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EXPO/CONCOURS ‘Filo Rosso 2015′ – Sala Negrisin & Museo Carà, Muggia (IT) / DRAT Gallery & Palazzo del Podestà, Izola (Slovenia) – 12 Dec.2015 – 24 Janv.2016


At MUGGIA (Ts -Italia)  [Museo d'Arte Moderna "Ugo Carà " & Galleria Comunale "Giuseppe Negrisin"] and at IZOLA  (Slovenija) ["DRAT" gallery, "Palazzo Manzioli" & "Palazzo del Podestà"]

Le realizzazioni selezionate dalla giuria saranno esposte assieme ai bozzetti presso il Museo d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà» o presso la Sala Comunaled’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin» di Muggia, Trieste (Italia) dal 12 dicembre 2015 al 24 gennaio 2015
e nel mese di maggio 2016 presso il « Palazzo del Prefetto » o  » la Galleria « Dart » a IZOLA  (Slovenia) nel mese di maggio 2016.

Filo Rosso 2015:

Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

11 Dec. : 17.30 Inaugurazione  MUGGIA (Ts – Italia) – Museo  d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà»
11 Dec. :  19.30 Inaugurazione/Otvoritev  IZOLA (Slovenia)  «Galerija «Drat»

VENERDI 11 dicembre
ORE 14 _ 16 MUGGIA
selezione premi FiloRosso
a seguire trasferimeto a IZOLA
Inaugurazione DRAT Gallery
Palazzo del Podestà
ORE 18.30 trasferimento Muggia
ORE 19.00 inaugurazione Museo Carà

FiloRosso Bijoux è un concorso biennale dedicato al gioiello contemporaneo che presenta in una mostra finale i gioielli realizzati in parte o totalmente con il tessuto. I tessuti, gentilmente concessi dalla C&C-Milano, vengono inviati ai partecipanti secondo le loro scelte. Le opere realizzate vengono in seguito esposte presso gli spazi del Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carà” di Muggia a Trieste e presso la Galleria “Drat” e gli spazi della città di Izola, in Slovenia, creando un evento internazionale (PreziosaMagazine)

Palazzo del Municipio, Izola - SloveniaPalazzo del Municipio, Izola – Slovenia

FiloRosso est un concours à titre gratuit ouvert aux artistes et aux jeunes créateurs pour la réalisation d’un bijou avec  l’utilisation du tissu.
Le tissu est donné aux participants par la société italienne C&C-Milano, qui est spécialisée dans la création de tissus pour la haute couture et l’ameublement.
Le concours aboutit à une exposition des meilleurs travaux, sélectionnés par un jury, au Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Muggia (Trieste).  Dans les précédentes éditions, en 2008 et en 2010, on a vu la participation d’artistes de 16 pays différents avec une centaine d’ouvrages exposés.
Pour cette édition de FiloRosso il y a plus de 80 artistes inscrits de toutes nationalités confondues: Italie, France, Slovènie, Croatie, Autriche…Etats-Unis, Israel … Quelques noms: Sebastien Carré, Agathe Saint-Girons, Gigi Mariani, Barbara Uderzo, Lucilla Giovanninetti (Eandare) , etc …… et de très jeunes artistes encpre peu connus du public :

avec (liste non certifiée !)  Lucilla Giovanninetti –  Martina Obid Mlakar –  Marco PiccialiChiara LucatoBarbara UderzoAude MedoriTania PalazziRoberta RisoloJasmina WeissSilvia Beccaria –  Patrizia Bonati Daniela RepettoLuisa ChiandottoSébastien CarréRomi BukovecTinka LoncarAleksandra AtanasovskiYasmin VinogradGigi Mariani Maria Chiara CassaràAlix TranFlora SicaLaura VolpiNataša GrandovecHuberto ŠirokaAnnie Sibert Žarko OgnjenovičAna SabolićMarta PejoskaRoberta PavoneSilvia Valenti Petra BoleBibi KlekackoskaLosch EmilieMonika Šangulin –  Sandra KocjancicInbar Shahak Galit EinavNelly BonatiSara Progressi. — Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (NIIRO Jewelry) -

 filorosso 2015 _  IZOLA _ Slovenija "DRAT" galleryfilorosso 2015 -  IZOLA (Slovenia) « DRAT » gallery

La manifestazione è promossa dal Comune di Muggia in Italia e dal Comune di Izola in Slovenia è stata reralizzata con il contributo della Provincia di Trieste.  
Tra gli artisti che partecipano il pluripremiato Sébastien Carré , Francia, vincitore tra l’altro del premio  « Giovane creatore » al salone Révelation di Parigi nell’autunno scoroso, Gigi Mariani, Primo Premio nel 2014 a « Joya » a Barcellona o l’industrial design Petra Bole della Slovenia.  Le opere esposte saranno oggetto di una selezione a cura della giuria internazionale composta da:   
Jean-Yves Le Mignot – curatore mostre bijou 
Vered Babai - artista orafa israeliana  
Marianne Gassier – blogger di « bijoux contemporain »  
Giovanni Micera – Direttore della rivista « Preziosa Magazine »  
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , stilista spagnola che ha fatto del colore e della forma il suo credo conosciuto in tutto il mondo, è la madrina d’eccezione di questa manifestazione.  

 FiloRosso 2015 -Sebastien Carré - broche  front:

Sebastien Carré - broche – proposition pour FiloRosso 2015

Yael Friedman necklace - FiloRosso 2015 - Yael Friedman necklace « Hoops » Collana, tessuto, filo

FiloRosso 2015 - Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch 'the letter' seta, argento, acciaio, colore: Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch ‘the letter’ seta, argento, acciaio, colore

Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015: Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (Niiro jewelry) bracelet: Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (Niiro jewelry) bracelet

 Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Silvia Beccaria at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada / Filo Rosso oct 2015: Silvia Beccaria at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada / Filo Rosso oct 2015

Vered Babai - broochesVered Babai – brooches

Vered Babai - brooch - to be exhibited at FiloRosso 2015 - Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato il “coup de coeur”: una mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a  Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia. La partecipazione prevede più di un centinaio d’artisti provenienti da vari paesi: Italia, Francia, Austria, Slovenia, Croazia, Spagna, Germania, Israele: Vered Babai - brooch



Museo d’Arte Ugo CaràVia Roma, 9,
34015 Muggia TS, Italie
tel +39 040 927 8632


Sala Comunale d’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin»
Piazza Marconi 1
34015 – Muggia Italy
Telephone: +39 403360340
DRAT-GALLERY - Sandra Kocjančič 
Ljubljanska ul.21
6310 Izola Slovenia
tel +386 41 952 918




Des P’tits trous, encore des p’tits trous ….

« Des P’tits trous, encore des p’tits trous ….
des p’tits trous, des p’tits trous, toujours des p’tits trous
Des trous d’seconde classe
Des trous d’première classe »
(« le poinçonneur des Lilas » – Serge Gainsbourg)

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Pendentif Elytre  Mathilde QUINCHEZ  Son travail sera exposé à L'age d'or  26, rue du Docteur Magnan 75013 Paris  Du 17 au 20 Octobre 2013  Mathilde QUINCHEZ  Pendentif Elytre –
Son travail sera exposé pendant les « Circuits Bijoux » à L’age d’or  26, rue du Docteur Magnan 75013 Paris  Du 17 au 20 Octobre 2013

Monika Brugger broochMonika Brugger broche

Monika Brugger - Fragile - brooch - silverMonika Brugger – Fragile – brooch – silver

Haruka Oe - ringHaruka Oe -silver ring 2007

Haruka-Oe- ring
Haruka Oe -silver ring 2007
Rossella Cigognetti TornquistRossella Cigognetti Tornquist Brooch (detail) Her work is particularly inspired by natural elements: surfaces like bark, wood, or structural elements from the animal kingdom, such as animal bones

Nevin Arig  Brooch: Return to the roots 2009  Chiseled silver, coral, pearl, gold haliteNevin Arig  Brooch: Return to the roots 2009  Chiseled silver, coral, pearl, gold halite

Sara Bran - using lace techniques with gold Bran – using lace techniques with gold  

Julie Blyfield  Brooch: Shell 2011  Sterling silverJulie Blyfield  Brooch: Shell 2011  Sterling silver

Leanne Ryan   _Brooch  Fine Silver, Sterling Silver, Raw silk cocoons, Seed pearls.  Approx. W 5.5cm x H 4cmLeanne Ryan  (Perth, Western Australia)  Training and Further Education (TAFE) Central, Perth.  Brooch  Fine Silver, Sterling Silver, Raw silk cocoons, Seed pearls.  Approx. W 5.5cm x H 4cm  Photographer: Matt Reed
Leanne Ryan -Pendant  Sterling Silver, Heishi ‘Vulcanite’ Trade Beads, Raw silk cocoons – cut & edges dyed, silk cord.  Approx. diameter 6cm

Leanne Ryan -Pendant  Sterling Silver, Heishi ‘Vulcanite’ Trade Beads, Raw silk cocoons – cut & edges dyed, silk cord.  Approx. diam. 6cm

Ursula Woerner - 2te heimatUrsula Woerner – 2te heimat    

Ángela Bermúdez "Contigo & disancia" fermall/broochÁngela Bermúdez « Contigo & disancia » fermall/brooch
(recién graduada por la EASD de Valencia,  es portada en el blog Des del Sud con sus piezas de Proyecto Final del CFGS de Joyería, dirigido por la profesora Heidi Schechinger, en el curso 2011/2012)
viruthiers: Ángela Bermúdez Pöhlmann
Ángela Bermúdez (serie Turismo de interior)
Angela Bermudez (Viruthiers) 'Media Pension' broche 2012, plataAngela Bermudez (Viruthiers) ‘Media Pension’ broche 2012, plata
Angela Bermudez (Viruthiers) "Final de Trayecto" broche 2012, plata Angela Bermudez (Viruthiers) « Final de Trayecto » broche 2012, plata
Trinidad Contreras (BORAX08001)Trinidad Contreras (BORAX08001)
Trinidad Contreras Brooch  (BORAX08001)Trinidad Contreras Brooch  (BORAX08001)
Trinidad Contreras broochTrinidad Contreras brooch
Dana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels BroochDana Hakim My Four Guardian Angels Brooch
Anya Pinchuk - Bloomington, Indiana  - silver broochAnya Pinchuk – Bloomington, Indiana  – silver brooch
Patricia Nowogrodski,  1001 Nights Brooch, Cooper, Black Oxide, Zircon.Patricia Nowogrodski,  1001 Nights Brooch, Cooper, Black Oxide, Zircon.
Vera siemund, necklace, 2011, enamelled steeldrilled, sawn, embossed, enamelled, mounted - 220 x 260 x 35 mm - steel hemispheres, red enamelled inside, drilled pattern   sawn portraitVera Siemund, necklace, 2011, enamelled steeldrilled, sawn, embossed, enamelled, mounted – 220 x 260 x 35 mm – steel hemispheres, red enamelled inside, drilled pattern   sawn portrait
Deganit Stern-Schocken  Necklace 2012  Silver, stainless steel, polystyreneDeganit Stern-Schocken  Necklace 2012  Silver, stainless steel, polystyrene
Eric De Gesincourt  earrings   from a ping pong ballEric De Gesincourt  earrings   from a ping pong ball
Dana Hakim, "My Four Guardian Angels, The Blue Series", Brooch 02, 2012         Iron, black mirrored plastic, cotton threads, paint, lacquer. 250X180X20 mm (from Bezalel Academy)Dana Hakim, « My Four Guardian Angels, The Blue Series », Brooch 02, 2012         Iron, black mirrored plastic, cotton threads, paint, lacquer. 250X180X20 mm (from Bezalel Academy)
Lebanese designer Malaika Najem's Child Soldier collectionLebanese designer Malaika Najem‘s Child Soldier collection
Malaika Najem - detailMalaika Najem – detail
Marjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage NeckpieceMarjorie Simon First Thoughts on Miami Foliage Neckpiece
Julie Usel. Tear me Apart. 69 rings in copper: 1 in silver, ring boxJulie Usel. Tear me Apart. 69 rings in copper: 1 in silver, ring box   

Romi Bukovec - wood - painted (several times) and brushedRomi Bukovec – wood – painted (several times) and brushed

Liangchao Shao (China)  - experiment : necklace - straw (BIAD)
Liangchao Shao (China)   – experiment : necklace – straws (BIAD)


COUP de COEUR : It was WHITE ….. Romi Bukovec

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,rings,Romi BUKOVEC (SI),Slovenie (SI) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

Romi Bukovec / Jewellery Designer / Slovenia
About my work : « I am a designer of contemporary jewellery. A person who respect Beauty and Life in all shapes and menifestations. Purity and Simplicity of forms, which are in constant search for a play of light and balance, are my strongest guidelines.
Feelings and communication, which have biggest impact on my inspiration, are brought to me by everyday’s life and by simple objects with their unique stories. Jewellery is my mean to express myself and my inner world to the world that surrounds me.
Every single piece contains a special part of me and my development and it has its own story and background. When a single piece is sent out of my world, it opens for new stories and emotions. Just like when the new life is born. »

Romi Bukovec creates jewellery in her own workshop in Medvode. Self-taught, she has obtained the knowledge necessary for her unique works from the masters of different professions, especially goldsmiths. What is characteristic of her work is the use of different materials and techniques, traditional as well as completely self-created and experimental. The jewelry of Romi Bukovec makes up different collections which differ in terms of design, expression, and the use of carefully and finely treated materials (metals, wood, artificial materials, stone etc). (carpediemclub)

Romi Bukovec - painted, sanded and stained wood, silver rings

Romi Bukovec - painted, sanded and stained wood, silver ringsRomi Bukovec – painted, sanded and stained wood, silver rings

Romi Bukovec - "brez sijaja" / "duhovi narave", prstani, srebro, les (lužen, barvan, brušen, lakiran)Romi Bukovec – « brez sijaja » / « duhovi narave », prstani, srebro, les (lužen, barvan, brušen, lakiran)

Romi Bukovec - wood - painted (several times) and brushed ringRomi Bukovec – « Without shine », ring 3 – silver (oxidized), wood (painted and brushed)

Romi Bukovec ringsRomi Bukovec – « Without shine », rings 2 -  silver, wood (painted and brushed)

Romi Bukovec - ring - wood - painted (several times) and brushedRomi Bukovec – ring – wood – painted (several times) and brushed

Romi Bukovec -rings -  prstana; les, srebroRomi Bukovec – prstana; les, srebro

Romi Bukovec - "brez sijaja" / "gor - dol", prstana, srebro, les (lužen, barvan, brušen, lakiran)Romi Bukovec – « brez sijaja » / « gor – dol », prstana, srebro, les (lužen, barvan, brušen, lakiran)

Romi Bukovec-SI     RING  "Feelings and communication, which have biggest impact on my inspiration, are brought to me by everyday life, simple objects with their unique stories. Jewellery is my mean to express myself and response of my inner world to the world that surrounds me." IN Bukovec – Fly fly away, ring, silver, 2009 – « Feelings and communication, which have biggest impact on my inspiration, are brought to me by everyday life, simple objects with their unique stories. Jewellery is my mean to express myself and response of my inner world to the world that surrounds me. » (carpediemclub



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