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EXPO ‘Maquina’ – Showcase 20a, Munich (DE) – 12-18 Mars 2014

SCHMUCK 2014 – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Maquina – window display – 12-18 mars

***24h WINDOW DISPLAY*** OPENING 13. 03. — 17H
EXHIBITION 12. 03. — 18. 03.2014

during SCHMUCK :Maquina - window display - 12-18 mars
During SCHMUCK 2014 « Máquina » presents the work of a group of jewellery-makers eager to explore the potential of achieving new contemporary jewellery styles. They translate their creative ideas into tangible pieces of adornment by merging a range of modern production techniques, with traditional craftsmanship methods to materialize their vision.

Laura Alvarado - lost & foundLaura Alvarado - lost & found

EXPO ‘Maquina’ – Showcase 20a, Munich (DE) – 12-18 Mars 2014 dans Allemagne (DE) animation_01Daniel Michel – There Is No Single Story – 2010- polyamid (Selective Laser Sintering), lenticular print
This ring changes its colors if you change your or the rings position.
Same things are different. The impression you get depends on your position, your point of view, your socialisation, your associations.
Karin Maisch - Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, Germany - necklace, Kaleidoscope, the folded one, 2013, rubber, fabric, steel, magnet, paintKarin Maisch (Fachhochschule Düsseldorf) – necklace, Kaleidoscope, the folded one, 2013, rubber, fabric, steel, magnet, paint
 GUN-GUN #10, Polyamid, Silver, Christina Karababa, 2013Christina Karababa, GUN-GUN #10, Polyamid, Silver,  2013
phylicia gilijamse Andclose - Necklace, 2013 Every link of this chain is different but they all have in common that they consist of two incomplete parts. Only when the two parts come together can the link be closed.Phylicia Gilijamse – Andclose – Necklace, 2013 Every link of this chain is different but they all have in common that they consist of two incomplete parts. Only when the two parts come together can the link be closed.
the pins huh! by anne achenbach
 Anne Achenbach pins – rosa klapprad serie
Denise Julia Reytan, Schmuckdesign, jewelry Berlin 2011Denise Julia Reytan, Schmuckdesign, Berlin 2011
Showcase 20a
Donnersbergerstraße 20a
80634 München
24/24 Uhr, window display

REACH THE EXHIBITION : U-Bahn, bus and tram stop Rotkreuzplatz S-Bahn Station Donnersbergerbrücke Tram and bus stop Donnersbergerstraße


VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO ‘Oh my!’ – Institut Français, Valencia (SP) – 4-31 Mai 2012

4 mayo/31 mayo Oh my!
Inauguración: 4 mayo, 18.00 h.
VALENCIA ... MELTING POINT - SCHMUCK 2012 in Valencia (Spain) but not only... - 4 avril-7 mai 2012 dans Espagne (ES) couvertureok%2521%2521
Traveling exhibition of Contemporary Jewellery
Our society keeps giving definitions. Each object has its own definition, its own function, so what happens when the rules are changed, when the object becomes poetry?
  It gives birth to a desire to understantd what is unknown, to file it in a familiar universe.
Nevertheless, the poetry of the object, of these contemporay jewels, implies feelings, discovery. You surrender to the desire of wearing a piece of the universe of an artist. It is a way to give it another identity, to find its own definition.
  Through this exhibition „oh My !“ I am introducing different artists from varied backgrounds, each in their own way telling us a story. And this is conveyed through these contemporary jewels which are so surprising, fascinating, and make us wonder… A special link develops between the public and these objects.
Nelly Van Oost – Curator of the traveling gallery projet.


Exposition itinérante de Bijouterie Contemporaine
Notre société nous donne des définitions. Chaque objet a sa propre définition, sa fonction, alors que se passe-t-il quand on change les règles, que l’objet devient poésie ? Il nait alors une envie de comprendre cette inconnue, de la classer dans un univers connu.
    Cependant  la poésie de l’objet, de ces bijoux contemporains, passe par le ressenti, la découverte. Il faut se laisser surprendre par l’envie de porter un morceau de l’univers d’un artiste. Par ce geste il est possible de lui donner une autre identité, de lui trouver sa propre définition.
    Au sein de cette exposition « Oh My !»,  je présente différents artistes d’horizons très variés, qui chacun à leur façon nous content une histoire. Et cela se transmet au travers de ces bijoux contemporains qui nous surprennent, nous fascinent, nous interrogent… Il se crée un lien particulier entre le public et ces objets.
Nelly Van Oost – Commissaire du projet de galerie itinérante.
VALENCIA … MELTING POINT – EXPO 'Oh my!' - Institut Français, Valencia (SP) - 4-31 Mai 2012 dans Alexander FRIEDRICH (DE) 3Alexander Friedrich
05-Blei+XLcarmen dans Carmen HAUSER (DE)Carmen Hauser
br+exuvia dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)Marielle Debethune
Hylonome dans Cristina Marti MATO (ES)
Tabea Reulecke
GIORGADSE+tatjana+-+mtredi1 dans Exposition/ExhibitionTatjana Giorgadse

Moro Zeit, 6 – 46001 Valencia
Tel. 0034 963 153 095
Fax 0034 963 920 681
Lunes a viernes de 09.00 a 21.00 h.
Sábados de 09.00 a 14.00 h.

Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot