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Biennale Bijou SAUVAGE – Design Flanders Gallery (BE) – 3-31 Dec. 2010

The exhibition Bold Jewelry | the 7th Biennal Bijou Sauvage is all about the jewel without any restrictions or rules.

The Biennale Bijou Sauvage is an initiative of the Wesel Art Gallery. It was first organised in May 1990 by jewelry designer Claude Wesel.
Sauvage: as occurring in nature, unrestrained, tempestuous, uncultivated, no longer under control (dictionary definition).
A number of designers were asked back then to design a piece of jewelry in which they could completely indulge themselves, against all the conventions and usual rules.
Avoid working the way you always do. Go in search of what you know least about yourself. Be an iconoclast and rid yourself of the academic straightjacket”.
The result was both a confrontation and a dialogue among the most divergent of inspirational sources and styles.
Bijou Sauvage stimulates the jewelry designer to create a piece of jewelry in his or her own, highly individual manner. The universal aspect leads many to rediscover their relationship with art, to reach, unrestricted, the deepest layers of their artistic ability.
“All risks are fair if they protect our soul from death” (Claude Wesel)


Biennale Bijou SAUVAGE - Design Flanders Gallery (BE) - 3-31 Dec. 2010 dans Belgique (BE) fl02
left: Daniel von Weinberger, image © GF  –  right: Nelly van Oost


Bold Jewelry: The designers
Siegfried De Buck – Daan De Decker – Alain Debono – Marie-Claire Desmedt – Saskia DeteringSilke Fleischer – Bernard François – Marie Paule Haar – Delphine Joly – Rembrandt Jordan – Maëlle Laduron – Mei Lee – Jorge Manilla – Patrick Marchal – Thomas Palme – Elke Peeters – Claude Renard – Alain Roggeman – Evelien Sipkes – Emile Souply – Doris Stein – Gwennaël Thérasse – Roos Van de Velde – Willy Van de VeldeHilde Van der HeydenNelly van Oost – Peter Vermandere – Tine Vindevogel – Daniel von WeinbergerJulien Walraedt – Marcel Warrand – Claude Wesel – Antoine Van Loocke
Tine Vindevogel


Design Flanders Gallery,
Kanselarijstraat 19, B-1000 BRUSSELS
(near the Saint-Michael Cathedral)
tel: +32 (0)2 227.60.60 -
fax: +32 (0)2 227.60.69 -


JOYA BARCELONA- EXPO del colectivo Bórax08001 – Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain) – 13-23 sept. 2010

La presentación oficial del colectivo Bórax08001 se celebrara el 13 de septiembre a las 19h con la inauguración de “Proyecto Inicial” en la Escola Massana, Barcelona. La primer exposición de joyería artística de Bórax08001 como colectivo permanecerá abierta hasta el 23 de septiembre 2010 .
Este evento forma parte de OFF JOYA, en el marco de JOYA, la Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona del 16 al 18 de septiembre


colectivo Bórax08001

« Borax is a basic component in jewellery because it prevents oxide from forming and, at the same time, works as a flux favoring the flow of metal when it is being soldered and fused. The bórax08001 collective acts as an antioxidant that drives our artistic creation, but also as a flux, favoring the flow of ideas and concepts as well as the development of new techniques and trends in contemporary artistic jewellery.
We come from multiple geographic coordinates and backgrounds. This particularity has enriched us personally and as a group ever since our paths crossed at the Escola Massana (Barcelona, Spain). As we grew up and deepened our skills as jewellers at Massana, strong synergies and complicities were created between us. And we have chosen bórax08001 as the means to keep them alive, searching for new horizons and goals while sharing experiences and learning from each other.
Our work can be defined as the cartography of personal and experimental dialogues through contemporary artistic jewellery. Dialogues through matter, space, color… based on quests, poems, memories, doubts, thoughts, mistakes, games, dreams, intuition, perfection, light, consciousness, unconsciousness, beauty, and emotions.
Bórax08001 means contemporary, artistic signature jewellery. Signature, because we value work from beginning to end and we wish to recover the value of authenticity, taking pride and joy in creating high-quality jewellery, putting special emphasis on the details. Contemporary, because our pieces of jewellery speak for us and reflect the society we live in. And artistic because we strive to express ourselves through metaphors and symbols while we create unique pieces. »

JOYA BARCELONA- EXPO del colectivo Bórax08001 - Escola Massana, Barcelona (Spain) - 13-23 sept. 2010 dans Aline BERDICHEVSKY (MX) 41317_426620145097_620610097_5183727_6925687_n


Aline Berdichevsky (MX), Andrea Nabholz (CH), Carolina Gimeno (Chile), Carolina Martinez Linares (Col.), Cristina Marti Mato, Dalia Jurado (ES), Diana RoloGastón Rois (Arg.), Nelly Van Oost (FR), Patricia Domingues (PT), Trinidad Contreras (ES)

junction-3-La-Cadena dans Andrea NABHOLZ (CH)
Nelly Van Oost – ‘Junction n°3′ necklace

n528848020_1407445_4698 dans BARCELONA
Dalia Jurado – La flor del desierto – broche

L6-225x300 dans Borax08001 (ES)L7-225x300 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Dalia Jurado – Lilith …….

58349_105698089490707_100001515497154_44873_5648703_n dans Carolina MARTINEZ LINARES (Col.)
Trinidad Contreras – ‘radiolario’ broche

Reconstruction-8-300x225 dans Cristina Marti MATO (ES)Reconstruction-1-300x225 dans Dalia JURADO (ES)
Aline Berdichevsky

Canal-de-Schlemm-300x267 dans Diana ROLO (PT)

Carolina Martinez Linares

*Trinidad Contreras : ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su BLOG
*Aline Berdichevskyver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Gastón Rois : ver su pagina en Borax08001
*Carolina Martinez Linares ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Carolina Gimeno  ver su pagina en Borax08001 y en su Web Site
*Andrea Nabholzver su pagina en Borax08001
*Nelly Van Oostver su pagina en Borax08001
*Dalia Juradover su pagina en Borax08001
*PatriciaDominguesver su pagina en Borax08001


f5-300x199 dans Espagne (ES)fot21-300x241 dans Exposition/Exhibition
Patricia Domingues – « UN DÍA SOÑÉ QUE DIBUJABA UN MAPA DEL TAMAÑO DEL MUNDO. Existe un mundo que me gusta más que el mío. Reino de la fantasía se llama. »


Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny
Sala Busquets
Hospital, 56.
08001 Barcelona
Tel. 93 442 20 00 -
Fax 93 441 78 44


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