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EXPO ‘WUNDERRUMA’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 7 Mars-17 Avril 2014

SCHMUCK 2014 – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

WUNDERRUMA - Jewelry from New-Zealand

Bijoux de Nouvelle-Zélande
Ausstellungseröffnung : Donnerstag, 6. März 2014, 18.30 Uhr
Katalogpräsentation  mit Karl Fritsch und Warwick Freeman Freitag, 14. März 2014, 11 Uhr

WUNDERRUMA - schmuck-  7 mars au 17 avril 2014 Bijoux de Nouvelle-Zélande Galerie Handwerk  (Peter Madden)


exhibitors : Brian Adam — Billy Apple — Fran Allison — Georg Beer — Rachel Bell — Pauline Bern — Renee BevanBecky Bliss — Kobi Bosshard — Trevor Byron — Hamish Campbell — Jacqui Chan — Fran Carter — Chris Charteris — Octavia Cook — Ann Culy — Mary Curtis — Karren Dale — Andrea Daly — Cath Dearsley — Peter Deckers — Gillian Deery — Jane Dodd — John Edgar — Ilse-Marie Erl — Ruth Evans — Sharon Fitness — Warwick FreemanKarl Fritsch – Elena Gee — Suni Gibson — Caroline Griffin — Jason Hall –  Niki Hastings-McFall — Louisa Humphry — Sinead Jury — Lynn Kelly — Richard Killeen — Rangi Kipa — Owen Mapp — Kelly McDonald — Peter McKay — Craig McIntosh –Matthew McIntyre-Wilson — Peter Madden — Ross Malcom — Doug Marsden — Paul Mason — Roy Mason — Bob Mitchell — Neke Moa — Kate Newby — Stephen Mulqueen — Shelley Norton — Kelly O’Shea — Michael Parekowhai — Amelia Pascoe — Alan Preston — Stanley E. Rea — Sarah Read — Donn Salt — Moniek Schrijer –  Joe Sheehan — Frances Stachl — Inia Taylor — Rob Upritchard — Francis Upritchard — Emily Valentine — Tobias Vodanovich — Lisa WalkerSarah Walker-HoltRaewyn Walsh — Camille Walton — Rohan Wealleans — Areta Wilkinson — Jess Winchcombe

EXPO WUNDERRUMA - Louisa HumphryLouisa Humphry
Alain Preston
Alan Preston White Foreshore Fragment Pin, Shell fragment, Silver
Frances StachlFrances Stachl
Emily ValentineEmily Valentine
Ross MalcolmRoss Malcom

Jane DoddJane Dodd

EXPO WUNDERRUMA - Chris CharterisChris Charteris
EXPO WUNDERRUMA - Lisa WalkerLisa Walker
EXPO WUNDERRUMA - Ross MalcolmRoss Malcolm
EXPO WUNDERRUMA - Bob Mitchell Bob Mitchell
 Shelley NortonShelley Norton – bracelet – plastic


Galerie Handwerk
Max-Joseph-Straße 4
Eingang Ecke Ottostraße
80333 München
Tel. +49 (0)89 511 92 40



SCHMUCK 2014 – 66th International Trade Fair, Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Schmuck ‘2014
55th Special Jewellery Show
66th International Trade Fair, Munich
de 12 Mar a 18 Mar 2014


This special exhibition is the eldest exhibition of contemporary jewellery work in the world. It takes place since 1959 every year during the International Trade Fair in March. Except the transport cost until Munich the participation in the special show is free of charge for you. Three contributions of Schmuck 2013 will be awarded with the Herbert Hofmann Prize. The prize commemorates Dr. Herbert Hofmann, the founder of the special show in 1959. In addition the jury of the Bavarian States Prize will look at the works in the special show. The Bavarian States Prize is awarded to 10 contri-bution of applied art within all contribution of the International Trade Fair. This prize is awarded with 5.000€.

More than 552 goldsmiths from 43 countries around the globe applied to participate in the special “Schmuck” (Jewellery) show at the International Crafts Fair in Munich next year. This great interest once again confirms the importance of this event in the context of contemporary jewellery-making and the significance attached to it worldwide. An above-average number of applications were received this year from Australia, Japan and Taiwan, but also from New Zealand and Argentina, the latter having been among the applicants for only a few years now. The selection for 2014 was made especially interesting thanks to the many new exhibitors nominated by the curator Jorunn Veiteberg of Copenhagen. Unusually, “Jewellery 2014” features over 25 new exhibitors, who will be represented in this renowned exhibition for the first time.

For the year 2014, a total of 66 participants from 25 nations were invited to exhibit. Numerically most strongly represented are goldsmiths from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Denmark and Sweden. The applicants grow younger by the year, an indicator that even before or immediately after finishing their training goldsmiths seek to compete in our special show, present their work to an interested public, experts, gallery owners and museum curators, and rapidly find their way into the jewellery avant-garde. “Jewellery” is an important venue for making a name for oneself in international goldsmiths’ circles, establishing contacts, and not least, witnessing the award of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize on Saturday.

The special “Jewellery” show is characterized by the choice of certain themes which, in the eyes of curator Jorunn Veiteberg, represent salient traits of current jewellery design. As signs of our times and selection criteria, she sees found objects of metal or wood, things that bear definite marks of use, materials that speak an expressive, earthy language, forms and structures reminiscent of architecture, as well as masks, a tendency to mysticism, and forceful color schemes.

Honored as next year’s Modern Classic will be Dorothea Prühl, a goldsmith who lives in Halle. A teacher at Burg Giebichenstein Art College, she not only helped shape an entire generation of young goldsmiths but, over and above her teaching activity, has created an admirable, original oeuvre that holds a very special place within contemporary jewellery design.

Curator of “Jewellery 2014” is Jorunn Veiteberg, a Norwegian art historian who lives in Copenhagen. An arts journalist and exhibition curator, Veiteberg has taught since 2002 at the National Academy in Bergen, Norway. Since 2013 she has been guest professor at the University of Göteborg, Sweden, and chairwoman of the Norwegian Crafts Association. She has published in the fields of contemporary jewellery and ceramics. Veiteberg says it was a great honor for her to make the selection for “Jewellery 2014.” She was especially impressed by the quality of the submissions and their international range. For her as a Scandinavian, it was an enriching experience to see so many submissions from South Korea, Japan, Argentina, the U.S., and many other countries from around the world.

The Handwerkskammer organizes the special shows Exempla, Talente, Modern Masters and Schmuck at the International Handwerksmesse München with the Herbert-Hofmann-Award 2014 ceremony on Saturday 15th March at 4 p.m. We will show in our Galerie Handwerk the exhibition WUNDERRUMA – Jewellery from New Zealand.


Program HERE


Patrícia Domingues – Reconstructed MaterialPatrícia Domingues – Reconstructed Material 

Anne Achenbach (DE) — Tobias Alm (SE) — Sawa Aso (JP) — Rut-Malin Barklund (SE) — Peter Bauhuis (DE) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Alexander Blank (DE) — Iris Bodemer (DE) — Bas Bouman (NL) — Sungho Cho (KR) — Eunmi Chun (KR) — Kat Cole (USA) — Annette Dam (DK) –  Rian de Jong  (NL) — Laura Deakin (AU) — Peter Deckers  (NZ/NL) — Paul Derrez (NL) — Bin Dixon-Ward (AU) — Georg Dobler (DE) — Iris Eichenberg (NL/USA/D) — Réka Fekete (HU) — Benedikt Fischer (AT) — Kyoko Fukuchi (JP) — Antje Godglück (NL/D) — Andi Gut(DE) — Gésine Hackenberg  (NL/D) — Cecilia Hecker (RA) — Hanna Hedman (SE) — Akihiro Ikeyama (JP) — Karin Johansson (SE) — Mareike Kanafani (DK) — Beppe Kessler (NL) — Ulrike Kleine-Behnke (DE) — Jun Konishi (JP) — Manon van Kouswijk (NL/AU) — Marie-Louise Kristensen (DK) — Daniel Kruger (DE) — Dongchun Lee (KR) — Sally Marsland (AU) — Sharon Massey (USA) –  Yutaka Minegishi  (JP/DE) — Shelley Norton (NZ) — Maria Nuutinen (FI) — Kristi Paap (EE) – Noon Passama (TH/NL) — Ruudt Peters (NL) — Lina Peterson (GB) — Nicole Polentas (AU) — Jo Pond (GB) — Auba Pont (ES) — Tabea Reulecke (DE) — Patricia Rodriguez (RA) — Mette Saabye  (DK) — Karin Seufert (DE) — Despo Sophocleous (CA/DE) — Christoph Straube (DE) — Jie Sun (CN) — Fumiki Taguchi (JP) — Anna Talbot (NO) — Sabina Tiemroth (RA) — Karola Torkos (DE) — Karen Vanmol (BE) — Gabi Veit (IT) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Florian Weichsberger (DE/I) — Wen-Miao Yeh (TW)

Retrospektive bei Schmuck 2014: Dorothea Prühl, Deutschland


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