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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria MUNZKER – at 2017 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition – 18-27 Nov. 2017

Viktoria Munzker

2017 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition / Nov. 18-27 2017 / @ BIFTPARK (Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Park)

 2017 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition / Nov. 18-27 2017 / @ BIFTPARK (Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology Park) -

2017 Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition is  to be held on November 18-26 in Beijing.
Themed on « Union & Concurrence », under the meaning of « combination »and « run in parallel », which is mutually exclusive, this exhibition embodies China’s national policies of Global View, the Belt and Road, and Win-Win Cooperation, and also represents that the Eastern and Western cultural ecologies respect each other, interact with each other, complement each other and help each other forward in terms of contemporary jewelry art under the multi-cultural context.

The exhibition aims to promote diverse jewelry art creation, exploring the latest concepts of international jewelry art as well as the fashion and development trend of international jewellery business. With concept innovation and academic guidance as its focus, it builds an interactive platform and space for different artistic creation ideas and thoughts. During the exhibition, an international jewelry art academic innovation forum, an international jewelry design education forum, along with an international jewelry fashion trend forum will be held.

 Viktoria Münzker Ferus Brooch: Heliopora Coerulea, 2016 Driftwood, silver, granules, synthetic topas

Viktoria Münzker - Brooch: Heliopora Coerulea, 2016 - Driftwood, silver, granules, synthetic topaz

 Viktoria Münzker Ferus - Necklace: Cupido Minimus, 2016 Operculum, brass, glas crystal, granules 10 x 7 x 2.5 cm Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus

 Viktoria Münzker Ferus – Necklace: Cupido Minimus, 2016 Operculum, brass, glas crystal, granules 10 x 7 x 2.5 cm Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus 

Viktoria Munzker - Brooch: Aeria Memoria, 2016 Operculum, driftwood, antique nail, bronze, silver, granules 11 x 5 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus

Viktoria Munzker - Brooch: Aeria Memoria, 2016 Operculum, driftwood, antique nail, bronze, silver, granules 11 x 5 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus




Beijing Institute of fashion Technology,
Beijing Shi, Chaoyang Qu
100029 -  Beijing 


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria MUNZKER self portraits with jewelry ……

Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 23:58

Viktoria MUNZKER  self portraits with jewelry ……

Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017: Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017

Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017: Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017

Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017: Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017

Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017: Viktoria Munzker self portraits  avril 2017

and I wanted to send you some news about my cooperation with the auction company Dorotheum, which will sell and exhibit my pieces from 4 may :



EXPO ‘The After Joya Effect IV’ (during AJW 2017) – Popeye loves Olive gallery, Athens (GR) – 18 Mai-6 Juin 2017

The after Joya effect IV


saturday May 20 :  19.00h : opening

The exhibition will run from May 18th until June 6th, 2017.
@Popeye Loves Olive Art-Space

The after Joya effect IV”   ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2017(Piece by Ye Jee Lee)

“The after Joya Effect” is an Exhibition that took place for the first time at Popeye loves Olive – Art Space, in 2014, in the historical center of Athens that aimed to the interaction and the transformation of individuality to collaboration, diversity to unification and exchange to sharing. This year, is the 4th edition.
37 Selected Artists from 20 different countries are called to participate in the project with the work shown in Joya Barcelona, Jewelry Art Fair, the previous year. During the event, the public will vote for their favorite artist, who will be invited for a Solo exhibition at Popeye loves Olive – Art Space the following year!

Amira Jalet – Costa Rica // Anne-Sophie Vallée – Canada // Artemis Valsamaki - Greece // Christine Jalio – Finland // Daniela Saraya – Israel // Elin Flognman – Sweden // Georgia Gremouti - Greece // Gigi Mariani - Italy // Gili Doliner – Israel // Helmi Lindblom – Finland // Irene Palomar – Argentina // Iro Kaskani – Cyprus // Isabelle Busnel – France // Jeemin Jamie Chung – South Korea // Jelizaveta Suska – Sweden // Jenny Edlund – Sweden // Liana Pattihis – Cyprus/UK // Malene Kastalje – Denmark // Maria Tsimpiskaki – Greece // Marie Eve Castonguay - Canada // Melina Lindroos – Finland // Mengnan Zi – China // Michelle Kraemer – Luxembourg // Magali Thibault Gobeil – Canada // Myung Urso – South Korea // Nicole Schuster – Germany // Snem Yildirim – Turkey // Sunyoung Kim – South Korea // Susanna Baldacci – Italy // Vania Ruiz (CasaKiro Joyas) – Chile // Velislava Bozhinova – Bulgaria // Viktoria Münzker – Austria // Yafit Ben Meshulam – Irael // Yannick Mur – France // Ye-Jee Lee - South Korea // Yeseul Seo – South Korea // Yiota Vogli – Greece

 Elin Flognman  *Big Dinner* Neckpiece Alpaca, Gold, Silver, Brass, LeatherElin Flognman  *Big Dinner* Neckpiece Alpaca, Gold, Silver, Brass, Leather Daniella Saraya  *Re-cover* NeckObject Silver, EpoxyDaniella Saraya  *Re-cover* NeckObject Silver, Epoxy Christine Jalio  *Loss* Brooch Silk Clay, plaster, silverChristine Jalio  « Loss » Brooch Silk Clay, plaster, silver

Artemis Valsamaki *Keep the Faith* Brooch Copper, Silver, Acrylic Paint Artemis Valsamaki *Keep the Faith* Brooch Copper, Silver, Acrylic Paint The After Joya Effect IV -    AJW 2017 -  Anne-Sophie Vallée  *Pile-up* Brooch Steel, Powder Coating, Magnet: Anne-Sophie Vallée  *Pile-up* Brooch Steel, Powder Coating, Magnet Amira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica "Roble", Oil paintingAmira Jalet  *Inferno* Brooch Wood charcoal from the north of Costa Rica « Roble », Oil painting



Popeye loves olive

Limpona street 5,
Plateia Agias Eirinis (Ag. Irinis Square)
10560 Athènes
 tel. (+30) 210 8673461
opening hours: Tues-Sat: 12.00-20.00, Sun: 12.00 – 17.00



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria MUNZKER at Dorotheum (Vienna, AT) from 4 May 2017

Viktoria MUNZKER

« To give birth to something new, something old must die. »

the next selling exhibition will be at  Dorotheum,  Vienna (Le Dorotheum, fondé en 1707, est la plus ancienne salle des ventes au monde ; elle donne son nom à la société qui en assure la gestion)
It will be a small exhibition with 23 pieces, mainly to present my winning pieces from the Arts and Craft Design Award. Pieces can be seen from 4 May .
There is a private opening party on 4th may from 18:00 to 21:00.

 Viktoria Munzker  "Cupido minimus" necklace 2016 - (fish bones), brass, glass, glass granules, pearl, varnish - 12 x 10 x 2,5 cm, 45 cm length: Viktoria Munzker  « Cupido minimus » necklace 2016 – Crystal Odyssey series – (fish bones), brass, glass, glass granules, pearl, varnish – 12 x 10 x 2,5 cm, 45 cm length

Viktoria Munzker   necklace "Calmella Calvolini" from MICROVITA series 2017 - Driftwood, cotton, silver, plastic beads, granules, lacquer Viktoria Munzker   necklace « Calmella Calvolini » from MICROVITA series 2017 – Driftwood, cotton, silver, plastic beads, granules, lacquer

Viktoria Munzker   - brooch  "Tubularia Perla" < 2011 - 2012 - Worms series - Driftwood, Alpaca, Steel, Lyberian Dessert Glass, Paint, Metal Granules, Plastic pearls 2012: Viktoria Munzker   – brooch  « Tubularia Perla »  2011 – 2012 – Worms series – Driftwood, Alpaca, Steel, Lyberian Dessert Glass, Paint, Metal Granules, Plastic pearls 2012Viktoria Munzker  - brooch  "Blue Tunnel" < 2011 - 2012 - "Worms" series -: Viktoria Munzker  – brooch  « Blue Tunnel » < 2011 – 2012 – « Worms » series -

Viktoria Munzker  - brooch from 2015 - Orbis Regius series: Viktoria Munzker  - brooch from 2015 – « Orbis Regius » series

Viktoria Munzker   - brooch from 2013 - "Desiderium Ad Universum" series: Viktoria Munzker   – brooch from 2013 – « Desiderium Ad Universum » series

Viktoria Munzker  - brooch "Species"< 2011 - 2012 - Worms series: Viktoria Munzker  – brooch « Species »  2011 – 2012 – Worms series

 Viktoria Munzker - brooch " Heliopora coreulea " Driftwood, silver, glass granules, topaz, varnish - 13,5 x 5,5 x 4,5 cm: Viktoria Munzker - brooch  » Heliopora coreulea  » Driftwood, silver, glass granules, topaz, varnish – 13,5 x 5,5 x 4,5 cm

« At the beginning, all is empty and dark.
It looks like a never-ending sphere.
The darkness is strong and heavy.
Only a small grain from the destroyed world remains.
It’s floating and collecting positive energy from the space.
In the right moment, at the proper place, it explodes at the speed of light.
From one moment to another, the universe is full.
Blending, full of light, waiting for you.
Make a wish.
Create the new world of light, gravid in possibilities.
By focusing on the essentials we reach the blurred lines between natural and artificial.
These relationships are the jewel in the composition of freedom and individual expression.
Sometimes we see only what we want to see. Sometimes it’s enough.
We want to know the truth behind the things.
Truth is freedom.
So we ask, investigate and are curious.
We want to find out how things work.
We are creating universe with the least constraint.
The need to create is an elementary necessity of us all. » – Viktoria Munzker




Kärntnerstrasse 36
A-1010 Vienna (AUSTRIA)
Phone: +43-1-513 32 02
Opening hours Monday to friday 9:30 to 19:00, saturday 9:30 to 18:00




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria MUNZKER – 2017 « Creation Divina » ….

Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 18:06

Viktoria Munzker

Turn your day to a marvel today…
Latest  collection  2017 – Microvita 

« Microvitum -  Like a fragment of my imagination.
Reality as lifestyle is too confining.
Reality is a collective feeling.
Doors to the other worlds.
Doors to the other perception.
Doors of fantasy.
An infinite metamorphosis of a butterfly
And life.
Unrestless energy changes its form,
In one moment body to spirit,
In another thought to word.
Word turns to act,
Act turns to character.
Materials’ metamorphose changes the colour
And composition.
It takes a new shape and charisma.
It represents a thought of an immortal energy.
Micro-life creating structure.
Organized creativity particles. »

Viktoria Munzker - "Creation Divina" - Brooch Wood, Operculum, brass, silver, agate, granules, lacquer 2017 Viktoria Munzker – « Creation Divina » – Brooch Wood, Operculum, brass, silver, agate, granules, lacquer 2017

Viktoria Munzker "creation Divina" Brooch -  Wood, Operculum, brass, silver, agate, granules, lacquer 2017 - DETAIL : Viktoria Munzker « creation Divina » Brooch -  Wood, Operculum, brass, silver, agate, granules, lacquer 2017 – DETAIL

Viktoria Munzker 2017coll. "Microvita"  - "Creation Divina" Brosche - Holz, Operculum, Messing, Silber, Achat, Granulat,  lack  -  2017  DETAIL  / Wood, Operculum, brass, silver, agate, granules, lacquer: Viktoria Munzker 2017 – coll. « Microvita »  – « Creation Divina » Brosche – DETAIL

Viktoria Munzker 2017coll. "Microvita" - "Creation Divina" Brosche - Holz, Operculum, Messing, Silber, Achat, Granulat, lack - 2017 BACK: Viktoria Munzker 2017 coll. « Microvita » – « Creation Divina » Brosche -  BACK





Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,organics,Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:33

Viktoria MUNZKER

« Everything is possible, nothing is true!
Far below the horizon, in the darkness of the ocean it lives unobserved by humans. Where the light goes out and ceases to exist, romp creatures of unknown »

New works from the Crystal Odyssey Collection. Delicate forms and vibrant, kaleidoscopic colors tempt our senses and create bold statement pieces.

A glimpse on details, which are the MAIN materials ……

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey Viktoria Münzker Schmucksachen    juillet 2016   Crystal Odyssey – detail

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - necklaceViktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – necklace
Viktoria Münzker Ferus  - Necklace: Admiral, 2016 - Operculum, bronze, glas, granules - 10 x 7 x 2 cm - Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus DETAILSViktoria Münzker Ferus  – Necklace: Admiral, 2016 – Operculum, bronze, glas, granules – 10 x 7 x 2 cm – Photo by: Viktoria Münzker Ferus DETAILS
VIKTORIA MUNZKER - Hyacinthina  - Crystal Odyssey - Halskette  Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016    VIKTORIA MUNZKER – Hyacinthina  – Crystal Odyssey – Halskette  Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016
Viktoria Münzker Ferus Brooch: Ambrosia Nera, 2016 Driftwood, amber, silver, granulesViktoria Münzker Ferus - Brooch: Ambrosia Nera, 2016 -  Driftwood, amber, silver, granules

 Viktoria Münzker Schmucksachen - brooch "Hermits Lair" detailViktoria Münzker Schmucksachen - brooch « Hermits Lair » – details


« To give birth to something new, something old must die. » (Viktoria Munzker) …..



EXPO ‘(Lost) Paradise’ – Alliages, Lille (FR) – 10 Dec.2016 –21 Janv.2017

an exhibition of contemporary jewellery & ceramics proposed by Alliages from Dec. 10th 2016 to Jan. 21st 2017.

Artificial, inanimate, painful, lost … Where is your paradise ?

The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday Dec. 9th, 2019 at 6 PM

Alliages - (Lost) paradise - dec 2016:


Showing works of   Ana Garcia MoyaAnke HuybenCaterina ZancaChing-Ting YangClaudia Steiner Xenia Deimezi – Eero Hintsanen — Eleanor Symms — Emmanuelle Durand — Fabienne Christyn — Gabriela Secarea — Hebe ArgentieriHeidemarie HerbHelmi Lindblom Isabelle BusnelIzabella Petrut Juan Riusech Kristin Beeler — Lucy Morrow — Ludmilla Buga — Mabel PenaMar SanchezMargarita AlonsoMartina Dempf Michelle Kraemer — Nadine Smith — Nanna MellandNicole SchusterPhilip Sajet Rodrigo AcostaRosa BorredáSébastien CarréSelma LealSergio e Stefano Spivach – Sònia Serrano — Victoria IoannidouViktoria Münzker Wiebke Pandikow – Ying Chen.


(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen(Lost) Paradise, with Ying Chen
« As a jewellery artist, I believe my work is the bridge connecting myself with the outside world, which shows my thoughts, inner feeling and philosophy. What reflect on me from outside? How do I reply to it? I address my answers by making the questions tangible and personal. Fortress Besieged is one of my projects. The whole project is about my thought and feeling of the renovation in my city. “Shikumen”, the typical kind of buildings in Shanghai which I used to live, has been replaced by high-rises. I can not help but doubt, whether the demolition of Shikumen is necessary. Shikumen is like a paradise of all the memories from dwellers who have spent most of their time in Shikumen. However, their opinion was neglected. My work shows my inner struggle and sadness in the journey of finding the right answer. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal  (Lost) Paradise, with Selma Leal 
« The piece ‘Danger… woodworm!’ it is part of the exhibition ‘Life in the Urban Paradise’ , which was born from a previous collection, ‘Cities’. Nowadays, urban parks and public gardens are a safe haven. They are green areas where we can relax and recover the energy we nees for life. This piece is a subtle critique our society, because I think the man is the woodworm of the planet. Love the planet is to love ourselves. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou (Lost) Paradise, with Victoria Ioannidou.
« Ominus, Pesimistic,Disapointing, contradicting,negative messages deprive the oxygene from our little but important beings.. However there is a small spark of hope far away that fills our dull lifes with color and light. My own paradise is my concern to strengthen the spark ,prevent and restrain the evil.. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker(Lost) Paradise, with Viktoria Münzker
« Breathless attention fills two parts of a complex called life. Tenderness and violence, love and hate, harmony and conflict, birth and death, heaven and hell. The emotional side of my work is based on my personal experiences. Suggestions for the creation of Paradise were my emotional forces, experiences and mental images. Paradise – Garden of Eden from that we were expelled forever, and what we must now create alone. This term, in old Sumerian « Adina » – Garden means a place that seemed to be fruitful… Did we lost it? This land is real, it is an another dimension in this world, the real paradise can’t be lost. It is inside of us. If we believe that we are a part of it, there will always be a place that we call paradise. Jewellery is my art to show the world my own inner self, the inner world where I feel safe and beautiful. It’s the inner paradise that survives only with our power. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca(Lost) Paradise, with Caterina Zanca
« My paradise is a small space rediscovered in the middle of a chaotic reality, tended to the geometric and formal. A non-enclosed space, but yet communicative with new points of view from different perspectives. Apparently aseptic but a generator of light, ideas, energy, thus of a new life! Il mio paradiso è un piccolo spazio ritrovato fra una caotica realtà, teso alla pulizia geometrica e formale. Uno spazio non chiuso, ma comunicativo di nuovi punti di vista, di diverse prospettive. Apparentemente asettico ma generatore di luce, idee, energia, dunque di nuova vita! »
(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach(Lost) Paradise, with Sergio Stefano Spivach
« The Archangel into pieces / THE BODY, THE HEART, THE WING The falling Archangel, crashing into pieces, is the metaphor of man who is walking on a road paved of self-destruction. Falling on lost paradise, The Archangel crashes into pieces: his heart moves from the body in order to survive – aware that his own wing will lead himself safe. On the contrary, the body will wear down gradually. The stone we have used for creating the three parts of The Archangel testifies, with its color and its porosities, the consequences of its own closeness with the human being. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna Melland(Lost) Paradise, with Nanna MellandLost Paradises. In 1977 Bob Marley sang; “Exodus, movement of Jah people!” His words could not fit better for the situation of refugees today. Masses of people in a seemingly endless flow, leaving their home country in search of a better future somewhere else. Paradise lost. Paradise search. I chose to work with the suitcase as an object of our time. A time of flux, of movement, of wanted and unwanted journeys. It can be disturbingly absent or disturbingly present. For the exhibition Lost Paradises, I present a serie of rings called Suitcaserings. Cast in bronze in the lost wax technique, coloured afterwards. You need strength to wear and balance these heavy skin coloured Suitcaserings on your hand, A strong grip to get by in this world of suffering. Of Lost Paradises. »

Sebastien Carré - Lost Paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Sébastien Carré
« Just imagine… Living in a world in which we would not have destroyed our relationship to nature. In which, the society, the moral, the value or our belief would not have put us in a virtual cell. A world of difference, of similarity, of ambiguity but after all isn’t it what is making a more interesting world. Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms, the shape of the central figure in all form of shamanism around the world, the Tree that connects us all together. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Let’s hope for a world with more shamanism, more bound between all living forms. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. »

Rosa Borredá -  Lost paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Rosa Borredá
« LOST CIVILIZATIONS Accumulation of different objects left over the centuries that are worn, eroded by time. Ancient architectures with traces of gold leaf and polychromy. Lush vegetation but withered at the same time. Paradise and decay, everything has a place in the lost and imaginary paradises. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner(Lost) Paradise, with Claudia Steiner
« The earth as the ideal for a happy and content existence, with indescribable natural beauty. Is this still true? This is not the case anywhere in the world. It is precisely our time that makes us doubt whether or not this is indeed true. Everyone has their own ideas of paradise and can explore it in a variety of ways. Sometimes with the look at hidden details sometimes viewed at large. The contrasts of geometric lines and round forms, the uneven surface, reflect the contrasting variety of our earth. The way to the personal paradise in life is different and sometimes requires detours, means unevenness in the life cycle – one up and down – in order to somehow have found his personal ideal of a happy and content life. Not everything is at first sight recognizable as such, some « paradise » requires a longer confrontation with it and will only be discovered in small. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta(Lost) Paradise, with Rodrigo Acosta
« Deconstruct to build again. Giving a new shape to the existent object. Building your space, your place, your habitat, your paradise. Find back your lost paradise. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi(Lost) Paradise, with Xenia Deimezi
“The youth love, Pure and unconditional, almost dreamy, full of emotions and passion but also temporary. Now kept as a memory, idealized and distant. My beautiful secret (lost) paradise.”

(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer(Lost) Paradise, with Michelle Kraemer
« Up and above in a far away land exploring an unreachable world dreaming of landscapes and possibilities… unreachable but with imagination so close yet so far that’s where I want to go… to be among these ethereal, ephemeral entities to touch them, to make them mine to materialize them into my own imagined reality »

(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet(Lost) Paradise, with Philip Sajet
« paradise is nothing other than time passing sense that we realize that as time passes »

(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb(Lost) Paradise, with Heidemarie Herb
« Since some years I’m working on the collection « time ». Keys are like magic tools, they open and close doors,diaries, treasures….they preserve secrets, memories and thoughts. You can meet positive or negative feelings…once again this opposites are attractions in my work. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn(Lost) Paradise, with Fabienne Christyn
« I’ll go sleep in the white paradise Where the nights are so long that we forget the time All alone with the wind As in my childhood dreams I will go running in the white paradise Far from the looks of hatred And fighting blood Find whales Talking to silverfish Like, like, like before M.Berger »

(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith(Lost) Paradise, with Nadine Smith
« I live in Wellington and work part time as an artist and nurse. Caring for others has developed my fundamentally humanist philosophy. Fueled by this and the fragility of life, pieces often reference the relationship we have with the developing technological world and how this creates possibilities for enhancement or re-creation of our environment, our lives, even ourselves. Being an avid recycler with magpie tendencies and an active imagination lends itself to a diverse range of work. Medical and other recycled paraphernalia when used out of context can create a tension between the familiar and the unknown. The works aim to intrigue, inviting the audience to reflect and make connections from their own life experiences. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms(Lost) Paradise, with Eleanor Symms
« Demolition Neckpiece This piece is made using found electrical components gathered at the beach beside Cockenzie coal-fired power station, along the coast from my home. The power station, which dominated the coastline since the 1960s, was demolished in 2015. It was the cause of much pollution, changing the nature of the coastline, creating miles of new land with infill of the spoil it generated and leaving huge ‘lagoons’ of fly ash, some of which are now reserves for birds and wildlife. The power station destroyed a wild, natural coastal habitat, but nature is slowly reclaiming the site. In using found plastic components from the site, which have been sea and weather-worn in combination with silver and opals, I aim to question notions of preciousness and disposability. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez 2016(Lost) Paradise, with Mar Sanchez
« Return to origin. We yearn for happiness, seek peace, love. And, generally, we seek outside ourselves. I suspect none of this depends on external circumstances. My heart tells me that the lost paradise is inside me, waiting to be found. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow(Lost) Paradise, with Wiebke Pandikow
« Without the ubiquitous plastic our civilization could hardly have become what it is today, but at the same time it is a burden on the environment with far-reaching consequences. Especially plastic bags are an obvious symbol for mindless consumerism and a throw-away society. This makes them so interesting for me to work with, to create from them, with the help of a clothes iron and a soldering iron, textures and structures that recall forms of the natural world which we have set ourselves apart from. Hand-formed leaves form lush necklaces, but they can only ever be pale images of the real thing. We feel safe with plastics, at home and comfortable in our modern paradise of artificiality. But it is the natural world around us which is the real paradise, in danger of becoming a paradise lost. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena(Lost) Paradise, with Mabel Pena
« My natural paradise, my oasis, flows the meandering waters of the Parana River Delta. I find no better place to muse about life and to relax than when I am rowing my boat in this maze of water and rainforest. Every concern or fear seems to vanish while I row my way through this cluster of islands. Nature in all its glory to admire: golden water, green trees and vines and colorful birds. This brooch illustrates the landscape of this Delta, its colors and textures, and the feelings it arises in me. »

(Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel   (Lost) Paradise, with Isabelle Busnel
« Black jewellery is often associated with mourning jewellery. This collection is inspired by Victorian jewellery and relates to any loss in life, or in Paradise… »

(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom(Lost) Paradise, with Helmi Lindblom
« Fruitfully Yours, extinction With this work I focus on today’s paradox: simultaneous population growth and entering the sixth mass extinction. Jewelry from Extinction are silent in comparison to their colorful opposites (Fertility) like extinction is silent in comparison to birth. With color contrast from black balloons I want to put forth the feel of fading away. « 


111, Bd. Victor Hugo
F-59000 LILLE
Horaires : Mo/Fri : 10-13h & 14-17h – Sa : 10-12h & 12h30-16h30






EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria Münzker – granules forever !

Classé dans : Autriche (AT),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Viktoria MUNZKER (SK/AT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:32

Viktoria Münzker

« In the beginning, all is empty and dark. It looks like a never-ending sphere. The darkness is strong and heavy. Only a small grain from the destroyed world remains. It is floating and collecting positive energy from the space. At the right moment, in the proper place, it explodes at the speed of light. From one moment to another, the universe is full. Blending, full of light, waiting for you. Make a wish. Create the new world of light, gravid with possibilities. To give birth to something new, something old must die. By focusing on the essentials, we reach the blurred lines between natural and artificial. These relationships are the jewel in the composition of freedom and individual expression. »

Usually, I love the BLUE(s), so I should show you the new Viktoria Munzker blues, the ones we saw at last JOYA Barcelona 2016, the Crystal Odyssey serie, done with some skeleton fish (see the incredible back of this neckpiece !) …….

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016Viktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace (DETAIL) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016Viktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace (DETAIL) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat  2016

Viktoria Munzker -  2016 - Crystal Odyssey - "Hyacinthina" necklace (BACK) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, GranulatViktoria Munzker -  2016 – Crystal Odyssey – « Hyacinthina » necklace (BACK) Operculum, Bronze, Silber, Glasstein, Granulat

2016 – Crystal Odyssey

Imagine your boat drifting in the winds
towards the stars
nothing is real
everything is fantasy
kaleidoscope skies with your head in the clouds
there\\\’s a place of diamond fields
lonely hearts standing there
where are they coming from
words are sea of green, gold and blue
follow the man next door
the sun will know
all you need is everyone
across the lane we live a life of ease
return to the galaxy of souls
where the crystal odyssey was written
and colored with memories

BUT ……. I’m in a REDDISH mood (Halloween ?????) so HERE we are !!!!

Viktoria Münzker Ferus  Ring: Rose Absolue, 2016  Silver, wood, granules: Viktoria Münzker – Ring: Rose Absolue, 2016  Silver, wood, granules

Viktoria Münzker Ferus  Ring: Violet, 2015  Wood, silver, granules: Viktoria Münzker- Ring: Violet, 2015  Wood, silver, granules

Viktoria Münzker- Brooch: Magenta, 2016  Wood, silver, amazonite: Viktoria Münzker- Brooch: Magenta, 2016  Wood, silver, amazonite

Viktoria Münzker Ferus Brooch Violina, 2016 Silver, wood, granules: Viktoria Münzker - Brooch Violina, 2016 Silver, wood, granules

Viktoria Munzker -  the tear & the pendulum necklace 2016Viktoria Munzker -  the tear & the pendulum necklace 2016 wood, silver, fluorite, glass, granules.



An exhibition with the finalists of the 5th edition of the prestigious Eligius Jewellery Award, which is granted with 7000€ prize money for Austrian jewellery artists. The exhibition includes a retrospective from Anna Heindl and will take place in a second venue in september 2016, at the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna.  In the artists list, of course, Viktoria Munzker !

Viktoria Münzker - Brooch: Gorgonie, 2016  Wood, onyx, silver, granules: Viktoria Münzker – Brooch: Gorgonie, 2016  Wood, onyx, silver, granules

BLUE or RED, I’m MAD of her granules !!!!!



EXPO ‘The After Joya Effect III’ (during AJW) – Popeye loves Olive gallery, Athens (GR) – 29 Juin-23 Juill. 2016



Exposición colectiva The After Joya Effect III que tendrá lugar en Popeye loves Olive – Art Space en la ciudad de Atenas, dentro del marco ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016 …..

Opening: Friday 1st July 2016 @ 20.00
Curated by: Erato Kouloubi

After Joya Effect III: (Rodrigo Acosta necklace)

After its great success, we are happily heading to the third edition of « The after Joya Effect” Exhibition. More than 50 Greek and International Artists had shown their work in our gallery, taking part in 7 Solo and 2 Group Exhibitions!!
Popeye loves Olive – Art Space, sited in the historical center of Athens, aims to the interaction and the transformation of individuality to collaboration, diversity to unification and exchange to sharing.
This year, 33 selected artists from 16 different countries, are called to participate in the project, with the work shown in Joya Barcelona, Jewelry Art Fair, the previous year.
During the event, once again, the public, will vote for their favorite artist, who will be invited for a Solo exhibition at Popeye loves Olive – Art Space.

Participating Artists:  Rodrigo Acosta (Ar) — Jordi Aparicio (Sp) — Mihai Basoiu (Ro)
Isabelle Busnel (Fr) — Alina Carp (Ro) — Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Jamie Chung (S.Kr) — Florence Croisier (Fr) — Marie-Eve Castonguay (Ca) — Aggelika Diplari (Gr) –  Gili Doliner (Il) — Katerina Glyka (Gr) — Steffi Götze (De) — Akis Goumas (Gr) — Dora Haralambaki (Gr) — Amira Jalet (Costa Rica) — Christine Jalio (Fi) — Erato Kouloubi (Gr) — Michelle Kraemer (Lx) — Mia Kwon (S.Kr) — Boky Lee  (S.Kr) –  Nina Lima (Br) — Gigi Mariani (It) — Jose Marin (Sp) –  Viktoria Münzker  (At) — Yannick Mur (Fr) — Liana Pattihis (UK) — Inbar Shahak (Il) — Niki Stylianou  (Gr) — Katja Toporski  (De) — Zeta Tsermou  (Gr) — Artemis Valsamaki  (Gr) — Yiota Vogli   (Gr)
Artemis Valsamaki - "Ηypnagogia" Brooch Copper, silver, acrylicsArtemis Valsamaki - « Ηypnagogia » Brooch Copper, silver, acrylics
Sébastien Carré "CONSIENCE – From the Darkness Comes the Light" Ring (2 or 3 fingers) Nylon, rubber, silk & cotton thread, agate, tiger eyes, red tiger eyes, coral beads, bohemian glass beads, beads.Sébastien Carré « CONSCIENCE – From the Darkness Comes the Light » Ring (2 or 3 fingers) Nylon, rubber, silk & cotton thread, agate, tiger eyes, red tiger eyes, coral beads, bohemian glass beads, beads
Marie Eve Castonguay Secret Brooch Sterling silver, steel, paper, pigments, resinMarie Eve Castonguay Secret Brooch Sterling silver, steel, paper, pigments, resin
Jordi Aparicio (Spain) Anîma 101 Necklace Wire Silver 930/000 (0,08mm), Hematite, Electroplated pure silver, electrolaqued ceramicJordi Aparicio - Anîma 101 Necklace Wire Silver 930/000 (0,08mm), Hematite, Electroplated pure silver, electrolaqued ceramic

 Rodrigo Acosta (Argentina) Desformas Pendant Forma No3 Fabric, Brass, Silver

 Rodrigo Acosta – Desformas – Pendant -Forma No3 -Fabric, Brass, Silver

Florence Croisier (France) "Ramifications" or "Virginia Creeper" 3 ranks, model n°3 Necklace Titanium and goldFlorence Croisier  « Ramifications » or « Virginia Creeper » 3 ranks, model n°3 Necklace Titanium and gold
Alina Carp (Romania) Ocean Drops Leather, plastic tubes, resin, pigment, silver closureAlina Carp - Ocean Drops Leather, plastic tubes, resin, pigment, silver closure
Isabelle Busnel (France) Stomacher Brooch Silicone, flat beads, magnetsIsabelle Busnel - Stomacher – Brooch – Silicone, flat beads, magnets
Mihai Bashou - "The Midas touch" Brooch Copper, gold, woodMihai Bashou - « The Midas touch » Brooch Copper, gold, wood
 Jamie Chung (South Korea) Two drops Pendant Brass - The After Joya Effect III  Jamie Chung (South Korea) Two drops Pendant Brass

Popeye loves olive
Limpona 5, Plateia Agias Eirinis,
10560 Athènes
opening hours: Tues.-Sat. 12.00-20.00, Sun-Mon. closed



Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Torre Fornello (IT) – 8-22 Mai 2016

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Premio Torre Fornello 6a edizione

Contemporary jewellery international competition

* AWARDS : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The awarded Artists – 8 Maggio/May 2016

* EXHIBITION : Premio Torre Fornello 2016 – The exhibition opening8/22 Maggio/May 2016
Workshop Seminar
9/10 Maggio/May 2016 (informazioni in arrivo coming soon)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Viktoria Munzker “Mother Earth, Madre Terra” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


Il tema del Premio 2016  / The theme of competition  Freedom & Constraint | Libertà e vincolo

Selected artists for the Torre Fornello Award – Gioielli in Fermento VI edition: 

Susanna Baldacci,I                Il re del mondo (spilla,brooch)
Alessandro Bean,I                 Regina libera (anello,ring)
Isabelle Busnel,UK               No grit, no pearl (spilla,brooch)
Alina Carp,RO                         Untamed, indomito (spilla,brooch)
Sébastien Carré,F                  Even if we have to loose blood(spilla)
Hsieh Chung-Lung,TW        The complexity of light (spilla)
Lluís Comín,ES                      The whisper of the storm (spilla)
Clara Del Papa,I                    Free-bound (glove ring)
Anna Fornari,I                     Vola (pendente, pendant)
Steffi Götze,D                        Raum, spazio (spilla,brooch)
Akis Goumas.GR                  Cedars secret (spilla,brooch)
Georgia Gremouti,GR        Divenire (spilla,brooch)
Nicola Heidemann,D          Plate tectonics (collana,neckpiece)
Mara Irsara,UK                    Chicchi e spicchi (collana,neckpiece)
Marilena Karagkiozi,GR    Alien grape (anello,ring)
Iro Kaskani,CY                      Rook #16 (spilla,brooch)
Sunyoung Kim,SK               Theme and variation (spilla,brooch)
Saerom Kong,SK                 Butterfly (spilla,brooch)
Miriam M. Korolkovas,BR    Bonded to nature (collier,neckpiece)
Mia Kwon,SK                       Gold on lace #1 (collana,neckpiece)
Christiana Lazopoulou,GR   Spiral (spilla,brooch)
Heng Lee,TW                      Delonix regia (spilla,brooch)
Ria Lins,B                            Just a drop (spilla,brooch)
Chiara Lucato,I                  Confini liberi (spilla,brooch)
José Marin,ES                    Colors elements and time…(bracciale)
Matsuura Mineri,J           Between (spilla,brooch)
Viktoria Münzker,A         Mother Earth (collana,neckpiece)
Rosa Nogués Freixas,ES   In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Esther Ortiz-Villajos,ES   Vine&shine (spilla,brooch)
Liana Pattihis,UK               Emilia (collana,neckpiece)
Mabel Pena,AG                  Terroir (bracciale,bracelet)
Paola Pérez,CO                  In vino veritas (spilla,brooch)
Poppy Porter,UK              We can work it out (spilla,brooch)
Stefano Rossi,I                  Fuori dalla gabbia (spilla,brooch)
Stenia Scarselli,I              Onda luminosa (spilla,brooch)
Sergio&Stefano Spivach,I   Regole (anello,ring)
Claudia Steiner,A             Within limits (spilla,brooch)
Eva Tesarik,A                    Palazzo (collana,neckpiece)
Kalliope Theodoropoulou,GR  Metamorphosis or … (spilla,brooch)
Luca Tripaldi,I                   La volpe e l’uva (anello,ring)
Lin Tsang-Hsuan,TW       Heterogeneity (spilla,brooch)
Barbara Uderzo,I              Incredible “wine” (anello,blob ring)
Andrea Vaggione,F          Take care (anello,ring)
Caterina Zanca,I               Prospettive (spilla,brooch)

Gioielli in Fermento 2016(Liana Pattihis “Emilia” for Gioielli in Fermento 2016)


CONCORSO 2016 Students section (DEADLINE 31 marzo 2016)
*Alchimia Jewellery School Firenze IT (Awarded student: Daria Olejniczak)
*Campus Idar Oberstein – Hochschule Trier Univ. School for Applied Arts – Germany
*EASD València – Departament de Joieria
*Fabrika12 – València Spain
*IED Roma IT
*ITS Cosmo Progettazione e ricerca orafa Vicenza IT (menzione speciale AGC per il progetto di Chiara Riccò)
*Liceo Artistico P.Selvatico – Padova IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*Llotja – Escola Superior de Disseny i d’Art – Catalunya
*Mingdao University – Taiwan
*Tarì Design School – Caserta IT (menzione speciale di partecipazione)
*The Glasgow School of Art – UK
*Shenkar Jewelry Design Department – Israel
*Universidad del Desarrollo, Magister de Arte – Chile
*e una rappresentanza del Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology – China (menzione speciale AGC a Felicia Li)

Una svolta importante quest’anno risiede nell’iniziativa di arricchire la mostra con la presenza di celebri artisti ospiti. In arrivo da prestigiose collezioni e grazie alla disponibilità di Charon Kransen Arts e Klimt02 Gallery, i visitatori hanno l’opportunità di scoprire dieci opere hors-concours invitate a formare il quadro ideale del dialogo tra i contenuti del concorso: in mostra i lavori di Efharis Alepedis, Sofia Björkman, Liv Blåvarp, Maria Rosa Franzin, Gésine Hackenberg, Gigi Mariani, George Plionis, Niki Stylianou, Fumiki Taguchi, Jasmin Winter.
gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Epharis Alepedis (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen Arts: Epharis Alepedis neckpiece (Guest artist) courtesy of Charon Kransen


premi da assegnare / AWARDS :
– individual participation to JOYA 2016 (Arts Santa Monica Joya artists showroom )
– individual artist profiles published on for one year
– agc membership with profile published on agc website (for Students Section winner)
– special mentions by Joya, Klimt, Agc


LIANA PATTIHIS  Emilia. Απο τη συλλογή Chained Interpretations Καρφίτσα Ασημένια αλυσίδα, σμάλτο, stainless steel --------------------------------------------------- Emilia. Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel: LIANA PATTIHIS  « Emilia ».   Chained Interpretations series Βrooch Silver ball chain, silver trace chain, enamel, stainless steel
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016

  Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYA: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch: Georgia Gremouti “Becoming” spilla, brooch – fabric(s)
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale JOYASébastien Carré - "Even If We Have To Loose Blood" - Brooch - 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk  "Même s'il faut perdre du sang" - Broche - 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie  for Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Torre Fornello:  photos: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré - « Even If We Have To Loose Blood » – Brooch – 2016 Japanase Lacquer, Japanese Paper, Garnet, Serpentine, Chrysoprase, Tiger Eyes, beads, silk / « Même s’il faut perdre du sang » – Broche – 2016 Laque Japonaise, papier Japonais, grenat, serpentine, chrysoprase, oeil de tigre, perles rocaille, soie   – photos: Milo Lee Photography 

Lluís Comín   brooch "Remor de tormenta" Gioielli in Fermento 2016  Brooch "The whisper of the storm": Lluís Comín   brooch « Remor de tormenta » -2016  Brooch « The whisper of the storm »

SteffiGötze - Brooch " Raum" Gioielli in Fermento 2016, Italy: SteffiGötze – Brooch  » Raum » for Gioielli in Fermento 2016

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 :  Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch: Saerom Kong “Butterfly”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch: Sunyoung Kim “Theme and Variation” spilla, brooch
Premio Torre Fornello Gioielli in Fermento 2016 Artista Emergente

Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules   Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition: Viktoria Münzker Ferus Necklace: Mother Earth, 2016 Mangrove wood, old plastic beads, silver, smokey quarz, glass granules 

Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02 : Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch: Susanna Baldacci “Il re del mondo”, spilla, brooch
Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale KLIMT02

 Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina  Stenia Scarselli Brooch: Lightwave Onda luminosa, 2016 Bronze, silver soldering, fishing line, electrical circuit, LEDs, battery, magnet Photo by: Rudy Pessina

 Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts: Jasmin Winter Neckpiece: Two in one, 2016 Silver, enamel, resin, thread Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Premio Torre Fornello VI edition Guest artist Gioielli in Fermento 2016, courtesy of C.Kransen Arts

Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC : Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring: Marilena Karagkiozi “Alilen grape” anello, ring
Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – menzione speciale AGC

gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Eva Tesarik -   "palazzo" neckpiece: Eva Tesarik -   collier from the serie « Palazzo »



Gioielli in Fermento ®
T.+39 3358083039 Ziano Pc Italy
curaduría Eliana Negroni


con la collaborazione di | in collaboration with
AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo
JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Fair Barcelona
Klimt02 Art Jewellery Online
Torre Fornello