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OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘CONFLUENCIAS’ – Museo del Modernismo, Barcelona (ES) – 22 Sept.-16 Oct. 2016


Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona
Opening: 22 September, 19.00h
Press Conference: 21 September, 11.00h
curated by Nichka Emme /The Morning Bark


OFF JOYA 2016 - "LES CONFLUENCES" Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona

(Ramon Casas,  « Dama con peineta i mantón », c.1915,   carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art -  …for Jorge Manilla ……)


List of paints by R. Casas and Jewellery Artists:
“El petó de bona nit”, 1890, Gigi Mariani (Italy) and Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Recogiendo la ginesta”, 1899, Judy McCaig (Scotland/Spain).
“Dama amb foulard vermell”, 1901, Karin Johansson (Sweden).
Dama con sombrero”, Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy).
“Dama vestida amb gavardina i tocat”, 1899-1903, Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Manola con mantilla”, 1915, Sungho Cho (South Korea).
“Chula con manto y pañuelo rojo”, 1898, Lucia Massei (Italy).
Júlia”, 1915, Kazumi Nagano (Japan).
Figura femenina”, 1898, Lydia Hirte (Germany).
Dama con peineta i mantón”, 1915, Jorge Manilla (Mexico).

Les confluences. Ramon Casas y la joyería contemporánea

« En el marco de la 8ª edición de JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, la comisaria y experta en historia del arte Nichka Marobin, comisaria de la muestra, nos presenta el proyecto de “Les Confluences | Las Confluencias”. Nuestro particular homenaje a Ramon Casas continúa: un paso más allá que abasta un territorio híbrido, un diálogo entre la pintura modernista y la joyería artística.

La exposición tendrá lugar del 22 de septiembre al 16 de octubre, donde podremos apreciar un diálogo artístico, confluencia de ideas, patrones, colores y texturas entre las pinturas del artista catalán Ramon Casas y piezas de joyería artística de nivel mundial. El proyecto es el testimonio de la repetición de motivos ornamentales, adornos decorativos y texturas similares mediante la yuxtaposición de piezas de joyería contemporánea y pinturas extraídas directamente del período modernista.
En la muestra se podrá disfrutar de un Ramon Casas, en su Año oficial, enfrentado a diez artistas de diferentes nacionalidades, con su particular visión del universo de la joya contemporánea. Una sinfonía artística de colores, texturas y emociones, que danzan alrededor de las obras de Casas. Las sensaciones que transmiten sus óleos y dibujos atrapan a estos artistas, inspiradas en un Casas más actual que nunca.
Mundos aparentemente diferentes como son la pintura y la joyería artística, el Modernismo y el arte contemporáneo: sutiles broches, brazaletes o pendientes de originales contrastes, encuentran en esta exposición su espacio, su conversación, poética y sugerente. Una muestra que acerca fuentes artísticas de raíz diversa –técnica y culturalmente- para compartir la inagotable capacidad creativa de los artistas y del ser humano. »

cuadros que son joyasen in « Descubrir el Arte« 

The project is the testimony of repeating ornamental motives, decorative ornaments and similar textures by juxtaposing pieces of artistic jewellery and paintings taken directly from the modernist period, is comparing two forms of artistic expression different time and space come together harmoniously together.
An artistic dialogue, confluence of ideas, patterns, colors and textures among the paintings of the Catalan Modernist painter Ramón Casas and art jewelry pieces of 10 renowned artists worldwide.

RECOGIENDO LA GINESTA, c.1899, carbó i cera sobre paper/ carbón y cera sobre papel - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  matched with JUDY McCAIGRamon Casas, « Recogiendo la ginesta », c.1899,   carbón y cera sobre papel -Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
-  matched with jewelry by  JUDY McCAIG

Judy McCaig  Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm: Judy McCaig –   Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm:

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb peineta i mantó/ Dama con pineita y mantón, c.1915, carbó sobre paper/ carbon sobre papel, 58x44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art. JORGE MANILLA (Mexico/Belgium), Who of us has lost the most, 2016 - Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood - 45 x 11 x 8 cmRAMON CASAS,  « Dama con pineita y mantón », c.1915,  carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art.
, « Who of us has lost the most », 2016 – Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood – 45 x 11 x 8 cm

OFF JOYA 2016 -  -  confluences - Ramon Casas chica con manto rojo - Lucia Massei bracelet  Ramon Casas « chula con manto y pañuelo rojo » – Lucia Massei Bracelet: Rosso Cionsapevole, 2013
Copper, pigments, mixed media, fine gold  (picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS,   FLÓRA VÁGI  RAMON CASAS,  Dama vestida con gabardina y tocado, 1899-1903,  carbón y pastel sobre papel
FLÓRA VÁGI  , Sun lost in waves, brooch – cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel – 9 x 5.5 x 2 cm

 Ramon Casas - Manola con mantilla - broche Sungho Cho (en "Descubrir el Arte"):  Ramon Casas – Manola con mantilla – broche Sungho Cho (from « Descubrir el Arte« )

OFF JOYA 2016 - "confluences" - Ramon Casas    / Kazumi nagano:  Ramon Casas « Julia »   / Kazumi Nagano brooch Wowen Linen paper, gold 18kt, nylon thread, 950 slver.  ( picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb foulard vermell/ Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901, Tècnica mixta sobre paper/Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60x45 cm - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  KARIN JOHANSSON (Sweden), Sweep, earrings, 2016 - sawing, bending and soldering - 11 cm, gold and acrylicRAMON CASAS,  Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901,  Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60×45 cm – Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
KARIN JOHANSSON  , Sweep, earrings, 2016 – sawing, bending and soldering – 11 cm, gold and acrylic



Museo del Modernismo CatalánMMBCN
Carrer de Balmes 48,
08007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932722896
Fax +34 932724276

Horario : Lunes cerrado / Martes a sábado de 10:30h a 19h / Domingos de 10:30h a 14h
Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30h to 19.00h Sunday, 10.30h to 14.00h Monday closed

The Morning Bark – blo(g)azette on arts and humanities | founded by Nichka Marobin




EXPO ‘Alchimia: an Anthology’ – SAC Exhibition Gallery, Boston (USA) – 1er Mai-11 Juill. 2015

Alchimia: an Anthology

Reception: Thursday, May 21, 2015 6-8pm

An exhibition that features the work of Alchemists, teachers and students, former and current, to render visible how skill and creativity pass from one generation to the next, from master to apprentice, giving shape to concept and material

Alchimia contemporary Jewellery school in Firenze Lucia (Lucia Massei, « Hotel Centenario » bracelet, iron, silver, gold, pigments and mixed media, 2014)

Alchimia: an Anthology features work of current and former faculty of the world-renowned jewelry program at the Alchimia School in Florence, Italy, complemented by a juried selection of pieces by alumni and final semester students. The exhibition highlights technical skill and creativity, and shows a breadth materials and processes realized to form masterful pieces. The exhibition gives visitors an opportunity to support student work and see the way faculty inspires new generations of makers.

The exhibition coincides with the annual Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) conference, which will be held in Boston during May 20-23, 2015.

#AlchimiaAnAnthology A #contemporaryjewellery exhibition (Anja Eichler  “Collier”)

Works by the following faculty will be shown: Orsetta Andreotti — Giampaolo BabettoPeter Bauhuis — Paolo Bernardoni — Manfred BischoffDaniela BoieriDoris Maninger – Giovanni Martinelli — Lucia Massei Ruudt Peters (Keynote Speaker at SNAG Conference) – Marzia Rossi Manuel Vilhena.

The works of the students have been selected by the Society of Arts and Crafts a non profit organization that has been advocating for artists and craftsmen since 1897. Among them Anja Eichler — Sungho Cho — Anna Drexel — Catalina Gibert — Gabi Veit — Isabel Dammermann — Michelle Kraemer — Monica Cecchi – Enrica Prazzoli — Maru López — Andrea Coderch  Doris ManingerDoris Maninger

Marzia Rossi Necklace: Untitled 2006 Acrylic glass, gold, lapislazuli, shibuishi Marzia Rossi Necklace: Untitled 2006 Acrylic glass, gold, lapislazuli, shibuishi

Lucia Massei braceletLucia Massei - « Hotel Centenario » bracelet, iron, silver, gold, pigments and mixed media, 2014- photo : Federico Cavicchioli

Anja Eichler  “Collier,” 2015 - Hardened quail eggs, brass with 18kt gold leaf, 18kt tubes and spheres, gold plated steel wire 65 cm in lengthAnja Eichler  “Collier” 2015 – Hardened quail eggs, brass with 18kt gold leaf, 18kt tubes and spheres, gold plated steel wire 65 cm in length

Sungho Cho “Faces,” 2013 - 24 kt gold Keum Boo, silver, garnet, plastic, found objects 9 x 6 x 4 cmSungho Cho “Faces,” 2013 – 24 kt gold Keum Boo, silver, garnet, plastic, found objects 9x6x4 cm

Isabel Dammermann "Roog,” 2013 - Jade and silver 12 x 9 x .5 cmIsabel Dammermann « Roog,” 2013 – Jade and silver 12 x 9 x .5 cm

Cata Gibert - ‎llimona‬ brooch‬  Catalina Gibert - ‎llimona‬ brooch‬ 

Gabi Veit “Rosengarten,” 2013 - Oxidized silver, garnet 4 x 3 x 2 cmGabi Veit “Rosengarten,” 2013 – Oxidized silver, garnet 4 x 3 x 2 cm

Anna Drexel  “Untitled,” 2013 - Cement and silver 21 x 21 x 2 cmAnna Drexel  “Untitled,” 2013 – Cement and silver 21 x 21 x 2 cm

Michelle Kraemer -  necklace "starry night" Michelle Kraemer -  necklace « starry night »

Michelle Kraemer - necklace "starry night" (BACK)Michelle Kraemer - necklace « starry night » (BACK)

Enrica Prazzoli "sign language" brooch  Enrica Prazzoli « sign language » brooch 

Andrea Coderch and María Eugenia López  Andrea Coderch and María Eugenia López (Maru lopez)

Daria Borovkova- ALCHIMIADaria Borovkova



SAC Exhibition Gallery
on the second floor, above the SAC Retail Gallery:
175 Newbury Street,

Boston, MA 02116 – USA


Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER – 30 Avril-30 June 2013

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER  -  May / June 2013  Venue: Gallery of Art in Legnica

This year in the Legnica International Jewellery Competition REVOLT participated 319 artists from 43 countries. They sended 625 pieces. International jury (Galit Gaon (IL), Jiro Kamata (JP/DE), Hans Stofer (CH/GB), Sławomir Fijałkowski and Aneta Lis-Marcinkiewicz (PL)), which sessed in the days 4-5 of April, qualified to the exhibition part of pieces and chosed laureates. Names of the winners we will know on the vernissage, 18th of May 2013  in the Gallery of Art in Legnica, Poland.

Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER - may-june 2013


It is better not to turn on the television today. We are being attacked by images of economic crises, stock market crashes, falling ratings, budget deficits, cost cutting programs and increasing unemployment from everywhere. As a reaction to the overwhelming impression of a lack of opportunities there are emerging movements such as « Occupy … », helplessly protesting against banksters, corporations and governments. Doesn’t speaking in such circumstances about jewellery – the subject invariably associated with the demonstration of wealth and selfish hedonism – seem socially unacceptable and even ethically suspect? After all, the burning  of ATMs and the broken glass of jeweller’s shops have become part of the frustration of all the Indignados.
But there is also another aspect of the design and use of jewellery – which – like no other product of the imagination – can be an effective message, manifesting the point of view of the user – a voice of protest, being anti-or pro-, attitudes of rebellion, rebellion and guerrilla warfare. Can a standard set of slogans written out on banners, T-shirts and slap tags be complemented with another more sophisticated message? Are jewellery designers able to demonstrate their own opinion and join the discussion concerning non-aesthetic issues? Is the tradition of exclusive gold jewellery going to be our irreversible remorse? And will the chorus « Diamonds are a girl’s best friend » always sound  as infantile as the recent testimony before the European Court of Justice in The Hague of the famous model Naomi Campbell, who at one time accepted an embarrassing gift from the dictator of Liberia, tried for war crimes, so evocatively reconstructed in the movie « Blood Diamond » with Leo DiCaprio as a ruthless mercenary?
EXPO - Revolt (competition) - Legnica SILVER festival 2013

List of artists qualified to the exhibition :
 Agata Bartos (PL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Claudia Betancourt & Ricardo Pulgar (Chile) — Krzysztof Borkowski (PL) — Andrzej Boss (PL) — Vernon Bowden (NZ) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (Irl) – Bartosz Chmielewski (PL) — Sungho Cho (S. KR) — Jeongsun Choi (S. KR) — Teresa Dantas (PT) — Katharina Dettar (DE/ES) — Sara Gackowska (PL) – Tamara Grüner (DE) — Mieczysław Gryza (PL) — Nils Hint (EE) — Susanne Holzinger (DE) — Maja Houtman (NL) — Marta Hryc (PL) — Joanna Hryniewicz (PL) — Dorry Hsu (Taiwan/CA) — Mari Ishikawa (JP) — Timothy Information Limited (GB) — Luijt Janjaap (NL) — Lee Jeong Hwa (S. KR) — Christina Karababa (GR) — Renata Korpas-Sutowicz (PL) — Dominik Kotwicki (PL) — Solveiga Krivičiene & Alfredas Krivičius (Lithuania) — Marzena Krupa (PL) — Claudia Küster (DE) — Lena Lindahl (SE) — Ria Lins (BE) — Susanne Matsché (AT) — Marek Mrowiński (PL) — Marek Nałęcz-Nieniewski (PL) — Michalina Owczarek (PL) — Andrzej Pacak (PL) — Fiona Parkinson (GB) — Krzysztof Piotrowski (PL) — Sari Räthel (DE) — Mandy Rasch (DE) — Berta Riera Ruiz (ES) — Isabell Schaupp (DE) — Kveto slava Flora Sekanova (Slovakia/ NZ — Katarína Siposová Węgry (HU) — Ludmila Šikolová (Czech Republic) — Grzegorz Radosław Ślączka (PL) — Terajima Takayoshi (JP) — Bartosz Ulatowski (PL)



About festival

For more than thirty years, the Gallery of Art in Legnica has specialised in promoting contemporary jewellery and artistic objects made mainly of silver. We have been organising individual and group exhibitions of Polish and international artists, publishing exhibition catalogues, organising conferences and symposia, as well as fashion and jewellery shows, competitions and fairs. The most important event we organize is Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER. Every year we present individual and collective exhibitions as part of the festival, including:
LEGNICA INTERNATIONAL JEWELLERY COMPETITION The competition dates back to 1979 and every year it has a different topic. The competition is open and addressed to all artists, whose task is to present their work on a given topic – every year a different one – including an original artistic idea and representing a high level of artistry and technical skills. What is favoured is the concept, value and meaning of an artistic expression. Works entered for the competition are assessed by an international jury, on which over fifty outstanding goldsmithing artists and theoreticians have sat so far. What is characteristic of the competition is the fact that the winners of the first three prizes receive – according to a long-standing tradition – silver pellets and cash prizes.
The submitted works are qualified by an international jury. Over the years, we have invited a number of distinguished artists to seat on the jury, including: G. Babetto, G. Bakker, O. Boekhoudt,  S. Bronger, R. Puig Cuyás, P. Derrez, G. Dobler, A. Gut, F. Falk, M.R. Franzin, M.J. van den Hout,  E. Knobel, O. Kűnzli, T. Noten, V.K. Novák, R. Peters, M. Petry, K. Pontoppidan, G. Pucsala, A. Ratnikowa, P. Sajet, B. Schobinger, P. Skubic, Z. Songqing, W. Tasso-Mattar,  T. Smeets, D. Watkins, M. Vilhena, A. Zanella and from Poland – M. Dubiel, M. Gradowski, I. Huml, S. Fijałkowski, G. Jabłoński, J. Sokólski, A. Szadkowski, T. Zaremski, A. Wolski.
ABOUT THE ARTISTS is a cycle of retrospective presentations of distinguished personalities in jewellery art from Poland and abroad, including: J. Byczewski (PL), S. Fijałkowski (PL), P. Kaczyński (PL), N. Cherry (GB), H. O’Connor (USA), E. Knobel (IL), V.K. Novák (CZ), F. Peters (AU), M. Petry (GB), Rose & Gisbert Stach (D), L. Šikolová (CZ), W. Tasso-Mattar (D).  Soon: R. Puig Cuyás (E), H. Hedman (S), P. Sequeira (P).
SILVER SCHOOLS is a cycle presenting the artistic oeuvre of jewellery art schools from Europe, their professors, graduates and students. So far there have been presentations of schools from Barcelona, Birmingham, Bratislava, Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Florence, Hanau, Idar-Oberstein, Lappeenranta, Łódź, Matosinhos, Munich, Oslo, Padua, Pforzheim, Prague, Stockholm, Tallinn and Vilnius. Continuing the cycle in the subsequent years, we are going to show one after the other all European silver schools. A total of 22 schools has been presented so far. The cycle will be continued with the intention to show all of them.
DEBUTS is a cycle presenting pieces of young Polish artists, who just start their activity in the field of design and art. Our plan is to invite novices from abroad.
THE BOUNDARIES OF GLOBAL ART is a cycle of science sessions devoted to the newest art, goldsmithery and design.




The Gallery of Art in Legnica
Pl. Katedralny 1
59-220 Legnica, Poland
tel. +48 76 86 20 910, fax. +48 76 85 65 126


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘The Lunatic Swing’ – Kunstarkaden, Munich (DE) – 26 Fevr.-30 Mars 2013

The Lunatic Swing

The group of artists from the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich come back again and display an exhibition during the Schmuck fair 2013.

Special-Opening during « SCHMUCK 2013 Munich » on 7th March at 5pm – 8pm.

Opening on 26 th February at 7pm

during SCHMUCK : "The LUNATIC swing" -  Neue Ausstellung mit Attai Chen, Carina Shisaz-Shoshtary. Sungho Cho, Laura Deakin Melanie Isverding und Emma Price - in Kunstarkaden, München -

Looking past the confines of the given space these six emerging contemporary jewellers will exhibit their work on a transformed landscape. Stretching fabric tight over these traditional forms the play of light swings a delirious dance. The artists involved are all alumni of Munich’s Academy of Fine Art having studied under Prof. Otto Künzli.

Participants:  Attai Chen, Israel — Songho Cho, South Korea — Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary, Germany — Laura Deakin, Australia — Melanie Isverding, Germany — Emma Price, Australia –

  Melanie Isverding - Cavea Melanie Isverding – Cavea

Sungho Cho - Abstraktes Selbstbildnis, Brosche Sungho Cho – Abstraktes Selbstbildnis, Brosche



PS : June 4, 2013  to  June 29, 2013  the exhibition will be at FUNAKI Gallery !

Sparkassenstraße 3,
80331 Munich
opening times: tuesday-saturday 1-7pm, sunday 1-6pm

Tel.: 089 233-23784
Fax: 089 233-21892



Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot