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EXPO ‘Un trombone dans un verre d’eau’ – La Maison du Bijou, Le Cheylard (France) – 7 juill.2016- 7 janv. 2017

Voici la nouvelle exposition de l’équipe Précieux Passages à la Maison du Bijou au Cheylard (07) : Un trombone dans un verre d’eau, le bijou contemporain et le verre.
Here is the new exhibition curated by the Précieux Passage team at la Maison du Bijou in the South of France : A trombone in a glass of water, contemporary jewelry and glass.

A trombone in a glass of water, this surrealist proverb by Paul Eluard recalls the importance of the unexpected.
Expect to be surprised !

Les commissaires // the curators :
Galatée Pestre, Céline Sylvestre et Laurence Verdier

Le bijou contemporain et le verre // Contemporary Jewelry and glass
Que vient faire un trombone dans un verre d’eau ?
Et du verre brisé dans un bijou ?
Douze artistes bijoutiers s’approprient le verre et le délogent de son quotidien.
Certains se dirigent en cuisine pour tailler dans les verres à boire ou les culs-de-bouteille et revisitent avec audace la nature morte et le camée.
D’autres vont dans la rue récupérer les bris de glace après un accident de voiture. Car le verre est fragile et nous rappelle la vulnérabilité et les dangers de la vie. Le verre se sable pour troubler nos sens, brouiller notre perception : il nous fait douter.
Chez ces bijoutiers, le verre ne manque pas d’humour ! Il se fait exubérant en imitant les pierres précieuses et se moque de notre envie d’apparat. Il sait aussi se masquer derrière d’autres matériaux pour jouer les trompe-l’œil ou les illusionnistes.
Un trombone dans un verre d’eau, par ce proverbe surréaliste Paul Eluard nous rappelle l’importance de l’inattendu.
Attendez-vous à être surpris !

Les artistes bijoutiers // The artistsTarja Ahola LehtinenChristophe BurgerSébastien CarréMarion DelarueKarl FritschGésine HackenbergAude MedoriJulia MorogeKatja PrinsFederica SalaTerhi TolvanenMaud Traon


 Christophe BurgerChristophe Burger

Karl FritschKarl Fritsch

 Katja PRINS   Katja PRINS

Maud Traon - bagueMaud Traon – bague


Marion DELARUE braceletsMarion DELARUE bracelets

Terhi TOLVANEN  brocheTerhi TOLVANEN  broche

Federica SALA collierFederica SALA collier

Aude Medori - ChevillèreAude Medori – Chevillère

Collier de Julia MorogeCollier de Julia Moroge

Collier de Julia MorogeCollier de Julia Moroge (détail)

Bijou d'épaule de Sébastien CarréBijou d’épaule de Sébastien Carré

Tarja LEHTINEN collierTarja LEHTINEN collier

photos : © Aurélien Lambert


La Maison du Bijou,
4 b rue Saint-Joseph
07160 – Le Cheylard
tel 06 81 49 42 76
Tél. +33 (0)4 75 29 18 71





EXPO ‘Not Too Precious’ – National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny (Ireland) – 22 Janv.–30 Mars 2016

 Not_Too_Precious exhib
(Attai Chen on left – Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary on right)
Not Too Precious explores inspirational work by 25 international jewellers using materials for their expressive potential rather than for their intrinsic value. Radical artist jewellers of the late 1960s and 70s vigorously rejected the idea that jewellery should be considered ‘precious’ simply because of the materials of which it was made. Today, the use of a huge variety of materials in jewellery is far more accepted, but economic pressures are putting that freedom of artistic expression at potential risk as people revert to traditionally ‘valuable’ materials for ‘safety’. Not Too Precious challenges preconceptions about ‘non-precious’ materials by encouraging us to consider ‘accrued value’: what talented makers bring to their work through their ideas and skill.
The selected artists, who currently work in the UK, Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, create innovative, skilfully-made jewellery that is insightful and culturally resonant. Sometimes poignant, sometimes witty, their work communicates at many levels. It is above all honest and – for want of a better term – not too precious.

Jewellery by 25 international makers :  Attai ChenCarina Chitsaz-Shoshtary Eunmi ChunWarwick FreemanEmmeline HastingsChristel van der LaanFelieke van der Leest Sari LiimattaMärta MattssonJasmin MatzakowKazumi NaganoShinji NakabaLina PetersonZoe RobertsonMichihiro SatoMariko SumiokaEmiko SuoTore SvenssonJanna SyvänojaMirei TakeuchiTimothy Information LimitedTerhi TolvanenCatherine TrumanFlóra VágiHeather Woof.

Kazumi NaganoKazumi Nagano

Marta Mattson - not too precious  Marta Mattson

Not Too Precious - Shinji Nakaba: Shinji Nakaba

Catherine TrumanCatherine Truman

Not Too Precious - Warwick Freeman:  Warwick Freeman

Not Too Precious - Sari Liimatta: Sari Liimatta

Not Too Precious -  Michihiro Sato: Michihiro Sato

Not Too Precious - Heather Woof: Heather Woof

Carina Shoshtary; Necklace "The green Escape"; 2015; Graffiti, silver.: Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary

Eun Mi Chun  Eun Mi Chun

National Craft Gallery, Ireland

 Castle Yard, Kilkenny, Ireland

T +353 56 7796147


2014 Shanghai Design Week – EXPO ‘Shanghai Jewelry Art Exhibition’ – Shanghai Exhibition Center (CN) – 9-12 Oct. 2014

2014 Shanghai Jewelry Art Exhibition, October 9-12, 2014

Shanghai Design Week


2014 Shanghai Jewelry Art Exhibition, October 9-12, 2014 Shanghai Design Week, Shanghai Exhibition Center, West Hall

We are very pleased to present the complete list of participating artists in the 2014 Shanghai Jewelry Art Exhibition, October 9-12 2014 :

Ezra Satok-Wolman Jie SunSerena HolmInbar ShahakRia LinsKaren Vanmol –  Marina Sheetikoff — Sina EmrichAnne Luz CastellanosLital MendelStephen BottomleyMette SaabyeAnna Fornari — Rebecca Rose (US) — Bethamy Linton — Siegfried De BuckDana BloomPeter HoogeboomFelieke Van der Leest – Evan Larson-Voltz — Anne Mondro — Thomas Madden — Susan Holt — Tanel Veenre Melissa Cameron — Holland Houdek — Margherita MarchioniAnnette DamKarin Roy AndersonReka Lorincz — Nicole Taubinger — Jen Townsend — Bas BoumanLinda EzermanIsabella Liu — Joanne Garner — Anshu Hu — Yu Hiraishi Wendy McAllister Terhi TolvanenCharlotte Gorse (UK) — Juliette Bigley — Mara Irsara (IT) — Ellie Corp — Steven Follen — Ayano Nakajima (JP) — Haruko Sugawara — Nagai Junko — Michie Kitada — Mami Katsuki — Ingjerd Hanevold

In addition to the exhibition, a lecture series will be presented featuring presentations by Machtelt Shelling (Ubi Gallery), Evan Larson-Voltz (Wayne State University), and Ezra Satok-Wolman (Atelier Hg). To register for the lectures or find more information about the scheduled events, please use the following links

Jichang Chai, Brooch, 2014Jichang Chai, « Welcome on Board » brooch, 2014 - Aluminum, copper, nature screens

Shao Hong En, Brooch, 2014Shao Hong En, Brooch, 2014 -Silver, gem

Li Sang, Necklace, 2014Li Sang, Necklace, 2014 – Silver

Ezra Satok-Wolman, Medallion, 2014Ezra Satok-Wolman, The Golden Ratio, medallion, 2014 – 791 (19k) yellow gold, 750 (18k) white gold, synthetic ruby spheres, silk
6.1 x 6.1 x 0.85 cm – Fabricated, Kumihimo braid – Back view

Isabella Liu, Pieces, 2014Isabella Liu, Pieces, 2014 - Mending- One Brooch in a Midi Ceramic Pottery, 2014 – Ceramic, gold plated metal – 13 x 10.4 x 3.9 cm -  Object and jewellery

Felieke van der Leest, Brooch, 2007Felieke van der Leest, Brooch, Jumbo Star Brother, 2007Plastic animal, textile, silver, cubic zirconium – 12 x 17 x 7 cm

Inbar Shahak, Necklace, 2014Inbar Shahak, - Woodland patina necklace, 2014 – Etched brass leaves, mix green patina with oxidize silver plating

 Annette Dam Brooch: Finding a safe way down, 2012 Silver, brass, wood, epoxy, fringes, elastic band, clipsAnnette Dam Brooch: Finding a safe way down, 2012 Silver, brass, wood, epoxy, fringes, elastic band, clips

Anne Luz castellanos - Anillos Ramas Anne Luz Castellanos – Anillos Ramas



Shanghai Exhibition Center, West Hall




EXPO ‘Tales from the North’ – The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh (UK) – 3-31 Mai 2014

Tales from the North

"Tales from the North" - MAY - Scottish Gallery - Millie Behrens, Nel Linssen, Naomi Mcintosh, Janna Syvänoja, Terhi Tolvanen, Flóra Vági 03 May 2014 - 31 May 2014 - - X


Artists:  Millie Behrens Nel Linssen Naomi McintoshJanna Syvänoja Terhi TolvanenFlóra Vági

Tales from the North brings together six contemporary jewellers from Scotland, Norway, Finland, Hungary and Holland. Each of the selected artists uses unconventional materials such as paper, acrylic and pebbles, in an innovative way to create beautiful wearable jewellery. The Scottish Gallery has a longstanding relationship with Nel Linssen, Janna Syvänoja and Naomi McIntosh and is delighted to welcome new artists Terhi Tolvanen, Millie Behrens and Flóra Vági into the fold.

The artists are all highly esteemed within the field of contemporary jewellery and between them their work is held in over 50 Public Collections worldwide.

 Terhi Tolvanen Necklace, Coral Cement 3 - 2012 opal, wood, silver, cement

Terhi Tolvanen – Necklace, Coral Cement 3 – 2012 – opal, wood, silver, cement
 Flóra Vági Dark blue Sea Anemone 2012 old book pages, pigment, acrylic paint W:11cm D:2cm L:16cm Flóra Vági – Dark blue Sea Anemone 2012 old book pages, pigment, acrylic paint W:11cm D:2cm L:16cm
 Janna Syvänoja Necklace 2010 recycled paper, steel wire W:22cm D:10cm L:18cm Janna Syvänoja Necklace 2010 recycled paper, steel wire W:22cm D:10cm L:18cm
Janna Syvänoja Recycled Paper Necklace 2011 recycled paper, steel wire W:17cm H:15cm D:7cm Janna Syvänoja Recycled Paper Necklace 2011 recycled paper, steel wire W:17cm H:15cm D:7cm
 Nel Linssen Blue paper necklace 2013 paper W:18.5cm D:2cm  Nel Linssen Blue paper necklace 2013 paper W:18.5cm D:2cm
 Millie Behrens Golden Pebble brooch silver, gold, pebbles W:11cm H:9cm  Millie Behrens Golden Pebble brooch silver, gold, pebbles W:11cm H:9cm
 Naomi Mcintosh Wearable Space neckpiece 2014 Perspex W:6cm L:70cm Naomi Mcintosh Wearable Space neckpiece 2014 Perspex W:6cm L:70cm



The Scottish Gallery
16 Dundas Street
T (+ 44) 0131 558 1200


EXPO ‘Reinventing Nature’ – CODA Museum, 2 Mai-7 Sept. 2014

Classé dans : CODA Museum (NL),Exposition/Exhibition,Hollande (NL),Terhi TOLVANEN (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:51

Reinventing Nature

Terhi Tolvanen – a retrospective

02.05 to 07.09.2014

This retrospective of the Finnish artist Terhi Tolvanen is part of the exhibition The Force of Nature.
Visual artist and jewellery designer Terhi Tolvanen (Helsinki, 1968) is a pioneer of a new and original use of nature in the contemporary (author’s) jewel. Nature and how it is influenced by man is one of the central themes in her jewellery.

Terhi Tolvanen, Brooch, Terhi Tolvanen – Jardin Japonais – brooch

What makes Tolvanen’s work special is her attention to detail, technical refinement, and her understanding of the practical demands jewels make. A striking feature of her jewellery is that the hand of man is always present in a natural, logical way. By this, she shows that, with attention and scrupulousness, culture and nature can reach great heights together.

A recent series of jewels is based on the art collections of the seventeenth century, in which amazement and astonishment about nature formed the basis. These jewels are part of Reinventing Nature. This is the first exhibition to bring together all the jewellery Terhi Tolvanen made over the past fifteen years. In addition, some of her earlier work will be shown. The pieces CODA has on loan for this exhibition come from all over the world, including two prominent American private collections.

Terhi Tolvanen  - Mossy GreenTerhi Tolvanen  – Mossy Green

Terhi Tolvanen - Printemps
Terhi Tolvanen – Printemps

 Terhi Tolvanen - parrot tulipTerhi Tolvanen – parrot tulip

Terhi Tolvanen scarabeeTerhi Tolvanen scarabee brooch

CODA Museum
Vosselmanstraat 299
7311 CL Apeldoorn
tel.: (055) 5268400


EXPO ‘Lahti Jewellry’ – Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent (Belgium) – 2 Juin–5 Oct. 2013

Lahti Jewellry at Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent, Belgium -    Finnish and international jewellery designers will present their visual view of Lahti (town in a bay of Finland, traditionally considered as a melting-point for different cultures), with each one using Lahti as the theme for designing and producing a piece of jewellery.  Curated by Helena Lehtinen and Anna Rikkinen, and with a lovely catalogue!

Lahti Jewelry - galerie Pont & Plas, Gent (BE)

02 06 2013 – 05 10 2013  Lahti Jewellry at Galerie Pont & Plas, Gent, Belgium -    Finnish and international jewellery designers will present their visual view of Lahti, with each one using Lahti as the theme for designing and producing a piece of jewellery.  Curated by Helena Lehtinen and Anna Rikkinen, and with a lovely catalogue!

Artists:  Sara Borgegård ÄlgåEija MustonenKim BuckSeth PapacGemma DraperRuudt Peters Iris EichenbergTiina RajakallioJantje FleischhutConstanze SchreiberGesine HackenbergNelli Tanner — Hanneke Van Hage — Ketli Tiitsar — Hanna HedmanTerhi TolvanenJeannette JansenTarja TuupanenAgnes LarssonTanel Veenre Mia Maljojoki Amandine MeunierFrancis Willemstijn — Annika Åkerfelt — Javier Moreno Frias.



Galerie Pont & Plas
Hooiaard 6 (hoek Graslei),
B-9000 Gent, BE
+32 9 225 07 69


EXPO ‘Terhi Tolvanen: Curiosity Collection’ – Galerie Rob Koudijs, Amsterdam (NL) – 2 Mars-13 Avril 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Rob Koudijs (NL),Hollande (NL),Terhi TOLVANEN (NL) — bijoucontemporain @ 17:51

Terhi Tolvanen: Curiosity Collection
Collecting appears to be one of mankind’s irrepressible urges. Hundreds of years ago it manifested itself in Italian ‘Studioli’, German ‘Wunderkammer’, and Dutch ‘Cabinets of curiosities’. In these rooms inquisitiveness and astonishment merged with beauty, religion and superstition. In the Museum Boerhaave, in the Dutch city of Leiden, you can still see how seventeenth century scientific collections were arranged in decorative patterns.

 Terhi Tolvanen  Necklace: The Wave 2013  Mother of Pearl, cherry, cement, silver  Photo by Eddo HartmannTerhi Tolvanen  Necklace: The Wave 2013  Mother of Pearl, cherry, cement, silver  Photo by Eddo Hartmann

Terhi Tovanen is part of this tradition, but she holds a rather unusual position. She too is fascinated by nature and collects objects for their beauty and curiosity, yet she does not safeguard her treasures in drawers. Tolvanen uses them as points of departure for making jewellery pieces that are as mysterious as they are wondrous. It is as if she breathes life into the magic that used to linger in the Wunderkammer in days gone by. Her new work explicitly refers to these old collections made up from shells, pearls, coral and insects like butterflies and beetles. The respect with which she applies these materials, bridges past and present, nature and culture. Each piece tells the story of an unique, intuitive search.
The future owners of Tovanen’s work will in their turn be bewildered, just like their historic predecessors, and place their jewel – when it is not worn – in the next, their own collection. In this way people try to come to grips with the world, the creation and human creativity.
Ward Schrijver (© Galerie Rob Koudijs)

Terhi Tolvanen  Necklace: Reef Romantica 2013  Applewood, ebony, labradorite, silver  Photo by Eddo HartmannTerhi Tolvanen  Necklace: Reef Romantica 2013  Applewood, ebony, labradorite, silver  Photo by Eddo Hartmann

Terhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Adamaria 2013  Mother of Pearl, ebony  Photo by Eddo HartmannTerhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Adamaria 2013  Mother of Pearl, ebony  Photo by Eddo Hartmann

Terhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Kutu 2013  Pearls, ebony, cement, wood  Photo by Eddo HartmannTerhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Kutu 2013  Pearls, ebony, cement, wood  Photo by Eddo Hartmann

Terhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Nemo 2013  Mother of Pearl, cherry, ebony  Photo by Eddo Hartmann Terhi Tolvanen  Brooch: Nemo 2013  Mother of Pearl, cherry, ebony  Photo by Eddo Hartmann



Galerie Rob Koudijs
Elandsgracht 12
1016 TV – Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 (0)20 331 87 96
Fax: +31 (0)6 139 05 554


EXPO ‘Ashes and Diamonds’ – Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta (Finland) – 31 Oct.-25 Nov. 2012

Ashes and Diamonds
Contemporary jewellery from Finland

EXPO 'Ashes and Diamonds' - Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta (Finland) - 31 Oct.-25 Nov. 2012 dans Anna RIKKINEN (FI) Ashes_Diamonds

Ashes and Diamonds is a curated contemporary jewellery exhibition, that’s part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012- program. Contemporary jewellery, which is rarely showcased in Finland, is a marginal and groundbreaking form of art. 18 artists and 36 works in total were chosen for the exhibition, which is curated by Päivi Ruutiainen (who’s currently preparing her doctorate on contemporary jewellery)  in cooperation with HUMAK and The Jewellery Art Association in Finland.
The mission of the exhibition is to break both the preconceptions about jewellery as an art form as well as the limits of the art world. The project will also give an opportunity for finnish jewellery artists to showcase their art and increase public knowledge of contemporary jewellery.

After Platina, the exhibition can be seen at :
Lahti, Finland: Muotohuoltamo, 3.10.2012 – 24.10.2012
Lappeenranta, Finland: Pappilan Pihatto, 31.10.2012 – 25.11.2012

Ashes & diamonds

More information :


Artists :
Ulla AholaEija MustonenEero Lintusaari — Helena LehtinenVeera MetsoTerhi TolvanenMia MaljojokiTarja TuupanenKaisa Logren — Tiina RajakallioElo UibokandJanna SyvänojaAnna RikkinenElli Hukka — Clarice Finell — Kati NulpponenMaria NuutinenAri Pyörälä

Ashes and Diamonds: Helena Lehtinen, from series GardensHelena Lehtinen, from series Gardens

 Anna Rikkinen Anna RikkinenTiina Rajakallio, necklaceTiina Rajakallio, necklace

Ashes and Diamonds: Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow's room)Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow’s room)



Valtakatu 80
53130 Lappeenranta

puh. 040 680 4071


Prix Européen des Arts Appliqués – WCC-BF, Mons (Belgium) – 14 Juill.-9 Sept. 2012

European Prize for Applied ArtsWCC-BF

L’Art appliqué ? Qu’est-ce que c’est ?

Quand la création fait irruption dans le quotidien, quand le bijou se fait manifeste, quand la céramique se fait poème, quand le design change la vie, quand les artistes posent un regard neuf sur tout ce qui fait l’ordinaire de chacun et par l’ « intelligence de la main » créent des pièces uniques, c’est là que sont les Arts appliqués.
Design d’objets et de mobilier, création textile, céramique contemporaine, bijou et orfèvrerie, verre, travail du métal,…  Venez découvrir le meilleur des Arts appliqués européens cet été aux Anciens Abattoirs de Mons.
Créateurs confirmés et jeunes talents, dont les créations seront présentées dans le superbe cadre de la Grande Halle, dialogueront dans une scénographie confiée à Evelyne Gilmont, designer bruxelloise qui enseigne à l’Ecole supérieure des Arts plastiques et visuels de Mons.
Un jury international d’experts décernera le Prix européen des Arts appliqués, ce dernier comptant deux catégories :
le Prix des Maîtres d’Art, doté de 3.500 €, décerné à un créateur  âgé de plus de 35 ans, auteur d’une pièce maîtresse.
le Prix Jeune Talent de 3.000 euros, décerné à un jeune créateur âgé d’au maximum 35 ans.


Les Artistes (je ne reprends que les noms du bijou …)

Master :

Nevin ARIG (BE) — Alexander BLANK (DE) — Frédéric BRAHAM (FR) — Gemma DRAPER (ES) — Sam Tho DUONG  (DE) — Beate EISMANN (DE) — Hilde FOKS (NL) — Christine GRAF (DE) — Susi HINES (UK) — Peter HOOGEBOOM (NL) — Christiana JOECKEL (DE) — Christer JONSSON (SE) — Claire LAVENDHOMME (BE) — Kadri MÄLK (EE) — Ramon PUIG CUYÀS (ES) — Zoe ROBERTSON (UK) — Isabell SCHAUPP (DE) — Bettina SPECKNER (DE) – Terhi TOLVANEN  (NL) — Barbara UDERZO (IT) — Felieke VAN DER LEEST (NO) — Tanel VEENRE (EE) — Annamaria ZANELLA  (IT)

Prix Européen des Arts Appliqués - WCC-BF, Mons (Belgium) - 14 Juill.-9 Sept. 2012 dans Adam GRINOVICH (SE) lavendhomme-claire-5-peaa20Claire LAVENDHOMME (B)

Braham.Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Skin_Deep_0 dans Agnes LARSSON (SE)Frédéric BRAHAM (F)

VANDERLEEST-Felieke-Incogni dans Alexander BLANK (DE)Felieke  VAN DER LEEST (NL/N)

Blank-Alexander-Memento-Jun dans Anna Helena Van de POL DE DEUS (Brasil)Alexander BLANK (G)

Jonsson-Christer-pendant-Va dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)Christer JONSSON (S)

PUIG_CUYAS__Ramon._Net-Work dans Barbara UDERZO (IT)Ramon PUIG CUYÀS (E)


Hilde FOKS (NL) bolkol detail

Young Talents :

Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK) — Iona M C BROWN (UK) — Daniela CARDILLO (IRL) — Laura DEAKIN (DE) — Katharina DETTAR (DE) — Patricia DOMINGUES (DE) — Adam GRINOVICH (SE) — Melanie ISVERDING (DE) — Hannah JORIS (BE) — Andrew LAMB (UK) — Agnes LARSSON (SE) — Constanze SCHREIBER (DE) — Flora VAGI (HU) — Anna Helena VAN DE POL DE DEUS (IT)

Al-DUJAILI_Farrah-Untitled- dans Beate EISMANN (DE)Farrah AL-DUJAILI (UK)

Grinovich_Adam_Bone_Setter_ dans Belgique (BE)


Anna-Helena-Van-De-Pol-de-Deus-4 dans Bettina SPECKNER (DE)Anna Helena VAN DE POL DE DEUS (IT)

Daniela Cardillo, National College of Art and Design, DublinDaniela Cardillo, National College of Art and Design, Dublin –  » This is jewellery formed out of electroformed components of dead animals. Skulls, bones, claws – who’d have thought this stuff could be so exquisite?  »



Les Anciens Abattoirs
17 rue de la Trouille
B-7000 Mons (Belgique)


EXPO ‘SOLSTICE’ – galerie Viceversa, Lausanne (CH) – 21 Juin-21 Juill. 2012

SOLSTICE – le 21 juin – une exposition collective, internationale et thématique de bijoux d’auteurs organisée par la galerie viceversa

EXPO - ViceVersa

EXPO 'SOLSTICE' - galerie Viceversa, Lausanne (CH) - 21 Juin-21 Juill. 2012 dans Carola BAUER (DE) p073_1_02


galerie viceversa
place Saint-François 2, 2ème étage
(au-dessus du Café Romand)
case postale 7698
1002 Lausanne
+41 21 / 323 96 34