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EXPO/CONCOURS ‘Filo Rosso 2015′ – Sala Negrisin & Museo Carà, Muggia (IT) / DRAT Gallery & Palazzo del Podestà, Izola (Slovenia) – 12 Dec.2015 – 24 Janv.2016


At MUGGIA (Ts -Italia)  [Museo d'Arte Moderna "Ugo Carà " & Galleria Comunale "Giuseppe Negrisin"] and at IZOLA  (Slovenija) ["DRAT" gallery, "Palazzo Manzioli" & "Palazzo del Podestà"]

Le realizzazioni selezionate dalla giuria saranno esposte assieme ai bozzetti presso il Museo d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà» o presso la Sala Comunaled’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin» di Muggia, Trieste (Italia) dal 12 dicembre 2015 al 24 gennaio 2015
e nel mese di maggio 2016 presso il « Palazzo del Prefetto » o  » la Galleria « Dart » a IZOLA  (Slovenia) nel mese di maggio 2016.

Filo Rosso 2015:

Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

11 Dec. : 17.30 Inaugurazione  MUGGIA (Ts – Italia) – Museo  d’Arte Moderna «Ugo Carà»
11 Dec. :  19.30 Inaugurazione/Otvoritev  IZOLA (Slovenia)  «Galerija «Drat»

VENERDI 11 dicembre
ORE 14 _ 16 MUGGIA
selezione premi FiloRosso
a seguire trasferimeto a IZOLA
Inaugurazione DRAT Gallery
Palazzo del Podestà
ORE 18.30 trasferimento Muggia
ORE 19.00 inaugurazione Museo Carà

FiloRosso Bijoux è un concorso biennale dedicato al gioiello contemporaneo che presenta in una mostra finale i gioielli realizzati in parte o totalmente con il tessuto. I tessuti, gentilmente concessi dalla C&C-Milano, vengono inviati ai partecipanti secondo le loro scelte. Le opere realizzate vengono in seguito esposte presso gli spazi del Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carà” di Muggia a Trieste e presso la Galleria “Drat” e gli spazi della città di Izola, in Slovenia, creando un evento internazionale (PreziosaMagazine)

Palazzo del Municipio, Izola - SloveniaPalazzo del Municipio, Izola – Slovenia

FiloRosso est un concours à titre gratuit ouvert aux artistes et aux jeunes créateurs pour la réalisation d’un bijou avec  l’utilisation du tissu.
Le tissu est donné aux participants par la société italienne C&C-Milano, qui est spécialisée dans la création de tissus pour la haute couture et l’ameublement.
Le concours aboutit à une exposition des meilleurs travaux, sélectionnés par un jury, au Musée d’Art Moderne de la ville de Muggia (Trieste).  Dans les précédentes éditions, en 2008 et en 2010, on a vu la participation d’artistes de 16 pays différents avec une centaine d’ouvrages exposés.
Pour cette édition de FiloRosso il y a plus de 80 artistes inscrits de toutes nationalités confondues: Italie, France, Slovènie, Croatie, Autriche…Etats-Unis, Israel … Quelques noms: Sebastien Carré, Agathe Saint-Girons, Gigi Mariani, Barbara Uderzo, Lucilla Giovanninetti (Eandare) , etc …… et de très jeunes artistes encpre peu connus du public :

avec (liste non certifiée !)  Lucilla Giovanninetti –  Martina Obid Mlakar –  Marco PiccialiChiara LucatoBarbara UderzoAude MedoriTania PalazziRoberta RisoloJasmina WeissSilvia Beccaria –  Patrizia Bonati Daniela RepettoLuisa ChiandottoSébastien CarréRomi BukovecTinka LoncarAleksandra AtanasovskiYasmin VinogradGigi Mariani Maria Chiara CassaràAlix TranFlora SicaLaura VolpiNataša GrandovecHuberto ŠirokaAnnie Sibert Žarko OgnjenovičAna SabolićMarta PejoskaRoberta PavoneSilvia Valenti Petra BoleBibi KlekackoskaLosch EmilieMonika Šangulin –  Sandra KocjancicInbar Shahak Galit EinavNelly BonatiSara Progressi. — Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (NIIRO Jewelry) -

 filorosso 2015 _  IZOLA _ Slovenija "DRAT" galleryfilorosso 2015 -  IZOLA (Slovenia) « DRAT » gallery

La manifestazione è promossa dal Comune di Muggia in Italia e dal Comune di Izola in Slovenia è stata reralizzata con il contributo della Provincia di Trieste.  
Tra gli artisti che partecipano il pluripremiato Sébastien Carré , Francia, vincitore tra l’altro del premio  « Giovane creatore » al salone Révelation di Parigi nell’autunno scoroso, Gigi Mariani, Primo Premio nel 2014 a « Joya » a Barcellona o l’industrial design Petra Bole della Slovenia.  Le opere esposte saranno oggetto di una selezione a cura della giuria internazionale composta da:   
Jean-Yves Le Mignot – curatore mostre bijou 
Vered Babai - artista orafa israeliana  
Marianne Gassier – blogger di « bijoux contemporain »  
Giovanni Micera – Direttore della rivista « Preziosa Magazine »  
Agatha Ruiz de la Prada , stilista spagnola che ha fatto del colore e della forma il suo credo conosciuto in tutto il mondo, è la madrina d’eccezione di questa manifestazione.  

 FiloRosso 2015 -Sebastien Carré - broche  front:

Sebastien Carré - broche – proposition pour FiloRosso 2015

Yael Friedman necklace - FiloRosso 2015 - Yael Friedman necklace « Hoops » Collana, tessuto, filo

FiloRosso 2015 - Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch 'the letter' seta, argento, acciaio, colore: Biljana Klekackoska (Macedonia) brooch ‘the letter’ seta, argento, acciaio, colore

Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015: Lucilla Giovanninetti per FiloRosso 2015Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (Niiro jewelry) bracelet: Rosanna Raljević Ceglar (Niiro jewelry) bracelet

 Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato ilcoup de coeur”: mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia.

Silvia Beccaria at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada / Filo Rosso oct 2015: Silvia Beccaria at Agatha Ruiz de la Prada / Filo Rosso oct 2015

Vered Babai - broochesVered Babai – brooches

Vered Babai - brooch - to be exhibited at FiloRosso 2015 - Quest’anno viene inoltre presentato il “coup de coeur”: una mostra dedicata a Silvia Beccaria e a  Vered Babai, artista israeliana che espone per la prima volta in Italia. La partecipazione prevede più di un centinaio d’artisti provenienti da vari paesi: Italia, Francia, Austria, Slovenia, Croazia, Spagna, Germania, Israele: Vered Babai - brooch



Museo d’Arte Ugo CaràVia Roma, 9,
34015 Muggia TS, Italie
tel +39 040 927 8632


Sala Comunale d’Arte «Giuseppe Negrisin»
Piazza Marconi 1
34015 – Muggia Italy
Telephone: +39 403360340
DRAT-GALLERY - Sandra Kocjančič 
Ljubljanska ul.21
6310 Izola Slovenia
tel +386 41 952 918




EXPO ‘RULE THE WORLD’ – Friends of Carlotta, Zurich (CH) – 19 Juin-5 Sept. 2014

RULE THE WORLD, a juried exhibition at Friends of Carlotta in Zurich, Switzerland, curated by Bruna Hauert.

Welcome to our world of lived-out deficiencies and psychopaths!

What are the adornments of dictators, despots, and the plain delusional ? What do they need in order to let their real personalities shine through ? What tools do tyrants have to show that they are in charge ?

Rule the World

Despoten sind – bei aller Einfalt – ein sehr facettenreiches Trüppchen. Sie wollen nicht nur geliebt werden. Nein, sie wollen ehrlich und echt geliebt werden. Notfalls mit Gewalt.
Doch: Womit schmücken sich DiktatorInnen, Grössenwahnsinnige, Möchtegerns und Trauminöds? Womit präsentieren sie sich, damit ihre wahre Persönlichkeit im richtigen Licht erstrahlt? Womit zeigen GrosskotzInnen, TyrannInnen und zu Höherem Berufene, dass die Macht mit ihnen ist? Besitzt der Mächtige Objekte der Macht weil er mächtig ist? Oder ist er mächtig, weil er Objekte von magischer Macht besitzt?
Und: Was gönnt der Despot sich selbst in einer launigen Minute? Welcher Schmuck feiert mit ihm in der Stunde seines Triumphes? Womit verwöhnt er seine Untertanen, damit sie sich ihm leichter unter tun? Und wie kann ich ihm huldigen, damit er meine wahre Liebe und somit seinen wahren Wert erkennt?
Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema RULE THE WORLD beherrschen das Thema der nächsten jurierten Schmuckausstellung bei Friends of Carlotta.
Willkommen in der Welt der gelebten Defizite und der Psychopathen in Bestform!
Ich freue mich auf die Pracht der Macht und darauf, Sie an der Vernissage vom 19. Juni 2014 ab 17h begrüssen zu dürfen. Oder an jedem anderen Tag während der Ausstellung. Herzlich  Bruna Hauert

Despite their simple-mindedness, despots are a very diverse little group. All they want is
to be loved. Or rather, they want honest and real love. By force, if need be.
However, what do dictators, megalomaniacs, wannabes and the delusioned adorn themselves with? What do they use to cast their personalities in a positive light? What do fat cats, tyrants and those destined for greater things use to demonstrate that the force is with them? Do the powerful own objects of power because they are powerful? Or are they powerful because they own objects with magic powers?
What’s more: What do despots treat themselves to when they’re in a foul mood? Which pieces of jewellery are there to share the hours of victory with them? What do they spoil their subjects with in order to make them more eager to subdue themselves? And how must I worship these despots so that they recognise my pure love and therefore their true value?
These and other questions on how to RULE THE WORLD will be the dictating subject of the
next juried jewellery exhibition at Friends of Carlotta.

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -  Joo Hyung ParkJoo Hyung Park
- Annette Altenburger (DE) — Jessica Andersen (USA) — Christine Annau (DE) — Miriam Arentz & Annika Schindler (DE) — Ela Bauer (NL) — Nicole Beck (DE) — Stefan Behnke & Miriam Gradl (DE) — Brigitte Berndt (DE) — Marlene Beyer (DE) — Wolfram Beyer (DE) — Laura Bradshaw-Heap (UK) — Rachael Colley (UK) — Jennifer Crupi (USA) — Martina Czunczeleit (DE) — Laura Deakin (DE) — Saskia Derksen (DE) — Saskia Detering (DE) — Sam Tho Duong (DE) — Beate Eismann (DE) — Tanja Emmert (DE) — Ricarda Enderweit (DE) — Katja Fischer (CH) — Su Foster, Patsy Kay Kolesar & Simone Richmond (CA) — Katja Fox (DE) — Andrea Fretz (CH) — Yael Friedman (IL) — Helen Friesacher-Borst (DE) — Claudia Frisch (DE) — Masako Fukuda (JP) — Sam Gassman (USA) — Friederike Glück (DE) — Miriam Gonnissen (DE) — Nicole Grandics (USA) — Bénédicte Gross (CH) — Tamara Grüner (DE) — Christian Guthmann (DE) — Bruna Hauert (CH) – Stephanie Hensle (DE) — Jasmin Hess (CH) — Tomoko Hori (UK) — Mara Induni (CH) — Bettina Jakob (CH) — Florence Jaquet (CH) — Léonie Jeanrenaud (CH) — Edda Andrée Jessel (DE) — Leonore Jock (DE) — Udo Jung (DE) — Masumi Kataoka (USA) — Verena Klette (DE) — Luitgard Korte (DE) — Michelle Kraemer (AT) –  Unk Kraus (DE) — Martina Lang (DE) — Gregory Larin (IL) — Tracy Lee Black (USA) — Alisa Letsius (RU) — Reka Lorincz (HU) — Inés Mantel (CH) — Gigi Mariani (IT) — Laura Martínez (ES) — Susanne Matsché (DE) — Esther Mattille (CH) — Jennifer Merchant (USA) — Katharina Moch (DE) — Jillian Moore (USA) — Julika Müller (DE) — Viktoria Münzker (AT) — Nick Mullins (USA) — Elisabeth Mundwiler (CH) — Deanna Ooley (USA) — Ossi Oswald (DE) — Joo Hyung Park (KT) — Nadine Pawusch (DE) — Lina Peetz (DE) — Izabella Petrut (AT) — Annika Pettersson (SE) — Carmen Pfanner (AT) — Yvonne Raab (DE) — Daniel Ramos (DE) — Sarah Reinhard (CH) — Begoña Rentero (ES) — Claudia Römer (DE) — Sabine Roth (DE) — Vicky Saragouda (UK) — Nils Schmalenbach (DE) — Naoko Iyoda Schneeberger (CH) — Verena Schreppel (DE) — Nicole Schuster (DE) — Anna Silberstein (DE) — Eva Sörensen (DE) — Katrin Spranger (UK) — Johanna Stäss (DE) — Simone Strauss (DE) — Rebecca Strzelec (USA) — Eva Tesarik (AT) — Myung Urso (USA) — Viveka Valentin (DE) — Otto Van Winkle Peterstein (IE) — Barbara Vogl (DE) — Maria Volokhova (DE) — Andrea Wagner (NL) — Heike Walk (DE) — Heike Wanner (AT) — Caro Weiss (DE) — Klaus Weisser (CH) — Angelika Wolpert (DE) — Grandpa Wooley (DE) — Diana Zeiler (DE)

EXPO virtuelle / virtual exhibition here

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_  Jennifer CRUPI power gestureJennifer CRUPI power gesture

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Luitgard Korte - ringLuitgard Korte - ring

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gregory Larin  'Nice to meat you'Gregory Larin  ‘Nice to meat you’ necklace – brass, textile, polymer

Andrea Wagner "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaAndrea Wagner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_Florence JaQUETFlorence Jaquet

Jasmin Hess jewels Jasmin Hess brooches « Love is what you PUT IN my heart » Brosche Holz, Textil, Garn, Silber

Tamara GrünerTamara Grüner

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - FOC - Brigitte BerndtBrigitte Berndt – « man Eater »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD- Tanja EmmertTanja Emmert

Jillian Moore - at Friends of carlottaJillian Moore   « PHASELOS »
The obscenely over sized piece did not hang like a pendant. It framed her face and seemed to cradle her body. It required a formal posture and bearing that teased out an air of decorum she was not always prone to pulling off. A hybridization of legume, embryo, and organ, the piece could not be more ripe. It‘s glossy surface, and speckled edges felt less like a thing made than a thing born. To the starving masses it was a promise of fertility, but to her enemies it was a reminder that she might gut them at amoment‘s notice

 Johanna Stäß  Johanna Stäß

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ Yael FriedmanYael Friedman

 EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Gigi MarianiGigi Mariani
« I wanted to think of a jewel that affirm strength and power. in which the tyrant will exhibit their achievements represented by balls enclosed between cubes, like columns that recall the force of power.
A potential rosary made to be shown to confirm the ego and emphasize his power.
Object to show, but that becomes amulet and creates safety to the wearer »

Nick MullinsNick Mullins

Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Bruna HauertBruna Hauert

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD - Izabella Petrut Izabella Petrut
« Jewelry to live every deficiency to the fullest extent. I choose to use a female and a male despot, creating two characters and two scenarios. They both compete for power, adoration, attention and they use the same weapons: the Penis, a symbol of power and dominance. My characters have a lot of insecurities for which they have to overcompensate with decoration and dubious behavior. The Penis becomes a symbol of desire and the despots see it as the object of their desire. The Penis becomes a cult object. Queen of all queens carries around a small wooden Penis pendant as a symbol of her dominance over men. It looks modest, unimportant and not too cared for. It is a trophy.
King of all kings carries around a wooden Penis to show he is the biggest, strongest and most precious of all. The piece is carved out of balsa wood and carefully finished. The piece is really easily imprinted if one doesn’t handle it with care, just like the King’s ego. The way it is worn, as a brooch on the shoulder, is disturbing for the wearer as well as for the viewer. »

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD -Katharina MochKatharina Moch

Sam Tho Duong for "Rule the World", Friends of Carlotta, ZürichSam Tho Duong neckpiece

Jennifer Merchant, "Rule the World" Friends of CarlottaJennifer Merchant

EXPO - RULE_THE_WORLD_ - Begoña RenteroBegoña Rentero


Friends of Carlotta Bruna Hauert,
Neumarkt 22
8001 Zurich
Tel +41 44 261 87 07


COUP de COEUR ! SOLITAIRE look rings … & jewelry !

« She’s a dimestore diamond
Shines like the real thing…
dimestore diamond«  
(Beth DittoGossip)
(dimestore diamond = diamant « de prisunic » …)

and ….. According to the first lady of glamour, Marilyn Monroe, « You can wear your heart on your sleeve, but you can wear a diamond anywhere. »

Like Diamond or « gem-shaped » rings, or jewelry …..
Emmanuel Lacoste (FR) , bague ’7 péchés capitaux – ORGUEIL’ -le plus gros solitaire de la planète-symbole universel, signe extérieur de richesse par excellence…plus le diamant est gros plus l’ego est développé …

COUP de COEUR ! SOLITAIRE look rings ... & jewelry ! dans Alissia MELKA-TEICHROEW (US) npw dans Anna STEINEROVA (PL)
Marta HRYC (PL) (ex-eleve Jorge Manilla) -  ‘size mattersrings

Sarah-Holden-Ring dans blog TheCarrotBox
Sarah Holden (US), Sterling silver solitaire ring, 2010, sterling silver, brass

Thread Diamond SolitareThread Diamond Solitare
Sarah Holden (US) - Thread Diamond Solitaire  – Machine embroidered, both diamond & band – cotton thread  - 
to SHOP on Etsy

Huge Diamond Neckpiece
Sarah Holden (US) - Huge Diamond Neckpiece – 3D machine embroidered diamonds… truly a girl’s best friend! Takes two weeks to make and can be made in a variety of colors, but the diamonds are fo-eva!

Huge Diamond Neckpiece
Sarah Holden (US) - Huge Diamond Neckpiece – 3D machine embroidered diamonds… – detail

« Selda Okutan ‘Like Diamond’ series, which features not just metal gems but also gem-shaped bands » (discovered on the « carrotbox » blog at first)

31167_383462147910_609122910_3932654_897991_n dans COUP DE COEUR31167_383462152910_609122910_3932655_5513949_n dans Ellie MURPHY (UK)
Selda Okutan (TR) 2010 collection rings

framecoklu dans Emmanuel LACOSTE (FR)
Selda Okutan (TR) ‘Sweet Heart Frame Rings’ – to SHOP on her website
Yael FriedmanWhite Elephants, 2008, constructed paper

 dans Jennifer KELLOGG (US)
Violaine ULMER – bague « diamant » porcelaine émaillée


3408876_orig dans K. bo SONNE (DK)
Maricha Genovese (US) – « Diamond Ring » Ring: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver  (discovered on carrotbox) 

Maricha Genovese  « Under Pressure » Necklace: needle felted wool, thread, sterling silver

Gut Ring <br /> Sterling Silver, Gut, Steel, Citrine 3.5 x 5 x 5 cm 2008″ width= »262″ height= »249″ /><img src=Katie Rearick (US)- Gut Ring – Sterling Silver, Gut, Steel, Citrine – « Gnaw » series
‘diamond’ ring – Sterling Silver, Steel, Gut – (discovered on « the carrotbox »….. !!!)

Gnaw<br /> Steel, Gut, Silk 120 x 95 x 60 in  2008″ width= »451″ height= »287″ /><br />
<font size=‘Gnaw’ – Steel, Gut, Silk 

photoSOLITAIRE- Stephanie Condes
Anna STEINEROVA (PL) – bague- perspex et ……
Stéfanie Condes  (BE) – ring


 Dal 18 giugno al primo agosto la Triennale di Milano ospita la mostra Juwel Ring vergrößern
Viola Vecchi (IT) - anello in titanio (Fotos : Fondazione Politecnico di Milano) - (EXPO ‘Titani Preziosi »)
Renate Schmid (DE) – ring – (EXPO ‘no gems please’)
Uli Rapp (NL) – ‘diamonds explosion’ – Screenprinted textile necklace

screenprint1 dans Katie REARICK (US)
Uli Rapp – screen printed diamonds necklace

Uli_Rapp_16 dans Kim BUCK (DK)
Uli Rapp Diamondbrooch – textile, rubber, screenprinting
Philip Sajet – Collier Rouge 2 2006 – Gold, glass - diamond structures
« Lors de sa première exposition à la galerie TACTILe, en février 2001, Philip Sajet nous avait fait découvrir ses «répliques uniques», copies de diamants  »

 dans Louise BILLGREN (DK)
Galit Shivek Bar (from the Jewelry Department of Shenkar Academy, Israel, 2008)

Triple%20Gold1 dans Marc MONZO (ES) Royal%20Blue1 dans Maricha GENOVESE (US) White%20Double1 dans Marta HRYC (PL) Single%20Pink1 dans Philip SAJET (NL) Single%20Gold1 dans Renate SCHMID (DE)
Double%20Coral1 dans Sabine LANG (DE) Black%20&%20Gold%20Single1 dans Sarah HOLDEN (US) Double%20Turquoise1 dans Selda OKUTAN (TR) Double%20Black%20&%20Gold1 dans SHOP

Ellie Murphy (UK) -  diamants revisités …..
Sabine Lang (DE) – kindheit (bague en tissu) (Childhood time)
Sabine Lang (DE) ‘Lebensmitte’ ring (Middle age time)
Sabine Lang (DE) diamond skeleton ring (Ageing time)

« The three ages of life were presented by three pieces of jewellery: three different rings with a stone.
Childhood: A huge, oversized ring made of fabric invites the young to touch it. It’s soft and pillowy, something to play with. For an adult the ring is the size of a bangle and could be worn thus.
Middle age: A great rock crystal shows us luxuriance and vitality. This ring stands for prime of life. The zircon below the rock crystal makes the sparkle and glamour more intensive.
Ageing: At the end there is just the frame left. The skeleton of a ring symbolises the momentariness of our lives and all things. » (Sabine Lang (DE)) dans Stefanie CONDES (BE)
Jennifer Kellogg (US) – ‘Diamond’ white gold ring
Jennifer Kellogg – ’26 Diamond Necklace’
‘Ufo Products’ (Yuho Fukuhara, JP)  Acrylic Cube Diamond Rings
Ufo Products’ (Yuho Fukuhara, JP) ‘diamond’ rings
Marc MONZO (ES) – brooch ‘Big Solitaire’ silver, circonia, steel. 2005-2006

ring6 dans Thomas FEICHTNER (AT)SOLITAIRE-  'diamond ring' acrylic rings by alissia melka teichroew (usa)
Alissia Melka Teichroew (AMT Jewelry)(NL/US)- silver & acrylic « diamond » rings - a playful twist on the classic Tiffany setting


Alissia Melka-Teichroew  (NL/US) – References from iconic jewellery, including luxury brands such as Bulgari and Cartier, can be found in the forms of the Jointed Jewels

ddc_dbr_jew_1_large dans Uli RAPP (NL)NaokoFukuoka_03 dans Viola VECCHI (IT)
« Jewelgraphy card » You can never have enough bling!  designed by Naoko Fukuoka for D-BROS, a graphic design studio based in Tokyo (à « shopper » sur «« 

20769_1321408910273_1082334338_1018813_5223980_n dans Violaine ULMER (FR)
Louise Billgren (DK) -  Neckpiece « Go For The Power OF The Big Rocks » – Soap (!!!), rope
Kim Buck (DK) – diamond ring (2005) - unfolding solitaire ….


last1 dans Yael FRIEDMAN (IL)last4 dans Yuho FUKUHARA (JP)last3
Thomas Feichtner (AT) – ‘filio’ ring – silver – the ring is a one off piece that uses the same geometry of a cut gemstone.

K. bo SONNE – “diamond #1″ ring – lion yarn (??), silver 

K. bo SONNE – “diamond #2″ ring – textiles, silver


Valérie Salvo |
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