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SIERAAD 2014 – International Jewellery Art Fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 6-9 Nov. 2014

SIERAAD  6-9 nov 2014 – Amsterdam

List of participants 2014

sieraad 2014



La liste des participants commence somptueusement !!! : « Erato Kouloubi, ALCHIMIA Jewellery school in Florence, Alina Carp, Andrea Coderch Valor ……. Catalina Brenes, Catalina Gibert,  …. Wu Ching-Chih, David Choi ……….. Dora Haralambaki, Edith Bellod, ……… Gabrielle Desmarais, George Giannoutsos, etc etc etc pour ne citer que mes préférés ……… la Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers … (voir la liste (lien ci-dessus)

ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki.ceramic jewellery Dora Haralambaki - at stand 84

George GiannoutsosGeorge Giannoutsos at stand 1

 Erato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver www.eratojewellery.comErato Kouloubi  -  Deconstructing the Faith Ring / Sterling Silver  at stand 1

Niki Stylianou presents " Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy" Necklace - Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolorNiki Stylianou –  » Vessels and Matter II: Metaphors on Courtship, Intimacy and Domesticy » Necklace – Hand cut rubber, silk thread, watercolor – at stand 1

Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014Maria Tsimpiskaki, Corruption collection, brooch, 2014  at stand 1

SO, stand 1 is a « GREEK » stand, with : Maria Tsimpiskaki - Niki Stylianou Erato Kouloubi   & George Giannoutsos

Catalina Gibert | Serra_2014 NecklaceCatalina Gibert - Serra_2014 Necklace – at stand 41B

Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.Andrea Coderch Valor - 2011. Silver, wood (bois de violet), silk.  – at stand 41A

Liisa Hashimoto -  5set Red Seed Ring - at SIERAAD 2014Liisa Hashimoto (HINGE Dept.) -  5set Red Seed Ring – at stand 48

Cécile Bertrand - SIERAAD 2014Cecile Bertrand – broche « GUN » – at stand 74
stand 74 avec la « dream team » : Cécile BertrandSylvie Jousset & Isabelle Carpentier

Sylvie Jousset -  "catch me cactus" bracelet - Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus et plantes grassesSylvie Jousset -  « catch me cactus » bracelet – Argent, maillechort, vrais cactus & plantes grasses - at stand 74

Nevin Arig brooch-simple5 - at SIERAAD 2014Nevin Arig – brooch simple5 – at stand 71

SIERAAD 2014 International Jewellery Art Fair | Gabrielle DesmaraisGabrielle Desmarais at stand 75,
sharing with Isabelle Busnel, Edith Bellod and  Eun Mi Kwon


they made a collective necklace !

sieraad 2014 - collective necklace - Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace Isabelle Busnel sharing a stand with Mia Kwon, Gabrielle Desmarais and Edith Bellod and this is our collective necklace

Eun Mi Kwon - spring on skin #07 - 2014 porcelaine Eun Mi Kwon (Mia Kwon jewellery) – spring on skin #07 – 2014 – porcelaine  at stand 75

SIERAAD 2014  International Jewellery Art Fair | Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel - neckpiece – at stand 75

Edith Bellod Necklace  Kaléidoscope Necklace Bouton 3 rows - at SIERAAD 2014Edith Bellod – at stand 75

CHING CHIH WU - SIERAAD 2014Wu ching-chih- at stand 18

 Judith Bloedjes - ring precious triplet 2014 - porcelaineJudith Bloedjes – ring precious triplet 2014 – porcelaine


SIERAAD 14 -  Catalina BrenesCatalina Brenes  at stand 64

Alina Carp - broochAlina Carp – brooch – at stand 25Lauren Markley - SIERAAD 2014Lauren Markley -at stand 44

SIERAAD -  Raewyn Walsh (- NTJ)Raewyn Walsh Vessel pendant, 2012 NZ, silver, epoxy, silk thread

Eily O'Connell at SIERAAD 2014Eily O’Connell-  at stand 31

Han-Chieh Chuang - red brick brooch serie - silver, copper, enamel, steel wireHan-Chieh Chuang – red brick brooch serie – silver, copper, enamel, steel wire – at stand 38

Silvia Beccaria - at stand 100Silvia Beccaria - gorgiera Splendor – 2011 -  at stand 100

Jeehyun ChungJeehyun Chung

papallona - Karolina Bik -  'graphium' ring - peridot, argent oxydéKarolina Bik -  ‘graphium’ ring – peridot, argent oxydé

Linda Ezerman - Necklace with a storyLinda Ezerman - Necklace with a story

Linda Ezerman - Sea Seed Brooches - SIERAAD 2014Linda Ezerman - new work ! – Sea Seed Brooches – Balsawood, pigment(powder), laquer and stamen -
SIERAAD 2014 at stand 53

SIERAAD 2014 --Jillian-MooreJillian Moore – at stand 33

maria diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) ph federica cioccoloniMaria Diana, bracciale perle, 2013  (porcelain, stoneware, gold) – at stand 67

Mariko Sumioka -Mariko Sumioka

Merav O. Roth JewelryMerav O. Roth Jewelry

YUNG HUEII CHAO (TAIWAN), Bracelets (2010)  Nilckel silver I   Window Series  8 X 10 X 3 cm (each)   Selected Artist ,Talente 2011Yung Huei, Chao (Taiwan). « Windows Series ». Nickel silver Bracelets (2010) 

stand of Royal Academy of Fine Arts d’Anvers, with Vincent Verstrepen, Elitsa Macheva, Annika Wirken, Elya Tettelin, Josefine Mass, Mara Gabriela Grigoriu :

Annika Wirken -  ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP - Annika Wirken

  Vincent Vestrepen - ROYAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ANTWERP   Vincent Vestrepen

Josefine Mass - ANTWERPJosefine Mass

stand of Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, (stand 101), with :
Daria Borovkova (Russia), Amani Boudargham (Lebanon), Francesco Coda (Italy), Elena Gil (Costa Rica), Sana Khalil (Lebanon),  Daniela Malev (Germany), Lilian Mattuschka (Austria), Carla Movia (Italy), Federica Sala (Italy), Maria Ignacia Walker (Cile)

Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School - with here Federica Sala neckpieceFederica Sala neckpiece

María Ignacia WalkerMaría Ignacia Walker

Klonneplein 1,
1014DD Amsterdam
tel +31 20 586 0710










EXPO ‘True Colors’ – Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (NL) – 20 Fevr.-29 Mai 2011

True colours. New Traditional Jewellery

All over the world, jewellery is worn to decorate the body, to indicate status and identity, or for its religious significance. The biannual international design competition New Traditional Jewellery challenges contemporary jewellers from all over the world to use these emblems of historical or ethnographic significance as a starting point for new designs. In addition to this general concept, each year concentrates on a specific theme.
This year the theme is True Colours. In the most literal sense, it is about the history, meanings, value, magic, and power of colour. For example, the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia believed that the colour blue would protect them from evil, while 35,000 years ago primitive man used pink fibres to decorate clothing.
True Colours can also be interpreted literally as revealing one’s colours or one’s true nature. For example, the red and black pompons on the hats worn by women from Germany’s Black Forest indicate whether or not the person wearing the hat is married, and women decorate their clothing with traditional buttons.
Both meanings of True Colours appear again in again in over three hundred submissions from thirty-four countries. The exhibition presents a selection of these submissions demonstrating the great variation of colour in contemporary jewellery.

Winners NTJ 2010:
*Student winners:
Serin Oh
Penka Arabova
*Established jewellery artists and silverdesigners:
Amanda Caines
Tove Rygg
Auk Russchen


Young Joo Lee
Young-Joo LEE

The theme for the biennial international design contest New Traditional Jewellery is True Colours. This is the fourth edition of the contest and may said to have been very successful, with more than 300 entries of jewellery designers from 33 countries. The pieces submitted were judged by a technical jury of six persons, each with their own background – teacher, jewellery designer, academic, curator and fashion designer.
An important aspect of New Traditional Jewellery is that the participants should find their inspiration in historical and/or ethnographic jewellery. The theme selected this year has a double meaning. It is about colour, literally, but also means ‘showing your colours’ or ‘showing your true nature’. The entries were representative of this dichotomy with pieces showing an outspoken use of colour, but also with an enormous ethnic variety. It gave the jury a splendid opportunity to get an idea of what is happening at an international level in the field of contemporary jewellery design, with jewellers coming from countries like Finland, Iraq, Australia and Chile.
After some elaborate discussions the jury has selected the five winners listed below, among whom two students. While making the selection the jury aimed at diversity in order to show the various aspects within the theme of True Colours.

Het juryrapport is te lezen op

EXPO 'True Colors' - Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem (NL) - 20 Fevr.-29 Mai 2011 dans Amanda CAINES (UK) 083caines-LRG
Amanda Caines (1961) multi-coloured Urban Tribal Necklace 

The multi-coloured Urban Tribal Necklace of Amanda Caines (1961) from Great Britain fits the theme of the contest perfectly. She has taken a good look at the necklaces of coloured beads worn by the Zulus where the necklace is a means of communication and the colours stand for a code that tells something about the age group and social status of the wearer. To make her contemporary version Caines uses rejected telephone and computer wires made of plastic in bright colours – she winds wool around them, fastens vintage fabrics to them and subsequently decorates them with beads.


The jury was pleasantly impressed by this year’s powerful entries of the students, with surprising and original designs. The prizes for the students were awarded to Penka Arabova (1980) from Bulgaria and Serin Oh from Korea.

203arabova-LRG dans Auk RUSSCHEN (NL)
Penka Arabova green brooch

Penka Arabova’s green brooch was inspired by an old Bulgarian tradition where red and white cotton threads tied together are worn as pendants, brooches or bracelets. The colour red of these so-called Martenizas is symbolic of youth and the colour white for age, and wearing them brings health and happiness. For her brooch Arabova has used different colours and materials which she associates with the old tradition in her native country and in doing so created her own modern guardian against illness and misfortune.

oh dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Serin OH – ring

At first sight Serin OH’s ring looks like a bronze nugget, coloured black, mounted on a classic ring. But upon closer inspection all kinds of jewellery and parts thereof can be distinguished, among which precious stones and a small angel, which have fused together. It is a reference to the costume jewellery that is sold in the shopping centres of Korea, mass-produced and no longer bearing any relationship to the history of Korea. Serin Oh pictures the confusion and identity crisis of modern Korea by fusing these trinkets to a whole.

russchen dans Exposition/Exhibition
Auk Russchen (1971) brooch ‘Ode’

The brooch Ode by Auk Russchen (1971) was discussed extensively by the jury and became the surprising winner. To Russchen True Colours means who you are deep inside. Showing your inside to the world. Her unusual choice of material agrees with this. Using thinly cut strips of goatskin she crochets an organic form reminiscent of intestines. The tips are of pink yarn and resemble socks. The raw, almost grubby colour of the goatskin makes the small pink details stand out. She arrived at the colour pink after reading an article about primordial man using pink coloured fibres to decorate clothing as long as 35,000 years ago. Her brooch is an ode to her and our distant ancestors. 

rygg dans Hollande (NL)
 Tove Rygg (1963) necklace Link

The necklace Link by Tove Rygg (1963) from Norway does not catch the eye because of its distinct, but rather its very subtle use of colour. During a labour-intensive process she crochets long cords of gold, silver and high-grade steel. She adds small precious stones and plaits the cords into one long chain, based on old chains of the Vikings. The various stones, haematite, smoky quartz, agate and peridote, are symbolic of the various aspects of the Norwegian landscape, such as lakes, fjords and forests. The blood agate is a personal reference to her own blood and her personal relationship with her native country Norway. 

knuts_1 dans MUSEE
Tove Knuts


Carolina Gimeno
Carolina Gimeno - brooch


 Nominees NTJ 2010:

Alejandra Solar Mexico Amanda Caines UK
Anabelle Royo Spain Annette Duburg Netherlands
Annika Pettersson Sweden Atty Tantivit Thailand
Auk Russchen Netherlands Ayala Raz Israel
Barbora Dzurakova Slovakia Belinda Koopman Australia
Carina Chitsaz-Shoshtary Germany Carolina Gimeno Chile
Cattherine Buman Australia Daniel Michel Germany
Denise Julia Reytan Germany Dora Haralambaki Greece
Esther Liebhold Germany Fabrizio Tridenti Italy
Floor Mommersteeg Netherlands Francisca Bauza Germany
Giovanni Sicuro Italy Gular Mustafa Iraq
Hartog & Henneman Netherlands Heejoo Kim Korea
Ingeborg Vandamme Netherlands Iris Goldman Germany
Isabell Schaupp Germany Jessica Turrell UK
Joao Vaz Portugal Judith Bloedjes Netherlands
Judith MacCaig UK Karen Vanmol Belgium
Katharina Tannous Germany Kirsi Johanna Kaasinen Finland
Kirsten Spuijbroek Netherlands Lien Hereijgers Belgium
Maryvonne Wellen Germany Melissa Miller Australia
Michaela Donsbach Germany Mirjam Frankle Germany
Mirjam Geiss Germany Nicolas Cheng  
Ou Jiun You Taiwan Penka Arabova Bulgaria
Pia Sommerlad Germany Serin Oh Korea
Simone Brewster UK Siv Jager Jansson Sweden
Stephanie Hensle Germany Sylvia Potente Australia
Tamara Grüner Germany Thahoura Mona Hadinejad Iran
Thea Clark US Tove Knuts Sweden
Tove Rygg Norway Vivi Touloumidi Greece
Willemijn de Greef Netherlands Young-joo Lee Korea


Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem
Utrechtseweg 87,
Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Tel.+31( 0)26 3775300.
Open: Tuesday-Friday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday-Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.



SIERAAD Art Fair 2010 – Amsterdam – 4-7 Nov. 2010

Sieraad : International jewelry art fair  in Amsterdam. The fair will include the 50 best entries for the international design contest New Traditional Jewellery and the presentation of « Inspirations »

SIERAAD Art Fair 2010 - Amsterdam - 4-7 Nov. 2010:

This year the theme of SIERAAD Art Fair as well as of the New Traditional Jewellery design contest is TRUE COLOURS. A brilliant concept, for it calls for new artistic exploration on the part of designers and a search for their own creative roots.

In the meantime 200 jewellery artists have registered to show their work at SIERAAD, which is the largest number of participants since the beginning of the fair. From November 4 through 7 they will show the wide range of their creativity to the public in the Gasholder on the Westergasterrein in Amsterdam. The fair will include the 50 best entries for the international design contest New Traditional Jewellery.


Participants 2010

Alexa – Maria Klahr
Amanda Caines
Anat Sapir Glass Jewellery Design
Anke AMO Akerboom
Atelier Bloedjes
Atelier Hanneke Paumen
Atelier Luz
Atelier Myrthe
Atelier: Akelei
Atelier: Kunst in Zilver
Atelier: MB
Aurifex Goldschmiede
Babette von Dohnany
Camara Gallery
Cees Post
Christiane Köhne
Creative Jewellers on show
Daniele Geargeoura
Danielle Vroemen
Do Collection
Dominique Trinephi
Dorit Schubert
Edelsmederij Orzini
Edelsmid Annelies Schroder
Eelco Veenman
Eva Baum
Eva Schreuder
Fabienne Vuilleumier
Fachhochschule Trier
Fairytale jewellery
H.H. Huang
HAL 1 Design
Hanneke Wels-Davelaar
Hartog en Henneman
Hester Zagt
Ines de Booij
Irish Talents
Isabell Schaupp
Jacomijn van der Donk
Jantine Kroeze
John Artistizabal C.
Josef Koppmann
Julia Funk
Julia Miltenberger Schmuckdesign
Kircher Schmuck
L* sieraden
Label 17.01 accessories
Lady Indira
Leen Heyne
Liuba Jewels
Loet Gescher
M10 Sieraden en Ontwerp
Malu Berbers
Marc Lange
Marian Sturkenboom
Mayza Joao Design
Miguel Gomez Romero
Mirjam Jakubowski en Rene Vlasblom
Misun Won
Nele Content
Nirit Dekel
Nora Rochel
Patricia Thomazo
Paulien Schipper
Peggy Bannenberg
Petra Eberz
Renate Pukis en Tobias Ueberschaer
Robine Ehrenburg
Sabine Müller
Sabine Scheubele
Saimaan AMK | Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
Sally Collins
Sarah Herriot Design
Sarah Kobak Edelsmid
Sarit Assaf
Serena Kyung-Hyun Park
Sieraad in Perspectief
Simone Brewster
Stephanie Hensle
Tamara Grüner
Tove Rygg
Ulrike Poelk
Uta Knoop Schmuckdesign
Ute Decker Sculptural jewellery
Ute van der Plaats
van Jansen
Yoriko Mitsuhashi
Zehava Hashai-Spellman
Zita Jansen edelsmid

 UTA KNOOP -DE ‘ Tas: Uta Knoop 2. Uta Knoop -  necklace

SIERAAD Art Fair 2010 - Amsterdam - 4-7 Nov. 2010 dans Amanda CAINES (UK) Pulverization-22
Arata Fuchi (at Creative Jewellers on show)- Ring – silver : silver powder : oxidized silver powder : fine gold : fine silver

Mirjam Dreher Schmuckdesign: Mirjam Dreher and Penkaar Abova at/from Fachhochschule Trier

Uli RappUli Rapp - new creations for SIERAAD

Fabienne Vuilleumier - broche 'Villa Dutoit 3': Fabienne Vuilleumierbroche « Villa Dutoit »



SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair – Amsterdam (NL) – 4-7 Nov 2010


list of participants 2010


« People wear jewellery for very different reasons – from habit or from a form of self- respect, when one has to dress for a certain occasion, but also in memory of a beautiful moment or a certain person. Jewellery is also worn simply because one is happy to be alive, from the need for something new and in anticipation of things to come. Just as people wear jewellery for different reasons, they also differ in taste and physical appearance. Some people can spend more money on jewellery than others. But where is a contemporary selection to be found that, as far as diversity is concerned, surpasses all other forms of presentations in the way of ideas, materials and price range?

SIERAAD Art Fair, international jewellery design fair - Amsterdam (NL) - 4-7 Nov 2010 dans Alexa-Maria KLAHR (DE) sieraad2

SIERAAD was set up in 2001 as a platform for people who have chosen a fantastic profession in which they can realize all their ideas but who, being self- employed, have only limited possibilities to put their work on the market. The need for such a platform is apparent from the growing number of participants from many different countries who would like to present themselves. This year the work of independent jewellery designers from more than ten countries will be on show. The direct confrontation with the public does not only serve a necessary, economic purpose – it may also result in some feedback regarding the content of their work, which in turn may lead to new developments.
Realizing this edition of SIERAAD Art Fair means that the ideal form of the fair has been realized at the same time. With its characteristic outline and beautiful open space the former gasholder on the premises of the Amsterdam WesterGasfabriek is the right spot with the right atmosphere. The location is spacious enough to create an individual place for each designer while still maintaining the coherence. The fair displays jewellery in all its manifestations and furthermore, presents a small number of goldsmiths that design silver plate.

What goes for vases or paintings goes for jewellery as well – enough is never really enough. Obligations and restrictions are self-imposed values. What really matters is the joy that can be experienced from a work of art. Apart from the wealth of forms and colours, what is especially important are the associations one may have with it and the way one can live with it. That is why the fair is just as interesting for people who seldom buy jewellery as for collectors of these items of cultural significance. Unique objects in a variety of price ranges are to be found here as well as jewellery made in small numbers.
By means of a few centrally located presentations the range of the concept ’jewellery’ is shown. This year it will be an exhibition in which jewellery designers write history, entitled “Medieval Mystery solved”. Jewellery can also symbolize loss and sorrow, which becomes clear from the impact of “Bomb Wreck Jewellery”. As organisers of this fair, Astrid Berens and Maarten Bodt are aware that an increase in new talent is crucial for the profession of jewellery design. Therefore, this year they offer space to students of the section Jewellery & Product Design of the College of Arts in Maastricht. Using new computer technology jewellery designers associated with the Formativ from Düsseldorf make unexpected possibilities and jewellery tailored to the individual visible and tangible. For those who want to increase their knowledge about jewellery there will also be a stand with books on this subject.
In short, everybody can find something to his liking on this edition of SIERAAD Art Fair, if only, for starters, a personal remembrance of this confrontation with the many-sidedness of contemporary jewellery
. »
(Marjan Unger, art historian and publicist)

 dans Anat SAPIR (IL)


02pet_ringe dans Annika PETTERSSON (SE)
Alexa-Maria Klahr (DE)

Anat Sapir Glass Jewellery Design
Anat Sapir - glass jewelry
Christiane Köhne (DE) - Brosche ‘rosa Fischernetz’ plastikblumen

Dorit Schubert
Dorit Schubert (DE)

 dans Atty TANTIVIT (Thai.)
Fabienne Vuilleumier (FR) – ‘Villa Dutoit’ bracelet

H.H. Huang
Hsiu-Hsuan Huang Painted Necklace, 2007 (Turquoise, canvas, oil paint)

Isabell Schaupp
Isabell Schaupp

Jacomijn van der Donk
Jacomijn van der Donk

Julia Funk, Kragen, 'Die Orientierungslose'
Julia Funk (DE), Kragen, ‘Die Orientierungslose’

006 dans Carolina GIMENO (Chili)
Malu Berbers

Nora Rochel (DE)

01_3772 dans Christiane KOEHNE (DE)
Ramjuly‘  (Emanuela Deyanova & Antoaneta Petrova) – rings

Sally Collins
Sally Collins (UK) ‘Make Do And Mend’ collection

 dans Denise Julia REYTAN (DE)
Stephanie Hensle (DE) – brooch-  iron, silver plated with magnetic plastic gemstones

Tamara Grüner
Tamara Grüner

silberdisctnecklacecollction dans Dora HARALAMBAKI (GR)

Tove Rygg (CH)




Uli Rapp (NL)

Ute Decker Sculptural jewellery
Ute Decker

con_blausilb dans Dorit SCHUBERT (DE)
Uta Knoop (DE) ‘confetti’ necklace


Starting with the fourth edition, New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) will become a biennial event. The three preceding editions of this international design contest and the ensuing travelling exhibitions have been proof of the success of this project and its right to exist. The quality requirements as to the nature and scope of and entries for the event are becoming increasingly strict. In order to meet these requirements in a professional manner NTJ will become a biennial design contest.
The next edition will be in 2010. For the design contest and exhibition 2010 the technical jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘True Colours’ because literally as well as figuratively this theme offers considerable scope for inspiration.
The 2010 theme: ‘True Colours’
Showing your true colours means that you show what your real attitudes and qualities are. You can approach True Colours from a social perspective; society is full of topical colour coding. Other examples may be found in heraldry, folklore and science.
True Colours refers to colours and pigments. Over the centuries the palette of art history has been determined by precious mineralogical and biological pigments that were obtained from ground semi-precious stones, processed metals, and earth, seeds and plants – materials that did not always bear the test of time; in the course of time white lead e.g. turned black.
The link between the theme ‘True Colours’ and contemporary jewellery design is obvious. From time immemorial the significance and appreciation of jewellery have pre-eminently been determined by colour.
From the use of gold or silver to enamels and mineralogical and biological stones: colour is a language. In the seventies and eighties it became manifest how rich this language is. The application of textiles and Perspex in jewellery led to a new form language and use of colour – an important stage in the emancipation of contemporary jewellery design.
True Colours is about the history, meaning, value, magic and power of the language of colour.
The importance of NTJ
For every edition of New Traditional Jewellery an inspiring theme is chosen. Participants are challenged to reshape historical or traditional jewellery. They do not submit just their design – they must also submit pictures and information about the historical or traditional ornament on which their concept is based.
This is the characteristic added value of NTJ: past and present are bridged by artists in a very personal way. A technical jury selects fifty to seventy designs which are on show in an exhibition during the SIERAAD fair, where the winners of NTJ are also officially announced.
When taking part in this contest, jewellery designers from all over the world make use of a new platform where they give shape to their vision of a tradition and a theme. This design contest and the ensuing travelling, international exhibition have become a showcase for developments in contemporary jewellery in the new millennium.
Foundation Art in Business is the initiator of New Traditional Jewellery. Its objective is the promotion of knowledge and appreciation of the art of jewellery in the business world, among private individuals and civil authorities. In this ways FAB wants to bridge the gap between artists and buyers and between tradition and today’s world.

NTJ list of  NOMINEES for 2010

…. among them : Annika Pettersson (SE), Denise Julia Reytan (DE), Floor Mommersteeg (NL), Giovanni Sicuro (IT), Isabell Schaupp (DE), Kirsten Spuijbroek (NL), Tamara Grüner (DE), Thea Clark (US), Willemijn de Greef (NL), Atty Tantivit (Thailand), Carolina Gimeno (Chile), Dora Haralambaki Greece, Fabrizio Tridenti (IT), Vivi Touloumidi (GR), Nicolas Cheng (SE) ………………

Amanda CainesCarolina Gimeno
Amanda Caines (UK)                   —                          Carolina Gimeno (Chili)

36372_133554079997760_129993013687200_284590_1354199_n dans Eily O'CONNELL (IRL)
Dora Haralambaki (Greece) – ceramic jewellery
Nicolas Cheng – ‘The Beauty of Nothingness’
- brooch – loofah, sponge, cotton



Haarlemmerweg 8-10
1014 BE – Amsterdam (Netherlands/Hollande)
Tel : 00 31 (0)33 4337009