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EXPO ‘Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América’ – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, Lisbonne (PT) – 27 Juin- 22 Juill. 2017

Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América

Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America

This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

PIN - 23


In an age of globalization when artists travel to numerous places, how relevant is their nationality in an artistic context?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
What do we mean when we say that jewelry can identify a people and a culture?
What do we mean when we talk about Portuguese, Mexican and Brazilian contemporary art in the 21st century’?
Why do we mean when we say that a people and a culture can be identified by their jewelry?
Could it nowadays only identify an epoch?
// question the cultural identity and heritage of participating artists
// display works without showing the artists’ names and nationalities
// look at the way jewelry manufacturing undergoes changes and is affected by other materials and techniques
// reflect on concepts of identity and the way our past surfaces in the present
// foster a debate on the response of the public and reveal the artists’ names and nationalities when the event closes
Draw up the themes that PIN elected to embody the Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in the Ibero-America exhibition to promote a reflection on contemporary manufacturing that will make us re-think the cultural heritage of each artist and the relations this establishes.
Each of the 23 areas that make up the exhibition plan where the pieces are displayed represents a member nation of UCCI – Union of Ibero-American Capital Cities.
The artists’ names and nationalities are not displayed in order that their cultural identity and heritage can be probed and questioned.
The public is invited to seek the origin of each group of artists and interact in loco by trying to discover their nationality – and leave a flag sticker at each area.

Lúcia Abdenur / Luis Acosta / Rodrigo Acosta / Inês Almeida / Sandra Alonso / Rafael Luis Álvarez / Jordi Aparicio / Titi Berrio / Stella Bierrenbach / Anabell Bravo / Catalina Brenes / Ximena Briceño / Eva Burton / Daniela Caro Pérez / Jorge Castañón /Ignasi Cavaller / Hugo Celi / Cristina Celis / Trinidad Contreras / Ángela Cura Méndez / Teresa Dantas / Gemma Draper / Isa Duarte Ribeiro / Nicolás Estrada / Alejandra Ferrer Escobar / Filomeno /Alice Floriano / Sandra Frias / Pamela de la Fuente / Samantha Fung / Catalina Gibert / Carolina Gimeno / Leonor Hipólito / Caco Honorato / Gabriela Horvat / Amira Jalet / Ana María Jiménez / Erika Jordán / Kepa KarmonaMarie Pendariès / Guigui Kohon / Francisca Kweitel / Lorena Lazard / Nina Lima / Maru López / Jorge Manilla / Massiel del Mar (Massiel Mariel Muñoz)/ Caio Marcolini / Carlos Martiel / Simón Mazuera / Renata Meirelles / Marília Maria Mira /Miriam Mirna Korolkovas / Xavier Monclús / Marc Monzó / María Eugénia Muñoz / Lucía Nieves / Inês NunesCatarina Dias / Liliana Ojeda / Natalia Olarte / Raquel Paiewonsky / Clara del Papa /Miriam Pappalardo / Renata Porto / Ramón Puig Cuyàs / Tota Reciclados (Valeria Hasse & Marcela Muñiz) / Cristina Roque dos Santos / Kika Rufino / Vania Ruiz / Estela Sàez / Natalia Sarrazín / Marina Sheetikoff / Diana Silva / Inês Sobreira / Rita Soto / Manuela Sousa / Yolanda Sucre / Edu Tarín /Isabel Tristán / Anahí Vallejos / Manuel Vilhena / WALKA (NanoPulgar) / María Ignácia Walker

Luis ACOSTA at EXPO "23" Luis ACOSTA Rodrigo Acosta - en EXPO "Veintitrés"Rodrigo Acosta - brooch

en EXPO Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica - Pamela de la Fuente - Feliz de participar con "Pullme" en este gran evento en Portugal, además esta pieza es parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018,Pamela de la Fuente -   « Pullme »  (esta pieza es tambien parte de la selección del capítulo chileno del National Museum of Women in the Arts en Washington que se exhibirá en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes en marzo del 2018) Ramon Puig Cuyas en EXPO "Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica"Ramon Puig Cuyas – brooch

Rafael Luis Alvarez  - colección "Lo que fue escrito" Rafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección « Lo que fue escrito » - MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos Jordi AparicioJordi Aparicio

Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes Jorge CastañónJorge Castañón Catalina Gibert -   braceletCatalina Gibert -   bracelet

Carolina Gimeno JewelleryCarolina Gimeno Jewellery

Caco HonoratoCaco Honorato « Corazón de Greda Negra » de la colección Lloraría a Mares

Gabriela HorvatGabriela Horvat

Amira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica "Roble", Oil paintingAmira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch

Lorena LazardLorena Lazard

Jorge Manilla - This was not organically": Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoalJorge Manilla   – This was not organically »: Abruptions #8 Brooch Leather, steel, zinc, charcoal Miriam Mirna Korolkovas - colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925Miriam Mirna Korolkovas – colar COCAR titanio anodizado e prata 925

María Eugenia Muñoz -  colección "Paisajes Constructivos" brocheMaría Eugenia Muñoz -  colección « Paisajes Constructivos » broche

 Necklace by Natalia SarrazinNecklace by Natalia Sarrazin

 Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, telaLiliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)Liliana Ojeda Collar Tráqueo, de la colección Medular, cerámica gres, hilo, tela (detalle)

Massiel de Mar,  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano.Massiel Mariel MUNOZ (Massiel Del Mar),  collar construido con papel e hilado a mano

Vania Ruiz's necklace 'Ayúdame Papito'Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)'s necklace 'Ayúdame Papito' (detail)Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas)‘s necklace ‘Ayúdame Papito’ (detail)

Estela SaezEstela Saez Vilanova

Edu TarinEdu Tarin

Isabel Tristan -  Noves polseres.  col·lecció KubsIsabel Tristan · Noves polseres.  col·lecció Kubs

WALKA joyas - jewelryWALKA joyas – jewelry  – « Cornucopia: Charms for Life », 2017 (Cacho, plata, seda y retrato de la artista portuguesa Maria José Oliveira con su pieza, realizado por Cristina Felipe) Eva Ave Burton - «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014Eva Ave Burton – «Bouquet para la Condesa Magenta», broche, 2014

ToTa reciclados pieza “Backside 2“ 2017ToTa reciclados  pieza “Backside 2“

Marília Maria Mira 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper. 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card. Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.Marília Maria Mira – 1989, Brooch, silver, steel, paper – 1993, In the Clouds, Invitation card.
Photos: Courtesy Maria Marilia Mira.

Miriam Andraus PappalardoMiriam Andraus Pappalardo

Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015) • Necklace 'Horus 1' • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 Idar Oberstein) • Necklace ‘Horus 1′ • Slate, papyrus, silk cord, retractable plastic and synthetic rope • 2017

Simón Mazuera Zambrano - pieza de la serie el viaje. Simón Mazuera Zambrano - broche de la serie el viaje.

Rita Carolina Soto VenturaRita Carolina Soto Ventura (Rita Soto Joyaspieza Refugios I

Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes

Rua Barata Salgueiro, 36
1250-044 Lisbonne (PT)
De lunes a viernes (excepto festivos) de 12h00 a 19h00 y sábados de 14h00 a 20h00
*concept / curatorship / production: PIN (Madalena Braz Teixeira, Cristina Filipe, Carlos Silva, Raquel Soares, Joana Taurino) e Marco Roque Antunes
*production assistants: Beatriz Faustino, Natalia Olarte
*advisory commission:
​​​​​​​​Lúcia Abdenur, Titi Berrio, Eva Burton, Holinka Escudero, Pamela de la Fuente, Catalina Gibert, Carolina Gimeno, Klimt02 (Leo Caballero e Amador Bertomeu), Francisca Kweitel, Jorge Manilla, Natalia Olarte, Clara del Papa, Renata Porto, Ramón Puig Cuyàs, Andreina Rodriguez-Seijas, Estela Sàez, Alberto Soarez Chang, Andrea Tello, Valeria Vallarta Siemelink, Manuel Vilhena, WALKA
*exhibition design: Fernando Brizio
*assistant designers: André Calvão, Rafael Sabino, Davide Mateus
*graphic design: Arne Kaiser




#MunichJewelleryWeek2017 – EXPO – (36) Precieux Passages – Institut Français, Munich (DE) – 8-13 Mars 2017

(36) Precieux Passages

Institut Français München

Opening Wed. March 8th from 5pm until 9.30pm

(36)  Precieux Passages (Silhouettes, broches Céline Sylvestre)(Silhouettes, broches Céline Sylvestre) (iron, silk thread – 2015 -photo © Matthieu Gauchet)


with :   Rodrigo Acosta AriasAngela Bermudez Stella BierrenbachBabette Boucher –  Céline Buffetrille — Patricia DominguesJonathan HensElvira H. MateuUlrike Kampfert Christiane KöhneNadine KuffnerSonia LedosAude MedoriNathalie PerretGalatée Pestre — Linda Pieri –  Janire Roman DiazJanina StüblerCéline SylvestreEdu TarinLaurence VerdierCaro Weiss

 Jonathan Hens - HUMAN 2.0 #8 Necklace - pewter/ latex/ sutures - 2016 PHOTO ©: Tom Van Den WijngaertJonathan Hens – HUMAN 2.0 #8 Necklace – pewter/ latex/ sutures – 2016 PHOTO ©: Tom Van Den WijngaertAngela Bermudes Pöhlmann - La razón poética. Common senses Body Object - Concrete, cat whiskers, steel, rubber, silver - 2016 PHOTO ©: Tania CastroAngela Bermudes Pöhlmann – La razón poética. Common senses Body Object – Concrete, cat whiskers, steel, rubber, silver – 2016 PHOTO ©: Tania Castro

Aude Medori - Les Irremplaçables, Laurence, Pascal et Bonne maman Stomacher - silver, pearl - 2016 PHOTO ©: Aude MedoriAude Medori – Les Irremplaçables, Laurence, Pascal et Bonne maman Stomacher – silver, pearl – 2016 PHOTO ©: Aude Medori

 Galatée PestreGalatée PestreCaro Weiss -Wurm & Stein pendant - recon, jade, silver - 2014 PHOTO ©: CaroCaro Weiss -Wurm & Stein pendant – recon, jade, silver – 2014 PHOTO ©: Caro

 Patricia Domingues - Serie Duality Brooch - Reconstructed Coral, Steel - 2015 PHOTO ©: Manuela Ocaña: Patricia Domingues – Serie Duality Brooch – Reconstructed Coral, Steel – 2015 PHOTO ©: Manuela Ocaña: Edu tarin -Mold B2 Necklace - Yellow jasper, copper, gold - 2016 PHOTO ©: Edu TarinEdu Tarin -Mold B2 Necklace – Yellow jasper, copper, gold – 2016 PHOTO ©: Edu TarinCéline Sylvestre-  broche  Silhouettes Céline Sylvestre-  broche  Silhouettes

Christiane Köhne - gefaltete Linie groß 1 pendant - Copper, Silver 925, guilloche, rosegold plated. - 2014 PHOTO ©: Joachim SchellenbergerChristiane Köhne – gefaltete Linie groß 1 pendant – Copper, Silver 925, guilloche, rosegold plated. – 2014 PHOTO ©: Joachim Schellenberger

Nadine Simone Kuffner - Duktus Rings - tin - 2016 PHOTO ©: Mirei TakeuchiNadine Simone Kuffner – Duktus Rings – tin – 2016 PHOTO ©: Mirei Takeuchi

Rodrigo Acosta- Desformas. Forma Nº1 Brooch - Fabric, brass, cotton thread and steel wire. - 2015 PHOTO ©: Adolfo López: Rodrigo Acosta- Desformas. Forma Nº1 Brooch – Fabric, brass, cotton thread and steel wire. – 2015 PHOTO ©: Adolfo López:

  Stella Bierrenbach - Crack'd Necklace -plaster, wood, metal, paper, resin - 2016 PHOTO ©: stella bierrenbachStella Bierrenbach - Crack’d Necklace -plaster, wood, metal, paper, resin – 2016 PHOTO ©: stella bierrenbach

Précieux Passages is an international exhibition that highlights the contemporary jewellery youth front. It was born in 2013, arising under the determination of three French artists, Pestre, Sylvestre and Verdier. As the first contemporary jewellery festival was about to take place in Paris (becoming le Parcours Bijoux), they wished to show the general public the great diversity of jewellery and were able to invite twenty-two worldwide artists to be part of a major exposition at the Forney library.
 Four years and several exhibitions later, the three artists have become a professional curating team, and many artists of Précieux Passage have won international jewellery awards and recognition. This year the Précieux Passages artists are invited to show their latest pieces at l’Institut Français München, for the second year in a row.


Institut français München

Kaulbachstr. 13,
80539 Munich
Opening hours :
08.3. 5pm-9.30pm
09.-10.3. 2pm-8pm
11.-12.3. 11am-6pm
13.3. 11am-5pm



EXPO ‘(Lost) Paradise’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 10 Dec.2016 –21 Janv.2017

an exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics proposed by Alliages from Dec. 10th 2016 to Jan. 21st 2017.

Artificial, inanimate, painful, lost … Where is your paradise ?

The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 9th, 2019 at 6 PM

Alliages - (Lost) paradise - dec 2016:


Showing works of   Ana Garcia MoyaAnke HuybenCaterina ZancaChing-Ting YangClaudia Steiner Xenia Deimezi – Eero Hintsanen — Eleanor Symms — Emmanuelle Durand — Fabienne Christyn — Gabriela Secarea — Hebe ArgentieriHeidemarie HerbHelmi Lindblom Isabelle BusnelIzabella Petrut Juan Riusech Kristin Beeler — Lucy Morrow — Ludmilla Buga — Mabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita AlonsoMartina Dempf Michelle Kraemer — Nadine Smith — Nanna MellandNicole SchusterPhilip Sajet Rodrigo AcostaRosa BorredáSébastien CarréSelma LealSergio e Stefano Spivach – Sònia Serrano — Victoria IoannidouViktoria Münzker Wiebke Pandikow – Ying Chen.


(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen
« As a jewellery artist, I believe my work is the bridge connecting myself with the outside world, which shows my thoughts, inner feeling and philosophy. What reflect on me from outside? How do I reply to it? I address my answers by making the questions tangible and personal. Fortress Besieged is one of my projects. The whole project is about my thought and feeling of the renovation in my city. “Shikumen”, the typical kind of buildings in Shanghai which I used to live, has been replaced by high-rises. I can not help but doubt, whether the demolition of Shikumen is necessary. Shikumen is like a paradise of all the memories from dwellers who have spent most of their time in Shikumen. However, their opinion was neglected. My work shows my inner struggle and sadness in the journey of finding the right answer. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal  (Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal 
« The piece ‘Danger… woodworm!’ it is part of the exhibition ‘Life in the Urban Paradise’ , which was born from a previous collection, ‘Cities’. Nowadays, urban parks and public gardens are a safe haven. They are green areas where we can relax and recover the energy we nees for life. This piece is a subtle critique our society, because I think the man is the woodworm of the planet. Love the planet is to love ourselves. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou (Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou.
« Ominus, Pesimistic,Disapointing, contradicting,negative messages deprive the oxygene from our little but important beings.. However there is a small spark of hope far away that fills our dull lifes with color and light. My own paradise is my concern to strengthen the spark ,prevent and restrain the evil.. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker
« Breathless attention fills two parts of a complex called life. Tenderness and violence, love and hate, harmony and conflict, birth and death, heaven and hell. The emotional side of my work is based on my personal experiences. Suggestions for the creation of Paradise were my emotional forces, experiences and mental images. Paradise – Garden of Eden from that we were expelled forever, and what we must now create alone. This term, in old Sumerian « Adina » – Garden means a place that seemed to be fruitful… Did we lost it? This land is real, it is an another dimension in this world, the real paradise can’t be lost. It is inside of us. If we believe that we are a part of it, there will always be a place that we call paradise. Jewellery is my art to show the world my own inner self, the inner world where I feel safe and beautiful. It’s the inner paradise that survives only with our power. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca
« My paradise is a small space rediscovered in the middle of a chaotic reality, tended to the geometric and formal. A non-enclosed space, but yet communicative with new points of view from different perspectives. Apparently aseptic but a generator of light, ideas, energy, thus of a new life! Il mio paradiso è un piccolo spazio ritrovato fra una caotica realtà, teso alla pulizia geometrica e formale. Uno spazio non chiuso, ma comunicativo di nuovi punti di vista, di diverse prospettive. Apparentemente asettico ma generatore di luce, idee, energia, dunque di nuova vita! »
(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach
« The Archangel into pieces / THE BODY, THE HEART, THE WING The falling Archangel, crashing into pieces, is the metaphor of man who is walking on a road paved of self-destruction. Falling on lost paradise, The Archangel crashes into pieces: his heart moves from the body in order to survive – aware that his own wing will lead himself safe. On the contrary, the body will wear down gradually. The stone we have used for creating the three parts of The Archangel testifies, with its color and its porosities, the consequences of its own closeness with the human being. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna Melland(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna MellandLost Paradises. In 1977 Bob Marley sang; “Exodus, movement of Jah people!” His words could not fit better for the situation of refugees today. Masses of people in a seemingly endless flow, leaving their home country in search of a better future somewhere else. Paradise lost. Paradise search. I chose to work with the suitcase as an object of our time. A time of flux, of movement, of wanted and unwanted journeys. It can be disturbingly absent or disturbingly present. For the exhibition Lost Paradises, I present a serie of rings called Suitcaserings. Cast in bronze in the lost wax technique, coloured afterwards. You need strength to wear and balance these heavy skin coloured Suitcaserings on your hand, A strong grip to get by in this world of suffering. Of Lost Paradises. »

Sebastien Carré - Lost Paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Sébastien Carré
« Just imagine… Living in a world in which we would not have destroyed our relationship to nature. In which, the society, the moral, the value or our belief would not have put us in a virtual cell. A world of difference, of similarity, of ambiguity but after all isn’t it what is making a more interesting world. Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms, the shape of the central figure in all form of shamanism around the world, the Tree that connects us all together. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Let’s hope for a world with more shamanism, more bound between all living forms. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. »

Rosa Borredá -  Lost paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Rosa Borredá
« LOST CIVILIZATIONS Accumulation of different objects left over the centuries that are worn, eroded by time. Ancient architectures with traces of gold leaf and polychromy. Lush vegetation but withered at the same time. Paradise and decay, everything has a place in the lost and imaginary paradises. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner
« The earth as the ideal for a happy and content existence, with indescribable natural beauty. Is this still true? This is not the case anywhere in the world. It is precisely our time that makes us doubt whether or not this is indeed true. Everyone has their own ideas of paradise and can explore it in a variety of ways. Sometimes with the look at hidden details sometimes viewed at large. The contrasts of geometric lines and round forms, the uneven surface, reflect the contrasting variety of our earth. The way to the personal paradise in life is different and sometimes requires detours, means unevenness in the life cycle – one up and down – in order to somehow have found his personal ideal of a happy and content life. Not everything is at first sight recognizable as such, some « paradise » requires a longer confrontation with it and will only be discovered in small. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta
« Deconstruct to build again. Giving a new shape to the existent object. Building your space, your place, your habitat, your paradise. Find back your lost paradise. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi
“The youth love, Pure and unconditional, almost dreamy, full of emotions and passion but also temporary. Now kept as a memory, idealized and distant. My beautiful secret (lost) paradise.”

(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer
« Up and above in a far away land exploring an unreachable world dreaming of landscapes and possibilities… unreachable but with imagination so close yet so far that’s where I want to go… to be among these ethereal, ephemeral entities to touch them, to make them mine to materialize them into my own imagined reality »

(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet
« paradise is nothing other than time passing sense that we realize that as time passes »

(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb
« Since some years I’m working on the collection « time ». Keys are like magic tools, they open and close doors,diaries, treasures….they preserve secrets, memories and thoughts. You can meet positive or negative feelings…once again this opposites are attractions in my work. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn
« I’ll go sleep in the white paradise Where the nights are so long that we forget the time All alone with the wind As in my childhood dreams I will go running in the white paradise Far from the looks of hatred And fighting blood Find whales Talking to silverfish Like, like, like before M.Berger »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith
« I live in Wellington and work part time as an artist and nurse. Caring for others has developed my fundamentally humanist philosophy. Fueled by this and the fragility of life, pieces often reference the relationship we have with the developing technological world and how this creates possibilities for enhancement or re-creation of our environment, our lives, even ourselves. Being an avid recycler with magpie tendencies and an active imagination lends itself to a diverse range of work. Medical and other recycled paraphernalia when used out of context can create a tension between the familiar and the unknown. The works aim to intrigue, inviting the audience to reflect and make connections from their own life experiences. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms
« Demolition Neckpiece This piece is made using found electrical components gathered at the beach beside Cockenzie coal-fired power station, along the coast from my home. The power station, which dominated the coastline since the 1960s, was demolished in 2015. It was the cause of much pollution, changing the nature of the coastline, creating miles of new land with infill of the spoil it generated and leaving huge ‘lagoons’ of fly ash, some of which are now reserves for birds and wildlife. The power station destroyed a wild, natural coastal habitat, but nature is slowly reclaiming the site. In using found plastic components from the site, which have been sea and weather-worn in combination with silver and opals, I aim to question notions of preciousness and disposability. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez 2016(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez
« Return to origin. We yearn for happiness, seek peace, love. And, generally, we seek outside ourselves. I suspect none of this depends on external circumstances. My heart tells me that the lost paradise is inside me, waiting to be found. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow
« Without the ubiquitous plastic our civilization could hardly have become what it is today, but at the same time it is a burden on the environment with far-reaching consequences. Especially plastic bags are an obvious symbol for mindless consumerism and a throw-away society. This makes them so interesting for me to work with, to create from them, with the help of a clothes iron and a soldering iron, textures and structures that recall forms of the natural world which we have set ourselves apart from. Hand-formed leaves form lush necklaces, but they can only ever be pale images of the real thing. We feel safe with plastics, at home and comfortable in our modern paradise of artificiality. But it is the natural world around us which is the real paradise, in danger of becoming a paradise lost. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena
« My natural paradise, my oasis, flows the meandering waters of the Parana River Delta. I find no better place to muse about life and to relax than when I am rowing my boat in this maze of water and rainforest. Every concern or fear seems to vanish while I row my way through this cluster of islands. Nature in all its glory to admire: golden water, green trees and vines and colorful birds. This brooch illustrates the landscape of this Delta, its colors and textures, and the feelings it arises in me. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel   (Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel
« Black jewellery is often associated with mourning jewellery. This collection is inspired by Victorian jewellery and relates to any loss in life, or in Paradise… »

(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom
« Fruitfully Yours, extinction With this work I focus on today’s paradox: simultaneous population growth and entering the sixth mass extinction. Jewelry from Extinction are silent in comparison to their colorful opposites (Fertility) like extinction is silent in comparison to birth. With color contrast from black balloons I want to put forth the feel of fading away. « 


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Mo/Fri : 10-13h & 14-17h – Sa : 10-12h & 12h30-16h30






EXPO ‘The After Joya Effect III’ (during AJW) – Popeye loves Olive gallery, Athens (GR) – 29 Juin-23 Juill. 2016



Exposición colectiva The After Joya Effect III que tendrá lugar en Popeye loves Olive – Art Space en la ciudad de Atenas, dentro del marco ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016 …..

Opening: Friday 1st July 2016 @ 20.00
Curated by: Erato Kouloubi

After Joya Effect III: (Rodrigo Acosta necklace)

After its great success, we are happily heading to the third edition of « The after Joya Effect” Exhibition. More than 50 Greek and International Artists had shown their work in our gallery, taking part in 7 Solo and 2 Group Exhibitions!!
Popeye loves Olive – Art Space, sited in the historical center of Athens, aims to the interaction and the transformation of individuality to collaboration, diversity to unification and exchange to sharing.
This year, 33 selected artists from 16 different countries, are called to participate in the project, with the work shown in Joya Barcelona, Jewelry Art Fair, the previous year.
During the event, once again, the public, will vote for their favorite artist, who will be invited for a Solo exhibition at Popeye loves Olive – Art Space.

Participating Artists:  Rodrigo Acosta (Ar) — Jordi Aparicio (Sp) — Mihai Basoiu (Ro)
Isabelle Busnel (Fr) — Alina Carp (Ro) — Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Jamie Chung (S.Kr) — Florence Croisier (Fr) — Marie-Eve Castonguay (Ca) — Aggelika Diplari (Gr) –  Gili Doliner (Il) — Katerina Glyka (Gr) — Steffi Götze (De) — Akis Goumas (Gr) — Dora Haralambaki (Gr) — Amira Jalet (Costa Rica) — Christine Jalio (Fi) — Erato Kouloubi (Gr) — Michelle Kraemer (Lx) — Mia Kwon (S.Kr) — Boky Lee  (S.Kr) –  Nina Lima (Br) — Gigi Mariani (It) — Jose Marin (Sp) –  Viktoria Münzker  (At) — Yannick Mur (Fr) — Liana Pattihis (UK) — Inbar Shahak (Il) — Niki Stylianou  (Gr) — Katja Toporski  (De) — Zeta Tsermou  (Gr) — Artemis Valsamaki  (Gr) — Yiota Vogli   (Gr)
Artemis Valsamaki - "Ηypnagogia" Brooch Copper, silver, acrylicsArtemis Valsamaki - « Ηypnagogia » Brooch Copper, silver, acrylics
Sébastien Carré "CONSIENCE – From the Darkness Comes the Light" Ring (2 or 3 fingers) Nylon, rubber, silk & cotton thread, agate, tiger eyes, red tiger eyes, coral beads, bohemian glass beads, beads.Sébastien Carré « CONSCIENCE – From the Darkness Comes the Light » Ring (2 or 3 fingers) Nylon, rubber, silk & cotton thread, agate, tiger eyes, red tiger eyes, coral beads, bohemian glass beads, beads
Marie Eve Castonguay Secret Brooch Sterling silver, steel, paper, pigments, resinMarie Eve Castonguay Secret Brooch Sterling silver, steel, paper, pigments, resin
Jordi Aparicio (Spain) Anîma 101 Necklace Wire Silver 930/000 (0,08mm), Hematite, Electroplated pure silver, electrolaqued ceramicJordi Aparicio - Anîma 101 Necklace Wire Silver 930/000 (0,08mm), Hematite, Electroplated pure silver, electrolaqued ceramic

 Rodrigo Acosta (Argentina) Desformas Pendant Forma No3 Fabric, Brass, Silver

 Rodrigo Acosta – Desformas – Pendant -Forma No3 -Fabric, Brass, Silver

Florence Croisier (France) "Ramifications" or "Virginia Creeper" 3 ranks, model n°3 Necklace Titanium and goldFlorence Croisier  « Ramifications » or « Virginia Creeper » 3 ranks, model n°3 Necklace Titanium and gold
Alina Carp (Romania) Ocean Drops Leather, plastic tubes, resin, pigment, silver closureAlina Carp - Ocean Drops Leather, plastic tubes, resin, pigment, silver closure
Isabelle Busnel (France) Stomacher Brooch Silicone, flat beads, magnetsIsabelle Busnel - Stomacher – Brooch – Silicone, flat beads, magnets
Mihai Bashou - "The Midas touch" Brooch Copper, gold, woodMihai Bashou - « The Midas touch » Brooch Copper, gold, wood
 Jamie Chung (South Korea) Two drops Pendant Brass - The After Joya Effect III  Jamie Chung (South Korea) Two drops Pendant Brass

Popeye loves olive
Limpona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis,
10560 Athènes
opening hours: Tues.-Sat. 12.00-20.00, Sun-Mon. closed



Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘SUR o no SUR’ & ‘ASTONISH’ – Centre del Carme, Valencia (SP) – 21-24 Avril 2016

 Sur o no sur y  Astonish se presentan en Melting Point

Melting Point Valencia 2016

SUR o NO SUR -  - Centre del Carme. Calle Museo, 2. Sur o no Sur. Joyería Argentina Contemporánea

Sur o no Sur es un proyecto iniciado por Eva Burton en la ciudad de Barcelona.
Nace de la necesidad de mostrar a nivel internacional la contribución de los argentinos a la disciplina de la Joyería Contemporánea.
Gracias al apoyo de la galerista argentina Mercedes Rodrigo, la exposición fue presentada por primera vez en Octubre 2014 en Galería Siesta durante Joya Barcelona.
Esta primera experiencia tuvo una repercusión muy positiva en el público y logró captar la atención en diferentes sitios de Europa. Así, Sur o no Sur ha sido exhibido por segunda vez en Marzo de 2015 en Galería Silvestre, Tarragona (España). En Mayo de 2015 ha formado parte del Silver Festival en Legnica (Polonia) no sólo en el cartel de exposiciones sino también dentro del marco del Simposio “Boundaries” (“Fronteras”) llevado a cabo durante el festival.
Hoy, luego de dos años de haberse iniciado el proyecto, Sur o no Sur hace una nueva estación de itinerancia con en la Tercera Edición del encuentro internacional de Joyería Contemporánea de Valencia: el Melting Point.

Participan de Sur o no sur Ana WeiszElisa GulminelliEva BurtonJorge Castañón Lucía Mishquila BrichtaGabriela CohnMaría Carelli –  Mercedes Castro CorbatPatricia Rodríguez Rodrigo AcostaSabina Tiemroth.

 Ana WeiszAna Weisz jorge castañon Jorge Castañon

Maria CarelliMaria Carelli

Sabina TiemrothSabina Tiemroth

Eva Burton Brooch: Ganesha Pop, 2014 Woods from piano , skate and furniture, wild boar teeth, antique paper, acrylic paint, resin 17 x 10 x 6.5 cm: Eva Burton  Brooch: Ganesha Pop, 2014  Woods from piano , skate and furniture, wild boar teeth, antique paper, acrylic paint, resin
17 x 10 x 6.5 cm

Lucia BrichtaLucia Brichta

Mercedes Castro CorbatMercedes Castro Corbat

 Astonish Valencia

“Astonish” es un grupo de jóvenes joyeros alumnos o graduados del Campus Idar Oberstein (Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Trier) en el Departamento de Joyería y Talla de Piedra.
Estudiar en Idar- Oberstein no significa sólamente encontrar un lenguaje propio en forma y materia, sino también lidiar con el término “piedra preciosa”. Ya sea que lo amemos, odiemos o abandonemos, nuestra intención con este proyecto en enseñar al mundo diferentes aproximaciones en relación a las piedras.
Luego de tres exposiciones en Alemania durante las ferias Inhorgenta, Internationale Handwerksmesse (Schmuck) en Munich e Intergem en Freiburg, tenemos nuevamente la oportunidad de compartir nuestro trabajo durante la tercera edición del Simposio de Joyería Contemporánea de Valencia conocido como “Melting Point”.

Participan de Astonish:  Dana SeachugaEva BurtonGabriela CohnHelen HabtayJulia ObermaierKatharina ReimannSaerom KongSharareh Aghaei –  Stephie Morawetz

 Eva Burton - Blue melodies through the windowEva Burton – Blue melodies through the window 2015 – Reclaimed woods from cello, chairs and chess, sodalite, crisopras, antique paper, silver, gold, acrylic paint 50 x 10 x 3

Gabriela Cohn - MethapGabriela Cohn – Methap 2016  Porcelain,  oxidize Silver, aluminum 19 x 6 x 41 cm

 Saerom Kong - "Black With Black"  Brooch - Hanji (Traditional Korean paper), Rice, Ebony, Obsidian, Oxidize Silver, Lacquer - 100 x 70 x 50 mm – 2015 - Photo by Saerom Kong Saerom Kong - « Black With Black »  Brooch – Hanji (Traditional Korean paper), Rice, Ebony, Obsidian, Oxidize Silver, Lacquer – 100 x 70 x 50 mm – 2015  

 Sharareh Aghaei - Untitled 02   Sharareh Aghaei – Untitled 02 

ASTONISH - Stephanie Morawetz Brooch: I am precious! #3, 2015 Stephie-Stone, steel: Stephanie Morawetz Brooch: I am precious! #3, 2015 Stephie-Stone, steel



Centre del Carme
Calle Museo, 2.
Centralita: 963152024





EXPO ‘A dark spark of light’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 11 Dec.2015 – 30 Janv. 2016

Inauguration 11 décembre a  18h
 a muestra “A dark spark of light”,
Juan RIUSECH & Thereza PEDROSA, curators of this exhibition, present A DARK SPARK OF LIGHT, where opposites attract and are connected by an invisible thread. There is no light without shadow, good without evil, no happiness without pain. “A dark spark of light” is an invitation to reflect on the beauty of life, in all contradictory and opposing forms in which it manifests itself.
A Dark Spark of Light, en exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics showed simultaneously in ALLIAGES & in Beautiful People Live Art blog from Dec. 12th 2015 to Jan. 30th 2016.
The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 11th, 2015 at 6 PM at ALLIAGES gallery.
Artists selected :   Akis GoumasAlina CarpAna Garcia MoyaAngela CiobanuAurelia Yeomans Caterina Zanca — Ching-Ting Yang — Clara del PapaClaudia Steiner — Emmanuelle Durand — Erato KouloubiFabienne ChrystinFranziska HöhneGigi MarianiGili DolinerHebe ArgentieriIsabelle Busnel Izabella PetrutJanny Huang Yokota Jina SeoKatja ToporskiMabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita Alonso Margo NelissenMaria-Rosa Franzin — Noelia Macchi — Rodrigo AcostaRosa Borredá — Roxana Casale — Saerom KongSébastien CarréSofia Björkman — Valérie Ceulemans — Victoria IoannidouViktoria MünzkerXenia Deimezi
Sofia BjörkmanSofia Björkman
Sebastien Carré "rancoeur"Sebastien Carré « rancoeur »
Maria-Rosa Franzin - broochMaria-Rosa Franzin – brooch
Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - brocheRodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » – broche
Gigi Mariani Gigi Mariani ring 2015
Akis Goumas brooch Akis Goumas brooch
Alina CarpAlina Carp
Rosa Borredá   Rosa Borreda
 Angela Ciobanu - earring Angela Ciobanu – earring
Xenia DeimeziXenia Deimezi
 Aurelia Yeomans (AU)Aurelia Yeomans
Mar SanchezMar Sanchez
Viktoria Münzker Viktoria Münzker
111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Lundi-Vendredi : 10h – 17h / Samedi : 10h-16h



EXPO ‘TRANSMISSION’ – Studio411, Montpellier (FR) – 20 Oct.-12 Dec. 2015

Transmission | Studio411




  »Très heureux de vous faire découvrir le projet sur lequel j’ai travaillé avec Florine Menant du Studio411 Galerie à Montpellier
Nous avons eu pour but de mettre sur pied une exposition pour soutenir le bijou contemporain en France et plus globalement pour soutenir le projet de loi sur les métiers d’art afin d’enfin reconnaitre au travail de la matière la possibilité d’être reconnu comme une oeuvre originale et non purement comme objet utilitaire. » Sébastien Carré -

* catalogue disponible ( //

 Transmission Exhibition  /  20 Oct 2015  -  12 Dec 2015:
Avec 56 artistes de 20 pays – dont les 6 Lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015 par Ateliers d’Art de France
Merci à tous les Artistes impliqués dans ce projet / Thanks to all the artists involved


Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography

Du 20 octobre au 12 décembre 2015, Sébastien Carré et Florine Menant présentent Transmission, une exposition de bijou contemporain et du travail artistique de la matière, au Studio 411 à Montpellier.

« Nombre de connaissances et de savoir-faire sont parvenus jusqu’à nous par l’intermédiaire de rencontres et d’échanges. Le contact et la communication ont permis de tout temps à l’Homme de se perfectionner et d’étendre nos compétences ainsi que nos connaissances. Nous avons déjà pu constater dans certaines cultures (où les échanges ont été ralentis ou stoppés) des connaissances ancestrales disparaissent et qui demandent désormais à être réinterprétées, réinventées, transmutées.
Cette exposition vise ici à faire prendre conscience que le travail de la matière ne doit jamais être réduit à un artisanat, il est bien plus que cela : il est vecteur de savoir, de culture et de sens. Il faut au contraire, bien plus le considérer comme une forme d’expression artistique contemporaine bien plus apte à faire rentrer l’art dans nos vies de tous les jours.
Célébrons les échanges et abolissons ces codes qui visent à tout faire rentrer dans des cases pour enfin réellement apprécier et vivre l’art de façon totale afin de ne pas laisser l’individualisme vider nos sociétés de ce qui fait leur beauté.
L’art n’a pas de frontière et ne demande qu’à se transformer. » Sébastien Carré

Les Artistes

Une sélection 56 artistes, représentant 20 pays, met en avant la jeune génération d’artistes du bijou contemporain français diplômés des diverses formations (La HEAR Strasbourg / AFEDAP / ESAD Limoges / Pôle Bijou Baccarat) mise en lien avec les grand noms internationaux de ce domaine :
Aurélie Adam (Fr) — Aiko Fujita (Jp) — Akis Goumas (El) – Angela Ciobanu (Ro/Aut.) – Andrea Vaggione (Arg) – Anneleen Swillen (Be) – Annie Sibert (Fr) – Arnaud Sprimont (Be) – Aude Medori (Fr)  – Carina Shoshtary (All)  – Catalina Gibert (Es)  – Larissa Cluzet (Fr) — Daniela Malev (All)  — Dorothée Van Biesen (Be) — Eliana Negroni (It) – Elin Flognman (Se) – Eva Burton (Es) – Marion Fillancq (Fr)  – Frederique Coomans (Be)  – Gigi Mariani (It) — Heng Lee (Tw) – Isabelle Busnel (Fr/Uk) — Jessica Andersen (Usa)  — Juan Riusech (Fr)  – Katie Jayne Britchford (Aust) — Laurence Verdier (Fr) — Lluís Comín (Es) — Emilie Losch (Fr) – Marie Flambard (Fr) — Miyuki Koshimizu (Jp) – Marie-Eve G. Castonguay (Ca) – Marine Dominiczak (Fr) – Marie Masson (Fr) – Nicolas Estrada (Co) – Olga Raben (Dk) — Pallavi Gandhi (In) – Patricia Gallucci (Arg) – Patricia Domingues (PT) –  Rodrigo Acosta (Arg) – Rosa Nogués Freixas (Es) – Sari Räthel (All) – Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Steffi Götze (All) –  Tanel Veenre (Ee) – Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (Th) – Zil-E-Batool (Pk) — Clara del Papa (IT) — Alina Carp (RO) -

Les 6 lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015, d’Ateliers d’Art de France, participent également à l’exposition :
Julie Auzillon — Morgane Baroghel-Crucq  — Sébastien Carré  — Anne-Laure Coullomb  — Kaori Kurihara – Xavier Noël
Chacun des artistes présente une pièce conceptuelle illustrant la thématique de la transmission.

Avec la participation de Marianne Gassier, blogueuse française spécialisée dans le bijou contemporain.

broche Rodrigo ACOSTA - expo TRANSMISSION: Rodrigo ACOSTA broche 2015

Frederique Coomans - Chrysalis brooch - expo TRANSMISSION: Frederique Coomans – Chrysalis brooch

Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm

Nicolas Estrada Brooch: Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view: Nicolas Estrada Brooch (BACK) : Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view

Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm: Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm

 collier Aiko Fujita  collier Aiko Fujita

Carina Shoshtary  The-Green-EscapeCarina Shoshtary  The-Green-Escape

 dorothee-van-biesen - collier Dorothee van Biesen - collier (détail)

Gigi Mariani Brooch: Massive Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina: Gigi Mariani Brooch: « Massive » Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  Whenever-one-wishes - expo TRANSMISSION: Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  « Whenever-one-wishes »

Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel: Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel

Eva Burton - bouquet brooch  à TRANSMISSION: Eva BURTON  bouquet brooch

Arnaud Sprimont - brooch at TRANSMISSION expo Arnaud Sprimont - brooch

Jessica AndersonJessica Anderson

 Patricia-Gallucci - Necklace  Patricia-Gallucci – Necklace

Emilie-Losch _ Resistances 30m de collier .... - expo TRANSMISSION: Emilie Losch - « Resistances » – 30m de collier ….

Elin Flognman - Potato Power necklace: Elin Flognman  – Potato Power necklace & circuit diagram for a potatoes neckpiece

Laurence Verdier - collier "emportement" - expo TRANSMISSION: Laurence Verdier - collier « emportement »

"People 2008-2015" by Aude Medori - expo TRANSMISSION: Aude Medori « People 2008-2015″ neckpiece

Eliana Negroni -aluminium necklace - TRANSMISSION: Eliana Negroni – aluminium necklace

Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra Image edited by: Bridgette Shepherd, Klimt02 Pendant and Brooch Front View  Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra

Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV

Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not

Marie Flambard - collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)Marie Flambard – collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)

Aurélie Adam présentera notamment son bijou Physalis conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au Cerfav Aurélie Adam  bijou Physalis, conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au CERFAV

Marie MASSON collier "l'Homme faisan"Marie MASSON collier « l’Homme faisan »

Daniela-Malev - necklace   - dryed potatos: Daniela Malev – necklace   – dryed potatoes

Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel – « Transmettre aux générations futures la magie du bijou contemporain, transmettre l’envie d’oser les matériaux non précieux, les formes, les couleurs et les tailles non conventionnelles, transmettre le courage de sortir des sentiers battus et des bijoux que tout le monde porte… »

Expo TRANSMISSION - Xavier Noël - transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus .....: Xavier Noël – transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus …..



Studio 411
19, avenue Georges Clemenceau, 34 000 Montpellier
Tél. : 09 82 35 05 26



Commandez votre Catalogue / Order Your Catalog : Transmission 20 Oct – 12 Dec Studio411 Galerie

Commandez le catalogue de l’exposition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) / Order the catalog of the exhibition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) – Studio411: http://www.studio411.fr A6 : 105 x 148 mm – 64 pages (Français et Anglais)
Book A6 : 105 X 148 mm – 64 pages (French & English)
Price / Prix :15€
+ Shipping / Frais de port : en fonction de la destination / depend on the location
inclu: les photos des oeuvres de chaque artistes ainsi que le texte écrit par la bloggeuse Française Marianne Gassier / With the pictures of all artist and the text wrote by Marianne Gassier French Blog editor : http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.frGraphisme : (Un grand Merci à Silvia, Diane et Christelle)

Choisissez votre mode de règlement / Choose how to proceed
(Paypal* or Bank Transfer) – Catalogue = 15€ + Frais de port / Shipping fees

 Catalogue : Transmission - exhibition of Art Jewellery and fine Art (20 Oct - 12 Dec 2015) Montpellier France





Circuito de Joyería y Objeto – Valencia (ES) – 24 Juin-15 Juill. 2015

Circuito « Joyería y Objeto ». Circuito de Joyeria Artistica – Del 24 de junio al 15 de Julio 2015

Alumnos de la EASD Valencia

Joyeria y objeto - EASD Valencia


Celebramos la finalización el primer año del Grado de Joyería y Objeto en la EASD de Valencia.

Para ello hemos creado un itinerario de exposiciones de alumnos de Joyería de la EASD de Valencia en distintos locales del centro.

Inauguración 24 de junio de 2015 de 18 a 21h en todo el centro de VALENCIA !

ALUMNOS:  Natalia Araya — Erica Jordán — Anabell Bravo — Tania Pérez — Lucía Sáez — Tina LeónLaura Guillot Rodrigo AcostaBelén BledaMichiru Maeno — María Climent — Sue IbarsBeatriz Diaz Ceballos — Teresa Tormo — Pino — Cristina Alises — Max — Paula Jiménez.

Natalia Araya - "Time" rings - vitreous enamel on copperNatalia Araya – « Time » rings – vitreous enamel on copper  Tina León -  Mi eva interior III Tina León -  Mi eva interior III

Laura Guillot  -  broche   2015Laura Guillot   –  Mujeres de libro – broche 2015 -

Laura Guillot  Mujeres de libro EASD Valencia 2015Laura Guillot  Mujeres de libro EASD Valencia 2015

Sue Ibars  - Broche 'Habitantes Pasajeros'  2015Sue Ibars  – Broche ‘Habitantes Pasajeros’  2015

RODRIGO ACOSTA ARIAS: Portfolio 2015 - back of a broochRodrigo Acosta – Portfolio 2015 – back of a brooch
Acosta Rodrigo  : la exposición Hacer de Ropa (en Madame Mim) es parte del Circuito de Joyería y Objeto, la misma se extienda hasta el 15 de julio…..

Michiru Maeno: Detritus. –   EASD de Valencia.Michiru Maeno: Detritus. –   EASD de Valencia 2015

Belén Bleda -  Un millón de estrellas. 2014.Belén Bleda -  Un millón de estrellas. 2014.

María Climent -  proyecto final FORMAR PARTE  (EASD Valencia 2015)María Climent -  proyecto final FORMAR PARTE  (EASD Valencia 2015)

Tina León -  Collar látex y arena blanca - La presencia de la ausencia (Proyecto Final) 2015Tina León -  Collar látex y arena blanca – La presencia de la ausencia (Proyecto Final) 2015 Erica Jordán  Siete historias. –  EASD de Valencia. 2015Erica Jordán  Siete historias. –  EASD de Valencia. 2015

Anabell Bravo  Kit para un migrante–  EASD de Valencia. 2015Anabell Bravo  Kit para un migrante–  EASD de Valencia. 2015


¡Estamos de celebración! El miércoles que viene vamos a llenar el centro de joyas….

EASD Velluters. Escaparate. C/ Pintor Domingo, 20 -
Orfebres Peris Roca. Calle Bolsería, 31, bajo
Muming. Calle de las Danzas, 3
El Monstruo. Calle Calatrava 11
Kúbelik. Calle de los Derechos 36B
La Petite Planèthé (Tea Shop). Carrer de Sant Ferran, 4
Las Ollas de Hierro. Calle de los Derechos, 4 y 6
Madame Mim. Calle Puerto Rico, 30
L’Ambaixada. Calle Baja, 30
La Niña los Peines. Calle de Santo Tomás, 24
La fábrica de cerveza Tyris. Calle de la Tabla de Cambios, 6
Las Rómulas



EXPO ‘Hacer de Ropa’ – Madame Mim, Valencia (ES) – 30 Mai-15 Juill. 2015

Classé dans : Espagne (ES),Exposition/Exhibition,Rodrigo ACOSTA (AR),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 0:21

Rodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » joyeria textil

…….en junio mostraré un poco de mi trabajo en la sala exposiciones de Madame Mim , un espacio que conecta con mis recuerdos…..

Inauguracion 30 de mayo a las 20hrs

Acosta Rodrigo  : la exposición Hacer de Ropa es parte del Circuito de Joyería y Objeto, la misma se extienda hasta el 15 de julio…..

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa"

Hacer de Ropa
Hacer de ropa una idea.
Hacer de ropa un objeto, una joya.
Hacer de ropa una forma de comunicar sentimientos.
Hacer de ropa un espacio donde poder compartir mi experiencia.
Hacer de Ropa: una exposición de joyería textil de Rodrigo Acosta
La formación en diseño de moda unido a los estudios de joyería le permiten encontrar su lugar especializándose en la joyería textil.
Entiende su investigación artística como un ejercicio de memoria. Defiende que sus piezas establecen vínculos con las prendas que las sujetan y los cuerpos que las hacen vivir. Para él, las joyas son accesorios con una carga simbólica que nos acompaña.
Valora el proceso de des-construir para volver a re-construir.

Rodrigo Acosta - 2014-2015 -  "Tiempo de Des-Orden"  Rodrigo Acosta – 2014-2015 -  « Tiempo de Des-Orden » broche

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa"Rodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » – Fotografía + pieza original + Joya

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - brocheRodrigo Acosta – « Hacer de Ropa » – broche

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - broche (back)Rodrigo Acosta – « Hacer de Ropa » – broche (back)

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - collarRodrigo Acosta – « Hacer de Ropa » – collar

HACER DE ROPA. By Rodrigo Acosta. - joya + FotografíaHACER DE ROPA. By Rodrigo Acosta. – joya + Fotografía

Rodrigo Acosta - "Hacer de Ropa" - collarRodrigo Acosta - « Hacer de Ropa » – collar



Madame Mim
Calle Puerto Rico. 30
Valencia (ES)
Tel 963255941




EXPO ‘SUR o no SUR’ – Galeria Ring, Legnica (PL) – 15 Mai- 2015

La exposición colectiva « Sur o no Sur » formará parte de la programación de Silver Festival 2015 en Legnica, Polonia. / The collective exhibition « Sur o no Sur » will be part of Silver Festival 2015 in Legnica, Poland  Thanks Monika Szpatowicz and team for this opportunity! – At  Galeria Ring

 Opening 15th may 18h

exposición colectiva "Sur o no Sur"  parte de Silver Festival 2015 en Legnica Galeria Sztuki W Legnicy

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER
« Sur O No Sur«   is a project carried out jointly by Eva Burton and Mercedes Rodrigo and brings together the work of fourteen Argentinian artists:  Ana WeiszCecilia HeckerEva BurtonElisa GulminelliGabriela CohnGastón RoisIacov AzubelJorge Castañón — Lucia Mishquila Brichta — Maria CarelliMercedes Castro CorbatPatricia RodriguezRodrigo Acosta and Sabina Tiemroth, who -according to the artist Guigui Kohon- « show many souths full of landscapes; corners that outline thoughts and places with blurred boundaries, connecting stories and hemispheres from a feeling hard to define…« 
It was presented for the first time in October 2014 during The Jewellery Week in Barcelona, at Siesta Gallery who´s director is Mercedes Rodrigo. It was also presented in Galería Silvestre in Tarragona, Spain.

Maria CarelliMaria Carelli

Lucia Mishquila BrichtaLucia Mishquila Brichta


Waking up after a sleepless night, looking at the pictures of the pieces showed at the  exhibition, reading books randomly and remembering… Everything reappears along with a passage of Marcelo Mathey, the writer. He says that when he finds a beautiful  place he fixes his gaze there to distinguish the small parts of it, or when looking at a house he tries to observe the people who live there. This is an almost accurate brief of the exhibition held at Galería Siesta in Barcelona that brings us Argentine Jewelry closer in the framework of the Barcelona Jewelry Week.
Those artists showing their “souths” full of landscapes, spots outlining thoughts, inhabited places whose boundariesfade away while connecting stories and hemispheres of a feeling that can´t be catalogued.
Guigi Kohon, Buenos Aires, September 2014

Eva BurtonEva Burton

Jorge Castañon  Jorge Castañon

Gabriela CohenGabriela Cohn

Mercedes Castro Corbat   Mercedes Castro Corbat

Cecilia Hecker  "Lo que es arriba es abajo"Cecilia Hecker« Lo que es arriba es abajo »

Gaston RoisGaston Rois

rodrigo Acosta Rodrigo Acosta


Galeria Ring
Rynek 12
59-220 Legnica  (Poland)
tel.  76 862 09 10; 76 862 06 94