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EXPO ‘WOOD’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (USA) – 9 Mai-17 Juin 2012


Jewelry by Twenty-Six International Artists

WOOD seeks to explore the exciting new jewelry using wood as the primary material. Ideas of sustainability, preciousness and the sensuality of this humble material are the focus of this new exhibition.

 WOOD - Velvet da Vinci

Participating artists:
Agelio Batle, USA • Garry Knox Bennett, USA • Daniel DiCaprio, USA • Thomas Gentille, USA • Katy Hackney, UK • Julia Harrison, USA • Sachiyo Higaki, Japan • Tom Hill, UK/USA • Leonor Hipólito, Portugal • Deukhee Ka, Korea • Kenta Katakura, Japan • Djurdjica Kesic, Yugoslavia/Australia • Beppe Kessler, Netherlands • Edgar Mosa, USA • Nick Mullins, USA • Jacob Nyberg, Sweden • Gitte Nygaard, Denmark • Lina Peterson, UK • Auba Pont, Spain • Fliss Quick, UK • Gustav Reyes, USA • Catherine Truman, Australia • Julia Turner USA • Flóra Vági, Hungary • Manuel Vilhena, Portugal • Luzia Vogt, Switzerland
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring.  Currently (at time of posting) in the Velvet Da Vinci Wood Exhibition.
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring
Lina Peterson  Brooch: Bud 2012  Wood, paint, white precious metal
 Lina Peterson « Bud » Brooch
  LEONOR HIPÓLITO -  Bambusa Ventilus" Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito: « Bambusa Ventilus » Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito : «Brassica Metriculus» Neckpiece
Leonor Hipólito: « Brassica Metriculus » Neckpiece
Gitte Nyggard 'M-J's WeddingThing'  (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)
Gitte Nyggard « M-J’s Wedding Thing » Ring/Object
Beppe Kessler "Equilibre" Necklace.  Velvet Da Vinci's Wood exhibition.Beppe Kessler « Equilibre » Necklace
Catherine Truman "Black Drape" Brooch
Catherine Truman « Black Drape » Brooch & « White Bag » Brooch
Sachiyo Higaki - necklace (wood, thread) 2010
Sachiyo Higaki Necklace
All Images From WOOD | Velvet da Vinci  - Sachiyo Higaki Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Sachiyo Higaki  Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Nick Mullins "Hand" Brooch (back)
Nick Mullins « Hand » Brooch (back)
Thomas Hill: "Fish Skeleton" Breast Plate
Thomas Hill: « Fish Skeleton » Breast Plate
"Ad Idem" by Gustav ReyesGustav Reyes « Ad Idem » Ring #1
 Daniel Di Caprio "Stubble" Necklace
Daniel Di Caprio « Stubble » Necklace
Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch
Auba Pont "Pendant V"
 Auba Pont « Pendant V »
 Edgar Mosa The Mountain #5 Neckpiece
Edgar Mosa « The Mountain #5″ Neckpiece
"Wish I'd joined the foreign legion", Neckpiece, 2011, Fliss Quick
Fliss Quick « Wish I’d Joined the Foreign Legion » Neckpiece
Djurdjica Kesic Pins.  Velvet Da Vinci Wood.
Djurdjica Kesic Pins
Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
 Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
Agelio Batle: Branch Necklace
Agelio Batle: « Branch » Necklace
  Julia Turner: "Blue Chop" Pendant
Julia Turner: « Blue Chop » Pendant
Flora Vagi "Red Spiral" Bracelet.  Velvet Da Vinci, Wood.
Flora Vagi « Red Spiral » Bracelet
Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
(near Broadway)
San Francisco, CA  94109
tel 415.441.0109
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11 to 6,  Sunday 11 to 4



EXPO ‘The WOOD Show’ – FLOW Gallery, London (UK) – 23 Nov. 2011-21 Janv. 2012

The WOOD Show
This exhibition will be based on the different ways artists work with wood within their practice. Each of the fourteen international artists subverts the preconceptions of this material. Ranging from Wycliffe Stutchbury‘s compositions of fallen and forgotten timber to the geometric, painted wooden jewellery of Katy Hackney. Corina Rietveld‘s Birch rings, use the beauty of bark to determine the shape of the ring. Artist’s reference traditional techniques, such as Koto Fukunaga‘s fresh take on the ancient Japanese art of birch vessels and Shigeki Kudo‘s use of the traditional Japanese technique Hegi, the splitting of wood into layers. Markku Lyttinen carves layers of birch plywood into beautiful platters reflecting the undulating Finnish landscape. Others combine wood with various materials, such Adele Brereton mixes traditional Silversmithing techniques with wood; Amanda Caines explores archaeology and recycling, mixing natural and man made objects; Katy Hackney combines wood with the more unorthodox: Formica worktops, toys, chess pieces, spectacle frame off cuts plywood & cutlery handles ……

Artist’s include:  Rut-Malin Barklund — Adele Brereton — Anthony Bryant — Amanda Caines — Grace Girvan — Simon Grainger — Katy Hackney — Sachiyo Higaki — Mark Hanvey — Kota Fukunaga — Tahakashi Kougei — Shigeki Kudo — Markku Lyytinen — Oda Makiko — Malcolm Martin — Hans-Henning Pederson — Corina Rietveld –  Wycliffe Stutchbury.

Corina Rietveld
Corina Rietveld

Amanda Caines
Amanda Caines

EXPO 'The WOOD Show' - FLOW Gallery, London (UK) - 23 Nov. 2011-21 Janv. 2012 dans Alison MAcLEOD (UK) flora-vagi
Flora Vagi

Sachiyo Higaki
Sachiyo Higaki

Rut Malin Barklund
Rut Malin Barklund
Alison Mcleod

Alison Mcleod



FLOW Gallery
1-5 Needham Road    London   W11 2RP   UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7243 0782


EXPO ‘Reconnected !’ – Schmuckgalerie Brigitte Berndt, Regensburg (DE) – 16 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011

 ’Reconnected ! ‘ -  Jewellery from Idar-Oberstein

at Schmuckgalerie Brigitte Berndt / Regensburg
16.09 – 15.10.2011
opening: 16.09.2011, 6pm

Brigitte Berndt takes 6 alumni from Fachhochschule für Schmuckdesign Idar-Oberstein to Regensburg.
All of them passed their exam at the same time and lost sight of each other. With « reconnected! » Brigitte Berndt will arrange a kind of « class reunion » in her gallery.



Fachhochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein :  exhibition of our graduates :
Marcella Ferretti
Antje Stolz
Sabine Conrad
Sachiyo Higaki
Lisa Kroeber
Silke Rehermann
Antje Stolz Halsschmuck „as light as a stone“ Schieferfurnier, Emaillelack
Sachiyo Higaki

EXPO 'Reconnected !' - Schmuckgalerie Brigitte Berndt, Regensburg (DE) - 16 Sept.-15 Oct. 2011 dans Allemagne (DE) 52441_n

Silke Rehermann- kette
Sabine Conrad  Brosche

kette-Vorahnung dans Antje STOLZ (DE)

Lisa Kroeber (Kröber) – kette
Marcella Ferretti – alu ketten



at Schmuckgalerie Brigitte Berndt / Regensburg
schmuckgalerie berndt
untere bachgasse 11
93047 regensburg (DE)




Annual MARZEE selection of GRADUATE WORK JEWELLERY 2011 (NL) – 7 Aout-24 Sept. 2011


Brooch, electroformed copper. Gold plated Jade Drakes and her dogs – Brooch, electroformed copper. Gold plated

Satita Rojpojjanarat (from Alchimia) -  brooch, textile, magnet- «Thai clouds» Satita Rojpojjanarat and her « Thai clouds »

 Nadege Roscoe-RumjahnNadege Roscoe’s intimacies

(THANKS to Alchimia blog for pictures !)
Alla Malova Guy - necklace Post Fossil 2011, ceramics, metal chain, flocking, epoxy resin, iron, magnet – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD
Antje Stolz – necklace Steinlos I (Stoneless) 2010, stone veneer, enamel lacquer, oxidised silver, lead, coral cement  – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier
Agata Bartos – necklace Storytellers – Precious Buttons 2011, porcelain, epoxy resin  – Netherlands, Arnhem, ArtEZ
Bell Zhou – necklace Protect 2011, glass, silver, gems, paint, seed, copper, yellow plastic thread, steel  – Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
Andrêa Martins - brooch Shadow of Truth 2011, silver, cord, fishing line  – Portugal, Senhora da Hora, ESAD
Marine Stampfli - bracelet Paradoxes 2011, silver, cotton, resin  – Switzerland, Geneva, HEAD
Satita Rojpojjanarat – brooch 2011, silk, nylon, magnet  – Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria
Hanna Liljenberg (MA) – brooch 2011, black paper, shellac, silver  – Sweden, Gothenburg, HDK
Alice Bo-Wen Chang (MFA) – necklace Bodyspace/bodyscape series 2011, silver, gold plated copper, copper  – UK, Edinburgh College of Art
Mariko Sumioka (BA) – necklace Bamboo Necklace 2011, oxidised copper, enamel on copper, kimono, gold-plated steel cable  – UK, Edinburgh College of Art
David Choi (MA) – brooch 2011, steel, oxidised silver  – USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY)
Younghee Hong – brooch Drawn to Nature #2 2011, polymer filament, plastic price tags, silver – USA, Bloomfield Hills, Cranbrook Academy of Art
Anne Achenbach - necklace Kuh (Cow) 2011, zinc coated steel  – Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule
Sachiyo Higaki – necklace 2010, wood, thread  – Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier

and ………..

Marcos Guzman (BA), Catherine Da Costa (BA), Inari Kiuru (BA), Bin Dixon-Ward (BA), from Australia, Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)  –  Marleen Henot, Sofie De Bakker, Hannes Groffy, from  Belgium, Hasselt, Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg — Ren Kai, Liu Xiao, from China, Beijing, Central Academy of Arts — Alena Hesounová, Karla Olsáková, from  Czech Republic, Prague, AAAD Academy of Art, Architecture and Design — Kadi Kübarsepp, Liina Lõõbas, Katrin Kosenkranius, Kadi Kübarsepp, from  Estonia, Tallinn, Eesti Kunstakadeemia — Krista Ruohonen, from Finland, Lappeenranta, South Carelia Polytechnic — Marie Masson, from France, Limoges-Aubusson, l’École Nationale Supérieure d’Art (ENSA) — Julie Connellan (MA), from  Ireland, Dublin, The National College of Art and Design (NCAD) — Laura Alvarado, Ricarda Tesch, from  Germany, Dusseldorf, Fachhochschule — Sabine Conrad, from Germany, Idar-Oberstein, Fachhochschule Trier –  Hyoun Jung Sung, from Germany, Halle, Burg Giebichenstein, Hochschule für Kunst und Design –  Stefan Heuser, from Germany, Munich, Akademie der Bildenden Künste — Laura Rittlinger (BA), Michaela Prange (BA), Yasutaka Okamura (BA), from Germany, Pforzheim, FachhochschuleYael Nissan, Rotem Fishler, from Israel, Ramat-Gan, Shenkar College of Engeneering and Design — Keren Grinfeld, Shir Pins, from Israel, Jerusalem, Bezalel — Carissa Hsu, from Italy, Florence, Alchimia, Scuola di Gioielleria — Makoto Tachihara, Koji Toyama, Haruka Masuda, from Japan, Tokyo, Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry — Morgane de Klerk, Atsuno Takase, Benedikt Fischer, Marina Elenskaya, from Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rietveld AcademieJie Sun, from Nederlands, Amsterdam, Sandberg Instituut — Iris Verstappen, from Netherlands, Maastricht, Academie Beeldende Kunsten — Jessica Winchcombe, Julia Middleton, from New Zealand, Porirua, Whitireia Polytechnic –  Ilse-Marie Erl, from New Zealand, Auckland, Aotearoa, Unitec — Typhaine Le Monnier (MA), Maria Emília Martinho (BA), from Portugal, Lisbon, AR.COJi-hye Lee, Jihyun Lee, Heon-Joo Ji, Heejoo Kim, from South Korea, Seoul, Kookmin UniversityMaría Saura Estruch, María Sol González Martínez, from Spain, Barcelona, Escola MassanaBarbora Hainzová, from Slovakia, Bratislava, Academy of Fine Arts and Design — Malin Peter (BA), Xiang Dai (MA), Charlotte Maslov (BA), Mikael Sellersjö (MA), from Sweden, Gothenburg, HDKKatrin Spranger (MA), from Sweden, Stockholm, KonstfackHannah Fewtrell-Bolton, Xiaohan Ren, from UK, Birmingham Institute of Art and Design BIADJenny Laidlaw (MA), Vershali Jain (MA), from UK, Edinburgh College of Art — Ruth Reifen, Mariah Tuttle, from USA, Providence, RISDAllyson Bone (MA), Allison Ullmer (MA), from USA, New Palz, State University of New York (SUNY) –

many mant THANKS to Gallery Marzee for their pictures !!!

Galerie Marzee
Lage Markt 3
6511 VK Nijmegen
The Netherlands

Phone +31 24 3229670

Fax +31 24 3604688


EXPO ‘MASALA’ – Ecke Galerie, Augsburg (DE) – 4 Mars-9 Avril 2011


sachant que le « Masala » est un mélange d’épices ………. mélange de plein de saveurs/odeurs/couleurs/textures différentes, donnant un résultat haut en couleurs ….

EXPO 'MASALA' - Ecke Galerie, Augsburg (DE) - 4 Mars-9 Avril 2011 dans Allemagne (DE)

Peter Bauhuis, München
Sam Tho Duong, Pforzheim
Ulo Florack, Augsburg
Sachiyo Higaki, Hiroshima (Japan)
Taehee In, Busan (Korea)
Deborah Rudolph, Idar-Oberstein
Caroline von Steinau-Steinrück, München
Estela Saez Vilanova, Amsterdam

masala_sam dans Caroline Von STEINAU-STEINRUCK (DE)
Sam Tho Duong- ‘Ginger’ Brosche  (Foto: Petra Jaschke)
Estela Saez Vilanova

armreif_ineinander dans Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES)
Caroline von Steinau–Steinrück

topTeaser_crop_Copy-of-ausstellung.tif dans Exposition/Exhibition

Sam Tho Duong- rings





Elias-Holl-Platz 6
86150 Augsburg
Wolfgang Reichert
Anette Urban
tel. 0821.152049
Fax 0821.156202




INHORGENTA MESSE MÜNCHEN 2011 – Munich (DE) – 25-28 Fevrier 2011

Inhorgenta 2011

38ème Salon International de la Bijouterie, de l’Horlogerie, du Design, de la Pierre Précieuse et de la Technologie HBJO

Nouveau Parc des Expositions de Munich,
du 25 au 28 février 2011
Tous les jours 9 h à 18 h,
De 9 h à 17 h le lundi 28 février 2011


Liste des exposants / exhibitors list   ici/here


repérés :
Bettina Goetsch , Birgit Hagmann, Claudia Lassner , Dorit Schubert, Isabel Dammermann, Jacqueline Cullen, Hilde Janich, Karina Noyons, Karola Torkos, Katerina Ioannidis, Vitalis Kubach, La Mollla (Tiziana Redavid), Mirjam Hiller, Nora Rochel, Petr Dvorak, Ruth Tomlinson, Uta Knoop, Vivi Touloumidi, etc etc etc …..

Fachhochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein : Graduates of the FH - Sabine Conrad, Marcella Ferretti, Lisa Kröber, Silke Rehermann, Antje Stolz and Sachiyo Higaki – will shown their works at hall C2booth 546/647

Sachiyo Higaki
Antje Stolz  - ‘As light as stone’ Collier

INHORGENTA MESSE MÜNCHEN 2011 - Munich (DE) - 25-28 Fevrier 2011  dans Allemagne (DE) sr_6_3
Silke Rehermann brooch

Kette-ohne_Titel2_01 dans Antje STOLZ (DE)
Lisa Kröber necklace

mf_6_03 dans Bettina GOTSCH (DE)
Marcella Ferretti ‘reflektor’

Stadtneuplanung_2__2011_bearbeitet-1 dans Birgit HAGMANN (DE)
Sabine Conrad
Bettina Goetsch (ou Götsch)

d00 dans Claudia LASSNER (DE)
Birgit Hagmann

voodoo2_q9yntyj1_id_user_portfolio dans Dorit SCHUBERT (DE)
Claudia Lassner‘wild things’

Dorit Schubert
Dorit Schubert

366a07c606 dans Hilde JANICH (DE)
Isabel Dammermann- ‘Treasures’  – Brooch; 12 x 8 x 1 cm; Silver, shell


Hilde Janich

orbit dans Isabel DAMMERMANN (DE)
Karina Noyons

Karola TORKOS - variable necklace
 Karola Torkos – variable necklace

11187_pr2 dans Jacqueline CULLEN (UK)
Katerina Ioannidis- Earrings, gold 18K and thread

stein_gold_b dans Karina NOYONS (DK)
stein_gold_c dans Karola TORKOS (UK)
Vitalis Kubach ‘goldband’

hiller03 dans Katerina IOANNIDIS (GR)
Mirjam Hiller « arcane cities and landscapes »

3 dans La MOLLLA (IT)
Nora Rochel ‘egg puzzle’ necklace – 925 silver, blackened and whitened

Petr Dvorak

38492_135579423139830_135572639807175_228645_3368587_n dans Lisa KROBER (DE)
Ruth Tomlinson- Flora collection

see_mblau_auf dans Marcella FERRETTI (DE)
Uta Knoop - Seerosen’ Kette‘ – Aluminium

particles_web_6_640 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)

Vivi Touloumidi – ‘Particles’ fine silver , email , steel



Messe München GmbH
81823 München
Téléphone: +49 (0)89 949 – 01
Fax: +49 (0)89 949 – 09


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