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#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO (7) – ‘SHESH six jewelry artists’ – Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery), Munich (DE) – 24 Fevr.-1er Avril 2017

 7 (on map) SHESH six jewelry artists

24. Februar bis 01.April 2017 – Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017, 18.30 bis 20.30 Uhr (Opening 23.02 18:30)

Curator: Esther Knobel
Under the guidance of Esther Knobel, the group has been meeting regularly since 2006, conducting an ongoing discourse in the jewelry field, on the path to forming and cultivating a personal creative language.
For more info please enter our site
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  7 (on map) Munich Jewellery Week 2017 /  SHESH - 6 Jewellery Artists - Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)

artists:  Alona Katzir — Hadas LevinNoa LiranSara Shahak — Shuli Egozi — Sigal Meshorer – all live and work in Israel.

Sara Shahak Sara Shahak

 Sara Shahak - necklace Sara Shahak - necklace   Sara Shahak Sara Shahak

Alona KatzirAlona Katzir

 Noa LiranNoa Liran

Shuli EgoziShuli Egozi

Sigal MeshorerSigal Meshorer

7 SHESH group - Hadas Levin -: Hadas Levin



Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein (BKV Gallery)
 Pacellistraße 6-8
+49 89 2901470
Öffnungszeiten: Mo bis Sa 10 bis 18 Uhr
Sonderöffnung, Sonntag, 12. März 2017, 11 bis 17 Uhr meet the artist mit SHESH, 13 bis 15 Uhr







EXPO ‘Noir comme Basalte’ – galerie de la Perle Noire, Agde (FR) – 5 Juin-31 Oct. 2015

Dans l’exposition « Noir comme Basalte » à la galerie de la Perle Noire à Agde (exposition proposée par Jean-Yves Le Mignot) Vernissage le 17 juin 2015 18h

Exposition du site des Métiers d'Art - Galerie de la perle noire Agde

 « Noir comme basalte » est la trentième exposition de la galerie de la Perle Noire installée en Agde depuis 2001. Les artisans d’art rendent cette année hommage à la couleur noire  de la roche basaltique omniprésente sur notre territoire et plus particulièrement à Agde où les anciens volcans ont façonné les paysages. Justement appelée « Perle noire de la Méditerranée », Agde doit en effet aux coulées basaltiques la couleur de ses monuments, le sable noir de ses plages. Pour croiser ces deux caractéristiques majeures qui ancrent la ville dans un paysage et une histoire, l’exposition montre principalement des bijoux et des parures… noirs, qui seront accompagnés de sculptures et de tableaux… à dominante noires. Près de 50 créateurs ont travaillé sur ce projet : 32 créateurs de bijoux et 3 sculpteurs internationaux (France, Italie, Suisse, Israël, Irlande, Grande-Bretagne) ont été sélectionnés,  parmi lesquels des artistes de renommée internationale comme Florence Lehmann, Géraldine Luttenbacher, Verena Sieber-Fuchs, ou Nathalie Decoster pour ne citer qu’eux, ainsi que 15 peintres et sculpteurs régionaux. Pour cette exposition, un partenariat a été réalisé avec la carrière des Roches Bleues à Saint Thibery : les bijoux réalisés par les créateurs seront pour moitié réalisés à partir de basalte provenant de la carrière. 


Avec l’aimable participation de : Catherine Abrial (FR) — Vered Babaï (IL) — Brune Boyer (FR) — Yacob Bloch (IL) — Ève-Marie Boinay (FR) — Véronique Buri (FR) –  Sébastien Carré (FR) — Seliena Coyle (IRL) –  Marion Delarue (FR) — Marine Dominiczack (FR) — Clara Denidet (FR) –  Galit Einav (IL) –  Karen Gay (FR) — Sophie Hanagarth (FR/CH) — Joanne Grimonprez (FR) — Lia Kirel (IL) — Florence Lehmann (FR) — Noa Liran (IL) –  Emilie Losch (FR) – Ludmila F. (FR) — Géraldine Luttenbacher (FR) — Aude Medori (FR) — Astrid Meyer (FR) – Éliane Michel (FR) –  Agathe Saint Girons (FR) — Ilona Schwippel (CH) — Annie Sibert (France)  — Véronique Selleret (FR) — Verena Sieber-Fuchs (CH) – Dan Thévenaz (FR) — Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (FR) — Alix Tran (FR) — Inbar Shahak (IL)    

Sébastien Carré," Rancœur ", 2015 Collier sautoir, Coton, perles rocaille, Onyx, pellicule de filmSébastien Carré, » Rancœur « , 2015 Collier sautoir, Coton, perles rocaille, Onyx, pellicule de film « La douleur provoquée par la rancœur est due aux souvenirs, c’est donc naturellement que j’ai voulu retranscrire ce coté piquant par l’usage de la pellicule de film qui a permis de suspendre un instant alors devenu souvenir matérialisé. Je considère cependant que ce sentiment est une cage de laquelle nous pouvons tenter de nous échapper. Après tout ses barreaux n’ont pas l’air bien solide …« 

Sébastien Carré - "Le Bon Cœur " 2015  Brassière Broche, Cœur en Basalte, Laque Japonaise, Grenat, Onyx, Perles rocailles, bois, nacre & structure en coton perles rocaille et dentelle de nylonSébastien Carré – « Le Bon Cœur  » 2015  Brassière Broche, Cœur en Basalte, Laque Japonaise, Grenat, Onyx, Perles rocailles, bois, nacre & structure en coton perles rocaille et dentelle de nylon « Dans mon univers je choisis d’interpréter l’expression « un cœur de pierre » de façon positive. Celui qui portera dans son cœur (sentiments) une attention particulière pour les pierres saura reconnaitre sa propre place au sein d’un monde bien plus grand que sa portée personnelle. Le bon coeur dans notre société aura donc réussi à comprendre que nous devons nous éprendre de tout ce qui nous entoure pour commencer à apprécier ses semblables. » « Tant qu’il y aura des abattoirs il y aura des champs de bataille  » Léon Tolstoï

Marion Delarue - Cracheh I, réalisé en 2011, qui sera exposé à "noir... comme Basalte!"Marion Delarue – « Cracheh I », réalisé en 2011

Marion Delarue - expo "noir comme basalte" - Cosmic fusion, en basalte et porcelaine noire fusionnés Marion Delarue -   « Cosmic fusion », en basalte et porcelaine noire fusionnés

Marine Dominiczak - "Noyade au Cap d'Agde".  EXPO noir comme basalteMarine Dominiczak – « Noyade au Cap d’Agde »

Aude Médori -  - Collier "Anfractuosité de lave" (non porté) EXPO noir comme basalteAude Médori -  – Collier « Anfractuosité de lave »

Aude Médori - Symbolon de basalte  - EXPO noir basalteAude Médori - Symbolon de basalte

 Yiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu - Clin d'oeil, 2015 Porcelaine noire,miroire, acier et tissuYiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu -   « Clin d’oeil », 2015 Porcelaine noire,miroire, acier et tissu

 Yiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu - Clin d'oeil, 2015 Porcelaine noire,miroire, acier et tissu Yiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu – « Clin d’oeil », 2015 Porcelaine noire,miroir, acier et tissu

Yiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu - "Éclipse", 2015 Basalte, porcelaine noire, acier et tissuYiumsiri Kaï Vantanapindu – « Éclipse », 2015 Basalte, porcelaine noire, acier et tissu

Annie Sibert  - bague "Pavage(s)" - EXPO Noir basalteAnnie Sibert  – bague « Pavage(s) » Vered Babai - EXPO "NOIR ... Basalte"Vered Babai pendants - Basalt, polymer and black pigment – About 6/5 cm

Sophie Hanagarth - NOIR comme BASALTESophie Hanagarth

Alix Tran - Collier en basalte, laiton et ruban de satin - NOIR BASALTE - Alix Tran – Collier en basalte, laiton et ruban de satin Alix Tran -   Collier, attaches de pin's, laiton recouvert de cuivre oxydé. NOIR BASALTE - Alix Tran -   Collier, attaches de pin’s, laiton recouvert de cuivre oxydé

Verena Sieber Fuchs - NOIR comme BASALTEVerena Sieber Fuchs

Lia Kirel - NOIR comme BASALTELia Kirel

Géraldine Luttenbacher -NOIR comme BASALTEGéraldine Luttenbacher

Geraldine LuttenbacherGéraldine  Luttenbacher

 Geraldine Luttenbacher

 Galit Einav (IL)   One "ethnic" piece "Enigma" necklace Galit Einav -   « ethnic » piece : « Enigma » necklace

 Galit Einav (IL) .    "Amulet"  neckpiece Galit Einav –   « Amulet »  neckpiece

Inbar Shahak - crochet basalt flowers - NOIR BASALTE exhibitionInbar Shahak – crochet basalt flowers

Inbar Shahak - crochet basalt flowers -detail -  NOIR BASALTE  exhibitionInbar Shahak – crochet basalt flowers -detail

Noa Liran ....Something new is sprouting Noa Liran ….Something new is sprouting

Noa Liran - noir comme basalteNoa Liran

nOIR COMME bASALTE - aGATHE sT gIRONSAgathe St Girons – pendentif & broche



Nouvelle Galerie de la Perle Noire
6, Place Molière – 34300 AGDE
Tél :
Horaires d’ouverture : Du lundi au samedi : 9 h -12 h /14 h – 18 h


EXPO ‘Telling Tales’ – Art House gallery, Mevasseret Zion (Israel) – 31 Janv.- 28 Fevr. 2014

« Telling Tales« , curated by Jennifer Navva Milliken & Yael Friedman -

Narratives in Contemprary Metal and Jewelry Art

The exhibition presents new works by 22 artists who work primarily in metals, silversmithing, or conceptual art jewelry. Participating artists responded to a curatorial call for artistic interpretations of the stories and fables that have shaped and influenced them. What happens when artists translate the world’s oldest tales into works of art ? The exhibition explores the role of fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables in shaping cultural mores and values, and the influence these time-honored narratives — ranging from the fantastical to the pedagogical to the sternly moralistic — have had on our contemporary existence.
exhibition "Telling Tales", curated by Jennifer Navva Milliken & Yael Friedman - 31 January 2014 in Mevaseret Zion, Yasmin st. 123 Israel. 22 artists are participating : Dina Abargil, Michal Oren, Yakov Bloch, Adar Goldferb, Anat Golan, Ohada Hay-gordon, Naama Haneman, Yasmin Vinograd, Edda Vardimon Gudnason, Daniel Zelig, Hadas Levin, Noa Liran, Sigal Meshorer, Noa Nadir, Shir Pins, Maayan Agmon, Lia Kirel, Dania Chelminsky, Merav Rahat, Kobi Roth, Yaron Shmerkin and Vered Babai

What happens when artists translate the world’s oldest tales into works of art? The exhibition explores the role of fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables in shaping cultural mores and values, and the influence these time-honored narratives — ranging from the fantastical to the pedagogical to the sternly moralistic — have made on our contemporary existence.

22 artists are participating :  Dina AbargilMichal Oren – Yakov Bloch — Adar Goldferb — Anat Golan –  Ohada Hay-gordon — Naama Haneman — Yasmin Vinograd — Edda Vardimon Gudnason — Daniel Zelig — Hadas Levin — Noa Liran — Sigal Meshorer — Noa Nadir — Shir Pins — Maayan Agmon-Kehati — Lia Kirel — Dania Chelminsky — Merav Rahat — Kobi Roth — Yaron Shmerkin – Vered Babai


Noa Liran's "Hansel and Gretl" .................Noa Liran‘s « Hansel and Gretl » is a solution to the design problem faced by Grimm’s infamous brother-sister team. Answering the curatorial call for interactions with non-precious materials, the artist meticulously wrapped popcorn with foil chocolate wrappers, protecting the make-shift trail markers from the hungry birds of the forest. As the pieces accumulated, Liran strung them together, continuing right up until the opening of the exhibition. Her work, as much about the tale it serves as it is about processes of inspiration and creation, illustrates parallels between storytelling and art-making

 Noa Liran Noa Liran « Hansel and Gretl »

anat golan White Steed 1  Anat Golan – « Off with Her Head, » from this series of 3 wearable medallions -
In her work for « Telling Tales, » Anat Golan investigated the tropes of the hero and the heroine in legends and fairy tales and found the gap between archetypal standards of character (particularly in female prototypes) and reality to be unsettlingly divergent. Identifying 2 heroines and a villainess based on their particular virtues and flaws, she created medals of honor for each; the resulting composite personality offers a more authentic portrait of an idiosyncratic contemporary heroine, who — like fairy-tale heroes — has overcome obstacles, suffered loss, and survived to tell the tale.
Daniel Zelig "Hansel & Gretel"  (exhibition "Telling Tales")Daniel Zelig « Hansel & Gretel »
Hadas Levin, "The Tin Man" (exhibition "Telling Tales")Hadas Levin, « The Tin Man »
Edda Vardimon Gudnason - For the Telling Tales exhibition -  illustration of The Red Shoes by H. C. Andersen
Edda Vardimon Gudnason, « The Red Shoes, » from the series « Hans Christian Andersen: Fairy Tales »
Copper, enamel (overglaze), Danish cotton string (photo: Nir Friedman)
Dania Chelminsky "EGG Ring" Eggshells, epoxy, gold leaf (photo: Dania Chelminsky)Dania Chelminsky « EGG Ring » Eggshells, epoxy, gold leaf (photo: Dania Chelminsky)

Art.Mevasseret gallery
Zion, Yasmin st. 123 Israel.
tel 052-6808606


EXPO ‘Materiality’ – J-Tour Gallery, Shanghaï (CN) – 5-20 Janv. 2014

« Materiality – Relationship between material and contemporary jewellery” , an exhibition curated by Anna Cheng, was hosted at Ame Gallery (Hong Kong) last month. It is our great honor to showcase works from 16 artists from all over the world, showing a wide spectrum of contemporary jewellery works.  The objective of this show is to highlight the use of unconventional materials used in contemporary jewellery today.

« Materiality”, the dual city exhibitions that feature 16 artists from around the world to interpret materiality in contemporary jewellery.
Material can be referred to as the physical or conceptual properties of the artwork. The Material the artist uses can be seen as a tool or a medium to convey his/her concepts and ideas. The Material itself can also be the inspiration, which becomes the focal point of the art piece.
The unconventional use of materials is one of key themes in contemporary jewellery today. Artists may use any materials that inspire them in their jewellery composition to tell a story and make a statement.
In this exhibition, we focus on the Material chosen by the artists and how it is used as the theme in their contemporary jewellery works.

If you have missed the show in Hong Kong, you can catch it in Shanghai : It will be at J-tour space  from 5 – 20 January.


Materiality – Relationship between material and contemporary jewellery” ,
Participating artists:   Adelina Carmichael (Australia) –  Alix Manon (Belgium) — Anja Eichler (Germany – China) –  Corrado De Meo (Italy) — Hana Hong (USA) — Jessica Armstrong (USA) –  Joo Hyung Park (UK) — Kee Ho Yuen (USA – Hong Kong) — Lawrence Woodford (Canada) –  Lital Mendel (Isreal) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Mina Kang (Korea) — Minwon Kim (Korea) — Noa Liran (Isreal) — Noy Alon (Israel) — Viktoria Münzker (Austria)
New Nomads: Noa Liran.
Noa Liran  – « Know where you came from and where you are going » Necklace , eggshell, silver
Noa Liran - Necklace , eggshell, silver - detailNoa Liran – Necklace , eggshell, silver – detail
Viktoria Munzker "Yellow Richelieu" brooch - fish scales, aluminium, lacquer - 2013Viktoria Munzker « Yellow Richelieu » brooch – fish scales, aluminium, lacquer – 2013
Masumi Kataoka, contemporary Jewelry | Work 2011-2013 -  Balloon, Animal Intestine, Sterling Silver, Nickel, 2011
Masumi Kataoka – brooch -  Balloon, Animal Intestine, Sterling Silver, Nickel, 2011
Mina Kang - brooch 2013 - ramie fabric, thread , stainless steel  ("Materiality ......" exhibition)
Mina Kang – brooch 2013 – ramie fabric, thread , stainless steel
Corrado de Meo - bracelet "a lot of stories" - polystyrène, silver, oxide, electroformed // Materiality – a contemporary jewellery exhibition in Hong Kong and Shanghai
Corrado de Meo – bracelet « a lot of stories » – polystyrène, silver, oxide, electroformed
Joo Hyung Park - melted series detail of a brooch - From "Beauty in imperfection" collection. Brooch, ring Brass, sterling silver 2013, 2010Joo Hyung Park – melted series detail of a brooch – From « Beauty in imperfection » collection. Brooch, ring Brass, sterling silver 2013, 2010
Anja Eichler - EiEiEi series - 'Void in red' collier 2013 - hardened quail eggs, silver, mirrors, steel cable 2,3 x 1,8 x 2,3cm (per element) 50cm (entire length)

Anja Eichler – EiEiEi series – ‘Void in red’ collier 2013 – hardened quail eggs, silver, mirrors, steel cable 2,3 x 1,8 x 2,3cm (per element) 50cm (entire length)

Lital Mendel -  "once more" necklace - paper
Lital Mendel -  « once more » necklace – paper
Hana Hong Blue Bloom I , Brooch Paper towel, sterling silver, Linen, cotton thread, steel
Hana Hong Blue Bloom I , Brooch Paper towel, sterling silver, Linen, cotton thread, steel 
Alix Manon - One earrings - wood, paper, bistre, thread, glue, steel wire - "One" consists of two pieces that are similar but different in weight, choise of material and texture. The earrings are like sisters, they belong together but express their own personality. // Materiality – a contemporary jewellery exhibition in Hong Kong and Shanghai
Alix Manon – « One » earrings – wood, paper, bistre, thread, glue, steel wire
Kee Ho Yuen - 'planning an idea' ring 2012 - anodised aluminium, bird eye maple wood, brass, rock, acrylic paint, clear acrylic ... (EXPO Materiality)Kee Ho Yuen – ‘planning an idea’ ring 2012 – anodised aluminium, bird eye maple wood, brass, rock, acrylic paint, clear acrylic … /
Shanghai city Changning District
Songhong road 685
Tel: 021-52830705


SIERAAD Art Fair 2012 – Amsterdam – 1–4 Nov. 2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – 01.Nov.2012 – 04.Nov.2012

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair(ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010)

This year the poster will feature a ring by Serin Oh from Korea, one of the winners of the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery 2010: True Colours. After the great success of last year another delegation of Korean contemporary jewellery designers will be present at the fair this year – definitely something to look forward to because in our Western eyes these artists give a unique interpretation of their cultural history.

 Pieces from Serin Oh from KoreaPieces from Serin Oh

SIERAAD International Jewellery Art Fair | Vivian MellerVivian Meller brooches

Ute van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen - at SIERAAD ART FAIRUte van der Plaats, porselein, zilver en katoen
Kika Alvarenga, ring silver green turmalines - at SIERAADKika Alvarenga, ring – silver green turmalines
Lien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING - at SIERAADLien Hereijgers  VOSTOKRING
Sound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright. - at SIERAADSound jewellery of ceramics, Audiowear consists of a series of musical jewellery made of ceramics, inspired by musical instruments like flutes and xylophones. It is a unique project of Elasticbrand, a design studio in Brooklyn, NY run by the artistic duo Arjen Noordeman and Christie Wright
TZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection - at SIERAADTZURI GUETA tour du cou chardon -  His organic/futuristic jewellery in silicones refer to biology, neurons, algae and plants. He himself calls it ‘lace fed by silicones’, and he took out a patent on his invention. He also designs fabrics using this unique process which he has sold to all the great couturiers: from Gaultier to Armani and from Vuitton to Dior. His latest achievement is the collaboration with French couturier Stephane Rolland for the 2013 fall/winter collection
 Linda Ezerman  Necklace, handmade, unique piece,felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink - at SIERAADLinda Ezerman  – stand 28 – Necklace, handmade, unique piece  from the series ‘tide land wet beach caught by seaweed’, felt, kelp, miyuki beads, resin, rubber, ink
Uli RAPP at SIERAAD Art fair 2012, stand 52Uli Rapp, stand 52
Xinrui (Sherry) Yu - at SIERAADXinrui (Sherry) Yu
Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55 (SIERAAD Art Fair)Alice Bo-Wen Chang, stand 55
Stefania Lucchetta (SIERAAD Art Fair)Stefania Lucchetta
Jillian Moore (SIERAAD Art Fair)Jillian Moore
Ute Decker -  snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam, 1 - 4 Nov. www.sieraadartfair.comUte Decker – snapshot from the bench with new arm sculptures by ute decker for Sieraad, Amsterdam stand 27

Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers, with Farrah Al-Dujaili –  Laura Bradshaw Heap Melanie CodarinKatie LeesYu-Ping LinGrace PageNatalie SmithAnna Wales

Katie Lees (SIERAAD Art Fair, Uk Collect_ive stand 35, a new generation of UK Art Jewellers)Katie Lees

 Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011Farrah Al-Dujaili Brooch 2011 -  Copper, enamel paint, watercolour, pencil, pastel – Dimensions: 14cm x 8cm x 5cm


Gasholder WesterGasfabriek
Klönneplein 1
1014 DD – Amsterdam – Netherlands
Telephone: 00 31 (0)33 4337009
mail: aberens@sieraadartfair.comand on FB :


with, among them :

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze Italy:
Valentina Caprini IT — Andrea Coderch Valor ES — Patrick Davison GB — Catalina Gibert Nadal ES —  Sam Hamilton IR — Dinah Lee USA — Weronika Marek PL — Izabella Petrut RM — Giulia Savino IT — Anna Helena van de Pohl de Deus USA


‘NEW NOMADS’ New Traditional Jewellery 2012

More Info:

exhibition New Nomads

exhibition New Nomads will be shown during SIERAAD Art Fair, 1 – 4 November 2012, in the Gashouder, WesterGasfabriek, Amsterdam 

For the 2012 design contest and exhibition the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘NEW NOMADS’, because both literally and figuratively this theme offers many possibilities for inspiration.

NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY (gauche)NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY, international jewellery design contest - JURY for 'new Nomads' droite

the professional jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) at (hard !) work ….

The history of jewellery is as old as mankind. While people went in search of parts with the best living conditions they carried their valuables with them, wearing them on their bodies. Jewellery that represents economic and social status, as it still does nowadays in the case of nomadic tribes. The dissemination of religions went hand in hand with an unprecedented range of religious jewellery and ornaments, ranging from small containers for religious texts to reliquaries and portable altars.
To this day, jewellery made of stable materials like gold and gems is the guarantee for your ‘ticket home’ in times of crises or when you have to flee from high-risk areas. Due to the global financial crisis prices of this so-called ‘flight gold’ have skyrocketed. Is there an alternative? Nowadays there are quite different streams of migrants but the principle is the same: people in search of parts with better living conditions. The whole world is on the move, from refugees to tourists, from emigrants to employees of multinationals. And you don’t even have to get up from your chair: Skype e.g. has made videoconferencing into a social medium.
NTJ asks contemporary professional jewellery designers to build bridges between the traditional jewellery of e.g. nomads, pilgrims, explorers, globetrotters, refugees or colonists and possible symbols bearers representing the mobility of the ‘NEW NOMADS’. Check the attachments for conditions and criteria.

all nominees New Nomads:
Ariane Ernst D — Alejandra Solar Mex — Auk Russchen NL — Barbora Dzurakova SK — Casey Fenn UK — Dana Hakim IL — Daniela Malev D — Edu Tarín ES — Hee Won Kang ROK — Heng Lee RC — Hester Popma-van de Kolk NL — Jie Sun CN — Judy McCaig UK — Juliane Keßler D — Katharina Dettar D — Laila Smith UK — Leon Mommersteeg NL — Maria Hees NL — Matthew+Amanda Caines UK — Maryvonne Wellen NL — Minna Karhu FIN — Noa Liran IL — Patricia Domingues P — Peter Vermandere B — Petra Bole SLO — Raewyn Wash NZ — Ricarda Wolf D — Robean Visschers NL — Roseanne Bartley Au/NZ — Sang-Hee Park ROK — Saskia Govaerts B — Sina Wassermann D — Sung-Min Jung ROK — Tabea Reulecke D — Verena Klette D — Vernon Bowden NZ –

The exhibition during SAF: 1-4 november at Gashouder Westergasfabriek Amsterdam

the exhibition “New Nomads” will be then shown in MMKArnhem (museum for Modern Art in Arnhem) ,  November 24. – January 27. 2013!
The next exhibition will be published after the summer.

Maria Hees. Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubberMaria Hees (NL) – Necklace: foam, porcelain, rubber

New Nomads: Roseanne BartleyRoseanne Bartley (AU/NZ)

New Nomads: Noa Liran.Noa Liran (IL)

Robean Visschers (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers ring (winner New Traditional Jewellery 2006)
Robean Visschers – for 2012 competition
SIERAAD - new Traditional_Jewellery-- Auk Russchen - (Nederland, 1971) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010Auk Russchen – (NL) Broche ‘Ode’, 2010 (winner for 2010 New Traditional Jewellery « True Colours »)
sang hee park
Sang-Hee Park
Amanda Caines - Necklace - Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with ThamesMatthew+Amanda Caines – Necklace – Suffolk dump dig pottery figure with Thames
Tabea Reuckle, nominee New NomadsTabea Reulecke
from JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,   Jie Sun, nominated piece for New Nomads.Jie Sunfrom JOYA 2012 (ENJOIAT award) to SIERAAD Art Fair,  nominated piece for New Nomads