Ce n’est pas le « simple » coeur qui est donné à voir -à porter- ici, le « classique », à la Peynet, celui des « amoureux », non, c’est le coeur organe anatomique, masse musculaire, limite sanguinolant, et du fait de ce sang il évoque physique, mal, souffrance, et rejoint la représentation « chrétienne » du coeur christique, le « sanctus ignis sanctus viscus » ….. On part de la viscère pour arriver au coeur sacré de Jésus …… les voies du seigneur sont impénétrables…………………
Adam Grinovich – « Heart » (& detail) (exhibition « Virtual / Tangible v2.0 » at Velvet da Vinci Gallery)
Trudee HILL - ‘My Heart Is in Your Hands‘ necklace – purple heart wood, sterling silver, stainless steel – 2009
Ela Bauer (NL) ‘An’necklace -black & red thread
“This is a huge heart which actually is a huge knot. That is the key feeling in this work; a huge, screaming (maybe bleeding..), knot- heart. The knot is such a paradoxical form; it consists of “one”, but through an action (of knotting) it becomes “two”, with a heart between them. At the same time it is the ground of endless processes which in themselves are not complex, but all together they create an unsolvable, knotted reality. An un-followable mass of actions and reactions. There is no wrong or right, just a complex, painful situation.” (Ela Bauer)
Kim HyeJoo (Korea) - ‘the heart’ – 2006 (à droite)
voir article COUP de COEUR ! (c’est le cas de le dire !) avec Kim HyeJoo
Lorena Lazard (Mexico) – body piece ‘With Each Pulse’ 2009 Macrame cord, nickel, silver
Lorena Lazard- Survival vest – detail- Sterling, copper, steel
Lorena Lazard - »Life hangs by a thread » (under view)
Pat Flynn (US) – from « Heart Pin Collection » ‘Susan’ – sterling, 18k
Tosca Teran – heart pendants - »sculpted heart » (left) & ‘Plasma Heart of Glass’ (right)- stylized crystal clear anatomical glass heart with a red drop in its center, and red tube ends – Flame-worked by hand
(hearts to SHOP on Etsy)
Tosca Teran – ‘Encyclopaedia Anatomica’ – Transgenic Heart – Life size sterling silver and low fire enamel heart. Part of the Orbis Tertius installation
Lin Stanionis (US) – ‘Seed of Temptation’ Brooch in urethane resin (Facere Gallery)
« More recently, I have begun to explore the heart and the many implicit meanings it has … Removed from the body, the heart is at the same time both container and content. It extends beyond the symbolic as it becomes both metaphor and metonym. In using the heart in my work as a vessel form, my intent is to continue the close association between body and object functions, thus developing a syntax that signifies interchange, transformation and desire. A recent piece « Mystic Interchange » addresses these concerns. These notions of union through interchange, transformation and desire are brought forward in the work through the tension found in the visual imagery, which is intended to suggest the oscillation between physical and spiritual planes. Not unlike the Eastern concept of bindu, an extensionless point from which there is an endless rhythmic expansion and contraction of the energy vibrations that form the cosmos, I also sought to express that moment of in-between, that moment where one is straddling the plane of transformation, where one is acutely aware of both sides and where at this point one is simultaneously both and neither. »(Lin Stanionis)
Masumi Kataoka (JP) ‘Enemy’ Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, nickel silver. (FACERE Gal.)
Masumi Kataoka ‘Burnt’ Brooch in leather, acrylic, sterling silver, and nickel silver
Sara Westermark (US) - « I was originally going to make a locket, but I wanted a large hole in my heart. The hole represents our missing piece….. instead of lamenting our brokeness, our hearts are ornamented with gold and rubies. Material: sterling silver, 18k gold, rubies.
Norsola Johnson » the theme fits perfectly with a new series I’ve been working on… It’s a locket containing a flaming sacred heart… the latin words » sanctus ignis sanctus viscus » (sacred fire sacred heart) are stamped on the sides of the locket… »
Kim BUCK heart necklace