COUP de COEUR ! Sarah Heulwen Lewis – LEATHER !
Découverte de la créatrice britannique Sarah Heulwen Lewis grâce au blog « WearableArtblog » (Thanks, Sandi ! ), une créatrice qui travaille le cuir (matériau pas courant chez les créateurs contemporains …) de manière époustouflante !
Plus que des « bijoux », il s’agit ici de « parures de corps » : dû sans doute à son « background » mode (Masters in Fashion Artefacts from London College of Fashion). Mais ses parures rappellent également les corsets thérapeutiques servant à « tutoriser » un corps souffrant : elle le dit sur son site, ce travail a été une catharsis, permettant d’évacuer et de transformer le souvenir de souffrances passées. Comme ses parures transforment le corps ….
« Sarah Heulwen Lewis brings her background in fashion artifacts to her leather hand-crafted accessories. This includes traditional techniques of pattern cutting, hand forging, soldering metal, and hand stitching and dying. She combines all this with leather laser cutting to create striking pieces. » (WearableArtblog)
Sarah Heulwen Lewis -’dissolution’ serie
Sarah Heulwen Lewis- ‘dissolution’ collection- armpiece & neckpiece
« ‘Dissolution’ uses skills acquired from all areas of expertise; this includes traditional techniques of pattern cutting, hand forging, soldering, hand stitching and hand dying, mixed with a non traditional method of laser cutting. The concept for this collection derived from my childhood traumatic experiences of multiple deaths within the family, and many were a direct result of the effects of cancer. For this reason the topic of disintegration and the degeneration of mind and body have always been of interest and the project was a cathartic method of using these traumatic life experiences into my practice based studio work. The intention was to juxtapose the ugliness of the disease and the ‘beauty’ of cancer, the metamorphosis of one’s body from one form into another through the disease and treatment received. »