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During SCHMUCK 2015 : EXPO ‘SENSEability’ – Studio Gabi Green, Munich (DE) – 12-15 mars 2015


Inauguration jeudi 12 mars  à 10:00 – 12:00



SENSEability is the title of an exhibition that will explore and highlight the unique visual language of individual art jewellers.

14 jewellers will present their work :  Drew MarkouElin FlognmanHelena Johansson Lindell –  Josefine Rønsholt Smith — Kirsty PearsonLaura Rose — Lena Lindahl — Libby Ward — Lore LangendriesOlivia Monti ArduiniPanjapol KulpapangkornRia LinsRachel Darbourne — Victoria Pearce

Viki PearceViki Pearce

Lore LangendriesLore Langendries

Libby WardLibby Ward

Josefine Ronsholt SmithJosefine Ronsholt Smith

 Helena Johansson LindellHelena Johansson Lindell

Drew MarkouDrew Markou

Ria LinsRia Lins

Lena LindahlLena Lindahl

Elin FlognmanElin Flognman

Rachel DarbourneRachel Darbourne

Panjapol KulpapangkornPanjapol Kulpapangkorn

Olivia Monti ArduiniOlivia Monti Arduini

Laura RoseLaura Rose

Kirsty PearsonKirsty Pearson



Studio Gabi Green
Gollierstrasse 17,
80339 Munich – Germany
Tel. +44 7931 226806
Do. 10-20 h, Fr. 10-18 h, Sa./So. 9.30-18 h


EXPO ‘Cut, Braid, Knit, Fold’ – Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery, Saltaire (UK) – 23 Mai-1er Juill. 2011

showcase Cut, Braid, Knit, Fold which puts a focus on traditional craft techniques used to create unusual contemporary jewellery. The showcase runs until 1st July 2011.

EXPO  fold, braid, knit, cut

Anthony Roussel – Cut,
Anke Hennig - Braid,
Blanka Sperkova - Knit and
Rachel Darbourne - Fold.

Ambitious creativity meets traditional techniques in this fashion forward showcase of wearable and affordable work by four contemporary jewellers.
Inspired by 19th Century braiding techniques, Anke Hennig works in fine threads of coloured nylon and silk to create curvaceous three-dimensional forms from wound flat braids.
Crisp, precise rings that create undulating fan-like shapes on the hand.
It is the British coastline that inspires Anthony Roussel’s laser cut birch wood jewellery.
Looking like extravagant Elizabethan ruffled cuffs, Rachel Darbourne’s folded bracelets and necklaces are a feat of recycling: carefully folded from polythene bags, they are colourful and fun to wear.
The prize for eccentric making technique goes to Blanka Sperkova, who finger-knits wire into both free sculptures and jewellery, creating delicate, witty, multi-dimensional pieces.
Kath Libbert Jewellery Gallery
Salts Mill, Saltaire, Bradford BD18 3LA (UK)
TEL/FAX: 0044 (0)1274 599790
Open Daily 10 – 5.30 Mon – Fri and 10 – 6 Weekends


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