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EXPO ‘Badges & Buttons Waistcoats & Vest’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (USA) – 11 Juill.-26 Aout 2012

Badges & Buttons Waistcoats & Vest

Most of us have at one time or another worn a badge or button. It might have been a Peace Symbol, a Girl Scout pin or badge from your favorite sports team. These are pins with a purpose. They express your political views, belonging to a particular group or just saying « this is who I am ». Badges can indicate some feat of service, a special accomplishment or a symbol of authority, such as a policeman’s badge. Badges & Buttons Waistcoats & Vests is an exhibition exploring the notion of this modest form of jewelry. Curators Elizabeth Turrell (UK) & Robert Ebendorf (USA) have asked 26 artists, mostly from the United Kingdom and the US, to come up with their own kind of button with a message. The artist badges are displayed on vests or waistcoats – vintage, altered or custom-made clothing puts the jewelry on an imagined wearer.

  Velvet da Vinci - badges ....

 Participating artists:

Dail Behennah — Michael Brennand-Wood — Stephen BottomleyKen BovaMelissa CameronJim Cotter — Susan Cross — Robert Ebendorf — Beate Gegenwart — Caroline Gore — Jane Harrison — Gretchen Goss — Arthur Hash — Thomas Hill — Timothy Information Limited — Basil Kardasis — Felix Lindner — Megan McGaffigan — Trish O’Hara — Matthew Partington — Maria Phillips — Marissa Saneholtz — Marlene True — Elizabeth TurrellJessica Turrell

Elizabeth Turrell Elizabeth Turrell

Elizabeth Turrell Waistcoat & badges Elizabeth Turrell Waistcoat & badges

Elizabeth Turrell Badges Elizabeth Turrell Badgs

Melissa Cameron "Ban Stop Save Fight Solve" BadgeMelissa Cameron "Ban Stop Save Fight Solve" Badge

 Melissa Cameron « Ban Stop Save Fight Solve » Badge

Robert Ebendorf/Elizabeth Turrell Colaboration Badges Robert Ebendorf/Elizabeth Turrell Colaboration Badges

Arthur Hash - Tool Badges Arthur Hash Tool Badges

Jane Harrison "Bassett" Badge Jane Harrison « Bassett » Badge

Fuck C********m Badge  Artist: Timothy Information Limited Timothy Information Limited  Fuck C********m Badges

Jessica Turrell A Rash of RedJessica Turrell A Rash of Red

Megan McGaffigan Medal of Tamerlan BadgeMegan McGaffigan Medal of Tamerlan Badge

Beate Gegenwart Waistcoat Beate Gegenwart Waistcoat & brooches

Vest with Badges - Gretchen Goss Gretchen Goss Vest with Badges

Stephen Bottomley "Scent D'Or" Badges Stephen Bottomley « Scent D’Or » Badges

Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street (between Pacific and Broadway)
San Francisco CA 94109
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday-Saturday 11-6
Sunday 11-4


Decouverte : « IGOJA » group of jewelers

IGOJA, an International Group Of Jewellery Artists, is a group of jewellery artist friends.
It all began in Cologne in the studio of Marlene Gerhard, where some of us came together to work and exchange ideas ending up with an exhibition in private atmosphere at art minded friends. It was stimulating to see your colleagues working, experimenting with materials expressing their ideas, learning from one another, and also a reflection for oneself. The passion and enthusiasm, as well as the struggle, and how to manifest this in the jewellery art field is a common point of recognition. We decided to make our group internationally stronger and invited some respected colleagues to join
the group.
The represented nationalities of the six jewellery artists in IGOJA are German, Dutch, English and Portuguese. Our purpose is to share our passion, to visit inspiring places together, and to exchange in workshops and to exhibit.

Our first public presentation with the complete group will take place in Galleria Reverso in Lisbon in
September 2010.Serendipity, chance favours the prepared mind was the title of this exhibition.

A brief introduction of the IGOJA members:

Marlene Gerhard, from Germany, lives and works in Cologne in an old fire-station. She is trained as a goldsmith and jewellery maker in Idar-Oberstein, which is well known for its traditional jewellery industries and precious and non precious stones. After two years of working as a contract goldsmith she was slightly disappointed by the kind of work she was expected to do and started studying law for several years. However, the moment she came into contact with some inspiring jewellery artists who introduced her to several workshops, a completely new approach towards creating jewellery, her love for what she once started was back again. Suddenly everything made sense: she started to work again with different materials to create jewellery that is typical hers. Marlene has a very monumental approach which makes her work sculptural but this monumentality has lightness by its playfulness and humour.

hv Gerhard web
Marlene Gerhard‘horror vacui’ brooch – 7x7x4cm – tin foil, silver, gold, copper

Decouverte : serendipity04 dans Gal. Reverso (PT)
Marlene Gerhard2 rings

Hiltje Wynia, from the Netherlands has a studio in a Frisian village, Oudemirdum. She decided on a later age to develop her creativity in this field and began her studies in the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Art in Maastricht, but found out soon that the Jewellery Department suited her better. Suited is the right word, because Hiltje has a very developed sense for textile, clothes and jewelleryAfter her study she went back to her Frisian base in the north of the Netherlands where she created a series of jewellery made with and inspired by old traditional Dutch lace. Lace and the nature of the Frisian landscape, her love for gardening, all those things surrounding her makes an idea growing into her mind. Through the working process and a sometimes chaotic experimental struggle with materials the final outcome can be surprising in the end. These creative processes are what keep her love for making jewellery constantly evolving.
Hiltje Wynia - Colar “Springdrops”

serendipity08 dans Hiltje WYNIA (NL)
Hiltje Wynia - brooch

Suzanne Esser, from the Netherlands, has her studio in Amsterdam in a former Hospital, now used by
artists.  Suzanne grew up in an artistic surrounding; her father was sculptor and her mother a painter. She did choose for studying jewellery at the Academy of Art in Arnhem where she was taught by the famous Dutch designer Gijs Bakker. She developed a clear way of thinking and her jewellery is often based on form interventions. Her idea behind the piece is more important as its suitability as a wearable piece of jewellery but because of her love for repetition and regular rhythm her large necklaces are flexible and therefore by their very nature wearable. Her inspiration can come from elements of machinery; letting them grow as nature does; evolving into new spatial and monumental creations.

serendipity12 dans IGOJA
Suzanne Esser – necklace


Susan Cross from England lives and works in Edinburgh, Scotland, where she teaches in the Jewellery& Silversmith Department at Edinburgh College of Art. Susan completed her study in art and design with a degree in jewellery at Middlesex Polytechnic in London. Following her graduation she was invited to teach part-time and has since this time paralleled her own practise with teaching, thus allowing her the freedom and the so needed financial support in
this field. To be able to work alongside students she experiences is a privilege and an inspiration. Exchange programs brought her to several Asiatic countries where besides her teaching she could explore the culture. Recent inspiration from a visit to Korea include: exotic tied bundles of twisted roots to sacks full of dried flower heads and visiting temples in the wilds of the Korean mountains, she documents her travels with photography and sketches. In the studio she develops her collated research by drawing, abstracting, collage and three-dimensional models to develop and refine her jewellery.
Susan’s work is as a big gesture in which you can find a resonance between her love for constructed textiles and textural details.

serendipity02 dans Marlene GERHARD (DE)
Susan Cross - brooch


Paula Crespo, from Portugal, has her studio behind her Galeria Reverso in Lisbon. Having the feeling to live several lives, she dedicated her soul to jewellery since the eighties, both as a gallerist and as an artist. She has a degree of the Faculdade de Letras and taught at state schools until a few years ago. She is trained as a jeweller at Ar.Co in Lisbon, where she later taught jewellery design for some years. During ten years she ran the gallery/workshop ‘Arte facto 3’ together with two other colleagues. In 1998 she started up a gallery of her own to follow her individual path, and Galeria Reverso was born. A gallery and a studio on one location, making national and international exhibitions, training students, giving courses and making work of her own. Paula’s life is her love for art jewellery, being an important link in the development of Portuguese contemporary jewellery. In spite of her feeling to have a constant lack of time she developed her own work in an interesting way, even though it may seem she jumps over a period of time, her work has always a clear monumental construction. Her ideas ‘dance’ and then settle in her mind, and when it is time to come out she feels it is worth the development. Sometimes her jewellery is build up with thousands of little rings to form a flexible whole. Only
passion can be the motivation behind these achievements.
Paula Crespo – brooch

pc05_zoom dans Paula CRESPO (PT)
Paula Crespo  - ring

Paula Crespo / Colar Meccano
Paula Crespo – Colar Meccano-Ebonite, ónix e ouro – 2006


Birgit Laken, from the Netherlands, has her studio in the centre of Haarlem with a view on her garden. She studied drawing at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. Finding out that the direct way of expressing in drawing and painting was not the right way for her, she decided to do a second art study on the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam to become a jewellery artist. Working with metal and other materials required a complete different approach, having an idea, making a plan first, finding out how to treat the material, that indirect way of expressing enabled her to channel and express her passion. Being a spontaneous character she is always in search of balance which is reflected in her jewellery. Her work can be very clear, restrained and sober, but also it can be playful, particularly when expressed through colour. Birgit often develops her work through a themed project which can evolve and grow over a period of time; this takes her to a deeper understanding of the source that inspired her.

13 Necklace/object ‘Harvest’ 1996. wood, leave gold, acrylic paint, synthetic material, 52x34cm
Birgit Laken- Necklace/object  1996- wood, leave gold, acrylic paint, synthetic material

Necklace 'Hoya Camosa' acrylic sheet and silver 350x270x4mm 2007

Birgit Laken- Necklace ‘Hoya Camosa’ acrylic sheet and silver 2007


EXPO ‘Serendipity’ – Galerie Reverso, Lisbonne (Portugal) – 18 sept 2010

International group « IGOJA » of 6 artists


EXPO ‘Serendipity’ - Galerie Reverso, Lisbonne (Portugal) - 18 sept 2010 dans Birgit LAKEN (NL) reverso


Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança 59/61
1200-655 – Lisbon
Telephone: +351 213 951 407


Bijoux empaquetés, rebrodés … bien ficelés ma foi ! – embroidered jewelry

On peut dire que je me suis laissée embobiner … ;-)

j’aime particulièrement ces « petits bouts de métal » dessinés, percés, délicatement rebrodés, alliant le dur et le tendre, le moderne et le « vieillot, dans une technique patiente et méticuleuse  ….

Ici les techniques textiles utilisées sont essentiellement la broderie, mais également le crochet

Contemporary South African Studio Jewelry from the Stellenbosch Area at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,
Kirsten Gerber “Alice Dutton 1880-1983″ Chatelaine empaquetés, rebrodés ... bien ficelés ma foi ! - embroidered jewelry dans Bettina GOTSCH (DE) bague-diamant01
Paris design duo Jia Style (Xiaojia Wang) (FR) – bagues – soie, perles, argent (to shop on Etsy)

1116 dans blog TheCarrotBox
Sarah Rhodes (UK) – rings

Sarah Rhodes – ring 2009 Sterling silver, pink cotton thread

erop_01_goetsch dans Catherine MAYMO (CH)
Bettina Götsch -ornamentale Strukturen  (Thesisarbeit – 2009 – HAWK fachhochschule)
Lisa Juen – ‘Secrets’ ring- ‘Reality & fantasy’ serie – silk floss, enamel on steel

02_01 dans Corina RIETVELD (NL)02_05 dans COUP DE COEUR blank dans Eszter MATE (HU)
Eszter Maté  (HU)

Catherine Maymo - crocheted rings
Catherine Maymo (Barcelona-based Swiss jeweller) Crocheted rings 

green%20coverings%203%20website dans ETSY.comgreen%20coverings%201%20website dans JIA Style (FR)
Corina Rietveld (NL) ‘bordure‘ rings (broderie)

Corina Rietveld- EXPO craf2EU 'blooming fantasies'
Corina Rietveld- exhibited at craf2EU ‘blooming fantasies’

Sorbete de fresa by Sociedad Estatal ddi.Susan Cross 'Concentration' Brooch
Jimena Bolaños – ‘Sorbete de fresa’ (Exposición ‘The Design Circus’ madrid 2009-2010)
Susan Cross ‘Concentration’ Brooch

Paraissez ce que vous êtes ou soyez ce que vous paraissez 12 Ozay Emert
Özay Emert (TR) – neckpiece ‘Either seem as you are or be as you seem’ 2008 Silver, silk thread

Vered Babai- hibiscus brooch _2008
Vered Babai (IL) – hibiscus brooch – silver, coated copper wire - 2008  – « took me a month to finish it …« 

19b dans Jimena BOLANOS (ES) 19a dans Kirsten GERBER (ZA)
Marieke de Vos (BE) – broches et boucles d’oreilles

 Nicole Jacquard, 'Leaf Sampler' Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread. Nicole Jacquard, 'Bird Sampler' Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread.
Nicole Jacquard (US) ‘Leaf Sampler’ Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread
Nicole Jacquard ‘Bird Sampler’ Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread (Facere Gallery)

 Lynette Andreasen, 'Traces: Squirrel' Brooch in sterling silver, copper and embroidery thread.
Lynette Andreasen ‘Traces: Squirrel’ Brooch in sterling silver, copper and embroidery thread

2893_83125652515_26480237515_2482443_6706314_n dans Lisa JUEN (CN)
Lynette Andreasen (US) – Graduate Work – 2007

n26480237515_1078426_8068 dans Lynette ANDREASEN (US)
Lynette Andreasen (US) – undergraduate Work – ‘Bound By Color’ sterling Silver, Embroidery Thread


Willemijn de Greef - brooch 2006 


Image de prévisualisation YouTube



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