work of famous international masters of arts and crafts and applied arts. Visitors who want to find out more about contemporary craft and design have the opportunity of taking part in a guided tour of «Handwerk & Design». These tours, which are free of charge, start each day at 13:30 (meeting point: stage in Hall A1, no registration needed).


Meister der Moderne 2011, Georg Dobler
Georg Dobler at Meister der Moderne




Schmuck 2011
Willy Brandt Allee 1
81829 München, Germany
Telephone: 0049 89 5119 248
Fax: 00 49 89 5119 245
Organized by the Verein zur Förderung des Handwerks e.V.
16.Mar.2011 – 22.Mar.2011
from 9.30 until 18.00
with a special VIP opening on Thursday 17th from 6 until 10. On Saturday 19th March we will have the ceremony of the Herbert-Hofmann-award at 4 p.m.