On peut dire que je me suis laissée embobiner …
j’aime particulièrement ces « petits bouts de métal » dessinés, percés, délicatement rebrodés, alliant le dur et le tendre, le moderne et le « vieillot, dans une technique patiente et méticuleuse ….
Ici les techniques textiles utilisées sont essentiellement la broderie, mais également le crochet
![Contemporary South African Studio Jewelry from the Stellenbosch Area at Velvet da Vinci Gallery,](http://static.velvetdavinci.com/images/kirstengerber4web.jpg)
Kirsten Gerber “Alice Dutton 1880-1983″ Chatelaine
![Bijoux empaquetés, rebrodés ... bien ficelés ma foi ! - embroidered jewelry dans Bettina GOTSCH (DE) bague-diamant01](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_UZyOEBHDx_M/S5kEFXXxOwI/AAAAAAAAAMw/XQxX1g9sfBs/s320/bague-diamant01.jpg)
Paris design duo Jia Style (Xiaojia Wang) (FR) – bagues – soie, perles, argent (to shop on Etsy)
![1116 dans blog TheCarrotBox](http://www.thecarrotbox.com/news/2009/1116.jpg)
Sarah Rhodes (UK) – rings
Sarah Rhodes – ring 2009 Sterling silver, pink cotton thread
![erop_01_goetsch dans Catherine MAYMO (CH)](http://www.hawk-hhg.de/gestaltung/images/erop_01_goetsch.jpg)
Bettina Götsch -ornamentale Strukturen (Thesisarbeit – 2009 – HAWK fachhochschule)
Lisa Juen – ‘Secrets’ ring- ‘Reality & fantasy’ serie – silk floss, enamel on steel
![02_01 dans Corina RIETVELD (NL)](http://www.emate.hu/images/01detail/02_01.gif)
![blank dans Eszter MATE (HU)](http://www.emate.hu/images/blank.gif)
Eszter Maté (HU)
![Catherine Maymo - crocheted rings](http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.fr/files/2010/08/catherinemaymocrochetedrings.jpg)
Catherine Maymo (Barcelona-based Swiss jeweller) Crocheted rings
![green%20coverings%203%20website dans ETSY.com](http://www.corinarietveld.nl/images/green%20coverings%203%20website.jpg)
![green%20coverings%201%20website dans JIA Style (FR)](http://www.corinarietveld.nl/images/green%20coverings%201%20website.jpg)
Corina Rietveld (NL) ‘bordure‘ rings (broderie)
![Corina Rietveld- EXPO craf2EU 'blooming fantasies'](http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.fr/files/2010/08/broderiescorinarietveldexpocraf2eubloomingfantasies.jpg)
Corina Rietveld- exhibited at craf2EU ‘blooming fantasies’
![Sorbete de fresa by Sociedad Estatal ddi.](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2662/4029133050_a94e50c05e.jpg)
![Susan Cross 'Concentration' Brooch](http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.fr/files/2010/05/susancrossconcentrationbrooch.jpg)
Jimena Bolaños – ‘Sorbete de fresa’ (Exposición ‘The Design Circus’ madrid 2009-2010)
Susan Cross ‘Concentration’ Brooch
![Paraissez ce que vous êtes ou soyez ce que vous paraissez 12 Ozay Emert](http://illo-asso.org/images/stories/paraissez_ce_que_vous_etes_ou_soyez_ce_que_vous_paraissez12.jpg)
Özay Emert (TR) – neckpiece ‘Either seem as you are or be as you seem’ 2008 Silver, silk thread
![Vered Babai- hibiscus brooch _2008](http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.fr/files/2010/07/veredbabaihibiscusbrooch2008.jpg)
Vered Babai (IL) – hibiscus brooch – silver, coated copper wire - 2008 – « took me a month to finish it …«
![19a dans Kirsten GERBER (ZA)](http://www.mariekedevos.be/images/19a.gif)
Marieke de Vos (BE) – broches et boucles d’oreilles
![Nicole Jacquard, 'Leaf Sampler' Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread.](http://www.facerejewelryart.com/pictures/JAC005.jpg)
![Nicole Jacquard, 'Bird Sampler' Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread.](http://www.facerejewelryart.com/pictures/JAC002.jpg)
Nicole Jacquard (US) ‘Leaf Sampler’ Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread
Nicole Jacquard ‘Bird Sampler’ Brooch in sterling silver, fine silver, and silk thread (Facere Gallery)
![Lynette Andreasen, 'Traces: Squirrel' Brooch in sterling silver, copper and embroidery thread.](http://www.facerejewelryart.com/pictures/LynetteAndreasen2.jpg)
Lynette Andreasen ‘Traces: Squirrel’ Brooch in sterling silver, copper and embroidery thread
![2893_83125652515_26480237515_2482443_6706314_n dans Lisa JUEN (CN)](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs050.snc1/2893_83125652515_26480237515_2482443_6706314_n.jpg)
Lynette Andreasen (US) – Graduate Work – 2007
![n26480237515_1078426_8068 dans Lynette ANDREASEN (US)](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v272/212/19/26480237515/n26480237515_1078426_8068.jpg)
Lynette Andreasen (US) – undergraduate Work – ‘Bound By Color’ sterling Silver, Embroidery Thread
Willemijn de Greef - brooch 2006
![Image de prévisualisation YouTube](http://img.youtube.com/vi/Z1fxbcmKvs4/0.jpg)